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tv   The Saturday Night Showdown  GB News  May 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm BST

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and discussing all tonight's topics with me are my brilliant panel topics with me are my brilliant panel. ryan mcdonnell, chloe dobson, andrew eborn. but first, let's get your latest news headunes let's get your latest news headlines from aaron armstrong . headlines from aaron armstrong. >> thanks, leo. good evening to you. i'm aaron armstrong in the gb newsroom, united by music . gb newsroom, united by music. that's eurovision's motto. but the build up to tonight's final has been anything but united amid incidents inside the arena and protests outside the netherlands. entry us klein's been disqualified. the dutch broadcaster says it was over a threatening movement he made towards someone who was filming him , reportedly against his
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him, reportedly against his wishes. ireland's entrant, bambie thug , wishes. ireland's entrant, bambie thug, has wishes. ireland's entrant, bambie thug , has accused the bambie thug, has accused the israeli broadcaster kan of repeatedly breaking the rules regarding its commentary towards their act during the semi—finals, and the french act. slimani has broken eurovision rules on making political statements during the warm up, with an on stage speech calling for peace , while pro—palestinian for peace, while pro—palestinian demonstrators have gathered outside the arena to protest about israel's participation, they've been heard shouting free palestine and shame towards fans heading into the venue. a number of them have been forcibly detained and taken away by police. now the israeli army has issued new evacuation orders for various parts of the gaza strip as it expands its military operation. residents in rafah have been told to move to a so—called expanded humanitarian zone on the west coast. around 300,000 palestinians have already left, but israeli forces have also told residents in northern gaza to temporarily evacuate , following what they
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evacuate, following what they say are attempts by hamas to reassemble in the area. it's prompting fears of an assault on two fronts. the uk and its allies have warned israel against carrying out a military offensive in rafah . a 17 year offensive in rafah. a17 year old boy has died after getting into trouble while swimming in the town of wellingborough. ronalds abeli was recovered by rescue crews yesterday after reports that he got into difficulty in open water at the embankment . northamptonshire embankment. northamptonshire police say it was a tragic incident and ronalds family have requested privacy at this very distressing time . a police distressing time. a police officer has been shot in the leg with a crossbow in buckinghamshire. the officer was responding to reports of a stabbing in high wycombe last night. he was hospitalised but has since been released. a 54 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. he was shot by an armed officer and is now in hospital under police supervision , with under police supervision, with potentially life changing injuries . and authorities in injuries. and authorities in ibiza and mallorca have issued a
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new booze ban in an effort to crack down on what they call excessive tourism. the sale of alcohol in shops and off licences will be banned from 930 in the evening until 8 am. in popular hotspots like magaluf, playa de palma and san antone. there will be also further restrictions on party boats. it's all an attempt to kerb anti—social behaviour and booze fuelled holidays. following complaints from local people are those who break the law could be fined up to £1,400 and if you're suffering from a bout of regret after missing a rare display of the northern lights last night, well, fear not, you'll have another opportunity later. aurora borealis will once again be visible in the skies across the country. it may not be quite as pronounced as yesterday, but if you are staying up to have a look sometime after 10:30 will be best. well, that's it for the moment. we'll be back with more at the top of the next hour, or you can scan the qr code on your screen for our alerts. now it's back to . leo.
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back to. leo. >> thank you, aaron, and welcome to the saturday night showdown. now how did eurovision become so controversial? we're well past the pop music era of gary glitter, jimmy savile and jonathan king. it should be a nice party to celebrate europe. a night for everyone. well, maybe not straight men to drink lambrini and laugh at some fun p0p lambrini and laugh at some fun pop music that's camper than a row of tents. instead we've got greta thunberg joining huge protests against israel's participation. british entry olly alexander hating on the british flag and now the dutch contestant joost klein has been barred, possibly because his name sounds like jews. >> you make me dizzy from your kisses. >> will you take my hand? and spinning round and round until the moment . the moment. >> that sounds like a cat in a washing machine . and it's not washing machine. and it's not the most family friendly contest
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ever with olly alexander performing in a sparkly bra and a satanist called bambie thug representing ireland. here's bambi explaining why she's so special. she'll do, you know. >> do you know what makes me special ? i'm a queer and i'm special? i'm a queer and i'm a witch . witch. >> it's 2020 for everyone's queen >> it's 2020 for everyone's queer. it doesn't make you special at all. it makes you conformist. i can't tell if those are tattoos or if she just fell asleep at a house party. and people drew on her with biros. she identifies as non—binary , apparently. but with non—binary, apparently. but with all that scribbling, i'd say she identifies as a school desk while she cried with her team. when israel was included , i when israel was included, i cried with my team . cried with my team. >> it's good to see she hasn't totally abandoned abandoned traditional values . she's got a traditional values. she's got a tea towel round her neck. must be about to do the dishes,
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bambi, said the ebu. that's the european broadcasting union who run eurovision, prevented her from displaying a pro—palestinian message during her performance during the same semi—final. during an earlier rehearsal on tuesday , the rehearsal on tuesday, the israeli contestant, eden golan, was booed in the auditorium and protesters shouted free palestine! one audience member had a palestinian flag taken off them . rebecca sills said . since them. rebecca sills said. since lovely stuff, her song hurricane was rewritten three times after an initial version titled october rain was ruled by the ebu as too political due to lyrics which they thought condemned the 7th october hamas attacks on israel and woke politics. the hamas slaughter of civilians must never be condemned. her song hurricane was rewritten, we've done that. just a second. i'm just going to scroll to the end . oh, my god,
