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tv   The Neil Oliver Show  GB News  April 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm BST

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good evening. fellow travellers welcome along to the neil oliver show on gb news tv, online and on radio. this week, this week i'll be taking a look at the war in the middle east and asking whether we are knowingly or unknowingly walking towards world war iii. i'll also be taking a look at gender identity ideology in the wake of the cass review. and finally, we'll take
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a look at geo engineering and asking what caused those considerable floods in dubai in the united arab emirates . plus the united arab emirates. plus plenty of discussion about the affairs of the day with my panellist and friend, the chair of republicans overseas uk, greg swenson. but first, an update on the latest news headlines . the latest news headlines. >> good evening. i'm sophia wenzler for your top story this houn wenzler for your top story this hour. mark menzies has announced his resignation from the tory party, saying he won't be standing at the next election. the fylde mp was suspended following claims he used political donations to cover medical expenses and pay off bad people who had locked him in a flat. he disputes the allegations , though. following allegations, though. following an investigation, the conservative party says it can't conclude there was a misuse of funds, but said there was a pattern of behaviour that falls below the standards expected of
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mps. the mayor of london, sadiq khan, will meet met commissioner sir mark rowley tomorrow to discuss community relations . sir discuss community relations. sir mark rowley is facing calls to quit over his handling of pro—palestinian protests, with the former home secretary, suella braverman suggesting he's emboldened anti—semites . the emboldened anti—semites. the board of deputies of british jews says mistakes have had a devastating effect on the previously high level of trust held in the police. the campaign against anti—semitism is also calling for sir mark to resign or be sacked after its chief executive was described as openly jewish by an officer. cabinet minister clare pochettino says the government is addressing the incident. >> the home secretary has made clear that what happened was unacceptable . i understand unacceptable. i understand there's going to be a meeting in there's going to be a meeting in the coming days. i don't know what conversation is going to take place there. i think we should see how that conversation goes. but ultimately what's really that people really important is that people in community feel
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in the jewish community feel safe. know that we're on safe. they know that we're on their and what we want their side and that what we want to see is equal policing in this country. also to make sure country. and also to make sure that they can go about their normal that's i want normal lives. that's what i want to decision by the us to >> a decision by the us to approve £49 billion of aid for ukraine has been welcomed by the uk, with the foreign secretary describing it as a vital step forward. after months of wrangling , american politicians wrangling, american politicians ended a deadlock, agreeing to provide a package which will also help replenish weapons and munitions , as president munitions, as president zelenskyy says the move will keep the war from expanding and will save thousands of lives . it will save thousands of lives. it now heads to the senate, which is expected to pass the bill in the next few days , and a record the next few days, and a record 50,000 people are running the london marathon . many have now london marathon. many have now crossed the finishing line after completing the 26.2 mile route. supporters are still out and about though, cheering those on who are still making their way through the city streets. they started just after 10 am.
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today, the event raising millions of pounds for charities. our very own gb news political editor, chris hope, was one of the many who crossed the finishing line today. >> well, i've done it. i got round 26.2 miles, five hours and eight minutes, but slower than normal for me . eight minutes, but slower than normal for me. had a very sore left hip at some point. that was really hard . but here's the really hard. but here's the proof. here's the medal. that's why you do this. these kind of things raise, i think, over £7,000 for scope. i'll check on it online later. it's a great cause. it online later. it's a great cause . it's moving, it's cause. it's moving, it's exhausting and it's well worth the effort. and if you're mad like me, want to try and run it.7 >> and for the latest story , >> and for the latest story, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. com slash alerts. now it's time for.
