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tv   GB News Saturday  GB News  April 13, 2024 12:00pm-3:01pm BST

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>> hello and welcome to gb news. saturday i'm dawn neesom. and for the next three hours, i'll be keeping you company on tv, online, and on digital radio. keeping you up to date on the stories that really matter to you coming up this hour. obviously we have live breaking news coming to you. eyewitnesses have described scenes of chaos as they fled a busy sydney shopping mall where a knifeman killed six people and wounded several others. we'll bring you all the latest on that, then ceasefire now calls for the government to denounce actions taken by the israeli defence
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force. continue this week, as thousands march across london. but will rishi sunak answer .7 and but will rishi sunak answer? and it's the last day of the grand national today as one of the most anticipated horse racing events of the year, comes to a climactic end this afternoon . climactic end this afternoon. but animal rights groups say they won't intervene . join me they won't intervene. join me later to find out why . but this later to find out why. but this show is nothing without you and your views, so let me know your thoughts on all the stories we'll be discussing today and anything you want to talk about. basically, it's very simple, visiting forward slash . have your say and join slash. have your say and join the conversation. or message me on our socials simply @gbnews. but first, let's get those news headunes but first, let's get those news headlines with sam francis . headlines with sam francis. >> dawn, thank you very much and
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good afternoon to you. it's just after 12:00, and we start with a recap of that news coming out of sydney today that a major police operation still ongoing. operation is still ongoing. after a stabbing spree at a shopping centre near bondi beach, we now know the death toll has risen to seven, including five women, one man and male knife attacker. and a male knife attacker. authorities say many more might have been killed had it not been for the actions of a lone police officer. caught up with the officer. she caught up with the attacker before shooting him dead as he raised his knife to her. there's no motive confirmed at this stage, and detectives believe he was acting alone . believe he was acting alone. well, new south wales police has also now confirmed that a nine month old baby is among eight victims who were stabbed during that attack and police commissioner karen webb has been giving this update just a few moments ago. >> have secured the crime >> police have secured the crime scene, which you can imagine is expansive inside a very big, busy commercial shopping centre in sydney, and the crime scene
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remains ongoing and it will remains ongoing and it will remain ongoing for a number of days. >> police commissioner karen webb there, speaking just a few moments ago, and australia's prime minister, anthony albanese, has also been speaking. he thanked the country's brave police and first responders today, bondi junction was the scene of shocking violence, but it was also witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave police, our first responders and of course , everyday people who course, everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment. >> and some of the footage is quite extraordinary . quite extraordinary. >> well, people who were in that shopping centre describe scenes of chaos as they heard screams shortly before gunshots. here's what some of those witnesses had to say a short time ago. >> i didn't see him properly. i was running, but, it's just it
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was running, but, it's just it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it. >> some guy running around stabbing people. seems pretty random. probably a terrorist attack. >> we saw all these people running towards us, and then we heard a shot . heard a shot. >> the accounts there of witnesses in sydney following that knife attack. as i said, the major police operation is still unfolding. we will keep across that for you throughout the rest of the day. do stay with us here on for gb news more on that. in other news now though, a ship appears to have been boarded by what's been described unknown party described as an unknown party off the coast of the united arab emirates. a warning has been issued by the uk's maritime authority, this stage it authority, but at this stage it is light on detail. it comes after iran called israel's presence in the uae a threat and warned it would close the shipping lane in the region if provoked . meanwhile, as middle provoked. meanwhile, as middle east tensions continue to rise, the us president says he fears an iranian attack on america's allies will come. he says, sooner rather than later .
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sooner rather than later. however, joe biden had this warning for tehran . warning for tehran. >> we are devoted to the defence of israel . we will support of israel. we will support israel. we will defend, help defend israel , and israel. we will defend, help defend israel, and iran will not succeed. thank you very much . succeed. thank you very much. >> the iranian government has promised revenge for an israeli air strike on its consulate in damascus that killed some of its top commanders. in response, though , the us says it is now though, the us says it is now moving additional assets to the middle east and countries including india, france and poland have also warned their citizens against travelling to that region . in turkey, now that region. in turkey, now a one person, one person rather has been killed and at least ten others injured after a cable car collided with a broken pylon and pred collided with a broken pylon and ripped open, sending some passengers falling to the ground. officials shared footage. if you're watching on television, you can see here of a rescue operation involving more than 160 responders, including air crews and mountaineering teams.
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including air crews and mountaineering teams . we mountaineering teams. we understand 24 cabins with nearly 200 people on board were left stranded mid—air. 200 people on board were left stranded mid—air . and it's also stranded mid—air. and it's also understood two children were among those who were hurt. the royal navy has seized nearly £33 million of drugs from traffickers in the indian ocean, around 3.7 tonnes of substances, including heroin , crystal meth including heroin, crystal meth and cannabis were taken by crews aboard the hms lancaster. the ship was on its first security patrol when its wildcat helicopter spotted a suspicious boat here in the uk. the chancellor says he is ready to cut taxes and bet on growth after the economy grew by 0.1% in february. the office for national statistics also revised january's figure, pushing it up to nought point 3. writing in the daily express, jeremy hunt says britain has done the hard yards and the economy is bouncing back. but labour says most people aren't feeling any of the benefits with low growth and higher taxes under the
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conservative government and liz truss has revealed that larry, the downing street cat, was her saviour during her time as prime minister. she's written a book about her 49 days in charge, which is being previewed by the mail. the former prime minister also says she was in shock when the late queen elizabeth died on her second full day in the job. that's the latest from the newsroom. plenty more to come with dawn throughout the rest of the afternoon. until then, you can sign up to gb news alerts. just scan the code there on your screen news. common screen or go to gb news. common alerts . alerts. >> thank you very much, sam. and you've just been hearing some serious stories coming into the newsroom today. a major police operation is indeed underway following reports of a stabbing spree at a shopping centre near bondi beach. at least five people i, we believe six actually now confirmed to have been killed in that attack,
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which took place at the busy westfield centre . here's another westfield centre. here's another look at what the australian prime say today. prime minister had to say today. >> bondi junction was the scene of shocking violence, but it was also witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave police , australians, our brave police, our first responders and of course, everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment. and some of the footage is quite extraordinary . extraordinary. >> yeah, some of the footage is indeed, frankly , very, very indeed, frankly, very, very horrible online at the moment, just an awful thing to have happened.a just an awful thing to have happened. a normal saturday afternoon shopping. joining me now is journalist and broadcaster alex thomas, who is joining us live from sydney, alex, thank you very much for joining us today , can you just joining us today, can you just bnng joining us today, can you just bring us up to we've just heard from the prime minister. can you just bring us up to speed with
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what the situation is on the ground there now? >> the fact that >> yeah, well, the fact that anthony australian anthony albanese, australian prime minister, spoke at all, just you everything about just tells you everything about how much of an impact this incident had , it happened incident has had, it happened very close to the centre of sydney bondi junction , one of sydney bondi junction, one of the main bustling shopping centres here in sydney, not very far away from the cbd. >> the centre of sydney itself, and also a short drive away from the famous bondi beach, so very central, close to lots of those tourist attractions that we all see in pictures, in videos, on movies, and it was a normal, busy saturday afternoon, a very sunny day. people are going about their businesses. westfield shopping centre in bondi huge . it's got bondi junction is huge. it's got seven floors, well over 300 shops, over parking shops, well over 3000 parking spaces. just shops, but spaces. not just shops, but restaurants and cinemas, entertainment venues as well. and the peace there was completely shattered by this man walking into the shopping centre at around 3:10. police tell us coming out for ten minutes, going back in and then
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approaching various people with approaching various people with a knife in his hand, killing five people in the shopping centre and one later dying in hospital. he himself was approached by a police officer who wasn't on patrol as an inspector , a senior officer, and inspector, a senior officer, and she was called for help and when she was called for help and when she approached him, police say he lunged at her and she was forced to shoot him dead. and so that makes seven victims in total, including the assailant. we still haven't released his identity. and the big question mark is what the motive even albanese himself, australia's prime minister, wouldn't be drawn on that. the police described the investigation , described the investigation, which is ongoing as complex, say it will take days to conclude, but they are saying it is not terror related . terror related. >> alex, we believe as far as we're aware, it was just one attacker, one man armed with a knife . i believe he was wearing knife. i believe he was wearing a sports top of some kind as well . and some reports on the well. and some reports on the ground say that he appeared to be, on drugs or some sort of or
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maybe drink. i mean, is there any veracity to that? >> well, the new south wales police commissioner was asked that very question, and she said it's simply too early to say clearly they'll have to face the toxicology reports from the attacker's body now that he's dead , to verify that, reporters dead, to verify that, reporters also asked whether he called out anything, whether he was shouting anything . and again, shouting anything. and again, the police were being very vague about that sort of thing. and i've not seen any reports so far , so lots of details have been firmed up quickly in the last few hours. other mysteries still remain. >> alex, also, we know there are quite a few people injured in this attack, including a nine month old baby who was injured in the pram , can can you bring in the pram, can can you bring us up to date on on how people who have been injured faring who have been injured are faring in happening? in hospital. what's happening? yeah, . yeah, yeah. >> as well as the six victims who died, as i said, five on the scene and one later in hospital. police say several others were injured. they wouldn't put a specific it, some
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specific number on it, some critically. the we critically. so the baby, we understand, go undergo understand, had to go undergo surgery and police are waiting an update on that baby's condition, one eyewitness said they saw the mother cradling the baby already wrapped in bandages because of its wounds, so it's too early to tell . but clearly, too early to tell. but clearly, the fact that such a young person, child, a little baby, part of the attack just adds to the horror, although police here are armed routinely, this is a very, very rare occurrence in australia. i myself recently emigrated actually last year from from london to sydney. and you can already tell that just anecdotally, it just feels a bit safer here. although i felt very safer here. although i felt very safe in london as well. but it's that's the sense here. it's a sense of shock. it's a sense of mourning , that's why we've had mourning, that's why we've had the prime minister addressing the prime minister addressing the nation here, it's just a very shocking thing. on what should have been a very routine saturday afternoon. >> as say, it's just it's >> as you say, it's just it's something we all do on a saturday afternoon. we go
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shopping, our friends shopping, we meet our friends for etcetera, etcetera. for lunch, etcetera, etcetera. it's can all it's something we can all associate but it does associate with, but it does sound been some sound that there's been some real of, of heroics going real towels of, of heroics going on now. i mean, there was one one chat hearing that one chat we're hearing that probably the baby's life probably saved the baby's life by staunching any blood loss with from the local with clothing from the local shops ? shops? >> yeah, absolutely. both. the assistant commissioner who was the first police representatives given official. official media briefing, anthony albanese as well, the prime minister and later the commissioner herself. all referred to the bravery, not just of the emergency services personnel who attended the ambulance and the police, but also just members of the public as well. it sounded like the attacker anecdotally , some attacker anecdotally, some reports saying that he was steering from some of steering away from some of the bigger men trying to protect others, he was looking for easy victims. but again, this is still slightly speculative at this stage. we're waiting to hear more details on that, but certainly the officer that killed the alleged attacker, although she's trained for that, is clearly in a state of shock,
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i know from previous incidents here, there was a murder of a couple of a police officer and his his his husband or his boyfriend, very recently, in recent weeks here. and that's being investigated, like all police shootings are , and police shootings are, and that's, i think why they've described this investigation as complex . and although i've just complex. and although i've just come from westfield shopping centre, still cordoned centre, that is still cordoned off, it should be really bustling a saturday it's bustling on a saturday and it's absolutely quiet now, police say there is no ongoing threat. it was the only attacker, people should feel sad, but also feel reassured that the threat is over. >> oven >> absolutely. that's alex thomas there. live from sydney. thank you very much for joining us.the thank you very much for joining us. the this morning afternoon, whatever time it is in australia evening , now more on this story evening, now more on this story as it's a live breaking story. it's changing literally every minute and we will keep you up to speed on it, joining me now is gb news home and security editor mark white, mark, now
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what i'm curious about with this is we've had warnings in the uk recently about potential terror attacks on sporting events. we had the football, arsenal in particular was one i remember, now, have there been any similar warnings, any threat levels raised in australia ? raised in australia? >> well, generally the police and security services in australia are alive to the global picture in terms of terrorism at the moment. so they are more than aware that there has been an uptick in the threat of terrorist activity across the globe. we are seeing a resurgence of the terror group isis. we know that isis is claiming response ability for that terrible attack on the theatre and shopping centre in moscow just last month, in which more than 140 people were killed. it's also isis that put out the threat against these champions league quarterfinal
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matches in european cities , in matches in european cities, in in madrid, in paris and of course, in london as well, which caused a great deal of concern and an increase in security around those events. this weekend. of course, you've got grand national weekend and concern, as there always is, at crowded places events, for the potential of something to happen with the likes of the grand national. of course, it's disruption from activists as much as , the possibility of any much as, the possibility of any terror threat. but yes, in australia, they're alive to the threat. their threat level. i have to say, though, is pretty low in comparison to a lot of countries in the uk. it's reasonably low. it's at the medium point of substantial, meaning that a terrorist attack is likely , but it's one below is likely, but it's one below is likely, but it's one below that. in australia they use a different scale. it's still a five level scale, but they describe the terminology
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different for each level and possible is at the scale they're at at the moment, the level they're at, which is, two from they're at, which is, two from the bottom possible meaning an attack is possible . there are attack is possible. there are elements out there that have the capacity and intent to do harm to the people of australia , but to the people of australia, but not necessarily likely , but not necessarily likely, but certainly possible that an attack could take place now , attack could take place now, mark, obviously we don't know that it mark, obviously we don't know thatitis mark, obviously we don't know that it is a terror attack, but obviously this is the question on on everybody's not just on on everybody's lips, not just in , but around the in australia, but around the world where we're watching these horrible scenes or people just going about their business on a, on a, on a on a sunny saturday afternoon, shopping with their families, lunch , etc. families, having lunch, etc. >> don't know that it >> and so we don't know that it was terrorism, but you do automatically think, don't you, that instant this, that in an instant like this, what could it be? what else could it be? >> yeah, you're absolutely right. because, any time you get something that is effectively a mass casualty attack, as this is
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an individual going out to target as many people as possible before he was brought down by that brave police inspector, then, of course , inspector, then, of course, people then believe that it must be, motivated by terrorism or something very similar. they're not ruling that out, they have said at this stage, though, that the 40 year old, although he is known to police and it will be interesting to know exactly what he was known to the police for, but they say they've not got any indication that he's attached effectively to an ideology. now, that doesn't mean, as they delve more into this man's background, that they don't find associates, they don't find, potentially, links to extremism in his social media history or whatever that might be. but at this stage, they don't they're not putting terrorism at the top of the, the, the list of motivations , so the, the list of motivations, so we'll just wait to see. but
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clearly, it is of great concern to people in australia that such a horrific event has unfolded, especially when we get the news, the awful news that a mother and a nine year old, baby were attacked , and also the news attacked, and also the news that's coming out of australia reported by multiple sources. now that this mother has succumbed to her injuries. >> oh, gosh, that's terrible , >> oh, gosh, that's terrible, mark, thank you so much for joining us, talking about a live breaking story , six, potentially breaking story, six, potentially seven people have lost their lives in an attack by a lone knifeman in a sydney shopping centre on a sunny saturday afternoon. people just going about their business. he has been, shot by a lone hero. been, been shot by a lone hero. it has to be said female police officer who was not on duty but happened to be there at the time . okay. right now joining me now is former labour mp denis macshane and political commentator alex armstrong. commentator alex arm strong. gentlemen, commentator alex armstrong. gentlemen, thank you very much
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for joining me this afternoon . for joining me this afternoon. now this is what not what we were meant to be talking about this afternoon. but obviously it is breaking story. and we is a live breaking story. and we will to date will bring you up to date information soon as we have information as soon as we have it. i just want to, to, to it. so i just want to, to, to collect thoughts. mean, collect your thoughts. i mean, obviously a horrific obviously it's just a horrific story. alex, come to you first. i mean, what what you know, we woke up to this news in this country. what did you make of what you've heard so far? >> yeah. i mean, it's a disturbing trend we're seeing. >> yeah. i mean, it's a disliki'iow, trend we're seeing. >> yeah. i mean, it's a distiknow, moscowe're seeing. >> yeah. i mean, it's a disliki'iow, moscow wasn't ing. >> yeah. i mean, it's a disliki'iow, moscow wasn't that you know, moscow wasn't that long ago, another terrorist you know, moscow wasn't that long a there. )ther terrorist you know, moscow wasn't that long athere. and terrorist that attack there. and in places that aren't terrorist aren't familiar with terrorist attacks as well, in australia, traditionally is a very safe country. it's been protected almost terrorists for a almost from terrorists for a long time. and i think the last major terrorist attack was gun major terrorist attack was a gun , attack, a gun , gun violent attack, a gun violence many , many, violence attack, many, many, many years ago. what what what we're seeing, though, across not only britain but the west. is this dangerous radicalisation of people, whether it's through islamism or other radical groups where young men, always young men, are going out and
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committing heinous crimes against innocent people. you know, it's quite disturbing to see that continue. month on month. now it seems like again, we're all feeling on like a knife's edge with all these wars going on across the whole world at moment. i just don't know at the moment. i just don't know what's to happen next. and at the moment. i just don't know vifeel; to happen next. and at the moment. i just don't know vifeel for to happen next. and at the moment. i just don't know vifeel for people 1appen next. and at the moment. i just don't know vifeel for people across next. and at the moment. i just don't know vifeel for people across the .t. and i feel for people across the world are just trying to go world who are just trying to go about and get on world who are just trying to go aboutheir and get on world who are just trying to go aboutheir to and get on world who are just trying to go aboutheir to day. get on with their day to day. >> i mean, dennis, as, as >> yeah, i mean, dennis, as, as our, correspondent our, our correspondent in sydney, alex, said , these are sydney, alex, said, these are just sort of like people going about their everyday business and now you are going to be on edge.i and now you are going to be on edge. i mean, we had warnings over here. we don't know that it's terrorism, by the way, that has been confirmed. don't has not been confirmed. we don't know. the know. but obviously it's the question everybody's lips in question on everybody's lips in australia everybody, australia and everybody, you know, around the know, pretty much around the globe. why else would this globe. now, why else would this be what you be happening? what what do you make of what you've heard from australia morning? australia this morning? >> should go a bit >> i think we should go a bit long on terrorism in the sense that there are so many killings of one, two, three, four people that are motivated by hate , by that are motivated by hate, by the absence of police on our
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streets. >> it was interesting . it was an >> it was interesting. it was an off duty woman, police officer , off duty woman, police officer, presumably shopping, but they go shopping with a gun in their handbag. shopping with a gun in their handbag . yeah. i mean, if, if, handbag. yeah. i mean, if, if, if, if thou, 1996 port tasmania, port arthur . sorry. if, if thou, 1996 port tasmania, port arthur. sorry. in tasmania, a lovely beach resort, 35 people killed. so australia isn't stranger to violence. they carry a lot more guns than we do. last time i was in australia, i was ianed time i was in australia, i was invited to go on a wild cat shoot. it's not a joke . feral shoot. it's not a joke. feral cats spread diseases, destroyed nafive cats spread diseases, destroyed native habitat are a plague. they're like rats. if you like bigger rats, fiercer rats. i sort of was almost saying, get up at 5:00 tomorrow morning, we'll give you a shotgun. you go bag a few wild cats. dennis, did you go? certainly not. kill it. kill a tabby. even very kill a tabby. even a very naughty tabby really part naughty tabby isn't really part of my mental furniture. let's of my mental furniture. so let's wait of this. but don't wait on all of this. but don't forget. i mean, australia has a press that generates even more hate than our press does.
