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tv   Good Afternoon Britain  GB News  July 10, 2024 12:00pm-3:01pm BST

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>> well . >> well. >> well. >> good afternoon . britain. it's >> good afternoon. britain. it's 12:00 on wednesday, the 10th of july. i'm tom harwood, and i'm emily carver. manhunt. police launch an urgent search after three women are found dead at a property in hertfordshire. police warn that the suspect , police warn that the suspect, the prime suspect, kyle clifford, aged just 26, may be carrying a crossbow. we'll be live on the scene . live on the scene. >> yes. and elsewhere, keir starmer arrives in washington, d.c, for the nato summit. he'll meet president biden for the first time as prime minister, but he has been accused today of playing with fire over his lack of commitment to higher defence spending . spending. >> and england fans are gearing up for a crunch semi—final clash
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with the netherlands. will the three lions roar and reach their first ever euros final? not held on home soil? we'll be reporting live from germany and as the shadow race for the tory leadership hots up, we have shock. >> new poll results on who the pubuc >> new poll results on who the public and the tories want as the next leader of the opposition . opposition. >> well, it's a busy show today. we're going to be live all over the place and starting off of course, with that tragedy, the three individuals who've been found dead in north london. >> yes. we don't know too much. as it stands , but we know that as it stands, but we know that there is a manhunt ongoing at there is a manhunt ongoing at the moment in that leafy area of hertfordshire, quiet, relatively quiet suburb. three women found dead suspect 26 kyle clifford.
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that's who they're searching for. and he may be carrying a crossbow. so there you go. we're also going to be discussing, of course, whether sir keir starmer needs to tell us when this defence spending is coming. when is it going to increase? at the moment he's sort of sitting behind this strategic review, which may well take up to a year. that seems to be the line coming from the government at the moment. is that good enough when there are so many threats? >> and what's your definition of a cast iron guarantee? to me, it means you're actually going to do something. but clearly to mr keir starmer, it doesn't mean that he'll do something if he gives a cast iron guarantee to raise defence spending. he's not even committing to do that within the time frame of this parliament. that's five years. what are your thoughts on that? we want to get in touch. but before all of that, it's your headlines with sam francis . with sam francis. >> tom, emily, thank you very much and good afternoon to you .
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much and good afternoon to you. it's just after a 12:00 and a round up. then of that breaking news in the last few hours from hertfordshire, where police are urging people living there and in north london to be vigilant and to look out for the suspect in a triple murder, who they say might be armed with a crossbow. that's as the urgent manhunt continues. detectives want to question 26 year old karl clifford from enfield, after three women were killed in bushey. we now know that those three women were found in a property on ashlan close just before 7:00 last night. it's understood they were related on a relatively quiet and residential road, people living there, the residents have said it is a tragic and disturbing situation, and we are also heanng situation, and we are also hearing from the home secretary, yvette cooper, on social media, who has said that she is being kept fully updated on what she has also called a truly shocking situation. we will have our reporter theo chikomba on the ground there for you later on
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this afternoon with more details . this afternoon with more details. in other news, two children from a primary school in liverpool that's been dealing with an infection outbreak have sadly died. it's understood those children from milstead primary school were aged five and six. the uk health security agency says it's been looking into a number of cases of giardia at the school, but experts say it's unlikely the deaths are related to that outbreak . detectives to that outbreak. detectives have issued an image of a man that they want to talk to about a stabbing on a south london bus. police say the victim, a man in his 50s, was attacked on a route 64 bus in croydon in the early hours of this morning. he'd confronted a fellow passenger over placing his feet on a seat and was stabbed several times in the leg. anyone with information has been asked by police to contact the metropolitan force . in other metropolitan force. in other news, the prime minister is promising today a review of the uk's defence and security, which could see the size of the armed forces increase. his manifesto before the election promised to
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spend 2.5% of national income on defence. however, he's refused to guarantee the government will meet that promise within his first term. instead, he's pledging to keep the uk's defences strong but without breaking his spending and borrowing rules. >> we will carry out our strategic review to look at the challenges the capabilities and on the back of that, make further plans. i am committed to that 2.5% within our fiscal rules, but that strategic review needs to come first. >> and those comments from sir keir starmer come as the new prime minister arrived in washington today for a nato summit where he's pushing allies to invest more in defence. it's the first time he'll line up with other world leaders as prime minister and opening the nato summit, us president joe biden insisted the alliance is more powerful than ever. >> an overwhelming bipartisan majority of americans understand that nato makes us all safer. the fact that both democratic and republican parties are represented here today is a
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testament to that fact . the testament to that fact. the american people know that all the progress we've made in the past 75 years has happened behind the shield of nato and the american people understand what would happen if there was no nato. >> and on the topic of joe biden, sir keir starmer has said that he shouldn't worry about being too old to be president, despite being over the age. the labour leader wants peers in the house of lords to retire. the new government is planning to bnngin new government is planning to bring in new measures to force peers to retire at the age of 80, in a bid to cut down the size of the chamber. the prime minister insists the change targets the bloated. he says house of lords not elected officials elsewhere , and donald officials elsewhere, and donald trump is challenging president biden to another head to head debate. this week. speaking at a rally in florida, trump offered to face off without moderators and said it would be a chance for biden to redeem himself. it comes after biden stumbling performance in the first debate raised concerns among democrats,
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with talk that he could be replaced as their nominee. trump described it as the most decisive and overwhelming defeat in the history of presidential debates. >> let's do another debate this week so that sleepy joe biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president . but the world that he has what it takes to be president. but this time it will be man to man. no moderators, no holds barred. just name the place any time, anywhere . anywhere. >> and finally, some sport for you before we hand back to tom and emily. thousands of england fans are in dortmund in germany ahead of tonight's euro 2024 semi—final against the netherlands. but the brits are expected to be outnumbered by the dutch. it's thought there could be four times as many opposition supporters out on the streets of dortmund tonight, where gareth southgate's side are pushing for a place in the final against spain on sunday. the manager has admitted the squad haven't been at their best, but they have managed to pull through the beginning of
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the tournament. >> the expectation weighed quite heavily and of course the external noise was louder than it's ever been. so i felt we couldn't quite get ourselves in the right, in the right place. and in the end, what was impressive was that the players ground it out. they ground results out and found ways to win . win. >> those are the latest gb news headunes >> those are the latest gb news headlines for now i'm sam francis. plenty more still to come throughout the rest of this afternoon with tom and emily. i'll be back in half an hour for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code, or go to forward slash alerts . forward slash alerts. >> good afternoon britain. it's 12:08 and an urgent manhunt is underway for a 26 year old man
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in hertfordshire wanted in connection with a triple murder. >> yes . officers are asking the >> yes. officers are asking the pubuc >> yes. officers are asking the public not to approach carl clifford. there's a picture of him there who may still be armed with a crossbow and to contact police immediately if they see him. >> well, to jump straight into this story, we're joined now by former senior investigating officer at the metropolitan police, professor simon harding. simon, this is a very unusual situation, and this man still on the loose? >> yes. i'm not not a professor, by the way, but, the, is a terrible case, obviously. and, you know, our heart goes out to all the, people who are going to be affected by this. and this man is clearly dangerous, and of course , the police will be course, the police will be working now around the clock to try and find him and bring him in as quickly as possible. that will be their priority. >> and, shocking to hear that three women were seriously injured. and then died on the scene. a truly horrifying in terms of this crossbow. we're
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heanng terms of this crossbow. we're hearing that it may well have been used as the weapon or at least the man the prime suspect may well still be carrying one. this isn't the first crossbow related incident we've seen. what are the rules around crossbows ? crossbows? >> well, obviously there is a legislation governing crossbows. you are allowed to own one and possess one, but obviously you can't. then carry it in public or use it in public. in that way. but, you know, it's like it's like anything, you know, we talk about knives about around knives being used in homicides and other serious offences, you know, and the legislation probably again, needs looking at is it is it strict enough. and i think, you know, obviously releasing the fact that he that there is a crossbow involved would suggest perhaps that it's been used or that he is known to, to carry one anyway. so it's quite it also helps to for the pubuc quite it also helps to for the public to understand that he is a dangerous man and that, you know, with all the press and the pubuc know, with all the press and the public appeals they're making, that they shouldn't approach him .
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that they shouldn't approach him. and, you know, what they're after is information sightings, whether they've seen him yesterday or or today, you know , yesterday or or today, you know, to try and give an idea of where he might be heading, what sort of thought process goes on within the police when they decide to sort of broaden an investigation out to sort of get the public involved, to share these sorts of pictures, to make it a much wider issue than just a specific and limited investigation. yeah. that's right . it's one of the decisions right. it's one of the decisions that an sio would make. you know, you make that decision, you decide whether or not you you decide whether or not you you feel it's appropriate for the for press releases and how much information you give them. and so that the public become involved. and clearly with this one, the decision is made quite early that , you know, they see early that, you know, they see him as actually their priority . him as actually their priority. they obviously don't know where he is at the moment. they they obviously don't know where he is at the moment . they want he is at the moment. they want evidence from around the scene so that if anybody saw him, can put him in that area because they obviously want to link him to that scene as much as possible through evidence as well. but also, you know, he's he's had a head start. and
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that's the that's always a great worry as an sio that somebody's got a head start on you. so there'll be there'll be, you know broadening that that net of information to people so that they can understand and try and plot where he might have been obviously using things like cctv and, that you see all the time in doorbells and everything else that you can see to try and help and understand the direction he's going in, but also then broadening that even further to, to outside your, your ports areas, you know , your border areas, you know, your border force becoming involved because you know , one of the things they you know, one of the things they don't want him to do is get away. but obviously that also finally, you know, sort of bnngs finally, you know, sort of brings into to question as well that you want to get him before you know, he does any harm to himself, which can be quite common in these cases as well. you don't understand these linkages at the moment. we don't understand that he's linked to all these three victims, but also we don't understand what his own mental health might be as well. so there's lots of things that they'll be considering again, which is why their priority will be to bring him in as quickly as possible. >> yes. previously, the police have been criticised when they
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haven't released a photo of a prime suspect like this, but it appears as though the hertfordshire police have taken this decision very quickly indeed.the this decision very quickly indeed. the image is there for everyone to see of this young man, this 26 year old suspect. we should say that we're expecting a press conference from the police at about half 12. can you tell us a little bit about the preparation that goes into these types of press conferences? will they be able to offer us much in the way of extra detail that we don't already know? >> well, it's quite likely they will be, you know, they might , will be, you know, they might, depending on what the so. decides and what information they have in front of them. you know, maybe give us more information about where he, might be heading through the factual things that they found. obviously, they've said that he frequents areas which they know aboutin frequents areas which they know about in enfield in north london. so, you know, they might possibly look at if they do have that evidence, you know, that they've said they've got a sighting or they believe he's heading into a certain more specific area. but you know that the preparation for these, these
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press releases and you know, something which is gathering as much momentum as this within the press, is that is that you want everyone to understand what facts you have at the moment. there'll be obviously telling us about the reassurance that they will be putting in place around that local area, but they'll also be telling us about, you know, you would expect how many people are involved and, and what they'll be doing. so, you know, it is something where they've made that decision and it seems to be the right decision at the moment because they've got to that stage where they're probably thinking, right, we don't know where he is, and we need your help. and when someone like this is on the loose, you've got to get them as quickly as possible so they don't harm anybody else or even harm themselves. >> and i would expect that given this is a picture that has been given to news organisations now broadcasting the country over, this is a search that is not just limited to hertfordshire, not just limited to enfield, not just limited to north london. >> yeah that's right. and i think, you know, you look at
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hertfordshire itself and you know even that you can see from images around the scene that it's a very leafy area. lots of woodland. so there's lots of searching to be done locally around that scene and as it spreads out from that scene, but obviously again, with that, with that, 12 hours or so that he's had in front of being caught that, you know, they need to stretch that because obviously you can get a long way in 12 hours. we know that. so obviously the more people you tell, the more people are alert to it. and of course, the police, not just in london and hertfordshire, but all the surrounding counties and again, as a repeat, you know, even as far as the borders of this country will be on high alert for him . for him. >> yes, i should say some local people have been speaking to the media. this coming through on pa, a local councillor , lawrence pa, a local councillor, lawrence brass, who lives close by the scene. he's saying i didn't know them personally, but i knocked on their door. i was canvassing a few days ago there for the general election. he goes on to say, i'm sure their friends will be comforting the remains of the family that are left terribly
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sad. these are all my representatives, he says. i know them all. and then he goes on to talk about how the helicopter landed on the lawn, 100 yards away from here. air ambulances involved rumours circulating about this crossbow. he says the worst thing that's ever happened in this part of bushey is a bit of a legal fly—tipping. and then suddenly we get three murders and we're all a bit shell shocked. that seems to be what's coming out strongly, that this sort of thing doesn't happen in this area. simon >> no, and that's absolutely right. i think. >> no, and that's absolutely right. ithink. i >> no, and that's absolutely right. i think. i mean, it's, you know, it's known as an area which is particularly quiet for crime and, and is a place where almost you know, you could say people go to retire sometimes as well in those sort of areas. so it will have shocked a community. and there's it's not just about reassurance patrols. it's about, you know, that reassurance that the police are doing something to try and find him as quickly as possible. so, you know, i understand obviously, you know, the thoughts really. and the other focus is , is those that are left focus is, is those that are left behind in that family circle. so they'll have specially trained officers with them supporting
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them, you know, as much as you can when, when you have something like this so tragic happenin something like this so tragic happen in your in your family. so you know, obviously the police will want to want to reassure them and want to reassure them and want to reassure them and want to reassure the public that they are doing everything they can and that includes then putting his face out and his details out in the in the press. >> but of course, if a member of the public were to come across this individual, were to recognise him from the way that his face has been plastered across news organisations, the country over, how should they behave, how should they act? >> well, of course there's, there's, there's no sense in trying to tackle somebody like that at all. you know, this person knows what they've done. and they will do everything they can is everything likely to, to evade capture. so, you know , evade capture. so, you know, what the police are after is not not people to take matters into their own hands. they're looking at they want information. they want sightings, they want this, you know, to make sure that is that person. they will then try and support that by looking at cctv. so, you know, it might be