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neil oliver. >> when all else fails, they take you to war. so said us trends forecaster gerald zelenskyy this week. and not for the first time. he describes himself as a political atheist, and i've taken that for my own , and i've taken that for my own, as well as his line about war. i used to say i was politically homeless, but to be homeless implies a desire for a home somewhere. but i will never look to politics or politicians for a home of any sort. not now , and home of any sort. not now, and perhaps never again. an atheist says there's no god and a political atheist knows politics is the mother of all confidence tncks is the mother of all confidence tricks when it comes to politics. there's nothing there . politics. there's nothing there. zelenskyy was a guest this week of george galloway mp on his on line mother of all talk shows. galloway talked about the den thatis galloway talked about the den that is the palace of westminster , recently returned westminster, recently returned to the mother of all dunghills as mp for rochdale. he must hold
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his nose whenever he stands to speak and so breathe the fetid air of the chamber of the commons. he endeavoured to have his colleagues contemplate the third world war already well underway. we're not supposed to have noticed world war three is up and running. generations remembering what they've been ianed remembering what they've been invited to know of world war ii. the stuff of movies. now think it will only be a real war when the bombs fall on their cities, when the young men are marched away. but make no mistake , i say away. but make no mistake, i say world war three is already here. the difference is that since the nuclear option is among us, the warmongers who have no intention of getting their windows broken or their limousines scratched far less seeing a threat to their vast wealth, are carefully waging world war three in ways they think the little people won't notice. for the time being, the warmongers in the uk parliament and in the broader establishment seek to reap the
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rewards of all the hate they've sown via bought and paid for media, via bought and paid for elected representatives. for those people and regimes who have been goaded into viewing with nothing but loathing right now, courtesy in no small part of our unelected foreign secretary, david cameron, and our unelected pm, rishi sunak, israel and iran are at daggers drawn. israel bombed the iranian consulate in damascus, and so iran retaliated , having first iran retaliated, having first informed israel and the white house of their intention to do so. british and us jets took part in the defence of israel, helping to prop up the us made iron dome that protects that nation. even so, and despite the world's media insisting that iranian attack had been thwarted, most of its ballistic missiles struck israel's nevatim air base, one of the most determinedly defended spaces on
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the planet. with the consent and support of the british and us governments, israel vowed to strike back . there have already strike back. there have already been reports of israeli retaliation . as george galloway retaliation. as george galloway pointed out this week, israel is a nation with 3 million fighting age people compared to iran's 40 million hundreds of nuclear weapons are in the offing. israel has the full throated support of britain and the united states. iran has the support of china and russia bristling with nuclear weapons. israel has long maintained the samson option, a biblical vow to unleash nuclear war if and when the nation is in danger of being overrun . samson, for the overrun. samson, for the atheists out there was the old testament israelite who brought the temple down upon his sorry head and upon the heads of his philistine tormentors. when all was lost. mutually assured destruction, if you will. fires of war stoked in the middle east. biblical intent by in from
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the most bellicose nations on earth and all the superpowers . earth and all the superpowers. more than enough nuclear weapons, in theory at least, to kill every last one of us on the planet, and all of it being provoked and egged on by political pygmies and psychopath . what could possibly go wrong? so i say again, repeating gerald schelenz words war is where they take you when all else fails and all else is indeed failing. for those psychopaths , the those psychopaths, the inevitable evolution of the parasite class we have stood by and enabled, they've utterly exposed themselves and their intentions in recent years, what with the so—called scamdemic and their money laundering proxy war in ukraine and the ever present nonsense of what i like to call a climate hoax, even sacrificing the well—being of children on the well—being of children on the altar of gender identity, a warped ideology exposed for what it is in recent days wasn't enough to satisfy whatever gods they worship. and so war it is.
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third world war which is hardly touched us in the west so far , touched us in the west so far, other than in our pockets and wallets, of course, but there's time yet . they didn't mean to time yet. they didn't mean to let us see them. but by hubris and the pursuit of obscene wealth and total control, that seemed within their grasp, this generation of psychopaths and parasites pushed their luck too far. tragically there's nothing new in any of it. the wall street crash of 1929 and the great depression that followed in the 1930s was the work of an earlier generation of bankers. i said bankers who bought from supine politicians the power to make money out of thin air. in 19305 make money out of thin air. in 1930s america, there was no shortage of goods and services, industrial capacity, rich farmland , millions of workers farmland, millions of workers keen to work all the technology of the day , government of the day, government structures with enviable capacity to get done whatever it wanted done. 1930s america had known no invasion by a foreign aggressor. no disease had weakened the people there was no shortage of food. 1930s america
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lacked one thing and one thing only and that was ready cash to get on with the stuff of busy lives. but in 1930s america, as in the rest of the world now, the flow of money was controlled by one entity and one entity only a cartel of bankers and bankers who, for their own reasons, turned off the money supply to all those businesses, still had loans to serve as though jobs waited to be done. the same goods and services were available, but when the banks, in the form of the so—called federal reserve, which is not federal in any way, but a private company run by and for bankers for profit and only profit, and that holds no reserves when the bankers turned off the money supply, the us came to a juddering halt, as was their intention. the so—called great depression was made by bankers for their own ends. great depression was made by bankers for their own ends . all bankers for their own ends. all those farms and homes and businesses suddenly rendered unable to function or to service their loans were repossessed by their loans were repossessed by the bankers. everyone was told