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denunciation of incomers, denunciation of the unapproved. >> surely you're not blaming. >> surely you're not blaming. >> no, no, i well i am no, i'm not— >> no, no, i well i am no, i'm not blaming anything on anybody. dodi. but i do say there's so much hate now on social media in our tabloids on this issue, as much from the left or the right, the islamists or the israelis saying, let's get rid of all the palestinians. i'm not getting into the a judgement anyone into the a judgement on anyone to blame . but i was always to blame. but i was always struck in australia when a lovely country. of course it is. but there's something about america of it. it's wild . america of it. it's wild. there's huge weather pressures. it has people who've come in from all sorts of communities. they take time, sometimes decades , to adapt, learn to live decades, to adapt, learn to live with each other, and certainly they've got good gun laws now, but recently. but this but only very recently. but this wasn't a gun. this was this was a knife. and you can go into any shop now and buy a long kitchen knife and stab someone. >> well, this is true , >> well, this is true, unfortunately, but i do i do find it quite upsetting. there's
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only one person to blame in this incident. of course it's not the press that is the person that was running around with a knife, stabbing a young mom with her nine month old baby in a pram, right . okay. i'm dawn neesom. right. okay. i'm dawn neesom. this is indeed news saturday, this is indeed gb news saturday, and there's lots more coming up on today's show. ceasefire now calls for the government to denounce actions taken by the israeli defence force. continue this week as thousands march across london. but will rishi sunak answer all of that? and much more to come. this is gb news, britain's news channel
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welcome back to gb news. saturday with me. dawn neesom on your tv, online and on digital radio. now, we are obviously keeping you up to date throughout the programme on the ongoing attack in australia ,
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ongoing attack in australia, where we think now seven people have sadly lost their lives and eight if you include the attacker, a lone knifeman , attacker, a lone knifeman, seven. well, we're not sure. we're not actually sure about the mum of the baby and nine month old baby was injured in this attack, but are bringing this attack, but we are bringing you speed on as the you up to speed on that as the story now, once again, story develops. now, once again, in pro—palestinian in this country, pro—palestinian protests are filling the streets of cities across the country, calling for a ceasefire in gaza, as israel becomes increasing isolated in both the tories and labour are divided on arms sales. the stop the war coalition says it's vital they keep up the pressure from the streets of the capital for an immediate ceasefire and an end to uk weapons sales to israel . to uk weapons sales to israel. this has been going on for months now and it's not working, is it? joining me now from the latest march is gb news reporter jack carson. jack. hello there, right . can you tell us where you right. can you tell us where you are and what's going on behind you? not many people there at the moment. >> yeah, well, so the crowd are just starting to back up now.
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dawn, the march is a little bit late. was to late. getting off was meant to start but we've heard start at 12, but we've heard from the from the campaign groups to groups that they're trying to back up as back as much people up as possible that real sense possible to have that real sense of a crowd marching. course, of a crowd marching. of course, on way parliament square. on its way to parliament square. we're on southampton we're currently on southampton road. march up road. we're going to march up to towards embankment along towards embankment and along embankment of this embankment as part of this protest. of course, all protest. it's of course, all organised the palestinian organised by the palestinian solidarity campaign and others they using march to try they are using this march to try and they say end the government's complicity in israel's attacks. and they say stop harming israel. of course, the ceasefire marches have been going on for well over six months now since, of course, the attacks on october the 7th and now this, this new angle of stopping arming israel. of course, we know about the humanitarian aid workers that were killed a few weeks ago . were killed a few weeks ago. that seems to have brought a fresh, about of energy , really, fresh, about of energy, really, to these protesters and these protesters aims as they , of protesters aims as they, of course, march throughout london once again today. course, march throughout london once again today . but what's once again today. but what's also a really interesting point now, six months on for when
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these marches began, is that there's now a lot more of terms of counter protest groups. we know we've got two counter—protests today, a pro—israel counter protest up towards aldwych. these protesters are going to walk by now. i've been told by the police that that protest will be static. there were some concerns that the protesters on that pro—israel demonstration might try and walk alongside these protesters, but they say they're not to here provoke. they're here in order to put forward. they say the positions, including of the government, which that hamas is which say that hamas is a terrorist organisation. another counter protest today is also the turning point uk protest. they are surrounding the cenotaph today. now there is not a planned route by the cenotaph for this protest. today these protesters should stay away from that area. but of course there are a thousand metropolitan police officers on the streets today across london to try and manage the crowd. not only, of course, for the football game.
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football games across the city, but also, of course, these protests . and we know that these protests. and we know that these protests. and we know that these protests becoming costly for protests are becoming costly for the metropolitan police as well. £30 million, since these protests began, the metropolitan police have spent, policing them. so far, all we've had, of course, with no march has just been the chanting. but we are looking to get underway very shortly. >> jack carson. thank you very much . a very busy afternoon much. a very busy afternoon coming up for you. and obviously we will keep you across any developments in the marches and demonstrations in london, as well as the ongoing situation in australia, i'm dawn neesom this is gb news saturday and there's lots more coming up on today's show. but first, let's get the news headlines with sam francis . news headlines with sam francis. >> dawn, thank you very much. and good afternoon to you. just after 12:30, a recap of the headunes after 12:30, a recap of the headlines from the newsroom . headlines from the newsroom. police in sydney have now confirmed that a man who killed six people in a stabbing spree at a shopping centre was known
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to police, but that the attack is not believed to be terror related. six people are known to have died in that attack, including five women and one man. authorities say many more might have been killed had it not been for the actions of a lone police officer who happened to be nearby. she caught up with the attacker and confronted him when he raised a knife. she then shot and killed him . police shot and killed him. police commissioner karen webb says a major is now underway. >> police have six toured the crime scene, which you can imagine is expansive inside a very big, busy commercial shopping centre in sydney, and the crime scene remains ongoing and it will remain ongoing for a number of days. >> police commissioner karen webb there well, australia's prime minister, anthony albanese, has also been speaking today and he thanked the country's brave police and first responders today . responders today. >> bondi junction was the scene
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of shocking violence, but it was also witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave police, our first responders and of course, everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment and some of the footage is quite extraordinary . extraordinary. >> eight others are still in hospital following that attack, including a nine month old baby . including a nine month old baby. as i say, the police operation major operation is still unfolding. do stay with us here on gb news throughout the course of this afternoon to keep across all of the latest developments on story . in all of the latest developments on story. in other all of the latest developments on story . in other news, on that story. in other news, a ship has been reportedly seized by iran in the gulf of oman, just off the coast of the united arab emirates. the warning from the uk's maritime authority suggests regional authorities were responsible, but it hasn't said any more than that. at this stage, it's thought the vessel involved is a container ship which is associated with london
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based zodiac maritime, and it comes after iran called israel's presence in the uae a threat and warned it would close the shipping lane in the region if provoked . and back here at home, provoked. and back here at home, labour claims that britain's roads now have 100 times as many potholes as there are craters on the moon . figures estimate that the moon. figures estimate that there were more than 1 million potholes in the uk last year, which can cause serious damage to cars. the party's deputy leader, angela rayner , says leader, angela rayner, says rishi sunak is living on another planet after failing to fix the problem. the government, though, says investing billions of says it is investing billions of pounds improving our roads. pounds into improving our roads. that's the latest from the newsroom. for more, you can sign up to gb news alerts. just scan that code there on your screen or go to gb news common alerts. now it's back to dawn. now though, it's back to dawn. >> thank you very much, sam. remember, you can let me know all your thoughts and all the
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stories we're discussing today or anything you want to talk about. basically, we've got a new way of doing it though. it's by visiting forward slash your say you can join the conversation. you can talk to me directly if you want. try and be nice on you can message me on nice on or you can message me on our nice on or you can message me on our socials as well @gbnews. lots getting in touch lots of ways of getting in touch because show is all about because the show is all about you, loads more you, and there's loads more coming today's show. it's coming up on today's show. it's the last day of the grand national today, as national meeting today, as one of most anticipated horse of the most anticipated horse racing year comes racing events of the year comes to climactic end this to a climactic end this afternoon. animal rights afternoon. but animal rights groups say they won't intervene. stay tuned to find out why, though. all of that and much more to come . though. all of that and much more to come. i'm dawn though. all of that and much more to come . i'm dawn neesom more to come. i'm dawn neesom and this is gb news,
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welcome back to gb news saturday with me. dawn neesom on your tv onune with me. dawn neesom on your tv online and on digital radio. now. it's the last day of the
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grand national meeting today as one of the most anticipated horse racing events of the year comes to a climactic end. this afternoon. last year's race was delayed. you might remember this by a protest from the animal rising group with the famous steeplechase starting nearly 15 minutes late after people invaded the track. there you can see pictures of them there, but this year it's different. they say they will not target this year's race at aintree, with a spokesperson saying is disrupting races, going to be the most effective way to end horse racing? we think not because we think the public has already made that decision for themselves interesting. well, given the amount of money being punted on this race, i might beg to differ. but joining me now is gb news, northwest of england reporter sophie reaper, who is looking glorious at aintree this afternoon. sophie, we got the blue memo. you look much more glamorous than how's it glamorous than me. how's it going ? going? >> well, things are getting a little bit lively here at
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aintree this afternoon. people have flooded in here. people are enjoying the atmosphere for just over to my right. we've got the parade ring where in just a few hours time we will have the winner of the 2024 grand national. i'll of course, this year slightly different because there will be 34 runners in the race as opposed to 40 now. i spoke with the ceo of the jockey club this morning, and he assured me that that was nothing to do with the animal rising protest this year last year. i apologise, it was in fact because of data driven research which showed that it will in fact make it safer for everyone involved. now there's always a brilliant atmosphere here at aintree at ladies day, on grand national day, people taking it all in, people wearing their best outfits. of course , as they best outfits. of course, as they would. we are in liverpool after all, taking in everything that there is to offer here at aintree. we're going to be here for the rest of the day, enjoying the atmosphere and
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soaking up all the fun that the people of liverpool have to offer us. >> sophie, it's literally the racing religion up there, racing is a religion up there, obviously for the national, but it's everything i it's everything that goes. i mean, i've been lucky to mean, i've been lucky enough to go national a couple of go to the national a couple of times i admit it's times and i must admit it's always colder up there. i've always colder up there. i've always been wearing sort of like always colder up there. i've a|coat been wearing sort of like always colder up there. i've a|coat and n wearing sort of like always colder up there. i've a|coat and boots'ing sort of like always colder up there. i've a|coat and boots and sort of like always colder up there. i've a|coat and boots and art of like always colder up there. i've a|coat and boots and a woolly;e a coat and boots and a woolly hat, and amazed at the hat, and i'm amazed at the fashion there fashion show you get out there as these amazing, you as well. these amazing, you know, ladies wearing know, young ladies wearing really, really hardly any clothing . they look amazing. clothing. they look amazing. everyone like they're everyone looks like they're having time though i >> -- >> well, you know what they say about us up north, dawn. they do make us differently up here. we do handle the cold a little bit better than our friends down south, i would say. but i absolutely agree. the outfits today have been absolutely amazing , absolutely incredible. amazing, absolutely incredible. and although we did feel a few dnps and although we did feel a few drips of rain earlier on today, thus far it has remained dry. we we're keeping our fingers crossed we can all cope with a little bit of cold as long as it
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stays dry for us here today. >> sophie, that's absolutely lovely to talk to you and talk about something joyful. have a lovely time, but we'll be coming back to you later, keeping us up to date on everything that's happening at the grand national. now neesom on gb news now i'm dawn neesom on gb news saturday there's more saturday and there's lots more coming show . the coming up on today's show. the royals. yes, of course, the duke and duchess of sussex have announced they producing announced they will be producing two non—fiction series at home as part of their deal with netflix. all of that and much more to come. this is
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welcome back to gb news saturday with me. dawn neesom on your telly. online and on digital radio. now back to our main breaking story of the day. six people have been confirmed killed in a stabbing spree at a shopping centre near bondi beach in sydney, australia . authorities say many more might have been killed had it
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not been for the actions of a lone police officer. she caught up with the attacker before shooting him dead as he raised his weapon towards her, it's an ongoing story. his weapon towards her, it's an ongoing story . we're going to ongoing story. we're going to keep you up to date throughout the day here, but joining me now is sky news australia host andrew bolt . andrew, thank you andrew bolt. andrew, thank you very much for joining andrew bolt. andrew, thank you very much forjoining us andrew bolt. andrew, thank you very much for joining us this afternoon . can you bring us up afternoon. can you bring us up to speed on any more recent developments ? yes. developments? yes. >> well, the prime minister's addressed the nation on the new south wales premier's rushing back from an overseas trip. >> he barely started. >> he barely started. >> we know that the tragically, that among the six dead is the mother of a baby who was that was always also stabbed as she handed her baby to a passer by, saying , you know, asking for saying, you know, asking for help. he helped, staunch the wounds. he thought the baby would live. >> the baby's in, i believe, a serious condition, but not life threatening . threatening. >> but that's yet to be established. the mother and
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tragically, has died. the police are saying that they don't believe it's terrorism related. that said, the offender is known to the police. we don't know how that's going to be. that's yet to be established . and i suspect to be established. and i suspect an offender who's known to the police and goes to on stab six people to death, this is going to be an issue here, while they say it's not, they don't believe it's terrorism related . well, it's terrorism related. well, we're yet to see that there's been euphemisms before . so been euphemisms before. so i think what initially raised great concerns about that are two things. one is that this particular area , the is a fairly particular area, the is a fairly jewish one, and the second is that the offender from the looks, you know, from a, a little bit of footage that obviously wasn't very clear, but had a beard and, sort of one could almost say middle eastern
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complexion. so that raised initially a lot of suspicions, but we don't know that. and the police are discounting it for now. but there's a lot still to , now. but there's a lot still to, come out here and to be talked about tomorrow . so we're now about tomorrow. so we're now obviously at night we'll know more tomorrow. >> andrew, what we do know, it was a lone attacker, one man armed with a knife who was a very bravely taken out by the female police officer , we in the female police officer, we in the uk, we perceive australia to be a fairly safe country. you don't seem to have as many terror attacks. we're not saying this is terrible. we don't know. but many of these, these stabbings by lone knifeman , in australia, by lone knifeman, in australia, as you do in the uk, even. i mean, was there was there any has there been any warnings? has any terror threat has been been raised in australia ? raised in australia? >> you know, there's obviously been a lot of tension, of course, with the, the middle east as it is, but again , we
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east as it is, but again, we don't know this is a terrorism related thing, but just put it in the context that there have been tensions and muslim population proportionally is not as as in the, in britain, as great as in the, in britain, certainly not as in france. we have had terrorism related killings. we have the lindt cafe siege. we had a police accountant, murdered as well, shot dead in sydney. we had another terrorism, lethal terrorism event in in melbourne. it has happened, but australia tends to play this down a little bit , maybe unwisely, i don't bit, maybe unwisely, i don't know, but , just to repeat, just know, but, just to repeat, just to make sure we don't know that this is terrorism, terrorism related. and, you know, for all we know, deranged individual , we know, deranged individual, but known to police. i mean, that raises a question right there. there's also been, of course, a debate here about the leniency of bail conditions sometimes and how people on bail can be let out . so one way or
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can be let out. so one way or the other, this will be huge in australia to have six dead in one, one incident like this is very, very big for us. >> and andrew, just briefly, if you could sort of describe the reaction of australians to this, as you say, it is relatively unusual. i mean, i should imagine, you know, a sunny saturday afternoon, people shopping , going about their shopping, going about their business. i mean, the shock that we're seeing on on some of the people being interviewed is literally palpable . literally palpable. >> oh, yes. is a very, >> oh, yes. this is a very, australian thing to do. that said, you know, we're changing along with the rest of the western world. so, you know, perhaps we shouldn't be so naive, but it is. it is. i mean, you think of australia as sands, sand and thongs and surf and all that kind of thing, particularly when you're thinking of bondi. in fact , i was just at in fact, i was just at a someone's 90th birthday this evening and one of the, the relatives was saying that had it not been for that, she'd probably been at that shopping centre, one of her favourites,
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it's not a place where you expect this kind of thing, let me tell you. >> yeah. no, absolutely, andrew, your thoughts with everybody in australia at moment ? that's australia at the moment? that's sky news australia host andrew bolt thank you very much bolt there. thank you very much for joining now well, forjoining us. now back, well, not even in the uk. in california indeed , the duke and california indeed, the duke and duchess of sussex have announced they will be producing wait for it, two new non—fiction series as a part of their deal with netflix, meghan's netflix series will celebrate the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining and friendship, while prince harry will delve into the behind the scenes world of professional polo , what it takes to compete polo, what it takes to compete in the sport at the highest level . well, okay. right. level. well, okay. right. joining me now to explain what is actually going on here is royal broadcaster rafe heydel—mankoo rafe. thank you very much for joining heydel—mankoo rafe. thank you very much forjoining me , heydel—mankoo rafe. thank you very much for joining me , two very much for joining me, two more programs spoiling us now ,
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more programs spoiling us now, one from each. i'm a bit confused about what the duchess of sussex is actually going to be doing. >> yes, cooking , gardening, >> yes, cooking, gardening, entertaining and friendship. >> not friendship >> i note it's not friendship and family because obviously family is one of her. family is not one of her. >> one of her strong points. but you when did celebrities you know, when did celebrities start roles start taking over the roles of experts ? you know, in the old experts? you know, in the old days you'd have monty, don, alan titchmarsh gardening, titchmarsh doing gardening, you'd rick stein or jamie you'd have rick stein orjamie oliver cooking , it's oliver doing cooking, it's nice to professionals to have professionals doing these things . now, i'm these sorts of things. now, i'm not saying that i expect this to be like brooklyn beckham when he went and show went on american tv and show people an bacon people how to fry an egg, bacon and them between two slices and put them between two slices of we know she of white bread. we know that she can she famously was can cook. she famously was roasting chicken when prince roasting a chicken when prince harry to i'm just harry proposed to her, i'm just disappointed prince harry disappointed that prince harry is not going to be part of meghan's show, because we could have had re—enactment fanny have had a re—enactment of fanny cradock. remember the old cradock. do you remember the old fanny you was fanny cradock where you she was cooking husband cooking whilst her husband was half background? half sozzled in the background? johnny corner well, perhaps, harry could be in the garden, you know, showing us how grow you know, showing us how to grow some special herbs and leaves. >> he was juggling balls >> he was juggling his balls last he?