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scroll to the end. oh, my god, it's taken so long. here we go. here we go. okay, some people have said palestine should be represented instead. listen, the last time palestinians were involved in a music festival, they killed the people who were attending. so maybe it's just as well they're not in. i don't think even graham norton's cheery voiceover could turn that into good television. olly alexander also stuck the boot into britain, calling the british flag divisive and nationalistic. yes, nationalistic. yes, nationalistic . it's nationalistic. yes, nationalistic. it's a nationalistic. yes, nationalistic . it's a flag of nationalistic. it's a flag of a nation. and also, does he not know which country he's representing? he's no doubt thinks that this is an edgy opinion, when in fact slamming the british flag is the only opinion allowable by most british young people in the left wing establishment. it would be far more shocking and controversial if he came out and said he loved the british flag, because it stands for things like maybe an equal rights and tolerance for gay people, which you don't get under the palestinian flag. and the protests aren't just coming from the singers. in belgium, the broadcast of israel's performance in the eurovision semi—finals was interrupted instead of eden golan song vrt
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showed a black screen with the following inscription in dutch we condemn human rights violations by the state of israel. the state of israel also violates press freedom. therefore, we will interrupt the broadcast for a moment. truce. now oh, yeah. yes >> why is this important? >> why is this important? >> because there's a genocide unfolding in the world, and we all have a moral obligation to speak up and to protest against that. >> and that was greta thunberg speaking at one of the huge protests that took place on thursday in malmo, the swedish city named after an ikea chest of drawers , the israeli singer of drawers, the israeli singer was confined to her hotel by protesters , including greta. protesters, including greta. i guess we know which carbon greta wants to reduce most. these protesters insist that they're just concerned about civilians being killed. well, where are the protests when muslims are killed by fellow muslims in yemen or sudan or syria or libya
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or iraq or somalia or kurdistan, where are the left wing mobs calling to erase china or myanmar from the river to the sea when they actually do commit genocide against muslims? well, the difference is this time that those deaths didn't involve jews. but the gaza conflict does. it's ironic that a contest set up to ensure unity across europe in the wake of world war ii is now a platform for anti—semitism. although of course, i'm not suggesting that everybody at the protest is anti—semitic, but they've certainly decided to march shoulder to shoulder with people who are. and people ask, how could the nazis rise to power? well, we're watching young, righteous socialists being indoctrinated by culture and universities to hate jews, just as happened in 1930s germany. this is dressed up in the language of social justice as critical race theory and decolonialism, but it leads down the same path as hitler's goons. we're already seeing jews assaulted, prevented from entering university buildings,
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detained for being openly jewish. who knows where the anti—semitic woke mob will lead us next? but i've just got to say, young people's knowledge of geopolitics near . okay, okay. geopolitics near. okay, okay. i'm joined tonight by ryan mcdonnell , chloe chloe dobbs i'm joined tonight by ryan mcdonnell, chloe chloe dobbs and andrew eborn. now i've got to ask andrew. yes? why do you think the single israelite. i've got my own theory. i think i've just said it in that interesting 1978. >> same thing happened. jordan israel had a fantastic song in there. and jordan, rather than showing the entry, actually just showed a bunch of flowers. right. and when israel won in 1978, instead of saying they won, they said, well, belgium won. so they pretended the whole thing didn't happen. >> this is on jordanian tv. >> this is on jordanian tv. >> yeah, it was, and it happened in a number of sort of places. so it's not the first time in history that has happened. what i also love, and it's some great songs out there that the guy who
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used to climb his wonderful thing called europa, he's got a wonderful line in there, say, europe, let's come together. stay here until i die or until i get arrested. yeah. so i think that that's the thing. so he's been arrested, and they say there's a funny statement that's been put out. there was an altercation with a female member of staff or whatever it is, and they say it's not right for him to perform as a result of it. >> and there are rumours that that was connected to israel thing as well. i mean, i guess israel was set up as a as a way for european countries to resolve conflicts. that would be a bit easier to manage than, than the world wars we used to have. and i guess, you know, it'll do until we get giant mechanised robots to, to fight on behalf of us. but yeah. i mean, are you surprised to see all this conflict around? >> i mean, i am i obviously follow the eurovision song contest every single year. if not to see ireland win, just to see england lose. so you know, to see conflict like this really takes away from that. and i'm disappointed and. >> yeah. yeah. >> yeah. yeah. >> and chloe, i mean are you a fan of eurovision? obviously not. as you're here instead of watching i know i haven't watched it for years and it
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looks like it's really gone down the pan. >> it looks like there's nobody there that actually identifies as the gender they were born with. from the looks of it. yeah. you've got this bloke dancing who can't hit the nose and is wearing a bikini with a glitzy british flag on, whilst also saying i'm wearing one right now. exactly he feels ambivalent about the british flag, but i'm sure he'll have nothing to say about people flying italian flags and spanish flags and whatnot. it's just us evil colonialist british that have to be dismantled. and then, i mean, the israel thing is just absolutely crazy. i don't know if you've seen the video of the girl rehearsing where she's got her team around, her booing at her team around, her booing at her while she's practising. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> yeah. just so that she can get used. >> she's ready to do it and she'll probably win as a result. >> sing like, even if you're anti—israel, it's not like it's netanyahu going up there and singing on the stage. it's just a girl innocently singing us on, just leaving us alone. >> that's a great idea, chloe. maybe next year we could actually have the leaders of the countries performing. i mean, really get much worse. now. we've actually we're going to go live to charlie peters , who's in live to charlie peters, who's in malmo at the moment. i'm not sure if he's in the top drawer.