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times were hard. we're all in this together. but the only thing the bankers were in was bath's full of profit world war two, and all at once banks that had spent a decade claiming they had spent a decade claiming they had no money found uncounted billions of dollars overnight to pay billions of dollars overnight to pay bombs and bullets and pay for bombs and bullets and the ships, tanks and planes to fire them in the commons this week. they laughed nervously , week. they laughed nervously, perhaps at george galloway, an actual thinking man of conscience among empty headed nobodies. those political pygmies being the vast majority of our elected and unelected sock puppets. it was shaming to watch the spectacle as hollow nonentities preferred to talk about liz truss's memoirs and angela rayner's council house, than what galloway than to address what galloway wanted to discuss being bloody war set enveloped the world among much that bamboozles me now is why we keep interviewing those wastes of space we call mps. so—called reporters still
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asking them questions straight faced when their time might be better spent, asking fleas about the decisions likely to be taken by the horse. they're sucking blood from . they won't talk blood from. they won't talk about war, at least not until they've been handed the latest script from whoever tells them what to say . script from whoever tells them what to say. denis script from whoever tells them what to say . denis healey, script from whoever tells them what to say. denis healey, a ghost from a bygone age, said mps needed a hinterland by which he meant they had to have more going on in their lives than just preening in parliament like peacocks but with smaller brains than peacocks . part of our than peacocks. part of our tragedy now is that the house of commons is with a handful of exceptions, filled with people who know nothing about anything and care less. that's true not just here the uk, but of just here in the uk, but of politicians the politicians across the west. i say those characters, rather say those characters, or rather those devoid of those creatures devoid of character, are bought and paid for only the for serving only the transnational corporations. the non—governmental organisations of the world economic forum and the world health organisation and what have you, and the
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bankers who call the shots. i say international terrorism, as we've been taught to fear it, and the war on terror is a mirage, a straw man. i say terrorism is waged on us, not by foreign insurgents, but on the contrary, by those we, the collective, we of the west, have accepted as leaders those for whom public fear of terror works wonders at the ballot box. and when it comes to winning approval for overseas, wars approval for wars overseas, wars of profit and regime change, it's there's it's plausible there's been genocide in gaza, the international court of justice said. so it also seems to me, just as it has been revealed to many in recent months, that the decision makers of the west have no ethical moral problem with genocide as policy. i say they don't object to genocide per se, despite what some of us learned at school about the horrors of the 20th century. i say it boils down to whether the genocide is happening to people they think worth or those they worth saving, or those they believe don't matter. and here we are at war again , where they we are at war again, where they take you when all else fails.
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maybe by accident rather than by design. the nuclear birds will someday take wing. but i say again, it seems unlikely to me that those feckless, greedy ghouls in power in the banks and elsewhere truly mean to face armageddon. far from it. that would take backbone and will, in both of which most are profoundly lacking . fear is what profoundly lacking. fear is what they always sell us, and fear is what they're selling us now. and while in the air, rather while fear is in the air, rather than missiles headed for london and washington, those bankers can get about the business of reaping the rewards of financial and collapse that might and economic collapse that might destroy that enrich destroy us, but that will enrich and empower them as it always does. as likely as not, it won't be mushroom clouds we have to contemplate. but programmable cbdcs and the shackling digital ids to go along with them. here's the thing french philosopher and writer joseph de maistre said every nation has the government it deserves. if that's true and we truly deserve that's true and we truly deserve that which we have, then god
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forgive us and god help us. i'm joined this week by the chair of republicans overseas uk, greg swenson. as always , great to see swenson. as always, great to see you, greg. great to be here, neal you, greg. great to be here, neal. it seems to me in general that there's this febrile, high temperature atmosphere in the world. yeah. are we to find are we to be given a cool head anywhere in washington? in london? >> i don't think we're seeing it in washington, in you. you might see it in some of the diplomatic circles. you might see it even in some of the military circles. but president biden has been really inconsistent on this. and it seems that rishi and cameron have basically followed his lead. so when joe biden says take the win, which it wasn't a win, it was it was a successful defence. but it surely wasn't a win or , you know, use some win or, you know, use some discretion or, you know , keep it discretion or, you know, keep it in proportion. those it's just inconsistent. so president biden, you know, one day he says
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we're going to support israel with whatever it takes. and the next day he says, we don't want you to do this. we don't want you to do this. we don't want you to do that. we don't want you to do that. we don't want you to do that. we don't want you to finish, finish the job. so i think there is some inconsistency . the other thing i inconsistency. the other thing i should point out is there are good guys and bad guys, and i would that iran are the would argue that iran are the bad and yes, they're their bad guys and yes, they're their embassy damascus embassy was attacked in damascus . but is it really an embassy when you're housing the irgc regional headquarters? when trump was able take out trump was able to take out general soleimani, he did it. granted, he was driving in a caravan and he happened to catch him on the highway. good for him. but i don't think the israelis had that option. i think they're, you know, the irgc is maybe smartened up since soleimani was taken out. so given what's happening, given what's happening gaza, what's been happening in gaza, does hold its head does israel still hold its head up good guy? yeah, up as the good guy? yeah, i think they do, because they're keeping, know, spite of keeping, you know, in spite of some of the media criticism of the israelis. so media criticism, the icg said there's grounds for plausible genocide ,
