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tv   [untitled]    November 1, 2023 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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in order for world peace and health to be established , we declare our disgust with the zionist regime. governor of nematian radio broadcasting. at 4 o'clock, dear viewers, the spokesperson of the government said that the humanitarian aid of our country has been prepared for gaza, but a small part of this aid has been authorized to be sent to gaza. mr. bahadri jahrami said in his weekly press conference about the lack of teachers that this problem will be solved soon. the generation of dozens and dozens , the news meeting of the government spokesperson
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was held on the student's day in the spy nest. this morning's meeting of the president with a group of teenagers is the engines of progress and transformation of the country we cherish regarding the crimes of america, bahadri jahromi said: this day is a reminder of the crimes of the regime , which also attempted to kill students and different classes of people. these days are very reminiscent of the continuation of this arrogant spirit of some western countries, namely the united states and european countries . also, the planes carrying red crescent aid have their licenses ready.
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the squares have been prepared, the contents have been prepared. very few, very few cargoes can be transported , both the islamic republic and many neighboring countries and countries in different parts of the world are ready to send aid and rescue forces and humanitarian cargoes, especially food and medicine. considered it as the main reason for the lack of this product in the country and stated: a gap in the allocation of width to supply the raw materials needed by the domestic producers , there was a gap for a while because of this , it was created with a challenge in the past. a license was issued for a ceiling of four million strong gradually, whatever amount is needed can be imported . the 200,000 forces that have been imported into the country so far , the rest of the amount that is needed has been registered
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and is being imported. bahadri jahormi announced the recruitment of 247,000 teachers in the education system in the first two years of the 13th government and added that with the president's follow-up, the problem of shortage and recruitment of teachers is going to be solved soon. the recruitment of teachers in the two years of the 13th government was something close to the amount of teacher recruitment during the 8 years of the previous government . we do not face the field. a new news system for radio and television. ezzeddin qassam's military wing, the military wing of the palestinian islamic resistance movement hamas , released new images of ajder asif's guide, made by the group's forces, towards sea targets on the shores of the gaza strip. abu obeidah, the spokesperson of the battalions
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, managed to carry out attacks against the sea targets of the sahoonist regime near the coast of gaza with a dragon guided by asif. the head of the red crescent society announced the holding of an emergency meeting of the red crescent societies of muslim countries to provide aid to the people of gaza as soon as possible. mr. clivend said: arrival we are holding this meeting in iran . i had a video conference with the heads of the red crescent of turkey, egypt, iraq, jordan and the head of the red crescent of the world islamic committee. because of two reasons. one is that we collected documents and discussed with lawyers that there are clear violations of humanitarian rights.
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it is a violation of the conventions and we can complain with many other countries against this obvious lack of humanitarian rights. we should all welcome a single opinion and based on that , we will put all our pressure on international organizations and one for a ceasefire and two for helping people and relief reaching the injured muslims. the first book series for academics all over the country with the title "like mustafa" has been started. this campaign, which continues until the 2nd of bahman , is published in the book of the ninth soldier. which is a work about martyr mustafa sadrzadeh. a story of a soldier's life. say muhammad. the life and times of martyr mustafa sadrzadeh
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are narrated in the 9th day soldier from the point of view of his comrades, commanders and his family. a detailed book and society from his childhood to the time of martyrdom. since 1992, he goes to syria to defend the shrine and is the commander of the ammar battalion of the fatemi army. let's make these children the best defenders of the shrine and finally in the tasos of 1994 the 9th day soldier , who is associated with the criticism of the leader of the revolution, is martyred. this outstanding figure is surely a role model for the youth of today and tomorrow, and now the focus of a campaign book dialect for academics like mustafa in the first campaign. it is not the case that the book is nationwide. alhamdulillah, it is being implemented nationwide and coordinated in the universities of the whole country. alhamdulillah, with the cooperation of the vice-chancellor of culture of the ministry of science, research and technology and the young people who communicated with this book , this book and its advertisements have been very well received
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. my friend complimented it a lot . i bought one for myself. i bought one for my friend as a gift kanen tells him the 9th day soldier about the efforts of martyr sadrzadeh and shows it to the reader. how can a martyr and his life become a role model in people's social life? it can be a very valuable book and a documentary also came out from the same heart called agha mustafa's documentary , where we witnessed the way and style of recruitment and i got very good feedback. shahid sadrzadeh in his character and character in the social position. what is the hidden meaning that specifically the leadership at this point addresses them. academicians to participate in the campaign like mustafa, centered on the book soldier of the 9th to 12th day in february, i have the opportunity
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to participate in the four themes of shaarer and baba's book production by referring to the call system of the ministry of science, research and technology. ansi behri news reporter bloody hands in the us senate the us secretary of state, who appeared in the senate to request 14 billion dollars in aid to the zionists , faced a group of protesters against the gaza war. the protestors who stood behind blinken with blood stained hands chanted the slogan of an immediate ceasefire in gaza.