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charlie, how are you doing? >> he's been moved . moved off? >> he's been moved. moved off? i'm allowed to sing charlie . i'm allowed to sing charlie. he's gone . we're going live to he's gone. we're going live to a swedish policeman instead . there swedish policeman instead. there you go. that's charlie, it looks like. >> yeah, charlie best i've seen him. >> but, charlie, you're getting moved on. >> yeah, we've got you. charlie. were you getting moved on? were you threatening to. to kick off? >> yeah. no some some danish police officers just moved me as they're moving some pro—palestinian protesters as we speak, getting pushed again here. this is sweden, but the danish police are also helping out in this operation. there's a significant movement now of the last remnants of the pro—palestine demonstration coming through this area. just 20 minutes ago, they moved away. another group of pro—palestine protesters here, right outside the malmo arena. there have been several arrests in the last hour . one man we saw getting pepper sprayed, another person tussling with the police, some scuffles
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on the edge here. these are likely to be the most violent here as some punching breaking out between the police and protesters here, some serious scuffles. now as the last group of the protesters , we see some of the protesters, we see some people in keffiyeh scarves wrapped up as masks covering their faces to my right here also another group breaking out, fighting the danish and swedish police . but the main group are police. but the main group are being pushed through ahead of me in this group. one flag above them as they're moved away . them as they're moved away. above me there's a police helicopter and throughout the evening we've also seen police officers looking down from at us, from the roofs around the arena . we've seen armed arena. we've seen armed officers, counter—terrorism specialists throughout the day at this area as the swedish police, with their danish counterparts, have put on a serious demonstration of force to try and keep security outside this venue. this has been this has been a major operation for them to keep moving . and as them to keep moving. and as they're the last group moves out
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now, of course, we're just 15 minutes into what they call the grand final of eurovision here. well, the chaos that we've seen outside the venue has also been matched by chaos inside the venuein matched by chaos inside the venue in the last couple of hours. both the finnish and norwegian jury vote counters have pulled out. the irish act said that they had a concern with what the israeli broadcaster had been saying, and we've also seen, of course, the dutch contestant disqualified about six hours before the start of the competition, which has never happened before. all in all, it's been an extremely chaotic evening here in malmo and while this all goes on, the bookies favourites to win the competition tonight is the croatian lasagne baby. >> and charlie is, because we know that sweden has a large muslim population. obviously there's a lot of, you know, young, young lefties there that are angry as well, do you think the safety of the participants and the safety of attendees is
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guaranteed, or do you think things could get out of control ? things could get out of control? >> i think there's more police here than i've seen in a public place since the king's coronation last may. it's been a serious police presence. we've seen counter—terrorism specialists on motorbikes cutting about. we've seen submachine guns and all the rest of it, riot vans. it's been a constant display of force from the swedish police. earlier today, we attended a march from the centre of the city out to the centre of the city out to the west. a thousand strong pro—palestinian march, which was very different to the ones that we're used to in london because flags from banned groups , flags from banned groups, proscribed groups in europe were being flown. we also heard many chants across the whole march calling for israel as a state to be shut down. it's a very extreme. movements mixed in also with some more youthful student types. on the march we saw one group called queers for palestine saying that they were there to march against genocide . there to march against genocide. so a vast range of voices and
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groups represented on that display. the police were there, as you can imagine, in a very heavy presence. but that was a very light touch approach to policing. but by contrast, here with the vips and the performers are gathering, the policing has been absolutely rigid. there are barriers , vans, armed officers barriers, vans, armed officers all over the place. i can hear the helicopter buzzing above me now as it follows this last group as they're moved away from the venue. as i say that i can still hear some protesters behind me. i don't think even with all the will in the world, they're going to get rid of every single pro—palestinian voice. as we see more coming in now from the main road to reinforce those who've just been taken away. this wave has been going on and on over and over for the last two hours. some get removed, more turn up arrest take place and the danish and swedish police moved them along . swedish police moved them along. i think it's highly likely that we're going to see this kind of police operation going on throughout tonight's performance , and i have to say, many of the people that i saw on that march
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earlier today, i have recognised again here. they've clearly all my created away from that demonstration through the town centre. earlier and have found themselves now outside the arena as this danish riot, riot officers stand guard in front of the venue. and let's not forget, it's not just the venue that's seen significant security and police presence this week. eden golan the israeli contestant for this competition, has had the head of shin bet, israel's m15, flying in from israel to personally oversee the security operation. that's been extensive, to say the least, with a armoured car boy with several police outriders accompanying the israeli, russian singer from her hotel to the venue between semi—finals , the venue between semi—finals, press conferences and now the final. but bookies say she is the second favourite favourite. >> wow . so this, the second favourite favourite. >> wow. so this, this controversy is affecting the scores as well. but you'd give the police operation deuce point.
