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tv   PM Qs Live  GB News  May 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm BST

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are the you back amongst us. you are the man of the moment. >> and i met your daughter who is going to be the daughter of the one with the birthday tomorrow. >> so can i say to you and your family, it is an inspiration to people in this country who have suffered with sepsis. you were shown us the way forward. thank you for having. >> and that's the only reason our loud clapping. okay, can i say just to mention we've got the speaker of the icelandic parliament with us today, and the premier of the cayman islands. >> we now go over to questions. >> we now go over to questions. >> the prime ministerjenkinson . >> the prime ministerjenkinson. >> the prime ministerjenkinson. >> thank you, mr speaker. question number one. yeah. >> prime minister mr speaker, i know the whole house will join me in remembering the victims of the horrific manchester arena bombing seven years ago today.
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>> our thoughts are with them and their families , and i'd like and their families, and i'd like to pay tribute to figen murray, who joins us in the gallery for her courage and her bravery of her courage and her bravery of her campaigning in her son martin's memory. and i look forward to meeting her later today , too. mr speaker, can today, too. mr speaker, can i also add my personal welcome back to parliament to my friend and colleague, the honourable member for south thanet. no one who watched his interview last night could have failed to have beenin night could have failed to have been in awe of his incredible resilience. mr speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. in addition to my duties in this house. i shall have further such meetings later today, jenkinson thank you, mr speaken >>i speaken >> i too welcome the honourable member for south thanet back to his to the house and wish him well in his duties. can i also associate my remarks with the prime minister the association of dental groups, in their may 2022 report, identified my constituency , wellingborough, as constituency, wellingborough, as one of england's dental deserts. i welcome the prime minister's grand scheme to send dental vans to constituencies like mine. but
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just months on, he's having to u—turn because there aren't enough vans. why can't the minister address this issue .7 minister address this issue? seriously here, prime minister? >> mr speaker, that's not right. actually, thanks to our dental recovery plan , we're delivering recovery plan, we're delivering 2.5 million more dental appointments. there's a new patient premium, new provision for remote communities, and actually , we know that the plan actually, we know that the plan is now delivering because since it was announced in january, over 500 more dental practices are now accepting new patients. and i would also just point out to the honourable lady that compared to the party opposite's plan , what we are doing is plan, what we are doing is producing more than twice the number of extra appointments to get people the treatment they need. >> elliot colburn. q mr speaker, today's news on inflation is not just good for news consumers in carshalton and wallington, but also for capital projects like the investment into saint helier hospital and to build a second hospital in my constituency protecting a&e and maternity locally. given that good news on the economy , will the prime the economy, will the prime minister recommit today to
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working with the nhs? in my area to build that second hospital, improve saint helier hospital and agree that you can only underpin a strong nhs with a strong economy. >> prime minister well, mr speaken >> prime minister well, mr speaker, we are investing in better health care right across our country and i'm delighted to see that epsom and saint helier university nhs trust was recently allocated over £6 million to upgrade the a&e and will benefit from a new specialist emergency care hospital in sutton as part of the programme. but as my honourable friend said, that is only possible because of the difficult decisions we have taken to bring inflation back to normal and grow the economy . normal and grow the economy. today's figures show that the plan is working, mr speaker, and i am sure the whole house, including perhaps the leader of the opposition, will welcome the news that inflation is now back to normal. >> we don't jump to the leader of the opposition, keir starmer . of the opposition, keir starmer. >> today. >> today. >> i want to begin by saying a few words to the honourable member for south. firstly, thank you for meeting me privately
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this morning with your wife and daughter so i could personally convey my best wishes to all of you. >> secondly , on some occasions >> secondly, on some occasions and there are not many, this house genuinely comes together as one and we do so today to pay tribute to your courage and determination in not only coming through an awful ordeal, but by being here today with us in this chamber. and thirdly, i want to acknowledge your deep sense of service. i think politics is about service and resuming your dufies about service and resuming your duties as an mp. being here today shows us it's an example for all of us of your deep sense of service, and we thank you for it . i also welcome figen murray, it. i also welcome figen murray, who is up in the gallery. she lost her son martin, seven years ago today in the manchester arena attacks. and we remember everybody who was lost in that awful attack. she's campaigning
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for martyn's law, which we must make a reality as soon as possible. mr speaker, the infected blood scandal reflects a profound failure across almost every part of the british state. on monday, in our apologies and yesterday on the question of compensation, this house was united. but too many times we've heard similar sentiments from that despatch box. and from this one there are many hard yards to go . so does the prime minister go. so does the prime minister agree with me that we will only now make real progress if we finally tackle the lack of openness, transparent and candour that sir brian langstaff identified as having prolonged the victims suffering for decades. the victims suffering for decades . minister. decades. minister. >> yes. mr speaker, the inquiry was established to get to the truth and provide answers, and this week's report represented a hugely significant moment for the community. this was an
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appalling scandal and i think the whole house is grateful to the whole house is grateful to the diligent work of all those who have supported sir brian langstaff and the inquiry's work , and i also pay tribute to the bravery of every individual who has come forward and told their story in their fight for justice. their voices have now finally been heard and i agree with the honourable gentleman, we will listen to them and ensure that nothing like this can ever happen in our country again . again. >> keir starmer. >> keir starmer. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> keir starmer. >> thank you, mr speaker . the >> thank you, mr speaker. the infected blood scandal is shocking. truly shocking. but it's not unique. the story is familiar. concerns raised but ignored, reports written but not acted on, victims and their families campaigning for years just to be heard. so i want to focus in, if i may, on the duty of candour or lack of it, which has been a failing in scandal after scandal, injustice after injustice . from grenfell to injustice. from grenfell to horizon, hillsborough and now
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infected blood. and i've read the government has called for evidence about the duty of candourin evidence about the duty of candour in health, but i can't think of a single example where that duty of candour should not apply to all public servants across the board , and i don't across the board, and i don't think it's possible for any of us to stand at these despatch boxes. and honestly say never again unless we address it. >> so does the prime minister agree that the time has now come for the duty of candour to be clearly enshrined in law across the board ? the board? >> yes. mr speaker, i am of course, aware of the recommendation made by sir brian langstaff in the final report of the inquiry in relation to dufies the inquiry in relation to duties of candour and accountability. >> and indeed my honourable friend had previously introduced a duty of candour into the health service. it is important that the government takes time to fully digest the gravity of
