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tv   Martin Daubney  GB News  August 21, 2024 3:00pm-6:01pm BST

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the underwater wreck of the superyacht off the coast of sicily. now, how likely is it now that others will be found alive, or are we hoping for a miracle? another breaking story. a delivery driver who was just doing his job has been killed while trying to stop his van from being stolen. a manhunt is underway for his thieving attacker. and we'll be live from leeds with all of the latest. and the home secretary, yvette coopen and the home secretary, yvette cooper, has promised to deport 14,000 illegal immigrants and foreign criminals by the end of the year. but with over 19,000 arriving via dinghies so far this year and well over 1 million already inside britain, is this once again, the government's talking tough in the face of an immigration crisis. they simply cannot stop . crisis. they simply cannot stop. and chancellor rachel reeves is warning hard pressed brits to brace themselves for more tax hikes after the labour party borrowed £3 billion extra in july to bankroll. guess what?
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pubuc july to bankroll. guess what? public sector pay rises now that could cost every british taxpayer £878 per year. and i'm going to be joined by paul durrant, a 78 year old grandad from blackpool who is now 18 days into a hunger strike over the state of broken britain, including illegal immigration, two tier justice and axing of two tierjustice and axing of the winter fuel cap. now paul said i am prepared to do this until i die. and later this hour he joins me in the studio . and he joins me in the studio. and we've got breaking news now. rescue divers have recovered two bodies from the superyacht that sank off sicily earlier this week. and they are the second and third victims of the shipwreck to be found. you can see there on your screen live pictures of what is now very much a recovery mission. no longer, it looks like a rescue mission. two bodies have been recovered from that yacht. we believe one of them is male. no formal identification yet. you
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can see there live pictures of one of those bodies tragically being carried into the back of an ambulance. this is breaking news from sicily. these pictures are live . and let's cross now to are live. and let's cross now to sicily and speak to gb news. reporter no, we don't have adam just yet. these are live pictures. as i said, this operation now into its third day and two bodies recovered , found and two bodies recovered, found inside that hull. the hull was breached this morning and a window was broken and divers were able to access inside. there were hopes that pockets of air may have allowed a miraculous survival of anybody trapped inside that hull of the £14 million superyacht, it now looks decreasingly likely. that is the case, as we are seeing here live pictures of two bodies being brought ashore. now all we know at present there are still four of the bodies missing. three have been recovered, a total of seven on board. that
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superyacht went missing. the bayesian and three have now been found. the ship's chef was the first to be found on the day of the tragic accident off the coast of sicily, and now , as we coast of sicily, and now, as we can see, two more bodies have been retrieved and are being brought ashore. we then have forensic tents are being taken into that for examination. the meticulous evidence gathering is now underway. now all these images are distressing, so i apologise if you find them distressing. this is a live crime scene. we are bringing these pictures as we speak. the recovery of two bodies from inside that superyacht and let's cross now. we do have sicily. we can speak to gb news reporter adam cherry, who is live on the scene. adam welcome to the show. when we spoke yesterday, the prospect of getting to survivors was looking vanishingly, looking
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like a vanishing chance. and it appears now , adam, that that has appears now, adam, that that has been borne through two bodies have been recovered . have been recovered. >> martin, you've just seen on your screens viewers at home in the last few minutes to these arrival on the shore being escorted into an ambulance here, emergency services personnel all lined up on the pier here. most of the vessels which have been out to sea all day long, have just returned to the shore. here, one of the largest has turned back the return to the wreckage above the wreckage. the rest are now, convertible. now, with those on the shore and negotiating the circumstances of the two bodies. unfortunately >> and what's happening here? we haven't had any form of identification yet. that, of course, will come in the fullness of time, but it is being announced on the global wires. the on pa two bodies have been found, one of them male
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adam. >> yeah. a male, a heavyset male. they're not saying any more than that at the moment, but it will come in the fullness of time. there are still four more missing people on that vessel. however, given the latest developments, given the speed with which they're now progressing through the vessel, using a more sophisticated, underwater drone that we now may, we could possibly see more developments very, very shortly . developments very, very shortly. as i say, the largest vessel has already returned back to the scene of the wreckage. so they are immediately resuming search efforts as i speak . efforts as i speak. >> and we know adam, of course, the about 50m of depth of water, great pressure and very challenging circumstances of this recovery mission because of course, the only way into the vessel was through hatches and that places the dive teams, the rescue teams themselves in quite a lot of peril and a short window. adam cherry of when
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they're able to be operative due to decompression . all of these to decompression. all of these circumstances made this a slow and meticulous recovery mission. but now, adam, it appears that thatis but now, adam, it appears that that is bearing some some grim evidence . evidence. >> yeah, that's right. they could only spend up to 12 minutes submerged before having to resurface. but i suspect the arrival of this sophisticated drone technology has massively sped up the search and rescue operation . now, indeed, the operation. now, indeed, the search and recovery operation have been of course, this ship sank very early in the morning, so most of those on board would have been asleep in their rooms. but the difficulty the divers also had was that the given that the ship was virtually intact on the ship was virtually intact on the water, underwater , lots of the water, underwater, lots of furniture was blocking the exits. it was very difficult for them to see into the vessel. the glass in the windows is very thick . they were having thick. they were having difficulty breaking it. all of that contributing to a very long
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search process. but now significant changes, i suspect, as i say with that, with that robot and now we can we can expect more very soon. >> and of course, the advantage , >> and of course, the advantage, the huge advantage, adam, of the underwater drone technology is that they don't have that human, weakness, if you like. i've only been able to stay underwater for a limited period of time. they'll be able to go into tight spaces. they'll be navigated from shore, no doubt by a human operator. and so that would would have allowed a much more forensic, detailed and in—depth analysis. and that in many senses, has hastened the point of us getting to this recovery stage. but it doesn't look any more, adam cherry, as there's much chance of anybody being found alive on this craft now. >> well, no , the last hope >> well, no, the last hope really was of air pockets. given the size of the ship keeping people, giving people enough air
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to last for at least another, maybe 12 hours or so from this morning. and of course, these developments would suggest that that hasn't been possible, with the air pockets, you know, it's always difficult because if the ship moves even slightly, that can affect those pockets and can accelerate their decline. so that may have been a contributing factor in why they were slower earlier on, because they didn't want to rock or damage the ship or affect the ship too much. as you say, martin, it's, not looking good at this point. >> and we do have i believe we can show them again, we have pictures, distressing images. so if you're going to be offended by this, just warning you. now we have images of those bodies being carried ashore just a very short while ago on the dockside there on sicily, you can see the bodies being carried ashore. just to repeat, if you're just tuning in, the recovery of two bodies from the superyacht
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bayocean, four bodies, four people still missing. those are those images there you can see inside what is a body bag, that was one of the bodies recovered from the hull being taken, as you can see, into the privacy of forensic tents and also into the back of an ambulance. and the process now will be one of a more formal identification. no doubt, that process will be now beginning. and just to repeat, four bodies, four people still missing, two bodies recovered, just now, and of course, one on the night of the incident itself. on the early morning of the incident, a total of three bodies now recovered, four still at large, and adam cherry now begins the process of the formal identification of those bodies. no doubt in a nearby medical facility . facility. >> yeah, as i say, we do know that one of those bodies recently discovered was a male ,
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recently discovered was a male, heavily set. not saying any more than that, of course, at the moment. wouldn't like to speculate on that . some of those speculate on that. some of those still missing or of the six still missing or of the six still missing, but we had mike lynch, the british businessman, his 18 year old daughter , a his 18 year old daughter, a lawyer from a very high profile lawyer from a very high profile law firm . but again, the details law firm. but again, the details on these two are not being readily released yet . for that readily released yet. for that matter, can also see behind me, beyond the large vessels out in the water above the wreckage, there is another smaller vessel which is just just beyond it. so they are still looking or exploring the vessel itself, but most are still at the shore, as you can see on your screens here. all of those boats have been out to sea all day. in fact, for the last three days, and they have now all the exception of 1 or 2 protection and just to repeat so the body of the yachts, kirk raicaldo thomas,
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that was located shortly after the vessel sank. >> and just to repeat here, one of two bodies now recovered from the vessel a short while ago. here, as you can see on your here, as you can see on your screen here, as you can see on your screen in sicily, has been described by authorities found by divers is a heavily built man that would fit the profile of mike lynch. but of course, no formal identification yet. no naming. we will now begin the process of the formal identification, which will understandably take some time, and that the process of that will be contacting relatives to let them know first before anything is publicly made. this is standard practice. and of course, then adam cherry, the search will continue in the super yachts. there are still four unaccounted for. >> yeah, and they're not wasting a second getting on with that. as i say, they are still out there right now as i speak. i can see them in front of me. the
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friends and family are also, nearby in a nearby village. this is just about ten miles east of palermo itself. this town, so it's, you know, everyone is still here. and once they are informed, i'm sure we'll find out more ourselves very, very quickly afterwards. but there is a formal process we have to go through here before any, any identifications are made public other than what we know already , other than what we know already, which is that one heavily built man has been found alongside another. so two bodies in total for, for still missing people in the vessel itself. >> and it's worth pointing out that mike lynch's wife, angela, she's 57. she survived this tragedy , so she will be watching tragedy, so she will be watching and waiting all of this with extreme trepidation, as we say, adam cherry. there now follows a formal and rigorous and time consuming process of formal identification and until that process is completed, there'll be no announcement to the press,
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thatis be no announcement to the press, that is the process. i think that's the right thing to do. we have to follow protocol. but as you said, adam cherry four still on that vessel or around that vessel ? four bodies, four people vessel? four bodies, four people still missing. and that search in tandem with the identification, will be carrying on as we speak. how busy is the area? so we can see a very , very area? so we can see a very, very busy, marina. shoreside activity there. numerous police officers, a large number of emergency service workers out at sea. adam, how how busy is the ongoing operation and what can you see? >> well, i can see one large vessel and then one smaller lifeboat just beyond it. maybe 20 or 30m further out to sea. the shore itself has become very, very busy in the last half. an hour or so as this news has emerged. it's been quiet all day today, quieter than yesterday when the news happened
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all at once, really very quickly. and as soon as people heard about it, they've obviously come straight to the shore, the pier. the pier, which is behind me. viewers can't see it, but you can see the end of it, but you can see the end of it, the footage on screen. that part has been , is now completely part has been, is now completely swarmed with emergency services personnel. again, that was relatively quiet throughout the day up until an hour ago when more vehicles arrived. saw a helicopter arrive as well. within the last 45 minutes, they went straight to the end of the pier, where you can see that what you're seeing on the screens moments. and so it's picking up very quickly and adam, in terms of that helicopter, we can hear on our pictures now, is that being used? >> is that being deployed as part of the rescue mission? is it forming like an aerial strategic overview, or is it ferrying divers from the shore to the location? how is that helicopter being used ? helicopter being used? >> so i think what you can hear actually there is not a helicopter that that it wasn't the helicopter. it was the boat,
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which is still there. and you can see on your screen it's one of the it's one of the propellers of the boat. the helicopter itself is 50m in the other direction, and it's , it's other direction, and it's, it's currently stationary. so they're not using that at the moment. but what they do is every hour or so they send it out and send it around the perimeter of the area. so we may see that again soon, but at the moment it's, it's staying still . it's staying still. >> and i wonder if people are just tuning in, if we can just show those earlier images once again and to warn you, they are distressing. this is of a body being carried into an ambulance an earlier recovery as we there it is now the pictures. so two bodies have recently been recovered from the yacht of the hull of that superyacht. you can see one there being carried ashore. it's a body bag being carried ashore by emergency service workers into what appears to be like a set of forensic tent. and then there's adjacent to that is the back of
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an open waiting ambulance, we assume that the body will then be put in that ambulance after a while of it being examined, will be taken off to a nearby medical facility, and then the process of a formal identification will begin. and as adam cherry said, the friends and family of the survivors are in the area in a village nearby. they'll be watching all of this and thinking that it could be, you know, the beginnings of a very, very bad news, pointing out again, mike lynch's wife, angela, 57, she survived this tragedy, this typhoon, that tornado that tore into the ship and appeared to have capsized it. its super sized mass may have been a factor. we understood as well. did we not, adam cherry, that the portholes on the boat on the yacht were open because it was a balmy, warm evening, and that may have hastened it sinking ? hastened it sinking? >> yeah. this is part of the investigation. it's one of the theories, leading theories at
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theories, leading theories at the moment. of course, more will emerge in time. the moment. of course, more will emerge in time . but because it emerge in time. but because it was . a. elianne and it's typical was. a. elianne and it's typical to have that to do that whilst they're open and this waterspout unexpectedly emerged, it sent a gust of water into the vessel and that's why it sunk so quickly. other vessels in the immediate area perhaps have theirs closed. this is why they they survive that , so yeah, it's they survive that, so yeah, it's there are now four british investigators are conducting preliminary investigations. preliminary investigation . but preliminary investigation. but we don't know much more than that at the moment because those british investigators only arrived today. and of course, the priority at the moment has been focusing on the missing people . people. >> and there was also some extraordinary footage, adam, of the marina, where there were many, many other boats and many, many, many other boats and many, many other craft that appeared to be largely unaffected by this
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very localised tornado. so again, in a sense, spectacularly , again, in a sense, spectacularly, unlikely accident just to hit this one vessel. >> yeah. i mean, i'm looking in front of me. there are hundreds upon hundreds of boats here. it's a very common area to dock. so it is what's being known as a warm event, something that in retrospect appears obvious. you know, keep those hatches closed in case of an emergency. but something like this is so, so rare that you just don't think of those things. the captain of the ship, it was an experienced captain , you know, clocked up captain, you know, clocked up lots of miles on the ocean . so lots of miles on the ocean. so it's not as if this is through, through negligence. it appears it does just seem like a horrendous bad luck and misfortune. unfortunately >> and yesterday on the show, adam, we spoke to doctor simon boxall. he's an oceanographer at
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the university of southampton. he was a consultant during the titan submarine disaster. and yesterday he said to me even then, 24 hours ago, that with then, 24 hours ago, that with the depths, the temperature of the depths, the temperature of the water, the high pressure, the water, the high pressure, the fact that that would have on anybody that may still be alive, and also as we kept saying, the hope that there were air pockets that were able to fuel and help people that may be alive on there to survive, they would have been depleted, no idea of their size . although he pointed their size. although he pointed out this is a very, very substantially sized vessel, it's not a yacht in a sort of in the sense of one that we'd understand from seeing around the shores of britain, a super yacht. so a good sized vessel that people could easily walk underneath in the hull in may have contained large pockets of air. but with the deployment with the breaking of windows and the sending of drones inside, adam combing meticulously for evidence, you'd think if there
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was any good news, that good news would have been released . news would have been released. >> so, michael, i should say i see what's in front of me now. the two vessels, which were out to sea and have been throughout the duration of our conversation today, they're now returning to the shore as well. one of them, i can see one lifeboat containing maybe 8 to 10 emergency services workers, is approaching the shore as i speak. you know , labour seat on speak. you know, labour seat on your screen. shortly they arrived on the shore. it's heading directly towards us, along with it's being tailed by the larger vessel, although that's not coming into shore itself yet. you see it just there. that's live right now. thatis there. that's live right now. that is coming straight towards the emergency services at the shore, who are all still gathered . the ambulance gathered. the ambulance containing the body bag of one of the discovered, victims is still on the shore. it hasn't moved yet, so we will see what happens with this boat as it arrives at the shore imminently.