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>> sorry i tried a joke . i'm >> sorry i tried a joke. i'm not. i've no idea. no idea what you said. i'm sure it was really funny. you're on headliners, aren't you? >> you're on headliners, aren't you? you're meant to be funny. >> well, charlie, thank you so much for joining >> well, charlie, thank you so much forjoining us. i mean, what amazing. what an amazing event. what an experience, what something to be part of. finally, the eurovision song contest is interesting. brilliant. well, i'm going to go to my panel for their quick response. yes, but thanks so much, charlie. >> well, well well done for teaching charlie, i thought, i love the fact they were carrying a fox. >> there was somebody with a fox because they banned animals from from eurovision. you can only have six people and you only have six people and you only have three songs. what? animals and no animals on stage was that man? i hope he was. >> he brought. >> he brought. >> he brought his fox. >> he brought his fox. >> he brought a combat fox. i always wonder what i love as well. >> abba haven't even mentioned abba 50 years since waterloo. do you know how many points gb gave abba in that contest? do you know how many it was? i don't know, it was in fact nil. no
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point. they gave them none. none at all. because they were. it was. >> history is history is a bit wrong because i learnt that water. >> the battle of waterloo happened ages ago. so. yeah, this is, this is crazy. and it's in the. >> i'm hoping that mark rowley is tuning him in so he can get anidea is tuning him in so he can get an idea of what real policing looks like. yeah don't get that kind of thing happening on a saturday. >> well, this is a show of force. >> but also, i mean, the sweden reign has has this commitment to free speech. so it sounds like they're allowing, you know, proscribed groups to march with banners that you wouldn't be allowed to in london. i mean, well, you probably would, but you're not supposed to be allowed , allowed to march with, allowed, allowed to march with, you know, terrorist, terrorist groups. >> i feel like we're missing a trick here. we really should have made our way over there and taken full advantage of that. >> yeah, and we're going to we're going to show a picture of you with jedward. yeah. this is the new ad. >> it's called jan drew, which is, which is, this is, this is for the next thing. here's the picture. >> is this nick hewer last week. oh my god, there we go. >> this is it. so we're going to
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be ireland and we're going to combine entries. so we had bambie thug this year with doomsday blue. we're going to have our entry next year which is going to be brilliant. >> yeah i mean this this looks like a disgraced former children's tv presenter. i'm not going to. he's not. i'd love it if you entered the if you enter jedward. >> if you if you enter. if you enter. so i'm just checking the time. if you entered the eurovision song contest, that would be great. yeah, yeah. fantastic >> i was there last week. there was a eurotrash thing where we had all the stars from beforehand. we had katrina there. we had all the sort of glorious people, previous winners, and they all came out too late to come out, but they they all worked on that basis. and it was a wonderful, happy moment. that's what eurovision is all about. united by music. that's what you want. >> that's what you should be. >> that's what you should be. >> start tuning into eurovision for the first time in like 15 years. >> if you did it, so should we do it? will you tune in? that gets 200 million as well. 200 million viewers. >> should we do that? we got 200 million plus one. >> next year. >> next year. >> we could do it. book us now and you won't be scared to fly
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your country's flag. >> i would fly every flag they give me. >> i'll do it. >> if you join, i'll give you a scottish saltire. >> anyway, coming up, we will assess the week's winners and losers. and cursed or blessed. but first, let's have a look at some runners running in the snow. because the runners just stop for a quick second. >> and i said, what are you doing? running. and you're saying it was really good out. >> it's the perfect texture for running, very low impact on it's dry snow so your feet don't get wet. >> on mark dolan tonight. in a
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mark meet. special world cup winning south african captain francois pienaar. winning south african captain francois pienaar . the man who francois pienaar. the man who made history with nelson mandela. tells his incredible story in my take at ten. why it's time for the king and the country to forgive prince harry. plus radio legend mike reid, the hamiltons and coronation street star charlie lawson . we're live
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star charlie lawson. we're live at nine. >> welcome back to the saturday night showdown. kirsten blessed is coming up. but first i promised i would show you what happened to those lovely runners. >> just stop for a quick second. and i said, what are you doing? running. and you're saying it was really good out. >> it's the perfect texture for running. very low impact on. it's dry snow. so you're if you don't get wet, go ahead and keep on the run. >> i'm sorry to have kept you, but i appreciate you guys talking with us. all right. thanks we've seen a lot of people out here, like you said, running, sledding, just enjoying it. one thing. oops >> okay. i mean, i mean, i'm sure everybody's seen it already, but i face planted running this afternoon . running this afternoon. >> you win the other week. >> you win the other week. >> no. on my god. how did you do this? >> not even icy. >> not even icy. >> it was my dog's fault. i had him on leash and he tugged and i tripped on something and bam! >> that's good. i see people riding their bike face plant most i see, i see people riding their bikes with their with dogs. >> and if the dog sees a rabbit,
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then the dog, they're off. >> they're absolutely off. no, it's really dangerous thing. so that's why the eurovision song gets banned them because they're really dangerous. and i think you work on that sort of basis. that's why that guy was carrying. he had to carry the fox because otherwise he'd trip over it. they did. >> anyway, it's now time to go through the winners and losers of the week in keir starmer blessed baby reindeer, a netflix show based on the real life story of a scottish stand up comedian being stalked, has been a massive success, but it led to massive online speculation about the real life identities of the people in the show. i'd like to point out that i'm not the comedian or any of the other people in the show, but internet sleuths quickly tracked down the real life martha the stalker, and piers morgan got the alleged stalker on his on his show and interviewed her and overweight, deluded narcissist desperate for anyone to pay attention . but anyone to pay attention. but enough about piers. people have accused piers of being exploitative as the woman may have mental health issues. is he 7 have mental health issues. is he ? well, let's do a bit of exploiting of her own by having a bit quick look, you know, i was talking to somebody. >> it's pretty rude to interrupt. so he seemed to be obsessed with me from that
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moment onwards. >> now, many people have speculated that she's mentally ill, i mean, do you what did you make of this? did you watch the show? ryan i did, i did. >> i mean, the confidence that she went on with really intrigued me like she was going on. i'm going to show everybody the truth. i'm going to finally have my say. and then there was nothing from god at all. and then, like at the end, it could have just cut to him going, told you. >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> i mean, she said, she said she's going to sue but well she's going to sue but well she's in the interview. she seemed to like corroborate pretty much all the things that were very interesting actually. >> what she'd said, i felt i mean, she felt a bit, not well represented is what she said about the piers interview. she said talk tv paid £250, that's what they did for the interview. >> and she also said she get on that £250 a second. >> absolutely. what happened is really interesting because i felt a bit sorry for her in a way, but she was absolutely categorical in her denial. so she said 41,000 emails? no, i just sent a handful, 100
