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tv   [untitled]    November 6, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to the news section at 12 o'clock of resistance. the islamic state of iraq targeted the headquarters of the american forces in erbil airport . ain al-aswad american base in iraq was also attacked by drones. no news has been released yet about the possible casualties of these attacks. earlier , the head of the security office of the iraqi hezbollah battalions had warned that if the us secretary of state visits iraq, it will be dealt with in an unprecedented manner. since the beginning of lakhsha storm operation in palestine until now approx. american bases in
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iraq and syria have been attacked more than 30 times they have been defeated by the islamic resistance of iraq. the islamic resistance of iraq issued a statement and announced: from this week, in support of the palestinian people , it will begin a new phase of more intense and widespread attacks on american bases in the region . the court hearing the lawsuit of the families of the martyrs who defended the shrine from terrorist groups under the direct support of the united states, with the lawsuit of more than 600 people , was held in branch 55 of the international relations court of tehran. judge hussainzadeh said: in this case , the family of shahrai, who defends the shrine, demands material and moral damages from terrorist acts america was dealt with. these loves are the narration of a longing.
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last year, on my birthday, our family is not complete, and the parents who lost a son, hajji , who was oppressed by the mercenaries and henchmen of arrogant america, publicly announced and admitted that this grief has reduced the endurance of the family of shahrada, the defender of the haram. they didn't and now they are firmly and firmly pursuing their request against america's crimes . we want the requests of shahrada's family to be dealt with from the international court of justice. they came from far and near, from fars province, from isfahan, from gollan province, from the province. isfahan from khuzestan, ahvaz to appear in the 55th branch
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of tehran international affairs court. in this case , a notice to attend the current court session has been sent to all readers, including the us government. the us government and other readers did not send a bill to defend themselves to this court. with a lawsuit against america for forming the terrorist takfiri group of isis and supporting the terrorists. shahrada's family lawyers read the petition. pursuing the fraudulent rights of parents in the fight against terrorism, us department of state , us department of treasury, us shipping companies they are mentioned directly in the petition. then it was the turn of the families. our expectation is that your excellency hadatar will have a legal and restraining sentence for the government and the authorities and thank
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the judiciary for holding this international court that exposes the true face of the terrorist america , and finally the judge of the case announced the end of the proceedings. more than 600 people filed their lawsuit against america in the court, which of course will be followed up in international forums along with the documents. pajman radio news. sunni scholars in the northwest of the country while condemning the crime of the zionist regime in the genocide, the people of gaza emphasized the unity of muslims around the axis of palestine. a conference of sunni scholars in the northwest of the country was held in urmia. masla of imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him, urmia today hosted more than 20 sunni scholars from the kurdistan provinces of kermanshah and west azarbaijan under the title of
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the regional conference of civilizing scholars. hoping for a day when , god willing, in palestine, in the first qibla of muslims, all muslims will pray unity there, god willing. our duty , all muslims, is to have unity in this matter according to ayatollah. hojjat-ul-islam wal-muslimeen lotfian, secretary of ahl planning council referring to the unity of muslims in confronting the global arrogance, especially the ostracized zionist regime, the sunan of the country said in this conference: the issue of palestine and the issue of the resistance front. still, the first issue should be in the field of our thinking, and palestine will definitely be the gateway for the islamic ummah to create a glorious islamic civilization. in this one-day conference, special roundtables
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were held regarding the clergy, a strong iran, the new world order, and the issue of palestine. we must condemn this , frankly, the islamic world must shake and come to its senses. and all muslims should be united and one hand to stop this killing and get justice palestine, which is an inalienable right, should be taken away. at the end of this conference, with a seven-paragraph resolution, the attendees emphasized unity and agreement around the axis of palestine and condemning the crimes of the infamous zionist regime in the genocide of the oppressed people of gaza. they should wake up from their slumber and take a united action against these actions, god is great, god is great, at the regional conference of sunni scholars
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, the participants emphasized the support of the oppressed people of gaza and called for urgent action by the international community , especially the islamic world, to stop it immediately. attacks on gaza became hadi jabardokht news anchor of orumiyeh sed and cima. new dressings for treating all kinds of wounds and sewage filters, including nano enclosures , have a global innovation that was presented at the 14th nano micro technology exhibition. according to the national document for the development of nanotechnology and science, iran should increase the number of products with global innovation to 45 products by the year 2014. more than 14 years have passed since the first nanotechnology exhibition was held in the country, and this year a new and global section has been added to this collection. in this part of
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our headquarters' activities, we focus on emerging technologies the technologies that they have at the global level and our criteria for discussing global technologies is to have a patent that they have an international patent outside the country for our technology, and this can be an introduction and a basis for them to be able to introduce their own product technology to the global markets, god willing. achievements in the field of wastewater treatment, for the first time in the world, by using this technology, we managed to treat the used caustic wastewater, which is one of the top 10 refinery and petrochemical wastewaters in the country, in a very practical and operational way to make new dressings. our products