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last time, wasn't he? >> but, more seriously, though, i know, this fits i think, you know, this fits hand with meghan's hand in glove with meghan's wider rebrand of her her wider rebrand of her of her lifestyle brand. i think she's doing knows best, which lifestyle brand. i think she's dclifestyle knows best, which lifestyle brand. i think she's dclifestyle sorts
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that very exclusive elite set. >> well, that like i'm >> well, that sounds like i'm rather jilly said rather hoping jilly cooper said that ritzy, and that polo was ritzy, wild and gloriously promiscuous . yes. are gloriously promiscuous. yes. are we going to get that from harry? >> oh, well, i'm sure meghan hopes we don't remember. >> oh, well, i'm sure meghan hopes are we don't remember. >> oh, well, i'm sure meghan hopes are thee don't remember. >> oh, well, i'm sure meghan hopes are the first 't remember. >> oh, well, i'm sure meghan hopes are the first photographs there are the first photographs of king charles and camilla were actually the polo actually taken on the polo pitch. were ? pitch. they were? >> yeah. pitch. they were? >> and|. pitch. they were? >> and princess diana and diana as wasn't it. that's right. as well wasn't it. that's right. yeah. interesting. thank you very much for joining yeah. interesting. thank you very much forjoining us. rafe. well that's coming up if you want to watch that. but now you're watching me. i'm dawn neesom gb news saturday and neesom on gb news saturday and there's lots more coming on there's lots more coming up on today's and we will be today's show. and we will be keeping you up date on that keeping you up to date on that ongoing live news story ongoing breaking live news story from australia of an attacker ongoing breaking live news story from has;tralia of an attacker ongoing breaking live news story fromhas sadly of an attacker ongoing breaking live news story from has sadly taken attacker ongoing breaking live news story from has sadly taken the cker ongoing breaking live news story from has sadly taken the lives of who has sadly taken the lives of six people, including the mum of a nine month old baby. but first, let's have a look at what the weather is doing in this country with ellie. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb
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news. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> welcome to your latest gb news weather from the met office. >> so it's been a bit of a drier day for some of us compared to recent weeks, but there is still plenty around plenty of showers around with low quite low pressure situated quite close to the north of the uk. >> high pressure does sit out towards the south and the east, but it's this cold front that's going bring some and going to bring some cloud and rain of england and rain to parts of england and wales rest of this wales through the rest of this evening. eventually evening. it does eventually clear way south and clear its way south and eastwards and the eastwards overnight and into the start sunday, quite start of sunday, leaving quite a dry for of us into dry picture for most of us into the hours of sunday the early hours of sunday morning. some showers the early hours of sunday mornin across some showers the early hours of sunday mornin across parts�* showers the early hours of sunday mornin across parts of|owers the early hours of sunday mornin across parts of scotland around across parts of scotland and these could in and these could turn heavy in places, under those clear places, but under those clear skies, temperatures dropping off quite nicely around 7 or 8 degrees across the south and down to around 2 or 3 across parts of scotland, we could even see in places, so see some frost in places, so that does leave a of that does leave a bit of a chillier start to sunday across parts of scotland. those showers quite quickly pushing in from the west though, and spreading their through the their way eastwards through the day south, a drier day further south, a drier start, but we will see some cloud bubbling up through the afternoon. probably the best of
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the sunshine across southeastern parts will parts of england. it will be a bit of cooler day than bit of a cooler day than saturday as well. highs in the south around 14 and in the south around 14 or 15 and in the north 9 or 10, but quite north around 9 or 10, but quite brisk here monday. brisk wind here through monday. those become much more those showers become much more widespread across the uk, moving through relatively quickly on a brisk northwesterly wind, so it will feel a little cooler than over the weekend. those showers continue into the start of the next week, and those temperatures a little below average, but recovering closer to average through the of to average through the end of the week looks like things are heating up boxt boilers sponsors of weather on . gb news. of weather on. gb news. >> thank you very much. i love the way she does that. it's going to get better. it's going to get better, honestly. thank you very much, ellie. there's lots more coming up on today's show. people have show. six people have been killed stabbing at killed in a stabbing spree at the shopping bondi the shopping centre near bondi beach sydney, australia. beach in sydney, australia. we'll you the very latest we'll bring you the very latest on breaking story. all on this breaking news story. all of that and much more to come.
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hello and welcome to gb news saturday. i'm dawn neesom. and for the next two hours, i'll be keeping you company on telly, onune be keeping you company on telly, online and on digital radio. keep you up to date on the stories that really to stories that really matter to you. this hour. six you. coming up this hour. six people have been killed in a stabbing spree at a shopping centre near bondi beach in sydney, australia . we'll bring sydney, australia. we'll bring you the very latest on this breaking news story. then. ceasefire now calls for the government to denounce actions taken by the israeli defence force . continue this week as force. continue this week as thousands march across london, but will rishi sunak take any nofice but will rishi sunak take any notice and it's the last day of the grand national meeting today . as one of the most anticipated horse racing events of the year comes to a climactic end this afternoon. but animal rights groups say they won't intervene.
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join me later to find out exactly why . but hey, this show exactly why. but hey, this show is nothing without you and your views, so let me know your thoughts on all the stories we'll be talking about today or anything else you want to talk about. it's your show, remember? it's very simple. visiting forward slash your say on on on say that's that's on on on screen. now you can see it there. that's simple. and join there. that's simple. and join the conversation . talk to me if the conversation. talk to me if you want. if you want it'd be nice or message me on our socials. but socials. we're @gbnews. but first news first it's time for the news headunes first it's time for the news headlines with sam francis . headlines with sam francis. >> very good afternoon from the gb newsroom. just after 1:00, a recap of the headlines this lunchtime. as we've been hearing, police have now confirmed a man who killed six people in a stabbing spree at a shopping centre was known to police. but they say the attack
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is not believed to be terror related. six people are now known to have died in that attack, including five women and one man. the knifeman was apprehended when a female officer, now being called a hero, shot him dead . police hero, shot him dead. police commissioner karen webb says a major investigation is now underway. >> police have secured the crime scene, which you can imagine is expansive inside a very big, busy commercial shopping centre in sydney, and the crime scene remains ongoing and it will remains ongoing and it will remain ongoing for a number of days. >> police commissioner karen webb there speaking this morning. well, australia's prime minister anthony albanese , has minister anthony albanese, has also been speaking and he says his heart goes out to the victims and their families. >> today bondi junction was the scene of shocking violence, but it was also witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave
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police, our first responders and of course, everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment and some of the footage is quite extraordinary . extraordinary. >> eight others involved in that attack are still in hospital, including a nine month old baby who we understand has now undergone surgery in hospital, and the major police operation is still unfolding. we will keep across that for you throughout the rest of this afternoon. to other news now, commandos from iran have landed on a container ship in a helicopter and seized the vessel off the coast of the united arab emirates. it's thought the vessel involved is a container ship, which is associated with the london based zodiac maritime . and it comes zodiac maritime. and it comes after iran called israel's presence in the uae a threat and had warned it would close the region's shipping lane if provoked. meanwhile as tensions in the middle east continue to rise, the us president says that
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he fears an iranian attack on america's allies . will, he says, america's allies. will, he says, come sooner rather than later. however joe biden had this howeverjoe biden had this warning for tehran. we are devoted to the defence of israel. >> we will support israel. we will defend, help defend israel and iran will not succeed. thank you very much . you very much. >> the iranian government has promised revenge for an israeli airstrike on its consulate in damascus that killed some of its top commanders. in response, the us says it is now moving its additional assets into the middle east. countries including india, france and poland have also warned their citizens against travelling to the region . the royal navy has seized nearly £33 million of drugs from traffickers in the indian ocean. around 3.7 tonnes of substances, including heroin, crystal meth and cannabis were taken by crews aboard hms lancaster. the ship was on its first security patrol when its wildcat helicopter
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spotted a suspicious boat back here in the uk, the chancellor has said he's ready to cut taxes and to bet on growth . that's and to bet on growth. that's after the economy grew by 0.1% in february. the office for national statistics also revised january's figure, pushing it up to 0.3. writing in the daily express , jeremy hunt says express, jeremy hunt says britain has done the hard yards and the economy is bouncing back. but labour says most people aren't feeling any of the benefits with low growth and higher taxes under the conservative government and labour has claimed that britain's roads now have 100 times as many potholes as there are craters on the moon. figures estimate that there were more than 1 million potholes on uk's roads last year, which can cause serious damage to cars . the serious damage to cars. the party's deputy leader, angela raynen party's deputy leader, angela rayner, says rishi sunak is living on another planet after failing to fix the problem. the government , though, says it is government, though, says it is investing billions of pounds into improving our roads. horse
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racing's biggest race of the yean racing's biggest race of the year, the grand national, takes place this afternoon, but there have been some changes. new safety measures are in place, meaning six fewer horses are taking part. it's after four horses died there last year. however, campaigners say changes to this afternoon's event are nothing more than a pr stunt. after two more horses died yesterday on the track, though, it will be as competitive as ever for the million pound prize . and finally, before we hand back to dawn, liz truss has revealed that larry, the downing street cat, was her saviour dunng street cat, was her saviour during her time as prime minister. she's written a book about her 49 days in charge, which is being previewed by the mail. and the former prime minister also says in that memoir that she was in shock when the late queen elizabeth died on her second day in died on her second full day in the job. for the latest stories, sign up to gb news alerts. just scan that code there on your screen or, if you're listening on radio, go to gb news. common
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alerts . alerts. >> thank you very much, sam wright. let's get straight into today's story, shall we, six people have been killed in a knife attack at a shopping centre near bondi beach in sydney, australia. authorities say many more might have been killed had it not been for the actions of a lone police officer. she called up with the attacker before shooting him dead as he raised his weapon towards her. the knifeman was known to the police, but the attack is not believed to be terror related. police commissioner karen karen webb says the knifeman acted alone and there is no ongoing risk. >> later this evening, we became aware of who we believe the offender is, and we believe that he is a 40 year old man. however, we are waiting to formally identify him and we
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cannot speculate yet on his identification. but let me assure you that we are confident that there is no ongoing risk and we are dealing with one person who is now deceased . it's person who is now deceased. it's just a horrific story, and some of the images and the stories coming from australia are incredibly moving, including the young mum who has lost her life, 36 years old. but her last act was to protect her baby, who she handed literally over to people nearby and saved that baby's life. the baby is now being operated in hospital. sadly, she lost incredibly lost hers incredibly heartbreaking stuff. now joining me is media writer for the australian newspaper sophie ellsworth. sophie thank you very much for joining ellsworth. sophie thank you very much forjoining us, an incredibly tragic and upsetting story, can you bring us up to date on the latest developments, please ? please? >> well, dawn, it's a shocking
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moment for australia, we're all just really coming to terms with this news that, is not only, you know, making headlines everywhere around here in australia, but all around the world, this stabbing rampage that this man went on was at bondi junction at a westfield shopping centre. it's one of the best known shopping centres. dawn in australia , one of the dawn in australia, one of the biggest, shopping centres . biggest, shopping centres. multi—level, huge, you know, shopping centre that thousands of people were at today. it was leading up to this. it was a, you know, a sunny sydney afternoon. it start of school holidays , and families are holidays, and families are frequent. this shopping centre just to go about their business. but what unfolded about 330 local time here was just unbelievable. i mean, we're seeing the footage on screen now. just this man running through the shopping centre with a 30 centimetre knife, stabbing
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people . and people were running people. and people were running for their lives. people were locked locking themselves in stores. they were hiding in cupboards. they were so frightened . the sirens were frightened. the sirens were going off. alarms in the shopping centre, warning people that, something was unfolding, this is just so hard to fathom what has happened. we know that that brave police woman shot dead this man who was on a rampage, and the nation is. that's right. and then the, the nafion that's right. and then the, the nation is really just trying to come to terms with the fact that six people are dead, at last report, eight people are still in hospital. this is just a shocking turn of events . and shocking turn of events. and also a nine year old baby undergoing surgery and fighting for her life. >> sophie, i mean, because, i mean, it's not that we're used to these things happening in europe, but we do seem to have
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them more in in the uk and indeedin them more in in the uk and indeed in france, it i mean, what is the feeling there if you could sort of like sum up how you must be in incredible shock because this is a very unusual in australia . in australia. >> well, it is really unusual and it should be unusual. this is such a shocking thing to happen, dawn, one of my friends , happen, dawn, one of my friends, his daughter, young daughter, she's 11 years old. she was shopping with her cousin today at bondi junction, you know, just young girls going shopping, looking for clothes, having a great afternoon . she ran for great afternoon. she ran for coven great afternoon. she ran for cover. this is just crazy . crazy cover. this is just crazy. crazy stuff that we often hear in australia . you know, we hear australia. you know, we hear about this happening overseas, but we don't so much hear it, happening here in australia. and we're all still just trying to understand what was this man thinking, police are coming out now saying , you know, everyone now saying, you know, everyone should, you know, not be
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concerned . he in terms of that, concerned. he in terms of that, he acted alone , they're still he acted alone, they're still haven't identified who he is, but they have said it is a 40 year old man, and so we're still waiting to find out more of the circumstances, but whatever happened, this is just shocking. and this should not happen anywhere . air. let alone in a anywhere. air. let alone in a suburban shopping centre or centre on a busy saturday afternoon where people are just going about their lives. >> i mean, sophie, you know, the police are saying it's not expected to be terrorism , but expected to be terrorism, but have there been any i mean, you know , the threat level across know, the threat level across europe is obviously quite high because of what's going on in the middle east. have there been any increased, alert levels in australia recently about potential attacks ? potential attacks? >> well, there is a crime problem in australia. there's no doubt about that, especially youth crime . but it is early youth crime. but it is early that police are saying that , but that police are saying that, but dawn, let's not, you know, jump to conclusions here. we don't
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know too many of the circumstances , but this makes circumstances, but this makes people question is it safe to go out shopping on a saturday afternoon and would you want your children going to these busy shopping centres? i mean, a lot of brits would be familiar with bondi. it's one of the most iconic parts of australia. it's a gorgeous location. the shopping centre is very close to the famous bondi beach. it's full of tourists . it's not just full of tourists. it's not just local shoppers but tourists. this this what unfolded and that mother who passed her baby over the reporting dawn that she handed her baby over , phoned her handed her baby over, phoned her friend, she has now died. so there is a baby without a mother , after what unfolded. so this is just shocking stuff . and this is just shocking stuff. and this is just shocking stuff. and this is rocking the nation. and as expected, the shopping centre dawn is shut down tomorrow. it's a full crime scene. he was running across multiple levels at the shopping centre. bondi junction is one of the biggest
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shopping centres in the country. he was up near a kids play centre on one of the levels, but one hero there, dawn. we saw vision of him with a bollard trying to stop this man. he had a bollard in his hand. he was trying to stop the man with the knife from running up onto another level. this is just crazy scenes . crazy scenes. >> it's just awful, sophie, thank you very much for joining us and thoughts with you all, obviously on a horrible day for australia, that's, sophie ellsworth, media writer for the australian newspaper. there we are bringing you up to date on this story as and when developments happen. so keep tuned, because it is a very, very fast breaking story, joining me now is gb news home and security editor, mark white, mark, we've just heard from sophie in australia there with a very emotional portrayal of how australians are feeling at the moment. do we know any more about the person who, you know, the man involved in this?