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letters. no, i don't even know his address. all those sort of phone calls. i didn't leave any messages. these things are so easy to prove that as a lawyer, you'll be salivating at this sort of stuff because either she's been defamed in the most horrible way possible, and netflix have got pretty deep pockets. gad's probably got a few million from what he sold as a result of her claims, given netflix have probably got a huge legal team and that's what would happen. >> yeah, they probably checked and over again. i mean, it probably would have been smart of them to put based on a true story rather than this is the truth and try and make them less easily identifiable. >> they managed to find her. >> they managed to find her. >> she's complaining that piers went too harsh on her. i mean, piers is known to be a pretty harsh interviewer, and he seemed to be softer on her than he is on a lot of people. i mean, look at him when he's interviewing politicians. >> so there are a lot of follow up questions. you're right. there are a lot of follow up questions could have done, but they're not all the politicians are kind of, you know, i mean, she's clearly quite a tragic figure, whereas only about half of politicians are tragic figures, so but i mean, do you think there's a lot of, people have got a lot of sympathy for
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her? i mean, even on this panel, we've got a lot of sympathy for her. i mean, do you think there'd be that sympathy if it was a bloke? some 18 stone bloke following a female comedian around? >> quite honestly. no, no, i don't and i do have a lot of sympathy for her as well. but you know, a mentally ill person who gets on like that is still a nuisance either which way you look at it. so it's hard to have too much sympathy, you know. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> but it's also important for, for legal reasons. fiona harvey denies it. so that's what she's saying. so you need to work on that sort of basis. she does deny it. and so have a look at that sort of stuff. she wants to get in touch. we'll give it a fair interview and we'll help. >> well essentially you've got a date anyway. >> oh careful what you get into is your what's your email address? i'll give it out. >> don't kill cash. >> don't kill cash. >> no, we're used to politicians lying, but a member of germany's right wing alternative for germany party, or afd that stands for it in german, has been convicted for telling the truth. she used official statistics to warn that afghan immigrants are disproportionately, disproportionately, disproportionately likely to commit sexual violence against
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women and girls . according to women and girls. according to the german courts, this amounted to incitement to hatred , even to incitement to hatred, even though it's true now the truth should never be a crime. trying to, you know. do you think they're trying to suppress the afd who have risen in the polls? they were polling over over 20% at one point, using lawfare . at one point, using lawfare. chloe. so, yeah, i mean, this is absolutely terrifying . absolutely terrifying. >> i mean, scottish hate crime laws weren't bad enough, but this looks even more terrifying. yeah, she's literally, just as you say, just repeating government statistics. and what they've said is , oh, you said they've said is, oh, you said them in an out of context way. therefore it was inciting hatred. i mean, that seems like a push to me. and, you know, it's just crazy that it is almost impossible in today's day and age to just point out the obvious. that is, men coming from cultures that have the worst record in the world for their treatment of women are probably a tad bit more likely to do something bad to a woman . to do something bad to a woman. i mean, is that not common sense? but apparently it's racist and insightful .
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racist and insightful. >> well, you say that lies, damned lies and statistics. and i actually drilled into the statistics because what happened? they said there were 419,000 afghans residing in germany . there were 677, 677 germany. there were 677, 677 gang rapes, exactly half of those i'm not quite sure they got it wrong there. 338.5 of those that were people who were non—german. so if you're looking at that as a percentage, it's a tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of afghans . the quote actually was afghans. the quote actually was welcoming culture for gang rape. so if you're taking it out of context and looking at that sort of stuff, it's an unfair comment because the suggestion is that all afghans are rapists, which is clearly not. >> no, i don't think i don't think that is suggesting that every single afghan is going to be some gang rapist, but bringing in a culture of it in that there are, say, probably a greater proportion of afghan migrants who are going to do something like that than your typical german. >> i mean, well, the actual figures show that the afghan men that are that are coming over are ten times more likely, not twice as likely, ten times more. >> no wonder that the home of the criminals doesn't want to
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answer gb news on their 338 people out of 419,000. >> it's not even not even 1 in 10,000. >> yeah, no. >> yeah, no. >> so obviously she's not suggesting that every single. exactly. i mean, it's a tiny proportion of these afghan migrants that have committed these crimes . migrants that have committed these crimes. but migrants that have committed these crimes . but how migrants that have committed these crimes. but how many gang rapes are acceptable ? rapes are acceptable? >> no, no, the answer is zero. yeah, exactly. >> but so the answer is zero. so why would you bring across people who are ten times more likely to commit gang rapes? >> because you've still got 418,000 people who are not rapists and that sort of stuff? no, but that's nonsense. >> that's like, so then we shouldn't make, you know, xl bullies, illegal because, well, most of them don't eat a toddler's face off. >> i mean, well, i a different sort of argument, but let's look at the figures. >> if you're turning around just the tip of the iceberg, this is just one very representative part of, of an entire culture. so, you know, we know, for example, that i mean, look at the government in afghanistan. they don't have the best record on human rights. and in particular, you know, their
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attitudes to women. it's not just, you know, this particular issue. there's also things like the education of women or what women are free to do or where they can go, you know, are they are they free to get a job? are they free to get an education? and they're not. but there's some bad things as well. >> yes. there you go. >> yes. there you go. >> but you're absolutely right. i think it's just a question of putting it in perspective. so when you're quoting welcoming gang for gang rape, it's not turning around and saying all afghans. so you don't want to give that impression. no. my point is 419,000 is a huge number. fortunately and no gang rapes are ever acceptable. no rape, no crime is ever acceptable. well, that's apart from that jacket. you you. what happens? i'm just talking about the figures. so the figures are 340 people. yeah. of who are non—german born . and that's what non—german born. and that's what they're saying. and some of those are percentage of those would be afghans. so it's a tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of the whole. so don't dam the whole is the point. >> yeah. okay. well now we all know that joe biden is old, but for the amount of lives he says he's lived, he'd need to be about 5000 years old. let's have
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about 5000 years old. let's have a look at this. >> i was sort of raised , in the >> i was sort of raised, in the puerto rican community. i had a very close relationship with the greek american community. for real, i am joe biden . i grew up real, i am joe biden. i grew up in a heavily irish catholic community in scranton, pennsylvania , and a heavily pennsylvania, and a heavily italian polish community. when i say i got, i got raised in the black church, he knows i'm not kidding. the persian culture is amazing as a student of the persian culture. >> so there we go, joe biden, your average black, puerto rican, greek, polish , rican, greek, polish, venezuelan, more dodgy races in the spatial olympics. >> i love it. i love the fact he's gone every single vowel at the end of his name. he's got the end of his name. he's got the a—e—i—o—u. so an unfortunate vowel movement for him. and you, you work on that sort of basis. but actually all he's saying is, look, he's grown up with these sort of people. that's his way of relating, his sort of turning around in the same way as london is the biggest melting pot of all, i could say. i've grown up with every culture, every country didn't grow up in.