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the findings of the report. the wrongs which have been committed are devastating and life altering for so many, ensuring that nothing like this ever happens again is a priority. and of course, we are sympathetic to that. and going through this, going through the recommendations in detail at the moment before providing a comprehensive response. but of course, given the situation and the gravity of the findings , the gravity of the findings, it's a recommendation that there is an enormous amount of sympathy for keir starmer . sympathy for keir starmer. >> thank you. i understand the prime minister wants to look at the recommendations in detail and to come back to them in due course, but we can't look away on this duty of candour. so. so can i at least, at least, at least ask the prime minister to expand . joined the call for expand. joined the call for evidence on the duty of candour beyond health. and we do owe that to the victims of hillsborough and horizon, to and work across the house to establish a far reaching and binding duty of candour just as quickly as possible. >> mr
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>> mr speaker, >> mr speaker, i >> mr speaker, i think >> mr speaker, i think the honourable gentleman will remember on monday i said very specifically that the patterns and behaviour that we had seen in this appalling tragedy have been replicated in others. and i mentioned hillsborough specifically. so i'm very aware that there are structural and behavioural cultural problems that we do need to fix. the duty of candour is something that, as i said , the principle and there i said, the principle and there is enormous amount of support for the principle of and sympathy for, he will understand. we are digesting the full contents of the report, but of course we want to right the wrongs of the past and, crucially, ensure that nothing like this happens ever again. mr >> thank you, mr speaker. in his report, sir brian identified individual failures. a number of them even cover ups. but alongside that, he also found equally important and harder to reach institutional and cultural failings, including in the nhs , failings, including in the nhs, a defensive attitude which refused to acknowledge problems, the silencing of those who raised concerns and a total
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failure of leadership when faced with the truth. now the nhs does a remarkable job every day, but thatis a remarkable job every day, but that is in defensible. does the prime minister agree that the very culture of the nhs needs to change? >> yes. mr speaker , and again, >> yes. mr speaker, and again, i think in response specifically to the question from my honourable friend the member for bromsgrove, we discussed this on monday and the nhs, of course, provides life saving care to so many people every single day for which we are enormously grateful. but it is absolutely clear , as the report makes clear, as the report makes crystal clear, that there were significant failings. the nhs failed, it failed. people it let them down. it's right that they are held accountable for that and learn the lessons now. they clearly have been improvements and changes in medical practice since that time, but going forward, we need to go through the full recommendations of sir bnan the full recommendations of sir brian langstaff report and hold the nhs to account for bringing through the changes that are
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necessary. >> yes, we need reform, we need change and i've seen first hand how important reform is during my time running the crown prosecution service, but i also saw how hard it. i also saw how hard it is, particularly on cultural issues. it requires brave decisions and difficult decisions . now, 11 years ago, decisions. now, 11 years ago, the health secretary, the chancellor and as health secretary, the now chancellor said the era of gagging nhs staff from raising their worries about patient care must come to an end . but 11 years on and ten an end. but 11 years on and ten months on from the lucy letby case, there are still clear examples of nhs managers still gagging staff and then being moved on instead of being moved out . so will the prime moved on instead of being moved out. so will the prime minister now commit to ensuring that those who do gag and silence whistleblowers will no longer be able to work in the nhs ?
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able to work in the nhs? >> prime minister mr speaker, of course , the behaviour that the course, the behaviour that the honourable gentleman describes is wrong and i believe already is wrong and i believe already is illegal under our laws. but we will make sure that people do have the ability to raise concerns . and one thing that concerns. and one thing that i know has given many of those who have been impacted by this scandal some reassurance, is the appointment of sir robert francis to be chair of the inquiry, who obviously is someone who not just has a wealth of experience dealing with this particular set of issues, but has a long track record of working with the nhs as well on the issues that the honourable gentleman raises. keir starmer, sir brian's report is a victory for all those campaigners and victims who fought so hard for this moment, including the right hon. >> member for hull north. but it's also one of profound pain, anger and sadness for so many. now there is a chance for us to make real progress on this issue, and we must do that with victims in mind. now, given the degree of cross—party consensus
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that we've already seen on apologies and compensation , and apologies and compensation, and given the government's promise to ensure compensation by the end of the year, will he also now promise to deliver on all the recommendations in the same timeframe by the end of the year? yeah. >> prime minister mr speaker, of course, we want to deliver on the recommendations as quickly as practically possible. >> and indeed, our expectation is that we can do that before the end of the year. but sir robert's appointment, as i said, will bring a wealth of experience, and it was crucial that the chair had the knowledge and the expertise and familiarity with the issues here. his support for delivering the scheme and making sure that compensation can be paid by the end of the year, i think will be invaluable, he talked about the community and over the next few weeks, sir robert will seek views from the infected blood community, specifically on the proposed scheme, to make sure that the scheme will best serve those it is intended for and our shared priority is delivering compensation to all those infected and affected with
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absolutely minimum delay and begin bringing justice to all of those impacted . those impacted. >> rupa. >> rupa. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> mr speaker, in 1997, the pubuc >> mr speaker, in 1997, the public voted in what they were told would be a sort of continuity conservative government. the same policies just with different faces. instead, what they got was record immigration, constitutional vandalism and a broken economy. does the prime minister agree that with the economy now roaring back to life under a conservative government, the last thing we need is a return to the failed labour recipe of high taxes, open borders and employment laws that destroy jobs . well, mr destroy jobs. well, mr >> mr speaker, my mr speaker, my honourable friend gives a superb and passionate economic diagnosis, and he's right. inflation is now back to normal andindeed inflation is now back to normal and indeed lower than france, germany, the united states at its lowest level in years. our
