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tv   The Saturday Night Showdown  GB News  May 18, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm BST

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much as we're allowed well, as much as we're allowed to show and britain's loveliest plumber is now called britain's scummiest plumber, as a bbc investigation found he had posted pictures on social media of all people who'd already died to get donations , and then spent to get donations, and then spent those donations on fun stuff for himself . those donations on fun stuff for himself. he's still the most honest plumber i've ever met, though, and it all kicked off in us congress between the republicans and the democrats. women this time over a pair of fake eyelashes . we've got the fake eyelashes. we've got the footage. i don't know if they've been at the white wine, but it kicks off harder than a fight at a glaswegian wedding. this is your saturday night showdown discussing alternates topics with me are my brilliant panel. joining me tonight are sajeela kersh , susie kennedy, and kersh, susie kennedy, and
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nicholas de santo . but first, nicholas de santo. but first, let's get your latest news headunes let's get your latest news headlines from sophia wenzler. >> good evening. i'm sophia wenzler and the gb newsroom. your top story this hour. the israeli military says it's recovered another body today after three bodies of three israeli hostages were recovered from gaza on friday. it comes as a member of israel's three man war cabinet, benny gantz, has threatened to resign from the government if it does not adopt a new plan for the war in gaza. israel says it believes 100 hostages are still alive. their families of hostages have been holding a news conference in tel aviv calling for their return. >> the war must be stopped at once and the hostages must be rescued. war cabinet members stop the expansion of the rafah operation and secure a hostage release deal. >> now our family members are
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being raped in captivity. they are being starved and tortured. why do you allow netanyahu to continue sabotaging the hostage release deal negotiations .7 why release deal negotiations? why do you remain silent in the face of his actions? why do you not come out and tell the public, as galant has done, how netanyahu tirelessly takes action to sabotage the hostage release deal? >> in other news, thousands of people can now safely drink their tap water again following a parasite outbreak. south west water has today reduced the boil water notice in the brixham area following all clear test results. the number of confirmed cases of crypto spyridium in the brixham area is 46, but the water company has confirmed it's now safe for around 14,500 households in the allston supply area to use their tap water as normal, but they're still advising around 2500 properties in hillhead, upper parts of brixham and kingswear to
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continue to boil their drinking water before consuming it. meanwhile, olympian dame kelly holmes has joined protesters today demonstrating about poor water quality. 37 protests took place today, including in brighton , falmouth and brighton, falmouth and edinburgh. water companies say they're spending more than £14 billion this year to protect waterways in england and wales. but campaigners have demanded tougher action and tyson fury says boxing fans should expect fireworks when he takes on oleksandr usyk tonight as they finally go head to head to become the undisputed world heavyweight boxing champion . heavyweight boxing champion. both fighters, undefeated at professional level, had to be separated by security at an eventful weigh in last night. fury's final interview before the showdown had so many expletives. it's not broadcastable around 3000 british fight fans have travelled to saudi arabia for tonight's clash . and for the tonight's clash. and for the latest stories, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr
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code on your screen or go to gb news. carmelites . news. carmelites. >> welcome to the saturday night showdown . now we're used to showdown. now we're used to politicians getting away with lying , but a politicians getting away with lying, but a german politician has been prosecuted for telling the truth. marie therese keyser is a politician for the afd, a right wing german party who have been soaring in the polls as germany, like many european countries, grapples with the consequences of open borders. she posted on social media. afghanistan refugees hamburg, spd mayor for unbureaucratic admission welcoming culture for gang rape. it probably made sense in german. she also warned of the risk to women from culturally alien masses . she was culturally alien masses. she was convicted of incitement to hatred and when she appealed against this decision, she lost. she now has a criminal record, even though she's obviously too hot to go to jail. man how come
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germans get politicians who look like that and we get ed miliband andifs like that and we get ed miliband and it's just not fair. miss kaiser's comments are harsh and probably sounded even harsher in german. and with the surname like kaiser. but she's not wrong. the hamburg mayor, she's referring to was campaigning to bnng referring to was campaigning to bring afghan men to germany , and bring afghan men to germany, and official government figures show that afghan men are hugely more likely to commit gang rape, not twice as likely ten times as likely. she was telling the truth. the judge even said it was irrelevant for the assessment whether or not incitement to hatred posts referred to actual facts, and it's just one part of a problem that the establishment has tried to cover up, deny and censor. over a million people have moved to germany each year over the last decade , often from pretty last decade, often from pretty culturally distant places. and when i say culturally distant, i mean violent medieval tribal societies where gays are killed with rocks, children are sold into marriage and women not only don't have rights, they're seen as fair game for men who feel entitled to do what they want.