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sometimes in these cases where where somebody is on the run, you get sightings all over the place where that person can't be in two places at once. so in whatever information it is, no matter how small it is they want, they want that contact. they want to try and, you know, find that, find that bit of information which leads to his arrest as quickly as possible . arrest as quickly as possible. so, you know, people shouldn't in any way think about, tackling this guy at all. they should be, you know, getting getting the police there as quickly as possible and letting them those that are trained to deal with people like this, get hold of him . him. >> okay. well, thank you very much indeed for your time. simon harding, a former police officer at the metropolitan police . at the metropolitan police. >> well, we're joined now by former london police officer and director of the law and order foundation , norman brennan. foundation, norman brennan. because, norman, this seems to have been a collapse in law and order. >> well, the collapse in law and order is, those that actually break the law, the police can
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only do what they can do. and obviously the police will react to such serious crimes as this , to such serious crimes as this, and people that break the law, they're the ones that choose to do so. and it's the victims, the pubuc do so. and it's the victims, the public and the police ultimately, that have to pick up the pieces. >> and, norman, how did the police conduct an investigation like this ? like this? >> well, simon cleared up most of the points that you were saying. but, at this moment in time , he's the, britain's most time, he's the, britain's most wanted, he will know. and as simon stated, he will be vulnerable . and i posted it vulnerable. and i posted it myself and people said, well, what do you mean? he'd be vulnerable? well, when you've committed a murder, which is what alleged has happened here, you're going to know once the dust has settled and your anger and your furore has calmed down and your furore has calmed down and you're running and panicking, you're going to know that you're going to go to prison for a very long time for one murder, let alone three. there's a chance that you'll never be released. so you will be panicking. you'll be looking for friends, for help. you may not do. you may be alone. you may be in a park. you may be
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sitting in your car. you could be by a river. you could be at a railway station. there are all sorts of thoughts that would go through a suspect's mind. and that's why the public are being asked by the police to keep an eye on him. because it's not just that he'll be walking down the street. there's a chance that he'll be hidden. and if he's hidden, the person that is hiding him will be committing a serious crime of assisting an offender, and they're likely to be arrested and sent to prison . be arrested and sent to prison. so there's a very good chance he's actually all on his own somewhere. >> that is really interesting. i should say, norman, that we are looking now at the scene of this triple murder where we can see a pretty heavy police presence. still, this murder, we believe, took place last night. but the street cordoned off, there have been armed police on the scene. norman. i don't suppose anyone would expect that the suspect is actually still there. >> well, now, he wouldn't be there at all. i mean, as simon said again, he's got a head
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start on the police. i mean, the thing is, a lot of murderers and i've dealt with murder for the last 35 years. the people that are most vulnerable are the original victims. that's why they've gone to a house or a location, and they've committed the crime that they've committed where the public are put at some risk is that that particular murderer, especially if they're armed with a weapon, are going to be very dangerous because they're going to be like a rat caughtin they're going to be like a rat caught in a corner. and it's absolutely right that the police have given out a description. sometimes they hold it back for, investigative reasons, i.e, they know who it is. they've got a goodidea know who it is. they've got a good idea where he is. so rather than put the public at risk , than put the public at risk, they will take up their own enquiries. however it's quite clear here because of the enormity of the crime , that the enormity of the crime, that the police want the public's help. and it's a very good chance that by this time tomorrow morning and we don't know that he will be arrested and will be in custody, and the public will
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again be safety from this individual and a norman, just a reminder that the press conference with the police is set to begin at 12:30. >> just a very quick question, three women, killed, one man, the prime suspect. what does this sound like to you? of course, we don't know all the details, but three women being killed, all relatives . do you killed, all relatives. do you imagine that this might be some kind of domestic gone horribly, horribly wrong ? horribly wrong? >> well, every time i see a press release or i see a report, i report on homicide day in and day out and have done for decades, every time i see the police say, and i was a police officer myself at one point, that the suspect was known to the victims. it means that it's either a family member , friends either a family member, friends or someone that he has got some sort of an association with. and it's clearly something has gone dreadfully wrong, and it's wrong for any of us to try. and second guess. and as you say in the press conference, in a few minutes time, the police will release, probably drip by drip, what they think the public ought
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to be told. but what's really important is that we as the pubuc important is that we as the public and the community around britain and every police force will have his photograph, is that we just keep our eyes open and our ears open. don't confront him. just ring 999. armed officers and other officers will deal with it, just like they do when the public have felt and the public don't forget are the eyes and ears. and there's more eyes and ears with the public than there are with the public than there are with the public than there are with the police. at this current time. >> well, norman brennan, former police officer and director of the law and order foundation, really appreciate your time on this developing story. now, as we've been discussing, we will bnng we've been discussing, we will bring you that press conference. it's expected at 12:30 at a hatfield police station in hertfordshire, where chief superintendent john simpson will be delivering an update that in just seven minutes time. >> yes, but let's cross live to theo chikomba, our reporter who is there on the scene for us, theo, what do we know ?
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theo, what do we know? >> well, for the community here, they're coming to terms with what's happened. >> i've just been speaking to a resident who lives on this road. a lady called julie. she's lived in this area for 46 years. and she was telling me just after 8:00 yesterday, she was seeing armed police a blue light, helicopters. and she wasn't too sure what was going on. and she says she's in shock and she's been following the updates throughout today. but what we do know is that the police are hertfordshire. police are working with the metropolitan police, are searching for 26 year old kyle clifford from the enfield area. and this is in connection to the incident that the police were called to here in the town of bushey just before 7 pm. last night, where three women, they came here, they found three women, attempted to help them with best efforts from those from the east of england ambulance service, but they died shortly after . but they died shortly after. here on the scene. now behind the cordon . you can't see from
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the cordon. you can't see from here, but there is a forensic , a here, but there is a forensic, a black cover just so that neighbours can't see what's happening there. but that's no doubt because of the investigations they're taking that are taking place outside the house and inside the house. but in terms of the search itself, it's a wide search because they don't know where he could be at the moment. they're searching here in hertfordshire and also in north london, where he's from in enfield. so all efforts are being put into place at the moment from police forces from hertfordshire and the metropolitan police in the search for this 26 year old man on. >> well, theo, it does seem like it's a particularly traumatic time for people in the area. you said you were speaking to one individual who seemed incredibly shocked. this is going to ripple through the community. it's . it
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through the community. it's. it certainly is. >> there are people here still in their homes. maybe perhaps working from home or on a day off today. and they've been peeking out their windows just to see what's been happening. and police officers have been going from door to door , perhaps going from door to door, perhaps offering support, but also for any information that people may have, whether they saw or heard anything in that time frame dunng anything in that time frame during the last night. but we do know that the police in the early hours of this morning were just in the last hour or so, that they've confirmed that they believe the suspect is in possession of a crossbow. so if anybody does see him, they're being urged to not approach him, but call 999 immediately. >> and, theo, can you give us any more detail about this press conference? we're expecting at half 12? will it be where you're standing right now? close to. >> so it's actually going to be about nine miles away from here at hatfield police station.
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that's taking place in about four minutes time, which we can bnng four minutes time, which we can bring to our viewers when it begins . but perhaps it's an begins. but perhaps it's an opportunity for the police to give us the latest updates to tell us where they're at. perhaps they've been working behind the scenes, trying to establish whether there was a motivation or what this person was doing in the days prior to today, but also with that intelligence that they may have got since yesterday and into today, and perhaps give us an update as well, with the collaborative efforts that are happening with the police forces . happening with the police forces. >> theo chikomba, thank you very much. live from the scene. appreciate your reporting. now, the new home secretary, yvette coopen the new home secretary, yvette cooper, has issued a statement on twitter that she is being kept fully updated. >> yes. in a post on x, she wrote the loss of three women's lives in bushey last night is truly shocking. my thoughts are with the family and friends of those who have been killed and with the community. i'm being kept fully updated. i urge people to support the hertfordshire police with any information about this case. so
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those are the words of the now home secretary, yvette cooper . home secretary, yvette cooper. >> well, we're going to be rejoined now by the former london police officer and director of the law and order foundation, norman brennan. and norman, our apologies in advance if we need to cut you off to go straight live to this press conference. we're expecting in just a couple of minutes time, but really, we want to get a perspective of how the police will be preparing for this and what can we expect to hear in just those those couple of minutes time ? minutes time? >> well, the senior investigating officer , which investigating officer, which will probably be an officer of i would suggest an assistant chief constable or certainly a chief superintendent or above will give the public as much information as they can. the police often hold back information that they don't feel is relevant, or something that they're privy to that will help them, but they will give the pubuc them, but they will give the public as much information as they can to help the public, help the police, and the police. they hold things back not because they've got anything to hide, but sometimes there's
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things that police know, like at this moment in time, they'll be looking at his phone record. we can. we can trace people through phones wherever they go around the country. and around the world. it's amazing the technology they've got . they'll technology they've got. they'll be looking at anpr. did he escape or has he got access to a motor vehicle? if he has, that will be put on every anpr camera in britain. so anytime his car, if he's in a car, he's seen the police will be immediately alerted. and don't forget, although there's not many police about, there are very fast cars. there's many armed response units around britain . so the units around britain. so the pubuc units around britain. so the public need to be reassured because at the moment i'm sure they're very concerned because they're very concerned because they don't know where he is. that he will be arrested. and let's hope it's as soon as possible . and that will be the possible. and that will be the priority of the senior investigating officer , that the investigating officer, that the pubuc investigating officer, that the public get as much information as they can, where they can give the maximum amount of help and support to the police . support to the police. >> norman, do you think they'll give us any information about potential links between the prime suspect and the victims,
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whether they were known, whether they had a relationship, whether they had a relationship, whether they were friends, associates, whatever ? whatever? >> no. the police will give as much as they feel that they need to at this moment in time. there's probably three separate families that have got family liaison officers, being, dealt with and being looked after. and the police will want to cause as little distress as they possibly can. and anxiety to those families and their family members. the main priority of the police is not really what the police is not really what the association is, but this individual needs to be located and arrested and put in custody and arrested and put in custody and thereafter, the police, once they've dealt with the families, will give further information and of course, the media would normally know that and the police will give press releases stating that this was a particular family member. it appears to have been a dispute or he was known to them. it was, a dispute that he had with that particular family. that information is not really for
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now, the most important information is we've got three women that have tragically been murdered, and the arrest of the suspect is absolutely paramount. everything else basically is incidental at this time . incidental at this time. >> now, i should say that we have been looking at pictures of hatfield police station while we were talking. and again, we're expecting this update from chief superintendent john simpson there at hatfield police station. is this press conference more aimed at, professionals in the media or the public? will they be, sort of lines there that they really want to cut through, for, for the person on the street? >> well, basically it's for everybody, it's absolutely right. when there's been a murder or a very serious crime, what the public don't like and what the public don't like and what the public don't like and what the media don't like is for the police to tell them nothing. if you can give some sort of information, it is something for the public and the media to go on.and
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the public and the media to go on. and because this is such a serious crime, i mean, it's very rare that we have a triple murder that the police are investigating . that all happened investigating. that all happened at the same time. so the police will want to show the public that, how serious this incident is, they will pass over what information that they feel is appropriate at this main time. and it's only right because, of course, the public can then go away and don't forget the public, eyes and ears. as i stated earlier on, are the most important thing. and of course, the media are very important as well. programs such as gb news will be showing the photograph. we'll be putting it out, keeping it fresh in everybody's memory. and as i said earlier, he is at this moment in time , britain's this moment in time, britain's number one suspect. most wanted. and i think the public will understand that. and that's why the police must give as much information as they possibly can under the given circumstances, which i'm sure the chief superintendent will do. >> absolutely. now, as we wait for this press conference, which is due to start, was due to start about two minutes ago,
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correct me if i'm wrong, but crossbows as a weapon of choice has that , we've seen more of has that, we've seen more of this. we've seen quite a lot of crossbows, haven't we? recently >> well, we have, and haven't sometimes because crossbows actually aren't that, popular choice of a weapon . you hear choice of a weapon. you hear more about them when they're used, right? i dealt with homicide now for 30, 35 years. the primary weapon used in homicides are a knife , homicides are a knife, occasionally there's a gun used, andifs occasionally there's a gun used, and it's very rare that, actually, a crossbow is used. you can't have a crossbow in a pubuc you can't have a crossbow in a public place. you have to be at least 18 years or over and normally have a good reason for it. it is not the primary choice of weapon for anybody in britain, and often in domestic murders, when it's, a male against a female, it's often, strangulation, or a stabbing.
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and when it's a female against a male, because they don't have a lot of strength, it's often, a knife attack. but it's very rare that people are shot or seriously injured or murdered with a crossbow. in fact, it's very, very rare indeed. very, very, very rare indeed. very, very rare. >> and it would perhaps suggest some form of premeditation rather than some sort of crime of passion where something lying around the house might be used. this seems like. and i hasten to speculate too far. but let's go live to this press conference. >> head of local policing for hertfordshire constabulary police were called to a property in ashland close, just before 7 pm. last night. p.m. last night. >> officers attended alongside colleagues from the east of england ambulance service and on arrival found three women with serious injuries. >> sadly, despite their best efforts , the women who are efforts, the women who are believed to be related, died a short time later at the scene.