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economy is growing faster, wages are rising. and that's why we need to stick to the plan that is working. mr speaker , and he's is working. mr speaker, and he's right to point out the risks of what the labour party proposed 70 new laws, 70 new laws. they've caved in to their union paymasters . and what does that paymasters. and what does that mean? it means it will cost jobs and damage our economic recovery. >> rempe leader stephen flynn . >> rempe leader stephen flynn. >> rempe leader stephen flynn. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> and can i begin by also welcoming the member from south thanet back to the chamber? he isindeed thanet back to the chamber? he is indeed an inspiration to all of us. mr speaker, speculation is rife. so i think the public deserve a clear answer to a simple question. does the prime minister intend to call a summer general election , or is he general election, or is he feared a mid beds? >> mr speaker ? as i have said >> mr speaker? as i have said repeatedly to him . there is repeatedly to him. there is there is the speaker. spoiler
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alert there is going to be a general election in the second half of this year. and at that moment, the british people will, in fact, see the truth about the honourable gentleman opposite me, because that will be the choice at the next election. mr speaken choice at the next election. mr speaker, a party that is not able to say to the country what they would do, a party that would put at risk our hard earned economic stability, or the conservatives that are delivering a secure future for our united kingdom ? our united kingdom? >> mr speaker, he continues to play >> mr speaker, he continues to play games with the public. >> but whilst he does that, let's get back to some serious m atters. matters. >> because i was taking i was taken aback this week when a former prime minister spoke some sense. alas, it was indeed david cameron because what he said was that in relation to graduate route visas, if any restrictions are implemented, it will lead to job losses. it will lead to university closures , it will university closures, it will lead to a reduction in research and university scotland's outlines £5 billion of economic
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value at risk . so can i outlines £5 billion of economic value at risk. so can i ask outlines £5 billion of economic value at risk . so can i ask the value at risk. so can i ask the prime minister, does he agree with the foreign secretary? >> yes, the foreign secretary also said that the levels of legal migration to this country are too high, mr speaker, and that's what i believe also, which is why it is right that we are taking decisive action to bnng are taking decisive action to bring the numbers down. and, mr speaken bring the numbers down. and, mr speaker, that plan is working. in the first three months of this year, the visas issued are down by 25. mr speaker , down by 25. mr speaker, migration is on its way to being returned to more sustainable levels, and i appreciate that is a point of difference between the honourable gentleman's party andindeed the honourable gentleman's party and indeed the labour party in us. we believe that level of migration needs to come down to more sustainable levels. so we ease the pressure on public services and everyone who comes to our country must indeed contribute economically. that's the migration system. we will deliver . mbappe. deliver. mbappe. >> thank you, mr speaker. on the welsh borders , we are incredibly welsh borders, we are incredibly proud of the veteran centre at the robert jones and agnes hunt
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orthopaedic hospital in north shropshire , which not only shropshire, which not only treats veterans locally, including from my constituency of clwyd south but also from across britain, as it is the largest hospital based veterans service in the uk. would the prime minister help resolve the centre's current funding crisis, caused by changes in the nhs funding formula last year , given funding formula last year, given the fantastic treatment provided by lieutenant colonel mair and his team for our amazing veterans community across the uk, prime minister, mr speaker , uk, prime minister, mr speaker, can i thank my hon. >> friend for raising this important issue? we are committed to making the uk the best place in the world to be a veteran and ensuring that they have access to the appropriate physical and mental health support they deserve. that's why we've rolled out operation restore, op courage and op nova, and i know that nhs england have been dealing with introducing actually a suite of health services to work more closely with orthopaedic services. but i know my hon. friend has raised
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this issue of funding with the minister of veterans affairs, and he'll be writing back to my honourable friend with an update in due course. >> ed davey join others in welcoming back to the house the honourable member for south thanet and say how much we admire his courage and send our best wishes to him and his family, and also join others in remembering all the victims of the bombing at manchester arena . the bombing at manchester arena. >> mr speaker, amanda claimed carer's allowance when caring for her mother, but the dwp is now hounding her to pay back £1,200. carina whose daughter requires round the clock care, has been hit by a bill for £11,000. victoria is being forced to pay back £100 a month just some of the tens of thousands of carers victims of the pr's flawed system, punish harshly for going, sometimes just a few pounds over the arbitrary earnings limit . so, mr arbitrary earnings limit. so, mr speaken arbitrary earnings limit. so, mr speaker, family carers do a remarkable job. they shouldn't
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be penalised for working or for the dwp's own failures. so does the dwp's own failures. so does the prime minister agree that the prime minister agree that the government should be supporting carers , not supporting carers, not persecuting them? >> the prime minister, mr speaker , the government speaker, the government recognises the contribution and sacrifices that carers up and down the country so often make to care for others, and that's why we've increased carers allowance by almost £1,500 since 2010. >> it's why we introduced carers leave , and indeed it's why the leave, and indeed it's why the better care fund funds respite care breaks for carers, which have been i know, warmly welcomed and used now in the rare number of cases where individuals haven't appropriately informed dwp about appropriately informed dwp about a change in their circumstances. dwp have then rightly sought to recover overpayments as they would be expected to, in order to ensure the integrity of the system and protecting the taxpayer. but of course they will work with anyone who is struggling with their repayment terms and will always look to negotiate an affordable
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repayment plan . repayment plan. >> shailesh vara thank you, mr speaken >> shailesh vara thank you, mr speaker, and may i also extend my welcome to the honourable member for thanet south. >> the £8 billion made available by the government for the repair of roads and potholes is very welcome. however, some local authorities, such as cambridgeshire county council and peterborough city council, which serve my constituency, sometimes use inferior material sometimes use inferior material so the works need to be done again in a few months time and that's an issue that applies to many constituencies across the country . so will the prime country. so will the prime minister use his influence to ensure that there are tough quality specifications, so that the repairs can last much longer ? >> 7- >> mr ? >> mr speaker, i am proud 7 >> mr speaker, i am proud that we have announced an additional £8 billion for roads resurfacing over the next decade, money made available through the reallocation of hs2 funding, and
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that will mean fewer potholes and smoother, safer roads across our country. but i agree with my right hon. friend it is of the utmost importance that these repairs are completed with high quality materials, and i join him in calling on cambridgeshire county council and peterborough council to make sure that they deliver that for his residents. >> nonetheless , thank you, mr >> nonetheless, thank you, mr speaken >> nonetheless, thank you, mr speaker, and the wee small hours of saturday morning i received an email and i apologise for my language, mr speaker, calling me a parasite, a rat and a piece of i >> -- >> this came lam >> this came in response to my challenging the appropriateness of a us citizen, michael franzese, who is doing a tour in the uk and as part of that tour, advocating publicly for the self—proclaimed misogynist influencers andrew and tristan tate, who are encouraging toxic attitudes among young men in this country. can i ask the prime minister who has spoken about banning hate preachers from entering the uk if we will extend this to misogynists here? >> mr speaker, those who seek to
