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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2023 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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relations between iran and tajikistan are on the track of development, signing 18 cooperation documents and memorandums in the presence of the presidents of the two countries in dushanbe, mr. raisi, setting a target to increase economic cooperation to 150 million dollars.
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gaza continues to be the target of air and artillery attacks by the zionist regime. about 40 palestinians were martyred in the bombing of 3 houses in the north and center of gaza. in response to the crime of the qassam battalions, the rocket launchers of the occupied territories targeted the accumulation of equipment and zionist soldiers in several areas with missiles . the resistance fighters of 15 zionist tanks they destroyed several axes of gaza. and reforming the method
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of tax collection and based on justice and dealing with tax evasion, the tax bill on the collection of income went from the government to the parliament. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family , welcome to the 24 hour news section. 18 cooperation documents and a joint statement were signed by the officials of the two countries during the president's visit to tajikistan. participation in the meeting of joint high-ranking boards. press interview and trade conference of iran and tajikistan were other programs of mr. raisi in dushanbe. in these meetings, the presidents of the two countries focused on historical and cultural cooperation
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they emphasized on confronting the oppression of the zionist regime against the palestinians in gaza. the last program of the president was to meet with the speaker of the tajik parliament. the beginning of the president's visit to tajikistan in the rainy weather of dushanbe. and here is the official welcoming ceremony of the president of tajikistan to the president of iran. ready. cutting this is the second time that mr. raisi has been officially welcomed by the president of tajikistan, mr. imam ali rahman, in this place. after a period of cold relations, the presidents of iran and tajikistan have sat together for talks many times to bring the relations between the two countries into a new chapter. that seems it seems that it has been fruitful during these two years and 2
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months, the volume of relationships has grown significantly, more than 10 times the volume of relationships. following this trip, 18 cooperation documents and a memorandum of understanding were signed between iran and tajikistan. the documents that were signed between the two countries, a large and comprehensive document was signed between the presidents of the two countries, which deals with political and cultural cooperation. defense, science and technology, industry and tourism were mainly focused , along with the development of economic relations, cultural issues are also on the agenda. with the reopening of cultural offices of the islamic republic of iran in dushanbe and khojnand, god willing a new glorious era in cultural interactions in the country of the same culture will happen at the same time, god willing.
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iran has made a lot of progress in the past years despite threats and sanctions, and now the president says that iran has come to share these achievements with tajikistan, we have capacities in the field of energy, agriculture, industry in the field of mines. and we have many experiences that we are ready to share with the dear people of tajikistan. mr. raisi used the opportunity of the press meeting with his tajik counterpart to talk about regional issues . we are in regional issues with the country of tajikistan. sometimes we have common both countries are concerned about the dear people of afghanistan and we believe that it is the right of the afghan people to grow and develop. mr. raisi also called for an end to the genocide in palestine
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. today we cannot ignore the issue of palestine. palestine is our issue. the problem is the islamic world. the problem of humanity. today, the people of the world want an immediate end to these attacks , an immediate break of the siege of gaza, aid to the palestinian people , attention to the rights of the palestinian people, and a joint meeting of iranian and tajik businessmen with the aim of finding solutions for increasing the level of cooperation. tajikistan is a new country in the field of investment. iranian entrepreneurs in any field enter here. if they are resourceful and skilled, 10% will succeed. with the feeling of the power plants that we can have in tajikistan
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, we can provide favorable conditions for the export of electricity. in this meeting, the president made three proposals to increase trade between the two countries. facilitating access to work and administrative work in offices and organizations in iran and tajikistan. the customs of entry and exit points are very important. our emphasis and our advice to our colleagues it is to make the import and export of import and export materials very easy for the economic operator. the third point is the issue of banks and currency exchange. facilitating access to money is very important. mr. raisi considered economic independence to be the foundation of political independence and said that we will not allow anyone to disturb this independence and a recommendation to the economic activists of the two countries. we signed notes during this trip,
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mr. president and i. as a strategic cooperation , we signed the ministers and their officials in the two countries as executive relations of signing these documents. you are the executor of these documents and peace be upon you. iran and tajikistan expect the level of their trade exchanges to reach 500 million dollars per year in the short term . according to the statistics of iran's non-petroleum trade customs and the members of the economic cooperation organization (ecco) in the first half of this year, it reached more than 10 billion dollars. the spokesman of the export development commission of the house of mining industry and trade said that this amount of trade compared to last year was 18 by weight and
