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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2023 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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i swear to god, o lord of acceptance. and now let's see a report about the confusion of the political and military authorities of the zionist regime due to the failure of
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the ground operation in qatza. zionist circles believe that the occupying regime needs months but years to dominate the northern part of the gaza strip. but the fact is that the internal front of the zionist regime is not able to tolerate long-term and far-reaching conflicts whose results are not clear. in addition , netanyahu's cabinet has no clear vision for the post-war era. the zionists are confused between whether this regime will dominate gaza itself or use the flow from outside gaza. israel army he says that one or two weeks is not enough to carry out ground operations in gaza, and if the prime minister stops the ground operations , he will face widespread opposition. the consequences of stopping the military operations before hamas is gone
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are disastrous for israeli society and the government. it will take at least one to two months to destroy hamas and destroy its military power. can we continue this war during this time with international and american aid and the domestic front? is this situation real? americans ask a question . what do we ultimately want from this war? i i don't have a clear answer and i am worried that personal interests will be prioritized over other interests. against these complex realities, zionist circles emphasize the necessity of confronting the palestinian resistance, a resistance that uses every opportunity to confront the occupiers. the operation is very complex and difficult and we still need months of efforts and new methods. we should not be too confident and make mistakes in calculations. we are in a very intense and dangerous war. it is not without reason that the war is slow.
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zionist experts and analysts warned that the authorities of the zionist regime the issue of the zionist captives should not be eliminated with the adventurer in gaza, because not releasing them will be a stain on the forehead of this regime. in tonight's program, we will have a conversation with mr. ali safari, an expert on international issues, and mr. alireza taghaviya, an expert on west asian issues, to review the latest political developments in the field, but before that, we will see a video of the developments of the past 24 hours.
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he will strike again, he will strike al-harbiyah targeting the school of the displaced in the north of the gaza strip this morning.
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it is correct, correct, correct. well, have a conversation with mr. safari, an expert on issues i will start mr. safari, hello, hello, i am at your service and dear viewers. mr. safari, today we saw that german chancellor olaf schulz announced that he does not support the ceasefire in gaza . this is the position that the heads of western countries
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have taken so far regarding the humanitarian crisis and the genocide of the zionists in gaza. yesterday, the heads of islamic and arab countries had a meeting. and overall, in that meeting , good things were said in the statement. they also point to things such as the rejection of the zionist justification for attacking gaza under the title of defense or the need for a ceasefire and sending aid, but the point is that in this statement, there is no practical and specific action to change the situation, today was no different from yesterday, and with such a statement, there is no way to change the situation in the coming days, at least from the direction of yesterday's meeting. islamic countries have achieved? yes, i would like to thank you for the opportunity that you provided
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, as you mentioned, well , we had the meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation with the arab league yesterday, and these two meetings were combined with each other on the issue of palestine, well, in the form of really wonderful it was held as you mentioned. well, in the final statement that came out of this meeting , we saw more recent issues, because in fact, compared to the meeting that the executive committee of the organization of islamic cooperation held a few weeks ago, which the minister of foreign affairs of our country also attended. he was present at that meeting. this is actually the statement that was issued. well, of course, as you mentioned, it has various issues, including the fact that he rejected the argument of the zionist regime, which is actually committed by justifying the self-defense of gaza , or, for example, the residents of the city. he called everyone a terrorist and stuff like that, well anyway it was interesting, but as your excellency pointed out, well, our practical action is actually a practical action that will have an impact on the ground
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anyway . the normalization of their relations with the zionist regime is a natural step, which in fact we do not see a pragmatic action from them . in fact, being known as a terrorist in the settlement of nasheed and or even a warning about the expansion of the war zone. these are all the suggestions that the islamic republic of iran has actually put forward. there are other things in this statement that if we compare with the text of the speech of the minister of foreign affairs of the country, which is in the executive committee , we can see that it is common, and in fact, these same porters have also been proposed by countries such as the islamic republic of iran. in fact, it can be said that one of the results that this meeting can have