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divide us, undermine our values andindeed divide us, undermine our values and indeed intimidate and threaten others have no place in our society and we will not hesitate to use not just the full force of the law, but also our immigration regime to make sure we have security and cohesion in this country. >> sirjohn cohesion in this country. >> sir john whittingdale. cohesion in this country. >> sirjohn whittingdale. mr >> sir john whittingdale. mr speaken >> sir john whittingdale. mr speaker, the population of maldon is rising rapidly and for over 20 years my constituents have been promised a new hospital. yet mid and south essex icb and are proposing to close the existing saint peter's hospital without any replacement, leaving my constituents and those with my right honourable friend for witham having to travel up to 30 miles for some treatments. will my right honourable friend ask ministers to tell the icb to withdraw this proposal and to commission an independent assessment of how best to provide quality local health services that my constituents and my friends deserve. >> prime minister, can i commend my honourable friend for his
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commitment to his constituents? >> i know that he and my right honourable friend, the member for witham, met both the minister of for state health and secondary care and the minister for social care recently to discuss this. i understand that the icb have extended their consultation by three weeks to ensure that more consideration could be given and voices could be heard, but i will ensure that the relevant minister keeps my right honourable friend. updated on the progress of this debate . on the progress of this debate. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> my constituent has recently appued >> my constituent has recently applied to move from a council home because she can no longer walk up the stairs and she is in constant pain. she has been waiting for a knee operation for over two years and she has become progressively worse. she feels forgotten and neglected. does the prime minister agree with me that his government is failing and this country is waiting for a labour government to bring down nhs waiting lists ? to bring down nhs waiting lists? >> mr speaker, mr speaker, of course i'm sorry to hear about
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the experience of my of the honourable lady's constituent and we are putting more money, rolling out more elective surgical hubs to bring the waiting list down. she talks about the difference the labour party would make to the nhs. her constituents would just look to wales to see what is happening. when it comes to the nhs. a quarter, a quarter of the welsh population on a waiting list. the worst emergency care performance in great britain. people on long waiting lists five times more than they are in england and on average, people waiting 40% longer for treatment. that's the reality of labour and the nhs failing . labour and the nhs failing. >> 40 years ago, mrs. thatcher described high inflation as a destroyer of industry, of jobs and savings. my right honourable friend agree that that sentiment is as true today as it was then. >> and what assessment does he make of today's announcement for my constituents who want to be able to save, get a good job and enjoy a reasonable standard of the cost of living? well, my
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hon. friend is right that today does mark a major moment for the economy . not only have we halved economy. not only have we halved inflation, but it has returned back to normal thanks to the collective hard work and sacrifice and resilience of people up and down the country. and this is further proof that our plan is working. mortgage rates have come down, energy bills have come down, taxes are being cut and inflation is now back to normal. that shows that when you stick to the plan, we can look forward to a brighter future. but my honourable friend is right to point out the alternative labour party imposing £2,000 of tax rises. that's what the country would put stability at risk. well thank you, mr speaker. >> england's chief medical officer said that reducing sewage in rivers and seas is a pubuc sewage in rivers and seas is a public health priority. it is highlighting the problems dumping untreated sewage causes. even the treated sewage, which is continuously discharged into rivers and seas, contains faecal matter. water firms are now asking for bills to go up by up
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to 91% when they paid out billions to shareholders and neglected pipework and infrastructure. so, mr speaker, can the prime minister tell me why is his government allowing these companies to destroy our waterways and make obscene levels of profit whilst making people ill? mr >> mr speaker, the level of overflows we have seen is unacceptable, but we have gone further than any other government monitoring 100% of overflows, up from only 7% under labour investing record amounts in our water infrastructure for enshrining in law strict targets and introducing unlimited fines for water companies to hold them to account . but when it came to to account. but when it came to this house, the party opposite could not even vote for their own policy. and that's because there's only one party with a plan to protect the environment. the conservative party >> thank you, mr speaker. our nhs needs to be at the cutting edge of innovation and transformation . so i very much
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transformation. so i very much welcome the recent announcement on artificial intelligence in the delivery of radiotherapy . the delivery of radiotherapy. >> but will my right hon. >> but will my right hon. >> friend commit to us going further and faster in the rollout and realising the potential of ai and the latest , potential of ai and the latest, most innovative medtech across our nhs, benefiting , of course, our nhs, benefiting, of course, patients but also clinicians? >> prime minister i agree with my hon. >> friend that we need to ensure our nhs is a world leader in medical innovation, which is why yesterday we announced funding to roll out game changing ai yesterday we announced funding to roll out game changing al to radiotherapy departments in england. and the benefits are clear because that technology can locate cancer cells two and a half times quicker than doctors alone. but we won't stop there. we recognise the huge potential and that's why the productivity plan, announced in the spring budget, will modernise the nhs and ensure our patients get the care that they deserve. bell, ribeiro—addy. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> in recent days, the trussell trust revealed that its network handed out more than 3.1 million emergency food parcels in the past year and that's the most it's ever distributed and nearly double the number five years
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ago. absolute poverty among children in this country has risen by its highest rate of 30 years, and a quarter of all children in this country live below that poverty line. two thirds of uk children in poverty live in families where at least one parent works. my constituency , stretham, is one constituency, stretham, is one of the worst affected. so, mr speaken of the worst affected. so, mr speaker, does the prime minister have any plans to restore the child poverty unit or to address the calls for universal free school meals or report on any government plans aimed at tackling child poverty at all? >> prime minister. mr speaker, nobody wants to see any child grow up in poverty, and that's why i'm pleased that the record of this and previous governments has reduced not just the number of people living in poverty, but the number of children living in poverty, thanks to our measures to strengthen the economy. but when it comes to supporting children who are vulnerable with their food, we've extended the houday their food, we've extended the holiday activity and food programme with £200 million of funding, and we're investing £30 million in our national school breakfast programme, which will now run until the end of the summer term .