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>> well, we're told he is 40 years old. he is known to police, according to the commissioner of new south wales police. but beyond that, they're not prepared to go at this stage except to say that their initial understanding of the man's background does not appear to show him having links to any extremist organisation, having said that, the commissioner did say that that could change as they delve more into this man's background. they try to establish his connections and associates , and they look at the associates, and they look at the likes of his internet browsing history . it's certainly possible history. it's certainly possible that there could be an extremist link there , but as yet, the link there, but as yet, the police say they found nothing that points to terrorism at this stage. but certainly what we did get was the most horrific bloody rampage, with multiple people targeted and the indications from the eyewitnesses who were
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telling both the media and the police as they exited, that westfield shopping centre, was that he was specifically picking out a weaker, more vulnerable individuals . he was going after, individuals. he was going after, children and women , and that children and women, and that seems to be borne out by the casualty details that we're getting from the police as well . getting from the police as well. five of the six people who died as a result of their knife wounds were women , and of wounds were women, and of course, we know that this nine month old baby has been injured and undergone surgery as well in hospital. sadly, his mother, one of the women who were stabbed and killed by this assailant before that police inspector who was on patrol nearby . the first was on patrol nearby. the first to get into the westfield shopping centre, managed to run up to the fifth floor where she found him. challenged him, but the man raised his knife and at that point, she shot him and killed the man . killed the man. >> mark, i find it is incredibly
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ironic that we've seen you can see that some of the footage onune see that some of the footage online of him, as you say, attacking vulnerable victims, i mean, mainly women and children . mean, mainly women and children. and as sophie said, he was actually frighteningly near to a children's play area. and we're all used to these areas in our shopping centres. we know exactly that's so exactly what that's like. so it's incredibly so the irony thatis it's incredibly so the irony that is actually taken out by a female police officer, i mean, thatis female police officer, i mean, that is i mean, that is just, well, unbelievable, isn't it? i mean, she was incredibly brave . mean, she was incredibly brave. >> yeah. and she is being praised for her bravery and not only by the australian prime minister and her her boss, the commissioner of new south wales police. but just in the last few minutes, we've had a news conference that's been taking place with the acting premier of new south wales, penny sharpe, who along with policing colleagues have been praising the actions of this inspector. yes, for running forward into dangen
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yes, for running forward into danger, single handedly taking on this attacker , but also to on this attacker, but also to members of the public who were there in the shopping centre . there in the shopping centre. and there was the most incredible image that came out . incredible image that came out. video just a short sequence, but it shows one man who's taken hold of a bollard , one of the hold of a bollard, one of the bollards with a bit of tape attached that they use to close off the escalators in shopping centres. he's picked that up. he's it seems, managed to press the emergency stop on the escalator as well, and he is fending off this knife attacker with that bollard and managing to push him back, from getting to push him back, from getting to the top of those stairs. it's just a short video. we don't know what happens next, but that man put himself in terrible danger to do that. but you get these courageous , acts that take these courageous, acts that take place at these terrible tragedies where people push forward to try to stop these outrageous events .
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outrageous events. >> mark, thank you very much. thatis >> mark, thank you very much. that is home and security editor mark white there on the latest updates on this horrific, frankly horrific attack in australia, which we will keep you up to speed with. it's a breaking news story. so stay with us. we're keeping you up to date on every development , that date on every development, that is going on now. joining me now is going on now. joining me now is the host of the saturday five albie amankona and former labour advisor scarlett mccgwire. thank you both for joining advisor scarlett mccgwire. thank you both forjoining me. now obviously we are discussing this story . it's not what you story. it's not what you expected to be talking about, and i'm sure it's pretty much not any of us wanted to be not what any of us wanted to be talking about, this saturday talking about, on this saturday afternoon, indeed, a sunny saturday afternoon pretty much like was happening in sydney when this happened. people just with their families going shopping. we've all been there, haven't we all know how this works. you know, big shopping centre. you know, teenage girls doing you're doing the shopping, you're meeting a burger, meeting your mates for a burger, etc, scarlett, do etc, etc. scarlett, what do you make you've heard coming make of what you've heard coming from australia ? mean,
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from australia? i mean, it's awful. completely tragic , awful. it's completely tragic, and watching all the pictures , and watching all the pictures, listening to everything, you know, it's a very angry man. yeah, who ? we have no idea why yeah, who? we have no idea why or anything, but went out with a knife and whether somebody , knife and whether somebody, whether whether he intended on a particular victim to begin with, who knows. but quite obviously after that, he was just stabbing. and i mean, it's not you can't blame anybody. i mean, it's not that it wasn't policed properly. i mean, obviously the police came in as fast as possible. and that woman who did have a gun. so, you know, guns do beat knives , alby, i mean, it do beat knives, alby, i mean, it is. i mean, what i find very interesting about this, he this a lone attacker armed with a knife. we don't know the reason he is known to police now , we he is known to police now, we have seen in this country a couple of incidents recently
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where women again are the victims. women have been murdered by people who are known to the police but are still free to the police but are still free to behave in this appalling way. we have to start learning lessons from these things, don't we? >> we do have to start learning lessons from these things, and it seems to be a problem not just with the police in the united kingdom, but also a problem with the police down under well. under as well. >> and do think it probably >> and i do think it probably does call into question what exactly do we mean when someone is known to police and what should actually happen when someone known to police? should actually happen when sonwhat known to police? should actually happen when sonwhat shouldvn to police? should actually happen when sonwhat should be 10 police? should actually happen when sonwhat should be the)lice? should actually happen when sonwhat should be the threshold >> what should be the threshold for wearing something like a tag? for example? what should be the threshold for perhaps more stringent action on someone's liberty if they are a known criminal? those will be questions that are being asked in australia, but there are questions that we should be asking in uk too. asking in the uk too. >> this is this is what we >> well, this is this is what we keep scarlett, keep coming back to. scarlett, it that this, this it is the fact that this, this person is a 40 year old man, as killed five women. he was attacking women and was getting
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dangerously close to a children's play area . children's play area. >> but he attacked a baby absolutely. >> well, right . i absolutely. >> well, right. i mean, you know, the baby is in hospital. nine month old baby who's currently undergoing surgery, unfortunately , his mum lost her unfortunately, his mum lost her life. and the last thing. awful. the last thing? well, reportedly. i mean, it is. it's looking more and more likely that that is actually an accurate report coming from australia now. >> but actually alby's completely is why when completely right. is why when they say known to the police, i mean i mean the young woman who was knifed and killed on a in a bradford shopping her baby, pushing her baby , the guy who pushing her baby, the guy who killed her was no , i mean, not killed her was no, i mean, not just known to the police. i mean, actually , to be fair, the mean, actually, to be fair, the police and the prosecutors had tried not to give him bail, had to keep him in custody because the woman said she was a he was a danger to her. and so it is something that that these violent and they do, frankly tend to be men. but these
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violent men, you know, you do have to say, should they be allowed out or at least , have to say, should they be allowed out or at least, as have to say, should they be allowed out or at least , as alby allowed out or at least, as alby says, a tag because because actually it is happening a lot. and, and you know , possibly and, and you know, possibly i don't know about australia's gun laws are, are are really good but it shows what you can do with a knife. >> i'll be quickly. we are running out of time on this unfortunate. one our unfortunate. one of our correspondents in in australia mentioned that the mentioned the fact that that the immigration is not mentioned the fact that that the im say ration is not mentioned the fact that that the imsay that1 is not mentioned the fact that that the im say that all is not mentioned the fact that that the imsay that all immigrants is not mentioned the fact that that the imsay that all immigrants are iol to say that all immigrants are bad, etc, but it is bad, etc, etc, but it is a concern in australia and it is a concern in australia and it is a concern in australia and it is a concern in this country. certainly with many of our viewers that we don't know who we are letting into this country and what criminal records they do actually have. >> i don't know whether or not this incident has anything to do with we don't know that, but we don't know who's coming into this either. this country either. >> know that. but >> we don't know that. but but i just don't to get into a just don't want to get into a discussion about immigration. >> we don't know whether or not this gentleman was an immigrant.
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we do know there are situations in the uk where there are immigrants, asylum who immigrants, asylum seekers who have perhaps committed crime, and been strong and we have not been strong enough deporting who enough on deporting people who commit in this country, commit crime in this country, who foreign criminals. who are foreign criminals. i think 10% of the prison population of foreign population is made up of foreign criminals. however in this situation in australia, i don't even if that's relevant even know if that's a relevant angle. no, but i mean, it's a concern. >> we do have to remember that wayne couzens, who probably was the worst , i wayne couzens, who probably was the worst, i mean, who kidnapped a off the street, was a woman off the street, was white and a policeman. no, absolutely. >> yeah. well, that makes that's even scarier, right, for all the best analysis opinion on best analysis and opinion on that story and much more, please go to our website,, i'm dawn neesom. this is gb news saturday and there's lots more coming up on today's show . cease fire now on today's show. cease fire now calls for the government to denounce actions taken by the israeli defence force. continue this week, as thousands march across london. but will rishi sunak listen? all of that and much more to come. this is gb news, britain's news channel .
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welcome back to gb news. sarah dyke with me. dawn neesom on your telly's online and on digital radio. now, once again, pro—palestinian protests are filling the streets of cities across the country, calling for across the country, calling for a ceasefire in gaza. as israel becomes increasingly isolated and both the tories and labour are divided on arms sales, the stop the war coalition says it's vital they keep up the pressure from the streets of the capitals for an immediate ceasefire and an end to uk weapons sales. okay, i'm not listening so far, are they ? joining me now is gb are they? joining me now is gb news reporterjack are they? joining me now is gb news reporter jack carson, who is live on the streets with the marches for us, jack good afternoon. what's happening behind you now ? behind you now? >> well, the marches have started. remember when an hour
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ago. they hadn't started yet. they've now started. we've just reached aldwych on the route of these protests. now, the pro palestine protester heading towards embankment line up towards embankment to line up and protest further in parliament square . but i was parliament square. but i was talking earlier about a counter protest. what we've got now here is we've got to the point at aldwych where we've now got these pro—israel protesters who there's placards saying hamas a terrorist. there's lots of, of course, israeli flags , a couple course, israeli flags, a couple of union flags as well. but what we've got now is this confrontation from both sides, because the other side of me here, walking around aldwych, we've also got the pro—palestine protesters. i mean, there's one man that's been shouting zionist terrorists up towards the pro—israel protesters, both sides chanting the likes of shame on you at each other. now of course, the pro—israel protesters got permission to have a static position alongside the march here. and that's what they've done as these thousands of thousands of pro—palestinian
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protesters march by me here. of course, the aim of the protest, initially , they've been going on initially, they've been going on for six months now. of course, it started as a ceasefire march, now moving the angle of now moving towards the angle of stop arming israel. now there is pressure on the government from his own conservative mps, the likes of paul bristow well, likes of paul bristow as well, been very vocal against rishi sunak decision. sunak and his decision. of course , at the moment to not course, at the moment to not cease arms sales to israel . but cease arms sales to israel. but it's difficult as well for the labour party to plenty of banners from the pro—palestine protesters to say dump starmer . protesters to say dump starmer. they are unhappy with his position so far on that conflict between israel and hamas in gaza, as well as sadiq khan. he's probably been one of the most vocal labour figures that's come out against the arms race and the arms deals that, of course , the uk has with israel. course, the uk has with israel. after those humanitarian workers were killed , of course, just a were killed, of course, just a couple of weeks ago. but it's not just in the uk. in scotland,
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humza yousaf has been very vocal , saying that the government should consider its position . so should consider its position. so that's really why these pro—palestine marches have now got this new burst of energy from the people that are supporting that cause. on that point of stop arming israel . but point of stop arming israel. but as you can see here, thousands of people marching once again towards parliament square, where they are going to line up. there's another counter protest they are going to line up. ththes another counter protest they are going to line up. ththe cenotaph counter protest they are going to line up. ththe cenotaph that ter protest they are going to line up. ththe cenotaph that is' protest they are going to line up. ththe cenotaph that is' proteby at the cenotaph that is done by turning point uk. but the designated route that these protesters has been given has not been told to go down. whitehall so there shouldn't necessarily be a confrontation between those two. of course , we between those two. of course, we know the police officers policing this protest have new powers under the new protest laws that they can arrest individuals who stray from the likes of the designated path and go into the areas which the metropolitan police have called no this protest no go areas. but this protest continues parliament continues up towards parliament square jack carson on the march today, covering that with any up breaking updates from that, and jack will be coming back to us throughout the programme on
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that. >> i'm dawn neesom and this is gb news saturday and there's lots up on today's lots more coming up on today's show. first, let's get those show. but first, let's get those news with francis. news headlines with sam francis. >> dawn, thank you very much. and good afternoon to you. just coming up to 1:32 and a recap of news out of sydney today, where police have confirmed that a man who killed six people in a stabbing spree at a shopping centre was known to police, but that the attack is not believed to have been terror related. a major investigation is now underway after six people died in that attack, including five women and one man. the knifeman was apprehended when a female officer, now being called a hero, shot him dead. australian prime minister anthony albanese has praised the bravery of the lone officer who confronted the alleged attacker, likely preventing further violence. today bondi junction was the scene of shocking violence, but it was also witness to the
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humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave police, our first responders and of course, everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment and some of the footage is quite extraordinary . in other news, extraordinary. in other news, commandos from iran have landed on a container ship in a helicopter and seized a vessel off the coast of the united arab emirates. that vessel involved is believed to have links to israel and comes amid rising tensions in the region and threats from iran . the islamic threats from iran. the islamic repubuc threats from iran. the islamic republic has called israel's presence in the uae a threat, and warned it would close the region's shipping lane if provoked , and more than 29 provoked, and more than 29 people are still stranded in cable cars above a mountain in southern turkey . one of the southern turkey. one of the cabins hit a broken pole and npped cabins hit a broken pole and ripped open, sending some passengers falling to the ground. one person died in that collision and several others are
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still injured. officials shared footage of ongoing rescue operations involving more than 600 search and rescue personnel, eight helicopters and even a cargo plane . for the latest cargo plane. for the latest stories, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the code on your screen or go to gb news. com slash alerts . com slash alerts. >> thank you very much, sam. right well, it's the last day of the grand national today, and one of the most anticipated horse racing events of the year comes to a climactic end this afternoon. joining now is gb afternoon. joining me now is gb news, north—west of england reporter sophie reaper, looking resplendent matching blue. resplendent in a matching blue. sophie, away . sophie, take it away. >> good afternoon to you, dawn . >> good afternoon to you, dawn. well, on the bright side, the sun has started to shine here. we were nervous about the weather here at aintree today , weather here at aintree today, but it's actually turning into a really rather glorious day. not to jinx ourselves, of course. now we've just seen the first
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race get underway and been won . race get underway and been won. in fact, it was quite a tight race, i believe third, fourth and fifth, but a photo finish. so the drama has already begun ahead of the grand national. of course, a few more races to run before we get to that legendary race. all eyes. of course, this year will be on corach rambler and the rambler family, last year's winner. can it do the double again like tiger roll did a few years ago? they'll be plenty of drama as we get into it. of course, the people of aintree always in the spirit, more people here now, but they are just over my left side there watching the horses come around that have just taken part in that have just taken part in that race. if i turn, you might be able to see one of them coming just here, where i believe if my cameraman can show that just there . i'm not sure if that just there. i'm not sure if that's the winner or not, but they have just run in that first race here at aintree today as i was saying, people here at aintree, of course, getting into the spirit , we aintree, of course, getting into the spirit, we had a aintree, of course, getting into the spirit , we had a little chat the spirit, we had a little chat with a few of them earlier.