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grounds for plausible genocide, which is a big word. and i think that's a stretch because, you know, this is iran and this know, this is on iran and this is hamas for using their is on hamas for using their people as human shields. i'm quite sure that iran doesn't care about palestinians, palestinians dying . they managed palestinians dying. they managed to keep their own weapons and nuclear facilities separate from, you know, far from their population centres, which is wise. but, you know, this is a this i think it really comes down to deterrence versus appeasement. and biden has been classic at appeasement for a very long time, going back 50 years, actually, he was very against the reagan strategic defence initiative, which is ultimately created, iron dome. and these are defensive measures. so, you know, his criticism of reagan was was in 1986. and he's been pretty consistent ever since in being much more likely to appease and cross his fingers and hope that things work out. well, that hasn't really worked out. so i think it's time for the restoration of deterrence. and i think the israeli strike last
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night might have been the beginning of that. >> and why? why the uk is agitating for war when our armed forces would fit in football forces would fit in a football stadium but we'll stadium is beyond me. but we'll continue conversation after continue this conversation after the break, which is already upon us. i'll be joined by a former uk ambassador to discuss if we are sleepwalking towards world war you're watching the war iii. you're watching the neil on news. neil oliver show on gb news. don't go away
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welcome back to neil oliver. live is there a serious risk of us all stumbling into world war iii? a vital and unfortunately pertinent question. joining me now is the former uk ambassador to uzbekistan, craig murray. craig, thanks very much for joining me . joining me. >> well, thank you very much for
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inviting me, neil. >> how dangerous craig is. the situation as it now sits between israel and iran ? israel and iran? >> well, it's obviously extremely dangerous because in effect, you have a state of war existing between the two. they are attacking each other's territory, so , you know, the territory, so, you know, the questions of, of legality, of actions don't really apply anymore in but all that governs the actions now are the are the laws of war. fortunately, iran appears to be indicating it's not going to, retaliate against this later israeli strike. of course , there's no way of being course, there's no way of being 100% certain that's how it's going to play out. and there's also the danger that israel, if iran doesn't retaliate , will do iran doesn't retaliate, will do something else, because it's very much been in israel's
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interest to start this, major escalation with, with iran, because it stopped people talking about gaza. and it's the least the pressure, at least in the view of politicians. it's removed the pressure on arms exports to israel, although a great many people don't see it that way . that way. >> it it feels as though there's a just a complete absence of cool headedness anywhere. you know , traditionally i would have know, traditionally i would have expected where there was a flare up of, of aggression in the middle east, that the it would have been the role of the president of the united states to try and pour the oil of peace onto that. and but on the contrary, at the moment, all we seem to have in the west, in the uk and in washington, is what feels like a general agitation for war. somewhere there all the time .
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time. >> i think that's absolutely correct. i think that's a spot on analysis and there are a couple of things to remember there. one of which is, of course, some people make money out of war, the armaments industry has done extremely well. and there's a tremendous, go round between the armaments industry and, politicians. and also netanyahu himself, of course , stands to lose power as course, stands to lose power as still soon as, as soon as peace breaks out, he's liable to be out on his ear as prime minister and facing potential jail time over these corruption cases, which are suspended at the moment. so, there the difficulty we have is that we have people in power who have an interest in war. and when, you know, when you hear of these amazing sums of money like, you know, $39 billion more for the war in ukraine from the united states,
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or $19 billion for israel. that's all real money. it's getting spent. and along with that, go, go over various forms of kickbacks, legal and illegal, to the politicians who pass the buck, was a device for recycling money from the people who pay for it, into the hands of people who govern this. >> greg swenson, how do you react to that? you know, war is a device for. yeah, laundering money back into the hands of those that. >> i'm not that cynical about it. i mean, the reality is we need defence and the best way to the best way to avoid war is to prepare for war. and i know i'm trying to make this, you know, sort of deterrent argument from the 1980s. maybe little the 1980s. maybe i'm a little outdated, it is true that outdated, but it is true that the and the spend way too the us and the uk spend way too much money on entitlements, which not the role of which is not the proper role of the federal government or the national government, the proper role of the of the government is to maintain the currency and to defend the borders, defend the country and so if that requires
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armaments and you go to the private sector, the arsenal of democracy, to get those armaments, that's just the real world. i'm sorry. i don't know how else it could be done. >> i mean, what is what is business and warfare? profit i suppose it's always been that way. but it being so nakedly exposed now, find, profoundly exposed now, i find, profoundly troubling. craig has israel's standing in the world been altered for the foreseeable future ? you know, i was sort of future? you know, i was sort of reared in a world in which israel was a good guy, is how it was sold to us, but it no longer seems to have the, the right to, to hold its head up in that way. at the moment. what do you think? >> i think people like you, who traditionally perceived israel as the, as the good guy, have changed their mind. that's that's undoubtedly true. the opinion are are startling opinion polls are are startling and absolutely remarkable . all and absolutely remarkable. all the last one i saw had 71% of the last one i saw had 71% of the uk tend to support palestine, as opposed to tends to support israel , 71. and, that