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since opening the floodgates of mass migration, germany has experienced a startling rise in sexual violence, most notoriously in the 2015 mass sexual assaults, where mobs of immigrant men attacked german women. the authorities tried to coverit women. the authorities tried to cover it up, but the stories leaked out and even left wing papers such as the guardian had to acknowledge the problem and encourage it to be discussed. and it's surely understandable that a woman might have concerns about this, and you'd think that the left wing political establishment, which is usually so keen to appear feminist and stand in solidarity with women, would listen to her. obviously, she's not suggesting that all afghan men commit these crimes. there are 419,000 afghans living in germany. only a tiny proportion were implicated in these crimes. but it's about proportionality . what's even proportionality. what's even crazier is that since marie therese said this in 2021, the issue has got even worse . issue has got even worse. violent crime in germany is now at its highest level since 2009, and the proportion of suspects
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that are foreigners has risen by 14.4, nearly half of all robbery and theft in germany is committed by foreigners, and 75% of crime victims are german citizens . it's exactly the sort citizens. it's exactly the sort of problem politicians should be focusing their attention on to fix it, or at least not make the situation worse. the prosecution of miss kaiser for posting facts drew attention around the world. elon musk asked , are you saying elon musk asked, are you saying the fine was for repeating accurate government statistics ? accurate government statistics? yes. was there anything inaccurate in what she said? and jordan peterson said, remember when the venezuelan government made it illegal for physicians to report death by starvation ? to report death by starvation? well, i do, and just like venezuela, european countries are now hiding the social problems that are the inevitable result of allowing a medieval culture into a permissive, modern society. sweden has stopped recording the ethnicity of criminals completely, and according to tory mp neil o'brien, the british government has stopped recording key information about the effects of
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immigration on britain's welfare system. it's taxes, it's crime levels and its prison system, he claims the office for national statistics has even stopped recording how many foreign nationals are living in britain. but hiding a problem doesn't make it go away. it makes it worse. when i worked as a criminal intelligence analyst, we believed that ignoring an overrepresentation of criminals in a demographic group doesn't help that group . in fact, as help that group. in fact, as most criminals victimise people in the same ethnic group as themselves when the establishment covers up crimes, it hurts the people. they pretend that they're protecting . pretend that they're protecting. and when crime problems are allowed to fester and grow and anyone who points them out is persecuted by the authorities, the inevitable backlash will just get bigger and will destroy pubuc just get bigger and will destroy public trust in the authorities, which we're now seeing as the established attempts to silence miss kaiser's party, the afd . miss kaiser's party, the afd. the german government recently won a court battle to keep the afd under surveillance. afd politicians have been targeted with sting operations, and laws have been passed to allow their
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financial donors to be targeted. the government even looked at banning the afd outright. hilariously, they say this needs to be done to preserve democracy because nothing preserves democracy better than banning political parties . you'd think political parties. you'd think germany, of all places, might have a bit of awareness as to where that kind of thing can lead, and it's happening in other countries , too. other countries, too. anti—immigration geert wilders stormed to victory in the dutch elections six months ago, but has only just been allowed to get agreement from other parties to form a government. he was elected by the people, but the establishment did everything they could to keep him from power. meanwhile, polls across europe show that on average, seven out of ten europeans believe that their country takes in too many migrants. surely a demographic democratic society would listen to the public rather than remove their ability to express themselves at the ballot box. and the truth can never be illegal. if it is, we're back in the world of blasphemy laws, where galileo was put under arrest and threatened with torture because he revealed the truth that the
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earth wasn't the centre of the universe. the earth goes around the sun, and our left wing establishment needs to learn that democracy doesn't revolve around them. voters are at the centre . i am joined tonight by centre. i am joined tonight by the fantastic comedian sigal kirsch, susie kennedy and nicholas de santo. now, nicholas, you're italian. we're seeing the whole of europe take a really sort of unprecedented lurch to the right. well, i guess it's not that unprecedented. i mean, it has happened before italian for germans, but, but it's good news, isn't it? >> let's not forget that giorgia meloni, who has been called a fascist or a neo fascist, has beenin fascist or a neo fascist, has been in power, although there's been in power, although there's been a lot of you know, throwing spanners into her wheels by the deep state and the globalist powers. but now in germany, we have afd or afd . the have afd or afd. the establishment in germany couldn't have done a better pubuchy couldn't have done a better publicity spot for them. now, when you see even elon musk or jordan peterson are tweeting or
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posting about it, and we know that nowadays the woke leftists have declared war on science, there's usually manifests in the field of biology , but no other field of biology, but no other science, no science more than mathematics or statistics have been under attack because statistics can be revealing of the devastating impact of mass immigration in italy. we have a saying. we say mathematics is not an opinion. mathematical? no, no an opinion. which means everybody must bow down to the sheer factuality of the reality. yeah, but apparently for the left, mathematics is just an option. or is something relative? >> well, yes. so i mean, we're seeing, we're seeing raw facts, raw data being passed over because it doesn't fit the narrative. it doesn't fit, you know, it's an inconvenient truth. >> so here's the thing. i'm going to agree with something you've said, which is the key. never happened before. the curse. the curse she curse has kind of teamed up again after so long. and you said that covering up crime is wrong. 100% agree. yeah.i up crime is wrong. 100% agree. yeah. i don't think you do any , yeah. i don't think you do any,
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any, any good to any community by doing that. but i have to say in context of what happened here, her tweet was the afghan refugees, hamburg spd mayor oh god, i can't read. i just copied it out , basically she was saying it out, basically she was saying that, welcome to the gang rape. right. so it was kind of like. yeah. and the judge ruled it. and i kind of agree with the judge, is that she was deliberately putting an idea that all afghan men are going to be rapists, and that that is thatis be rapists, and that that is that is a problematic. but this i agree that you shouldn't shut down a conversation, but at the same time, she didn't do it with any authority. she just tweeted it herself. and by the way, can i just say elon musk when he likes your tweet or when he questions something? can we not have that as the barometer of like, well, it must be correct. and i use it as a barometer of correctness, but as publicity . correctness, but as publicity. >> you can't deny it's good publicity. >> he doesn't like what i say because he's i've been i've been hacked and banned from twitter. so yeah, that's that's unhelpful. but yeah. so i kind of think i agree with what