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summer term. >> thank you, mr speaker. the best ways of helping people with the cost of living is to cut their taxes , keep unemployment their taxes, keep unemployment low and get inflation down. yeah, yeah, things this government are doing . yeah. what government are doing. yeah. what is the prime minister's assessment of how the very welcome news of today's reduction in inflation going to help both businesses and families with the costs they face? yeah >> well, mr speaker, my honourable friend is exactly right is in his analysis of how to help working families and our country. and thanks to the difficult decisions we have taken, inflation in today is back to normal, which is a very welcome moment. of back to normal, which is a very welcome moment . of course, welcome moment. of course, there's more work to do. of course, people are only just starting to feel the benefits, but it's clear that the plan is working and that's why we have also been able to deliver significant tax cuts worth £900 to the average work in our country. this is all progress that would absolutely be put at risk by the party opposite. stephen barclay. >> thank you, mr speaker.
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>> thank you, mr speaker. >> harland and wolff is an iconic cornerstone of the uk's future shipbuilding, defence and energy capabilities . harland and energy capabilities. harland and wolff has saved four shipyards from administration , invested from administration, invested millions and now employs 1500 workers across england, scotland and northern ireland, many of whom are my constituents. approval of the company's export development guarantee is crucial to consolidate this progress. will the prime minister ensure that this is achieved ? mr that this is achieved? mr >> well, can i thank the honourable gentleman for his question? >> the government is committed to supporting the uk shipbuilding robert hur right sector, right across the nation , sector, right across the nation, and i've seen firsthand what companies like harland and wolff and the role that they play in the economy. whilst you'll understand i can't comment specifically on the details of any individual case due to commercial sensitivity, i can assure him that we are working closely with harland and wolff in their request for a ukef guaranteed loan. it is under consideration and can i also pay tribute to the right honourable member for east belfast for all he does to be a strong advocate
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for the company? >> to jason mccartney. >> to jason mccartney. >> thank you, mr speaker. the smart new £15 million accident and emergency unit at huddersfield royal infirmary openedin huddersfield royal infirmary opened in the early hours of this morning. hey will the prime minister join me in thanking the team at hri, welcoming the new doctors and nurses who have been recruited for the a&e unit? and does he agree with me that alongside the new teaching block at greenhead college , the west at greenhead college, the west yorkshire investment zone, and the trends pennine rail upgrade, it shows that we are delivering for my constituents in the home and comb valleys and lindley. >> well, mr speaker, can i congratulate my hon. friend and his constituents for the brand new a&e department at the huddersfield royal hospital. it is, as he said, a real game changer for residents. and it's not the only piece of delivery in his area. he mentioned the trans—pennine rail upgrade,
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delivering faster journeys but also levelling up projects like huddersfield open market and the new teaching block at greenhead college. it shows that it's the conservatives that are delivering on the priorities of his local community, the international criminal court chief prosecutor seeking arrest warrants for israeli and hamas leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity. >> this house does not aid and abet hamas, but it does aid and abet hamas, but it does aid and abet israel through arms sales like components for israeli f—355. like components for israeli f—35s. known as the most lethal fighterjet f—35s. known as the most lethal fighter jet on f—35s. known as the most lethal fighterjet on earth, f—35s. known as the most lethal fighter jet on earth, which f—35s. known as the most lethal fighterjet on earth, which are fighter jet on earth, which are raining down hell on gaza. so will the prime minister uphold international law? drop the nonsense about the most robust licensing system in the world and end arms sales to israel. and if the icc issues arrest warrants , will he comply and warrants, will he comply and ensure that these individuals are arrested if they enter the uk ? uk? >> mr speaker, always nice to see the change. labour party in action, but . when it when it
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action, but. when it when it comes, when it comes to the icc, this is a deeply unhelpful development. mr speaker, which is of course is still subject to a final decision . there is no a final decision. there is no moral equivalence between a democratically elected government exercising its lawful right to self—defence and the actions of a terrorist group, and the actions of the icc do absolutely nothing to get a pause in the fighting to get the hostages out or aid in craig mckinley. >> yes . we thank you, mr speaken >> this is this is an emotional day for me. >> and if you would indulge me to say a few thanks, because there are a few are due . and one there are a few are due. and one of those, of course. well, an apology actually, that i've caused the breaking of so many rules today. clapping i've got trainers on because my shoes wouldn't go over the plastic feet and my jacket wouldn't go over the bionic arm, so
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apologies for that. but i want to give some thanks. and first of all, the thanks to you, mr speaker , for being there for me, speaker, for being there for me, for coming to visit . and i will for coming to visit. and i will tell everybody the little story. they thought that the rest of the hospital thought i must be dreadfully ill, because they said that guy's got the funeral director, and already . but no, director, and already. but no, you'd be you've cared for me throughout, and i thank you for that. the other person in this chamber i'd like to thank is the prime minister who's been with me throughout. he hasn't advertised it. he's been to see me multiple times and to me, that shows the true depth of the character of the prime minister. and thank you for that. and to my wife, who's in the chamber and my daughter and other family members, my father , father in members, my father, father in law, i'd like to thank my wife for being there. every single day of those many months in hospital. and she could only do that because of the support of family behind her. and in the pubuc family behind her. and in the public gallery. they can't quite see me, unfortunately. are many of the staff from the nhs who
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took me from where i was close took me from where i was close to death ? to death? they took me from close to death to where i am today. so thank you for that. i'm not entirely sure i'm that happy that the two surgeons who took this lot off are there. but never mind. but can i ask? the prime minister is a question here. prime minister, can we please ensure that we embed recognition of early signs nmbnd recagnitifin if early" «mm ' sepsis? it nmbnd fiéiiijijfiifififi if early" arm- ' sepsis? it wouldn't have of sepsis? it wouldn't have worked for me. mine was too quick and too sudden. but for many people, they do get a few days. if we can stop somebody ending up like this, i would say that's a job well done . but that's a job well done. but also, mr speaker, to impress upon your health ministers, to allow the provision of appropriate prosthetics, particularly for multi limb amputees, at the right time . amputees, at the right time. thank you, mr speaker. thank you, prime minister.