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the other vessel is still actually, it appears, staying out to sea at the moment, although it may come in shortly . although it may come in shortly. >> and, adam cherry, you're on the location there in sicily. that vessel that we now see coming ashore was that one of the vessels that was actually above the vessel, the sunken superyacht? this would this would be one of the vessels that's been involved in the direct search and rescue mission . direct search and rescue mission. >> i believe so, yeah, yeah. so all day long, vessels like that and a few larger ones, they were all around the wreckage . and all around the wreckage. and they are now, as you can see, arriving back to shore. but yeah, yeah , this was one of them yeah, yeah, this was one of them 100%. this was one of them, one of the smaller ones which had been patrolling the area since early this morning . it was out early this morning. it was out to sea. it has now returned to shore. and yeah, it does. it looks like the larger one will remain outside of the shore. will remain at sea for now. it's turning again as i speak. i
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think it was just escorting this one. >> so we may. well find that the larger vessel above the sunken superyacht. that's the one that the divers are going up and down from. that's the one. that's if you like the air side point of contact for this underwater rescue mission with the drones, with divers as they go down this vessel here coming ashore now presumably will be bringing something from that yacht ashore. perhaps we saw a short while ago. that's precisely what happened. let's see what is offloaded from this vessel. if anything, there are 4 or 5 emergency service workers there. they appear to be passing things up to waiting emergency workers, ambulance workers . looks of it. ambulance workers. looks of it. diving equipment being passed up. i can't see any evidence of another body on this vessel. it looks like they're just putting their oxygen tanks ashore. perhaps for. yeah. >> martin, it looks like equipment at the moment. it
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looks like equipment. i can't see anything other than that at this stage. yeah, as i say, the other vessel has now turned around and looks like it's heading back out to sea. but that would be the only one. so all the small, all the smaller boats are now ashore. as far as i can see here. >> and a routine part of any operation like this, adam cherry would be the divers coming ashore to recuperate. they're under high pressure . that's why under high pressure. that's why they're only allowed to go down for 12 minutes because of the compression, fatigue and the effects of that underwater experience. and so they'd be coming ashore to here get their tanks replenished, because this is very much still alive. recovery and rescue mission for bodies still down there. adam. so this is very much a live rescue mission. we can see here. >> yeah, you can see them up loading, unloading equipment there as we speak. so that appears to be what's happening. you can see tanks, you can see diving equipment . so they are diving equipment. so they are replenishing that. now i would
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expect i don't know but i would expect i don't know but i would expect that they or perhaps another boat will turn around and head back out to the sea shortly, they're now just heading towards the back of the emergency services vehicle and the tent, which has been set up. so that's what you're seeing here. the tents and the convoy that's been there since monday. it's grown since then, but it was relatively quiet throughout today until the last hour. as i say, when multiple new ambulances, the helicopter we discussed earlier that all arrived almost immediately. as soon as the news began to break. and adding to the convoy here. >> and within those tents there that would become now like an onshore mission hq , that onshore mission hq, that equipment, they'd be spares and suppues equipment, they'd be spares and supplies all in there. so as we can see from these live pictures, the equipment being ferried ashore, no doubt being replenished and or replaced or serviced in those tents to then go back out to continue what is
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very much a live recovery mission. we can see medics and all sorts of emergency staff there, police, local forces out there, police, local forces out there waiting to assist anybody who may come ashore in distress and that they're hoping. of course they're praying as as everybody watching. certainly the families. there may be some slim chance of survivors coming ashore, but it has to be said adam. every expert we've spoken to on gb news now with with any experience, thinks that the chances of anybody surviving this long underwater is vanishingly small . vanishingly small. >> it is. it is. i mean, there are examples throughout history , are examples throughout history, throughout recent history of survivors, of similar scenarios. one one man surviving for four days in an air pocket underwater. of course, we're now on the third here, so it's not totally out of the question. although given the last of the news, of course we will be less optimistic about that . it's not
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optimistic about that. it's not unprecedented . unprecedented. >> and if you're joining us now, just a quick update of the images you can see on your screen, in the last 20 minutes, we've seen footage of a body being brought ashore from that sunken superyacht, the bayesian and two bodies we've just learned in the last half hour have been recovered a short while ago. of course , one body while ago. of course, one body was recovered, at the time of the shortly after the boat being sank. that was the yacht's cook, ricardo thomas, the only information that's been released pertaining to the two most recent bodies recovered by the authorities, is that one of them is a heavily built man, now, that would fit the profile of mike lynch, but that hasn't been confirmed. that is his is him, we know now a more formal process of identification will be underway . and as adam cherry
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be underway. and as adam cherry pointed out there, the family, the friends of those who are available and around the area or in a village nearby, and that includes, tragically, the wife of mike lynch, 57, angela, who survived this tragedy and now the news that no wife, no family member wants to get could be coming nearer as the identification process now commences, adam. >> yeah, that can take time . >> yeah, that can take time. don't forget the chef was only identified yesterday publicly, but the body was discovered almost immediately on monday. so there's a 24 hour gap there. you might expect the same here. we don't know precisely, but it's not an instant process. it can take time. they have to, as you say . we know they're staying say. we know they're staying nearby , so they will be told nearby, so they will be told first. that's important, but as i say, it can take a while for this to reach us. >> and, adam, there's just a
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small piece of information now coming out on associated press and that is the two bodies that were found inside one of the vessel's cabins were between two mattresses. so it appears, one of the theories is that because this happened at night time, people would have been in the early hours and the people would have been on board, most likely in bed. and if the theory of the yacht very rapidly capsizing, perhaps due to its extraordinarily high mass at the time of its manufacture, had the world's tallest mass. i understand, on a superyacht, and also because it was a very warm , also because it was a very warm, balmy evening, the portholes. again a theory may have been open, which may have exacerbated and increased this craft sinking. it now appears the information coming out, sinking. it now appears the information coming out , the two information coming out, the two bodies recovered, says here were found inside one of the vessel's cabins between two mattresses and adam cherry that level of
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detail would have been much easier to ascertain. now we know that sophisticated, high tech underwater drones would have been able to go inside that vessel after a window was breached earlier this morning, window was smashed. we understand, and these drones were able to go inside and comb it for information. and once that information has been gathered, then the humans will be deployed as it were, because we have this 12 minute window. adam cherry , where they have to adam cherry, where they have to go down and get up pretty quickly because of the pressure and the effect on their bodies. so a combination of high tech drones and then a human recovery team, that's the most likely events here that is what is giving us this information. and tragically, two bodies. adam cherry . cherry. >> yeah. the drones have obviously made a massive difference here. they were using
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a less sophisticated a simpler model yesterday. we understand. and it was only today that they deployed a newer and more high tech drone, which can stay underwater longer. it can go to a greater depth. and when we presume as you say, martin, that they've used this as the reconnaissance as it is and then once they have a better understanding of what's inside and which to go to and where to look, then they deploy the divers who can only stay in underwater for 12 minutes. and that includes the descent and the ascent. so it's even less than that in terms of being down under the water. >> and that indicates the combination of high tech non—human devices. these drones would have been able to go inside that hull and meticulously search almost like an underwater endoscopy. if you like searching the nooks and the crannies of this submerged craft .
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crannies of this submerged craft. a sizeable craft, of course, as we said , so big enough for we said, so big enough for a person to walk underneath the deck on the hull, person to walk underneath the deck on the hull , that gave a deck on the hull, that gave a lot of hope. you can see the we can see on the screen now, some of the high tech drones, underwater devices, which would be lowered down, you can see they're being operated by a man looks like from his mobile phone. so controlling that underwater like a mini submarine you can see on your screens now that will be sent down. it's on a cable there on its power source, 50m depth, of course. so that would be going down on that 50 metre cable, and via a human floating on that inflatable raft, you can see above the sides of the of the sunk yachts, the bayesian would be then going down. and where there are entry points , which of course would be points, which of course would be established via the drone, or maybe a human who'd been down and have made an entry point. we heard earlier on adam cherry that the window had been smashed ,
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that the window had been smashed, to create an entry point. that device you can see on your screens now would have been sent inside you can see it has, full has like a grip on front to help it move things around because there'd be a lot of debris underwater. bear in mind, this was a very hastily upended craft, so this would be like a sort of 3d, fast moving, very laborious and difficult underwater set of chambers to navigate. and adam cherry, that's precisely why it was so difficult for humans to do this alone, because all of those factors, we just we just mentioned, there will be very time consuming. and of course, that eating into that precious 12 minute window that any human diver would have had . diver would have had. >> yeah, that's the point. part of the issue, as you just described, is the furnishings inside the vessel being capsized and blocking entranceways also, the thickness of the glass for those watching on television will have seen the, the robot that would that we they eventually used to smash the
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window and get into the vessel three centimetres thick we believe very very thick glass and that made it difficult for the divers to break into the vessel without causing damage in a way that might actually affect the air pockets or compromise the air pockets or compromise the ship in other ways. i should just say, as i've been standing here, a helicopter has just flown over again and it looks like the largest vessel, the largest coast guard vessel, which escorted the lifeboat to the shore, has now resumed its sentry position just above the wreckage itself. it's no longer moving, so one will presume that the investigation search mission is now continuing . is now continuing. >> and the second craft we can see on our screen here, the coastguard craft there, the orange craft that came ashore a short while ago that was filled with, equipment, oxygen tanks, diving tanks, of course, that will be replenished in that tented area behind us there. and that tent you can see at the back of the image there that
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about 20 minutes ago that was where, the body bag was carried into. we haven't seen it come out of that yet. the ambulance was waiting the whole period. so i'm assuming now that body will be being looked at by medical professionals in that white tent that the forensic tent you can see there, this begins the lengthy and painstaking period of identifying the deceased . and of identifying the deceased. and just to repeat, if you're joining us, the only information that's been released by the authorities, two bodies have been found , one male and heavily been found, one male and heavily built, a heavily built man at that. so we know that four more, people are still missing at present. two just brought ashore. and of course, the yacht's cook, ricardo thomas, was was located shortly after the vessel sank. and once that equipment has been replenished, of course this will be very much an ongoing live recovery mission
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that will go out there with fresh equipment for the divers and as we just saw fascinating pictures a moment ago, if we can get those back on again of the high tech drone, the underwater drone that's being sent down from a vessel floating on the surface directly above the sunken hull of the superyacht bayesian. the £30 million yacht that capsized, of course, in a tornado, off the coast of sicily. you can see there that's the device that's been the real breakthrough it appears in this looks like a recovery mission now. less of a rescue mission . now. less of a rescue mission. sophisticated electronic device sent down, operated. you can see there via a mobile phone. incredible. that can be plugged into a phone, as you can with a drone that goes in the air. so you plug your phone into it. you can see via the sophisticated cameras you can see on your phone what that drone can see underwater . and that would allow underwater. and that would allow the man on that boat there to use joysticks in 3d, as you
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would with a drone going in the air to send it to down the, the craft, the bayesian to try and get a vantage point where the hull had been breached. we know we've heard that maybe some of the portholes were left open. that's a potential entry point. the craft that, drone is quite sizeable, though. it's quite a big little unit . so that maybe big little unit. so that maybe would have gone into the window. we understood was was smashed. this morning a vantage point. the hull was breached. and as adam sherry said there the glass very pressure proof, very thick. three centimetre glass. it would take some force, particularly underwater, to be able to break glass like that. that drone would have gone inside the vessel and the grim discoveries that we're now finding out as information trickles out to us was that that drone, it appears the two bodies that were discovered were found inside one of the vessel's cabins between two mattresses. now obviously, a
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lot of movement can go on underwater, but that does fit with one of the theories that because this happened at night time, in the early hours of the morning, people on board were most likely in bed asleep, and the tornado whipped in with, with huge ferocity and huge speed. it most likely would have taken everybody by great surprise, and they may have been asleep at the time, and the boat was very quickly capsized. by the looks of it, that may have beenin the looks of it, that may have been in part due to its incredibly tall mass. the theory that once it was rocking in the water that upended it, coupled that with the portholes being opened, then water would be able to ingress very quickly into that craft. it would have gone down with great rapidity if that is the case, that's the working theory a lot of experts have been telling us, and at that point it appears that the bodies were that have now been found were that have now been found were found in those cabins. most likely, that sits with the
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theory that this happened very quickly and at night time. so just a quick summary in case you're joining us now, you're seeing live pictures on your screen onshore at sicily, at the marina , at the nearest vantage marina, at the nearest vantage point to the recovery mission of the bayesian. that's the superyacht, we know that mike lynch, the british tech billionaire , was on board. seven billionaire, was on board. seven were missing, mike lynch and his daughter hannah are two of them. mike. mike's wife, angela, 57. she miraculously survived . three she miraculously survived. three bodies have now been recovered. the straight after. soon after the ship went down, the yacht went down. ricardo thomas, the chef's cook , was recovered and chef's cook, was recovered and round about 35 minutes ago. we saw live pictures here on gb news of a search and rescue vessel coming ashore and the grim cargo on board was one body bag carried into that tent
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behind you. two bodies recovered from that yacht around about 30 minutes all of the
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news. welcome back to the show. it's 342 now to bring you up to date with the latest developments. as you can see now, live pictures on your screen to fill you in. two bodies have been recovered from the super yacht basin off the coast of sicily in this past 45 minutes, the only information that's been released by the authorities is that one of the bodies is male and heavily built. no formal identification yet. the body. we saw a short while ago was carried into that forensic tent. you can see there at the top right of your picture and we assume now that the body is being examined and the
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beginnings of an identification process will be underway. and we just found out a piece, extra piece of information, that the two bodies were recovered from one of the ship's cabins and they were between mattresses very much fitting with the theory that this happened quickly happened at night time, when the passengers , almost all when the passengers, almost all of them, would have been in their cabins asleep, and the boat, the yacht, capsized. it appears quickly , the windows may appears quickly, the windows may have been left open. the portholes open so it filled with water quickly. the water ingress went down very quickly and we saw a short moment ago equipment being brought to shore to be replenished. this is very much still an ongoing search and recovery mission . it looks more recovery mission. it looks more like a search and recovery as opposed to search and rescue , opposed to search and rescue, because four more bodies are still missing , we're assuming still missing, we're assuming down on that vessel , and it's down on that vessel, and it's been meticulously and