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>> he didn't grow up in london. if he'd grown up in london, i'd be like, yeah, of course you walk down the street, you pass, you know, you meet all the all those different types of people. >> he grew up in scranton, the place, the place where the offices set, you know what mean? >> but he makes up all these lies, and it's funny. i've had a scottish woman does it, and there's a netflix special. >> right? >> right? >> i mean, it's quite worrying how we just can't seem to get >> i mean, it's quite worrying how we j any presidential candidates that are young and have a working brain. i mean, trump's the one who seems to have his head screwed on the most, but he's 70. he's got a lot screwed now, got rfk has apparently had part of his head eaten, part of his brain eaten by a worm. so that's a bit worrying. >> what joe biden is, is what you're saying. >> what about the worm? can not know about worm be a candidate? no. >> robert f kennedy, his medical records have been shown now, and a worm ate part of his brain. >> and they testified like an excuse to not hand in your homework. anyway, next, on the saturday night showdown, trump's hush money trail continues with stormy daniels testifying. and what have the scottish battered now? it's a food, not an englishman. and we'll show you what happened next. after this breed. >> not letting his opponent beat him out. >> know how to play
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>> welcome back to the saturday night showdown. first, let's take a look at what happened to that boxer creed. >> not letting his opponent beat him out . him out. >> no. how to start one. oh! whoa oh, baby. >> oh, oh, that's gonna cost. that is. have you ever. i mean, that's the thing with virtual reality. you can't see where you are. i tried on my diary, said this virtual reality headset, and, yeah, i tried it on. it was. it was horrific. >> you tried it on? >> you tried it on? >> i tried it on. did you know the virtual reality headset ? i the virtual reality headset? i thought it was another lawsuit is going to happen. i mean, this this person fondling, fondling my genitals. >> it's so realistic. and then took the headset off. anyway donald trump's hush money trial continued in new york with a cross—examination of stormy
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daniels by the defence. let's have a look at the notes. i've got them here. so stormy daniels describes being startled by a sexual encounter. this is in the times . you might want to grab a times. you might want to grab a cold drink. this is going to get steamy, so she said. my hands were shaking so hard. it's probably why he paid extra, and i was. i was having a hard time getting dressed, she said he told jurors she'd gone to trump's lake tahoe hotel room under the belief that they would be getting dinner after meeting. >> come on. there you go. come on. you went to his hotel room and the porn star and the police? >> yeah, the former porn star. the current, yeah. i mean, i thought we'd just be getting dinner. come on. and then, trump apparently grilled her, and this is grilled her. >> is that the technology? >> is that the technology? >> that's. yeah, that's that's something else. but, it doesn't sound like he's that suave that much of a smooth tongued, silver tongued casanova. he said , what tongued casanova. he said, what about testing? do you worry about testing? do you worry about stds? have you ever had a bad test? i mean, wow, wow. mr trump, you know, you know what to say .