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>> mr speaker, it's so wonderful to hear from my honourable friend. can i thank him for his kind words , but also personally kind words, but also personally pay kind words, but also personally pay tribute to his family who are here and i know first hand the extraordinary job they did to support him over the past several months. and they all deserve our absolute admiration and thanks for what they've done. and on the substantive question that he raises before i do that, can i also join him in paying do that, can i also join him in paying tribute to the nhs workers who looked after him? he's right that sepsis is a devastating condition and we're working hard to raise awareness of it. and i know that he will play of it. and i know that he will play a leading role in doing that. and without getting into all the details, i'll just say that he is right. the nhs itself has recognised this morning that more needs to be done , and i can more needs to be done, and i can assure him that we will do that. the right honourable friend will discuss with him shortly, as will i his suggestions on how we can improve care and awareness for people. but i'll end where i started earlier today, mr speaken started earlier today, mr speaker, and just say, craig,
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you've inspired each and every one of us. thank you for that. >> completes prime minister's questions >> well, that was prime minister rishi sunak there with paying tribute to craig mckinley and taking questions from mps in the house of commons. and just quickly, an apology for any viewers or listeners who heard or saw bad language during that polly middlehurst questions we asked. >> by the way , by a member of >> by the way, by a member of parliament, not by us. of course we are still joined in the studio by minister for industry and economic security alan mak and economic security alan mak and the shadow financial secretary to the treasury, james murray. you've been sending in some fantastic questions. i think these are my favourite questions ever. apart from not enough of you have told us where you're from. but normally, chris, we have these questions from people who are watching prime minister's question time, who are outraged, really about what they see every week, about the brickbats thrown, about the insults, chucked across each of the house today, gentlemen , our
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the house today, gentlemen, our viewers and listeners have seen something that they like . and, something that they like. and, alan, and this will this is your opportunity not just to engage with these questions, but also to pay your own personal tribute. if you would like to your colleague craig mckinley. wendy, says seeing all those politicians united in homage to mckinley made me cry. no apologies . we can have a look in apologies. we can have a look in the border areas . the border areas. >> oh. >> oh. >> brazier . >> brazier. >> brazier. >> what a moment that was class clapping. not technically
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allowed in the house of commons. the speaker was absolutely in no mood to stop gloria having been with him in hospital by his bedside in five months ago. >> to this point , i find that >> to this point, i find that deeply moving. i know his family, will and friends nhs staff in the gallery, his wife katie, his four year old daughter olivia watching down it is extraordinary and i've seen i've seen a lot of clapping in the commons chamber over the years, not all of it justified, thatis years, not all of it justified, that is justified. but looking at those questions from viewers. >> yeah. brenda, so i mentioned , >> yeah. brenda, so i mentioned, i mentioned wendy's question, saying that it had made her cry to see the house of commons like that. brenda, i was really choked up watching that. not a keir fan , but well done him for keir fan, but well done him for shaking his hand. and phil simply well done parliamentarians coming together . a very moving moment. why is that sort of cross—party cooperation and respect , i cooperation and respect, i suppose. why is it so rare in our politics? don't we need more of it? alan mak from the conservatives. >> well, it's great to see craig
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mckinley back in parliament. we were elected together and you've seen the hugely emotional and warm cross—party reception he received. he is an inspiration to all of us in parliament and i'm really pleased that he's standing again. he's an outstanding public servant and it was absolutely right that he had this very warm cross—party reception, the cross—party working does actually exist, outside the tv studios and you know, away from the cameras, actually. but what we've seen today is a really fantastic, outpouring of support for craig, and he fully deserves it. he's a great man. he's a great parliamentarian, and we're all delighted to see him back. i know some of your viewers have written in to say how pleased they are as well. and you know, that warmth will continue because he is a fantastic person and they do often say viewers don't know they're tired of the punch and judy politics. >> well, they got that. didn't get that in space today. we heard tributes from rishi sunak keir starmer snp leader stephen flynn and sir ed davey james murray from labour. were you surprised or and how did you find out that was the most? have you seen a thing like that before? >> i've never seen anything like that, since i was elected or even actually before having watched it from , from the
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watched it from, from the outside. and i think a bit like your viewer, brenda, who messaged in, you know, i felt quite choked up watching that, i think particularly because clapping isn't normally allowed, it really stands out as a moment, which is an unusual day , moment, which is an unusual day, an unusual display of respect and affection, i think, for someone who's been through the most unimaginable ordeal. but not only has got through it, but actually come back to be an mp. and i thought, what was what? i quite liked watching that as well is that when he stood up and asked this question at the end, he obviously thanked people. and again, that was quite emotional. when he was thanking the nhs staff who had who had done all that work to save his life, but also he then went straight on to and his the campaign about sepsis and about prosthetic limbs and i think, you know, to use people's own experience to try and better our society and our country is why is why we're all in it, really. >> and just another commendation for you, chris, for your work. that wonderful documentary which our viewers and listeners can catch up on. it's on the gb news website, isn't it? you can see
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the full thing. i heartily recommend it. well done, thank you. >> now to bring his bring his story to the viewers of gb news is absolutely absolute honour. but back to pmqs alan mac. tom asked the simple question that all of twitter in parliament's talking about today, when is the pm going to call a general election? stephen flynn asked a question. the snp leader when is it? give us a date now? well, you heard the prime minister say it's going to be the second half of the year. >> we're not going to be distracted by the rumour mill and gossip, etc, etc. we're focusing on the prime minister's plan. so we got the news today that inflation has fallen to 2.3. it was over 11 when it came to office. this means that people's mortgage payments are going down, their money goes further and the economy is back on track. so we're focusing on the on that work. we're also focusing on controlling immigration, getting the rwanda flights off the ground, supporting working parents with childcare, doing all the things that government is doing and making sure that we're delivering for the people. so colin says rishi is in full election mode, is he? >> and the reason, perhaps why the rumour mill is in full swing in westminster about the prime minister calling an election as soon as as this week. is there