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we can
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see many restaurants and markets that are almost empty traffic in this city, which is considered very vital, has been stopped. this action is actually a challenge in the sense that we will launch the missiles at a certain time, and if you have the ability, intercept and destroy them. we reveal for the first time in front of the camera. we had alternative information, approaches and lines of action. as you came let's protect ourselves to face the invasion and at the same time defeat the enemy and disrupt their plan and make it worse. were israel's calculations and hopes wrong in this battle? on the 28th of ramadan 2014, according to may 10, 2020
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, the battalions of the shamsher qutb division began the cities of quds and tel aviv were targeted by a missile attack. this action was carried out in response to israel's encroachments on the al-aqsa mosque and the sheikh al-jara neighborhood in the city of quds, as well as the invitation of the city residents to attack the al-aqsa mosque as a group. called for a cease-fire, we say clearly that we had prepared a massive missile attack that would cover palestine from the farthest north to the farthest south, and enemy positions from haifa in the north to rammon airport in the south. was aiming but among the arab jigris in the frame we responded positively to the ceasefire and suspended this missile battle. listen to this carefully.
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in this threatening message, abu obeidah, the spokesman of the qassam battalions, drew the last chapter of the number of quds. the missile attack that ezzeddin qassam's battalions had threatened to carry out was postponed. 362 missiles were ready. to be at the same time qassam named about 14 cities and towns as it happened in the war, created a historical turn and
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showed an unprecedented impact in itself despite the negative developments in the environment. for these reasons, i believe and emphasize that we are right about the power of the palestinians to take the rights of the ghazb we should be optimistic in 1984, we have the right to be optimistic , especially in those years that i had served you, that is, in 1984, at 6 o'clock in the evening on the 10th of may, 2022, there were historic moments in the heart of quds. a surprise was created. resistance missiles were fired towards quds. this missile attack
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was a response to the unprecedented escalation of aggression by the zionist regime inside occupied jerusalem. that is , the attacks of the zionist settlers on the courtyard of the al-aqsa mosque, the aggression of the occupying forces and the evacuation of the houses of the residents of quds in the neighborhood of sheikh jarrah by resorting to force this incident took the israeli government by surprise , but the more important thing was that the security institutions were not prepared for such a situation and were taken by surprise. firing rockets towards jerusalem was the failure of israel's military intelligence to understand the motives of hamas, and this action was carried out. i did not think that israel would take such significant steps. it was very strange and really unimaginable for me. in this document, the case of the battle of shimsher quds. we will open and reveal behind the curtain the first attack in this battle, which was followed by
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a military and intelligence war that lasted for 10 days. he commanded various palestinian resistance groups . mohammad sanwar is one of the prominent commanders of sadad's qassam battalions. he commanded the khananisel brigade for many years. his name is the most important field supervision in the operation of capturing shalit and keeping him until the exchange equation is reached. on the basis of which more than a thousand palestinian prisoners were released. these exclusive images show the stages of the first attack by the qassam battalions, when rockets were fired towards jerusalem on the night of may 10, 2020. in the field scene, the readiness level of all troops and units is high was taken away and the artillery force was ordered to