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the victims, at age 25, 28 and 61. our overarching objective today is to protect public safety and to locate kyle clifford , who is wanted in clifford, who is wanted in connection with the murder of the three women in what we believe is a targeted incident. we have extensive police resources deployed to various locations in north london and also the bushey area of hertfordshire . the manhunt also hertfordshire. the manhunt also involves armed police officers and specialist search teams responding at pace. in the wake of what has been an horrific incident involving what is currently believed to be a crossbow. but other weapons may also have been used if members of the public see kyle clifford, they urge not to approach him at any point and to dial 999 immediately. kyle if you are seeing or hearing this, please make contact with the police via 999. beyond the immediate search operation, a major crime inquiry
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has been launched and we also appeal to the public for any information in relation to the incident. this incident will be, of course, of concern to local residents . additional local residents. additional local officers will be in the area today, so please do speak to them if you need to. you can report information online at hartsop . slash report hartsop. slash report via webchat at hartsop slash contact or call 101 quoting op in forna. alternatively, you can stay 100% anonymous by contacting the independent charity crime stoppers on zero 800. treble five, treble one or via their untraceable online form at crimestoppers— . thank you . crimestoppers— thank you. >> well, there we have it. that was chief superintendent john simpson outside hatfield police station delivering an update to the public on this brutal murder
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of three women. 125 years of age, 128 years of age and 161 years of age. >> yes. and we understand from reports that they may well be all be related. the three women here, he spoke directly to carl, the prime suspect, essentially pleading for him to turn himself in, call 999, and of course, asking members of the public to pick up the phone if they have any information at all, or get in touch with crime stoppers. so a very short press statement there, no questions taken from there, no questions taken from the media, but i'm sure we'll be back with more information very soon. we're going to take a very quick break, get to the headunes quick break, get to the headlines and we'll be back
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>> we're doing still this story. >> we're doing still this story. >> yeah, but we don't have a guest. okay okay. standby. >> well. welcome back. it is now 20 to 1, and, we've been talking about, of course, this tragedy in hertfordshire. this is a
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picture of kyle clifford, the prime suspect in a triple murder investigation. we've learned today that a 25 year old woman, a 28 year old woman and a 61 year old woman were all found dead, murdered in their home in hertfordshire . hertfordshire. >> truly shocking. we heard from the chief superintendent outside hatfield police station. he gave a brief statement very to the point. he says he believes that this attack, this murder, this triple murder was targeted and appealing to the prime suspect there to, to call 999 and turn himself in, we're going to go live to the scene now in hertfordshire, in bushey , where hertfordshire, in bushey, where theo chikomba our reporter, is, theo, we heard from the chief superintendent used in the attack, the chief superintendent also made a direct appeal to carl clifford himself. >> during that news conference. >> during that news conference. >> in the last five, i think we might have a problem with the line there. we'll see if we can
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return to theo chikomba, who is, of course, at that scene. it's a very quiet suburban neighbourhood in hertfordshire , neighbourhood in hertfordshire, of course, just on the edge of greater london. another area of interest in this search for the police is enfield, not so far away in north london, where the prime suspect is from. that's one kyle clifford, who quite, quite unusually, perhaps, the police made a personal appeal to in their statement. yes, to turn himself in to call 999 to get in touch with the police , touch with the police, >> and, we also heard from the police that, yes, a crossbow is believed to have been a weapon that there may well have been other weapons involved, too. so that's what we know so far. and appeal to the public for more information. we're now joined by former london police officer and director of the law and order foundation, norman brennan, norman, a short, precise to the point statement there from the police . police. >> absolutely, it's laconic to
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the point. without giving too much information out. i mean, you can look at the combination here. i mean, by the looks of the ages of the three ladies concerned, it could be two daughters and a mum. it could be two friends and a mum. but there's clearly some sort of an association that kyle clifford has with these particular three women. and the police may well have that information, which is what they're not going to share with the public at the moment. as i said, their main priority is that everybody must ensure that they keep their eyes open for this suspect. and he's arrested and all the other relevant information that the pubuc relevant information that the public and the media would love to glean at this moment in time will be given to them thereafter . will be given to them thereafter. >> and norman, do you think that it is a particularly unusual or unusual situation for this personal direct appeal to kyle, saying, kyle, if you're listening to this, turn yourself in, call 999.
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>> not really. it's the sort of thing that the police would say each and every murder , because each and every murder, because somebody knows that they have committed a murder. they know that the police and the public are be looking for them. and it's always something. and it rarely ever works. but sometimes that particular individual could be sitting in a car, sitting at home, listening to the radio, watching the television in absolutely despair, not knowing what to do , knowing that this is what to do, knowing that this is probably the end of their time , probably the end of their time, and what they'll do is they just might think, do you know what? there's nowhere to hide. i can't run away from this any longer , run away from this any longer, and rather than ring 999, which is what they can do, they should really go to a police station, which is what they sometimes do. maybe with a solicitor , so maybe with a solicitor, so they've got some there with them and just hand themselves in because before sooner or later, this suspect, without doubt, because he's number one, britain's most wanted at the moment, he will be arrested. if it's not today, it won't be
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tomorrow. it might be next week, but the police will be looking for him. 24 over seven, and they will keep this case in the public's eye through media outlets such as yours. norman. >> how often do violent criminals hand themselves in? >> very rare. occasionally they do. when we when the when the when their photograph is actually been put out, straight away. they know because wherever they look in the newspapers or on the television, they will know that their time will come very soon. and sometimes they think it's the best thing to do is to hand themselves in the other thing that the police will be doing is they will be going to all of these family, all of his friends, all of his contacts and knocking on their doors. and what they will say is this if kyle contacts you, tell him to hand himself in. do not protect him. do not give him food and water and a roof over your head, because you will be arrested. and it's amazing that some of these people, when they are on
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these people, when they are on the run, they do ring their associates, family and friends, and what their family and friends often say is , look, friends often say is, look, you're going to get nicked. the police are all over us. i'm fed up with them knocking on our doon up with them knocking on our door, and sometimes we do it quite deliberately. we knock on the same people's doors quite often, and the word often gets out and in answer to your question, it's not often, but when they do, it saves the pubuc when they do, it saves the public being put at any further risk, and they're probably doing themselves a favour by knowing that the, it's the end of the day for them . let's hand myself day for them. let's hand myself in. let's face the music. i've got to face up to what i've done. and, three murders is a lot of facing up to do. >> well, it's absolutely fascinating that you'd returned to the same door multiple times just to sort of drum it into the family or whoever's behind that door. family or whoever's behind that door . well, norman bremen, thank door. well, norman bremen, thank you very much for now. we're going to cross to theo chikomba, who is, of course , at that scene who is, of course, at that scene in bushey in hertfordshire. the scene of the crime. theo, your reaction to the press .
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conference? >> they're going to come back to us. yes. well, in the last 15 minutes we heard from chief superintendent john simpson, who outlined the work of the police at the moment. but what he did confirm is the ages of the three women who sadly died . they are women who sadly died. they are aged 25, 28 and 61. and we understand that all three were related and we also found out that they say it was a targeted incident after these women were found with serious injuries. now, we understand that there is a search going on at the moment for 26 year old kyle clifford, who is wanted in connection for the murder of the three women. now there's a search which is underway in various locations in london, here in bushey and in that enfield area where kyle is from. but here in the community, there is still a large police presence. they've been working since around 7:00 when they were called to the incident here in
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the small town of bushey, and the small town of bushey, and the residents here who have spoken to one already, who's still coming to terms, she said she saw armed police blue lights, helicopters and more at around 8:00 last night and was just wondering what on earth is going on, and people were being to told stay in their homes. but what we do know is the age of these three women aged 25, 28 and 61, and of course, the police will be now no doubt supporting the family of those three women. >> it must have been absolutely terrifying. yesterday evening, in a leafy suburb, we've seen from a local councillor there, he said. the worst crime usually around here is a bit of fly—tipping to then have a helicopter, air ambulances, hordes of police cars arriving. the hearing of these, these murders just on a usually quiet tuesday evening . thank you very tuesday evening. thank you very much . much. >> exactly. and people are here, no doubt, with their families.
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we understand people come here to retire. it's a very quiet place. not much going on. and you'd expect that if you live in this area. most people here have been living here for decades and they haven't seen anything like this. so it's a shock for the community and not least for the family who have lost three loved ones. but the police do say they are continuing their investigations. in the last few hours, they've confirmed that they believe the suspect is in possession of a crossbow. so they're encouraging anyone who does come across him and not to approach him, but to call nine nine immediately. >> theo, this is a deeply concerning moment, not just for those on the street behind you, but perhaps the whole of hertfordshire. many people in the communities further afield . the communities further afield. ultimately, this prime suspect could have got pretty far in the last 12 hours or so . last 12 hours or so. >> and that's exactly the issue.
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why there's such a widespread manhunt. because we simply don't know where he is. hertfordshire is a huge county. and then when you talk about london as well, there's houses everywhere. there's communities everywhere. so he could be anywhere. and that's why police are putting in the effort for this wide spread search to try and find him quicker rather than later. >> well , thank you very much >> well, thank you very much indeed.theo >> well, thank you very much indeed. theo chikomba you're at the scene in bushey for us, on that quiet street in that suburban area just north of london. >> yeah. it's really fascinating to see that this is growing, perhaps growing and growing and learning about what the police might be doing, learning about what the police might be doing , particularly in might be doing, particularly in enfield, where the suspect, carl clifford, appears to be from going perhaps door to door, seeing those who know that individual and making sure that he has nowhere to hide. here
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again is a picture of kyle, kyle, clifford . the public have kyle, clifford. the public have been told, and this is why we've been told, and this is why we've been given this picture specifically to distribute it, because it's likely this is a dangerous man. and if you see this man, you should call the police. that's the clear message we got from chief superintendent john simpson when he spoke just some 20 minutes ago at hatfield police station. this is a concerning crime and a fairly unusual crime. i have to say. it's not often we report on a triple murder manhunt and again, those ages of the victims concerned discovered a 25 year old, a 28 year old and a 61 year old. all women, all related to one another. now the operation has been called up in fauna . has been called up in fauna. individuals have been told if they have any information about this incident, they should quote those words op in fauna. when
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they speak to the police. >> absolutely. and we've been told by the police now that, yes, a crossbow may well have been used as a weapon, but there may well have been other weapons involved in the brutal murder of these three related women. we're just going to get the view of the former police officer , the former police officer, norman brennan, who's with us. also director of the law and order foundation, how quickly do the police tend to find prime suspects like this when there's a manhunt underway, when the image is out there for all the pubuc image is out there for all the public to see? >> well, normally , if you're a >> well, normally, if you're a premiership criminal and it's a gang related, shooting, what will often is you will go to your associates and you'll try and get out the country, which is why the police will block all the ports, airports, etc. but if it's something where you've had a dispute with a family or friends or someone's crossed you, or you've crossed them and
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it's all come to a head, it you will probably stay quite local andifs will probably stay quite local and it's rare that this much pubuchyis and it's rare that this much publicity is given so quickly on a murder. i deal with overseas stabbings, shootings, every day there's been 14, stabbings in london in the past week alone. for example, all over the place for in hayes, there's been two triple stabbings. well, when these happen now because they're so routine, nobody ever covers it because people almost accept how bad it is that nothing will ever change. however, when you go ever change. however, when you 9° up ever change. however, when you go up a gear and it becomes a murder in a suburb and here a triple murder, it will be given front line news, it won't be well down the news channel like gb news that it's your front page story, so he will probably not go far away. he will probably have not. not many people to go to that will help him. others will be reticent to help him because they know that they will face arrest and
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likelihood to go to prison. so because of the publicity, i would suggest there's a very good chance that he will be arrested in custody within 24 hours. that's just a guess. but sometimes people will find themselves like the real moat's of the world. he was the most wanted. he managed to evade capture, i think, for about ten days, 14 days. and he did go on to commit very serious crime. i don't know anything about this individual, but there is a good chance that the only people he intended to hurt in his moment of anger or rage, and it's clear that he had rage and anger, and hatred, probably because he showed no mercy . there's a very showed no mercy. there's a very good chance that this individual will not hurt anybody else unless, of course, he's fronted, confronted. hence, police say, norman, that's all we have this houn >> but my goodness me , this >> but my goodness me, this manhunt continues. we will have much more after the weather. >> a brighter outlook with boxt
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solar sponsors of weather on gb news hello. good afternoon . news hello. good afternoon. >> welcome to your latest gb news weather update brought to you from the met office. >> rain and showers. for many of us there will be a dry weather across southern areas and it won't feel too bad in any sunshine, but low pressure is still pushing away to the north and east of the uk, bringing with it some weather fronts outbreaks of quite heavy rain. we do have weather warnings in force, particularly for northeastern areas of scotland and for thunderstorms across northern parts of england later on this afternoon, and that's where we'll see the heaviest rain through the rest of the day into parts of northern ireland. two further south. it should stay relatively dry, some sunshine developing, particularly across the south coast. highs of 23 or 22 degrees for many areas of the south and east, but down into the mid teens still across the far north. so quite a disappointing day up here. once again into this evening. that rain is going to persist , particularly across to persist, particularly across the moray coast of scotland . the moray coast of scotland. further west, it will be a little bit drier through the
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rest of the evening. across parts of northern ireland, though, heavy outbreaks of rain still to come through this evening, we've still got that continued risk of thunderstorms across parts of northern england as well, but a drier end to the day across the south, wimbledon should stay dry through much of the day as well and not feeling too bad in the sunshine still into the evening as well . into the evening as well. overnight, we've still got that low pressure with us. it's not moving anywhere too quickly, so that means further outbreaks of rain. quite a lot of cloud around for many areas of the uk . around for many areas of the uk. staying clear though across the south. but this drizzly rain will continue to push into parts of northern england, north wales, some central areas of england as well. it'll be quite a misty start to the day tomorrow as well for these areas, with that drizzly rain persisting through much of thursday. as i said though, it will be brighter across the south. so a bit of sunshine to start the day through thursday, but the cloud will increase through the day from the north. i think , not quite reaching the i think, not quite reaching the south coast through much of the day. so again , quite a bright day. so again, quite a bright and dry day, but we could see some quite heavy showers breaking out for many central
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areas and temperatures in the high teens, possibly the lower 20s in the best of the sunshine, that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb