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4th by weight. the value has increased, according to mr. latifi, the share of our country's exports to 9 other eco member countries this year was about 6 billion dollars. it has increased by 2.5% compared to last year. turkey, pakistan and afghanistan are the top three export destinations of iranian goods among eco members. the palestinian ministry of health announced the number. the attacks of the zionist regime on the gaza strip reached 10,569 people , and 260 people were injured in these attacks. in one of the attacks of the zionist regime, a house in anusirat camp located in the center of gaza was targeted, as
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a result of which 18 people were martyred. most of the victims were children. in response to the crimes of the zionists, the palestinian resistance forces targeted the vehicles of the occupying forces. the resistance youths are ambushed by merkava tanks. today, the resistance went to hunt merkava tanks. they targeted the most advanced tanks of the zionists in the sheikh rezwan area of ​​gaza city with rpgs. as javad nasrallah , the son of the lebanese hezbollah secretary general, says: the current war in gaza has many similarities to the war of the lebanese resistance against the zionist regime 17 years ago. we are in gaza in the last days of the july 20th war in the wadi al-hajir region. since this morning, the fighters of the oath battalions have been successful.
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target 9 merkava 4 tanks in the northwest of gaza city. regime army in the last days of the 20th war, the zionists sent a large number of their tanks to al-hujair region to raise the morale of their forces. but the resistance youth targeted one of them. al-hajr valley was named after merkava cemetery. a cry for help could be heard from the radios of the occupying forces. the zionist enemy was completely defeated by the destruction of its tanks in the al-hajr region, and all the military plans of the occupier were thwarted and forced to retreat . also, this morning, the palestinian resistance forces destroyed 15 vehicles of the zionist regime in several axes in gaza and killed a soldier in alto area. directly targeted.
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heavy attacks on civilians, mosques, hospitals and schools in the gaza strip continue. trucks carrying humanitarian aid in gaza are also located in the bank of goals of the zionist regime. the head of doctors without borders also considered the situation in gaza to be catastrophic and said: " there has never been such a need to announce a ceasefire." the spokesman of the ministry of health of gaza said that the activities of more than half of the hospitals in gaza have been stopped due to airstrikes, running out of fuel and power cuts. ashraf al-qadara also said: direct attacks on medical and relief centers led to the martyrdom of about 20 became doctors, nurses and paramedics. in such some reporters present at the scene share the grief of palestinian children
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and sympathize with them . beloved, in many, in many, do you have a soul or soul, in all, many people are martyrs, their people, and all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us, our lives are good, i don't want to be bad, just raise your voice , raise your voice to the whole world. hospitals in gaza continue, the director of the indonesian hospital warned due to the lack of fuel for the generators of the medical equipment of this hospital in the next hour from it will fail. an explosion that
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was heard all over the world. the explosion in gaza's baptist hospital, which was a shelter for displaced people. but mamdanani was not the only target of the zionists' deadly bombings. the hospital is in a very bad condition. meanwhile, everything is being bombed. ambulance, cars and everything. the gaza ministry of health has announced that 16 hospitals and 34 medical centers in gaza are no longer able to operate and provide services due to the continuous attacks of the zionist regime. the attack on shefa hospital, indonesia quds and rangtisei is an example of this. shafa hospital the biggest hospital in palestine. it has about 700 beds, but after casualties. after the invasion of gaza by the israeli army, most of the people who refer to
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it are people whose houses have been targeted by bombs. the zionists claim that there are hamas forces in the hospitals and bombard them with rockets from these centers. if pictures are shown from under the buildings of hospitals and schools , they have dug tunnels under all the hospitals and schools. it is very difficult to fight them. the claim of the occupiers. it is a lie about the existence of a resistance tunnel in one of the hospitals. claim to use hospitals as missile launch platforms are not rational, the claim that has so far caused thousands of testimonies. the official media office of gaza has also announced that the hospitals of this city receive one wounded person every minute and 15 martyrs every hour . the number of cities
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whose corpses are gathered in the hospital is too many, the morgue is filled with the corpses of martyrs. in attacking gaza hospitals , they also violated international conventions. according to article 18 the fourth geneva convention states that civilian hospitals established for nursing the wounded, sick, disabled, and pregnant women should not be attacked in any case, but should be respected and supported by the warring governments at all times. the association of free journalists in gaza announced that there are 1000 journalists working in this area, who said that they are not willing to leave gaza despite threats to their lives and the lack of internet. so far, about five journalists have been martyred in this area. for thirty days, the bombs of the zionist regime have been hitting gaza one after another. works well here you see a martyr. martyred children: inside