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methodically , swept now by methodically, swept now by underwater drones and also divers who are able to go down in that precious 12 minute window they have now. we can bnng window they have now. we can bring a local journalist in there, and that's a journalist at the gianola de sicilia, and that's david ferreira. thank you for joining us, david. so we can forjoining us, david. so we can see live pictures on our screen here. the images no doubt that none of the friends or family would be wanting to see. we understand that they are in a nearby village. two bodies in the last 45 minutes have been brought ashore . brought ashore. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> the, two bodies of six missing people. >> were recovered by by the divers . and the victims are, divers. and the victims are, have not yet been identified, but now they they were taken ashore as we can as we can see, the bodies were in a passenger cabin behind furniture and
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mattresses that locked the door. >> so the recovery was, really difficult . and one, as you said , difficult. and one, as you said, is, one of the bodies is a male body. is, one of the bodies is a male body . and so now we are waiting body. and so now we are waiting for , of course, for updates and for, of course, for updates and maybe the body will we will, be, see to for, by . the, sorry, we see to for, by. the, sorry, we will be see by the, the 15 people that are in in the hotel, to, understand which , which, to, understand which, which, which are the, the victim and for, for now, we are waiting for updates . so, it's all
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for, for now, we are waiting for updates. so, it's all on on the end of the coastguard and of the fire fighting, of course , of the fire fighting, of course, of the magistrates. that's the are, now on on the place with the, with the, police and also guard coast and david, may i ask you about the interactions of the emergency services, the police, the coastguard have had with the media, >> in the united kingdom , we'd >> in the united kingdom, we'd be much more used to being regularly briefed . the press regularly briefed. the press would be told what the latest was on the rescue mission. that hasn't happened in this instance, and so when do we think we're likely to hear a substantive report from the police or the authorities to the media, >> you know, the moment, we don't have a lot of information because the dialogue between , us
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because the dialogue between, us journalists and the authority is not, really, really good because they they are waiting for, the bodies that, will be, seen, to the by the, the 15 people in the hotel. so for now , i think maybe hotel. so for now, i think maybe in an hour we could have some updates. but, magistrate is for now preferred that, the dialogue between journalists and authority and, stay in standby , authority and, stay in standby, so now we are waiting, a the it's a really difficult , so now we are waiting, a the it's a really difficult, moment. so, for now, we, we know, only the about the, the recovered ,
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the about the, the recovered, and that's it. and we are waiting, of course, for, for updates . and we are waiting also updates. and we are waiting also news from some lawyers , but i news from some lawyers, but i think maybe in, in an hour, some new updates can come. can end up we've just seen a statement from salvino casino. >> he's the director of sicily. sicily's civil protection agency issued a short statement saying on behalf of myself and my colleagues, i would like to express my deepest sympathy to the families of the victims and express our condolences to them at this difficult time, and i guess now, david, we can see on our screens now the forensic tent, that's where we saw that body bag carried into around about 50 minutes ago. now, 45 minutes ago. so the deceased
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body will be in there and this is where the identification process begins. they've set up i'm assuming they're like a an onshore headquarters, an emergency operations hq and the body at present is inside that tent. what do you think happens next? the ambulance is waiting there. will the body be be taken to a morgue? a laboratory for proper forensic analysis, >> i think that the body will remain, there and maybe, some of the 15 passengers, could , go go the 15 passengers, could, go go there. of course , but it's there. of course, but it's something that, obviously is in everything in, you know, evolution. so we are waiting, i don't want to say something more , don't want to say something more, but i think that maybe the, the bodies , we will stay there for
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bodies, we will stay there for the moment , bodies, we will stay there for the moment, so, in an hour, i think we will have some something more, some some updates. the only thing that i can say now that is that , of can say now that is that, of course, the magistrate is, is coming , so, course, the magistrate is, is coming, so, more of details and of course, of, what will be happen next, depends on magistrates. they they will, they will decide, where the bodies, have to have to go or if the bodies have to , to, to be the bodies have to, to, to be stay to, to stay there and maybe someone from the hotel , can go
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someone from the hotel, can go can go there with police. of course , to, understand, which course, to, understand, which person is, is there which which bodies? is and is on the. >> david, may i ask you , so it's >> david, may i ask you, so it's approaching 5:00 in the afternoon in sicily. now, how much daylight do we have left? because every minute of course, is precious. but this mission doesit is precious. but this mission does it continue through the night to your knowledge, or is it a recovery and rescue mission that's dependent on daylight? how much? because of course, there are still four bodies down there. how much rescue operation do you think we can expect to see for the rest of today? >> okay , for example, yesterday , >> okay, for example, yesterday, the operation, go through the night, for example. so maybe after this first goal that the authorities reached the divers
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reach and maybe something could be, could be, happen also in dunng be, could be, happen also in during the night. so i think that maybe diver, will be, will prove some new, operation , maybe prove some new, operation, maybe in two hours. for example, yesterday when operation was at, 18, at 6 pm. sorry. and maybe a second one during the night, for example, at 11 pm, 11 pm. yesterday there, there was, the last operation. so, it's something that could happen. of course . course. >> so, i mean, that that's a crumb of comfort there. if they're able to work into the
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hours of darkness, we saw some very sophisticated equipment there. these underwater drones , there. these underwater drones, no doubt, because they would usually be operating in very low visibility. so they they'd have the ability to see in darkness, via infrared or 3d imagery. so, so the operation can continue into the night. >> yeah. yeah there is also a robot. there, that is a really high technological robot. and they have lights, of course. that can help the operation dunng that can help the operation during the night. and of course, is more difficult. than the first operation in, in the morning . in the afternoon, but morning. in the afternoon, but i think that, the, the firefighters and the divers, the divers will, will do a last operation during the night. okay. as i said during the 11:00
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pm. okay. >> okay . david ferreira, we have >> okay. david ferreira, we have to leave it there. thank you very much. now we'll have a full update on this story after the break. two bodies have been recovered this past hour from the super yacht basin. full details on that. after your . weather. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> hi there. it's time for the latest forecast from the met office for gb news. wet and windy, increasingly so in the northwest overnight, drier elsewhere and for all of us it will be a relatively mild, if not warm night to come. a couple of low pressure systems heading our way. the one to the south contains the remnants from ex—hurricane ernesto no longer a hurricane, but containing a lot of the tropical moisture and
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that moisture , resulting in that moisture, resulting in a lot of rainfall across northwestern parts overnight, especially western scotland, where there's a rain warning in force because of the risk in places of 100 to 150mm of rain, especially west highland and skye. risk of localised flooding. additionally increasingly strong winds will affect irish sea coastal areas, the hills of northern england and southern scotland, and some higher routes as well could be affected by those winds. first thing to the woods of southeast largely dry overnight and during the morning on thursday, if rather cloudy by this stage, the rain is pushing into northern england, wales and the southwest, but it's clearing from scotland and northern ireland. brighter skies follow, albeit with a scattering of showers into western scotland, northern and western parts of northern ireland interspersed by sunny spells. so a brighter day to come for scotland and northern ireland. sunny spells and showers england and wales. meanwhile again, a lot of cloud cover but this time with the band of rain sinking southeast,
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fizzling out as it pushes into the southeast. so light intermittent rain more than heavy and persistent wet weather. but it's going to feel cool with the breeze continuing into thursday afternoon. sunny spells to begin the evening across central parts, but increasingly cloudy and increasingly cloudy and increasingly wet weather arrives from the west once again , and from the west once again, and unsettled night and early friday before that all clears to sunny spells and showers for the weekend. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers , sponsors of boxt boilers, sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> good afternoon to you. it's 4 pm. and welcome to the martin daubney show on gb news broadcasting live from the heart of westminster all across the uk. on today's show, the grim discovery live pictures on your
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screen now. two more bodies have been found in the search for six missing people as divers search the underwater wreck of the super yachts. and that means that five have now been found. in total, four have been found this afternoon. added to the previous discovery of the ship's cook. so that's five have now been found. and how likely is it that others will be found alive? or are we hoping for a miracle? two more bodies still missing and a delivery driver who was just doing his job has been killed while trying to stop his van from being stolen. a manhunt is underway for his thieving attacker and will be live from leeds, with the latest on that story . and the home secretary, story. and the home secretary, yvette cooper, has promised to deport 14,000 illegal immigrants and foreign criminals by the end of the year. but with over 19,000 arriving via dinghies so far this year alone, and with
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well over 1 far this year alone, and with well over1 million already in britain, is this once again the government talking tough in the face of an immigration crisis? it simply cannot stop . it simply cannot stop. thanks for joining it simply cannot stop. thanks forjoining me on the thanks for joining me on the show. always a pleasure to have your company. so the top story four bodies have now been recovered. this afternoon from the sunken superyacht and the news i'm hoping to be joined. you can see now live pictures on your screen. two bodies were found about an hour ago. we've just learned another two bodies have been brought ashore. that bnngs have been brought ashore. that brings the recovery of five bodies. now in total, there were seven originally missing that i think, means that there are now just two unaccounted for in that white forensic tent at the top of your pictures there. that's where we saw one body being taken. the information released was a heavily built male that
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would fit the profile of mike lynch, but no detail, no formal identification yet, given that will be now painstakingly taking part as the hours roll forward. the full development on this story throughout the rest of the show. get in touch on other points. do you believe yvette cooper on net immigration being brought down? plus, i'll be joined in the studio shortly by paul durrant , a man, paul durrant, a man, a grandfather from blackpool who's heroically entered into his 18th day of a hunger strike over what he thinks is a broken britain. get into gb news. com forward slash your say. but now it's your headlines with cameron walker . walker. >> good afternoon. it's 4:02. i'm cameron walker here in the gb newsroom. and as you've been heanng gb newsroom. and as you've been hearing divers have recovered four bodies this afternoon. out of the six missing following the sinking of the luxury yacht off
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the coast of sicily. these are live pictures from the area. another body that was recovered shortly after the vessel sank on monday has already been identified as ricardo thomas, meaning the death toll so far this afternoon is five. one of the bodies found today is quote, and i quote, a heavily built man that coming from sources in sicily, the boat , owned by the sicily, the boat, owned by the wife of british tech entrepreneur mike lynch, was carrying 22 passengers and crew and was anchored off the port of porticello near palermo , when it porticello near palermo, when it capsized during a storm on monday . police have launched monday. police have launched a murder investigation after a delivery driver was involved in a collision during an attempted theft of his van. west yorkshire police says officers were called shortly before 7 pm. yesterday following reports of a man found seriously injured in wortley in leeds. officers found the victim unconscious. he was given emergency treatment but was pronounced dead at the scene a short time later. police say the victim, who is in his 40s, had
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delivered a package to an address about half a mile away at 6:45 pm. and had returned to his van to find a man attempting to steal it. when he tried to stop the offender, he drove off at speed with the victim, only partly in the passenger door of the vehicle . a murder the vehicle. a murder investigation has been launched after four people, including three children, died in a house fire in bradford in the early hours of this morning. officers were called just after 2:00 by the fire service to reports of a house fire at a property on westbury road. a 29 year old woman was pronounced dead at the scene. two girls, aged nine and one and a five year old boy were taken to hospital, but all three have now died from their injuries. a 39 year old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder and was taken to hospital with critical injuries. neighbour lindsay pearson described what she saw. >> we looked out the window and we just saw a big flame, like the sky was all lit up. it was
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like thunder and lightning, but everybody was just so upset, you know . know. >> the home office has outlined plans to tackle illegal immigration, including deploying 100 new intelligence officers to target people smuggling gangs. the home secretary has announced the new measures to boost britain's security and to target , britain's security and to target, dismantle and disrupt organised immigration crime networks. yvette cooper also outlines the government has new plans for the next six months to achieve the highest rate of removals . of highest rate of removals. of those who don't have the right to be in the uk , including to be in the uk, including failed asylum seekers. as part of its plan, the government says it will reopen immigration removal centres in hampshire and oxfordshire, adding 290 beds. the conservatives have said labour were not serious about tackling the people smugglers or stopping the boats . a pakistani stopping the boats. a pakistani web developer is facing a criminal charge over claims he helped spread misinformation about the accused southport
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attacker. documents shared exclusively with gb news showed that 32 year old farah asif has been charged with cyber terrorism after false claims quickly spread online that the that the suspects suspects even accused of killing the three young girls in southport , was a young girls in southport, was a muslim immigrant to the uk. pakistani police say that asif claims he is not the original source of the false information, but reposted it on social media. a £3.1 million uk government's package to tackle mpox will ultimately benefit all of us, according to the african minister. on a visit to the biomedical institute in the democratic republic of the congo. minister for africa lord collins pledged the money to prevent the spread of the disease, previously known as monkeypox. according to the world health organisation , world health organisation, around 15,000 cases of mpox have been detected in the drc this yean been detected in the drc this year, with 500 deaths reported. the world health organisation declared an upsurge of mpox cases in the drc. a public
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health emergency of international concern, it was announced last week . official announced last week. official figures show the rising cost of pubuc figures show the rising cost of public services and benefits caused government borrowing last month to surge on the year before borrowing hit £3.1 billion last month, around £18 billion last month, around £18 billion more than in july last yeah billion more than in july last year. the increase means borrowing has hit its highest level for the month since 2021. the office for national statistics also revealed the uk's national debt remained at its highest level since the early 1960s, and european brown bears are bongo and red billed hornbill have been measured today during the annual weigh in at whipsnade zoo in bedfordshire. it's an important part of their care, keeping track of the creatures vital statistics, helping zoo keepers and vets keep track of the health and wellbeing of all the animals at the conservation zoo. well, those are your latest gb news headlines for now. i'm