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>> well. good afternoon. britain. it's 1:00 >> well. good afternoon. britain. it's1:00 on wednesday, the 10th of july. i'm emily carver, and i'm tom harwood. and the manhunt continues. police are continuing an urgent search after three women were found dead at a property in hertfordshire. police are warning that the prime suspect, karl clifford, aged 26, may be carrying a crossbow. >> we're looking at live pictures now of this street in bushey in hertfordshire, where those three women were found dead, one aged 25, one aged 28 and one aged 61. we're going to be continuing coverage of this
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urgent manhunt throughout this afternoon here on gb news that's coming after your headlines with sam francis . sam francis. >> tom, emily, thank you very much. and good afternoon to you. it's just after 1:00. and let's start with a recap. now of that breaking news that tom and emily have been discussing in the last few hours. the police have issued a direct plea to a potentially armed triple murder suspect, karl clifford. they're asking him to make contact as their manhunt continues. detectives want to question the 26 year old from enfield after three women were found fatally injured last night in bushey at around 7:00. clifford is believed to still be armed with a crossbow and possibly other weapons. these are the live
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pictures coming to us from the scene where police found those three women, aged 25, 28 and 61. as i said, they were fatally injured at a property on ashlan close just before 7:00 last night. it's understood those women were related in the last few minutes. we've been hearing from chief superintendent john simpson advising anyone who sees karl clifford to call 999 immediately and to not approach him. and the chief superintendent also described the incident as targeted, saying that armed officers are now stationed in multiple areas across north london and in hertfordshire. >> our overarching objective today is to protect public safety to and locate kyle clifford, who is wanted in connection with the murder of the three women in what we believe is a targeted incident. we have extensive police resources deployed to various locations in north london and also the bushey area of hertfordshire. the manhunt also involves armed police officers and specialist search teams
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responding at pace. in the wake of what has been an horrific incident involving what is currently believed to be a crossbow. but other weapons may also have been used and we will of course have much more on all of course have much more on all of the breaking lines coming to us from hertfordshire with our reporter theo chikomba throughout the rest of this afternoon . afternoon. >> in other news, two children from a primary school in liverpool that's been dealing with an infection outbreak have died. it's understood those two children from milstead primary school were aged five and six. the uk health security agency says it's been looking into a number of cases of giardia at the school, but experts say it's unlikely the deaths are related to that outbreak . detectives to that outbreak. detectives have issued an image of a man that they want to talk to after a stabbing on a south london bus. police say the victim, a man in his 50s, was attacked on a route 64 bus in the croydon area in the early hours of this morning. he had confronted a fellow passenger on the bus over
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placing his feet on the seat, and was then stabbed several times in the leg. police are asking anyone with information to contact the metropolitan force . in other news, the prime force. in other news, the prime minister is promising a review of the uk's defence and security, which could see the size of the armed forces increase. his manifesto before the election promised to spend 2.5% of national income on defence. however, he's refused to guarantee the government will meet that promise within his first term. instead, he's pledging to keep the uk's defences strong without breaking his spending and borrowing rules. >> we will carry out our strategic review to look at the challenges, the capabilities and on the back of that , make on the back of that, make further plans. i am committed to that 2.5% within our fiscal rules, but that strategic review needs to come first. >> and those comments from sir keir starmer come as he has arrived in washington today for arrived in washington today for a nato summit where he's pushing allies to invest more in defence. it's the first time he'll line up with other world leaders as prime minister and
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opening the nato summit, us president joe biden insisted the alliance is more powerful than eve r. >> even >> an overwhelming bipartisan majority of americans understand that nato makes us all safer. the fact that both democratic and republican parties are represented here today is a testament to that fact. the american people know that all the progress we've made in the past 75 years has happened behind the shield of nato , and behind the shield of nato, and the american people understand what would happen if there was no nato . no nato. >> well, sir keir starmer has said that joe biden shouldn't worry about being too old to be president, despite being over the age that the labour leader wants peers here in the uk to retire from the house of lords , retire from the house of lords, the new government's planning to bnngin the new government's planning to bring in new measures to force peers to retire at the age of 80. that's in a bid to cut down the size of the chamber. the prime minister insists the change targets the bloated house of lords. not, though elected officials elsewhere struggling
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south—east water say they need a cash injection from investors to stay afloat. the firm, which serves 2.3 million people across kent, sussex and surrey, is said to be in discussions with lenders and shareholders, with bosses expecting to raise the extra funds. however, failure to agree a deal could mean the company is unable to continue operating in south west. water is already on the regulator ofwat's watch list for financially at risk companies, along with thames water in the us, donald trump is challenging president biden to another head to head debate. this week. speaking at a rally in florida, trump offered to face off without moderators and said it was a chance for biden to redeem himself. it's after biden stumbling performance in the first debate that raised concerns among some democrats, with talk that he could be replaced as their nominee. trump described it as the most divisive , decisive, overwhelming divisive, decisive, overwhelming defeat in the history of presidential debates. >> let's do another debate. this
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week so that sleepy joe biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president. but this time it will be man to man. no moderators, no holds barred. just name the place any time, anywhere . anywhere. >> and in just a few moments, another update on the news coming to us on that triple murder manhunt. but final story from the newsroom for now . from the newsroom for now. thousands of england fans are in dortmund for tonight's euro 2024 semi—final against the netherlands. but the brits are expected to be outnumbered by the dutch fans. it's thought there could be four times as many opposition supporters out on the streets in germany tonight. gareth southgate's side are pushing for a place in the final against spain , and these final against spain, and these england fans told us they are expecting a win. >> easy game, i'll say easy. probably going to be pens, but obviously we'll win because that's what we're good at. you've seen the last game with switzerland, you know, baby food. >> easy. yeah, i'm excited for the semi—finals. >> it's going well so far.
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>> it's going well so far. >> hopefully it can get better. >> hopefully it can get better. >> i won't take nothing away from the dutch. they got van dijk, that's about it. but you know we'll give it the best i mean those are your latest gb news headlines for now. >> let's get right back to tom and emily for an update on the urgent manhunt in hertfordshire . urgent manhunt in hertfordshire. >> for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code, or go to forward slash alerts . forward slash alerts. >> well, it's 108. you're watching. good afternoon britain. and our top story this houn britain. and our top story this hour. the urgent manhunt continues for a 26 year old man in hertfordshire wanted in connection with a triple murder. >> officers are asking the pubuc >> officers are asking the public not to approach kyle clifford, who may still be armed with a crossbow, and to contact police immediately if they see
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him, chief superintendent john simpson gave us this update in the past hour. >> good afternoon. i'm chief superintendent john simpson, head of local policing for hertfordshire constabulary. police were called to a property in ashlin close just before 7 pm. last night. officers p.m. last night. officers attended alongside colleagues from the east of england ambulance service and on arrival found three women with serious injuries. sadly, despite their best efforts, the women who are believed to be related , died believed to be related, died a short time later at the scene. the victims, at age 25, 28 and 61. our overarching objective today is to protect public safety and to locate kyle clifford, who is wanted in connection with the murder of the three women in what we believe is a targeted incident. we have extensive police resources deployed to various locations in north london and also the bushey area of hertfordshire. the manhunt also involves armed police officers
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and specialist search teams responding at pace. in the wake of what has been an horrific incident involving what is currently believed to be a crossbow. but other weapons may also have been used. if members of the public see kyle clifford, they urge to not approach him at any point and to dial 999 immediately. kyle if you are seeing or hearing this, please make contact with the police via 999. beyond the immediate search operation, a major crime enquiry has been launched and we also appeal to the public for any information in relation to the incident. this incident will be, of course, of concern to local residents. additional local officers will be in the area today, so please do speak to them if you need to. you can report information online at slash report via webchat at hearts dot slash contact or call 101 quoting op in fauna.
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alternatively, you can stay 100% anonymous by contacting the independent charity crime stoppers on 0800. treble five treble one or via their untraceable online form at crime stoppers thank you . stoppers thank you. >> right. well there you go. that was the chief superintendent outside the hertfordshire police there, let's cross now to our reporter theo chikomba who's at the scene in bushey. theo, what do we know about the victims ? and also the about the victims? and also the prime suspect ? prime suspect? >> well, well, we've just found out those key details in the last 40 minutes about the ages of the three women who died here at the scene, aged 25, 28 and 60. related. but not related to kyle clifford, the 26 year old man that is such a constabulary.
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and the met police. we understand he is from the enfield area in north london, so there are a number of searches which are taking place in various parts of london and right across hertfordshire. we've seen helicopters, we've seen police presence here and but no doubt more police presence right across those areas which they are looking for this suspect. now this is a quiet area. many people come here to retire. there are families here and there are those we've spoken to who have lived here for decades and they've never seen. >> theo, i'm afraid we've we've lost some connection there. but of course, theo chikomba our reporter, was on the scene live in bushey in hertfordshire, not far from north london. well, this is, of course, a deeply concerning case for many people across the country. this manhunt isn't limited to that area. it's, around the country. we don't know where this individual
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is, but let's speak to the former police officer and managing director of the public safety foundation, oliver lawrence. because oliver, the pubuc lawrence. because oliver, the public will be fearing for their safety. >> yeah. they will. tom. good afternoon . emily. yeah. the afternoon. emily. yeah. the police will be doing everything they can to ensure public safety. that will be their number one priority at the moment, ensuring that mr clifford is brought into custody safely, as wanted in connection with the deaths of those three poor women in bushey and hertfordshire, and a number of priorities going on for police at the moment, supporting the families of those ladies that are deceased this morning will be another priority for them. homicides are horrific events and when three people lose their lives in such a horrendous incident, it's important that police support families as well as processing what will be a very complex crime scene. >> and we understand the three female victims of this triple murder, were all related . what murder, were all related. what does this sound like to you in terms of the background of this, the relation, perhaps with the perpetrator?
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>> well, not wanting to assume any of the police hypotheses in terms of their investigation, but obviously it does look to be like a domestically related violent attack by mr clifford allegedly involved in this matter against three, three women, a tragic set of circumstances and a very quiet cul de sac in a part of hertfordshire, looking at residents and their comments. everyone was taken by surprise. the area swarmed on by police late last night, and obviously at the moment there are police cordoning off the area and armed police, both from london's metropolitan police and hertfordshire constabulary patrolling the area, trying to locate mr clifford as soon as they possibly can. >> now, with cases like this, do we expect the perpetrator might be still in the area, return to the scene of the crime or or frankly, should the police be casting a wider net? >> in my experience , tom, >> in my experience, tom, offenders of this nature are often go to places of comfort and will generally stay within the surrounds of where they are familiar with. but equally, mr clifford will be very stressed, highly emotive at the moment.
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he's obviously his actions are totally unpredictable and as you quite rightly say, he may be anywhere in the country, but i suppose, rest assured that hertfordshire constabulary's sio and their operational team are doing everything they possibly can within their power to bring him into custody. but as we've said, time and time again, if mr clifford is listening to these news broadcasts, it's important that he does the right thing. hands himself in and ends this incident sooner rather than later. >> and oliver, the choice of weapon here, a crossbow, is particularly striking. it's not something we hear too often as a weapon of choice. what might that tell us about this suspect? >> it's a horrific choice of weapon. i think any weapon used in a homicide is horrific, and certainly the circumstances in which one would have to imagine, he would have had to have reloaded that weapon, potentially to kill all three ladies. so, quite sounds quite, quite cold blooded, very, very violent. and certainly quite terrifying to know that that sort of individual is currently
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at large within our communities. but i'm very optimistic that the police will locate him sooner rather than later and have him in police custody. but very, very disturbing events. >> emily, it's very hard to think about what could be going through this individual's mind. clearly quite a disturbed individual. but after killing three people who were related to one other, i suppose a big question on people's lips will be, will he kill again? >> they'll also be asking , was >> they'll also be asking, was this individual known to police? now i don't want to use any excuses, mental health issues or other ailments that he may be suffering from. but this obviously is a dreadfully terrifying episode. one has to wonder what his thoughts were pnor wonder what his thoughts were prior to, during, and after this event. and those will be the pieces of this very complex jigsaw that the police will be putting together through their forensic examination of the property, speaking to neighbours, witnesses and other family members trying to build a picture up of who is karl clifford, what is his background? you know how has he beenin
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background? you know how has he been in the days leading up to this? you know, what is a sort of those antecedents of an individual that would behave in such an abhorrent manner? allegedly, last night, whilst police were called to his address, and oliver, unfortunately on this program, we do too often report on homicides and violent violent crime, >> we don't often always at least get a photo of the prime suspect so quickly. the police clearly took this decision very quickly indeed. surely that's the right one. >> no, i totally agree with that, because i think what it doesis that, because i think what it does is often in investigations like this, it's really important to manage the expectations of the media. it's really important to reassure the community that the police investigation is fast moving. it's moving in the right direction. they've identified a person of significant interest, and obviously there is an element of public safety, which is of great concern to the police. they want to reassure the community that they're doing everything they possibly can to locate him. and obviously the police rely heavily on the community to report sightings
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and potential interactions they may have with him , but may have with him, but importantly, not approaching him. so i think it was a very good decision by the police to release these images and information early, which will help them, no doubt, in trying to locate mr clifford very quickly and bring him into police custody. >> and in your experience of cases like these, how might they have arrived upon the idea that it is kyle clifford? who is this prime suspect? i it seems , prime suspect? i it seems, quite, quite hard to sort of understand unless he was someone who was already known to the police and, through dna evidence or whatever else it might have been, how this person could be so quickly connected to a crime that took place last night . that took place last night. >> so there could be a myriad of different ways that that's compile time. it could be through historical knowledge, as you said, in terms of his antecedents, he may have been known to police. there may be active matters that he's currently linked to in terms of those family members. it can come from witness accounts from next door neighbours who may have heard arguments or disputes between parties. it could be messages found on telephones and
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other forensic evidence, which has led them to no other means of identifying an individual who is in the vicinity. you know, the house may have had ring doorbell , cctv cameras. there doorbell, cctv cameras. there could be a number of different elements which have allowed the police to very quickly form the bafis police to very quickly form the basis of their decision to identify mr clifford as being the person who they want to speak to in connection with this horrific attack. >> and, just 26 years old, this prime suspect , we know that >> and, just 26 years old, this prime suspect, we know that men are statistically more likely to commit a violent crime, more likely to commit, murder. 26 years old. i mean, it's hard to talk about what's common when it comes to homicide in these violent crimes, but is that a normal age? an unusually young age for someone to commit such a brutal crime ? brutal crime? >> sadly. i mean, i don't think there is an age classification for any homicide these days. these are horrific, horrific events. they have a horrific impact on the family and the loved ones of those that have died as a result of these horrific acts. 26 is a life