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to support israel, 71. and, that would have been a majority for israel two years ago. >> i've heard it said which is which is even more astonishing in some ways. i've heard it said recently that that israel is losing the war, that in the ways that matter has mass, are winning the war. you've got you've got palestinians vowing and actively returning to the rubble of their former of their former homes, but but what do you make of that? is it even possible that israel doesn't actually have the upper hand? i think militarily, israel is bound to have the upper hand in that, you know, it's not actually a war. >> this is a massacre. you can't have a war against a population which does not have an army, does not have a navy, and does not have an air force . it's not not have an air force. it's not this is not a war. this is a massacre of an essentially unarmed people with very small
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unarmed people with a very small number of light and homemade weapons. facing a very modern, technologically equipped army which is massacring them. so you can't militarily win in those situations. but of course, israel is trying by by bombs to defeat ideas. and you can't defeat ideas. and you can't defeat ideas. and you can't defeat ideas and you can't defeat ideas and you can't defeat a people's aspiration for freedom by by bombing them. so it was bound to fail. it could never succeed. you could never eradicate, palestinian , eradicate, palestinian, resistance by this kind of warfare. and of course, we all know and i'm sure, neal, if you know, if members of your family were bombed to death, particularly children , you would particularly children, you would be radicalised and the palestinians are going to be even more radical after this. plus, israel has lost the hearts and minds of the people of the
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western world and of the governments of the rest of the world. so yes, it's a disaster for israel . it's a complete for israel. it's a complete disaster, a complete disaster for israel. >> thank you so much forjoining us. from from lahore in pakistan. craig murray and i will certainly take away from that. your, your your point that you can't bomb ideas . you can't you can't bomb ideas. you can't make ideas go away with bombs. but thank you so much for making time for us this evening. craig murray, former diplomat, uk diplomat for uzbekistan, another break and then we'll be joined by the co—founder of thoughtful therapists to discuss the bombshell cast report, the cast review and also the comments made recently by sir chris whitty. this is the neil oliver show on .
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gb news. welcome back to neil oliver. live is the trans debate too vitriolic , those were the words vitriolic, those were the words of sir chris whitty, chief medical officer. following the release of the bombshell cass review. to discuss all of this, i'm joined now by author and co—founder of thoughtful therapists james esses . good therapists james esses. good evening james. thanks for making time for us. >> hi there neal. >> hi there neal. >> james, it's. there's no other way to describe it. is it bombshell. it's damning stuff that's been that's been brought to the to the fore by paediatrician doctor hilary cass. how did we get here? >> yes, it was a bombshell
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report, although it didn't really tell us anything , we really tell us anything, we didn't already know ourselves. if we're going to be completely honest , you know, we already honest, you know, we already knew that children who felt that they were born in the wrong body were suffering from a mental health condition. you know, we already knew that artificially blocking a child's puberty might cause them harm in the long run, but nonetheless, i'm very happy to see it set out once and for all in black and white. i mean, we got here over many, many years of slow infiltration of this ideology into all of our societal institutions . i mean, societal institutions. i mean, the cass review focused very much on nhs, gender clinics, but that's without even considering the way in which for example, stonewall has infiltrated government departments , you government departments, you know, ideologies infecting what children are being taught in schools, being taught that, you know, if they don't conform to traditional sex stereotypes ,
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traditional sex stereotypes, that they might actually be in the wrong body. even the media choosing to sometimes promote or glorify medical transitioning. so this has come at us from all angles. and it's happened very slowly over the years, almost kind of beneath the radar. and it's only now that society as a whole is starting to wake up to the horrors that have been caused in the name of this ideology . ideology. >> it seems to me, james, that it's a bit late in the day for for the someone with the, with the status of chief medical officer say that the, you officer to say that the, you know, that the treatments got ahead evidence. know, ahead of the evidence. you know, i all, you'd think i mean after all, you'd think that pay what we pay for the that we pay what we pay for the national health service on the understanding be understanding that it will be evidence treatment that evidence based treatment that people children often, people get children often, perhaps more importantly, than for anyone else . for anyone else. >> precisely. and again, similar to the cass review, you know, i was very pleased to hear that chris whitty make that statement. however, it is unfortunately far too late. many
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many children have already been harmed in the process and the nhs should never have been offering, quote unquote, treatment. i mean, i'm not sure i can even call it treatment, actually, i'm going to call it experimentation . the nhs should experimentation. the nhs should never have been offering this stuff when the evidence was not there to back it up. i've recently written some pieces on various nhs trusts and their quote unquote transgender policies, you know, and they will put out statements that say, for example, that, even if a family is not on board with the notion of their child transitioned and using different pronouns and names that the clinicians should go along with the child's wishes against the views of the parents. similarly, you know, we've seen this in schools . i you know, we've seen this in schools. i mean, you know, we've seen this in schools . i mean, it's been quite schools. i mean, it's been quite horrifying to see that there have been schools collude with vulnerable behind their vulnerable children behind their parents and facilitating parents backs and facilitating and enabling them to socially transition , often at school, transition, often at school, i mean, it's an absolute disgrace , mean, it's an absolute disgrace, greg, that that word horror horrifying.