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you're saying, but i also think that we should be mindful that what she did say was a little bit problematic. like, i just think there's some sort of a, you know, a level playing like middle ground that that kind of would appease those on the left who think that she was like wrong in what she said, which i kind of side with. and also those on the right who say, well, hang on, there is some truth in this which i also partly agree with. >> well, this is the thing. i mean, because i don't i didn't perceive that as her saying, all afghan refugees are going to commit this crime. and that's obviously a ludicrous prospect . obviously a ludicrous prospect. i think it's it works out to about 1 in 1000, which is still, i mean, far more than, than, you know, in the general german population, so she's not saying that they're all going to commit these horrific crimes, but she is saying there's an overrepresentation like a really quite, quite vast and quite marked over representation, overrepresentation of migrants in general, like half gang rapes. >> a number 6677 gang rapes in
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2022. yeah, half of the defendants were non—germans or non—ethnic germans. so this is just unquestionably factual. >> yeah, but you're not. so, are you? are you a british citizen? i am okay, so you're a british citizen, but you got british citizenship. you were a non—english person . so if then non—english person. so if then they said all these half italian and half iranian. yeah. iranian. sorry. i didn't want to get personal, but i'm just trying to, like. same here. so i'm not, you know, i wasn't born here. i've got british citizenship now. but if you've arrived in the country and then these kind of statistics are being flashed around, then of course they're going to think, how am i going to minute like i'm belonging to a part of there is a problem. and i think the problem is, is when you have a refugees, they do not come here undamaged. they've got, you know, there is damage done and damaged people. do, you know, awful things? but that isn't to say that all of them that's not really selling them that's not really selling the idea to me. >> exactly. >> exactly. >> i mean, if anything, you're raising more people are damaged. >> it's like, oh, well, that's nice. >> i'm saying that to say, oh, well, you know, there's a large proportion that do and gang rapes y gang rapes. that's a
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really strange phrase. it's not even just rape, it's gang rape. so it's like , well, this is this so it's like, well, this is this is a very specific, really horrific. >> but i mean, it shows it points to, you know, quite a marked cultural difference between the native german population and people coming from afghanistan, who i mean, we've seen with, with grooming gangs, with other, crimes of this nature that there's a completely different attitude to women. and it's very obvious when you look at afghanistan , when you look at afghanistan, the way afghanistan is run, you know, the way the taliban , treat know, the way the taliban, treat people. this is a sort of endemic cultural thing. and while individual afghans, i mean , i'm, can be can be absolutely fine . fine. >> there's a taliban and extremist extremist and also just ordinary citizens. >> but the taliban run afghanistan. >> you can't you can't say that. you can't see the you know, the taliban are just sprung up from nowhere and are ruling over these, peaceful, liberal, tolerant , there are ordinary tolerant, there are ordinary citizens who don't agree with
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the taliban who escaped from the taliban. >> and i have many of them, many afghans, because of my previous job among my friends. but who does? >> are they gang rapists ? >> are they gang rapists? >> are they gang rapists? >> i don't know, i hope not, because otherwise i don't want to, you know , i wouldn't. to, you know, i wouldn't. >> they might be insulted, but that's mine. >> no, no, but so what? >> no, no, but so what? >> we shouldn't we shouldn't tackle the issue of gang rape in case somebody gets insulted . case somebody gets insulted. >> no no no no, that's not what i'm saying. i'm saying when there's a crime. yes, you should resolve it. like with the grooming gangs. yeah. resolve that. i think that was handled badly. yeah, but that wasn't down like that wasn't down to the community handling it. that was down to our police force. >> handled the community handled handled it very poorly as well. >> okay. the community first. yes i agree it's men. the problem. and the women don't get they don't get a say because they've got a and they actually bear the brunt of what was happening in those communities. but they're not keeping quiet. they just have no they have no voice. >> they have literally they should have had voices just as they have a voice when it comes to hamas and palestine. >> for all these communities. by the way, am i am i the
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spokesperson for the community about comedy distinction between the taliban and ordinary people? >> of course, there's a distinction between the taliban and the ordinary people, but in this country and all over europe, we have the problem of honour killings , we have fgm. honour killings, we have fgm. who does that? we have forced marriages . who does that? we have forced marriages. isn't it ordinary citizens? it's not the taliban. >> no , we do have that right. >> no, we do have that right. thatis >> no, we do have that right. that is problematic. but it is a small proportion of that community. it's not like these. these are this is not what i recognise. but then the people you talk about. but then if you know, in my circles, yeah, but we're talking about a small proportion, but then, you know, a small proportion of drink drivers, getting car crashes. >> so should we allow people to drink, drive? i mean, a small proportion of cousin marriages result in, in birth defects. so should i be allowed to drink, drive to my cousin's house and have sex with her? >> same analogy . it's like >> same analogy. it's like saying, well, there was a yorkshire ripper. so all of yorkshire ripper. so all of yorkshire people are more likely to be, you know. >> yeah, that's a that's a good point. that is, i think we need to cordon off yorkshire . to cordon off yorkshire. >> i'm not worried about the list because i straight away i think we should just do a dad's army episode of all these people
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on twitter that are going on the list. what's the list? well, you know, they're saying if you wrote a tweet or if you say the truth, you're going to be arrested. if you say facts, you're going to be arrested. i just feel like it's a dad's army episode. like, don't tell him. don't tell him your name. i'll just be i'm on twitter and i didn't get thrown off twitter, but they say that i did. so if you try and tweet me, it says this person has been banned. and i was like, i wasn't banned. i left and it feels like i'm an ex—boyfriend now. they go, yeah, yeah, i dumped her. and you're like, you never dumped me. i've got the. but it's. yeah. so it sounds like you're banned. but i told the truth. >> but. yeah, well, that's the thing. >> that's the thing that worries me if telling the truth. because the truth is usually a defence and, you know, for example, a defamation case, you can say, yeah, but i was telling the truth. and then, you know, the judge will be, well, he was telling the truth and it's thrown out of court. but in this case, it can be a hate crime to tell the truth and to repeat official government statistics, which is ludicrous. >> baby reindeer says this is a true story. and now they're all going. but is it? yeah, yeah. you know, what is the truth? you know. yeah. >> we should take twitter as the truth. either it's like you put
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an opinion out there and it's up to people to, you know, to do with that opinion, either has the truth. >> we took the german office of statistics as the source of the truth. >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> she didn't word it. >> yeah, yeah. >> she didn't word it . well, >> she didn't word it. well, thatis >> she didn't word it. well, that is where the judge had an issue with that. so in terms of getting into a story, she, she says she put a tweet out and the judge deemed that. >> so she should be more careful when she's repeating statistics. okay. >> well coming up we will assess the week's winners and losers and cursed or blessed this week, britain's kindness plumber turns out to be a fraud. how asylum seekers help one man to get rich. and what happened when a portal opened between dublin and new york. and we'll show you what happened when this driver attempted to cross a bridge
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welcome back to the saturday night showdown. castor blessed is coming up. but first, i promised i would show you what happened when this lorry tried to cross a bridge.