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changing event for this mr clifford. he's made it. he's made a decision. they have consequences. hopefully now he makes the right ones in the coming hours to present himself before police so that they can start to ask him the serious questions as to what happened, how it came about, and to hold somebody, if not him, accountable for these abhorrent actions. >> well, thank you very much indeed. former police officer , indeed. former police officer, managing director of the public safety foundation, oliver lawrence there. really appreciate your thoughts. >> yes. we're going to take a very quick break and then we're going to get some more expert analysis on this manhunt. stay with
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us. >> good afternoon. britain. it's 1:23, and we're continuing our coverage of this urgent manhunt. a man by the name of kyle clifford is being sought after
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by the police. after a triple murder took place last night. three women, one aged 25, one aged 28 and one aged 61, were found killed inside their family home in bushey , hertfordshire. home in bushey, hertfordshire. >> yes. so let's cross now to former police superintendent leroy logan. leroy, the police are appealing to all members of the public to come forward if they have information, but also appealing to that prime suspect that 26 year old karl clifford to come forward to turn himself in to the police . in to the police. >> well, yeah, it's critical that he recognises the severity of this incident and he has to give himself up. it's futile running , running, >> there's so many ways in which you will be caught. >> there's so many ways in which you will be caught . there will you will be caught. there will be a massive dragnet of officers and all the ports and all, those transport hubs will be monitored . transport hubs will be monitored. >> so. >> so. >> and if anyone is trying to
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hide him or conceal him or prevent him being arrested, then they will also be compromising themselves and be subject to the law, >> leroy, i remember reporting not that long ago on the case of abdul ezedi who were attacked women in south london and was on the run . well, the search went the run. well, the search went on for two weeks and eventually he was found face down in the river. could it be the case that actually we're searching for a long time for this suspect, when he might have already taken his own life ? own life? >> well, there is that possibility , but you have to go possibility, but you have to go by, various information sources, whether it's, people giving information, whether it's, it cctv, various forms of sightings, you've got to follow these up. >> but there is that possibility that someone might say, well, listen, you know, that's the end
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of my life as it stands. >> and they take that cowardly way out. >> and, leroy, have you ever heard of such a crime with the use of a crossbow as a weapon ? use of a crossbow as a weapon? >> very rarely. i mean , there's >> very rarely. i mean, there's a certain amount of expertise to use a crossbow repeatedly. it's something that you have to practice. so it's not like just picking up a knife and using it, so yeah , there's definitely so yeah, there's definitely a bit more intent and, intentionality in what they want to do. and, if that's the weapon, he has used, he's obviously, premeditated in his actions that i would suggest that there's a lot of premeditation because of the just the nature of the weapon and, you know, the horrendous injuries that it causes. >> and, of course, we were told that this was an incident that involved a crossbow, but that other weapons may well have been
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used as well. that came from chief superintendent john simpson when he was speaking around an hour ago , it's unclear around an hour ago, it's unclear whether the police know what weapons were used. this sounds like a particularly brutal case. >> well, it seems like he was definitely tooled up again. that suggests some sort of intent to have a crossbow is not something you just happen to come by. that is something that you've acquired, invariably illegally. and it's been used in, in this way. so if he's got other weapons, again, it just shows that it just wasn't, a random act or act of passion, as they call it. it was something that's, premeditated. and that means that his level of danger and harm , that, he, is actually and harm, that, he, is actually suggesting to people. so the last thing you want is anyone to
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even go anywhere near him if they know where he is , please they know where he is, please inform the authorities. 999 in particular, and don't approach him because obviously he's a loose cannon and he's someone who can, snap. and i think that's what's happened. he snapped for whatever reason. and he's made this, terrible act of, killing three people, >> horrifying, tell us, from your experience of dealing with violent criminals, what might it be like if he is found and taken into into custody? i mean, how do those conversations begin in that, in that cell? presumably >> well, i mean, when he if he's, found, he will be, arrested and taken to the appropriate station. >> where he has to be interviewed , obviously, if he interviewed, obviously, if he wants a lawyer to be present, he
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will be given that that. right. and, of course, the officers will, put questions to him in a very professional and objective manner. you can't get emotional in these things. you have to get the facts as best we can. and he will be, put before the courts if there's sufficient evidence to charge, the fact that they mentioned him by name, there must be some really direct links that he was involved, we've already heard that it could be from various sources. witnesses overhearing his his voice. maybe he's known to other people in that area, or you never know. it could be from literally the dying gasps of the people involved or something communicating that he's involved , communicating that he's involved, a note or something of that nature , so all these things will nature, so all these things will be put to him in interview and,
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of course , that by this, by the of course, that by this, by the time they, they , they want to time they, they, they want to charge, they'll have a comprehensive case to put before the courts. >> and leroy, what should just finally what should a member of the public do if they come across this individual, kyle clifford, if they have any information on kyle clifford, how should people act ? how should people act? >> well, 999, and obviously, i know there's, an incident room. you can call them direct, i don't have it offhand, but i'm sure that's something that that can easily be got. but i think, like everything, do not approach him, or if there's anyone who's trying to assist the offender , trying to assist the offender, please do not approach them ehhen please do not approach them either. just get in, inform the authorities and let them deal with it , because, this can be, with it, because, this can be, an extensive an inquiry. not only the, the tragedy in itself,
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but also other people can be involved. so best get hold of the authorities as soon as possible and let them deal with it, because it is a large area that they're searching. and the more information people can supply, the better it will assist the officers concerned . assist the officers concerned. >> okay. well, thank you very much indeed for your time. leroy logan, former police superintendent, let's recap the chain of events that has led to this manhunt. >> the police were called to a house in bushey in hertfordshire, north—west london, at around 7:00 last night, where they found three victims who all died at the scene . scene. >> yes. the victims are three women who are believed to all be related. and hertfordshire police say they are. they were aged 25, 28 and 61. >> the manhunt is ongoing for a suspect in connection with the murders , 26 year old kyle clifford. >> so there's a recap of events we'll be continuing our coverage of this triple murder manhunt after your news headlines .
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after your news headlines. >> very good afternoon to you. it's just after 1:30. and as we were hearing there, there is an ongoing manhunt in hertfordshire as police have issued a direct plea to a potentially armed triple murder suspect named kyle clifford. they're asking him to make contact as their search continues . detectives want to continues. detectives want to question the 26 year old from enfield after those three women were found fatally injured last night around 7:00 in bushey. kyle clifford is believed to still be armed with a crossbow and possibly other weapons as well. these for here those watching on television, are live pictures coming to us from that crime scene. you can see there multiple police standing guard, police cars and a cordon in place where police had found those three women last night aged 25, 28 and 61. it's understood the incident was targeted and police are now
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advising anyone who may see clifford to call 999 immediately and not to approach. we will have much more on that as the story develops throughout the afternoon . in other news, two afternoon. in other news, two children from a primary school in liverpool that's been dealing with an infection outbreak have sadly died. it's understood the children from milstead primary school, aged five and six, were being monitored by the uk health security agency. they say they have been looking into a number of cases of giardia at the school, but experts say it's unlikely their deaths are related to that outbreak. in other news, the prime minister is refusing to guarantee the government will meet his promise to spend 2.5% of national income on defence within his first term. he says it will only happen when it can be done within the rules he set on spending and borrowing. meanwhile, sir keir starmer is in washington for a nato summit to mark 75 years of the military alliance and of course, ukraine is high up on the agenda with more aid already promised. the
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ukrainian president, though, won't be joining in washington while the fighting continues, though , leaders will agree though, leaders will agree a statement promising ukraine an irreversible path towards membership . union officials say membership. union officials say the first talks with the new government over the future of jobs at tata steel's welsh plant have been extremely positive. the comments from unite follow high level talks with business secretary jonathan reynolds. it comes amid concerns about job losses at tata steelworks in port talbot, where around 2800 jobs are currently at risk . a jobs are currently at risk. a study has found that sugar tax imposed on fizzy drinks has led to a significant drop in sugar in people's diets. the tax came into force in april 2018 and was designed to encourage manufacturers to change their ingredients. well, 12 months later, children were found to be consuming nearly five grams less sugar per day, while for adults it was 11g and the build up is beginning for thousands of england fans descending on
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dortmund today, the squad are facing the netherlands this evening in the second semi—final of euro 2024, manager gareth southgate admitted his team haven't been at their best, but that they have managed to pull through and the winners tonight will take on spain in the euro 2024 final on sunday. those are the latest gb news headlines for now i'm sam francis. next, a look at the markets for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone. >> sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code , or go to scanning the qr code, or go to forward slash alerts . cheers! >> britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . report. >> well, here's how the markets are looking this lunchtime. the pound will buy you $1.2803 and ,1.1838. the price of gold, £1,853.91 per ounce, and the ftse 100. this hour it's at 8185
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points. >> cheers. britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report
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good afternoon. britain. it's 1:38 and straight back to our main story today. the triple murder manhunt in hertfordshire . murder manhunt in hertfordshire. after three women were found murdered in a property in bushey. >> yes. police are searching for 26 year old prime suspect kyle clifford. and we're joined now by former police sergeant harry tang. harry, thank you very much indeed for joining tang. harry, thank you very much indeed forjoining us. we're learning more details every moment. we understand three women have been murdered. we understand they were all related. how do the police go about this type of investigation ? about this type of investigation? >> well, it's going to.
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>> well, it's going to. >> you've got your your real short , quick, events that you short, quick, events that you need to cover first of all. >> and that means you need to prevent any loss of life for anyone else at the moment. and of course, we don't know whether any children are involved, whether it's school. and so on. and so schools may have to be protected. those individuals within the schools, i'm not saying that is the case in this case, but you can soon see how your resources are going to stretch out. the police are going to be used unarmed officers, in places where they will say , don't put themselves will say, don't put themselves in danger, but you need to be there . those officers need to be there. those officers need to be there. those officers need to be there to keep the public away from a suspect individual, because there will be reports flooding in at this point, and they will be then able to inform back up to control room to establish whether this is a bona fide claim or whether it's probably just a well—meaning report. but those unarmed officers will be expected, hopefully to report information back, keep public away. but do not approach, and obviously individual officers take the decision on whether they put
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themselves at risk , at a serious themselves at risk, at a serious risk in order to protect others. now, if you're carrying a crossbow , that's could be quite crossbow, that's could be quite obvious. maybe, but i understand this is a crossbow or and other weapons that could be knives, of course. so you can't just presume that he's unarmed. if he's walking down the road with jeans and t shirt, for example. there will be any reports going back. will be going to the control room. they will assess each one and they will assess all the threat , all the, the all the threat, all the, the information and intelligence with regarding each report. they'll do a threat assessment on each report, and then they look at obviously the powers and policies and then seriously, the tactical options, what tactics are going to use for this. and it would be immediately to get eyes on and to report back, keep the public safe. and then with the public safe. and then with the armed response officers to deal the armed response officers to deal. and they can deal with it in various ways so they can use ehhen in various ways so they can use either, you know, they can use the waiting for information to come in containment. if you've
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got a subject who is contained in a building or a location, and you can keep the public away, then you have time on your hands. you don't need to rush anything, but the public have got to be safe with that. then the other extreme, of course, is you might have to have a vehicle interception. building entries interception. building entries in order to save other people within those buildings . and then within those buildings. and then things get very rapid. and armed response officers are very, very trained for that. >> harry. it's now been over 18 hours since that initial phone call to the police was made. that's an enormous amount of time with which this this suspect, kyle clifford, could have travelled quite some distance. indeed. the police, of course, are looking in enfield, where the suspect is originally from , but also, of course, in from, but also, of course, in hertfordshire. but really, this could be a much broader net that needs to be cast. >> all 43 or all 43 forces will be looking for him. all 43 forces will be receiving information about suspects that
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look like him , and so and of look like him, and so and of course, he could have changed clothing and all sorts. now i noticed, i don't think clothing has been issued because that can be changed very quickly and they don't want to turn put the pubuc don't want to turn put the public down as a, you know, a dead end, but yeah, it's been a long time. we have the natural, there are relatively high number of suspects in these circumstances who do take their lives . it's the sort of, we lives. it's the sort of, we don't know the reasons for it, whether it's mental health or whether it's mental health or whether it's mental health or whether it's revenge , and so we, whether it's revenge, and so we, we take the parallel with abdul ezedi view, of course. so there'll be, they'll be looking for that. they will be looking for that. they will be looking for isolated locations. any vehicles that are associated with him, but not only that, bank cards use, cctv , so on and bank cards use, cctv, so on and so forth in order to track him down, follow his, movements, and often , if there's no reports of often, if there's no reports of somebody where the whole country is looking for him, then it can often mean because they've taken their life somewhere and it can
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take a little while to find them. but hopefully that's not them. but hopefully that's not the case. justice can be done, but it is very tragic. we've got two people who are 25 and 28, very similar age to him, 26. you've got an older person who's 61, so we can only assume who those relatives were. they were all female. and my initial thinking, well, if it's a crossbow, the reloading does take time. and you've got two people who aren't just going to stay there, sit there. and i'm wondering whether those other weapons could be involved were the issue, and i'd be very interested to know this is quite a close knit sort of, residential street around there is how much, noise was heard or whether there was no noise heard at that particular time as to what has gone into that house. and only time will tell as to how this event has unravelled. but isn't it just awful? >> absolutely. and, when considering all the media coverage of this and considering the fact that police were so quick to release this
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photograph, presumably the police will be inundated with calls and members of the public getting in touch with information. how do they even begin to sort you know, the fact from the fiction? >> well, as we know, police resources are very low as they are, but this will be a huge priority and it will generate an awful lot of traffic of, 999 calls and calls , and people calls and calls, and people shouldn't hesitate to please don't hesitate to think, oh, i don't hesitate to think, oh, i don't i'm probably wrong because it's often those sorts of situations where they were absolutely right, and it's so important to report it. absolutely right, and it's so important to report it . the important to report it. the police will sort out the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. the highly trained to do that, and then they will, they will, concentrate the most appropriate resources into dealing with the suspect that has been alerted to them. the people will never get told off for ringing up and wasting time . it's not wasting wasting time. it's not wasting time. they're only going to catch this individual if people