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be at the highest level of combat readiness. the state of arrival was managed with high precision and the warriors were in full readiness and we monitored the enemy's behavior on quds day and in the field scene from moment to moment. from the very beginning of monday, the 10th of october, we were on full alert in the artillery forces, and all the commanders and troops were waiting for the command of the troops. abu khwa's brother asked us to consider firing some rockets towards the settlements in occupied jerusalem, and they were completely destroyed. and finally prepare for firing. the night before the start of the clashes, in one of the military reports presented by one of the generals, and i was also present at that meeting, such a thing was not foreseen. he predicted that only the settlements near gaza and
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at most in the longest stretch two hours after that, the commander's brother khaled called us again and informed us of the final decision, that we gave the occupiers a deadline until 6 o'clock, and after the deadline ended, the missile attack should be carried out. he emphasized to us that this action it must be done exactly at the appointed time. we did this operation only and only to liberate the occupied areas. the last warning was given at noon on the 10th of may 2022. the command gave the occupiers a deadline in the evening of the same day so that the soldiers and residents of the city and to remove them from al-aqsa mosque and release all those arrested in the recent uprising, this was their plan. at 6 o'clock, abu khaled's brother finished with us and said that the settlers did not leave and the work is in your hands and
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start the operation with trust in god. enough god almighty so you throw away, because you throw away, but god throws away. bammar is the leader of the staff. now, now the bombing of settlements in medina. we shot in occupied jerusalem and they hit the target. an order
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was issued for a missile attack on the occupied quds settlements and an anti-armor missile attack in the north. the gaza strip was performed by the brothers in al-quds battalions as a strong message. so, mr. mike , what does it mean to set a public time for the first attack from a military point of view? this action is actually a challenging one in the sense that we will make the missiles stylish in a certain time. if you have the ability , intercept and destroy them. topo actually to throwing the israelis down and challenging them . to activate the iron dome system. in the first hours of the battle, the takiraz forces of the qassam battalions simultaneously targeted the system of the occupation forces' identification and surveillance towers along the borders with the gaza strip and disabled these systems. this is a complex operation. it was security , we called it operation blinding. this
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operation had a great impact on the movements of military vehicles and occupying forces in the border areas during the days of war. quds was the title of the battle and a new equation was drawn that the resistance tried to impose did an equation that israel tried to avoid for a long time. this is the minutes of the muharram meeting. is revealed for the first time. on january 7, 2022, four months before the battle of shamsher quds, a meeting was held in which the expansion the domain of resistance and the development of the rules of conflict in which the inclusion of quds in the rules of conflict was approved. in addition, a mission and operation aimed at creating
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deterrence against the enemy regarding its aggressions in al-quds and al-aqsa mosque was approved. against the oblivious conditions of the receiver that the occupiers faced in the face of resistance attacks, israel with he responded by bombing civilians and destroying residential towers in gaza. dozens of civilians were martyred in the israeli bombardment that continued during the days of the war, many of them children. with the intensification of the bombings, the resistance expanded its targets. once again, we immediately warned the occupiers that in the case of bombing civilian centers and houses in gaza, our response will be strong and beyond the enemy's expectations, and in the implementation of this warning, the first and biggest slap in the history of this confrontation was given, and
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thus tel aviv it was put on the table from the very first day and the purpose of this action is to break the center of oppression and aggression and qibla were the agents of the normalization of relations with the zionist regime, and we established an equation that still exists that the attack on tel aviv is easier and more accessible . including the unprecedented missile attacks deep in talavit.