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our dressing products are new and based on chitosan, although our products are produced in iran, but they have the european iso, the enclosures are based on chitosan , so it has anti-bacterial, anti-ba film, especially for diabetic wounds , first-degree burn wounds, and also wounds like surgical wounds. and trauma, we produce the raw materials and then we actually transform the product and enter the market. now, our products have been entering the market for almost 2 years and they are actually used by therapists and nurses. this part of the exhibition has attracted the attention of foreign visitors. afrooz islamic radio news. the end of this news section of khodnaghadar. hey, the front page meeting, the first page meeting, the line of sacrifice is over there
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on the other side of the fence, look, the pleasure of meeting is there. get up , get up, get up. the first row, the first page, your row, the row of people, your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, in the eyes of shahrid , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello and good night , dear viewers of khabar network. we are proud to host the first page program tonight. it will be completely in the election atmosphere and we hope that it will be
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used by you. the leadership experts for the candidates have started from today and this letter writing will continue for a week and at the same time the process of examining the qualifications of the candidates of the 12th term of the islamic council elections has also started and little by little the space is being prepared for the 11th march elections in it will be held all over the country to examine the preparations that have been planned for the best possible holding of elections and the state of the country's electoral and political environment and what is clearly happening in the ministry of interior. honorable political deputy minister we invited the country and the head of the election headquarters to have a chat with each other. hello, good evening and welcome. peace be upon you. in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, i am happy to be in the service of hazrat ali and the good people of islamic iran. gaza.
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it is good that many issues are not in the media now, or being in the media a lot may not help much. at this time, we were involved in their implementation and the direction was this, and now we are at the service of all the media , especially the radio station. be well. you are very welcome . thank you. well, today the registration of candidates for the assembly of experts has started . how do you see the reception on the first day?
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i will do it today, just as you said, this registration started at 8:00 am and will continue for 7 days. i got the latest statistics. i registered 37 people , which is an increase of about 10 people compared to the previous course. if the reception of the previous course was at least a day higher , there is a specific registration in qom that everyone can do in different cities. in the same way, because some scholars and mujtahids are present in qom
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the governorates of the centers of the provinces register from their petitioners in the constituency of that province in the headquarters to the ministry of interior and the governorate of qom from all those who register for every part of the country, all the countries, yes , and qom is also established, and now the registration is complete . the process of the election of the assembly of experts is carried out according to the rules of the assembly of experts, or yes, the law defines that the rules of the election of the assembly of experts are approved by the assembly of experts . there are two or three points in the law that are new at this point, yes, in the past of the board the executive board of the expert elections was separate from the executive board of the parliament, for example, the islamic council, which
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is at the same time . regarding the changes made in the law and based on that law, registration continues. regarding the parliamentary elections , has the guardian council now come to check the qualifications? no, no, no. look, we are the third. we are in the country. to the executive board we have 5 special executive committees, religious minorities, 1213, 1213, main and sub-departments, the main bodies of the governorates of the electoral district , for example, some constituencies have four cities, one city is the center of the election, the rest
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are sub-departments, these are the names according to each province and city, it can be applied to the executive boards. the executive boards will check the registration form, the forms that are uploaded in the system, and the inquiry of the five references will be given to the executive boards in the first stage, which is their opportunity . it is until the 18th, until the end of the current fast when this point of view of the executive board is done, it will be announced to the beggars, and a text message will be sent, for example, have you been protected or not according to the election law, mr. khosravi ?
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the candidate who passed this stage, if he is notified of non-eligibility, he can protest to the executive board of hayarai. he is obliged to give this protest to the central supervisory board . provincial supervisory board. i apologize. provincial supervisory board. checks if this is not the case the confirmation was announced, he can protest the allegiance of the central supervision, the central supervision board and the provincial supervision board can consider our opinion before their own , that is, the provincial authorities can not accept the executive theory according to the law and the powers that have been given , then it goes to the central supervision board. this stage is also the same, a period of time is predicted for which we have a schedule that has been defined, and thank god, the work is being followed up according to this schedule
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. here is also the final authority of the guardian council of the honorable guardian council of dodbi, if there is a complaint from the central supervisory board. if there is an objection, there is a document he can give reasons to the guardian council . i spent 50 days in the central supervisory board. to be fully investigated, and if there is an objection, the honorable guardian council has the right to review it for 30 days , and whatever the honorable guardian council finally gives its opinion , that is the final and definitive opinion . a period of time, for example, more than 90 days, which ends on the 18th, let's assume that for more than 90 days, step by step, the candidate can move along this path, and finally , if he has citations, he should have evidence.