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report it at this stage, that's the most likely chance. police rely on the public. >> well, harry tang, former police sergeant, really appreciate your thoughts and your expertise on this case, thank you very much for joining us. >> us. >> yes. do stay with us because we'll be continuing our coverage of this triple murder manhunt in hertfordshire. you're watching. good afternoon , britain on gb good afternoon, britain on gb news. we're
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>> good afternoon. britain. it's just coming up to ten minutes to 2:00. it's been over 18 hours now since the police were first called after a triple murder. was found in hertfordshire. the police are. here's an image of the area we're looking live at the area we're looking live at the streets where this, attack took place. the main suspect is on the loose. a man by the name
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of kyle clifford, a 26 year old man? >> yes. we're now joined in the studio by gb news reporter charlie peters, charlie, i guess the first question. what do we know? well, we know that this attack happened last night, and the police are now searching an area in enfield. >> we've seen armed response vehicles in that location, and officers searching there. and i think that's a crucial detail because i've just spoken to a police officer in the last 15 minutes saying that these bolts are often used by crossbows, which is the suspected weapon used in this murder in bushey yesterday evening. they can go through the normal armour used by police officers. this officer told me it's every copper's worst nightmare is going up against someone with a crossbow. in may, a police officer was hit by a crossbow bolt in an incident. and so they try and avoid these situations for standard front line coppers. and that's why potentially they've brought in the armed response
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vehicles with more reassuring armour. even the territorial support group, the sort of riot police that you see occasionally in south and central london in particular, they don't like to get involved in these operations. that's what a police officer told me. they want to bnngin officer told me. they want to bring in armed response vehicles where possible, so that search continues. and obviously after 18 hours, as you said, tom, questions are now being asked and people are looking into how could this sort of weapon be used potentially in this sort of attack and how can people access them? how easy is it to get a hold of a crossbow looking into the legislation? that's not changed since the 1980s. 1987 is when the crossbow act came in. we don't even have a more up to date estimate on how many are in the country, last gathered since 1991. that was around 300,000 crossbows in circulation at the high end . so that's a high end. so that's a significant number. and indeed the licensing and the registration requirement is none . registration requirement is none. the only limit that you have on crossbows is age. it's illegal to sell a crossbow of a certain strength to anyone under the age of 18, with a maximum penalty of
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six months in prison or a significant fine . now, by significant fine. now, by contrast with firearms, of course you have to go through licensing. you have to be deemed to be proper fit person to own a firearm, and that involves police registration. and that's not the case with crossbows . not the case with crossbows. several victims and family members of victims. indeed, murders by these weapons have campaigned for that to change because there have been a string of these incidents in recent years. now, from 2011 to 2021, there were less than ten homicides by crossbows in britain. but since that year, there have been several incidents. you'll remember in the christmas day of 2021, a man was arrested breaking into windsor castle , saying he wants windsor castle, saying he wants to assassinate the queen due to a decade, centuries old, issue of british foreign policy. he was eventually jailed for nine years, including on charges of treason . very rare that that's treason. very rare that that's brought in. he had a crossbow dunng brought in. he had a crossbow during that incident. and also in january of this year, a man
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was shot dead by police as he entered a home of a former partner on a stalking limit order on him . he was armed with order on him. he was armed with a crossbow, and they've also been murders more recently since then. now in 2021, after the incident, windsor castle then home secretary priti patel ordered a review of crossbow legislation that took some time to come in. but a consultation was launched earlier this year by the previous government. so in february , an eight week long in february, an eight week long consultation on possibly changing the legislation, really inspired by that appalling incident in january, that break incident in january, that break in for the stalking order and that man being shot dead while he had that crossbow on him that's now closed, that consultation was looking into what sort of new licensing restrictions could come into place to prevent the easy access of crossbows , but we haven't had of crossbows, but we haven't had any published information from that from that previous administration on what might come next. >> it sounds positively medieval. this idea of chasing
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after people, shooting people down with these bolts in their crossbows, and the fact that it's happened multiple times in recent years, the fact that it can pierce through, police armour. this is something we should be really concerned about, really concerned about. >> and i think a core part of the concern about crossbows is the concern about crossbows is the kind of arrows you can buy. it's not just the crossbows themselves, which do often have a semi—automatic capability. so there's no need to reload individually as people might typically associate with crossbows that almost, as you say, tom, medieval piece of kit, that you have to sort of push it forward , bring in a bolt and forward, bring in a bolt and reload. actually, you can get magazine fed crossbows in great britain which don't require that sort of process. so multiple shots can be fired in quick succession. but those capabilities are made more lethal by the type of arrows that are accessible. so in britain it's possible to buy so—called broadhead arrows . now so—called broadhead arrows. now when you look into what these are used for, it's hunting big
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game. now it's illegal in britain to hunt with a longbow, a crossbow, any sort of bowed instrument or weapon. that's not possible, but you can still buy the means and the kit and equipment necessary to carry out that kind of activity. >> i'm struggling to think when you said medieval that was exactly what i was thinking. >> the choice of weapon. with this, we spoke to harry tang, a former police officer , before former police officer, before you, and he seemed to suggest he has to be careful . of course, has to be careful. of course, with the speculation, we don't know the exact details of what's happened yet, but the idea that in to order use a crossbow to kill three people, three victims, you may have to restrain them in one way or another. and that may be what the police were talking about when they said other weapons may well be on this suspect. yeah. >> and that was the incident in january as well. the man who was shot dead by police, he not only was armed with a crossbow, although several other weapons , although several other weapons, possibly to facilitate and aid the eventual use of a crossbow. so that's key on the concerns of the police , no doubt, as they the police, no doubt, as they look into this situation in bushey, it's hard to think why
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anyone would have a crossbow for anyone would have a crossbow for any purpose. >> if you're not allowed to hunt with these things, that's illegal, you can get sort of magazine rounds for them. what on earth is the peaceful purpose of owning one of these things? >> well, those are the arguments and the difficulties that the previous government and indeed in its various iterations over the last 14 years faced when trying to ban zombie knives. of course , because buying a knife course, because buying a knife is a perfectly legitimate thing to do for all sorts of reasons. gardening kitchen work, you name it, you need it. but when it came to banning the more severe sort of zombie style, those machete blades , getting that machete blades, getting that legislation to pass without preventing the ordinary purchase of knives was extremely difficult across both fallen to a special category, of course, because you don't need those for day to day activities. but the legislation that the previous government has updated coming into force in september to ban the sale online sale of any bladed article that involves id,
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that's tough. can you do the same for crossbows? >> well, thank you very much indeed. >> well, thank you very much indeed . charlie peters, our gb indeed. charlie peters, our gb news reporter, bringing us the latest on this devastating story. three women killed, murdered in hertfordshire. we'll keep the coverage coming
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us. >> good afternoon. britain. it's 2:00 on wednesday, the 10th of july. i'm tom harwood, and i'm emily carver. a police manhunt is continuing after three women were found dead at a property in hertfordshire. detectives have warned that the prime suspect, kyle clifford, aged 26, may be carrying a crossbow . carrying a crossbow. >> and we're looking at live shots from bushey, the leafy suburb in hertfordshire where this crime took place . as tom this crime took place. as tom just said, three women have been killed aged 25, 28 and 61. we'll bnng killed aged 25, 28 and 61. we'll bring you the latest from the scene. yes .
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scene. yes. >> now, we've heard from chief superintendent john simpson, who said that he believes this is a targeted incident. it's being treated as a targeted incident. and this individual, kyle clifford, the main suspect, is being treated as a very dangerous person who the public should not approach, not approach. >> but the police are appealing for any, any information that you may have no report too small to the police. they will sort the fact from the fiction they want and they'll also appealing, of course, to the prime suspect to come clean, to hand himself to come clean, to hand himself to in, call 999 and tell them where he is. we'll be bringing you continuing coverage of this horrifying incident in hertfordshire. but first, the headunes hertfordshire. but first, the headlines with sam .
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headlines with sam. >> tom, emily, thank you very much and good afternoon to you. it's just coming up to 2:02. a recap on that top story leading the news this afternoon. police now urging people to not approach a man who is wanted over a triple murder at a house in hertfordshire. karl clifford's been on the run since yesterday evening around 7:00, when three women were killed in bushey. these are the live pictures coming to us from that crime scene where police found those three women, aged 25, 28 and 61, just before 7:00 last night. and despite emergency crews best efforts, they sadly died later in the evening. officers say they are believed to have been related and were victims of a targeted attack. it's also understood that armed police have searched an address a few miles away in the in enfield, as the hunt for karl clifford continues . chief clifford continues. chief superintendent john simpson says significant numbers of police have been deployed in and around
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hertfordshire and north london. >> our overarching objective today is to protect public safety to and locate kyle clifford, who is wanted in connection with the murder of the three women in what we believe is a targeted incident. we have extensive police resources deployed to various locations in north london and also the bushey area of hertfordshire. the manhunt also involves armed police officers and specialist search teams responding at pace. in the wake of what has been an horrific incident involving what is currently believed to be a crossbow. but other weapons may also have been used. >> and of course, any developments on that story we will bring straight to you here on gb news throughout the rest of this afternoon. two children from a primary school in liverpool that's been dealing with an infection outbreak have died. it's understood the children from milstead primary school were aged five and six. the uk health security agency says it's been looking into a number of cases of giardia at
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the school, but experts say it's unlikely their deaths are related to that outbreak . a related to that outbreak. a second man has been arrested as part of an investigation into a small boat crime network, the national crime agency says the 25 year old iraqi national was apprehended this morning at an address in new rough hay in preston. he was detained on suspicion of facilitating illegal immigration and obtaining leave to remain by deception. it follows the arrest of an iranian national in preston earlier this year in may, union officials say their first talks with the new government over the future of jobs at tata steel's welsh plants have been extremely positive. the comments from unite follow high level talks with the business secretary, jonathan reynolds, and it comes amid concerns about job losses at tata steelworks in port talbot, where around 2800 jobs are at risk. other unions have also been meeting ministers over the future of those plants . the the future of those plants. the prime minister is promising a
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review of the uk's defence and security , which could see the security, which could see the size of the armed forces increase . his manifesto promised increase. his manifesto promised to spend 2.5% of national income on defence. however, he's refused to guarantee that the government will meet that promise within his first term. instead, he's pledging to keep the uk's defences strong without breaking his spending and borrowing rules. well, defence secretary john healey says the review will determine when the manifesto commitment is met. >> the last time britain spent 2.5, of course, was in 2010, with labour. now we will do that as part of the getting to grips with the challenges that we face, so we will launch next week. >> the prime minister will launch a strategic defence review. >> it's the way we get to grips with the threats we face, the capabilities we need for the future, the state of our armed forces and also the state of the pubuc forces and also the state of the public finances. when we open the books and we will set alongside that a clear pathway to meeting that commitment of 2.5% on of on defence. >> well, that comes as sir keir
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starmer has arrived in washington today for a nato summit where he's pushing allies to invest in more defence spending. it's the first time he'll line up with other world leaders as prime minister and opening the nato summit. earlier, joe, president joe biden insisted the alliance is more powerful than ever. >> an overwhelming bipartisan majority of americans understand that nato makes us all safer. the fact that both democratic and republican parties are represented here today is a testament to that fact. the american people know that all the progress we've made in the past 75 years has happened behind the shield of nato and the american people understand what would happen if there was no nato. >> meanwhile, donald trump is challenging president biden to another head to head debate this week. speaking at a rally in florida, trump offered to face off without moderators and said it was a chance for biden to redeem himself. it comes after
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biden's stumbling performance in the first debate that raised concerns among some democrats, with talk that he could possibly be replaced as their nominee. trump described it as the most decisive and overwhelming defeat in the history of presidential debates. >> let's do another debate this week so that sleepy joe biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president. but this time it will be man to man. no moderators, no holds barred. just name the place any time, anywhere . anywhere. >> and thousands of england fans are starting to gather in dortmund for tonight's euro 2024 semi—final against the netherlands. but the brits are expected to be outnumbered by dutch fans. it's thought there could be four times as many opposition supporters out on the streets of dortmund tonight, and gareth southgate's side are pushing for a place in the final against spain, and these england fans told us that they expect a win easy game, i'll say easy.
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>> probably going to be pens, but obviously we'll win because that's what we're good at. you've seen the last game with switzerland, you know, baby food, easy. >> yeah i'm excited for the semi—finals. >> it's going well so far. hopefully it can get better. >> i won't take nothing away from the dutch. they got van dijk, that's about it. but you know we'll give it the best. i mean and the best of luck to gareth southgate's side. >> kick off at 8:00. all the results and reaction here on gb news tonight. those are the latest gb news headlines for now i'm sam francis back with you for another update in half an hour for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code or go to forward slash alerts . forward slash alerts. >> good afternoon britain . it's >> good afternoon britain. it's 2:08 and at this time we can now report that the three women
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killed in bushey in hertfordshire are carole hunt, the wife of the bbc racing radio commentator john the wife of the bbc racing radio commentatorjohn hunt, alongside two of their daughters. >> yes . so we two of their daughters. >> yes. so we can two of their daughters. >> yes . so we can now report >> yes. so we can now report this, that the three women who were killed are carole hunt, the wife of the bbc radio commentator john wife of the bbc radio commentatorjohn hunt. there's a picture of them both and two of their daughters . i can't recall their daughters. i can't recall a more shocking news story that we've had to report on this channel. three women murdered at their home and the prime suspect we know is 26 year old karl clifford, the police are yet to find him ongoing is a massive manhunt to track him down. >> now, we've been following this manhunt all afternoon. we're live in bushey, near watford in hertfordshire, a quiet corner of the country, somewhere where you would not expect a horrific crime like this to take place. and officers
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are asking the public not to approach this man, kyle clifford , approach this man, kyle clifford, who may still be armed with a crossbow and to contact the police immediately if any individual were to see him now. >> chief superintendent john simpson gave a statement earlier. >> good afternoon. i'm chief superintendent john simpson, head of local policing for hertfordshire constabulary . hertfordshire constabulary. police were called to a property in ashland close just before 7 pm. last night. officers p.m. last night. officers attended alongside colleagues from the east of england ambulance service and on arrival found three women with serious injuries. sadly, despite their best efforts, the women who are believed to be related , died believed to be related, died a short time later. at the scene. the victims at age 25, 28 and 61. our overarching objective today is to protect public safety and to locate kyle clifford, who is wanted in connection with the murder of the three women in what we believe is a targeted incident.