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oh my god, did you . that's gotta oh my god, did you. that's gotta be my worst nightmare. >> i drive into a harvester. once. a combine harvester, not a combine. an actual restaurant. oh, the restaurant? yeah. and she was quite cool with it because i didn't even scream. i was like, why is this harvester coming at me? and it wasn't. it was like me going towards it. that's like my worst nightmare. but what was that guy doing in the middle? >> my worst nightmare is now you driving anywhere? >> i don't go to harvesters anymore. yeah, because it's been knocked down by you. >> it reminds me of the italian job. i only told you to blow the bloody doors off. that's so perfect. >> yeah, and they did manage to get her out fine. >> so she was, even though she was dangling over gold over the river. >> yeah, she was the gold. so yeah. >> anyway, let's move on. it's now time to go through the winners and losers of the week. now this guy was supposed to be
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britain's kindest plumber. james anderson set up depher, which stands for disabled and elderly plumbing and heating emergency response . in 2017, he posted response. in 2017, he posted heartwarming stories on social media of him helping old and needy people with their plumbing needs. and he also helped them pay needs. and he also helped them pay their bills and buy food. what a lovely guy . people what a lovely guy. people donated millions to help him in his quest to help others. well, he was caught by a bbc investigation which revealed that he used vulnerable people's photos without consent and spent. that's him. that's not one of the vulnerable people, by the way , and spent company cash the way, and spent company cash on a house and a car, mr anderson prevented one elderly woman from killing herself. the firm claimed . woman from killing herself. the firm claimed. in woman from killing herself. the firm claimed . in fact, she had firm claimed. in fact, she had died years earlier. he denied some of the bbc's allegations but admitted i've made mistakes , but admitted i've made mistakes, haven't we all? that's why pencils have erasers. among the donors were reportedly such celebrities as the singer lily allen , emmerdale actress allen, emmerdale actress samantha giles and actor hugh grant, who gave him £75,000. now susie, i mean, do you think
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charities are sort of ripe for this kind of abuse? we're always heanng this kind of abuse? we're always hearing stories of, of charity funds being misused, you know, it's like straight out of little britain, isn't it? >> you know, the one where they bnng >> you know, the one where they bring the son in to visit the kid that's dying and they just really want to meet the celebrity. so i think that the problem with charity is it's so tempting. i mean, if hugh grant sent me 75 grand. yeah. >> and, you know, you're supposed to spend it on needy people, but at the same time , people, but at the same time, it'd be nice to have a burger. >> i'll be honest with you, sometimes i raise a lot of money for charity. not being a big yeah for charity. not being a big year. i'm not like this guy, i genuinely do. yeah and i not watching handing it over is really hard when you've got to pay, really hard when you've got to pay, you know, it's like i've just got like £1,000 in cash. i'm just like, oh, are you . i i'm just like, oh, are you. i feel like the girl from ghost. remember when she's like, hand it over and she's like, amazing. but yeah, what he's done is like, oh, it's disgusting. it's terrible. i know it's hard , it's terrible. i know it's hard, it's tempting. but come on now. yeah, well, those people off giving that's the problem. yeah. >> that's the thing. it puts people off giving. >> i'm not going to give to you.
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you can give to me. i give it oven you can give to me. i give it over. i give it grudgingly, but i give it over. >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> and also, i mean, watching things like the weakest link charity special. i've seen comedians on that. and i know that they're 40 grand in debt. and i'm like, i bet they wish they could just take that money. they probably need it more than the charity . the charity. >> well, i want to say, this is the biggest hit. the professionalism of plumbers has taken ever since the porn industry made them a staple of porn movies. but to be fair to him, he has apologised and he has said that the house he bought, he bought it in the charity's name and he is renting it out to use it for food drives and we don't have any certainty that he was really using money for his own personal gain. we know that he used or misused pictures of people who were deceased . as people. i'm helping deceased. as people. i'm helping them. so he was not honest in his well , i them. so he was not honest in his well, i trust i trust them. so he was not honest in his well , i trust i trust the his well, i trust i trust the bbc implicitly and yeah, but can i just say i love when there's something naughty , like
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something naughty, like something naughty, like something happens like this and they dig out all the dirt like he's a hero. >> i remember when they made him a hero, that story came out and all the dirt comes out and one of the things it's like during brexit, he, he he, he kind of, showed a golly, golly, golly . showed a golly, golly, golly. you can't say the second word apparently. yeah, yeah. doubly word anyway. golly dolly . which word anyway. golly dolly. which and which obviously was on robertson's marmalade, by the way, other marmalades are not available that use the golly dolly because only that one did. but i should have named and shamed him there. but i love that they sort of said, oh, he's not only just ripping off pensioners, he's also a bit racist as well. they dig out all the dirt. i mean, it's like, yeah, but i think , i think, do yeah, but i think, i think, do you know what i think overall he did more good than harm. oh really? yeah. >> oh that's good. >> oh that's good. >> anyway, a portal was opened between dublin and new york. members of the public in dublin could walk up to the screen and see a live stream of people in new york, and vice versa. the artist behind the art installation , benedictus gillis. installation, benedictus gillis. i think the lithuanian said portals are an invitation to meet people above borders and differences , and to experience