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the houses, we found children who were defenseless martyrs and had no sin. mothers. the men of shahrida told the world minute by minute the slaughter of the people of gaza, these blue vests and the sarmi's . or martyred my colleague abu tahab was here half an hour ago. but now he, his wife, brother, son and many members of his family who were martyred are here in the hospital. saeed tawali, heshaman nawajeh, and a number of cities that have a list of 50 people it is not impossible that their numbers
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have increased by these minutes. that the zionist regime or with the testimony of their families want to get rid of them, we generally all have clear goals, for example , today, the family of an al jazeera reporter was targeted. they take revenge on us with our children. the occupiers want only pictures and news of the killings that are being committed in the gaza strip from the reporters. of the hundreds of buildings destroyed in gaza , 50 are news buildings. the number of martyrs in gaza has now exceeded 10,000 people, of which about 50 are journalists and the end of their mission beside these martyrs. we are trying to present the correct picture to the people
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as much as possible to show what crimes the israeli occupiers have committed against civilians, as well as journalists in the gaza strip. there are still thousands of reporters who want to stay in gaza. ezzedin qassam, the military branch of the hamas movement, announced that since yesterday morning, 15 military vehicles and tanks of the zionist regime have been destroyed in several axes in gaza . hamas resistance forces have so far targeted four zionist regimes in the northwest of the sheikh rizwan area of ​​gaza city. . qassam battalions also have a tank neferbrionists were destroyed in the north of ashati camp with two yasin 15 rockets, but allah rami allah akbar
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allah akbar allah akbar al hamd, the yemeni air defense tamsira shot down the american drone , according to the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces, in this operation, an american mk aircraft that flew over the water the yemenis were carrying out espionage operations in the framework of the us military support of the zionist regime . emphasizing the right of yemen to defend itself, brigadier general yahya seri said: the actions of the enemy will not stop us from continuing military operations against the israeli regime and to support the oppressed palestinian nation. in the past few days, in response to the attacks of the zionist regime in gaza, yemen
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targeted eilat port in the south of the occupied palestinian territories with missile and drone attacks. in the zionist regime's war against the palestinian people, foreign persian language media are trying to make this regime look oppressed. warning of the contents of this report, for example, the first picture, where several people in military uniforms stripped men and killed them on the ground. these pictures have been published in the media for several days. they said that those soldiers are zionists and those palestinian prisoners humiliated and beat us every day for more than 20 days. they beat us and tortured us every day. first of all, many of the words of this gentleman who just interviewed. this arab person was a complete liar.
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the spokesperson of the farsi languages ​​says that the behavior of zionist soldiers is different from what is narrated. i know some israeli prisoners, they are our friends. they do not beat or torture anyone in any way . they say something on tv that just 11 months ago, english media guardian published a detailed report. a report of a conversation with some former zionist soldiers who told about the torture methods of the palestinians. when i went to the army, with me i said ok, i will go to an official unit and treat myself with humanity. but after a while i became a monster that i could not even look into my own eyes anymore. apart from hayden, three other officers also mentioned their torture methods in this report. we thought we heard wrong. but the commander said: i know what i am saying , he set a trap for those who were throwing stones and really took off their knees. we found a piece of wood from the surrounding area
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and put the boy on it, and for a few minutes, this narrative is not audible, so you know that the last narrator says that he had a seizure, but i don't think it was life. media persian speakers use a specific interpretation for these narratives. legitimate defense what israel has done in the last few days. even in the framework of legitimate defense, as i said, how come you are in favor of a ceasefire, but before you demand the cessation of israel's legitimate defense, we have the right to legitimate defense in article 51 of the united nations charter. he denied zionist prisons and said that if this is the case, israel is a democracy. if they start behaving like this brutally, israel will not survive for two weeks. but the soldiers who the guardian reported that they had come to the interview. they represent a group of several hundreds of former
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zionist soldiers who have detailed in more than a thousand reports. he confessed. these words are true. israel, its democracy, behaves so brutally . atefeh gudiini news reporter in a meeting with a high-ranking chinese military official, the russian president announced that moscow and pikan will strengthen military cooperation. vladimir putin said: america is trying to expand nato beyond the geographical borders of the member countries by creating political and military categories in asia. putin in a meeting with the deputy head of the central military commission of china warned. america, by looking for its allies and trying to create military and political alliances in the asia pacific region , will create a tense situation in the region. the russian president said that the us is seeking its own interests with selfish actions, and said that moscow and beijing are considering an appropriate response to washington's actions.