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here's what they had to me. here's what they had to tell me. do you the grand national do you think the grand national means liverpool and the means to liverpool and to the people come, think anyone people who come, i think anyone who comes to liverpool enjoys it has fantastic time and really has a fantastic time and really gets involved in the hospitality that the liverpool people give them yourself. >> yeah , just love it. >> yeah, just love it. >> yeah, just love it. >> it'sjust >> yeah, just love it. >> it's just it makes the city the city is fabulous anyway, we love it. but yeah, it's just everything we love it. >> well it's the atmosphere. it's absolutely fantastic here. you can't beat the atmosphere for racing. >> the horses are brilliant. the people are brilliant times. people are brilliant all times. >> great event for all >> it's a great event for all the family. >> people come from all over the world and the people of liverpool make them welcome and everybody enjoys and we have everybody enjoys it and we have a day and hopefully win a great day and hopefully win some money. a great day and hopefully win some brings. a great day and hopefully win some brings a lot of joy, it >> it brings a lot of joy, it bnngs >> it brings a lot of joy, it brings a lot of money to the area and it's a wonderful experience that most of us from liverpool have enjoyed since we were children . were children. >> well, there we go. as we just heard, it's not just a huge
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event on the racing calendar, it's also a huge event every year here in liverpool at aintree , the energy is high, the aintree, the energy is high, the excitement is high as we build up to that grand national in just a few hours time . just a few hours time. >> thank you very much , sophie. >> thank you very much, sophie. our very own fine filly. they're having a lovely time up at aintree and don't they all look wonderful? i'm glad they're enjoying the hospitality. as that young lady welcome that young lady said, welcome back. gb news dawn neesom on your telly. online and digital radio. now, this is a gb news. you're watching us. get in touch . they see it on your
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welcome back to gb news. saturday, beth mead dawn neesom on your tv , online and on on your tv, online and on digital radio. now. loads of you have been getting in touch, sending your thoughts in. and it's really to easy do so we've got a new thing
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forward your say. that's forward slash your say. that's how do it's on your how you do it. it's on your screen there. you can do that. but you have read but those of you who have read some them are really some some of them are really sad. obviously talking about the ongoing breaking news story from australia knifeman ongoing breaking news story from aust hasi knifeman ongoing breaking news story from aust has attacked knifeman ongoing breaking news story from aust has attacked and knifeman ongoing breaking news story from aust has attacked and killednan ongoing breaking news story from aust has attacked and killed at1 who has attacked and killed at least six people in a shopping centre in sydney, cliff says i am absolutely heartbroken of the news of the nine month old baby being injured. it's just awful . being injured. it's just awful. i'm a 65 year old man and i'm absolutely bawling my eyes out . absolutely bawling my eyes out. yeah, i do understand, i really do. meanwhile on the other big story of the day, the grand national, obviously, robert says i love horses and have no objection to flat racing , but objection to flat racing, but the grand national is the ultimate in cruelty. with the height and width of fences and the length of the race. i used to watch it, but are no longer do that is the big debate and finally, on the protest going on in today , several in london today, several protests. one are, palestine protests. one are, palestine protest march and one israel
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israel march as well, barry says , isn't it time these marches were banned after months of weekly protests that see palestinian priest one, costing them £30 million so far and taking the police away from fighting crime. and a lot of you are echoing those sentiments and, they go on every week. it costs more money, and no one appears to be doing anything about it. what they want, do they? right. okay. well, it is they? right. okay. well, it is the last day of the grand national today as one of the most anticipated horse racing events of the year, comes to a climactic end afternoon . climactic end this afternoon. now, if you remember rightly, last race was delayed now, if you remember rightly, leprotest race was delayed now, if you remember rightly, leprotest from; was delayed now, if you remember rightly, leprotest from the s delayed now, if you remember rightly, leprotest from the animalzd now, if you remember rightly, leprotest from the animal rising a protest from the animal rising group famous group with the famous steeplechase starting nearly 15 minutes late. after that, people invaded the track. but this year it's different, they say they will not target this year's race, with a spokesman saying it's disrupting races going to be the most effective way . to be the most effective way. to end horse racing. we think not because we think the public has
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already for already made the decision for themselves. okay. joining themselves. okay. well, joining me this decision me now to explain this decision further is animal rising activist orla coughlan . orla, activist orla coughlan. orla, thank you so much for joining activist orla coughlan. orla, thank you so much forjoining us this afternoon. good to see you all. you're not targeted. you were part of the protest last yean were part of the protest last year. you're not targeting the race year . and year. you're not targeting the race year. and you year. you're not targeting the race year . and you say race this year. and you say because horse racing is not going to be affected by your protest and that it's not as popular, but it is still making millions of pounds for the economy. and as we see 80,000, 80,000 people at aintree today , 80,000 people at aintree today, it does seem to be as popular as ever. >> even >> hi don, thanks so much for having me. >> we know from our protest last year that the popularity of horse racing is in serious decline . we saw after the race, decline. we saw after the race, after hill 16 died on that first jump after hill 16 died on that first jump last year, that the yougov poll has shown that 54% of the general public think that the sport is cruel, and so we're really seeing this shift in pubuc really seeing this shift in public opinion. and after we started this big public
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conversation last year, that conversation last year, that conversation is continuing and the general public are aware of what's going on. >> so, orla, i mean, basically what do animal rising want? do they want the horse racing. just, just stops completely . just, just stops completely. >> so look, we're a group of people who care very much about animals, and we think that the general public in the uk also care a lot about animals. so what we think we should do is to really seriously consider that relationship. and there's relationship. and if there's a way that we can have animals in the uk horses , have animals the uk have horses, have animals in food system, and treat in our food system, and treat them with respect and treat them with the love that they deserve . with the love that they deserve. >> after all, what would you say to the charge that if you do, if you do achieve getting rid of horse racing in general, you will drive it underground and therefore it becomes much more dangerous for the animals involved , i don't think this is involved, i don't think this is true at all. i think we can, you know, have a ban on horse racing
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and i think we can move away from the sport completely, i think that in the uk at the moment, we almost no wild moment, we have almost no wild horses that's something horses. and that's something that, bring that, you know, we could bring back. could have a completely back. we could have a completely different with different relationship with animals, yeah. bring animals, we could. yeah. bring them back into wild spaces. and that's that the general that's a way that the general pubuc that's a way that the general public engage with that's a way that the general public and, engage with that's a way that the general public and, and engage with that's a way that the general public and, and see gage with that's a way that the general public and, and see them with that's a way that the general public and, and see them inh animals and, and see them in their natural habitat . their natural habitat. >> and do know that >> and we do know that statistically, more horses are killed, you know, not in the racing industry. they're killed naturally in their own paddocks and things like that. so, i mean, what's your answer to that one? >> i'm afraid that's not statistically accurate, i would hope that more horses die in, you know, in their natural habitats than they do in that, you know , 30s of a race, but we you know, 30s of a race, but we know that a horse is dying every other day on the british tracks. and saw, tragically, two and we saw, tragically, two horses die yesterday. and this is despite, know, the is despite, you know, the massive publicity stunts that the are putting the racing industry are putting on a show, to try and divert on as a show, to try and divert the public's attention. but i think it's becoming incredibly
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clear. >> and, and so what do you think? i mean, if you did get your wish and we stopped horse racing, both the flat. are you happy with the flat racing or is that problem that something that's a problem as well, unfortunately that >> well, unfortunately that statistic of a horse dying every other day on the british tracks is on flat racing. the is also on flat racing. the horses do die on the flat as well. less so, so i imagine this, this ban will start with jump this, this ban will start with jump racing, but eventually it will also encompass flat racing . will also encompass flat racing. >> okay. and what would happen to the horses that do take part? highly trained, horses. what would happen to the horses if we did stop racing them? i mean, surely they would be euthanized in some way because they're not suitable you say, be wild suitable to, as you say, be wild animals be animals or be pets. >> this is the billion >> well, this is the billion pound industry, don. so i really hope trainers who, hope that these trainers who, you know, have this money, have bred these horses and are able to give them lifelong care. if they're not, i'd be incredibly shocked. >> as you say, it a very, >> as you say, it is a very, very rich industry. there was a lot of money. there's a lot of money going to the bookies this
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afternoon at aintree itself, but it also it , it develops afternoon at aintree itself, but it also it, it develops a afternoon at aintree itself, but it also it , it develops a lot of it also it, it develops a lot of money for the tax industry. the tax system in this country. and it employs a lot of people. what would you say to the people involved in the actual industry? they're going their they're all going to lose their jobs. lose awful lot of jobs. we lose an awful lot of tax . tax revenue. >> yeah. i think this is this is the incredibly difficult conversation that we need to start we can start having is how we can support into other support these people into other industries . we know that industries. and we do know that this you know, this is, you know, a multi—billion industry . so multi—billion pound industry. so i the industry i would hope that the industry would support people would be able to support people who this who are employed in this transition and not leave them flat backs. okay that's flat on their backs. okay that's animal rising activist orla cochrane. >> thank you very much for joining us this afternoon. orla. what about that ? i what do you think about that? i mean, is horse riding cruel? should we just ban it completely? let me know. i'm dawn neesom . this is gb news dawn neesom. this is gb news saturday and there's lots more coming up on today's show. now showbiz amanda holden unleashes a blistering attack on bitter sharon osbourne and louis walsh after simon cowell dig all of that and much more to come. this
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hello. welcome back to gb news saturday with me. dawn neesom on your telly. online and on digital radio. right hope you've got a nice cup of tea and maybe some bickies, because we're talk showbiz. we're going to talk showbiz. amanda holden has launched a blistering attack about former x factor star sharon osbourne . the factor star sharon osbourne. the britain's got talent judge accused osbourne and louis walsh of being bitter and pathetic. ouch holden didn't hold back in sharing her thoughts on the row, which started when the former x factor judges appeared on celebrity big brother and slammed music mogul simon cowell. now joining me is the wonderful showbiz supremo stephanie takyi too. i'm stunned by this story because showbiz people just don't do this . people just don't do this. usually say nasty things. >> they their >> usually they have their managers saying, do not put that onune managers saying, do not put that online because it's to online because it's going to come bite in the butt.