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is a political cabinet this afternoon. now those happen from time to time. it's basically when the cabinet meets, but without civil servants. should we read anything into that? alan mac? >> well, the pm's in full delivery mode, so he's cutting taxes. he is cutting inflation. he's getting our flights off the ground from rwanda. he's doing all the things that people elected him to do. the political cabinets happen regularly, and obviously the one that was meant to be on tuesday was missed because of the vienna trip. and he went to vienna because we have austria supporting our rwanda policy. so it's all good news. and the prime minister is in delivery mode. >> nothing now from alan mac, james morrow to you. claudine's got a question? is it good news that inflation has fallen? >> well, look, i think we'd all rather inflation was nearer the target rather than as high as it has been in recent years. but i think isn't that good. but i think isn't that good. but i think that the important thing is how do people feel, you know, because that's actually what matters to people across the country. is not the prime minister doing a victory lap, popping minister doing a victory lap, popping the champagne corks, pointing at a figure or a graph. it's about how people actually
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feel. and the fact that the inflation rate has come down doesn't mean prices are going down. prices are still going up just less quickly, and people still feel the impact of all of the economic failure. obviously, the economic failure. obviously, the last 14 years, but particularly the inflation we've had in the last few years, really pushing up prices for people. you know, one astonishing statistic i learnt this morning, which is that if you compare the average household spend in supermarket shops from 2019 to now is £1,000 more. yeah, that is the impact of the conservative as well. >> i'm sure you would contest that. but adrian and actually maggie have no sorry maria have beenin maggie have no sorry maria have been in touch with a very similar question. inflation is back to normal, but none of us have benefited yet. when will we so it's the it's the argument that the figures look good, but actually we're still hurting financially. >> so it's very good news that inflation is coming down. it was over 11% when rishi took over as prime minister. it's now 2.3% on top of that. that means that we can cut taxes. so for the average worker they're £900 better off this year. if you're a pensioner, you're better off by the same amount. so we're putting more people, more people
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in a better position by putting more money in their pockets so that when they do go to the shops, the money goes further. it's not being taken away or eaten away by inflation. and thatis eaten away by inflation. and that is the foundation of our economic policy, getting people better off. and that's what we'll be doing over the coming months. >> well, and also in that pmqs we heard talk about the infected blood scandal, which has rocked westminster the past two days. maggie has got in touch and she says if the infected blood scandal and whether it's time for a cross—party committee to run at the nhs and stop using it as a political football, is that the point that the nhs shouldn't be made be a political issue? it should be a kind of service which we all benefit from in this country. james murray well, i think what we saw today in terms of the response to the infected blood scandal and what we've seen over recent days, there's a lot of cross—party consensus about what needs to be done to get compensation urgently to the to the victims, to those affected . to those affected. >> you know, and there's a real sense that this has been an institutional failure over many, many years and many different governments. so i think there's quite a lot of cross—party consensus on that. i think what keir starmer was trying to do today is to try and get some
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cross—party consensus about this duty of candour and applying that across public services, which i think i'd really like to see that cross—party consensus on that. i think we have to also be honest, though, that when it comes to broader issues about the nhs, you know, it is a political discussion to be had about how much do you how do you run the nhs? >> you know how much lynn has got a question on that very point. she agrees the nhs is in trouble, but where will the labour party get all the extra stuff they need? so are the backlog what we've said is that if we get into government, we will raise money through clamping down on tax avoidance and closing the loopholes and the government's . the government's. >> allen would say that your figures don't add up on that. they're all transparent. they're all out in the public domain so people don't have to take his word for it. they can read them for themselves. and that money would go into making sure that we've got extra appointments in the nhs to try and clear the backlog, and that would involve giving existing staff overtime at evenings and weekends to bnng at evenings and weekends to bring that back. dog backlog down urgently. but in the long run, we know that firstly, funding for the nhs and all pubuc funding for the nhs and all public services will come from having a growing economy and we have had sluggish growth in the economy over the last 14 years.
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that's what we would change if we got into government and make sure that we've got that growing economy, which makes people better off. and also supports our public services. >> alan mac emily is asking why do scandals like the infected blood scandal take so long to resolve? many, many, many people have died from this before. they've seen resolution someone held to account. well, very sad. >> reality is that the infected blood issue has been around for several decades, and it's actually this conservative government that started the inquiry to get to the bottom of it. it's this conservative government that started the interim payments, and it's this conservative government that will fully compensate the victims. so we have gripped an issue that has been around for several decades. ultimately, we need to get the nhs on a really good footing and the best way of doing that is having a strong and growing economy, which is what this government is delivering. ultimately, if you want to pay for doctors and nurses and it and technology, you need an economy that can fund that. and that's what conservatives are doing. >> but stephen comes back on your point about how people feel at the moment. the prime minister says there's less poverty, but food banks announce announced numbers that are the highest they've ever been. this makes no sense other than a
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government that buries its head. it's time for change now . which, it's time for change now. which, whether you want to engage in the first half of stephen's questions on the fact that food bank use is so prevalent, so much more prevalent, it was perhaps when we were growing up, or the fact that the argument you are going to encounter as you are going to encounter as you approach the next election is, it's just time for change. well, the other lot ago, 40 years. >> i don't agree with him. look, the reality is that things are getting better. inflation has come down. so mortgage payments are going down. people's feel better. more money is going into their pockets. the money they have got is going further. and we've got to stick with the plan to finish the job. so the inflation is 2.3. we want to get 2. let's finish that job. let's stick with the mortgage. >> payments aren't going down because the bank hasn't cut interest rates. should the bank now cut interest rates? >> alan mak well, we certainly want the bank to act responsibly in response to these really positive figures on inflation. >> but it's not yet, is it? i mean, should it start cutting rates for mortgage payers? >> well, the bank is ultimately independent. we want them to take the signal to take the message that inflation is coming down. we want people to be
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better off. people are getting tax cuts, pensioners are getting a boost to their pensions, £900 a boost to their pensions, £900 a year. so things are going in the right direction. let's stick with the plan. let's not risk it with the plan. let's not risk it with labour. >> john, question about dentistry. >> we're back with the nhs. he said. he just doesn't get it. i assume he's talking about the prime minister. people can't get dentist treatment. this was one of the questions that was was raised from a backbench mp to the prime minister. people can't get dentist treatment, says john. it's all right for him. he can go somewhere else. i was a tory voter, so i'm not having a go. but there's people that cannot get the treatment that they need. end of is it really was it really any better under labour? will it really be any easier to get dental treatment under labour. because you have to be cautious as well about saying, you know, magic one time it's all going to be this wonderful nirvana. if labour gets power, there's very little money available to be spent. is it going to be easier to get dental treatment and if so, why? >> well, you're absolutely right to say we need to be really honest, that if we won the next general election , we would general election, we would inherit a mess. and it's a mess