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cameron walker. more in half an hour for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code or go to forward slash alerts . forward slash alerts. >> thank you cameron. now we have some breaking news for you now and it's not good news. the daily telegraph say that the bodies found on the sicily yacht include the british tech entrepreneur mike lynch and his daughter, and they're citing the sicily civil protection chief. the rescue divers have recovered another two bodies from the superyacht as well that sank off sicily earlier this week. and that makes five bodies in total found that was four bodies recovered today and we're just learning in these last few moments. that includes the bodies of mike lynch and his
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daughter. the fifth body found on the in the early hours when the yachts went down was the chef of the yacht. five bodies now in total have been recovered . now in total have been recovered. that means that two are still outstanding . and that search and outstanding. and that search and rescue mission. as you can see, search and recovery mission now very much ongoing. two more unaccounted for now. now is the meteorologist jim dale, who also served in the royal navy as forecaster to warn the captain of weather related issues. jim welcome to the show. under grim circumstances, the breaking news just in. mike lynch reported and his daughter are among two of the four bodies recovered today, jim, in terms of the climate, the conditions, the tornado, how it would have impacted the ship, the information that's coming out now appears to show have been reported that the two bodies were recovered from . two bodies were recovered from. two of the bodies were recovered
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from the master bedroom of this craft. in terms of a tornado striking a craft like this. jim, in your experience, it would have been a very, very rapid onslaught. >> yeah. good afternoon martin. >> yeah. good afternoon martin. >> there's a few things running here, first of all, in terms of my own side background, i do investigate, occurrences like this for the police, for coroners and others as part of my, my day job. little known. but that's that's what i do. i go to court and i try to explain these weather type situations, and obviously not involved in this one at this moment in time. >> but certainly this has got meteorology written all over it as far as the waterspouts were concerned, because it was a waterspout rather than a tornado. but a couple of clues for you here that are coming out now. and the first one of those is that the day itself, there was apparently reported something like 19 waterspouts within the local area. >> now, you know, if you're the captain of that of that
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particular yacht, if you're in charge of that yacht, you've got to be concerned with this. you've got to be concerned that that this is a very unstable situation. and anchoring in, in a harbour, out to sea slightly rather than in the port would have put them more at risk than being in the port itself. that's that's for sure . so that's the that's for sure. so that's the first thing to say. >> now, the second thing to say in terms of the, the moment of impact, some of the people who survived thankfully survived seem to get an early warning in terms of the noise, in terms of the kerfuffle, if you like, the waves, etc, rearing up as this as this particular, waterspout came towards them. >> so thankfully they, they had their wits about them to , to, to their wits about them to, to, to get to the right position and to to, eventually survive those that are being found in sadly being found in their cabins now obviously did not remember this is early in the morning so they would have been asleep more
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likely . and you know, you've got likely. and you know, you've got to act very quickly in these circumstances and certainly with no degree of panic , because no degree of panic, because that's the last thing you need to do. so this is an unfortunate incident, but i'm going to use one word now that might be put forward in the future. and that is potential negligence, in terms of why that particular yacht was where it was in such an unstable weather situation . an unstable weather situation. >> and, jim, we just saw some incredible pictures of the sophisticated underwater drones that were deployed from the surface by a dive team, coupled with their mobile phone. as, as you know, you can do for a drone that goes in the air 50m of depth, they'd have been sent down to that vessel. the eyes and ears on the surface, sending them down. and at that point we discovered jim , that once the discovered jim, that once the vessel had been breached by force, we understand this morning, then the drone could go in because, of course, there was a very, very short period of 12
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minutes window due to the compression effects on the divers where they where a human would be able to operate. so a real breakthrough in this recovery, jim, would have been the deployment of those high tech devices. >> yeah, we obviously modern technology has made this this particular, this particular operation happen, >> and just by the by, by the fact you're actually saying, you know, divers can get 12 minutes. it's really sad to say. but what we're seeing at the moment in terms of the recovery of the bodies was almost inevitable. i know it's not not the right thing to say, until those bodies are actually recovered. but, you know, when i was in the navy and you know, certain occurrences that i saw when bodies when bodies, when i say bodies, when people went into the water, whether they were contained in a, in a, in a, in a boat, in a helicopter or something else, your survival, your survival chances there diminish by the minute, never mind the hour. so two and a half days later, you know, we're into the position now where it's bodies that have been recovered rather than anything else. and that's the inevitability. but it's good
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that we, you know , that they are that we, you know, that they are being recovered, and the modern technology is actually working because in my day in the navy, that would not have been the that would not have been the case. it would have been a long haul case. it would have been a long haul. and perhaps some of those bodies would never have been found. we've been there before. the seas are very dangerous place, and we got to pay respect to it. i go back to where i started with this in terms of saying, yeah , maybe, maybe, and saying, yeah, maybe, maybe, and we'll find out when the investigation starts to occur that, you know, the apparatus on the yacht itself, for example, would have been, you know, very goodin would have been, you know, very good in terms of mapping the weather, what was going on, the question remains is, was it looked at was the radar looked for at these particular storms, getting close to them ? so getting close to them? so questions remain. >> but the point you're flagging there, jim, is in your experience, if it was your job, if it was your duty to be watching the weather, you'd be watching the weather, you'd be watching not just the local, the local weather. but as you said, the weather in the surrounding area throughout the entire 24 hours proceeding. you're saying to us that there were 19 such waterspouts in the area and
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you're you're saying that that perhaps should have been a red flag to the captain, red flag there would be taking local warnings if they existed . warnings if they existed. >> i believe they did. but, you know, again, for the investigation. so warnings they will get their own weather feeds anyway, you know, 430, 4:00 in the morning. it's a quiet time, you know, you're in a sea that you know, you're in a sea that you don't necessarily expect, you don't necessarily expect, you know, huge catastrophes type events of this nature. so i'm not saying that the, the captain actually actually said they didn't see it coming . i can didn't see it coming. i can believe that it's dark and the rest of it. but what would have been seen would have been if the radar would have been switched on, would have been the rainfall coming from that particular waterspout. it would have contained. it would have shown an echo on the on the radar. there would have been other clues around. we saw what was happening in porticello in, in terms of the, the, the cctv and what that showed. yes. these things happen very quickly . things happen very quickly. however, you know, being in that position of that yacht where it
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was at the time it was given the backdrop of the very unstable weather situation, i think as i say , questions may be asked say, questions may be asked going forward. now >> and, jim, as you said there, in your experience from recovery in your experience from recovery in royal naval vessels, a lot of people still saying there was a slim scintilla of hope, but with such a period of time having elapsed from when the craft originally went down, you felt that that would be a miracle at best. >> yeah. i think you're using the right word, martin. miracle, scintilla of hope, that you've got to cling to that hope, just in case we've seen we've seen, experiences in the past where where, you know, that that little drop of hope has actually come to fruition. but in this case, i've got to say , even case, i've got to say, even after day one, i was doubting that they were going to find anybody at all, you almost put yourself in their position and how horrible it must have been to be woken with that. you wouldn't know what's going on.
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to be frank with you, if you're in a cabin dark, you know your lights are off, etc. and all of a sudden you're hit virtually by a sudden you're hit virtually by a train, it's a shock, to say the least. and probably a shock that you can't necessarily recover from and gain your gain youn recover from and gain your gain your, your senses, in other words, to escape . it's thankful words, to escape. it's thankful that those people that did escape managed to get themselves either on top of the yacht itself, or in a position at least where they could escape and swim, and hey presto, they did. so thankfully. thankfully, in this case, some some survivors. it could have been a lot worse . lot worse. >> hey, thank you, jim dale for that expert analysis. and just to recap, there are five bodies have now been recovered from the superyacht , including that superyacht, including that breaking news. five bodies on that yacht, including confirmation we just heard from the media. british tech entrepreneur mike lynch and his daughter, or two of those five bodies recovered. and next we'll talk about the home secretary vowing to clamp down on illegal
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migration. she has vowed to boot out more than 14,000 illegal immigrants.
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next. welcome back. your time is 421. i'm martin daubney on gb news. police have launched a murder investigation after a delivery driver was killed trying to stop the alleged theft of his own van in leeds yesterday evening. the victim is believed to be a man in his 40s and has not yet been named by police. and our yorkshire and humber reporter anna reilly is live at the scene. anna a deeply, deeply concerning story of a man just going about his everyday business ended in tragedy. what's the latest ? what's the latest? >> yes, an absolutely horrific story, martin. police called remains in place here. when heights drive, where that
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incident happened yesterday at around 650 in the evening. a murder investigation has been launched as a result, and police , launched as a result, and police, nearly 24 hours on now, are still continuing their investigations. door to door collating cctv footage, dashcam footage and appealing for information. we know that a delivery man in his 40s who has been. his family are being supported by specialist victim supported by specialist victim support officers in the police. he has not yet been named but he was out doing his rounds as part of an amazon delivery as he came back to his vehicle, he saw that a man was trying to drive away in it. he tried to stop the theft of his vehicle. he tried to get in the passenger door of the van to try and stop that theft happening , and he was theft happening, and he was dragged along the road for at least a mile before he released from the vehicle . he was found from the vehicle. he was found unconscious by residents nearby who tried to provide assistance. emergency services were called
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to the scene, but sadly he was pronounced dead at the scene. we know that so far, the victim hasn't been named and of course the police have not yet found the police have not yet found the man responsible. they'll currently be combing the van that was dumped around six miles on from when the incident happened, in a place called belle isle, near leeds. the van collided with two vehicles, and it's believed that the driver, who is now being searched for, then fled the scene. it was a ford transit cargo vehicle that it was involved, and it was recovered a short time later , recovered a short time later, according to police. amazon have released a statement. they've said it's a terrible incident and that their thoughts and deepest sympathies are with the delivery drivers, loved ones , delivery drivers, loved ones, family and colleagues and that they'll do all they can to assist police in this investigation. the senior investigating officer, as well for west yorkshire police,
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detective chief inspector entwistle , has said that the entwistle, has said that the investigation remains at an early stage. but based on what police currently know, it appears to be a truly shocking incident where the victim has been killed while going about his business as a parcel delivery driver. the police say that the family have been informed they are completely devastated about what has happened and that police are working to support them in this difficult time and doing everything that they can to try and get the answers that the family need and that they are carrying out extensive enquiries to establish the full circumstances and identify the person who's incredibly dangerous actions have been responsible for causing his death . police say that so far death. police say that so far they've spoken to a number of witnesses, but are still keen to hear from people who witnessed the incident. the appeal covers the incident. the appeal covers the van being stolen in a lie—in street at about 645 last night. the journey took it along to
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heights drive, where the victim was found its movements as it fled the scene there and its movements before being found abandoned in highlands walk in belle isle, which is around six miles away. so police are asking for anybody with information to come forward. any witnesses? also any cctv footage or dash cam footage that can help in this manhunt? >> thank you. anna. a murder inquiry underway there in leeds. the tragic death of an amazon delivery driver . now moving on. delivery driver. now moving on. the home secretary has vowed to boot out more than 14,000 illegal immigrants by the end of the year. now, if successful, it will be the fastest deportation rate since 2018, when theresa may was prime minister. now to achieve this, labour are planning to deploy 100 more national crime agency operatives to boost the people to bust the people smuggling gangs. so our labour capable, after all of
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stopping the boats ? or are the stopping the boats? or are the measures simply not ambitious enough? well, let's discuss this now with our homeland security ednon now with our homeland security editor, mark white. mark, welcome to the show. so labour are threatening to kick 14,000 out by the end of the year. 19,000 have arrived already this yeah 19,000 have arrived already this year. and mark the released a million illegal immigrants in the entire country. is this enough ? enough? >> yeah, well, some estimates put it at a million and a half. working in the illegal economy in plain sight, but clearly with no right to be in the uk. and in terms of those who are put on these deportation flights, the enforce removals, the vast majority are not actually those that come across the english channel that come across the english channel, but they are people who have been caught with no right to remain in the uk. people who have either come in under a student or work visa or a tourist visa and overstayed, or perhaps have come in some other
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route, or indeed they may be foreign national offenders. they make up a good proportion of those that are deported from the uk each year. now, last year, for instance, the conservative government deported some 7000 people. that was up from 4000 the year before. so for yvette cooper to promise 14,000in the next six months, it is a significant number and they're always up against the lawyers, the courts who will potentially rule in favour of someone who challenges a government decision to try to remove them from the uk. the previous government had to suffer that this government will see the same. the other thing, of course, is all about immigration enforcement and carrying out these raids on employers who are giving work to those who have no right to be here. now, we were on a recent immigration raid on a scrapyard
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in east london. we can show you hopefully, some of the images of that. and that shows you that this process has been under way for some time under the previous government. and governments before immigration enforcement have always been there, have always been acting and trying to remove those with no right to be here. but as we just said, martin, just earlier on in the conversation, we're estimating a million and a half people working illegally in this country. it is a phenomenal challenge for any government to undertake. now, a little earlier, we've been speaking to the former home secretary, now the former home secretary, now the shadow home secretary, james cleverly, who believes that what yvette cooper has announced today doesn't go far enough . today doesn't go far enough. >> the fact is their aspirations
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are too low. >> their energy is too low. the national crime agency, which said it needed a deterrent. and yet the first thing the government did upon entering office was to scrap that very deterrent. they still haven't recruited a commander for this phantom border command. >> and what we're seeing now is their rhetoric is falling apart. >> their actions are falling. well below what the country needs. >> well, i think you've got the gist of that anyway, martin. one of the things that has been announced by the home secretary today is 100 new investigators for the national crime agency. now, that will be of some use of course, but these big, complex investigations that the national crime agency are involved in against organised crime groups on an international level require very big investigative resources and 100 extra investigators actually doesn't go that far.