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differences, and to experience our world as it really is united and one well, that high minded ideal didn't really work out as you would this portal showed how the world really is all right . the world really is all right. turns out the world is full of people who want to make sick jokes and get attention. one woman flashed her breasts, another person tried to climb through the portal. i think the drugs are quite good in dublin. maybe they just rented stargate on dvd and another cheeky dubuner on dvd and another cheeky dubliner held up a picture of the twin towers. the artist has appealed for family friendly behaviour from visitors , but the behaviour from visitors, but the portal has been shut down. i think we've got a video of, we've got a clip of the portal to show. someone to take them . to show. someone to take them. >> no. >> 110. >> no. >> oh my god . >> oh my god. >> oh my god. >> that's exactly what to say the least. >> that's exactly what my mates would do. but it doesn't look good, does it? >> the guy maybe had his heart in the right place, but this is a bit. it was only a matter of
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time before people got bored. you know, whether, you know , you know, whether, you know, showing boobs or showing the twin towers. if he had done this maybe ten years ago before zoom and facetiming and onlyfans and all that. but right now, technologically, it's technologically, it's not technologically, it's not a technologically, it's not a big deal to see simultaneously what's going on on the other side of the world, because you can talk to your friends on your phone. >> you can do it for free on whatsapp. >> it's amazing. so people at some point got just bored and started doing these , started doing these, questionable gestures. yeah. >> speaking of questionable gestures , let's have another gestures, let's have another clip from the dublin portal. hey i'm speaking with drake from begum. >> it's nothing you can't do. >> it's nothing you can't do. >> yeah, i think that was the woman who was trying to climb through the portal. i'm not totally sure they did. actually, they set it up. this is one of they set it up. this is one of the things about it. they set it up on o'connell street in dublin, and fifth avenue in new york. now, o'connell street in dubun york. now, o'connell street in dublin is quite a rough street, and fifth avenue in dublin is like the nicest street. so i can kind of, you know, they've done
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a bit of a mismatch. they're asking for trouble there. they should have set both portals up on posh streets. >> do you know what, though? do you remember? you used to think like, what's it going to be like in 2024 that that's disappointing, isn't it? just a screen. well, i remember this back in new york when i was in new york years ago, and there was a you could wave at people in another country in real time because i waved at my friends and dial up internet. so, like you say, it's not a big deal. they've called it a portal, but really it's just it's just a promise that it's just facetime jet packs and flying cars by how. >> now. >> yeah, yeah . >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> and trump supporters, why can't we transport ourselves into the studio ? yeah. into the studio? yeah. >> well somebody somebody did try to transport themselves through the portal . through the portal. >> through the portal. >> through the portal. >> yeah, i used it. i would have had the twin towers boobies. >> imagine how badly it would be. yeah, people would have done that just with a laptop. can you imagine how deadly if we did have, like, space jackets and could fly in the air? we can't even look at a screen without showing boobs. yeah, and shane's like, i'm glad that we can't fly on our own , because i just don't on our own, because i just don't even want to know what kind of get a bridge in one. are you scared they'd be flying?
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>> i like the fact that you can currently only go into harvest or horizontally. i don't want to be going at it from above as well. >> front parking is well now. >> front parking is well now. >> the sunday times rich list has been announced , and there's has been announced, and there's a new entry for anyone who's annoyed that her government have been spending so much of our money on housing illegal immigrants. it's up to £83 million a day. apparently well, rest assured that this guy is doing very well from it. graham king, whose firm has paid £3.5 million a day by the government to transport and accommodate cross—channel migrants and other new arrivals in the uk , is now new arrivals in the uk, is now on the sunday times rich list, with a net worth of £750 million. so that's that's good for him. it's not so good for the taxpayer, and the most generous people in the rich list are sir elton john and sir paul marshall, the man without whom gb news wouldn't exist. sir paul marshall donated £145 million in the last year, including £50 million to the london school of economics, a seven figure sum to his local church in knightsbridge , and money to tiny
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knightsbridge, and money to tiny tickers charity, which raises funds for babies with congenital heart disease. so that's nice. but susie, what do you make of this guy getting rich from providing accommodation to asylum seekers? i know quite a few people are angry about it. >> well, they've got to live somewhere, right? so it's not like don't give him houses. i'm more because i've read this article . i'm more excited that article. i'm more excited that about you and blair because i sung to you and blair. >> he's on the rich list as well. >> he's on the rich list. the 33rd richest guy in the country, and he's tony blair's son. he's tony blair's son. and i sung to him when he was 18. he was legal and i bounced on his knees and now he's got £312 million. so if you're not watching this , ewan. you're not watching this, ewan. >> susie, be nothing without you, babes. >> nothing . i know i made him man. >> are you willing to go back and bounce on that knee again? >> i'm willing to go back and bounce on your yacht. >> so . >> so. >> so. >> and he's actually richer than his dad now, which is. >> yeah, but i think his dad has made him rich, if that makes sense. it does help when your name's blair. >> yeah. and political dynasties do tend to do quite well. if >> yeah. so number five i
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noficed >> yeah. so number five i noticed was, james dyson and family and then 20 million above. and there was a time where i used to see the dyson hooven where i used to see the dyson hoover, like the equivalent of a ferrari, if that was the that was the dream. like my career in comedy, if i can earn enough to get a dyson, i've got a dyson, and now i've got a sharp. they're much better. >> a sharp's better than dyson. better than. oh, my god, i disagree, but i don't want to die on this hill. >> i want to talk about illegal immigration and mass immigration, which is big business. yeah. and of course, people have rightly , become people have rightly, become indignant. i feel a bit guilty myself because i used to be an interpreter , so i was in a minor interpreter, so i was in a minor major part of the, the industry. >> so you you're making money from it as well? yeah >> not to the tune of, graham king, but it was in my in my defence, i had a difficult job because i had to keep a straight face when the home office would ask the asylum seeker. so you have converted to christianity ? have converted to christianity? vie. right. and the iranian