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come to bite you in the butt. but clearly the showbiz claws are think amanda are out. and i think amanda holden needed a reality check because was she these because this was she said these comments during an interview with daily mail's weekend with the daily mail's weekend magazine. she's magazine. obviously she's defending simon cowell, who is her on bgt . she probably her boss on bgt. she probably didn't think that those words will get picked up. anything you say as a celebrity can turn into a salacious story, especially if you're going for someone who's outspoken as sharon osbourne, who did not keep quiet about this, who's come back and attacked amanda and said, you are very ill, ill informed and you're sycophantic as well, frantic, i hope i said that right. and she said that basically you have no right to say that you don't know nothing about my career, because fair enough. sharon x factor enough. sharon was on x factor for a very long time, but she's beenin for a very long time, but she's been in the music industry for decades , even. she said. i've decades, even. she said. i've been living beverley mansions been living in beverley mansions from beverly hills, mansions from beverly hills, mansions from the time you were born. and she i am a global she says, i am a global celebrity. so this was really a slanging match going back and forth. and obviously in this
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attack back from sharon, she is talking about all of her credentials. but she said, you know don't usually talk know what, i don't usually talk about and my lifestyle about wealth and my lifestyle because crude and because i find it crude and classless. but she obviously must have felt that she had to come back retaliate to what come back and retaliate to what amanda was saying. it is amanda holden was saying. it is incredible. amanda holden was saying. it is incre mean, it's a long i mean, >> i mean, it's a long i mean, obviously with social media these over the these days, it's all over the place. and sharon, sharon, i mean, has been though in the mean, she has been though in the past, people her to past, if people upset her to send very unpleasant things send them very unpleasant things in the post, wasn't she? >> that's why i'm surprised that amanda out with amanda holden came out with those because if those comments, because if you're do with you're going to do it with someone who's outspoken someone who's not as outspoken as sharon, maybe get away as sharon, maybe you'll get away with going after sharon with it. but going after sharon osbourne, laid osbourne, after she's laid it all on celebrity big all out on celebrity big brother, there's no harm for her to be put in that on x and expressing her but expressing her views. but i think is a lot of think what i've read is a lot of people actually are siding with sharon because, you know, you can't someone who's can't go after someone who's actually a successful actually had a successful career. one thing made career. she one thing that made me like , the me laugh, she was like, the money simon cowell paid me me laugh, she was like, the monwent simon cowell paid me me laugh, she was like, the monwent onsimon cowell paid me me laugh, she was like, the monwent on handbagsell paid me me laugh, she was like, the monwent on handbags ,.l paid me me laugh, she was like, the monwent on handbags , darling,|e just went on handbags, darling, i know, i know, ding ding. >> it's a great i mean, the one
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thing about sharon osbourne, she has very, fine way has got a very, very fine way with and she doesn't waste with words and she doesn't waste any here because was any here because amanda was literally you're literally implying, well, you're nothing without simon cowell. >> to give her >> and she just had to give her a reality check. >> amazing. this is one to >> it is amazing. this is one to watch and it's still ongoing. it really is. >> and i just it is. it's going back and forth. and obviously the public having say the public are having their say on that was a bit of on it. but that was a bit of saturday entertainment online on it. but that was a bit of satus. ay entertainment online for us. >> t- t well it cheered for us. >> day well it cheered for us. >> day up. well it cheered for us. >> day up. obviously cheered for us. >> day up. obviously it'seered for us. >> day up. obviously it's like my day up. obviously it's like celebrities being honest for once. do with more of once. we could do with more of that, couldn't behind that, couldn't we? behind the scenes . stephanie, thank that, couldn't we? behind the scenes. stephanie, thank you very us and very much forjoining us and cheering frankly, tough very much forjoining us and cheer day, frankly, tough very much forjoining us and cheer day, i'm frankly, tough very much forjoining us and cheer day, i'm dawn y, tough very much forjoining us and cheer day, i'm dawn y, toug this news day, i'm dawn neesom this is news saturday and there's is gb news saturday and there's lots more coming up on today's show. first, it's time to show. but first, it's time to look. at least the weather is being a cheerful, it? being a bit cheerful, is it? let's find with ellie, shall we? >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar , the sponsors of weather solar, the sponsors of weather on . gb news. on. gb news. >> good afternoon. welcome to
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your latest gb news weather from the met office. so it's been a bit of a drier day for some of us compared to recent weeks, but there is still plenty of showers around low pressure. around with low pressure. situated to the situated quite close to the north uk, high pressure north of the uk, high pressure does towards south does sit out towards the south and east, but it's this cold and the east, but it's this cold front that's going to bring some cloud and rain to parts of england and wales through the rest of this evening. it does eventually clear its way south and and into and eastwards overnight and into the sunday, leaving and eastwards overnight and into the a sunday, leaving and eastwards overnight and into the a dry sunday, leaving and eastwards overnight and into the a dry picture ', leaving and eastwards overnight and into the a dry picture for aving and eastwards overnight and into the a dry picture for most of and eastwards overnight and into theinto dry picture for most of and eastwards overnight and into theinto dry early 'e for most of and eastwards overnight and into theinto dry early 'e for rof st of us into the early hours of sunday still some sunday morning. still some showers parts of showers around across parts of scotland these turn scotland and these could turn heavy under those heavy in places. but under those clear temperatures clear skies, temperatures dropping off quite nicely around 7 across the south 7 or 8 degrees across the south and down to around 2 or 3 across parts scotland, we could parts of scotland, we could even see frost places, so see some frost in places, so that leave bit of a that does leave a bit of a chillier across chillier start to sunday across parts scotland. showers parts of scotland. those showers quite pushing in from quite quickly pushing in from the west though, and spreading their eastwards the their way eastwards through the day drier day. further south, a drier start, will see some start, but we will see some cloud bubbling up through the afternoon. probably the best of the southeastern the sunshine across southeastern parts will be a parts of england. it will be a bit a cooler day than
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bit of a cooler day than saturday as well. highs in the south 14 or 15 and in the south around 14 or 15 and in the north around 9 or 10, but quite brisk wind here monday. brisk wind here through monday. those showers become much more widespread across the uk, moving through relatively quickly on a brisk northwesterly wind, so it will feel a little cooler than over the weekend. those showers continue into the start of the next week, and those temperatures a little below average, but recovering closer to average through of to average through the end of the week . the week. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on . gb news. on. gb news. >> thank you very much, eddie. little teaser , wasn't it? it's little teaser, wasn't it? it's actually going to be nice. keep with it. there's lots more coming up on today's show, six people have been killed as you've been hearing the you've been hearing during the show, spree at a show, in a stabbing spree at a shopping near bondi beach shopping centre near bondi beach in sydney, several in sydney, australia. several others have been injured, including a nine month old baby that has undergone surgery this afternoon. we're bringing you the that breaking the latest on that breaking story, all of that and much more to come. gb news,
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to come. this is gb news, britain's news channel
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hello and welcome to gb news saturday. i'm dawn neesom for the next houn be i'm dawn neesom for the next hour. be keeping you company on tv, online and on digital radio. keeping you up to date on all the stories that really matter to you. coming up this hour, six people have been killed in a stabbing spree at a shopping centre near bondi beach in australia, several others were injured, including a nine month old baby that has undergone surgery . we'll bring you all the surgery. we'll bring you all the latest on this breaking story, then ceasefire now calls for the government to denounce actions taken by the israeli defence force. continue this week as thousands march across london, but will rishi sunak take any notice? and it's the last day of
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the grand national meeting today, as one of the most anticipated horse racing events of the year, comes to cosmetic end this afternoon . but animal end this afternoon. but animal rights groups say they won't intervene . are wonder why intervene. are wonder why? but this show is nothing without you and your views. it's your show. this is all about what you're thinking, what you're talking about. so let me know your thoughts on well anything thoughts on well and anything you want to talk about. on all the stories we're discussing today. it's very simple. just visit and join the conversation. you can talk to me directly if you really want, or you can message me on socials. we're me on our socials. we're @gbnews, but first let's get the news headlines francis . news headlines with sam francis. >> dawn, thank you very much and good afternoon. from the newsroom just after 2:00, leading the news today. police in sydney have now confirmed that a man who killed six people
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in a stabbing spree at a shopping centre was known to police. but they say the attack is not believed to be terror related. five of the six victims killed were women, while eight people, including a nine month old baby, have been taken to hospital with stab wounds. that attack ended when a lone female officer, now being called a hero, confronted the alleged attacker and shot him dead. police commissioner karen webb says a major investigation is now underway. police have secured the crime scene, which you can imagine is expansive inside a very big, busy commercial shopping centre in sydney, and the crime scene remains ongoing and it will remains ongoing and it will remain ongoing for a number of days. remain ongoing for a number of days . in other news, commandos days. in other news, commandos from iran have landed on a container ship in a helicopter and seized that vessel off the coast of the united arab emirates . the vessel involved is emirates. the vessel involved is believed to have links to israel
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and comes amid rising tensions in the region and threats from iran . the islamic republic has iran. the islamic republic has called israel's presence in the uae a threat, and warned it would close the region's shipping lane if provoked. meanwhile, as tensions there in the middle east rise, the us president says that he fears an iranian attack on america's allies will come sooner rather than later. however, joe biden had this warning for tehran we are devoted to the defence of israel. >> we will support israel. we will defend, help defend israel, and iran will not succeed . thank and iran will not succeed. thank you very much. >> the iranian government has promised revenge for an israeli air strike on its consulate in damascus that killed some of its top commanders in response, though, the us says it is now moving additional assets to the middle east and countries including india , france and including india, france and poland have also warned their citizens against travelling to the region . a new poll has found the region. a new poll has found that president biden has nearly
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erased donald trump's advantage. that poll , by the new york times that poll, by the new york times and siena college found that 45% of voters say they would vote for the president, compared to just mr trump's 46. it means they're now virtually tied with joe biden's standing among democratic voters, improving . democratic voters, improving. however, despite a strong economy, almost 80% rated in that poll economic conditions as just fair or poor. more than 29 people are still stranded in cable cars above a mountain in southern turkey. that's after one of the cabins hit a broken pole and ripped open , sending pole and ripped open, sending some passengers falling to the ground. one person died in that collision and several others are injured . officials shared injured. officials shared footage of ongoing rescue operations involving more than 600 search and rescue personnel, eight helicopters and a cargo plane here in the uk. meanwhile, greater manchester police say they have found what they
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believe to be human remains . believe to be human remains. human remains rather of a young babyin human remains rather of a young baby in wigan , five people have baby in wigan, five people have been arrested on suspicion of concealing a death and unlawful burial. the group, aged between 20 and 70, have now been bailed . 20 and 70, have now been bailed. the chancellor says that he's ready to cut taxes and to bet on growth. that's after the economy grew by nought point 1% in february. the office for national statistics has also revised january's figure, pushing it up to 0.3. writing in the daily express, jeremy hunt says that britain has done the hard yards and that the economy is, he says, bouncing back. but labour says most people aren't feeling any of the benefits. with low growth and higher taxes under the conservative government the chief executive of nhs england has called out what she's called unacceptable abusive behaviour to the doctors and nurses face in the workplace . amanda pritchard says the health service needs to stamp out abusive behaviour and shouldn't be exempt from its own metoo movement . according to
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metoo movement. according to a major survey, there were 80,000 reports of nhs staff in england being sexually harassed while at work last year, reports were more prevalent among ambulance staff, nursing staff and healthcare assistants . well, healthcare assistants. well, there's just a few hours to go until one of horse racing's biggest events of the year, the grand national. but there have been some changes. new safety measures are in place, meaning six fewer horses are taking part. it's after four horses died last year. however, campaigners say changes to this afternoon's event are nothing more than a pr stunt. after two other horses died just yesterday on the track, though, it will be as competitive as ever for the million pound prize . labour million pound prize. labour claims that britain's roads now have 100 times as many potholes as there are craters on the moon. figures estimate that there were more than 1 million potholes on uk roads last year, which could cause serious damage to cars. the party's deputy leader, angela rayner, says
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rishi sunak is living on another planet after failing to fix the problem. but the government says it is investing billions of pounds into improving our roads. that's the latest from the newsroom for now. plenty more to come with dawn throughout the rest of this afternoon. until then, you can sign up to gb news alerts. just scan the code there on your screen or go to gb news. common alerts. >> thank you very much, sam. let's get straight into today's story , shall we? it's back to story, shall we? it's back to our main live breaking story. six people have been killed in a knife attack at a shopping centre near bondi beach in sydney, australia. several others have been injured, including a nine month old baby that has undergone surgery . the that has undergone surgery. the baby's mum reportedly died in hospital . witnesses have hospital. witnesses have described the terrifying scenes . described the terrifying scenes. >> i didn't see him properly. i was running , >> i didn't see him properly. i was running, but, it's just it was running, but, it's just it
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was insane . it was insanity. was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it. >> some guy running around stabbing people seems pretty random. probably a terrorist attack . attack. >> we saw all these people running towards us, and then we heard a shot . heard a shot. >> authorities say many more might have been killed had it not been for the actions of a lone police officer who confronted the attacker. the knifeman was known to police, but the attack is not believed to be terror related . and, it's to be terror related. and, it's a horrific story and there's so much to try and understand about what's happened in australia today. so joining me now is gb news home and security editor mark white. mark what further have we learned as the day's progressed or indeed the evening's progressed in australia ? australia? >> well, that confirmation that the police know who this knife attacker is , that he was 40 year attacker is, that he was 40 year old man who was known to the authorities . now, they haven't authorities. now, they haven't said exactly what he was known
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to the police for, but they are not. they believe looking at someone who is an extremist, having said that, they may change the characterisation of this individual depending on what they find when they delve into his background in more detail, look at his associates, look at his internet browsing history and alike. but at the moment , they don't think they're moment, they don't think they're looking at a terrorist motivation for this horrific attack that unfolded. as you mentioned , the bravery of that mentioned, the bravery of that police inspector , the first on police inspector, the first on the scene who ran up, confronted this knife attacker, shouted at him to put the weapon down. he turned around, raised the weapon, and she opened fire and undoubtedly saved more lives. but there were other acts of heroism that have been , also heroism that have been, also praised, including one video that we can show you, which is a member of the public in the shopping centre picking up a
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bollard at the top of an escalator. that escalator stopped somehow, either he pressed the emergency button or it was already stopped. but he's fending off this knife attacker with that bollard. a tremendously brave thing to do, given that this man was going around stabbing anyone in sight. so just one of the acts of bravery , and of course, also bravery, and of course, also being praised, are the people that try to come to the aid of those that have been stabbed to help them out. the indications from eyewitnesses , don, was that from eyewitnesses, don, was that this man was deliberately trying to single out, women, children , to single out, women, children, not men actively, it seems, avoiding men. and that would appear to be borne out by the demographics of those who have died , at least, the police died, at least, the police telling us that five of the six people who suffered fatal injuries were women .
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injuries were women. >> and as you said, mark, he was known to police, which, i mean, is one of those phrases that we hear all too often now. we've seen it in the in the united kingdom recently with a poor, poor young mum who lost her own life while pushing a baby, by an attacker who was known to police. i mean, we've got to start learning lessons from these sort of things . these sort of things. >> yeah. i mean, what will be crucial to understand is what was he known for? you know, was it a traffic violation? was he actually involved in violent altercations in the past? we don't know at this stage what that was, but if it turns out that was, but if it turns out that actually, this man should never have been on the streets in the first place, that somehow he had offended and was still out there or whatever . we just out there or whatever. we just don't know. we're at the early stages of an incident, so we've got to expect that the police can't tell us everything right away. they're gathering their own information and trying to
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assess everything they know about the individual . but at about the individual. but at least at this stage, they believe it's not a terrorist motivation. but that will probably do very little to reassure many people in sydney and beyond who will look at the images that have been circulating and look at them with absolute horror and only feel, absolute, pity for that poor mother who are dying. moments were spent just trying to hand off her baby, to a passer by in the hope that that that man would be able to save the baby. and we know that the baby has been taken to hospital, has undergone surgery , but no has undergone surgery, but no further on the baby's further update on the baby's condition . condition. >> and, marcus, as i'm talking to you now, we're seeing footage again of that, that hero who was, the attacker was, stopping the attacker getting up a travelator. and we believe he was on his way or getting very close to a children's play area in the shopping centre .
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shopping centre. >> well, this is it. i mean, because , in sydney as well, it because, in sydney as well, it was the first day of the school holidays. so this mall was absolutely packed with families out there enjoying a saturday afternoon , as people do in afternoon, as people do in shopping malls the world over. and those that want to cause maximum harm . sadly, we've seen maximum harm. sadly, we've seen time and again pick out crowded places and pick out places where vulnerable people often are, you know, the young or the elderly , know, the young or the elderly, people that are perhaps not as able to get away from them or to fend them off as they're being attacked. and that's what we're seeing. whatever his motivation was, clearly he picked an area that would be crowded and crowded with women and children as that was, according again to the eyewitnesses and borne out by the sort of demographics of those who have died appears to be, the, the sort of
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demographics that he was looking for as he went around stabbing, the most vulnerable people in that shopping centre. >> and mark, the perception, obviously, is that australia is a very safe country to go to. this is a very unusual thing to have happened in australia . have happened in australia. >> well, it has crime. louis you know, violent crime rates, like, many other, big cities. sydney, and, you know, people are concerned about that as they are in london or in birmingham, about the potential for knife crime and other violent incidents. but yes, as far as terrorism is concerned, events are, fairly, few and far between, perhaps because of the geographic distance as well that australia is from , the western australia is from, the western world in that sense, but also , world in that sense, but also, you know, the, the police and security services have a good handle on the extremists in
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australia as well. we have had multiple terrorist arrests over the years. but as i say, we've got to keep going back to this, this, this point that the commissioner of new south wales police has been making in her press statement that at this stage, they do not believe there is a terrorist motive , but is a terrorist motive, but around the world there are real concerns about the fact that groups like isis are on the rise again, making threats, claiming attacks in moscow, making threats against the, champions league matches that were taking place during the week there as well. so there is a lot of concern about the potential for terrorist threats. couple that with other people who are willing to go out there and for whatever their motivation might be, cause real harm to innocent members of the public. >> thank you very much. that's gb news home and security
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edhon gb news home and security editor, mark white. thank you, mark, with that update. now, please stay with gb we're please stay with gb news. we're bringing updates as and bringing you live updates as and when on this when they happen on this breaking , an awful breaking news story, an awful tragedy. sunny saturday afternoon , people out in a afternoon, people out in a shopping centre. and this happens at all forjoining me now is the chief operating officer from the conservative friends of the commonwealth, sonu sharma. and former labour mp stephen pound. afternoon. gentlemen good afternoon. thank you very much for joining me this afternoon. not something any of us expected to be talking about. not something any of us want to be talking about, but it's something we have to be talking about. of course we do. of course we do. i'm going to come to you first. i mean, you are conservative friends of the commonwealth. i this is commonwealth. i mean, this is obviously country obviously a commonwealth country . do make about what's . what do you make about what's happened australia today? happened in australia today? horrible, horrible news, i think it's really disturbing to see somebody do that, to essentially vulnerable people and people that were easy to target , and i that were easy to target, and i think it will start to reignite
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the debate in terms of australia and the policies, whether it's with political asylums, there are immigration policies, open border sort of system. i know it's a bit it's more close than ours, but although this is they're not saying it's a terrorist attack. we can clearly see from the images that the man isn't, you know , there is some isn't, you know, there is some question about where this man has come from. i'm sure we'll get more information that comes out, do need to out, but i think we do need to look some of the incidents look at some of the incidents that have happened in the last ten years, particular, ten years, in particular, the four incidents four previous major incidents have three individuals have come from three individuals or that come or groups of people that come from islamic state countries, and i think we need to what you what i think mark mentioned really well was about how well the police have done in stopping a that we a lot of the attacks that we don't know about. so don't actually know about. so we know they stopped, an know in 2017 they stopped, an aeroplane bombed. the aeroplane being bombed. the police got right to the police have got right to the end. six all from again, end. six men all from again, some beirut, lebanon, some from beirut, lebanon, there's been multiple incidences
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where the police have done a phenomenal job of stopping these , these sort of attacks. unfortunately, that's not unfortunately, today, that's not happened. unfortunately, today, that's not happened . and i think it does happened. and i think it does open the debate up again in terms of how australia. >> interesting >> it's an interesting you mentioned that, sunil, because i mean, know what the mean, we don't know what the what motive for this what the motive is for this attack. what the motive is for this attil k. you know , the police >> i mean, you know, the police say he is known to them, but we they say there is no link to terrorism as far as we're at the moment. obviously all is moment. obviously all this is just today. moment. obviously all this is jus all today. moment. obviously all this is jus all this today. moment. obviously all this is jus all this is today. moment. obviously all this is jusall this is going today. moment. obviously all this is jusall this is going come'. so all this is going to come out. but are echoing a lot out. but you are echoing a lot of what people saying and of what people are saying and what viewers are saying what of our viewers are saying is you know, we don't is like, you know, we don't know. with the illegal know. certainly with the illegal immigration, we know. this immigration, we don't know. this person's either. person's a migrant either. but a lot we lot of you are saying this, we don't is coming into don't know who is coming into this and australia has this country. and australia has a tougher ruling than do, but a tougher ruling than we do, but we know who these people we don't know who these people are. we don't want the criminal records are, as i said, we don't know margaret, know this person. margaret, i'm not all. but not blaming migrants at all. but a you are saying that the a lot of you are saying that the stats support this, right? >> australia, you look stats support this, right? >>the australia, you look stats support this, right? >>the percentage|, you look stats support this, right? >>the percentage of you look stats support this, right? >>the percentage of people ok stats support this, right? >>the percentage of people in at the percentage of people in terms crimes. so terms of committing crimes. so look, know , i don't you look, you know, i don't like you said don't know where this
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said we don't know where this ethnicity there is an ethnicity is, but there is an example of in terms of proportion population proportion of the population compared so you know, compared to crime. so you know, what the proportion of the population is versus crime. population is versus the crime. and under one is and anything under one is underrepresented. so uk is the uk migrants and australia is about 0.22. so that's really good. we don't commit crime when we're in there. india's .46. so we're in there. india's .46. so we're under the one for sudan . we're under the one for sudan. it's 6.71. so that is they are they're committing six times more than the crime than the average population does. it's the same the next ones are coming towards somalia which is around four. then it's samoa is up there, then it's iraq, then it's afghanistan again. these are, you know , people, the are, you know, people, the checks and balances, i think, which is what we're talking to and alluding to is are they that great in australia? and what makes me concerned when we see the about the champions the threats about the champions league of clubs league in terms of english clubs and in europe, and what's going on in europe, if happening in if this is happening in australia, has been pretty australia, which has been pretty good terms of the it's good in terms of the way it's deau good in terms of the way it's dealt with, of stuff dealt with, this sort of stuff i think is deeply concerning about
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for us in europe , sure. for us here in europe, for sure. >> stephen, it's >> i mean, stephen, it's obviously story , obviously it's a shocking story, you know, just ordinary families going about business. on a going about their business. on a sunny afternoon, sunny saturday afternoon, the local we don't local shopping centre. we don't know we know know the motive. we don't know who we know it's who this person is. we know it's a year old man, a lone a 40 year old man, a lone attacker who appear to be targeting women. attacker who appear to be targyes,g women. attacker who appear to be targyes, itnomen. attacker who appear to be targyes, it certainly to >> yes, it certainly seems to that that's , you know, and let's that that's, you know, and let's not forget a baby. >> you who's insurgent. >> you know who's insurgent. but look, interestingly, look, i think, interestingly, australian look, i think, interestingly, austra held up look, i think, interestingly, austraheld up as an example to being held up as an example to many people this country. so many people in this country. so i this needs to be some i think this needs to be some reassessment there. >> you know, nights >> but look, you know, nights falling a lot falling in sydney now and a lot of will be experiencing of people will be experiencing strange emotions tonight. >> them will just be >> some of them will just be feeling fear because the feeling the fear because of the random nature this. random nature of this. >> i in the commons when >> and i was in the commons when somebody drove into somebody drove a car into westminster came into westminster bridge, came into carriage pc carriage gate and stabbed pc keith . keith palmer. >> and you remember, i remember you at time and you speaking at the time and after was over, and god after that was over, and god rest his pc palmer had rest his soul, pc palmer had been the person the been killed and the person the murderer killed. had murderer had been killed. we had strange of strange emotions because some of us like a kind of us felt almost like a kind of unworthiness, that we're survivors . guilt, you know. why survivors. guilt, you know. why was it him?