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>> mark white i think that's a very diplomatic way of putting it. over a million people. you said a million and a half people at large in britain. a hundred people. mark white. i've been to bigger barbecues. it's going to take a bit more than that to sort this mess out. thank you very much for joining sort this mess out. thank you very much forjoining us. and we'll speak to you hopefully in the next hour or certainly throughout the rest of the week. excellent as ever. now, coming up next, you won't want to miss this because i'm meeting in the studio. the blackpool grandad who's gone on hunger strike because he believes that this country is going to the dogs. he says he's prepared to die for his country. he's in the studio next. don't miss it. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel. first, your headunes. headlines. >> good afternoon. it's 430. i'm cameron walker here in the gb newsroom and in some breaking news, the bodies of british tech entrepreneur mike lynch and his daughter hannah have been found in the yacht, which sank off sicily. that's according to the daily telegraph. although no formal identification has yet
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taken place . that means that taken place. that means that four bodies have been recovered from the wreck of the superyacht this afternoon, which sank on monday . this takes the death monday. this takes the death toll so far to five. two people remain missing. the boat owned by the wife of british tech entrepreneur mike lynch, was carrying 22 passengers and crew and was anchored off the port of porticello, near palermo, when it capsized during that storm on monday, a team of four british inspectors from the marine accident investigation branch has inspected the site . police has inspected the site. police have launched a murder investigation after a delivery driver was involved in a collision during an attempted theft of his van, west yorkshire police said . officers were police said. officers were called shortly before 7 pm. yesterday following reports of a man found seriously injured in worsley in leeds. officers found the victim unconscious. he was given emergency treatment but was pronounced dead at the scene a short time later. police say the victim, who is in his 40s, had delivered a package to an address about half a mile away
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at 6:45 pm. and had returned to his to van find a man attempting to steal it. when he tried to stop the offender, he drove off at speed with the victim , only at speed with the victim, only partly in the passenger door of the vehicle . and some breaking the vehicle. and some breaking news in the last half an hour or so, four people who died in a house fire in bradford, including three children, have been named by west yorkshire police as 29 year old briony gawith and destiny, whose nine oscar, who was five, and aubrey bursill, who was just 22 months old. a murder investigation has been launched after the incident, which happened in the early hours of this morning on westbury road, brianna ghey was pronounced dead at the scene and all three children died later in hospital. a 39 year old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder and taken to hospital with critical injuries . hospital with critical injuries. and as you were just hearing, the home office has outlined plans to tackle illegal immigration, including deploying 100 new intelligence officers to target people smuggling gangs.
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the home secretary has announced the new measures to boost britain's security and to targets , dismantle and disrupt targets, dismantle and disrupt organised immigration crime networks. yvette cooper also outlines the government has new plans for the next six months to achieve the highest rates of removals. of those who do not have the right to be in the uk, including failed asylum seekers. as part of its plan, the government says it will reopen immigration removal centres in hampshire and oxfordshire, adding 290 beds. will. those are the latest gb news headlines. for now i'm cameron walker more in half an hour for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code, or go to forward
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>> welcome back. it's 437. i'm
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martin daubney on gb news. an incredible story for you next. a 78 year old grandad from blackpool is now 18 days into a hunger strike over the state of broken britain. paul durrant says he's to prepared fast as long as it takes, until the current government , long as it takes, until the current government, in his words, shows some common sense. and i'm delighted to say i'm joined in the studio now by paul durrant. paul, it's an absolute pleasure to have you in the studio. i saw your story in the local press, very, very moved by what? it's an absolute delight to have you in. you're a 78 year old grandad from blackpool. you're a hard working british taxpayer . all of your life, what taxpayer. all of your life, what on earth has driven you to go on this hunger strike, >> i've been at the cenotaph in blackpool since may, and i've been protesting against the illegal immigrants coming in and the government's doing nothing.
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we have to get control of our borders. these people are throwing the passports away , the throwing the passports away, the documentation, and they're here for years and years. >> and what else has driven you to this protest? you had some grave concerns , didn't you, grave concerns, didn't you, about? about the winter fuel allowance. >> when the government came into power, they stopped the winter fuel allowance for the old age pensioners. it's not right. they they some of them have got two houses. they're getting fuel allowances , which we could only allowances, which we could only dream of . all we get is £300 to dream of. all we get is £300 to help us. it's not right. it's about two words, martin. right and wrong. and this is definitely wrong. >> and we can see pictures of you there. that's from your protest at the cenotaph. there in blackpool. you're with your pal there, mark butcher. >> mark asked me to come down
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here today to meet ben habib in london, who have been trying to persuade me to come off my hunger strike, i cannot come off my hunger strike because it's the only way i know of getting people to listen to, to the people to listen to, to the people of this country and what they are saying. the people of this country deserve the right to speak. we shouldn't be silenced. we shouldn't be told we can't do this. we can't do that. it's wrong . it's the same that. it's wrong. it's the same thing. it's wrong. they've got to you know, things have got to get better from brexit. when it first started, nothing was done. conservative government . conservative government. nothing. labour's in now . and nothing. labour's in now. and don't hold your breath because nothing will be done again. we all know what's going to happen
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now , paul, you've been keeping now, paul, you've been keeping your vigil in blackpool since may. >> this is now the 18th day of your hunger strike. before we get on to how you are and your well—being, because i've had hundreds and hundreds of messages from people who are very supportive, but they're concerned for your well—being. before we get to that, can you tell me about some of the support you've had in blackpool, people coming to talk to you? right. >> basically , i've had a lot of >> basically, i've had a lot of support from local people and houday support from local people and holiday makers. and thank you for the support that you've given me. what are they saying to you, paul? mark butcher has been a big help . mark has been a big help. mark has introduced me to ben habib, who has given me a lot of confidence in what he says . the people that in what he says. the people that ispeak in what he says. the people that i speak to, that come to the cenotaph to see me, are mainly family people who are , to be family people who are, to be quite truthful , disgusted at
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quite truthful, disgusted at what is going on. we are becoming a third world country in our own country. we have nowhere to go. i can't go and live in libya or somewhere like that. live in libya or somewhere like that . it's live in libya or somewhere like that. it's just live in libya or somewhere like that . it's just not rational . that. it's just not rational. the people of this country have to come together and make a decision. do you want to live under a tyrannical government? which seems to be what we're going to get. these people don't have any care or compassion for anybody. they seem to have their own agenda and want to go their own agenda and want to go their own way to earning millions. and i don't think that's right. >> now, paul, all the people will agree with that. a lot of people will say in the face of those riots, the government had to make difficult decisions. but onto your well—being. you know, you're cracking on a bit. you know, i'm not being rude when i say that you're 78. you've
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you've been 18 days and i believe you've lost a stone and a half. i've lost. how are you feeling? and one of the things i read in your local report there, you said, i'm prepared to die for this. i'm prepared if that's what it takes. >> i am martin, i'm prepared to give my life for my country and all the children and the women of this country. because we cannot have , some of the, the cannot have, some of the, the laws that this government is wanting to introduce . people are wanting to introduce. people are not having a say anymore. it's not having a say anymore. it's not right . we've got to do not right. we've got to do something. keir starmer has got to stop going off on these jaunts of wanting to make a how can i say, make the country, knuckle down. you know, you can't do this, mr starmer. it's ridiculous. we have to really come behind somebody, and i
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don't i don't even know whether, reform can help us. i hope they can. i hope reform will be the company that will bring the government that will bring us together when eventually we have another election and things get better. but honestly, i just don't understand where it's going to end. >> okay . now now the government >> okay. now now the government will say, now let's be let's be honest, you said before the conservative government, you know, they couldn't control our borders either. the labour party, they've only been in power a short period of time now. they've promised today they're going to try their very best to get to grips with this. the riots were very , very new the riots were very, very new circumstance. a lot of people were criticising them, but they have responded. they've tried to end the, the, the rioting as quick as they could, just for a bit of balance in this conversation. but aside from all of that, you know, if the prime minister were listening now, if anybody out there were listening
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now, what's your message to them ? now, what's your message to them? paul now, what's your message to them? paul, please , please take on paul, please, please take on board what the people of this country are saying. >> you didn't get into power with massive, massive figures. i'm not sure of the exact figures that voted for you, but it wasn't a lot. and i think next time you're going to get a really big eyeopener, i just want this country to be how it used to be. please stop these boats coming in. when these people come in with no passports and no identification, send them all back . we can't have them all back. we can't have them here. they want to come in illegally. okay? >> we have to leave it there. paul >> we have to leave it there. paul, you make sure. you make sure you stay safe, mate. i mean , sure you stay safe, mate. i mean, you know, i will stay safe. you know, a huge amount of people watching this will be very moved by by a lot of what you said
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today. >> i'd like to thank mark butcher, and i'd also like to thank ben habib and yourself, martin. >> well, it's a pleasure to give you a voice , paul. put it there, you a voice, paul. put it there, mate. you stay safe, mate. stay safe. make sure you do. i will. thank you very much, paul duran, thank you for joining thank you very much, paul duran, thank you forjoining us in the thank you for joining us in the studio. now, next we'll be joined by jacob rees—mogg, live from somerset. who knew mike lynch, the tech entrepreneur thought to be dead after a superyacht sunk off the coast of italy. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news
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welcome back. it's 448. i'm martin daubney on gb news now back to the breaking news. the report suggests that bodies found on the british superyacht that sunk earlier this week include tech entrepreneur mike lynch and his daughter. rescue
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divers have recovered another two bodies from the superyacht that sank off sicily earlier this week, taking that now total to five bodies found that includes the ship's chef. four bodies have been recovered today. well, joining me now is gb news presenter and the former conservative mp, sirjacob conservative mp, sir jacob rees—mogg, who knew mike lynch. sir jacob, the news that nobody wanted to hear, especially those who knew mike lynch. it appears now the body has been identified as that of mike lynch and his daughter . daughter. >> yes, it's very sad news. desperately sad for the family. >> and, just such awful news considering he'd been through this terrible experience with the us justice system, an innocent man who suffered from a long running extradition case was finally acquitted. >> and then, whilst celebrating his freedom, has sadly, as far
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as we know , died. i just feel so as we know, died. i just feel so desperately sorry for his family . desperately sorry for his family. i met him in the context of his battle with the us justice system, where and that's what i will be talking about in my programme this evening, because there seems to be so little protection for british citizens who are unjustly accused, who we seem happy to send to the united states without requiring a prima facie case to be made. and so i will be paying tribute to him later. he was a strong, brave man who stood out against injustice . and i'll be talking injustice. and i'll be talking to sir david davis, who knew him much better than i did. >> and sir jacob much better than i did. >> and sirjacob shortly after >> and sir jacob shortly after that acquittal, when he was cleared, there was a very moving interview he gave very rarely gave interviews. mike lynch and he said, now i have a second life. the question is what to do with it? and that has been cut so short by this freak occurrence off the coast of sicily. and many people say that he'll be going go on to be
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remembered as a genius, as an entrepreneur, as a truly magnificent brain in business, to. >> he was i mean, he was an enormously successful businessman , but he was also businessman, but he was also doing something even more important. and that is campaigning for justice, which is the context in which i met him because of the desperately unfair way in which he was pursued through through the courts as a as an innocent man. and i think this is just so, so sad for his family and one's heart goes out to them. not only has he died, but his daughters died as as well. and i just think this is the saddest news, and we must all pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died, and for the comfort of those who have survived . of those who have survived. >> as jacob, we saw live pictures at the top of this show of the search and recovery vessel coming ashore , carrying vessel coming ashore, carrying one of the bodies now believed
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to be the body of mike lynch, into a forensic tent. that's where he we believe he is currently resting. a very, very tragic end to a glorious, trailblazing life . trailblazing life. >> indeed. and a man of great charm and modesty that, when i met him in relation to his his extradition, he wasn't a swaggering businessman. he was a man of calm and modesty. swaggering businessman. he was a man of calm and modesty . and i'm man of calm and modesty. and i'm sure he will be remembered by all who knew him as a as a model human being . human being. >> and sir jacob, human being. >> and sirjacob, moving to on >> and sir jacob, moving to on other matters now, of course, you're chairing your show from somerset. state of the nation. that's eight until 9:00 pm here on gb news, as well as reflecting with sir david davis on the life and the case of mike lynch. what else is on your show ? lynch. what else is on your show? >> yes. well that's primarily to talk about the unbalanced extradition treaty between the
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united kingdom and the us. and you will remember that an american spy who ran over a motorcyclist wasn't extradited when innocent britons have been. will also be talking about the news from america in relation to the democrat convention and a return of the hopey changey thing. well last time round, the hopey changey thing was pretty hopeless, and i think the same would be true again. hopey changey is not a satisfactory way to govern, as we discovered when mr obama was in charge and mrs. obama saying that's what kamala harris brings, i think should fill us all with trepidation. >> yeah. and of course, very much an anointment, a coronation the democratic party had scant democracy in electing, though it didn't elect kamala harris at all, did they, sir jacob all, did they, sirjacob rees—mogg, quick comment on that . rees—mogg, quick comment on that. >> yeah, you're absolutely right that, parties that call themselves democratic very often don't. it's like states that call themselves democratic isn't
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nonh call themselves democratic isn't north korea the democratic people's republic of north korea. it's always the way. call yourself democratic. and it turns out you're not okay. >> state of the nation. tonight it's 8 to 9 pm. sirjacob rees—mogg, thanks very much for joining us. now still to come, the labour party plan to deport 14,000 illegal migrants and foreign criminals by the end of the year. is that possible? i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel now your weather with alex burkill . weather with alex burkill. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news >> hi there, it's time for the latest forecast from the met office for gb news wet and windy, increasingly so in the northwest overnight, drier elsewhere and for all of us it will be a relatively mild, if not warm night to come. a couple of low pressure systems heading our way, the one to the south contains the remnants from ex—hurricane ernesto, no longer