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asylum seeker would say, yes, i swear to the holy quran that i'm not a christian. >> was that graham king just there? that was him. just there. >> he's amazingly attractive. >> he's amazingly attractive. >> yeah. you want a bounce in his knees? well, anyway, next on the saturday night show down, it's the saturday night show down, wsfime the saturday night show down, it's time for a culture corner where i'll be discussing eddie izzard, baby reindeer and eurovision amongst other things. >> plus, i'll show you. show you what happened with these chaps. took decorating for christmas into their own hands. go for. >> thank you
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i >> -- >> no. >> no. >> that's a good welcome back to the saturday night showdown. culture corner is coming up. but first, i promised i would show you what happened when these guys tried to bring some festive cheer. cheen >>i cheen >> ihear cheen >> i hear it cracking out . >> i hear it cracking out. >> i hear it cracking out. >> there's nothing. >> there's nothing. >> there's nothing funnier than somebody falling over, is there ? somebody falling over, is there? >> that never gets boring, does
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it? >> somebody under the christmas tree falls over. >> yeah, well, something that might be funnier is comedian the genderfluid comedian and actor eddie izzard, who said he won't play eddie izzard, who said he won't play any straight female roles now as it would be seen as taking a role from someone else. which is a shame because he'd make an amazing pat butcher. in an interview with the telegraph , an interview with the telegraph, izzard said that he would happily play trans or straight male roles , but not a straight male roles, but not a straight female, as there's too much politics around that at the moment. yeah, i mean, also you don't look like one, so i mean, susie, do you think this is do you think he's making some sort of noble statement? i shall not take roles from women. it's like , yeah, you look like me. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> thanks. he's also a trans woman. he's also called susie. is he? so maybe i'm impersonating eddie izzard. and i love the way you called him. he. yeah. >> one thing i think he's he's fine with that. >> yeah. he doesn't care, does he? because he can turn on being a woman and he can turn off being a woman. yeah. unfortunately for me, i'm susie 24 seven, which is really horrible when you're going out from a theatre late at night to try and get home on your own. so you've got a lot of privilege there, eddie. so thank you very
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much for not taking my job. >> so he's a very privileged woman, very. he doesn't need to worry when he's walking home late at night. >> no , he definitely doesn't. >> no, he definitely doesn't. >> no, he definitely doesn't. >> yeah, i actually saw him a couple of years back. he did a work in progress show and i watched it. he's a very funny guy, very charismatic. >> he's a funny. yeah, they are a funny. >> they they they are a funny woman or whatever you're supposed to say. >> anyway, they alchemy, yes. yes. minefield . yes. minefield. >> oh, come on, he's a bloke. anyway, staying with the world of comedy, snp politician john nicholson has asked entertainment giant netflix to substantiate substantiate. it's a difficult word to say. the claims it made to a parliamentary committee about the alleged stalker in hit show baby reindeer , netflix executive baby reindeer, netflix executive benjamin king told the committee that the show told the true story of comedian richard gadd and the harassment he faced at the hands of a convicted stalker , but nicholson is pushed back in the comments, saying that journalists have so far found no evidence of the conviction referred to. now, do you think
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netflix have, come, possibly come a cropper here because this was sold as a true story ? was sold as a true story? >> you know, i wrote about this. so this is this really makes me angry. the guy just wrote a show. it's just a show. it's not a documentary . yeah, and even a documentary. yeah, and even documentaries, they aren't 100% the truth. the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and he wrote, so it's out there . it wrote, so it's out there. it stands alone piece. that's it. right? | stands alone piece. that's it. right? i mean, it has become interactive because obviously everyone dug out the real martha, and she chose to then go on other shows and stuff. that's her business. oh she did an interview with piers morgan. yeah, i saw that and went as well as a prince andrew's interview. did i know? i mean , interview. did i know? i mean, the thing is, of course, there's. but it's like, why are politicians getting involved in this? just mind your own business. it's got nothing to do with you. it's just a standalone piece. yes. i think netflix might be liable for like some duty of care, but not richard gadd. he wrote a show. you took it from edinburgh. it's up to the people that were around him, his team, to have changed it. and the show is much more about sort of his own, you know,
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foibles rather than about that, rather than pointing the finger at anybody else . at anybody else. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> you know, netflix have got themselves in a bit of a pickle because if you claim this is a true story , and at the same time true story, and at the same time you say we have taken every step for the identity of the true people not to be revealed . well, people not to be revealed. well, there are a lot of fans who have a lot of time at their hands and they've they've actually revealed who the person is. and then you claim she was convicted of stalking and she says, no, i wasn't convicted. and the funnier thing is that here now, the bbc, a writer of the of doctor who has said, well, if it was the bbc and its duty of care, you know, because the very famous, rigorously successful standards of the bbc in adopting duty of care towards the contributors and people who who , contributors and people who who, who walked in the corridors of the bbc. so the bbc have had a jibe at, at netflix as well, which i, i'm not going to defend the bbc because they've sent me a nasty letter asking me to pay my tv licence, threatening they were, oh, you stick to your, you stick to your guns, to my guns