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>> not us? i mean, that's a recognised thing. >> a lot of people will >> and a lot of people will actually say, you know, is our life safe was? one life as safe as it was? one minute we're pottering around in the commons thinking the house of commons thinking we're protected we're the most protected place in world. minute we in the world. next minute we got blood cobblestones in the world. next minute we got blood the cobblestones in the world. next minute we got blood the memberstones in the world. next minute we got blood the members entrance outside the members entrance there. that the there. so the emotions that the people will be people in australia will be feeling be mixed. and feeling will be mixed. and i think people will have think a lot of people will have sleepless tonight. as think a lot of people will have sleeplrightly tonight. as think a lot of people will have sleeplrightly says, night. as think a lot of people will have sleeplrightly says, let's. as sunni rightly says, let's actually concentrate some actually concentrate on some of the things about i the good things about this. i have to was listening have to say, i was listening to karen who's police karen webb, who's the police commissioner in new south wales, talking police talking about the police inspector. you know, double inspector. you know, who double tapped concern. tapped the person in concern. i mean, say , karen webb struck mean, i say, karen webb struck me. mean, a marvellous me. i mean, what a marvellous police commissioner she was. i wonder come police commissioner she was. i wonchere. come police commissioner she was. i wonchere. she's come police commissioner she was. i wonchere. she's absolutelye over here. she's absolutely brilliant. look, it was brilliant. but look, it was pretty whether was pretty horrific whether he was targeting women or he's targeting women or he's targeting the don't know targeting the weak. i don't know whether acting from some, whether he was acting from some, you marching to the beat you know, marching to the beat of a different i don't of a different drum. i don't know, i do know is that know, all i do know is that people, rightly in people, as you rightly say, in westfield sunny saturday westfield on a sunny saturday afternoon , suddenly in the midst afternoon, suddenly in the midst of they're death. of life, they're in death. >> horrific, isn't it, >> it's horrific, isn't it, unfortunately, running unfortunately, we're running out of that gentleman , of time for that gentleman, thank you very much. that's sonu sharma former labour mp
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sharma and former labour mp stephen pound. thank you very much joining me, joining much forjoining me, joining me now, back to now, we are going back to australia as political reporter now, we are going back to ausky.ia as political reporter now, we are going back to ausky.ia as yaustraliaeporter now, we are going back to ausky.ia as yaustralia .3orter now, we are going back to ausky.ia as yaustralia .julia' at sky news australia. julia bradley, julia, thank you very much joining us, can you much for joining us, can you bnng much for joining us, can you bring us up to date on what is happening in australia now? >> well, we have had an update from our new south wales police commissioner light commissioner shedding more light on what has happened here tonight. >> we've got more information about the victims, but also this lone attacker who we know was taken down by that hero police officer , this female inspector officer, this female inspector who was the first on the scene and managed to shoot this attacker dead. now, what we know about the victims, we know there were five people who were killed in this shopping centre. one of our biggest shopping centres in sydney. four of them women, one man as well . sydney. four of them women, one man as well. but since sydney. four of them women, one man as well . but since that man as well. but since that update about the amount of people who died as a result of the attack at the centre, we
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know that an additional person has also died in hospital. and sky news knows that that is in fact a mother, a woman who was caught up at the shopping centre at this time. the mother, in fact, of that nine month old girl who was also stabbed in this incident, and that nine month old girl undergoing surgery in hospital tonight, there were also eight people in hospitals across sydney receiving treatment for a range of severities of injuries. we know that ranges from serious through to critical when it comes to the attacker, we know that he was acting alone. according to our police commissioner aged 40, they don't believe that he was, motivated by a terrorism or any ideology . by a terrorism or any ideology. but they are now continuing their investigations and julia, how is sydney, how is australia deaung how is sydney, how is australia dealing with this? >> it happens so rarely in your country . country. >> well, not well, as you say, it's really rare. we don't see
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events like this. certainly not in an area like bondi junction. it's a really popular spot, for people to come down and, and hit the shops. you know, it's a really big shopping centre. it's a spot which is frequented by, people from all backgrounds, from all over sydney. they come here, to do a bit of shopping and also, of course, bondi beach nearby as well, a favourite for tourists , so this really tourists, so this really something that has shocked the community. and you're hearing that, time and time again , we've that, time and time again, we've been speaking with witnesses for the last few hours and they're all just, you know, shocked. they've got white faces , and they've got white faces, and they're really still coming to terms with with what has happened because, of course, so many shoppers as well caught up when all of this was unfolding. they hear gunshots going off. they hear gunshots going off. they don't know what to do. they don't know where safe . and don't know where safe. and they've thought, i've got to get to a shop, a change room, to either a shop, a change room, a bathroom lock myself in until
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it's a bathroom lock myself in until wsfime a bathroom lock myself in until it's time to come out, absolutely horrific. that's, juua absolutely horrific. that's, julia bradley , political julia bradley, political reporter at sky news australia. thank you very much for joining us this afternoon. oh, right. okay well, for all the best analysis and opinion on that story and many more, please go to our website gb news. com i'm dawn neesom on gb news saturday and there's lots more coming up on today's show, ceasefire now calls for the government to denounce actions taken by the israeli defence force. continue this week as thousands march across london. but will rishi sunak take any notice ? all of sunak take any notice? all of that and much more to come.
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welcome back to gb news. thatcherite with me. dawn neesom on your telly. online and on digital radio. now, once again, pro—palestinian protests
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are filling the streets of cities across the country calling for a ceasefire in gaza. as israel becomes increasingly isolated and both the tories and labour are divided on arms sales, the stop the war coalition says it's vital they keep up the pressure from the streets the capital for an streets of the capital for an immediate ceasefire an end immediate ceasefire and an end to weapons sales to israel. to uk weapons sales to israel. joining me now is gb news reporter jack carson, who is alive on that demonstration with us today. jack what's going on there now ? there now? >> well, dawn, we've reached parliament square. the end of this protest today. i mean, we've started out , of course, in we've started out, of course, in russell square. we've marched along embankment and now we're here at parliament square, where the crowd the protesters the crowd here, the protesters that have gathered, certainly not the that not in terms of the size that we've seen in recent months in terms of the protests, but certainly still thousands of palestinian protesters here, pro—palestine protesters here gathered in parliament square listening to the speeches. you can probably just see the size
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of the crowd here with the flags as well, that have been gathered. now so far from the metropolitan police. we've not heard of any arrests of course, we know in the six months of these protesters have been going on, been multiple on, there have been multiple arrests protests. arrests at these protests. at times because of offensive placards, offensive placards, because of offensive chanting, . and we know chanting, as well. and we know the police have also been issued, issued , of issued, of course, issued, of course, with the new law about protesting laws, there has been a route well as a designated route as well as a designated where these designated zone where these protesters allowed to go protesters are allowed to go and the would the power the police would have the power in if they did in those incidents if they did find individuals on those routes to arrest them. we to be able to arrest them. we have had clashes with a counter protester, pro—israel protest as well as part of the march . well as part of the march. today, when we got to aldwych, there was chants between the pro—israel protesters and the pro—palestine protesters , both pro—palestine protesters, both kind of shouting shame on you at each other. but of course, the palestinian protest today is mainly in terms of arming israel. they want the government to cease their relations with
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israel in terms of the arms and selling arms, because of course, it really struck up after the humanitarian aid workers were killed just a couple of weeks ago. i mean, sadiq khan has been one of the most vocal politicians in the uk, saying that we should immediately suspend those sale of arms on the conservative party and rishi sunaks back benches, sunaks own back benches, particularly paul bristow as well. the house of well. speaking in the house of commons recently about that issue. and in scotland, humza yousaf that yousaf saying that the government rethink its government should rethink its position arms sales. position on those arms sales. there's certainly a lot of pressure government and pressure on the government and rishi sunak. no decision on that, of course, yet . but here that, of course, yet. but here in parliament square, the protesters have gathered to listen to those speeches once again. another march here in london, more than six months on, of course, since those attacks on october the 7th, these protesters still continue . the protesters still continue. the energy still seems to be here. from the people marching , but no from the people marching, but no real flavour for any political party in particular. we've had, of course, banners and placards
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here accusing rishi sunak as well as keir starmer of being, of course, pro—israel and taking that stance. one banner particularly read dump starmer to save palestine. so that's really the position here. but thousands of people once again here in central london today , here in central london today, thank you very much. >> that's our gb news reporter, jack carson there live on the pro—palestinian marches, which are continuing . jack will bring are continuing. jack will bring us stay with that and bring us up to date as it goes on. now i'm dawn neesom this is gb news. and there's lots more coming up on today's show. but first, let's get the news headlines with francis. with sam francis. >> dawn, thank you very much. and good afternoon to you. just after 2:30. and we start with the latest developments on the attack in sydney today . the king attack in sydney today. the king and queen say they are shocked and queen say they are shocked and horrified by the mass knife attack in a shopping centre near bondi beach, which killed six people, 40 year old male suspect
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was known to police however , the was known to police however, the incident is not believed to be related to terrorism . that related to terrorism. that attack ended when a lone female officer confronted the alleged attacker and shot him dead. the australian prime minister has praised her bravery and all the emergency responders who attended to the scene. in other news, commandos from iran have landed on a container ship in a helicopter and seized the vessel just off the coast of the united arab emirates. the vessel involved is believed to have links to israel and comes amid rising tensions in the region and threats from iran. the islamic republic has called israel's presence in the uae a threat, and warned it would close the region's shipping lane if provoked . a new poll has if provoked. a new poll has found that president biden has nearly erased donald trump's advantage. the poll , by the new advantage. the poll, by the new york times and siena college, found that 45% say they'd vote for the president, compared to mr trump's 46. it means they're now virtually tied with joe
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biden's standing among democratic voters, improved , democratic voters, improved, however, despite a strong economy almost 80% rated economic conditions as just fair or poor , and there's just a few or poor, and there's just a few hours to go until one of horse racing's biggest events of the year , the grand national. but year, the grand national. but there have been some changes with new safety measures in place, meaning six fewer horses are taking part. it's after four horses died last year. however, campaigners say that changes to this afternoon's events are nothing more than a pr stunt. after two more horses died just yesterday on the track, though, it will be as competitive as ever for the million pound prize. that's the latest from the newsroom for now. more in half an hour. until then, you can sign up to gb news alerts. just scan the code on your screen or go to gb news. carmelites. now though, it's back to dawn.