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>> that's how i feel as a parent. yeah. the very suggestion that some state myrmidon would get between me and my child and make decisions for that child that i don't even get to know about. >> they love being the nanny state. they want to be the they want to. this happened eight years ago in the states with, you know, the obama of, you know, the obama method of, you know, the obama method of, you know, the obama method of, you know, from birth to death that know, we will look that you know, we will look after we, the great state after you. we, the great state of will look after you. of experts, will look after you. it's absolutely and i'm it's absolutely insane. and i'm so glad to see the pushback at a national level in the uk before the us, it's driving the progressives in the us are going crazy right now because they always look to europe as the ultimate, you know, social welfare state. and now they're disappointed that that europe or the uk specifically is leading the uk specifically is leading the charge on this. so good. good for the uk, good for doctor cass. and it's happening in the red states. by the way, it started happening 2 or 3 years ago, but not in the blue states. >> it's happening >> i'm glad it's happening somewhere states. james,
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>> i'm glad it's happening soryou here states. james, >> i'm glad it's happening soryou think states. james, >> i'm glad it's happening soryou think we'llstates. james, >> i'm glad it's happening soryou think we'll seees. james, do you think we'll see accountability ? vie i mean, i'm accountability? vie i mean, i'm always accountability in always after accountability in so you we so many areas, but, you know, we know a that there know without a doubt that there are are children young are there are children young people there have come people out there who have come forward that they've been forward to say that they've been damaged, they've been damaged, that they've been let down, whatever. you down, that whatever. do you think we'll see anyone held accountable ? accountable? >> i certainly hope so. but i'm not convinced. i mean, we really need to get to grips with, figuring out exactly how we as a society and how the government allowed this ideology to infiltrate the institutions that it did. and, you know, i don't think the cass review is enough in that respect. you know, increasingly there are calls for something like a national public inquiry. so would say inquiry. vie. and so i would say watch, this space on that. watch, watch this space on that. but people do to be but yes, people do need to be held account. and you know, held to account. and you know, i've said it before and i'll say it again, that those clinicians who irreversible who have caused irreversible damage these children in the damage to these children in the name of an ideology, i believe that they should be struck off the medical register. and more than that , i believe that they than that, i believe that they should be charged and ideally
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imprisoned this is imprisoned because this is nothing more than child abuse . nothing more than child abuse. >> a very straight answer to a straight question. thanks very much, james esses, thank you for joining this evening, in joining me this evening, in response to the cass review , an response to the cass review, an nhs spokesperson said, and i quote the nhs has made significant progress towards establishing a fundamentally different gender service for children and young people, in line with earlier advice by doctor cass and following extensive public consultation and engagement, by stopping the routine use of puberty, suppressing hormones and opening the first of up to eight new regional centres delivering a different model of care, we will set out a full implementation plan following careful consideration of this final report and its recommendations , report and its recommendations, and the nhs is also bringing forward its systemic review of aduu forward its systemic review of adult gender services and has written to local nhs leaders to ask them to pause, offering first appointments at adult gender clinics to young people below their 18th birthday. end
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quote . another break. i'm sad to quote. another break. i'm sad to say. after which i'll be chatting to two experts about how the desert kingdom of dubai has been hit with flooding . has been hit with flooding. you're watching the neil oliver show on .