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and i'll buy one this year until they all the way threatened me. >> anyway. israel's national broadcaster has said that their eurovision entrant, eden golan, faced an unprecedented display of hatred at this year's contest. gulen's participation in the competition attracted controversy, with pro—palestine protests being staged at each performance. you would have seen them if you tuned into the show last week. it comes as the organisers of eurovision said that some delegations didn't respect the spirit of the rules. now i'm kind of shocked to see this and the world of arts. i know the world of arts is very progressive, very left wing, but to sort of bully eden golan. >> but there's this one thing about this that's really angered me, and i didn't hear anyone mention it, but i thought it at the time is her song was about the time is her song was about the 1200 people killed at a music festival. well, she said it wasn't. >> she said it was a well, if it was, it wasn't. >> there was 1200 people killed at a music festival in israel . at a music festival in israel. she's from israel singing at a music festival. if anyone thinks it's okay to bully and boo and
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jeer a jewish girl at a music festival after this, you are scum. yeah, you are scum to me. i don't care what what side you're on. the war is horrible , you're on. the war is horrible, war is horrible. and now, unlike the past, we get to see war in real time. and it's horrible. no one's going to defend war. but how anyone one can attack and boo and jeer a young girl on stage at a music festival after 1200 people were slaughtered at a music festival in israel. you are scum . yeah, sorry, but you are scum. yeah, sorry, but you are. >> i'd agree with that. anyway. >> i'd agree with that. anyway. >> i'd agree with that. anyway. >> i don't you don't agree? you think you should be allowed to boo agree with that? you think you should be allowed to booed where palestinians have been? >> you know , killed smithereens >> you know, killed smithereens and the you know, the violence on them, the genocide. and that's what people protest. >> come on. >>- >> come on. >> it's not it's not genocide. i mean, it's ridiculous. >> we can argue about it . >> we can argue about it. >> we can argue about it. >> we've genocide. it's a genocide. >> exactly what it is. that's not the point i made. i said, regardless of the war, 1200 young people were killed at a music festival. she is singing at a music festival . as a jewish
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at a music festival. as a jewish girl, there's times to just zip and just. it's a music festival. >> but is that saffron, though? >> but is that saffron, though? >> because the same elite who justified and made apologies for what happened in that music festival and the surrounding areas, is it shocking to see they don't have many reservations about harassing a singer at another music festival? >> yeah, but it's strange to see it from about that. >> it's actually, you know what it is. they said. it's not a country because it's not a political and it's not. it's not because it's the countries that we're putting sanctions on. it's a tv , festival. so basically a tv, festival. so basically it's all the tv. so it's raw. >> but they harassed the car. >> but they harassed the car. >> yeah. car because they are not a propaganda. >> she was harassed and the finnish participant apologised for having danced with her. even the russian athletes are allowed to be respected at the olympic games without the flag and national anthem . national anthem. >> i didn't see it, i'll be honest. i didn't see it. i didn't see the eurovision song contest this year, but because i think it's too busy booing. i'm too busy. >> i was doing i was too busy
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booing from my birthday celebrations. that's what's happening. i didn't see it, but but it seems like the eurovision song contest has got nothing to do with with war. >> and, you know , anything >> and, you know, anything that's happening in, in gaza, i don't think i don't think it is political. >> i think it's the opposite of politics. it's an excuse for people to drink some lambrini and just enjoy some cheesy pop music . music. >> i love the richard every institution. sorry the leftists have captured every institution, whether it's the oscars or cannes or the comedy circuit in london or eurovision, and they've turned it all anti—semitic leftie thing. >> i don't understand why it's a lefty thing, because because the lefty thing, because because the lefty on the on the on the panel the this well, this progressivist idea that you know, anything that's, that's a tall, developed is, is some sort of colonising force. >> i mean, the idea that israel is a colonising force . jews were is a colonising force. jews were there, you know, thousands of years ago. and if anything , it's years ago. and if anything, it's the it's the, the countries round about that have been beholden. >> they've been beholden to a colonising force that has to
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answer the question, do you think it's not about the world? >> do you think it's for okay a jewish girl who who has witnessed as a member of that country, like we've witnessed at seven, seven and americans have witnessed at 911? do you think it's fine for an israeli girl to be singing at a music festival and for people at that music festival when jewish people were slaughtered at a music festival , slaughtered at a music festival, do you think it's okay to boo a young girl? do you think that's okay?i young girl? do you think that's okay? i don't talk about the war. >> we'll find out after the break. well next on the saturday night showdown, it's time for clown world. >> and this week, there's a man pepper spraying cows, a woman eating her way around disney world, and australia's richest woman throwing a hissy fit over her double chin portrait. plus, they'll show you what happened when a relaxing evening in the garden took an explosive turn.
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welcome back to the saturday night showdown. now there's
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chaos in the us congress coming up. but first, i promised i would show you what happened with this relaxing evening in the garden. garden took a fiery turn. >> wow. >> wow. >> so that's. that's one of those, i guess, like, big paraffin bull candles. but i didn't know they could go off like that. that could be used as a medieval weapon. that's mental. anyway, first up in clown world this week, a row a row . sorry, a row broke out. row. sorry, a row broke out. they all started. they all got their boats out . a row broke out their boats out. a row broke out in us congress after republican marjorie taylor greene accused democrat jasmine crockett of not reading something properly because of her big fake eyelashes . take a listen to eyelashes. take a listen to this. >> well, you two weren't talking about. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up. >> ain't nothing. hold on, hold on. >> listen . >> listen. >> listen. >> order, mr chairman. beneath even order. regain order of your committee. order! >> i do have a point of order. and i would like to move to. to take down miss greene's words .