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>> thank you very much, sam. now there's loads more coming up on today's show. but before i tell you what we've got lined up for you, nana akua has joined me in the looking beautiful as the studio, looking beautiful as always. thank you. nana, what's coming in your show? coming up in your show? >> , we have we're going to >> well, we have we're going to be lot about, be talking a lot about, obviously, terrible obviously, the terrible shootings have been shootings that have been happening. be happening. darren grimes will be with start to mock the with me at the start to mock the week coming up. i've got a new feature i've called the hot feature that i've called the hot topic roundtable discussion, and we're having jessica alves. there'll be live in studio , there'll be live in the studio, and plus debbie hayton, who's a transgender , both transgender transgender, both transgender women and also doctor renee hoenderkamp. oh, wow . i'm going hoenderkamp. oh, wow. i'm going to be talking about the cass report because both the trans women have completely different views. be views. and it would be interesting to see what their views are on the report. and you know, and just moving forward with that as well for my difficult conversation, steven barrett, the legal difficult conversation, steven barreton the legal difficult conversation, steven barreton the the legal difficult conversation, steven barreton the channelhe legal difficult conversation, steven barreton the channel butegal difficult conversation, steven barreton the channel but he's eagle on the channel but he's here to talk about his foundation that he works with to look after her less look after and help her less privileged children. so it'll be an interesting sounds, a real
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cracker, especially that cash report debate. >> and it's so important to talk to the people actually involved in than people just in it, rather than people just sort screaming abuse in it, rather than people just sort they screaming abuse in it, rather than people just sort they don't|ming abuse in it, rather than people just sort they don't actuallyuse when they don't actually understand going on. so understand what's going on. so that sounds like a cracker. don't to miss that one, don't want to miss that one, remember, me know remember, let me know your thoughts the stories thoughts on all the stories we've discussing today by we've been discussing today by visiting dot com. visiting gb news. dot com. forward say join forward slash your say and join the conversation on message me on our socials @gbnews. lots more coming up on today's show though. it's the last day of the grand national today as of grand national today as one of the anticipated horse the most anticipated horse racing events of the year comes to end this to a climactic end this afternoon. but animal rights groups say they won't intervene. stay to out why, stay tuned to find out why, though. all of that and much more to come. i'm neesom more to come. i'm dawn neesom and this is gb news, britain's news channel
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>> 2024 a battleground year. >> 2024 a battleground year. >> the year the nation decides . >> the year the nation decides. >> the year the nation decides. >> as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general election. >> who will be left standing
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when the british people make one of the biggest decisions of their lives ? their lives? >> who will rise and who will fall? >> let's find out together for every moment. >> the highs, the the >> the highs, the lows, the twists and turns. >> we'll be with you for every step of this journey in 2024. >> gb news is britain's election . channel. >> it is indeed a welcome back to that there gb news saturday with me dawn neesom on your telly, online and on digital radio. now it's the grand national today, just in case you've missed it, we've got your bets on, one of the most anticipated horse racing events of the year comes to a climactic end this afternoon. now, last year's race was delayed by a protest from animal rising group, with the famous steeplechase starting nearly 15 minutes late. remember that after people invaded the track. but this year is different. they say they will not targeted the event at aintree, with a spokesman saying it's disrupting
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races going to be the most effective way to end horse racing. think not because we racing. we think not because we think already think the public has already made decision for made that decision for themselves, have they, though . themselves, have they, though. joining me now is gb news, north west of england reporter sophie reapen west of england reporter sophie reaper, who is live at aintree and from speaking to sophie earlier it doesn't look like people are losing interest there at sophie good afternoon. at all. sophie good afternoon. how's going ? how's it going? >> well, we're currently outside aintree and people are absolutely packed in there. we've had to come out to get a little bit of room because there's so many people. so i think you're absolutely right that people don't seem to that people really don't seem to be interest. so we can be losing interest. so we can talk bit about that now talk a little bit about that now with joining me this with my guest joining me this afternoon, and thank you afternoon, sally and thank you so much forjoining us. you, of course, are a former amateur jockey. now a racing jockey. you now a racing broadcaster. obviously broadcaster. you've obviously grown up around horses. it's in your talk to me about your blood. talk to me about that relationship between the horse and its rider . horse and its rider. >> yeah. i think, you know,
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whenever we talk about, you know, a fatality or something in racing and we say, oh, racing people don't care. >> you just have to see >> i think you just have to see how people we're so how people feel like we're so close or the they're the close to them or the they're the first thing in the first thing we see in the morning. they're last thing morning. they're the last thing we night. and everything we see at night. and everything that person's that goes through a person's body on back of body when they're on the back of a that horse feels that a horse. that horse feels that through connection, and through that connection, and it really when through that connection, and it realiof when through that connection, and it realiof things when through that connection, and it realiof things i when through that connection, and it realiof things i was when through that connection, and it realiof things i was saying one of the things i was saying to you was, went down to you earlier was, i went down there a parade of champions there was a parade of champions here beforehand, had here beforehand, and they had some the famous horses like some of the famous horses like tiger mo mowlam tiger roll and mo mowlam and that winners grand that famous winners of the grand national and caught national parading. and i caught rachael in rachael blackmore sneaking in with to give one to her with an apple to give one to her winner, minella times few winner, minella times from a few years sneaking no press years ago. sneaking in, no press around, nobody there to see it. it wasn't a stunt, it was just her wanting to go have her wanting to go and have a moment with the horse that gave her one of the moments of her one of the best moments of her one of the best moments of her clearly her career. clearly >> certainly when >> when, well, certainly when i speak they have this speak to jockeys, they have this real passion they talk speak to jockeys, they have this real pytheiri they talk speak to jockeys, they have this real pytheiri andy talk speak to jockeys, they have this real pytheiri and horse about their horse and horse riding sport. it's come in riding as a sport. it's come in for lot of controversy in, for a lot of controversy in, well, since its inception, really. but in recent years in particular, we've just heard dawn talking there about, last
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yean dawn talking there about, last year, the protests. i know that's something we've spoken about. do you want to elaborate on on the protests and what that actually meant for the sport? >> yeah. so last year i was part of a group that founded stand up for racing those for racing around those protests, we have protests, and we did have somebody on news. one of our somebody on gb news. one of our representatives, kevin blake, took a debate, and we took part in a debate, and we felt strongly we felt felt really strongly we felt that we were underrepresented in the to the industry, and we wanted to put spokespeople out there that the industry, and we wanted to putwere espeople out there that the industry, and we wanted to putwere proud)le out there that the industry, and we wanted to putwere proud of, out there that the industry, and we wanted to putwere proud of, that:here that the industry, and we wanted to putwere proud of, that would1at we were proud of, that would have right statistics and have the right statistics and that singing from that we'd all be singing from the same hymn sheet. through the same hymn sheet. so through that, up for that, we created stand up for racing, the british racing, and now the british horseracing and great horseracing authority and great british on board british racing came on board and worked we've now worked with us, and we've now created central resource created this central resource called , where called horse power, where anyone can go on and find out anyone can go on and find out any of the statistics. we are completely open and transparent about feel so about it, and we feel so passionate about this sport that we want to protect the legacy for the future. so we're willing to make those changes. we're willing in willing to work together in order protect that. horse order to protect that. and horse power part of that, power is a huge part of that, that people can go on and that other people can go on and arm themselves with the
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statistics the statistics to, to defend the sport when it's attacked. >> process last >> of course, that process last year animal rising, they year by animal rising, they argue is argue that this sport is incredibly dangerous to the horses and that they would see it scrapped altogether. but for you, as someone who, as i mentioned, has spent their whole life around horses, i'm sure you would disagree that. life around horses, i'm sure you wotyouiisagree that. life around horses, i'm sure you wotyou know,e that. life around horses, i'm sure you wotyou know, we're that. life around horses, i'm sure you wotyou know, we're never going >> you know, we're never going to win over the antes. we're never going to win over the likes of animal rising. they want to all animals set want to see all animals set loose. they don't want you even to have a pet dog or a cat. they want to rewild agricultural want to rewild the agricultural land all the land and set loose all the racehorses basically make racehorses and basically make the thoroughbred a breed the thoroughbred as a breed extinct. we can't win them extinct. so we can't win them oven extinct. so we can't win them over. you know, they're only going to their point and going to argue their point and i'll mine. but there is no i'll argue mine. but there is no life without risk . everything we life without risk. everything we do in life is risk. have seen do in life is risk. i have seen horses themselves fatally horses injure themselves fatally in in field, a in a stable, in a field, on a road, being ridden . road, being ridden. unfortunately, it's just part of life we have risk, but we, life that we have risk, but we, as in racing, work with charities like the rspca , like charities like the rspca, like the horse welfare, the world horse welfare and we work with them to listen and follow their
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recommendations of how we can make the grand national and other races safer, which you can see in the changes that have been made this year that racing has welcomed. we haven't fought against anything. worked against anything. we've worked together to create those. so they of that they are the type of groups that we work to try and we will work with to try and make racing safer. but unfortunately anti groups unfortunately the anti groups like animal rising, we will never convince they don't never convince them they don't want to work with anybody, they just to stop it. just want to stop it. >> mentioned the legacy >> you mentioned the legacy of the national of the grand national and of aintree of horse racing. how aintree and of horse racing. how special is it to be here at aintree today? >> aintree is amazing. it's one of my favourite meetings. everyone talks about cheltenham but can you fun but i can tell you the fun is here at aintree. party, any here at aintree. the party, any jockey trainer wants to be jockey or trainer wants to be here for the parties the here for the parties in the evenings because liverpool evenings because the liverpool people are amazing. it's a completely different atmosphere here. i just love it and i remember being a child and picking first grand picking out my first grand nationalit was number six. i'm because it was number six. i'm not going to tell you what year what the horse's name was able to me then, but like i still to age me then, but like i still talk that. those first talk about that. those first moments i can remember, you
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talk about that. those first momethei can remember, you talk about that. those first momethe greatremember, you talk about that. those first momethe great winsnber, you talk about that. those first momethe great wins ofer, you talk about that. those first momethe great wins of the 'ou talk about that. those first momethe great wins of the past know, the great wins of the past and the, the winners and the, the, the winners that mean know, and in the mean a lot, you know, and in the future will be young, the future there will be young, the next generation talk about next generation will talk about rachael on rachael blackmore winning on minella their minella times as being their pivotal their great pivotal moment. their great memory from the grand national. so we all remember. so it's a race we all remember. you know, everybody likes to have little or have a little flutter or a little pool and out little pool and pick out a winner and hopefully that will continue for on a long time to come. >> well, you mentioned a little flutter then for our viewers at home, is there anyone in the grand year that grand national this year that you are particularly backing that perhaps that our viewers could perhaps have a little flutter on? >> the national is >> well, the grand national is renowned for throwing up stories, and we have so many good stories this with good stories this year with kitty's know, kitty's light. you know, christian williams his christian williams and his family terrible time. family have had a terrible time. his trainer, his daughter his the trainer, his daughter has sick cancer has been very sick with cancer and they've been followed. it's and they've been followed. it's a really lovely story. if they could a winner. a really lovely story. if they could a winner . and there's could get a winner. and there's also corach rambler, won also corach rambler, who won last russell is so last year. lucinda russell is so passionate her horses and passionate about her horses and i'd see him it again. i'd love to see him do it again. there's always throws up there's it always throws up a story. such an amazing race story. it's such an amazing race for but one of the for picking one. but one of the horses that i really i was
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horses that i really like, i was there the midlands national there at the midlands national when ran well, is mr when he ran well, is mr incredible thing is incredible the only thing is he's quirky and the he's he's quite quirky and the standing they've standing start that they've introduced that horses introduced so that the horses are slower the time are going slower by the time they to the first fence to they get to the first fence to result it. that not suit result it. that might not suit him . he might just plant himself him. he might just plant himself at start and refuse to at the start and refuse to move. >> are. there's >> well, there we are. there's a few for our viewers few options for our viewers then. you much for your then. thank you so much for your time, sally—ann. well, we're just hours now away from just a few hours now away from that national, so if you that grand national, so if you are to a little are wanting to have a little flutter on year, make flutter on it this year, make sure you that in soon. but sure you get that in soon. but we'll heading in we'll be heading back in shortly, so enjoy the festivities. >> brilliant . have festivities. >> brilliant. have a festivities. >> brilliant . have a wonderful >> brilliant. have a wonderful time there. thank much. time there. thank you very much. sophie reaper alive at aintree, looking resplendent. and also thank to sally—ann grassick thank you to sally—ann grassick there interesting comments about horse racing and how cruel it is and some interesting tips if you are fancy having a flutter this afternoon, right. okay. i'm i'm dawn neesom on gb news saturday and there's lots more coming up on today's show now. stay tuned to out more about the to find out more about the female urinal taking the uk by
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storm. all of that and much more to come. this is gb
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welcome back to gb news. saturday with me. dawn neesom on your telly. online and on digital radio. now, i hope you've had a nice cup of tea and maybe gone to the toilet. with the weather getting warmer, it be long before warmer, it won't be long before we're in festival season. beer, tents, music and huge queues for the toilet. it's an age old problem for oh yeah, women who invariably find they spend more time queuing for the loo than they ever do at the event itself . enter two women from bristol who have invented what they say is a revolution in female toilets . our southwest england toilets. our southwest england reporter jeff moody, has more . reporter jeff moody, has more. >> here's what it's all right for us blokes . we can be in and for us blokes. we can be in and out of the loos in a matter of
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seconds, but not so for women. >> it's very frustrating having to queue, seeing men coming and going , and we to queue, seeing men coming and going, and we have to wait to go in here, also , there's a thing in here, also, there's a thing about men can just do it and not have to sit on anything or hover in an uncomfortable position. >> introducing hazel and amber. after spending too much of their lives in loo cuz they've invented a toilet that lets women spend a penny as quickly as you can. say ladies urinal. >> and so we were really propelled forwards by women saying this must happen. so we made prototypes, we gained investment, we manufactured the product in the uk , and then we product in the uk, and then we started we actually launched in 2022 at glastonbury. so that was like we went to the most influential event. so it would trickle down to all the other events trickling down. >> is . the key to the success of >> is. the key to the success of the girls invention. but i'm not
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sure i'm the best one to explain all this. let's ask a festival goer who is their number one fan, but recently i went to glastonbury a couple of glastonbury festival a couple of years had these years ago and they had these these new pickle pickles, i think they're called. and they're more of a cabin. they're very comfortable to able very comfortable to be able to squat down and just squat down and they're just a much better setup. no paper, cardboard bits that can go horribly wrong and much less margin error, it's really margin for error, it's really nice. it's in a big open space. so everyone's kind of chatting away about how brilliant this is. that we've got a new innovation to help go to the innovation to help us go to the toilet without getting dirty and queuing and everything. so yeah, it's a really, really nice experience. they had them experience. i wish they had them more i've only ever seen more often. i've only ever seen them glastonbury festival . them at glastonbury festival. >> i really need to pee long. >> i really need to pee long. >> it's called pickle equal rights for people that pee and the girls think with a change of mindset. this could make them flush . flush. >> it's almost, driven by ease
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of use because instead of going for a 30 minute toilet queue, you can use a pickle and you're in and out. it's almost driven by convenience, is the word i was for . was going for. >> it's the word i'd go for, too. script writes itself. too. this script writes itself. >> we did actually just win the best toilet of the year award and it felt good. dream come true . blunderbuss. true. blunderbuss. >> yeah, it is very funny. my parents do say i never thought you'd be going into this full time. amber but. okay, but, you know, it isn't just a toilet . it know, it isn't just a toilet. it is this whole movement movements, though , are an movements, though, are an entirely different matter. >> the pickle is only set up for tinkles. the girls are now looking for investment abroad and hope their invention will keep them engaged for years to come. jeff moody, talking toilets for gb news. >> pop it in the bin. >> pop it in the bin. >> thank you. that's jeff moody hanging around. ladies toilets with a camera all in the name of work, i'm dawn neesom . this is work, i'm dawn neesom. this is gb news saturday. thank you so much for joining gb news saturday. thank you so much forjoining me. really appreciate i'm back appreciate your time. i'm back tomorrow tasty lunch.
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tomorrow serving a tasty lunch. but anywhere because but don't go anywhere because there's plenty more coming up on gb today. just a moment, gb news today. in just a moment, it's debate with nana it's fiery debate with nana akua. 6:00 it's the akua. and at 6:00 it's the saturday but it's saturday five. but first, it's that all important . look at the that all important. look at the weather with ellie. see you . soon. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar, sponsors of weather on . solar, sponsors of weather on. gb news. >> good afternoon. welcome to your latest gb news weather from the met office. so it's been a bit of a drier day for some of us compared to recent weeks, but there is still plenty of showers around pressure. around with low pressure. situated quite close to the north the uk. high pressure north of the uk. high pressure does sit out towards the south and east, but it's this cold and the east, but it's this cold front that's to bring some front that's going to bring some cloud rain parts of cloud and rain to parts of england wales through the england and wales through the rest it does rest of this evening. it does eventually clear its way south and eastwards overnight into and eastwards overnight and into the start of sunday, leaving quite most of quite a dry picture for most of us early hours of us into the early hours of sunday still some
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sunday morning. still some showers across parts of showers around across parts of scotland could turn scotland and these could turn heavy places. but those heavy in places. but under those clear temperatures clear skies, temperatures dropping off nicely around dropping off quite nicely around 7 or 8 degrees across the south and to down around 2 or 3 across parts of scotland, we could even see some frost in places , so see some frost in places, so that does leave a bit of a chillier start to sunday across parts scotland. showers parts of scotland. those showers quite in from quite quickly pushing in from the and spreading the west though, and spreading their eastwards the the west though, and spreading thei furtherastwards the the west though, and spreading thei further south,is the the west though, and spreading thei further south, a the the west though, and spreading theifurther south, a drier the day further south, a drier start, but we will see some cloud bubbling up through the afternoon. the of cloud bubbling up through the afte sunshine the of cloud bubbling up through the afte sunshine across the of cloud bubbling up through the afte sunshine across southeastern the sunshine across southeastern parts of england. it will be a bit of a cooler day than saturday as well. highs in the south around 14 or 15 and the south around 14 or 15 and in the north around or 10, but quite north around 9 or 10, but quite brisk here through monday. brisk wind here through monday. those become much more those showers become much more widespread across the uk, moving through relatively quickly on a brisk northwesterly wind, so it will feel a little cooler than over the weekend. those showers continue into the start of the next week, and those temperatures a little below average, but recovering closer to average through end of to average through the end of the week . the week. >> feeling inside from >> that warm feeling inside from
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boxt sponsors of weather boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> hello. good afternoon and welcome to gp news on tv, online and on digital radio. i'm nana akua. and for the next few hours, me and my panel will be taking on some of the big topics hitting the headlines right now . hitting the headlines right now. this show is all about opinion. it's it's theirs. and it's mine, it's theirs. and of course yours. be course it's yours. we'll be debating, discussing at debating, discussing and at times disagree , but no times we will disagree, but no one will be cancelled. so joining in the next hour, joining me in the next hour, broadcaster and columnist lizzie cundy and also former labour party adviser james schneider, coming up on the show , philip coming up on the show, philip davies mp will be shining a light on the latest from westminster in my political spotlight. my first great british debate. this hour i'm asking has the grand national gone past its sell by date?
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