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gb news. welcome back to neil oliver. live you may have recently been asking yourself just precisely what is cloud seeding? and is it to blame for the floods in the uae in dubai, to be precise. to discuss this, i'm joined by author and journalist g.p. taylor, graham taylor and
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professor of meteorology at the university of reading, professor martin ambaum. gentlemen, to both of you, welcome . thank you both of you, welcome. thank you for joining me. >> good forjoining me. >> good afternoon , good >> good afternoon, good afternoon. graham, if i can come to you first, what did as far as you are concerned, what happened in dubai ? well, i picked up this in dubai? well, i picked up this story because i was concerned what was happening to yorkshire farmers who were complaining heartily that this year's harvest might be affected due to heavy rainfall. >> and when i started doing some research, i found that , saudi research, i found that, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates were running an extensive programme of what was called cloud seeding, where aircraft would go up into clouds and release salts, sodium iodide, i think it is. and various other things, in an attempt to cause rain, they'd already said that this might have affected the weather in back in january, where there'd been flooding. and according to sources, this is what happened pnor sources, this is what happened prior to the flooding in, the
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recent days. however, i've noficed recent days. however, i've noticed today that a lot of news sources were saying that, the cloud seeding had little effect on the storm. i noticed this sort of kicked in straight away, that as soon as people thought cloud seeding was to blame, suddenly it's not to blame . it's suddenly it's not to blame. it's climate change. the usual story is trotted it's is just trotted out that it's climate change. is a story climate change. this is a story that yorkshire post covered that the yorkshire post covered on got a on wednesday, and got a significant amount interest significant amount of interest in that , there was worried that in that, there was worried that cloud seeding was behind this and my research, my own research and my research, my own research and things that i've, i've witnessed is, is implicating that this is going on worldwide. it's not just in, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates, and the united arab emirates, and it may be a problem with, the weather that we're seeing at the weather that we're seeing at the moment. >> let me pause you there, grim. professor ambum, the same question to you, really, how do you assess , the truth and the you assess, the truth and the reality of what unfolded in dubai? >> well, the event we had over
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last tuesday was a large mesoscale weather system, mesoscale weather system, mesoscale convective system , it mesoscale convective system, it was predicted several days in advance, probably more than a week in advance , a day in week in advance, a day in advance. people knew that there would be more than a year's worth of rainfall, occurring from this mesoscale weather system. and the authorities in the emirates warned people to stay at home during that day, and they closed schools for the day. so it was a well predicted system. it was just a weather system. it was just a weather system. there is these weather systems occur with some regularity in the area. >> i have professor, i've read, i've read elsewhere that that the uae, dispatched cloud seeding planes from al ain air field, for seven missions across a two day period, i think monday and tuesday of the week. and yet so that was so that was happening at the same time. so
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people bound you know, people are bound to, you know, it's, you know, it's not necessarily proof, but people would be bound to draw the conclusion that cloud seeding may have played a part. >> yeah. okay that's perhaps people who don't know too much about what cloud seeding actually does. i mean, i should can i just say that the emirates run an operational cloud seeding operation? they fly about 300, day, 300 flight missions a year. so it's happening all the time, they they what they attempt to do is in an arid regions to get convective clouds to produce a bit more rain. now they know and everybody who works on cloud seeding knows that the effects are hard to measure. they are limited in scope and limited in timescale. so any any basic physics underlying cloud
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seeding, indicates that that these effects occur on the time scale of, you know, within an hour or something like that , so hour or something like that, so and then we have a mesoscale weather system here with an amount of energy of many, many, you know, hiroshima level atomic nuclear weapons going off at the same time , to assume that cloud same time, to assume that cloud seeding, operate could have any influence on, on this on the evolution of such a massive system, a system i should , system, a system i should, emphasise again that had been predicted days in advance. so the emirates, they go cloud seeding to get rain over their arid regions. they will not go out cloud seeding when they have in order to make very heavy rain, even worse . and we as far rain, even worse. and we as far as we have been told by our contacts in the in the emirates , contacts in the in the emirates, they did not fly during that in
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that particular event. and obviously there was never a reason to fly during the event. clearly we've got we've got here two, you know, you're either side of me. >> they're, diametrically opposed assessments of what has happened. >> well, let me explain, neal. they run 1000 seeding operations per year. that's their own information commonly available. from their website. they also say and boast quite brightly that they are going to get three point 5,000,000m3 of water, have already fallen due to their cloud seeding operations. information that i found said that cloud seeding operations were conducted into this storm. and also, if i can remind the learned professor about a storm that occurred in this country in 1952 with operation cumulus , 1952 with operation cumulus, which was an raf operation to seed clouds where a rainfall happenedin seed clouds where a rainfall happened in dorset and the town
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of lismore. i think it was endured such horrific flooding that i think 30 people died. and when they found out that this had happened after the cloud seeding had taken place , the seeding had taken place, the operation was stopped. so i think people are right in thinking that sir cloud seeding had an effect on this. and to be frank with you, i really have stopped believing this government narrative that's being pushed out. that's cloud seeding doesn't affect the atmosphere and causes significant rain. i think it does. >> professor. do you do you understand why there's so much interest? i'm sure. perhaps you haven't, but i certainly see a great deal of speculation online, on social media, people posting photographs of, you know , of the sky, you know, blue. one minute, you know, grey. an hour later and so on. and so do you empathise at all with people having concerns about what's going on. i look, people speculate about stuff all the
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time, but it's a bit of a shame that it time, but it's a bit of a shame thatitis time, but it's a bit of a shame that it is always done out of a position of, of quite a lot of ignorance sometimes. >> look, when you don't know what's happening, >> look, when you don't know what's happening , that doesn't what's happening, that doesn't mean something bad is happening. all right? so the lynmouth floods are indeed an example that are being trotted out all the time. of course, the as i don't know the details, i, in 1952 i wasn't around, but as far as i'm aware, the seeding occurred in a, in a in an area different from where the flooding occurred, and, and i would have thought, indeed that that people realised around that time that there was a bit of a, you know , public opinion you know, public opinion disaster really, in the sense that they i think they first denied that cloud seeding happened. but then, of course, cloud seeding did happen. and probably that was because in those days the raf did cloud seeding and they probably treated it as some sort of, quasi secret or something.