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we have extensive police resources deployed to various locations in north london and also the bushey area of hertfordshire. the manhunt also involves armed police officers and specialist search teams responding at pace. in the wake of what has been an horrific incident involving what is currently believed to be a crossbow. but other weapons may also have been used if members of the public see kyle clifford, they urge to not approach him at any point and to dial 999 immediately. kyle if you are seeing or hearing this, please make contact with the police via 999. beyond the immediate search operation, a major crime enquiry has been launched and we also appeal to the public for any information in relation to the incident. this incident will be, of course, of concern to local residents . additional local residents. additional local officers will be in the area today so please do speak to them if you need to. you can report
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information online at hartsop . information online at hartsop. police uk report via webchat at hartsop . police uk contact or hartsop. police uk contact or call 101 quoting op in forna. alternatively you can stay 100% anonymous by contacting the independent charity crime stoppers on 0800. treble five treble one or via their untraceable online form at crime stoppers thank you . stoppers thank you. >> well, that was, chief superintendent john simpson giving an update on the case a little earlier. since then, of course , we've learned the course, we've learned the identity of those involved. the wife of the bbc radio racing radio commentator john hunt . radio commentatorjohn hunt. that's carol hunt, who we can see on our screens now, as well as two of the couple's daughters killed last night in an incident involving a crossbow. >> absolutely devastating news
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to bring you. let's get the expert opinion now of retired scotland yard detective mike neville. mike, we've now learned of the identities of these three women that sound as though they were brutally murdered. we understand the 26 year old suspect. kyle clifford is still on the run . on the run. >> yeah, absolutely. >> yeah, absolutely. >> and of course, the hearts police will be working with, scotland yard to trace him as much as they can. >> so no doubts there will be raiding properties where he's, potentially known to be. they'll all be all sorts of intelligence work to see if they can find him through. if he's used any electronic devices , emails or electronic devices, emails or whatever else. and then, of course, you've got things like anpn course, you've got things like anpr, the automatic number plate reader , if he's got access to a reader, if he's got access to a vehicle and the police can also use automated facial recognition in some circumstances as well to find him . find him. >> this will be, of course, a
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net that is cast very wide. after all the initial phone call to the police took place more than 19 hours ago. now this suspect, this kyle clifford, could have travelled very far indeed. >> absolutely. and so what they've been looking for now is, has he has where is his passport? because there'll be a message sent to all air and sea ports. and i imagine that was done a long time ago with these sort of investigations. of course, what the police want to do is get hold of him as soon as possible, before he knows thereafter him, because they obviously want to get as much evidence as they can. the clothing he was wearing was probably his blood spattered and whatever, because of the wickedness of these crimes. but and now, of course, the police are concerned that he's still armed, and they have to tell the pubuc armed, and they have to tell the public that this man is armed and dangerous, and that's why they're seeking the public's help to spot him and ring 999. >> mike, i should say that we're seeing now pictures for the first time of the couple's two
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daughters, who were murdered, i it just beggars belief that something like this could happen. >> absolutely. i mean, bush is where the metropolitan police sports club is. it's a quiet, leafy place. hertfordshire. no one would expect this here, and absolutely no one should be expecting to be murdered by whatever with a crossbow or by whatever with a crossbow or by whatever means. and it's just a really wicked and shocking crime, and let's hope that these, this kyle clifford is spotted as soon as possible and is brought to justice. >> and i know you won't wish to speculate too much on a motive here. we don't know the details of what happened. we don't know why the prime suspect would have done this. but what does it sound like to you in terms of three women in the same family being targeted by, as we suspect, one lone suspect ? suspect, one lone suspect? >> you don't know if this if people have been in a relationship, you don't know if
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people have been fixated by someone or there's some other motive that the police will, of course, be looking into that. and of course, these days , with and of course, these days, with all the electronic devices that people have with with having a phone, he'll have a computer. all these things can be checked, what searches he's made. and so the police will be keen to establish a motive. but the first thing is, is to find him, get him, get him into custody. and then these inquiries can be made. and the vast amounts of the police efforts will be on finding him. and of course, there'll be all sorts of, expert crime scene, experts, crime scene detectives at the scene who will be looking into how they, what what was the motive and how did the murder happen? >> and, of course, the police have already said that they're looking in enfield, where the suspect is thought to be from. they have been looking in hertfordshire as well. in your experience , mike, when suspects experience, mike, when suspects are on the run, where do they tend to go to ? to familiar tend to go to? to familiar places, to unfamiliar places is
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far from the scene or or indeed stay around the scene ? stay around the scene? >> well, this really does change with with the people and who they're involved with. if he's got very close family, the best people to be with is to try and hide with your family. people you can trust. then the moment you can trust. then the moment you go with other people and reward start being offered, then you're then people are going to be tempted by those rewards. the people who love you , the family people who love you, the family who's closest to you, they're the most, most likely to be able to help you. but as you said, he's had 19 hours. that's a trip to, how fast did they all ports message go out? did he have time to get to somewhere like stansted, heathrow or whatever? so in 19 hours in this modern world, you can go a long way. >> well, thank you very much indeed for your time. mike neville, retired scotland yard detective . great to get your detective. great to get your expertise on this . expertise on this. >> well, let's go now to the thoughts of lawrence brass, a liberal democrat councillor in bushey representing the area, because lawrence , this must have
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because lawrence, this must have sent shock waves through the local community. >> absolutely. i've spent the morning there and the people are really shell shocked. it's. it's just not what happens in our little quiet part of bushey. >> we're not used to this sort of thing. >> and, can i start by giving my sincere condolences to the friends and remaining family of the mother and two daughters, because this has been a really shocking incident, >> and we're still reeling from it here in bushey. >> lawrence, have you spoken to anyone close to the family or anyone close to the family or anyone within the family for that matter? >> today? >> today? >> obviously not, i must tell you, by coincidence, last wednesday, as part of my general election canvassing stint, i actually knocked on their door, and i did the whole of ashlee good close. prior to polling day last thursday. >> so i spoke to the family quite recently, >> my own family.
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>> my own family. >> no, one of the daughters or new, i should say, who worked in the beauty parlour in the bushey village. >> and we're all completely damaged by this terrible incident and upset that it's once again women, victims of violence. >> i don't think that should be overlooked. >> your previous speaker didn't sort of focus on that, but i think that's an important point to mention. >> it certainly is. this must have knocked you sideways. the fact that, as you say, one of the daughters worked in a in a local beauty salon, these were people who were sort of very connected to your local community, it does really shock, i think many, many people that such a quiet, leafy, part of the country could be subject to anything like this . anything like this. >> well, i know it's an old cliche about leafy suburbs and so on, but the worst thing that's ever the biggest crime that's ever the biggest crime that i that's ever the biggest crime that! can that's ever the biggest crime that i can ever remember in this area is illegal fly—tipping. >> that's really the extent of
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it. we don't have drug addicts. >> we don't have, you know, criminals of this description, this is a very middle class, nice area . nice area. >> and that's why i think residents are very upset. >> and we, as i speak to you, there are helicopters flying overhead looking for the alleged perpetrator, and i've just heard that they're going to be doing at saint paul's church , which is at saint paul's church, which is across the road from where i live, a vigil tonight to show sympathy with the family and friends of the of the victims. >> and that, i think, will be an opportunity for the local residents to come together and express their their , their express their their, their sadness at this extraordinary event. >> extraordinary. >> extraordinary. >> yes. i imagine it will be very well attended and indeed a vigil being held this evening, it's hard to imagine what john hunt , will be it's hard to imagine what john hunt, will be feeling. currently, three women, his wife, two daughters, murdered on
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a tuesday evening. absolutely tragic . he's known he will be tragic. he's known he will be known by many as a as a bbc racing commentator. but by the looks of it, a family man. >> yes. i mean, i see you describe him as a bbc star. i'm not sure. >> quite a star, but i have met him. >> and, as i met most of the people, this is my patch. i mean, i literally live 100 yards away, and i know a lot of these people, and, i think it's a terrible shock to the community we've managed to get from hertsmere accounts, which is the borough council, some community support officers into bushey this afternoon, and they're walking as i talk in the area and in the high street to reassure residents, some of whom are thinking that perhaps the alleged perpetrator could be still loose in the area. >> and that's a possibility. and i would urge residents to not interfere with him. and if by chance, the perpetrator is watching this or hears about it, please would you give yourself
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up urgently ? because you know up urgently? because you know the people i represent are very fearful of what's going on at the moment. >> now, lawrence, you've been in the area all afternoon. you've been speaking to people , seeing been speaking to people, seeing what the police are doing, particularly in and around this cordon. what actions are the police taking with the local community? >> well, they've been knocking on neighbours doors as i've noticed, and as shown on your screen at the moment, the actual ashlee good close is cordoned off, they're not taking any major steps as far as i can see, but there are helicopters over my flat at the moment, and there are search parties looking for the alleged perpetrator, but i'm not privy to what the police are doing. i'm sure they're on top of the situation , and we just of the situation, and we just all hope that this this, perpetrator is, is found as soon as possible , because this is as possible, because this is just not something that happens in our little quiet part of bushey , it just is. so it's
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bushey, it just is. so it's a one off. and i want people to know, and it's really important to say this, that not to fear or be fearful that there's some sort of mass murderer around it. this was clearly a very domestic situation, and one that people should not feel that they are going to be victims themselves. so please, if you're listening or watching, be reassured. i don't see this as becoming, an issue for the rest of bushey in the next day or so . the next day or so. >> okay. well, thank you very much indeed for your time . much indeed for your time. lawrence brass, a liberal democrat councillor in bushey, the area affected by this horrific triple murder. i hope the vigil this evening will provide some comfort. >> yes, well, we'll be returning to this, running story between now and the end of the show. we'll be bringing you all updates as and we we get them. you're good afternoon, britain on gb. news
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good afternoon. britain. it is 2:26. now. the three women killed in bushey. are carole hunt, the wife of bbc radio commentator john hunt, the wife of bbc radio commentatorjohn hunt, and two of their daughters. we can reveal now that their names are louise and hannah hunt. >> yes. and they were only 25 and 28 years old. john hunt's wife, 61 years old. all three murdered in bushey, a leafy suburb in hertfordshire, absolutely shocking news to bnng absolutely shocking news to bring you this afternoon on this channel. absolutely devastating. we heard from the police a little bit earlier on in the afternoon. they're appealing to any witnesses. anyone with any information, anyone who knows this man, this suspect, carl
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clifford, only 26 years old. he could be armed with a crossbow as we speak. it's been a roughly 19 hours now since the incident took place . appeals still going. took place. appeals still going. the manhunt still very much on for this prime suspect, 26 year old carl clifford. and yes, the identities we can bring you . of identities we can bring you. of the three women killed, 61 year old carole hunt. and here we go. live pictures of the scene of the crime there in bushey, two daughters as well. murdered. >> yes. it's remarkable to see that in such a quiet part of middle england for such a seemingly normal and untroubled family. but carole hunt, louise and hannah hunt all murdered last night in an incident involving a crossbow and suspected other weapons as well. really extraordinary story.