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is actually a conclusion and proof for many countries, which in fact now hope sometimes they may be directed to some governors the countries are actually arab and well. mr. president, in the meeting he had with the emir of qatar, he said that if in fact we cannot reach a result through these meetings and our diplomatic mechanisms , we will actually force the nations to come together to help. the people of gaza, in fact, have been repeatedly warned that if the crime in gaza is not stopped , it will not be possible to stop the resistance groups, the groups of people who are actually fighting against the zionist regime , and the possibility of taking any action from in fact, the axis of resistance mentioned by mr. safari after the gathering bandandi, my impression of your speech is that this meeting was good and the statement was also good, but it is not enough, it is a step forward
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, it can be evaluated in this way, but it has not reached the point that is desirable for all of us, the islamic republic of iran has repeatedly announced . that in fact these crimes committed by the zionist regime against civilians are actually against all international laws and in fact the humanitarian conventions of the geneva convention , the regime violates all international laws and our silence we see that this is the main factor from some countries we are the united states of america. in fact, the attempt that mr. president himself mentioned in his speech in riyadh is an attempt by the islamic republic of iran to make the world realize that it is the americans who are a condition for the zionist regime today. providing that an immature child is actually unpunished, who can commit any crime and not be punished, and in
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fact the laws will be an exception for him. the resolution was approved and on the other hand we see that when this resolution it goes to the general assembly and gets 120 votes in favor and asks the zionist regime to end its crime, but it does not create the executive capacity for it . as a result, it can be concluded that despite the efforts of some countries, including iran, it should be mentioned here that the meeting that was actually held and the previous meeting of the executive committee from the day after the start of the conflicts, that is, from october 8, the islamic republic of iran requested the meeting, and the president of our country , well, you know that this trip that is now in riyadh was actually done after 11 years and in real relations between iranians and saudi arabia, the president of our country shows the importance of this matter by entering riyadh on a multilateral trip and participating in this meeting, and as a result, we also see , despite the fact that with these actions and activities diplomatic steps forward have been taken, we see some positive signs, but we are still at
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the desired point and the idea that a collective pragmatic action to put economic pressure on the zionist regime, imposing sanctions on every diplomatic and political tool that we can have at our disposal. ok, let's get to the point where we can do that work in that situation, we can say that we are far apart. thank you. i will continue the conversation with mr. taghaviya. hello, in the name of god. i also offer greetings and courtesy to you and dear viewers, mr. taghaviyan . what is your opinion about yesterday's meeting and its results? are you optimistic or pessimistic? look, the point i have to make is that this meeting was good for declaring a position, but can declaring a position prevent the crimes of the zionist regime? this is an important question for the zionist regime since its establishment
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, even according to un security council resolutions such as 242 . 478 and so on, he did not respect them it does not implement, does it consider the statement of the arab and islamic countries? it is a statement that, unfortunately, in my opinion, was weak . it will be held for several hundreds of thousands of people, but islamic countries do not take any special action. in practice, i would like to give two examples , please. i hope we will have the opportunity . i would like to give the example of turkey. turkey, mr. erdoğan took harsh positions, but this same mr. erdoğan has fueled 600 israel's crude oil through the line
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baku pipe is supplying tbilisi, ceyhan receives, and mr. erdogan is providing fuel for israeli planes and tanks . mr. erdogan came in the battle with armenia and equipped baku with drones. mr. dolat equipped fayez of siraj with a standard bearer, but he is not ready to do this in gaza. he is equipping ukraine to confront russia, but he is not equipping the palestinian nation, or i want to give the example of egypt. egypt was once the center of gravity of the arab world. he was the leader of the arab world. that mr. shukri qutli in the year in 1958, the president of syria came and officially handed over the government of syria to egypt , and the united arab republic was formed under the leadership of gamal abdel nasser, and this country of egypt, which was once the cultural, political, military center of gravity and the leader of the arab world, today has 110
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the million population has reached the point where its people are protesting and saying, "o nasrallah, come and hit the floodgates. egypt, with 110 million people, today needs 1.1.5 million lebanese shiites. i want to say this . today, the egyptian government has 5 billion cubic meters in the egyptian government is importing gas from israel every year it has a 10-kilometer border with the gaza strip, but it is waiting for israel's permission to bring in humanitarian aid. i want to state that the people of the islamic ummah see a contradiction , that there are only two governments whose declared positions are the positions they are taking in practice. one was the syrian arab republic and the other was the islamic republic of iran, and by the way, i believe, i seriously believe that