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a hurricane, but containing a lot of tropical moisture, and that moisture resulting in a lot of rainfall across north western parts overnight, especially western scotland , where there's western scotland, where there's a rain warning in force because of the risk in places of 100 to 150mm of rain, especially west highland and skye, risk of localised flooding . localised flooding. additionally, increasingly strong winds will affect irish sea coastal areas, the hills of northern england and southern scotland, and some higher routes as well could be affected by those winds. first thing to the woods, the southeast largely dry overnight and during the morning on thursday, if rather cloudy . on thursday, if rather cloudy. by on thursday, if rather cloudy. by this stage, the rain is pushing into northern england, wales and the southwest, but it's clearing from scotland and northern ireland. brighter skies follow, albeit with a scattering of showers, into western scotland, northern and western parts of northern ireland, interspersed by sunny spells. so a brighter day to come for scotland and northern ireland. sunny spells and showers, england and wales. meanwhile
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again a lot of cloud cover but this time with the band of rain sinking southeast , fizzling out sinking southeast, fizzling out as it pushes into the southeast . as it pushes into the southeast. so light intermittent rain more than heavy and persistent wet weather. but it's going to feel cool with the breeze continuing into thursday afternoon. sunny spells to begin the evening across central parts, but increasingly cloudy and increasingly cloudy and increasingly wet weather arrives from the west once again. an unsettled night and early friday before that all clears to sunny spells and showers for the weekend . weekend. >> looks like things are heating up . up. >> boxt boilers sponsors of weather
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gb news. >> good afternoon to you. it's 5:00 pm and welcome to the martin daubney show on gb news broadcasting live from the heart of westminster all across the
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uk. on today's show, the grim discovery reports that tech entrepreneur mike lynch and his daughter hannah, 18, are among the five bodies recovered from the five bodies recovered from the underwater wreck of the superyacht and will be live from sicily with the latest live pictures. as you can see on your screen, there . next up, the home screen, there. next up, the home secretary, yvette cooper, has promised to deport 14,000 illegal immigrants and foreign criminals by the end of the yeah criminals by the end of the year. but with over 19,000 arriving via dinghies so far this year and well over 1.5 million already in britain, is this once again a government talking tough in the face of an immigration crisis? it simply cannot stop . and the chancellor, cannot stop. and the chancellor, rachel reeves, is warning hard pressed brits to brace themselves for tax hikes after labour borrowed £3 billion extra in july to bankroll public sector pay rises. and that could
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mean that every british taxpayer has to cough up an extra £878 every single year. that's all coming in your next hour. every single year. that's all coming in your next hour . once coming in your next hour. once the show. always a pleasure to have your company. so it's now confirmed that the two bodies, four bodies recovered today, two of them are indeed that of the tech entrepreneur mike lynch and his daughter hannah. we had live pictures at 3:00 of those of one of those bodies being brought ashore. we'll have a full update from sicily. our man, adam cherry is there. and also a conversation about tax rises £3 billion. the labour party has had to borrow in extra money to pay had to borrow in extra money to pay public sector workers and their union buddies. that means tax rises for you at the same time as pensioners having their winter fuel allowance cut. is that fair? is that what you want to see in modern britain? you
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know what to do. is how you get in touch. i'll read out the best of your comments before the end of the show. but now your headunes end of the show. but now your headlines with cameron walker . headlines with cameron walker. >> thanks, martin. good afternoon. it's 5:02. i'm cameron walker here in the gb newsroom. and as you have been hearing, the bodies of british tech entrepreneur mike lynch and his daughter hannah have been found in the yacht which sank off sicily . that's according to off sicily. that's according to the daily telegraph. no formal identification has taken place yet. four bodies have been recovered from the wreck of the superyacht. this afternoon, which sank on monday. this takes the death toll so far to five. two people are still missing the boat owned by the wife of british tech entrepreneur mike lynch, was carrying 22 passengers and crew and was anchored off the port of porticello, near palermo , when porticello, near palermo, when it capsized during that storm on monday, a team of four british inspectors from the marine
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accident investigation branch have inspected the site . police have inspected the site. police have inspected the site. police have launched a murder investigation after an attempted theft of a delivery van. the incident happened last night in the wardley area of leeds. gb news reporter anna o'reilly is at the scene and sent this report. >> a police cordon remains in place here at heights drive in wortley, near leeds, after a man was pronounced dead at the scene. he has not yet been named, but he was a delivery driver delivering amazon parcels here on the street when , at 645 here on the street when, at 645 last night, there was an attempted theft of his delivery van. it's believed that he held onto the passenger door of the van as the attempted theft was taking place. >> gb news reporter anna riley there now four people who died in a house fire in bradford, including three children, have been named by west yorkshire police. this afternoon. it's 29 year old briony gawith and destiny, who was nine, oscar,
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who was five, and aubrey birtle , who was five, and aubrey birtle, who was five, and aubrey birtle, who was five, and aubrey birtle, who was just 22 months old. a murder investigation has been launched after the incident, which happened in the early hours of this morning on westbury road. briony gawith was pronounced dead at the scene and all three children died later in hospital. a 39 year old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder, and was also taken to hospital in critical with critical injuries. superintendent lucy leadbeater believes the fire was started on purpose, whilst enquiries are at their early stages, we believe that the fire was started deliberately and this incident was domestic related. >> i would appeal to anyone who was in the westbury road area at the time of the incident, who has cctv or doorbell footage to come forward. >> the home office has outlined plans to tackle illegal immigration, including deploying 100 new intelligence officers to target people smuggling gangs.
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the home office. the home secretary has announced the new measures to boost britain's security to and target, dismantle and disrupt organised immigration crime networks. yvette cooper also outlines the government has new plans for the next six months to achieve the highest rate of removals of those who do not have the right to be in the uk, including failed asylum seekers. as part of its plan, the government says it will reopen immigration removal centres in hampshire and oxfordshire, adding 290 beds. the shadow home secretary, james cleverly, suggests the labour government isn't doing enough. >> the fact is their aspirations are too low. their energy is too low. the national crime agency, which said it needed a deterrent. and yet the first thing the government did upon entering office was to scrap that very deterrent. they still haven't recruited a commander for this phantom border command. and what we're seeing now is their rhetoric is falling apart. their actions are falling. well below what the country needs .
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below what the country needs. >> pakistani web developer is facing a criminal charge over claims he helped spread misinformation about the accused southport attacker. documents shared exclusively with gb news show that 32 year old fahim asif has been charged with cyber terrorism after false claims quickly spread online that the suspect, accused of killing three young girls was a muslim immigrant to the uk. pakistani police say that asif claims he is not the original source of the false information, but reposted it from social media and official figures show the rising cost of public services and benefits caused government borrowing. borrowing last month to surge on the year before borrowing hit £3.1 billion last month, around 1.8 billion more than in july last year. the increase means borrowing has hit its highest level for the month since 2021. the office for national statistics also revealed the uk's national debt remained at its highest level since the early 1960s, and
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european brown bears and bongos and red billed hornbill have been measured today. during the annual weigh in at whipsnade zoo in bedfordshire. it's an important part of their care keeping track of the creatures vital statistics help zookeepers and vets keep track of the health and wellbeing of all the animals at the conservation zoo . animals at the conservation zoo. well, those are your latest gb news headlines for now. i'm cameron walker. more in half an hour for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code , or go to the qr code, or go to forward
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news at the bodies of the british tech on place. and let's cross now to sicily and speak to gb news reporter adam cherry. adam. so a couple of hours ago now, we saw that search and recovery vessel coming ashore. we saw one body carried ashore, and now we know four bodies recovered from that yacht today and just confirmed a short while ago, according to the telegraph, it was indeed the body of mike lynch and his daughter hannah. >> yeah. we haven't had that officially confirmed by the authorities. they have the official process where they discuss this with the families. first, of course, family and friends. we understand are in a nearby village here on the island . still, but it does island. still, but it does appeah island. still, but it does appear. yes that those bodies found and two of them were of michael lynch and his 18 year old daughter hannah, and along with two others who as of yet remain unidentified. authorities are still searching for the
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remaining two people on board the vessel. we saw live footage earlier. in fact, you're seeing footage now from the harbour, there are a couple of vessels out at sea at the moment, exploring as they have been throughout the day. it's interesting, you know, it was relatively quiet today, to be honest . not relatively quiet today, to be honest. not many relatively quiet today, to be honest . not many people honest. not many people observing. obviously emergency personnel on the harbour, but quieter than yesterday until about two hours ago, when suddenly dozens of new ambulances and emergency personnel arrived on the scene. a helicopter arrived, and that was when we knew that this was this was escalating very, very quickly , actually. i was walking quickly, actually. i was walking back along the shore just after ispoke back along the shore just after i spoke to you within the last hour and 4 or 5 more ambulances and police cars arrived in that moment as well. so it is still ongoing. they're not giving up trying to find those last two. of course, there is hope that perhaps there's an air pocket thatis perhaps there's an air pocket that is sustaining life, but that is sustaining life, but that hope is very quickly
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extinguished. unfortunately, at this point , martin and we spoke this point, martin and we spoke to a local journalist a short while ago. >> adam, we can see on screen >> adam, we can see on screen now >> adam, we can see on screen now that forensic tent at the right of our images there, that's where we saw the body carried into earlier . that's where we saw the body carried into earlier. he said that that body will stay in there as the identification process is carried out. and he also said that the search and recovery mission will continue . recovery mission will continue. last night he told us there was one as late as 11 pm. because as you just said, so importantly, adam cherry, there are two, two bodies still unaccounted for and that most likely means that they are down there. so this is very much an ongoing mission . ongoing mission. >> yeah, it's still ongoing. and there are investigators here trying to find out why this happened. trying to find out why this happened . of course, the happened. of course, the priority is finding those two. but then questions will need to be asked. i actually spoke to a fisherman, a local, within the last hour, who says he was here
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on the night of that sinking and witnessed the storm arrive and disappear. he says within ten minutes it was extraordinary, perfectly calm night. suddenly the storm and the tornado hit. and then no sooner had it arrived, it was gone. which might explain why this all happened so quickly and why it was unprepared for. because this is just so extraordinary. it doesn't happen. the town is reeling from this , and you can reeling from this, and you can feel it as you speak to people here. it's shocking . they have here. it's shocking. they have never seen anything like it. and it is a black swan event as it's being described. >> and adam cherry, as you said, at the marina , there they were. at the marina, there they were. you say what literally hundreds of other vessels safely moored at the shore and so will questions be asked. do we think, as this rolls forward, about why this superyacht was moored off shore in the night, reports coming in that there had been 19 similar tornado waterspout
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events in the area prior to this tragic one hitting the superyacht . superyacht. >> yeah, but as i said, they are. those events may be relatively common. say 19, but something of this scale just doesn't happen. so the captain of the ship was an experienced captain who knew these seas well. it'sjust captain who knew these seas well. it's just a freak accident. they left hatches and windows open. this is the going theory and a huge wind. excuse me, a huge wave blows into the vessel through those openings and sinks. it almost instantly. that's the going theory. of course. we'll find out more in due course with these investigations, but it . investigations, but it. >> okay. adam cherry, thank you for that update. live from sicily. and no doubt we'll be crossing back to you throughout the rest of the evening as more information emerges. adam cherry, thank you. now moving on.the cherry, thank you. now moving on. the home secretary has vowed to boot out more than 14,000 illegal immigrants by the end of
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the year. now, if successful, it will be the fastest deportation rate since 2018, when theresa may remember her. was the prime minister. well, to achieve this, labour are planning to deploy 100 more national crime agency operatives to bust the people smuggling gangs. so are the labour party capable, after all, of stopping the boats or all the measures not nearly ambitious enough? well to chew it over, i'm joined in our studio by our political editor, chris hope. chris. so stop the boats has become smash the gangs. we were waiting for some detail. a mighty 100, 100, 100 officers have been assigned to this to crack down on 14,000. but i put it to you. 19,000 have arrived this year already via small boats. and when we spoke to our homeland security editor , mark homeland security editor, mark white, earlier in the show, he said it's about a million and a half potential illegal immigrants are in this country
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at present. 14,000. it's a drop in the ocean. >> it is rather. and the border security command, we are expecting and waiting for a leader to be established for that six weeks. still no leader . that six weeks. still no leader. stuart skeates, the general who had been running the operation down there in dover. he quit after the election, we're waiting to find out. someone to replace that. so they've dropped the rwanda plan to remind viewers and listeners that was deporting, legally arrived migrants from here to rwanda and leaving them , basically leaving leaving them, basically leaving them there, not allowing them back to the uk. that was dropped as a gimmick, despite the fact the tories had flights ready to go. it was all in train and hundreds of millions of pounds of our money spent on readying rwanda to receive those migrants, the new idea is to be more aggressive with working with law enforcement of those on the continent, and confusion here about whether we're going to get anywhere near the 2018 level. it looks like the government itself, the tory government, beat the 2018 numbers of deportations in 2023. so there's some dispute about that. the rate might be quicker, but the overall number for the
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year won't be much better. and we are basically only going back to where we were in 2023 or anyway, if we get there , with anyway, if we get there, with with this, this labour government . so yes, 100 new government. so yes, 100 new intelligence officers in the nca is something but it's nowhere neari is something but it's nowhere near i think the scale of the resource we thought was coming, we thought a thousand new, officials in the returns unit, for example, that hasn't happened yet. so yeah , things happened yet. so yeah, things are just ticking on, but we're nowhere near stopping the boats as you asked. >> and i've got to say, chris, 100. i've been to bigger barbecues, but i digress. tony blair said before the election, make no mistake, sir keir starmer has to get a grip on immigration and particularly illegal immigration. but chris, the same obstacles will await the same obstacles will await the labour party that await to the labour party that await to the conservative party with rwanda. the same lawyers , the rwanda. the same lawyers, the same ngos, the same activists will try and derail it. surely it did look like rwanda. >> the idea of rwanda was working. we saw an evidence, anecdotal and admittedly , from,
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anecdotal and admittedly, from, migrants in in the north of france not crossing to the uk. they thought they might go to rwanda if they did. and then in northern ireland, moving from northern ireland, moving from northern ireland, moving from northern ireland to southern ireland to avoid going to rwanda. so to a degree, we're not sure how much and we'll never know because labour's acts, the plan and their new plan, well, it's just getting started. we are only six weeks into a government, by the way. it's baby steps. they're getting started, you know, and they have completely changed course in policy, as soon as they won the election on the on the fourth, 5th of july. so we're not there yet. but as things stand, this won't this won't really do enough to stop the boats. okay. >> thank you chris, and let's continue this conversation because i'm now joined by the immigration barrister at imperium chambers. and that's paul turner. paul, welcome to the show. pleasure to have you on. so a hundred officers not going to strike fear into the people smuggling gangs that are mighty, 100 taking on at least 1.5 million people in the country illegally already. is this enough ?