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>> hold that thought. >> hold that thought. >> but of course , the, the there >> but of course, the, the there is no secret in the cloud seeding operations that are done and that are done in the emirates . emirates. >> no secret. >> no secret. >> hold that thought publicised thing and you will realise that that in the emirates they will of course , for their own of course, for their own political reasons, make sure that there achievements are, are just exercised just as much as possible, just while i still have you both. >> i'd like to turn also to greg swenson here in the studio. greg you can be something of an adjudicator, i suppose. you know, having heard the having heard and heard the testimony there. and i'm you've got your own i'm sure you've got your own opinion this. are you are opinion about this. are you are you interested , as i am, in the you interested, as i am, in the level of general interest in the wider public that has that has. yeah. it's fascinating. risen like a storm cloud around this subject. >> and it's really interesting listening to these, these two scientists because nobody really in the general public even knew that seeding that cloud seeding was occurring. if they it occurring. and if they did, it was rare unusual. whereas as was rare and unusual. whereas as both have said, that the united,
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the uae and the saudis have been doing it fairly consistently now, it's interesting that one source says 300 times year and source says 300 times a year and another says a thousand, but it is, you know, it is there is potential misinformation coming out this. and it's really out of this. and it's really interesting to see. i definitely agree with with graham, that no surprise that the climate alarmists came in and blamed the existential crisis as usual. >> thank you to thank you to for the moment, graham taylor and professor martin ambum. thank you, this is a topic that fascinates me, but we'll we'll park that at the moment and i have to move on. but thank you both for your illuminating contributions. that's all we have time for on the neil oliver show this week , although there's show this week, although there's extra content news. com extra content on gb news. com don't miss that. however, if you're staying with terrestrial television, stay tuned for free speech nation and i will see you here next week.
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>>a >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> good evening. welcome to your latest gb news weather from the met office. so after a drier end to the weekend for many of us today, it looks like change is on the way. an area of low pressure situated out to the north of the uk, brings some weak frontal systems that will slowly sink their way southwards, into slowly sink their way sou�* start ds, into slowly sink their way sou�* start ds, the into slowly sink their way sou�* start ds,the new into slowly sink their way sou�* start ds,the new working slowly sink their way sou�*st.and;,the new working slowly sink their way sou�*st.and that new working slowly sink their way sou�*st.and that area working slowly sink their way sou�*st.and that area ofyrking slowly sink their way sou�*st.and that area of highi week. and that area of high pressure we've pushes away pressure we've seen pushes away towards northwest. so towards the northwest. so a cloudy to the for much cloudy end to the day for much of eastern scotland and northern england as that continues england as that rain continues to southwards to sink its way southwards overnight. quite a cloudy overnight. so quite a cloudy picture, across board picture, quite across the board into monday into the early hours of monday morning. eastern parts into the early hours of monday m
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although not quite as cold under all that cloud and rain, and particularly across parts of scotland, up into scotland, holding up into the high figures. cloudier high single figures. so cloudier start of us on monday, start for many of us on monday, particularly what we particularly compared to what we saw weekend. and this saw over the weekend. and this rain continues spread way rain continues to spread its way southwards through monday daytime not turning particularly heavy, and heavy, but definitely a grey and damp compared the recent damp day compared to the recent couple northern parts couple of days in northern parts of scotland. probably seeing the best the sunshine the best of the sunshine through the afternoon feeling warm here afternoon and feeling warm here with degrees, with highs of 14 or 15 degrees, but much but definitely feeling much chillier of england chillier across much of england and all that cloud and wales. under all that cloud and wales. under all that cloud and rain, cloud and rain and rain, that cloud and rain does clear its way does eventually clear its way towards the southeast to start on there will be on tuesday, so there will be some brighter spells, particularly northern particularly for the northern half of the uk. plenty of sunshine around through the morning, showers bubbling morning, 1 or 2 showers bubbling up afternoon, up through the afternoon, particularly along some north sea and staying sea coastal regions and staying quite the southeast quite cloudy in the southeast through the afternoon. further showers on their way through wednesday but wednesday and thursday, but hints pressure returning hints of low pressure returning as towards the second as we head towards the second half week. half of the week. >> warm feeling inside from >> that warm feeling inside from boxt sponsors of weather boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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gb news. way. >> good evening. i'm sophia wenzler in the gb newsroom. your top story this hour. mark menzies has announced his resignation from the tory party saying he won't be standing at the next election. the fylde mp was suspended following claims he used political donations to cover medical expenses and pay off bad people who had locked him in a flat. he disputes the allegations, though. following an investigation, the conservative party says it can't conclude there was a misuse of funds. but said there was a pattern of behaviour that falls below the standards expected of mps . the mayor of london, sadiq mps. the mayor of london, sadiq khan, will meet met commissioner sir mark rowley on tomorrow to discuss community relations


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