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the winner of this summit was the islamic republic of iran, because of the speeches of the heads of islamic countries. arab networks and global networks were broadcast from al jazeera, which has millions of tens of hundreds of millions of visitors and people hearing the islamic president of iran and seeing that the only country that practically takes a position and supports palestine in practice is the islamic republic of iran was very influential in terms of diplomacy . do you have a chance to work for a moment? please work for a moment. regarding this matter that you mentioned, before the program , i had a conversation with one of your lebanese colleagues, mr. mohammad hazimeh, an expert on political issues, and we should hear his opinion. the decisions
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of the meeting of heads of islamic countries were positive the zionist regime's claim that this war is a legitimate defense was not accepted. the meeting asked the security council to issue a decisive and binding resolution to stop the aggression against gaza. also, this meeting recommended to send aid including food, medicine and fuel to the gaza strip so that the hospitals can resume their activities, but these decisions need someone to oblige the zionist regime to stop the aggression and criminal operations. slow down and force the zionist regime to allow aid to enter the gaza strip, but who will do this? is america israel forces him to stop his aggression? i don't think that will happen. this important question is raised, will the arab countries cut off all their relations with israel,
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recall their ambassadors, and stop economic relations with israel? do these countries in particular. maghreb jordan and egypt will cut off their economic relations with israel if there is no serious will , the decisions of this meeting will remain on paper. regarding the same point what mr. taqunia raised, we can see that riyadh's support for islamic countries in the presidency is not in the scale and magnitude of the events that happened in gaza, and it can also be called a meeting of contradictions. this meeting had contradictions both in the field of recommendations and in the field of examining the issues. the meeting remained at the decision level and failed to provide a practical solution to help those who remain in gaza. the
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meeting ended with the recommendations of the oasis that has no taste or color. there were many contradictions between the officials of the countries that gathered in this meeting. if the statements of mr. ebrahim raisi the president of iran was not there, and if it were not for the proposals of the islamic republic of iran regarding palestine , we could call this meeting a failure. well, mr. taqwiniyah , we have heard the opinions of these two arab experts . yes, i just want to tell you one thing. egypt was once the leader of the arab world, but after the betrayal of anwar sadad in 1978, it became a second-rate country. anwar sadad thought that if he established a relationship with israel, if he had israel's support, the west would open the door of its green garden to him. it will open to the people of egypt
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kurds, but today, 45% of the 10 million egyptian population is officially below the poverty line, which means that not only did egypt's compromise bring about its prosperity, it did not cause its industrial development, but it also caused its humiliation. egypt has degraded and its people feel humiliated. they say that the total number of lebanese shiites who are under his command is one and a half million people and he considers himself a member of the velayat al-faqih party, which means that egypt has descended to this extent , even though egypt has the largest army in the arab world, but because it is the path of compromise and the path of humiliation. today, he can't even help his muslim neighbor who has a border with him he is waiting for israel's permission, i want to say that, as the supreme leader said, compromise is more expensive than resistance, but its benefits and its achievements are much more than compromise with mr. taqvi niyah's talent
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. let's talk a little about the reason for this situation. in any case, the positions that have been adopted are good positions . now these countries can take serious measures . or that the americans have bases in some of these countries through the same bases they are sending troops and equipment to the occupied territories and using them to bomb the zionists. now the number of martyrs has exceeded 11,000 and we are witnessing a genocide . why, despite the fact that there was some kind of convergence in these places that we saw yesterday, but in practical terms , we do not see that these countries are not doing anything, where is the problem. you said about egypt, tell the problem about the rest of the countries, see, let me say this point, most of the islamic countries, their governments
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are not based on the will of the people, that is, at one time, nasser was based on the will of the egyptian people, he stood by relying on the people, and even if in the 1967 war, the egyptian people poured millions into the streets and supported nasser , but the rulers of the arab countries obeyed the will of the people. the people are not there and they don't have a strong support, they have to rely on america for their survival, and america has made supporting israel and establishing a relationship with israel an important condition for supporting these countries, so it is important that islamic countries have the necessary independence and power components. and they don't have the support of the people to implement the wishes of their own nations, that is, you are saying that as long as everything does not cost anything, it is possible to talk about support. let's hear from palestine, but if a practical action is costly, america will pay for it and they are not ready to accept the cost