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this enough? >> clearly not. as, chris was saying that they were talking about a thousand extra people going into immigration enforcement, a thousand people might , make a enforcement, a thousand people might, make a difference in my experience, and i've seen some enforcement visits. they're quite labour intensive, and they can have a good effect on the community in making people aware of the fact that they shouldn't be there , but they would take be there, but they would take perhaps 7 or 8 immigration officers to actually attend, accompanied by the police. so that's about 12 extra visits a day , so i don't actually think day, so i don't actually think it's going to make much difference. i'm quite disappointed, really , that, that disappointed, really, that, that we've had that the rand has dropped and looking at rwanda, the figures since it's been dropped have small boat crossings is actually down. so query whether it was actually a deterrent. but it's one of those things we'll never know because it was never put into force. but where we're at today is it's a pretty poor announcement. and
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then the figure itself of 14,000 or so and back to the 2018 level. well, the 2018 level, just before the pandemic was the lowest figure for 20 years of people being removed from the united kingdom who are not here. and as you touched upon, it's well known or well regarded that there are about a million people in the united kingdom who have overstayed their visas, or who have entered illegally and haven't brought themselves to the attention of the authorities. and they're obviously not doing anything other than perhaps working illegally and keeping their heads down. so with regards to 19,000 people that crossed by a small boat this year, it's not going to make much difference. and even if they obtain the 14,000 target or they hit it, if there's 50 or 60,000 people claiming asylum each year , then claiming asylum each year, then all you're going to have is a bigger and bigger backlog . bigger and bigger backlog. >> okay, paul, can i put the same question to you that i posed to chris hope, our political editor, a moment ago? and that is this the same
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barriers will face yvette cooper and the labour party that face rishi sunak's conservative party and their rwanda scheme, as in the same human rights lawyers will be trying to block this. the same ngos, the same charities, perhaps even the civil service themselves. paul turner, do you think that even with all the best will in the world, that the that this will actually lead to deportations, or will the entire machine of resistance try and derail this as they try to derail and succeeded in derailing rwanda ? succeeded in derailing rwanda? >> well, i think it's an optimistic target . and you are optimistic target. and you are right that the immigration lawyers , who often are acting in lawyers, who often are acting in the best interests of their clients , some of them aren't. clients, some of them aren't. some of them are acting in their best interests of themselves and will do everything possible to, hopefully lawfully frustrate any removal. but they will be working in the best interests of their clients and the best interests of their clients are not necessarily to be removed from the united kingdom. but
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there's one other thing, martin, which which is not being talked about, which is that i was looking at the figures for the small boat crossings and the main country from where they come is afghanistan. and the numbers are up 36%. 5500 people from afghanistan this year. they can employ a million immigration enforcement officers , unless enforcement officers, unless they're going to use its enforcement officers to invade afghanistan and put in a different government. nobody is returning anybody to afghanistan in the near future. and nobody's saying anything about that. >> well , paul saying anything about that. >> well, paul turner, that's a great point. except germany has taken the unprecedented option of having that precise conversation . germany has said conversation. germany has said afghan asylum seekers who are causing trouble, we're going to send them back to afghanistan . send them back to afghanistan. and that means having a conversation with al—qaeda. paul turner , that's not going to turner, that's not going to happen anytime this side of a miracle with the labour party. we all know full well that
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afghanistan and a host of other countries will be considered unsafe, and the human rights lawyers will know what cause to lay down, to make sure their clients are prevented from going back to those unsafe countries, even though they came from france. paul turner chris hope, our political editor, had a bet with rishi sunak. a single pint of beer that not a single flight would take off for rwanda. chris hope won that point. i want to bet you paul turner , a single bet you paul turner, a single pint of beer. do you think we'll see 14,000 deportations before the year? is out, yes or no? >> well, i fancy your pint of beeh >> well, i fancy your pint of beer, so i'm going to take you up on that, and the reason why is i think they're going to go for soft removals to countries such as albania. but i'll tell you what. in 1st of january, we'll see who's buying her drink. >> well, well, paul turner, luckily for you, i don't have a dry january. i'll be taking your beer and i'll be. i'll be chasing it down with a whisky as well. paul i admire your optimism. i really, really do .
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optimism. i really, really do. and i hope to see you in the new yeah and i hope to see you in the new year. at which point i'll gladly sip your ale. paul turner , sip your ale. paul turner, immigration barrister at imperial chambers. thank you very much for coming on the show. now our phone repair shop is ruining the look of our high streets. well, people in reading aren't remotely happy. guess what? they've got 20 in their town centre. i'm about to be joined by a journalist who's investigated this. there's something fishy going on on every high street in britain. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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welcome back. it's 526 on martin daubney on gb news. now have you noticed that our high streets seem to be absolutely clogged with businesses with frank few customers inside them, barber shops , nail salons and now
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shops, nail salons and now mobile phone shops? well one gb news viewer became so intrigued by the boom in mobile phone shops in her hometown in reading, she counted 20 of them. so why does that town need so many phone shops, i wonder? how do they all survive with such rigorous competition? and are they ruining the look of our high streets or something altogether fishy going on? i'm joined in the studio now by the political commentator jess gill in the studio, who made that fantastic video, and i think we've got a clip of it now. shall we have a quick look at 30s of this video so we know what we're all talking about? >> according to my phone, there are 20 phone shops in reading. i'm here to find out how they survive with such rigorous competition and how they add to the vibrant community that is reading. so in reading town centre, there are about 20 phone repair shops and vape shops. why do you think there are so many? >> well, the vape shops are very like popular,
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>> i would say. and then the repair shops, it's just, i guess, like an easy thing to set up.andi guess, like an easy thing to set up. and i guess you can just outdo someone, but, i haven't really been to one a lot of mobile phones about. >> yeah, it's a superb piece of mischief making, but you're asking a serious question. a question that a lot of people who get in touch with us here @gbnews ask themselves about barbers shops, about nail salons, about all sorts of shops, chicken shops. what specifically prompted you to make this video? >> yeah, thank you so much for having me on. >> so i was on reading high street, which is where i'm currently living. >> i'm originally from bolton and i just noticed on one street it's called i think it's called smelly alley originally, for some reason , he said. some reason, he said. >> and there's just shop after shop after shop selling phone repairs and vapes. >> very cheap phones as well, suspiciously cheap phones. and so i thought, i can't be the only one realising this is a bit suspicious. i don't know what's going on exactly, but you know the free market shows there
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should be competition there shouldn't be this amount of shops, 20 shops selling the same thing and a lot of them are empty most of the time as well. it's incredibly suspicious. >> and so you put this out as a question on social media. you had a huge response . how many had a huge response. how many people interacted? >> yeah, around a million impressions, i think, and loads and loads of replies , many of and loads of replies, many of them assuming it was money laundering. obviously we have no concrete proof of that. but again, it is very suspicious that there are so many shops and no customers in them most of the time. >> and that's something that's also been echoed by the home office, by metropolitan police officers. about barber shops we know they use for fronts, for criminal gangs to conceal human trafficking, slave labour, drugs , trafficking, slave labour, drugs, money laundering. this is this is irrefutable. there have been all sorts of investigations. former metropolitan police officer ali hassan said to us, while in some cases the shops will be involved in legitimate business and no doubt some of those mobile phone shops in reading or doing a thriving business on that basis too. from
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my own experience, he said, there is a strong reason to believe a large number, particularly those owned by albanians, turks and kurds, have links to organised crime. now you pose some of these questions to people on the high street there. in reading, they seem quite reluctant to address the elephant in the room about this . elephant in the room about this. but off camera, or people that you've been speaking to, a lot of people across britain are saying something fishy seems to be going on. >> yeah, i think there is this general sense of britain is declining. >> the high street is no longer a sense of community, a sense where there's local independent stores, you know , thriving. and stores, you know, thriving. and it's a good sense of community there. now it's just this corporate blob with some quite frankly, seemingly dodgy shops in the way. and i'm not sure if they really clock on what the actual issue is, but i think they can sense as a problem. and in all honesty, i think lots of people have just, you know, turned away from it, just not gone to the high streets. a lot of my friends and their parents
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have just avoided it, but they can't actually face what the real issue is. and they refuse to address it. >> and i wonder if part of the problem , jess, is that because problem, jess, is that because the high streets are so hollowed out and so vacant, they're much more receptive to any old business that kind of knocks on their door and offers them cash up front. >> yeah, absolutely. and i think part of it as well is just a preference of these, these companies, these shops , because companies, these shops, because i remember reading, researching about the history of reading and smelly alley, which i referred to in the past, just then it was a place. it was it was a bit like it wasn't the best place, but there were like independent shops. there was, like some kind of, like, cheese deli kind of thing , which locals loved. and thing, which locals loved. and the landlords shut them down within, like, you know, days, i think they gave them a seven days notice for them to go away and now that shop is just a phone shop, a phone repair shop, as if we need another one of those superb stuff . those superb stuff. >> jess gill, and thanks for making that video and let's have a chat after the show about. i
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think you should be doing plenty more of this mischief making. it's great citizen journalism. thank you for sharing it with us here on gb news now. there's lots more still to come between now and 6:00, including the obamas endorsed kamala harris overnight. and we'll go live to chicago ahead of her big speech as the us presidential battle heats up. but first, it's time for your headlines with cameron walker . walker. >> good afternoon. it's 531. i'm cameron walker here in the gb newsroom. the bodies of british tech entrepreneur mike lynch and his daughter hannah, have been found in the yacht, which sank off sicily, according to the daily telegraph. no formal identification has yet taken place. four bodies have been recovered from the wreck of the super yacht this afternoon, which sank on monday. this takes the death. the death toll so far to five. two people are still missing. the boat was owned by mike lynch's wife and was carrying 22 passengers and crew. it was anchored off the port of
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porticello, near palermo, when it capsized during a storm. police have launched a murder investigation after a delivery driver was involved in a collision during an attempted theft of his van. west yorkshire police has said officers were shortly were called shortly before 7 pm. yesterday, following reports of a man found seriously injured in wortley in leeds. officers found the victim unconscious. he was given emergency treatment but was pronounced dead at the scene. a short time later. police say the victim in his 40s, had delivered a package to an address about half a mile away at around 6:45 pm, and had returned to his van to find a man attempting to steal it. when he tried to stop the offender, he drove off at speed with the victim, only partly in the passenger door of the vehicle . four people who the vehicle. four people who died in a house fire in bradford, including three children, have been named by west yorkshire police as 29 year old briony gawith and destiny, who was nine, oscar, who was five, and aubrey burtle , who was
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five, and aubrey burtle, who was just 22 months old. a murder investigation has been launched after the incident, which happenedin after the incident, which happened in the early hours of this morning on westbury road. police believed the fire the fire was started deliberately and was a domestic incident. briony gawith was pronounced dead at the scene and all three children died later in hospital. a 39 year old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder and taken to hospital with critical injuries , and the with critical injuries, and the home office has outlined plans to tackle illegal immigration, including deploying 100 new intelligence officers to target people smuggling gangs. the home secretary has announced. the new measures to boost britain's security and to targets , security and to targets, dismantle and disrupt organised migrant crime networks. yvette cooper also outlines the government's has new plans for the next six months to achieve the next six months to achieve the highest rates of removals. of those who do not have the right to be in the uk, including failed asylum seekers. as part of its plan, the government says it will reopen immigration removal centres in hampshire and
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oxfordshire , which will add 290 oxfordshire, which will add 290 beds. the shadow home secretary, however, james cleverly suggests the labour government isn't doing enough. well, those are the latest gb news headlines. for now, i'm cameron wahaca more in half an hour for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code, or go to forward slash alerts . slash alerts. >> cheers! britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . financial report. >> well, here's a quick snapshot of today's markets. the pounds will buy you $1.3072 and ,1.1735. the price of gold is at £1,915.47 per ounce, and the ftse 100 at 8,281.97 points. >> cheers britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report .