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referring to the general policies of sea-oriented development announced by the supreme leader of the revolution, the president said in the meeting of the government board: the device. related in the center and coastal provinces to be obliged to formulate their proposals within 3 months provide implementation plans for these policies. the need to do the tasks of all the institutions in the issue of population rejuvenation was another part of mr. raisi's speech. vice president of ports and sea organization norwardi said: in order to strengthen sea-oriented activities , extensive studies have been done in the past 2 years, and by submitting the bill to the government and passing it in the parliament, the infrastructures for the realization of the sea-oriented economy will be formed. according to mr. eslami, with the creation of the maritime domain secretariat, general sea-oriented policies will be implemented.
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40% of iran's borders are seas in the north and south of the country. iran has 580 kilometers of coastline and a large sea area, apart from having one beach ok, and it has access to open waters in the north sea, and in fact, it is a big lake, a big sea to which three of our provinces are connected . now , it has been emphasized in the general policies of sea-oriented development announced by the supreme leader. in fact, a small part of our industrial actions is our development in these coasts , both in the south and in the north. well, these are some of the capacities mentioned in these policies. vice president of ports organization for planning and economy says: this organization is for the realization of general sea-oriented development policies has started its activity. parts that can be really
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fast. in this area, there are discussions related to transit, considering that recently the corridor discussions and the countries that have good economic relations with iran in the negotiations and in the economic diplomacy that happened in the new government can be the starting point of this, in fact, the implementation of the document. in the organization of ports and navigation, a representative of the islamic council says that you should take people to the coasts, and there should be a series of cities there. let it be built now for the aquaculture settlements that we currently have in shirati . they are already having problems with their water, electricity and gas .
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according to mr. hosseini, deputy president of the house of representatives, the tax bill on total income was sent from the government to the islamic council. according to mr. hosseini, the change of the current method of tax collection to tax on total income, as well as the organization of tax exemptions and incentives , are among the reforms implemented in this bill. but the party comes and advertises 5 million 6 million 20 on insta million, 100 million, he is getting money for a single post, they are running away from us, the evasion that has messed up the tax justice is the amount of the tax that is being contracted now, tax evasion is a problem that has gone through several years and several governments in search of a fair distribution of resources. let's consider income and wealth. let's put aside the tax base on the collection of income. let's put aside the wealth base. how do we want a fair explanation of the drama to be created? if we want to consider justice and efficiency in tax collection
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, we definitely need complete information about the income and expenses of tax collectors . let's have in the correction plan we proposed a structure that the household income tax should be included in the household income collection according to the way the world is working. governments have listened to it many times. id tax, income tax, these are the most important foundations that exist in the world. we expected the ministry of economy to accompany us in this regard . but a bill with the title of income tax did not go to the parliament. ministry of economy of the thirteenth government in order to complete the provincial tax process based on the income of the spring of 1402
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, he announced the government meetings to formulate a tax bill on the collection of income. the content of this bill was prepared by the ministry of economy, which will be sent to the islamic council as soon as it is approved by the government. passing the income tax law is an issue that people are insisting on. someone should pay taxes, he should be the one who really earns. all sections of the society should be seen with the same eye and there should be justice. according to the statistics of the economic cooperation and development organization , the distance between 20 selected countries in which the income tax has been implemented social classes have decreased. by the end of the 4th day, 15 people were registered in the assembly of leadership experts. the speaker of the country's election headquarters said semnan provinces , ilam, qom, ghazvin, mazandaran, zanjan, hormozgan,
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chaharmahal. bakhtiari kurdistan


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