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. yes, yes, look, egypt has chosen the path of humiliation . 45% of the people of egypt are below the poverty line, poverty is rampant in egypt, but despite the fact that the united states has not sanctioned egypt , we can see that egypt has not made any progress, or the jordanian government, which once fought with israel, today has 3 billion dollars of gas. egypt imports 5 billion cubic meters of gas from israel annually it imports billions of dollars of sad gas from israel, the turkish government has 15 billion dollars a year in trade deals with israel, and it is not even ready to close the israeli embassy, ​​and this is regrettable. muslims should realize which country really supports the cause of palestine and which country is the leader of the islamic world and defends the palestinian nation and defends its rights and has independence. this is an
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important point. thank you, mr. safari i hope you are still with us, i am at your service yes, what do you think about this difference between the positions and actions of the arab islamic governments, where is the problem that these issues remain limited to words and do not do anything special? today, we can actually see that in various meetings, they announce their position , well, they often have the same experience, and in any case , they have the experience of confronting the zionist regime with the use of ideologies, such as arab nationalism, which nasser actually he represented in the 1960s and, well, practically to the end also, not reaching and going to a path is actually a compromise, or for example, even in itself, in fact, in the area of ​​the group
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that we see that mr. this same framework and puzzle can be analyzed, but we see that in fact, despite all these issues and despite all these, in fact, the conditions we are in , the world and the public opinion of the world today see that the most pragmatic positions and actions are taken by the republic. the islamic iranians and their allies are doing this in the region a new face is actually the reaction of public opinion to countries like the islamic republic of iran, which is actually a lot of the conspiracies that western countries have carried out against the islamic republic of iran in the past few years, especially during the syrian crisis. yes, the islamic republic , see what is happening in syria what is he doing in yemen, but today he sees that in palestine , which is the main goal of the arab world and the islamic world, which group and which current is actually in the middle of the field
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? it is fighting against the zionist regime. he does the fight. i would like to add one point to complete your conversation you also had a conversation with a lebanese journalist. on the sidelines of dr. raisi's speech in riyadh, i was talking to one or two saudi journalists who were present. this is the picture of mr. raisi getting off the stairs of the plane and speaking at the meeting. the palestinian has to say , really, you look at this picture, i wish the rest of you. the arab leaders who came and participated in this meeting took a model from this and took this action. listen to the positions. well , hearing these words from a saudi journalist from a figure who is actually working in a media. who said in the last 10 years that yes , the islamic republic of iran is interfering in the arab world , what is it doing in syria, but now it has reached this point , what are they saying now, and these differences are the same as our friends said that these arab governments are their governments . today we see that
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there is actually a game change and actually a turning of ideas and opinions in the arab and islamic world. safari less than a minute. with these conditions , how do you see the continuation for the people of gaza? look , it seems to me that according to these actions, despite the fact that we do not see practical action from the arab countries. and islamic may analyze too much. well, the situation will become more difficult for the people of gaza. by the way, unlike the situation on the ground, which does not change for the people of gaza , they have been living under siege for years . the important issue that exists is that this lack of hope in what happened to all the arab countries who claim that yes , we are the flag bearer of the palestinian issue, this makes the nations conclude that the only path that caused the defeat of the zionist regime in 2014 in 206 and 200 in lebanon it is the path of resistance, and the fate of the people in the arab and islamic world is close to the option of resistance
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i say goodbye to mr. safari and also to the viewers of the khabar channel who were with us in tonight's program. have a good night. we ask the human society to have a special look at the suffering people of gaza. these war crimes must be stopped. maybe the moment i am talking to you is the last moment for those who are waiting for treatment in ic. the situation is not good at all for the wounded. we have no medicine for patients who
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are in an acute and emergency situation. we don't have them , they are struggling with death, unfortunately, due to the large number of injured people , there is a severe lack of medical equipment, drugs, and even the number of doctor, we are going through the most difficult days in gaza . it is 3 am tehran time. dear viewers , welcome to this news section. the spokesperson of the 7th plan consolidation commission announced the increase in the payment of housing facilities during the implementation of the program, mr. zanneh also said: banks that do not fulfill their obligations to pay housing facilities, the growth of their balance sheets will stop. banks that fulfill their definite obligations regarding the payment of tuition fees.


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