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to say. >> things weren't brilliant. they'll be honest. it was a grilling is better than a roasting for two days. testifying about a one night stand. how bad is sex? are you? >> yeah. the one night stands should at least last as long as the testifying . the testifying. >> that's. >> that's. >> i mean, apparently, when she turned up, he was wearing nice satin pyjamas. it's quite feminine of him. >> yeah, and she asked him to change as well. >> to watch and to joe biden for dinner or. yeah, change for dinner. >> you can't wear them in hooters . hooters. >> but the whole the whole thing. >> the trial is not about that, though, is it? the trial is about the money that was paid and whether he put it through as genuine legal expenses. so the fact whether or not he's not denying, i think he is actually denying, i think he is actually denying, it's not about whether he had a sexual relationship with stormy daniels. it's about what happened to the money and whether he knew about it and put it under his legal expenses. that's the case. >> but that's the thing is, they're saying this becomes because that would have been a misdemeanour, what you're describing, but it becomes a felony, a federal offence when, it's to subvert the electoral process . but the thing is, john process. but the thing is, john edwards did the exact same thing. democratic presidential nominee did the exact same
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thing. set paid a lot more money because same pyjamas, because he's not as he's not as good at the deal as donald trump is. clinton also paid off. paula jones , but this time it's jones, but this time it's a federal offence because they want to bring down donald trump anyway. the taxpayer is spending at least £1 million a year on post—graduate courses, such as the garden, as a site to cultivate queer anti—rape , cultivate queer anti—rape, assist communities and spiritual activism . one student, exploring activism. one student, exploring the garden suggests that the interaction with the plants contrasting lived experience and practices by people of colour with with received exclusionary western approaches to engaging with ecology, allows for histories of suppression and marginalisation to come to the fore. whatever any of that means. are these university courses? or is somebody just chucking guardian headlines at the wall and seeing what sticks? i mean , ryan, this seems like i mean, ryan, this seems like just a load of word salad. i can't believe we're subsidising. the state is subsidising universities to basically indoctrinate kids into being
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communists who generate nonsense. >> no, i say this is good because i'm a big gardener. love it. as i've got older and, the most that my garden has ever amounted to is a toilet for cats. so i'm all for this. >> yeah. do you do you ever put any? because you can get chemicals and stuff? apparently, if you get lion dung from the zoo, lion dung, if you get lion dung from the zoo, lion dung , that's good. zoo, lion dung, that's good. that's off. because the cats smell. >> oh, no, that's right. >> oh, no, that's right. >> a more powerful cat. so they won't go and poo in your begonias. >> i think it will keep all the neighbours away as well. >> john newton joke were, there's no irony at all in somebody who thinks that they have. they don't want cat poo in their garden, so they go and get a bigger cat and put it in their garden. yeah. i mean, it's john newton's jokes. garden. yeah. i mean, it's john newton'sjokes. i don't know garden. yeah. i mean, it's john newton's jokes. i don't know who wrote it. >> that's actually a really good point. >> i reckon charlie peters would have got that joke. >> maybe he didn't. >> maybe he didn't. >> i mean, i don't know what what they're smoking. i mean , what they're smoking. i mean, are they suggesting that if you go in a garden of flowers, if you're racist, it will suddenly turn you not racist? >> i mean, well, no, it's very simple. >> they say poetic responses to climate grief under patriarchal and anthropocene centric hegemony is what they say. >> this isn't the only one wasting loads of money on it, it
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was, shared on i can't remember who it was. charlotte gill shared a substack of a list of tons of these research papers with names just like , yes, all with names just like, yes, all of them being funded, individual research papers, like near a million quid. i mean, how much money do you think? >> 57 of which we need universities to get back to trying to cure things like cancen trying to cure things like cancer, because nearly half of all cancer cases are linked to obesity, new research has found. the study of more than 4 million adults who were tracked for decades probably wasn't that hard to track them, because they're found that excess weight could be fuelling more than 30 types of the disease, experts said. the findings, which will be presented at the european congress on obesity in venice. they've got to have some that's flat for that, for that, that meeting, were groundbreaking, showing a time bomb ahead . now. showing a time bomb ahead. now. i mean, do we need to bring back fat shaming? i mean, even though if it hurts people's feelings, it might just make people a bit healthier. >> well, absolutely . i mean, a >> well, absolutely. i mean, a lot of these sort of fat positivity champions it. a lot of them are actually died. sadly. yeah, i mean, it's
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absolutely crazy. it's absolutely crazy. it's absolutely bonkers to me. is i mean, doctors, they train for years and years and years and years and years and years and years . it's crazy. but in that years. it's crazy. but in that time they only get like a few hours or like a couple of days of training on food. >> and they should look at medications, which is, you know, just a sticking plaster on the problem. and, you know, do you know what the study was done, a different thing. do you know what the study was done? >> you understand the metaphor. >> you understand the metaphor. >> anyway, next on the saturday night showdown, we'll talk about how the cost of living crisis is affecting gun crime and how women in australia had to turn a museum into a toilet or
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a women only exhibit in australia is to become a toilet to keep men out. after a court ruled that they had to allow men in to avoid discrimination. this is tasmania's museum of old and new art. or just art, which is new art. orjust art, which is an exhibit called the ladies lounge, which takes the old concept of the australian pub
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and has turned it on its head. women were barred from aussie pubs before 1965, and not always because they'd been in a fight just because they're women. so the ladies lounge offered champagne and five star service to female visitors, while refusing men at the door. but an aggrieved man filed a gender discrimination complaint. to get around this, the ladies lounge is applying to become classified as a toilet to keep its single sex status . i mean, you couldn't sex status. i mean, you couldn't a man just identify as a woman and get in? >> i mean, they're clearly trying to keep it as a single single sex space rather than just anyone identifying as women. i mean, just let us have one little place where we can just have a little gossip with no men over here. >> and there you go. rather like the garrick club. you're lucky this isn't gilead. >> that's so. i thought that would be funny. >> all i hope is that this toilet doesn't get blocked and they need a plumber. >> otherwise they all say, look, that's a good point. >> also, andrew, if the whole place is classified as a toilet, couldn't you just go and do your business anywhere? >> well, i think you probably could. >> i think you should try it out