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the strategy of the resistance forces was more complicated. in the past , they used to fire homemade rockets and short-range rockets from gaza, but now the israelis are facing organized resistance, and throwing stones is no longer a problem. missiles with different ranges and different sizes it is happening, and the towns and israeli villages around gaza, which were immune to these attacks in the past, are now under attack . it can be said that now the power of the attacks is much, much higher than in the past and cannot be compared to the past at all, because now there are no weapons. i believe that the most significant issue in this war compared to previous wars was the issue of blood thinners and missile firing. during 10 days, more than 4,300 rockets were fired from gaza, which
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was equivalent to the number of rockets launched in the 2014 war in operation rock. another important topic the number of launches was concentrated and many cases were simultaneously fired towards the center of the country. the military intensified the distribution of images related to the palestinian rockets. the images and news of these attacks were published on social networks and somehow created a wave of terror among the residents of the occupied territories. these images can actually be said to have been recorded by security cameras. when
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the occupiers persisted in violating our nation's cry and harassed our citizens and scared the civilians and innocents and thought that the situation was according to their own, we decided to strike a blow. it should be in accordance with these measures and as a result, the attack was carried out on the 16th of may 200, which was carried out by the order of mohammad zaif, the commander of the joint staff of the qassam necks. after the end of the two-hour mehrat that we specified , at one o'clock in the morning, another rocket attack took place, including dozens of rockets, and we tried to level them with the ground. we can see many restaurants, food courts and markets . which is almost empty and the traffic in this city, which is considered very vital, was stopped. in
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this battle, a significant issue. resistance missiles hit sensitive bases, including the power plant esqlan was israel's strategic military base and airports. these leaked images from the corner of the phone show one of the soldiers of the israeli military in the estisim military base, who were lying on the ground after the resistance rockets arrived at this base. here are the columns of smoke from the sector. israel's bengurion military airport, which was targeted by a missile , has taken off into the sky. we targeted chelawi and the security bases inside with hundreds of missiles and made several attacks on benresab, esqlan and ashdo, and we hit ground and air bases with missiles and blood thinners. we targeted sangin.
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the martyred stars of this battle were the front guards who played an important role in these successes and developments, and at the head of them are the commander of the martyr bassem isa jamal al-zabdeh juma al-tahleh, waleed shamali, hazem al-khatib and other brothers who made great efforts to reach the first a domestically made palestinian missile that can be targeted from gaza and they tried very hard for this task , an indescribable effort of professor jamal zebde, who had a doctorate degree in mechanical engineering from the state of virginia, usa. together with a scientific program team directed the development of domestic resistance missiles. in these images that the qassam battalions broadcasted for the first time, zebedeh engineer at the time. it is seen that
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he later targeted the city of ifa. here, dr. zebedeh is seen with his son, engineer sameh, who was with him in the process of construction and development, and it was god's destiny that they were martyred together with a number of qassam engineers in an attack during the war. the military power of hamas has been continuously strengthened. since 2020 , they have produced a completely new generation of rockets that uses new technologies, that's why the rockets are heavy. wetting and carrying more explosives and reach a further distance from gaza. ayash 250 was a new missile that the qassam battalions used for the first time in the battle of shamsher quds and targeted ramon airport with it, and so far
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, the ayash 250 missile has reached ramon airport, 250 km away from gaza. it is moving more than 250 km. they built a missile with a range of 25 km. they use a version of the missile they have and show that they can have such a missile. israeli bases are under these missiles have. the iron dome, which israel is always proud of , faced a real test against the massive rocket fire from the gaza strip. the published images showed the failure of the iron dome in intercepting many palestinian rockets. also , the rockets of the system itself fell on the residential areas of israel. the reaction of the zionist regime to this
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act was another defeat for this regime. hamas' electricity or subway project was an operation that israel had hoped for in order to win the war. on may 14, 2022, the most extensive attack in the history of the zionist regime's war in palestine took place 160 military planes bombed 45 targets in less than 30 minutes. israel's target for this killing was hundreds of qassam battalion fighters. israel's plan was for this regime to announce the ground invasion of the gaza strip and in practice send some ground units to gaza so that the hamas fighters enter the tunnels to resist the ground battles and instead of the israeli ground invasion, the network of tunnels is destroyed . rain from the sky the goal was that in addition to destroying the tunnels, the largest number of mab


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