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on every front. you know, it would be a fiscal mess in terms of where public services are out. you know, there's a huge amount of work for us to do if we won the next general election to turn things around, and we are not promising to turn things around immediately, we know it will take time to get the country back on its feet, but we have set out our plans for that immediate injection of money into the nhs and dentistry to try and bring down the backlog and make more appointments available for people. but in the long run, the only way to get pubuc long run, the only way to get public services on a stable footing and make people better off is to get the economy growing. the conservatives have failed to do that over many years, and actually just to pick up on one point that was made earlier about the tax burden, the tax burden is on course to be its highest in 70 years. you know, the taxes have gone up and up under the conservatives and whatever kind of sleight of hand they try to do now, i think people know that the tax burden is so high because they feel worse off paying for things like the covid pandemic and ukraine war, the energy shock, they would argue. >> but it is high, no question. >> but it is high, no question. >> well, no, actually there have been there have been global shocks which which have impacted the uk, but we've been uniquely exposed. so look at the energy crisis, for instance. obviously
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everyone was affected by what happenedin everyone was affected by what happened in ukraine, but we were hit far worse than other places in terms of our energy bills. >> yeah, i'm mark jedi who can't be a real name, but he's called himself jedi says as a veteran, it's my experience that anything veterans want needs won't get done. why does your why is your government forgotten about veterans? >> alan mak well, not sure. i think in johnny mercer we've got a veteran in government at the heart of government and he's introduced the veterans rail car. he's introduced a whole host of benefits. he's introduced the obligation on council to support veterans. so actually, this is the most veteran friendly government even veteran friendly government ever. and we've got a veteran at the heart of government in the cabinet. labour wouldn't actually have a veterans minister in cabinet. so you can show you can see the value they place on veterans. they're going to devalue the veterans minister. >> yes, exactly. yes so you are working with with veterans and laboun working with with veterans and labour. it'll be committed to two veterans, would it. >> oh, absolutely. and we are doing that in opposition. you know, the amount of work that we're doing as a as a shadow set of ministers engaging with veterans, listening to their concerns is absolutely central, because we need to make sure that they are well, provide for by the government. >> thank you. thank you very
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much , indeed. we'll say a proper much, indeed. we'll say a proper goodbye in a moment, but we want to tell our viewers and listeners exciting news, because coming up , listeners exciting news, because coming up, it's good listeners exciting news, because coming up , it's good afternoon, coming up, it's good afternoon, britain with tom and emily, who we should be able to see right now. there they are in their splendour. what's coming up ? splendour. what's coming up? >> yes, you have, haven't you? >> yes, you have, haven't you? >> at the end stole the last half an hour of, britain's newsroom, last minute standing in for andrew pierce. but you know, we're back. back where? we should be here on. good afternoon. britain. busy show coming up as well. >> a hugely busy show, i must say , very emotional watching say, very emotional watching craig mckinley. the first bionic mp, enter the house of commons with such a standing ovation. i'm sure that i brought a tear to a lot of your eyes and will be replaying that, as well as what he had to say to the commons, which was equally as moving. >> also, news from the post office inquiry. >> also, news from the post office inquiry . what has paula office inquiry. what has paula vennells been saying? we'll have an update after a thrilling show coming up. >> that's all for me. and
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gloria, thank you for joining us. you've been watching and listening to pmqs live with gloria de piero and christopher hope. don't go anywhere. next up is good afternoon britain. we're tom and emily. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> hello again. here's your latest gb news weather update brought to you by the met office. plenty more rain to come for many of us as we go through today and into tomorrow and across southern areas. there could be some thunderstorms kicking off later on. at the moment we have an area of low pressure gradually making its way northwestwards, and it's this that's driving the heavy, persistent rain that's affecting much of the country. widespread rain across much of england into wales and pushing into parts of scotland . two perhaps a little scotland. two perhaps a little bit drier across parts of northern ireland and far southern parts of england. but here, like i said, some thunderstorms are going to develop as we go through the day. temperatures are going to be around or a touch above average for some of us, but under the very wet weather it's
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going to feel markedly fresher, pretty unpleasant for some. now, as we go through the rest of the day, we are going to see then some heavy thundery downpours developing across southern areas. watch out for some hail and some frequent lightning here. heading further north, the heaviest rain likely to be over parts of north wales and northwest england, could see in excess of 100mm, which is why we do have an amber warning in force. some disruption is quite likely. more rain pushing across parts of scotland. even here, it's going to be pretty heavy and could cause some disruption. there could be some flooding, there could be some travel disruption . even some disruption. even some communities could get cut off because of how much rain we're going to see as we go through the rest of today and into tomorrow. like i said, that whole feature is pushing its way northwestwards, though, and so as we go through tonight into thursday, we are going to see a bit of a north south split developing, staying wet across many northern parts, drier further south. but because of the generally unsettled weather across many areas, temperatures aren't going to drop a huge amount. tomorrow, then, is going to be a bit of a north south split wet across northern parts.
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not quite as wet as today. perhaps but nonetheless plenty more rain to come so we could see some further impacts drier further south and in fact across far south southeastern parts, we should see some sunshine breaking through. and in the sunshine it's going to feel pleasant enough, temperatures just about getting into the low 20s. fresher further north. see you later . you later. >> looks like things are heating up boxt boilers
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gb news. >> good afternoon. britain. it's 1:00 on wednesday, the 22nd of may. i'm tom harwood and i'm emily carver. >> and inflation has dropped to its lowest point in nearly three years. >> it's all leading to swirling rumours that rishi sunak could make a statement this very afternoon, calling a snap general election. what's the truth behind it? well, number 10 is refusing to rule it out. we'll be speaking to a senior member of the treasury and the
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former post office boss, paula vennells broke down in tears as she apologised to all the postmasters who were wrongly jailed . jailed. >> she's speaking publicly for the first time at the inquiry into britain's largest miscarriage of justice. just how much did she know about the faulty it system which sent so many people to prison and bnp ? many people to prison and bnp? >> and the mp , whose limbs were >> and the mp, whose limbs were amputated after he contracted sepsis , returns to the commons sepsis, returns to the commons with a standing ovation. we'll hear from kate, craig mckinley and a truly inspiring show of resilience and bravery . resilience and bravery. >> what an amazing moment that was when we watched him walk into the house of commons for the first time as the first bionic mp in the commons. really quite emotional. i


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