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financial report. >> thank you cameron. now earlier in the show, i was joined in the studio by the blackpool grandfather, paul durant's 78 year old. 18 days into a hunger strike over what he believes is a broken britain. hundreds of you have been getting in touch. a quick one now from jools, who said they're so moved by what paul durant said on your show today , martin, said on your show today, martin, but is not worth him going this far and losing his life over it. i really hope he changes his mind. it's so sad. but our political class simply don't seem to care about white working class pensioners in britain. jools. thank you for your message and thank you for all the others that came in. i'll make sure they get passed on to paul make sure they get passed on to paul. now my favourite part of the show. i'm joined now by michelle dewberry, the queen of prime time political debate. here she is. dewbs& co. what's on your menu? >> hello, martin. what an incredible story you've just been sharing. i mean, the states of this nation. that's what i want to talk about again tonight. >> i mean, you know, we've i've
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seen you cover it. that story about that delivery driver. i remember a time where people used to, if they were indeed going to try and steal stuff, they'd try and wait until it was dark or quiet. there was no one around. they'd be hiding themselves. these days, criminals just seem to be so brazen doing this stuff when it's broad daylight, rocking up to a greggs with a bag for life, helping themselves, not caring who watches. i want to ask what's going on there. i also want to look at yvette cooper new plans when it comes to immigration. will that work or not? foreign aid? prisons. we'll be talking about it all tonight. i've got matt goodwin and zoe grunwald keeping me company. >> a meaty menu, it'll be interesting to see what matt goodwin thinks about a mighty 100 people trying to get rid of 1.5 million illegal immigrants in this country. michelle dewberry. i've been to bigger barbecues, and i know you've been to bigger lunches. dewbs& co 6 or 7 right after me. superb as ever. i want to get in touch with me here @gbnews. simply go to and i'll try my very best to read out the
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best of messages the end of the show. i'm martin
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welcome back. it's 541 the final furlong i'm martin daubney on gb news now. the democratic national convention is well underway in chicago and we've already seen barack and michelle obama speak in support of the democratic presidential nominee, kamala harris , while nominee, kamala harris, while also taking a major aim at donald trump. >> there's the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories , this weird obsession theories, this weird obsession with crowd sizes . the other day, with crowd sizes. the other day, i heard someone compare trump to the neighbour who keeps running his leaf blower outside your window every minute of every day . window every minute of every day. >> well, they can't resist putting the boot into the don
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can. and tonight, kamala harris's running mate, tim walz, will address the crowds making his pitch to be the next vice president of the united states. well, with more on this is us political analyst eric ham, a great fan of the show, who's in chicago for the convention outside there. eric. absolutely delighted to have you on live on the ground. tell us, let's have a quick look back about the obamas last night and a quick look ahead to tonight. >> sure. in fact, we heard from both of the obamas last night. >> and when you saw them speak, you certainly understood why they are seen as democratic royalty. >> the crowd went crazy. in fact, it felt more like a rock concert. hearing and listening to michelle and barack obama than political speeches. the stadium behind me was completely packed. the audience was energised, they were frenetic and the vibes were just amazing. and of course, we saw and heard the zingers from both michelle and barack obama regarding donald trump, but also to what
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they did was they implored the audience to not only go out and vote, but also to engage others to do so as well. recognising that this is still going to be a very tight, a very difficult race for kamala harris to win is the problem they've got, though eric ham , is that the headline eric ham, is that the headline act, the rock and roll moment, the obamas. >> they've already been on. how on earth do you follow that? no no no offence to mr waltz, but he's he's no barack obama. tim waltz is going to appear tonight. who else? i hear bill clinton might hove into view. >> yeah. bill clinton is going to speak tonight. we're also going to hear from the former speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. and so what we are seeing from the democrats over this week is an ode to the past with people like for barack and michelle obama, bill and hillary clinton, but also they're showcasing many of their young stars, pete buttigieg, the transportation secretary who ran for president back in 2020. he's
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going to be speaking tonight. and yes , we're going to hear and yes, we're going to hear from kamala harris's running mate, tim walz, as well. that certainly will get the crowd fired up. but again, there is no michelle and barack obama, which is why, of course, they were able to be history makers and win the presidency not once, but twice. >> but eric hamm, the comfort blanket of the past is one thing. i'm nottingham forest fan. all we've got is the past. but looking ahead , can kamala but looking ahead, can kamala harris win? the opinion polls are giving her a slight boost. november is a long way off and it's all still to play for in those key swing states. and i believe donald trump is still more trusted on the economy. maybe that's why they're saying you must get out and vote. they're whipping up the crowd because they know that every single vote will count come november the 5th. >> you're absolutely right. and this is still very much a tight race. however, we are seeing right now in the latest abc washington post poll that kamala
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harris is leading in many of the key battleground states, as well as nationally and many expect that she will get a bump coming out of this convention this week. however, that still does not negate the fact that this is still going to be a very tight race. and all eyes after this week will be focused on what's going to happen in two weeks, when kamala harris and donald trump face off for the first time in their presidential debate, that i think will go a long way in determining whether or not kamala harris is up for this job. and it also could give donald trump an opportunity to blunt her momentum and move things back in his direction. >> absolutely. eric hamm it's one thing to play to the gallery a packed convention there in chicago full of friendly , chicago full of friendly, supportive faces is one thing, but can she face the music in front of donald trump? she's already turned down the fox news debate. eric hamm, do you think those tv debates will be instrumental in who decides who
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they're going to vote for come november ? november? >> absolutely. and if you just want to get an idea of how instrumental these debates are, look what happened when joe biden had his one and only debate with donald trump. he no longer is now the democratic presidential nominee. and so these debates clearly are everything in determining the outcome of this race. and it's going to be interesting because we know already donald trump does have a debate this election cycle under his belt. kamala harris, however, has not had a debate since going back to 2020. and so many do not know if she's up for this. if she will be able to actually stand toe to toe with donald trump on that debate stage. and so many people will be watching. and of course, many people are still trying to determine, in fact, who kamala harris is. and that's why we're watching this week, as she defines herself. and as the democratic party puts together this narrative of who kamala harris is, not only personally , harris is, not only personally, but what she will do as
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commander in chief. >> eric hamm, call me a cynic, but a lot of people wanted michelle obama to actually stand as the candidate. this time. she was on stage last night making a fantastic play. is kamala harris the second best candidate that the second best candidate that the democrat party have in terms of potential woman of colour being the next president? and actually, could this be about the next time around? might we see michelle obama as that rock n roll candidate, which may be more democratic voters want to see than kamala harris? no. >> michelle obama is never going to stand as president. as a candidate for president of the united states. she's made that abundantly clear. however, i think kamala harris does have the opportunity to actually elevate herself to those michelle and barack obama levels if she can actually win in november, if she can actually have a successful presidency. it still remains to be seen, which is why i think many are looking
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at her with a big question mark and determining whether or not she is actually up for this job and are they willing to actually take the chance on voting for her over former president donald trump? >> okay, eric hamm, i'm on a bit of a roll today. i'm going to bet you a pint of beer an engush bet you a pint of beer an english pint of beer that michelle obama does stand as a candidate in the future. we accept my bet. >> absolutely i will, and i can't wait to have that drink on you . you. >> that's two pints i've won today. eric hamm live in chicago and hope to speak to you tomorrow. have a fantastic convention tonight. always a delight to have you on the show. now next we get the latest from northern ireland on the unrest there after the prime minister called racists back soon. i'm martin daubney on gb
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welcome back. it's 10 to 6. we're on the final final furlong now. over the last few weeks,
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much of the civil unrest and anti—immigration protests in northern ireland took place in working class areas. and one of these is sandy row in south belfast, northern ireland. reporter dougie beattie went there to find out more . there to find out more. >> depher everybody . >> depher everybody. >> depher everybody. >> it's been absolutely horrendous over the last few days. >> we have seen some damage to properties which we have to condemn outright and we have seen rioting in the streets that we have to condemn outright. >> nobody in this community wants to see that. but there has been an absolute build up, i believe, over the years of lack of investment in the area that has now caused a lot of resentment to people here trying to open business in this area to disperse immediately. >> the stories of the vote. >> the stories of the vote. >> two years ago, local councillor tracy kelly lives and represents a former industrial area with low incomes and lack of academic achievement. >> these areas are struggling
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with a sense of belonging and most importantly , identity. most importantly, identity. >> former commercial premises are being bought up by developers and converted into apartments that are financially out of reach by the local communities . one such property, communities. one such property, now up for sale, is a local boxing club that plays a major part in this community. young people must have a focus and like most inner city areas, drugs and anti—social behaviour are commonplace. raymond curran explains how the club offers a different way. >> well, there is a problem , >> well, there is a problem, definitely, but when we bring them here, it's like it's a very safe haven and they have nothing to worry about. >> we talk to them in here, we try to keep them and put them on the right path. and my son came here, he's autistic, so he is. and he came here. he was 15.5 stone out of weight, overweight,
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out of shape, and within a couple of within about 5 or 6 months he came here and you can see him behind me, you know, look at him there. he's six foot three and he's dropped about three and he's dropped about three stone. he interacts with people. he's come out of his shell , you know, he's made so shell, you know, he's made so many friends, you know , just many friends, you know, just that alone has been great. he used to sit in his room playing as we x—box or whatever , and now as we x—box or whatever, and now he actually can't wait to get over here 2 or 3 times a week. belfast city council supplies no funding to this club. well its strategy in other parts of the city supply close to £200,000. but for sandy row, the fight for a new home must go on. dougie beattie gb news, belfast . beattie gb news, belfast. >> it's an excellent report from dougie beattie. he's been consistently brilliant on the riots. those community need boxing gyms like sandy row. they
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keep the communities cohesive. they give working class lads in particular structure, focus and to sell them off and maybe turn them into god knows what, maybe asylum seeker accommodation. simply outrageous. now that's it from me. dewbs& co is up next. i'll be back tomorrow at 3:00. i'm martin daubney now. it's your weather with aidan mcgivern. have a great evening . mcgivern. have a great evening. >> looks like things are heating up. >> boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news. >> hi there. it's time for the latest forecast from the met office for gb news wet and windy, increasingly so in the northwest overnight, drier elsewhere and for all of us it will be a relatively mild, if not warm night to come. a couple of low pressure systems heading our way. the one to the south contains the remnants from next hurricane ernesto no longer a hurricane, but containing a lot of tropical moisture, and that
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moisture resulting in a lot of rainfall across north western parts overnight, especially western scotland , where there's western scotland, where there's a rain warning in force because of the risk in places of 100 to 150mm of rain, especially west highland and skye. risk of localised flooding . localised flooding. additionally, increasingly strong winds will affect irish sea coastal areas. the hills of northern england and southern scotland, and some higher routes as well could be affected by those winds. first thing to the woods of southeast largely dry overnight and during the morning on thursday, if rather cloudy. by this stage, the rain is pushing into northern england, wales and the southwest, but it's clearing from scotland and northern ireland. brighter skies follow, albeit with a scattering of showers, into western scotland, northern and western parts of northern ireland, interspersed by sunny spells. so a brighter day to come for scotland and northern ireland. sunny spells and showers, england and wales. meanwhile again a lot of cloud cover but this time with the band of rain
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sinking southeast , fizzling out sinking southeast, fizzling out as it pushes into the southeast . as it pushes into the southeast. so light intermittent rain more than heavy and persistent wet weather. but it's going to feel cool with the breeze continuing into thursday afternoon. sunny spells to begin the evening across central parts, but increasingly cloudy and increasingly cloudy and increasingly wet weather arrives from the west once again. an unsettled night and early friday before that all clears to sunny spells and showers for the weekend . weekend. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers, sponsors of weather on gb
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a delivery driver has been killed trying to protect his van that someone was trying to steal in broad daylight. is it just me, or are criminals getting more and more brazen? also, the government is apparently planning to increase social housing rents by more than rates of inflation. do you think that is the right move? all of that . is the right move? all of that. all of that and more. but first, the 6:00 news headlines . the 6:00 news headlines. >> michelle. thank you. good evening. it's 6:00, and i'm cameron walker here in the newsroom. and we got some breaking news to bring you now. police have named a man killed in his own home by his pet xl bully. the victim was david daintree, who was 53 years old. specially trained officers are supporting his family. emergency services were called last night to a house in ashley court in
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accrington in lancashire,


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