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take down miss greene's words. thatis take down miss greene's words. that is absolutely unacceptable. how dare you attack the physical appearance of another person? >> are your feelings hurt? >> are your feelings hurt? >> her words down. oh ruling. >> her words down. oh ruling. >> if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built butch body that would not be engaging in personalities, correct ? correct? >> oh, what now , chairman, i >> oh, what now, chairman, i make a i make a motion to strike those words . those words. >> i don't think that's a part of trying to find clarification on what, chairman. >> the motion to strike those words, you just said. we're not going to we're not going to do this. look, you guys earlier, calm down. no, no, no, no, because this is what you all do. >> proceedings. i'm trying to get. >> mr crockett. you're not recognised . recognised. >> mr crockett. i hear you with your yelling. don't want me. calm down. can you please calm down? >> tell me to calm down. calm down because y'all talk. calm down. and then you. >> you're out of control. because if. >> wow. so those are politicians, susie. i mean, that was more like the panel tonight. >> i loved it . >> i loved it. >> i loved it. >> i loved it. >> i want all politics to be
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like that. >> so i think her opinion is because those eyelashes you got on. >> these are all mine. >> these are all mine. >> but do you think this cheapens the tone of political discourse? >> a bit of women basically commenting on each other's appearance ? appearance? >> yes. yeah, of course it does. of course it does. >> but i mean, did you more to the point did you enjoy it? >> we couldn't. we have never cheapened politics more than we have in this country at the moment. so, i mean, globally politics is looking. so i guess that was just one step nearer. sorry ladies. that wasn't classy. >> but also drag race more than. yeah maybe that's what i should have done. >> it's like, oh, so what about your scarf lady scarf? >> my scarf is made . >> my scarf is made. >> my scarf is made. >> this is not the first time because this is marjorie taylor , because this is marjorie taylor, and she's a fiery character. she got in biden's face for during his state of the union. say her name, say her name, the young woman who was who was. no, no . woman who was who was. no, no. the young woman who was killed by an illegal immigrant. it was embarrassing. and actually, it was lincoln riley. and she
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managed to make biden to pronounce it, lacking riley, lincoln, riley. anyway, and now she's been harassing mike johnson, the republican speaker of the house, because she calls him a sell—out. well, he has to make deals because they have a majority of one. the republicans . what do you expect him to do? so i'm with her in terms of support for trump, but she's causing a lot of trouble. troubles for the republicans . yeah. >> and she could act in a slightly classier fashion anyway , up slightly classier fashion anyway , up next, it's mark dolan tonight. what have you got for us this evening, mark? >> well, harry and meghan celebrate their six year anniversary this weekend . anniversary this weekend. >> so was it a marriage made in heaven or hell? that's my verdict. plus the bbc in a hot water, my top pundits, the sunday papers and much more . sunday papers and much more. >> sounds fantastic mark, and i hope you're going to be covering what happened with their charity as well. i know they were in a little bit of hot water with everybody. all the charities seem to be in hot water right now. well, i'm looking forward to watching it anyway. thanks to
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my brilliant panel tonight, we've had sajeela, khursheed, susie kennedy and nicholas de santo. if you're in canada, you can see nicholas de santo very soon performing there next week. and please join us again next week. and don't forget headliners as well tonight at 11 pm. until then, good night, p.m. until then, good night, good night. and god bless and enjoy the fury fight and see you next week. goodbye . next week. goodbye. >> looks like things are heating up. >> boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news. hello. welcome to your gb news weather update from the met office into sunday. we'll see showers easing, but it's going to be a murky start before plenty of warm sunshine. so high pressure situated out towards the west, low pressure further towards the east and in between. not too much going on. a lot of light winds around. so the showers that we've seen today across wales and parts of the southwest will generally fade, especially
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across scotland as well. but elsewhere plenty of dry weather, clear spells. but we will see low cloud returning for parts of scotland and the south—east of england. but otherwise temperatures holding up at around 10 or 11 degrees in the towns and cities. so to start on sunday, it's going to be a murky start for some of us with low cloud, mist and fog, especially for parts of the southeast of england and east anglia further towards the west , though, plenty towards the west, though, plenty of bright skies to start the day, and that transferring across parts of wales and the north of england, but across scotland, especially further east, you go a lot of cloud to start the day, with low cloud lingering across those coastal regions and further towards the north. cloud thickening thick enough for some patchy rain and drizzle. so throughout the rest of sunday, any low cloud , mist of sunday, any low cloud, mist and fog should generally lift and fog should generally lift and break away to leave plenty of sunshine on offer for most of us, it will stay rather cloudy across parts of scotland and
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here we could see a few showers, and especially across that northeastern coast once again feeling cool here with low cloud but in the sunshine, temperatures recovering nicely up to 24, possibly 25 degrees. monday is a similar picture. to start with, we'll see plenty of low cloud mist and fog around, but once again that should break away , leaving plenty of away, leaving plenty of sunshine. a dry day on offer for most of us. we'll see some showers developing, but as we go into tuesday and wednesday, turning more unsettled with showers or perhaps even some longer spells of rain . longer spells of rain. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> it's 9:00. on television. on radio and online, in the united kingdom. and across the world. this is mark dolan tonight in my
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opinion, if donald trump wins the us elections , will the the us elections, will the special relationship be safe in the hands of a labour government? i have my doubts. find out why . government? i have my doubts. find out why. in just a moment. my find out why. in just a moment. my mark meets guest is the author of a shocking book about the rise of adolf hitler. how did this monster capture a nafion did this monster capture a nation and threaten the world? could something like this ever happen again ? and in the big happen again? and in the big story, after another bruising week for the bbc and as almighty row breaks out over the corporation's plan to put adverts on their podcasts , is it adverts on their podcasts, is it time to scrap the licence fee altogether ? and in my take, at altogether? and in my take, at ten, harry and meghan celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary this weekend . so was it a this weekend. so was it a marriage made in heaven or a marriage made in heaven or a marriage made in hell? i'll be giving my verdict . yeah, that's
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giving my verdict. yeah, that's a


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