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continuing coverage here on gb news. a little earlier, the chief superintendent , john chief superintendent, john simpson, gave a statement on what they knew at the time. >> good afternoon. i'm chief superintendent john simpson, head of local policing for hertfordshire constabulary. police were called to a property in ashland close just before 7 pm. last night. officers p.m. last night. officers attended alongside colleagues from the east of england ambulance service and on arrival found three women with serious injuries. sadly, despite their best efforts, the women who are believed to be related , died believed to be related, died a short time later at the scene. the victims , at age 25, 28 and the victims, at age 25, 28 and 61. our overarching objective today is to protect public safety to and locate kyle clifford, who is wanted in connection with the murder of the three women in what we believe is a targeted incident. we have extensive police resources deployed to various locations in north london and also the bushey area of
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hertfordshire. the manhunt also involves armed police officers and specialist search teams responding at pace. in the wake of what has been an horrific incident involving what is currently believed to be a crossbow. but other weapons may also have been used. if members of the public see kyle clifford, they urge not to approach him at any point and to dial 999 immediately. kyle, if you are seeing or hearing this, please make contact with the police via 999. beyond the immediate search operation, a major crime enquiry has been launched and we also appeal to the public for any information in relation to the incident. this incident will be of course, of concern to local residents . additional local residents. additional local officers will be in the area today, so please do speak to them if you need to. you can report information online at hartsop . report via hartsop. report via webchat at hartsop . police uk
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webchat at hartsop. police uk contact or call 101 quoting op in forna. alternatively, you can stay 100% anonymous by contacting the independent charity crime stoppers on zero 800. treble five, treble one or via their untraceable online form at crime stoppers thank you . thank you. >> okay, that was chief superintendent john simpson a little earlier giving an update appealing to any information that the public can bring to the police that was outside hatfield police station. let's get the news headlines. >> tom, emily, thank you very much. and good afternoon to you. it's just after 2:30 and plenty more on that ongoing manhunt for a triple murder suspect later this hour. for now, though, we'll just turn to an update on political news. leading the news agenda this afternoon. the prime
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minister is in washington today, and has refused to guarantee the government will meet his promise to spend 2.5% of national income on defence within his first term. he's saying that that will only happen when it can be done within the rules he set on spending and borrowing well while he is in washington for a nato summit to mark the 75 years of the military alliance , of the military alliance, ukraine is high on the agenda with more aid already promised to the country , and we can now to the country, and we can now cross live to our gb news political editor chris hope, who is in washington, dc. for us this afternoon. chris >> that's right, sam, we're here now in washington waiting for the prime minister, sir keir starmer, to meet with the ukrainian leader, president zelenskyy. >> later on, he'll be meeting with president joe biden and jill biden at the white house. just behind me, the first big test, i think, for our prime minister on the world stage so far, he's met with olaf scholz. of course , one of the key of course, one of the key powerbrokers in the european union . all eyes next week, also
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union. all eyes next week, also on a big summit at blenheim palace of european leaders . but palace of european leaders. but there's been pressure on him already, sir keir starmer to say when he will hit that target of hit. >> our spending 2.5% of our gross domestic product on defence spending so far, he says simply it's an ironclad commitment of this new government, a very important commitment, and they'll meet it when they can afford to in the government's own fiscal rules. but he's very clear on the flight over to reporters, including gb news sir keir starmer, saying that he wants to send a message to vladimir putin that he's very, very clear that the uk will the uk government and the new labour government will stand against russia's aggression anywhere in the world. elsewhere, we asked the prime minister about the idea of making peers retire at the age of 80 to have a bearing on president joe biden. of course, his health issues are well known to our viewers @gbnews sir keir starmer said then that the policy doesn't really have a beanng policy doesn't really have a bearing on other elected
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representatives. joe biden is 81, but he can carry on being president, according to sir keir starmer. also, some advice for our footballers this afternoon or tonight, i should say, in this big game he will be passed notes during his nato summit with the score on. so he's a keen arsenal fan, sir keir starmer, he'll be told what the score is in england v holland. of course he's cheering on the three lions to beat holland and face spain in the final this weekend. >> chris hope, thank you very much for that latest update there for us from washington dc. as sir keir starmer attends the nato summit, they're marking 75 years of the military alliance. we will have plenty more still to come on that throughout the rest of this afternoon and into the evening. and indeed the football two. for now, though, let's have a quick break before we head back to tom and emily for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone , sign direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code, or go to forward slash
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>> right. well. good afternoon . >> right. well. good afternoon. britain. it's 2:37, and we'll return to our lead story of the day. the manhunt for suspect carl clifford in connection with the murder of three women in bushey. >> well, the women are all family of bbc commentator john hunt there. his wife, carol hunt, and reported to be their daughters. both hannah and louise hunt to police believe the suspect may have used a crossbow and he may still have it on him. >> we're joined now by our gb news reporter, charlie peters. charlie, what do we know ? charlie, what do we know? >> well, the search is ongoing. this manhunt is focusing. it seems, primarily in enfield in north london, where we have seen from aerial photography some of the armed response vehicles and officers from hertfordshire
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police and indeed the met in that location , searching around that location, searching around and speaking to police officers . and speaking to police officers. since that manhunt was launched, they've told me that it's very key that the armed response teams are involved in that, not only due to the offensive capabilities they have with their weapons, but also defensive. they have the strongest body armour available to frontline officers. they also told me that crossbows are every copper's worst nightmare for standard. bobbies on the beat who aren't armed, aren't receiving that level of protection. these crossbow bolts from some of these weapons you can buy online are particularly dangerous. they can break through the standard stab vest armour that they're given us. so i think that indicates what they suspect is going on here in this manhunt for kyle clifford, suspected of those three murders yesterday in bushey in hertfordshire. so that search is going on. and as that's happening, more details are emerging. and i think people are obviously very keen to understand what the situation was last night in bushey. what's the links between the alleged suspect, the person in there man
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hunting and the three victims? people are also starting to ask how is it possible to acquire the tools that allow someone to kill in such a way and focusing really on the acquisition of a crossbow ? and how can that sort crossbow? and how can that sort of weapon come into your hands now , looking into the licensing now, looking into the licensing on crossbows and the law around it, there's not very much the law hasn't really changed on this since about 1987, when the crossbow act was brought in. and what differentiates crossbows from firearms is that when it comes to dealing with the former, the only restriction really is age. you can't sell one of a certain strength to those under the age of 18. if you're found to do so, or hire one or rent it out. the maximum sentence about six months or a fine. but for firearms, of course , there's a strict course, there's a strict licensing procedure, regulations, checks with the police. many campaigners in britain have called for more of that level of regulation on crossbows , due to a string of crossbows, due to a string of attacks in recent years. now from 2011 to 2021, there are fewer than ten homicides caused
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by crossbows. but since 21, that's changed. then home secretary priti patel launched a government review into crossbows after a really shocking incident that many will recall where a man had actually broken into windsor castle on christmas day of that year in a bid to assassinate the queen, and he was later jailed for nine years on charges including treason. but since then there have been further incidents. many indeed. this year, even before last night and in january, a man with a stalking prevention order placed on him broke into somebody's home. he was actually shot by the police in east london, shot dead. he was armed with a crossbow and a few other weapons. we've had incidences in march in shoreditch, where individuals were hit by stray crossbows targeted from tower blocks in may, a police officer was also hit by a crossbow in high wickham. a bolt fired at them so there is an increasing concern about them and accordingly, particularly after the incident in january with that man was shot dead in east
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london. the government did launch. the then government launched an eight week consultation into changing potentially some of that licensing restriction on crossbows. that's closed. we've heard nothing, but the express newspaper has published this morning its own investigation into how easy it is to get these weapons, and they found that their reporter was able to pick them up without showing proof of their own id, just showing an id online, getting it bought and then delivered by a courier without further checks. now, in response to that, they got a statement from a labour spokesperson who said that crossbows have been used in appalling violence attacks in recent years. despite several promises to look at the arrangements in place on the sale and possession of crossbows, they say the conservatives didn't introduce any stronger measures. they said that labour will take tough to action get crossbows and other dangerous weapons off britain's streets. that's a government statement from a labour spokesperson. now, the conservatives might obviously say that their consultation closed very recently. they haven't necessarily had the
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opportunity to turn that around before the election was called. but it's clear there has been significant political focus to getting these weapons off the streets. >> charlie, these weapons are positively medieval and it seems that the government for years now has almost been playing whack a mole with serious criminals and serious weapons. whenever a weapon is used, you know, it's banned. whether it's first handguns and then zombie knives. now crossbows are it's hard to think about how something could just be banned in its entirety. something else will tend to pop up, but one, where is the utility of talking of the weapons when potentially it is the deranged people that maybe need a greater focus? >> and that's very much been a process. and the perspective put forward by those who are selling, zombie knife for display purposes, people who are selling them for memorabilia or certain blades. that was an
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argument put forward that actually the problem isn't the weapon or the item, it's those who might use them in the wrong way . but having said that, many way. but having said that, many of the campaigns brought forward against these crossbows do point to them not just being medieval anymore, and that actually these are acting in a manner like firearms. some of the more modern crossbows available for just £50 actually online, they have a semi—automatic capability, so you can reload them very easily. capability, so you can reload them very easily . and another them very easily. and another issue that they point to in britain is the accessibility of what they describe as broadhead, bolts. now these bolts have a wider usage around the world for hunting big game. now that's totally illegal in britain. you can't hunt using a crossbow or a bow and arrow of any form, any bowed weapon, but you're still able to buy the kits and equipment and indeed the specific darts and arrowheads that are used for that purpose. now, a police officer told me that a broadhead arrow and bolt could very easily break through
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a police officer's armour . and a police officer's armour. and that's why i think in this manhunt for the chief suspect of this triple murder in bushey, we are seeing the fiercest possible response and the strongest offensive and defensive capabilities of the police officers in enfield. >> and now we know the identities of those who have been murdered. the three women, it makes it well, it brings home how heartbreaking this story is, how heartbreaking this story is, how devastating it will be for the family and loved ones. >> yeah, it's an appalling situation. and as they continue that search, more information coming out from bushey on the ground. but some of the initial reports, particularly from local residents then describing what they heard yesterday evening, now 20 hours into this manhunt, but also the ongoing situation in and around enfield is very intense because you do have someone who is the chief suspect in an appalling situation on the loose. so there are primary school children on lockdown trying to go through their lessons, unable possibly to be
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picked up this afternoon because they're unable to continue the normal daily procedures . so normal daily procedures. so a very intense situation in north london at the moment, it's a vast area. >> it's a vast area. enfield, a lot of places to look, a lot of places to search. it may well not be easy to find this suspect. >> and they've got specialist search teams. we've heard the hertfordshire police brief that information there . 1230 update information there. 1230 update referring not only to the armed response and the firearms officers there, but also the specialists who involve themselves in these manhunts. but as you say, i mean, the ground is very open in enfield. i mean, it's the edge of london's urban space. it breaks off into all sorts of kind of forest and wooded areas. that mixed terrain will add to the strain that the met and the and hertfordshire police are facing when they are facing up to catching up with this manhunt. >> well, charlie peters, thank you very much for the latest on that. the search and indeed the weapon. well, we'll have plenty more on this manhunt, this extraordinary story
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after this short
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break. good afternoon. britain. it's coming up to ten minutes to three, and we return to our lead story today. this manhunt for 26 year old kyle clifford wanted on suspicion of three killings in hertfordshire. well, theo chikomba is on the scene of those killings in bushey and joins us now . theo, what more do joins us now. theo, what more do we know ? we know? >> yes, well, we've just been speaking to one of the local councillors in the last few minutes, and she's been speaking to people who live in this area offering them support. but what she seems to say is that there seems to be a sense of shock here. something like this doesn't happen very often, and there is still a huge police presence in this area . and this presence in this area. and this is the time when a lot of the
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parents who live in this area will be going to pick up their children from school. but for the people who live in ashland, close the cul de sac where this incident took place, their cars are still there. they haven't been able to leave the close at all throughout the day, and we've seen specialist officers going from door to door, going to see those people who live in that area. but what we do know in the last hour is that confirmation of the three women who sadly died , and they are who sadly died, and they are both they are 25 years old, 28 and 61, and we now know that it is carol hunt, the wife of bbc, bbc racing radio commentator john hunt, his wife and their two daughters. now the for search kyle clifford, 26 year old, is still underway. we understand police are working in this area in bushey, near watford and then in parts of london, including enfield and hertfordshire, as well. so it's
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an extensive search, a joint operation with the forces. so we are still here in this community. we've been speaking to people who heard and saw things last night and they're still coming to terms with what's happening here. but for now, though, the search still continues . continues. >> theo chikomba live from the scene . thank you very much for scene. thank you very much for that latest information. >> now, the bbc have sent a note to their staff about this, and they've said the murders of the wife and two daughters of the bbc sports commentator john hunt are utterly devastating. so that's the news that the bbc have sent a note around to staff, concerning this incident, saying that these murders of the wife and two daughters of this bbc sports commentator , john bbc sports commentator, john hunt, are utterly devastating, and that is certainly the way to describe this triple murder. absolutely shocking. we're
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joined by gb news reporter charlie peters, utterly devastating. sums this up. this is not what you expect to hear from bushey in hertfordshire. >> absolutely. and the police, both in hertfordshire and the mets are still in the early stages of their investigation. now hertfordshire police, obviously that's a murder investigation team looking into that site. the incident occurring at 7 pm. yesterday. that's when the ambulance service was called. they dispatched several of their resources to that incident very swiftly. but it's the metropolitan police team in nonh metropolitan police team in north london. and that cross cross—departmental effort in this manhunt, who are also saying that he may still be in possession of a weapon. kyle clifford, the suspect that they are chasing in that area . that's are chasing in that area. that's where the search appears to have tightened into that mixture between the urban and the rural. the top of north london really moving into more of a kind of woodland forestry space, which makes it particularly difficult. we have seen helicopters circling there. luckily for the
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met, the air is clear and there isn't particularly a large amounts of cover to prevent that , amounts of cover to prevent that, top down oversight on this search as they continue a manhunt. and we do know that they have specialist search teams in the area assisting with the firearms officers who are also working in tandem with those specialists. and it's the inclusion of firearm officers that i think points to the ongoing danger of this situation, because if the suspect, kyle clifford, is still armed with a crossbow that presents a serious threat, not only to members of the public but also the police . several but also the police. several police sources telling gb news this afternoon that crossbows are considered every copper's worst nightmare. they can break through the normal armour that frontline police officers have, particularly the broadhead bolts that are favoured by many in britain . legal to buy, which are britain. legal to buy, which are used typically around the world for hunting. big game that is completely illegal in great britain, but it's still possible
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to purchase those weapons and that's why we've seen those armed response vehicles all across enfield as they continue that search. we did see a huddle earlier from one of the helicopter cameras of firearms specialist firearms teams gathering around , laptops open gathering around, laptops open on the hood of a car, gathering around, laptops open on the hood of a can possibly looking into their next search site as they continue that operation. it's not just offensive, it's defensive as well. they need those armed response teams there , and it response teams there, and it must be so concerning because it has now been more than 19 hours since the police were first called. >> that is an enormous amount of time, an enormous search radius. that must be being explored. >> yeah, absolutely. and local primary schools in the area around enfield, they're on lockdown fearing that this man could then be in that local area around school children. that's a grave concern . now, the met grave concern. now, the met police, through the through hertfordshire constabulary, have said that if you do see karl clifford, you should call 999 right away and do not try and
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approach him. and they also made approach him. and they also made a direct appeal to karl clifford in that 1230 press statement, saying, you should also phone 999 and contact police immediately because clearly they want this manhunt to stop as soon as possible and conclude that search to get into the next stage of the investigation. and while all of this is going on, people are waking up to the fact that britain might start to have a bit of a crossbow problem on its hands with so many recent incidents , particularly this incidents, particularly this yean incidents, particularly this year, now much of the focus on crossbow started in 2021. after that incident in windsor castle, a man laterjailed for that incident in windsor castle, a man later jailed for nine years due to a breach of the security there, reportedly trying to assassinate the queen. but we've had a man shot dead by police in january after he broke into a house armed with a crossbow. we've had people, strangers, shot by crossbow bolts while walking around in shoreditch in east london, a police officer was hit by a crossbow bolt in may. these incidents are growing and despite there being fewer than ten homicides from crossbows in
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2011 to 2021, this incident and this concern is now rising. >> thank you very much, charlie peters, our reporter for that update and an analysis on this horrific, horrific incident that we've been reporting on all program here on. good afternoon
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>> it's 3:00, and this is martin mark dolan for in martin daubney. >> a busy three hours to come, and we're broadcasting live from the heart of westminster and across the uk. >> the big story today. >> the big story today. >> police are trying to track down and detain kyle clifford after three women were found dead at a home in bushey, hertfordshire. this is a developing story . we will bring developing story. we will bring you the latest . meanwhile, the you the latest. meanwhile, the conservatives descend into civil war following their election rout on thursday. the blame game has already begun. will this historic loss make or break the most successful political party
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in the history


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