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in your frog. what? i also love that there is an exception in the rules, which they said on sundays men would be allowed into the space to learn ironing and laundry, folding . so that's and laundry, folding. so that's what they say. so in the rules they're going to make a little exception. so unlike the garrick club, which is now let lots of people in, dame judy will be the first. what's going to happen is they're going to classify the whole thing. but as a lawyer, i love it when people go for these definitions, because those are our tools and they're going to take the whole thing accepted that their request to make it all a toilet. >> i don't think the authorities have the authority. >> i've tried on a night out. >> i've tried on a night out. >> when is the toilet not toilet? >> have the authorities actually accepted their request to make it all a toilet? >> flushed, flushed with their success, it leads the whole thing, doesn't it? >> i think i'd be surprised. >> i think i'd be surprised. >> bogged down in admin. they could work it out. >> it's quite a stretch to say that somewhere where you sit and sip champagne, it'd be a legal definition. >> as lawyers, we love that sort of stuff. >> toilet, a posh toilet sometimes drink a beer in the shower though. >> anyway, a police officer has been shot in the leg with a crossbow after reports of a stabbing in high wickham in buckinghamshire. thames valley police said i used to work as a
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criminal intelligence analyst and gangs could get guns no problem, but they found it harder to get ammo, so a lot of the ammo that they had was homemade, which made the guns less powerful but also less accurate. so, you know, when they went to shoot somebody, an innocent bystander would be shot. like, i mean, do you think this is the cost of living crisis affecting criminals now? >> no, i think this is thames valley police trying to cut their crime statistics, because if you combine both gun crime and knife crime and you just have it straight away. >> so this is this is essentially a knife being fired at somebody. they are in a manner like one stone. yeah. yeah. >> well, the last big case they had, you might remember is the person, the intruder who went on christmas day in 2021 into the queen's santa. it wasn't santa , queen's santa. it wasn't santa, but it went into the queen's, buckingham palace. do you remember that ? jaswant singh? remember that? jaswant singh? i think his name was. and he was inspired by his ai girlfriend who told him to do that. so that was the last time that this is what happened. his ai girlfriend told him, well, we'll what happened. his ai girlfriend told him, well , we'll respect told him, well, we'll respect you if you go and shoot the queen with a crossbow . and so he queen with a crossbow. and so he went into buckingham palace training this. he got nine years
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in prison as a result. >> how long does she get? >> how long does she get? >> well, a long sentence. she was brilliant. >> well, this is this is the thing. i mean, the ai, because it was kind of unregulated and unmonitored and it was just it was just fantasising and telling him what he wanted to hear until he climbed into the queen's house by a bunch of leftists. >> and clearly, the royalists. so, so i actually i wrote some tweet the other day and i put it in chat gpt because i wasn't happy with how it looked, said, can you just spice it up a bit? yeah, it was something to do with trans madness and it came back with a bunch of like rainbows, inclusivity . that's rainbows, inclusivity. that's lovely term, well done on its head and made it completely woke i >> - - >> anyway, right up next is mark dolan tonight. what have you got for us this evening, mark? >> well, leo, a busy show. >> well, leo, a busy show. >> the punishment beatings have got to end. harry has suffered enough. it's time for the king and the country to forgive the duke of sussex. plus katie price is being evicted from her home. i know her well. i'll be explaining what a tragedy this is, in my big opinion.
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>> wow, that's so sorry to hear that about katie price. well, it sounds amazing mark, i can't wait to watch and thank you so much to my brilliant panel tonight. we've got andrew eborn, chloe dobbs, and the comedian ryan mcdonald. dude, check him. check out his live shows and we'll see you again next week. and don't forget, if you want to see more comedians talking about the news, there's headliners as well . the news, there's headliners as well. tonight at 11 the news, there's headliners as well . tonight at 11 pm. it's on well. tonight at 11 pm. it's on every night at 11 pm. and 5 am. in the morning. if you like getting up early, i don't. but see you next week. abby. lucas. bye . bye. >> looks like things are heating up . boxt boilers sponsors of up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news. >> hello there. welcome to your latest gb news weather forecast from the met office. looking ahead to tonight , most of us, it ahead to tonight, most of us, it should be dry and that gives us another opportunity to see the northern lights. so at the moment we have got high pressure clinging on. but that will move towards the continent as we go through the next few days, heralding a change to the
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weather. but before we get there, plenty of clear skies tonight away from the eastern seaboard. so yeah, an excellent opportunity to see the northern lights, especially across more northern parts of the country. and despite the clear skies, it's going to be a mild night for most of us. temperatures in towns and cities firmly in double figures. so for most of us, a bright start on sunday morning, quite murky across some northern and eastern areas. but the low cloud will gradually burn its way back towards the nonh burn its way back towards the north sea. showers breaking out fairly early on across parts of northern ireland. and then, as the day goes on, parts of scotland, wales, england, down towards the very far south—west, seeing a few thunderstorms developing . some of these will developing. some of these will be torrential. warnings are in force as we go through the course of sunday. in the sunshine, though temperatures reaching 27 degrees. but then on to monday , another band of rain to monday, another band of rain moves in from the southwest that takes a fair time to get anywhere further north and wales in the southwest. so for the rest of us, it's a day of sunny
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spells and scattered showers. that sets us up for a fairly changeable middle part of the week, with temperatures returning to something a little bit near normal for the time of year. yeah >>a yeah >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsor days of weather on
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gb news. way. >> happy saturday, one and all. it's 9:00 on television, on radio and online. in the united kingdom and across the world. this is mark dolan tonight, in my big opinion , the media chews my big opinion, the media chews up and spits out another celebrity . i'll be up and spits out another celebrity. i'll be dealing up and spits out another celebrity . i'll be dealing with celebrity. i'll be dealing with the tabloid press and their treatment of one of the country's biggest stars. find out more in just a moment. in a mark. meet special world cup winning south african captain francois pienaar.
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>> mr mandela would be very sad and very angry. there's certain things i hate in the movie up and then i couldn't drive home because it's too far. so i slept in the car , he slept in the car. in the car, he slept in the car. >> the man who made history with nelson mandela tells his incredible story in just a few minutes. also, former labour leader neil kinnock says the pubuc leader neil kinnock says the public do not love keir starmer. doesit public do not love keir starmer. does it matter? do we need to actually like those who lead us? i'll be asking. britain's best known political double act, the very lovable hamiltons , and why very lovable hamiltons, and why it's very lovable hamiltons, and why wsfime very lovable hamiltons, and why it's time for the king and the country to forgive prince harry. plus is hardworking princess anne, the jewel in the royal . anne, the jewel in the royal. crown. two hours of big opinion, big debate and big entertainment. it is saturday night. mark dolan tonight is
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