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can you present it and finally assign the assignment? in the first stage , you had the possibility to protest that it was the matching of documents. yes, the matching of documents also happened during the progress. i asked the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of science, the police force, the prosecutor's office to provide all these documents, because the applicant stated there, for example, i do not have dual citizenship , an answer should be obtained, the birth certificate information should be given, this birth certificate information should be matched, a certificate of service should be provided. the service is fine if there is no response, or they don't approve or don't reach this, the person can
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protest in the protest system, because a tracking code will be entered against him , and he will protest. the matching of documents is not for disqualification, at all, whether this person is qualified or not, i have told the decision in the segments of all the big statistics that are in this voting path. finally, there should be appeals in the respected guardian council and not objections in the elections of the assembly of experts. how will it be on its way? fakeh shura guard, oh, in another way, we in the executive boards in this department supervise the implementation of the elections. good agreements were also made with the experts , for example, one of the things that was done this year, well , later, it was already official that a group would sit together in a branch. being one part for the elections of the parliament, this side is for the elections of the experts, this is consolidated, the tariffs have become one, but if it is separated
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, it will be given to the individual. in such a way, people should respect their time and not delay too much at least i told one of them in the executive boards that it has been done and the work is being followed up jointly. the registration of the leadership experts happens completely in person, but in this parliament , it mostly happened electronically because there are bigger steps. can we take the elections electronically, what measures have been taken now and finally what will happen on the 11th, to what stage will the limits of electronicization go
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? electronic version of the law elections for all-electronic elections, one-eighth of the constituencies that have more than two representatives, predicted that we now have 34 or 35 constituencies, if the mind helps, 34 or 35, with two representatives from approximately four constituencies or five in the constituencies, we must hold electronic elections, which have been predicted, of course, according to the law, according to the central board, it is not forbidden not to hold elections for constituencies that have one candidate and one representative. in addition , we have prepared a table that is being summarized
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regarding infrastructure issues. hash all population conditions this should be predicted that, god willing, i think that within 15 students, the maximum effect will be determined in the 15 assignments of the elective fields where all electronics will be held. let's make sure that the infrastructure and needs are provided as much as we can in the constituencies, because of course, in the council elections, people have already entered and found this work once, and there is an initial acquaintance, but at the same time, the needs should be what in the seen law, i said one eighth of the field it is an election that has two or more representatives, but at the same time, it can be a constituency of one representative , which we are adjusting the table
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, which is not the case in all countries. maybe not, for example, there are 7 constituencies, 8 depends on how the constituencies are chosen in terms of access to support , because it has a requirement. it is true that now electronic has technical requirements for the support to be done, god willing, this will be announced within the next 15 days. god willing, it will be for the election parliament and the elections of the islamic council and the experts means criticizing yazam esfan. now let's say in general terms that the supreme leader of the revolution defined a four-fold strategy for participation in the competition of health and security. giving a number was finally reduced and i don't know how many there were, about 500 people were registered for the first time, that's right, almost 50 thousand, almost half of those whose documents were finally approved, and
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what is the policy of the ministry of interior and the country's election headquarters to increase participation in the march elections. and on what mechanism is this happening? yes, first, let me tell you about that registration. that registration is equal to the pre-registration law, a term we use. in fact, that statistic for elections means that there is a fall or not. i said that the matching of documents is the matching of documents, and this has been done . a part of this population, when it was announced to them , was not able to enter. now, there is no presence of mind, but a large part of them did not come. the supreme leader said that one of them is participating, you said that definitely everyone is participating this is the situation of our guardian council, all of their efforts are to
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take steps as far as possible to qualify, to provide the basis for the participation of all tastes. we are pleased to register this initial information that we have, now those that were known and have been summarized, alhamdulillah, of all the currents that are present in the term in the country and in the custom under different names. there is no doubt about this. and the past has shown that they are in all contradictions. now, a psychological space is usually used by our enemy . and to make a board, there is a sense of naadi and induction , they are another discussion, but that is the reality the election field is a field for the participation of all those who wish to participate. after all, the islamic republic has certain requirements, the laws of the law, the law is mandatory, we must act according to the law, we cannot act against the law.
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it is interesting that more than 30-35 % of foreign media are young people, that is, up to 40 , 45, 45 years old. politically , in terms of our profession and class, for example, graduates well, with excellent evidence, i have explained the policy of not only my ministry of interior, which i believe has always been the same, now in the media field that we have, in the confrontation between the media and the enemy, the enemy is seeking to abolish this, but the reality of the field is that they are the most stubborn and we welcome this and we are happy that as soon as the conditions are provided , more people will be legal in this field, god willing


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