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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] check now, in fact, during the last 15 days and 16 days since the ground operations started, the focus is on the northern part of gaza, which is gaza city, which is in the north of the gaza strip. the initial test of the operation of various axes from the north to the south, from the northwest to the northeast, to the east of gaza city, to the south of gaza city, in front of khanyounis and rafah , and even in one of these operations , american commando forces were also present, and mr. mcgregor was killed. he announced that these were the pieces of the general, i think he was a retired american he was mr. trump's advisor during mr. trump's period when he announced that our commando forces
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were with them. now i will explain in the next part. that the americans have a role, contrary to their claim that they only have an advisory role, in fact, it is not this war , they are present on the ground and in the southern areas of gaza city just yesterday, in fact , they have been trying for the past two days to gain access to a part of of the tunnels , whose main mission is to free the prisoners and their drones, in fact, it is to identify the routes so that they can enter egypt with special operations and commandos. capture the commanders of hamas. this is in addition to the british, french and german special forces that are present in israel and they are not named. anyway, during the last two weeks, operations on gaza city have started from at least three axes, one from the north along the northwest coast, one from the
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northeast. from the area of ​​mabar ariz to baitallah bityahun, and one from the southern part of shojaiye neighborhood and hay zeitoun, and these are the zeitoun neighborhood , which is an open area. these were agricultural areas that started to advance and then actually moved from the southern area of ​​gaza city to bringing this area to the sea is an open area it is non-colonial agriculture, from there they try to say to the north that the northwest axis is connected to them, but in fact this is still not possible, especially in the fishing port of gaza city and the distance of almost one kilometer from these is possible, in fact, this so-called not being able to find a handshake, trying to enter the residential areas, because of the casualties and damages that entered the residential areas, and
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in fact, the loss of their tanks and armor in lebanon , he said that the sish regime lost 180 tanks and spares , so this is the damage of the army. the armor that entered this operation is so high that now during almost less than a week, israel tried a new armored vehicle from mirkava 3, which was out of order, and demanded that the reputation of mirka 4 should not be damaged any more. the alleys and back alleys of the entrance to gaza city, which are actually intended to be resisted and destroyed, and have no maneuvering power, because they have a very large body, they should try to make three rounds with the arrival of a new brigade that will actually
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solve this problem. these are good grounds for the residential areas, both in terms of armor and in terms of the infantry force that accompanies them, and the commando forces of gulani and jafaati and the like. for hunting by the resistance , almost 20% of israel's total armored force has been damaged and destroyed. it has no mobility. in fact, the target is ambushes or resistance measures, which also have high casualties, and interestingly, israel announces the casualties of 50 people in the past few days , while 180 tanks, bulldozers, or armored personnel carriers are at least 3, 4, and 5 crew members. in fact, there is a special force in their personnel carriers, in their bulldozers, if any
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which one. one person was also killed, the statistics must be very high and it is interesting that they announce 300 people as near wounded , but they say 100 of them. they have suffered a concussion, which is a trick so that they don't harm the society in reality, so we can say that especially since yesterday, when the resistance operations intensified in the north-west axis to hunt tanks from behind , the casualties have increased. in fact , the tools of these and the tanks of these are also days
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before, it was about 10-12, it has increased to 20 in the last 24 hours . therefore, there are problems in both the armored forces and the forces capable of urban warfare. iraq is participating in preparing units that can fight in urban warfare. in fact, the problem of the israeli security forces is that they do not have enough experience and training, they are not motivated , and they are very afraid of mercenary forces bringing money and engaging in urban warfare. now we mentioned what plan and program of the zionist regime look at the actors involved in this war, they have an ideal plan in order to actually occupy the entire north of gaza. this is in a situation where their armored forces and their infantry forces advance and when they face resistance, they immediately retreat and the air forces of that part who are the resistance forces, intensify the bombardment in order to clear the buildings and places
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that the resistance may use them to prepare the ground for their advance, which they have not been able to do so far. their ideal plan is to divide the city of northern gaza. the north is taking over derbairn by literally putting them to sleep and then forcing people to migrate to the northern region, which has a population of more than 1 million, which is about 600 or 700, or there are no exact numbers , to migrate to the southern regions. now, about 3000 thousand people are still in the northern regions . or they build residential buildings, they want to move these people to the south, and then they say that when we surround and attack the hospital , there is no safe place to evacuate the area. the next step is
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to raze this area to the ground if they can gain access to the tunnels to resist prisoners like this, this is their ideal plan . if the situation is such that this plan has not actually gone ahead, today mr. netanyahu gave an interview that we need a few weeks to do this . i was just listening to the interview of the army spokesman. the spokesman of the israeli army says that now we are having both military and political negotiations. if we don't accept until now, we can negotiate let's free our own evenings, he said, in cairo, the plan is ready, the agreed upon statements of the head of the mossad, the egyptian intelligence officials, mr. mahmoud , mr. abbas kamel and the qatari intelligence officer, have completed their consultations
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and the plan is in the hands of mr. biden . it is mr. biden who actually gave permission to fire it's enough and even a humane and limited ceasefire still doesn't exist. it's a very good point. we also have mr. yusuf azizi in wash . we can ask him about the american view and the program that america is promoting . mr. aziz, hello, we are the guests of your program, dear guests of your program and viewers. i had your program with mr. mohammadi, i was talking, we had reached this point that there is a plan for the exchange of prisoners, so that the palestinians who are in the prisons of the sehuni regime should be released, in contrast to those who are released from the zionists, they say that at the point where the table
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biden has stopped there, the americans do not agree, well, it is clear that after all, american foreign policy is under the influence of power and wealth lobbies, especially israeli lobbies, and decision-making in these areas is contrary to the opinion of the majority of the american people, who in opinion polls still believe that the biden government is at least on stage, now behind the scenes and behind the curtain we have to talk in a different way, but at least on the stage, considering the maximum pressure that israel wants to bring , they are still working towards israel's maximum goals, although they are also trying to make sure that this crisis becomes a regional crisis. it won't change, and the local crisis means in the same area of ​​gaza, because in fact, first of all, the american government does not have the permission to actually fight in other places and start a war on behalf of israel, and
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start a regional war on the other side. it is possible that according to the scenarios that have been announced, the price of oil will go up it will reach 15 dollars per barrel and make the economic situation, which is not a good situation in the western world , even worse. . this policy of the americans and some western governments is still the absolute support of zionist operations, they are not even willing to use the word ceasefire. where and at what point may the policy of america and these governments change? you see , there are two important situations, one is the pressure of public opinion inside, of course, unlike now, unfortunately, my opinion i see that sometimes it is brought up in iran, that is,
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in the country. in the so-called western democracy, all decisions, especially in the field of foreign policy and national security, are based on the votes and opinions of the people. well, no, it is not like that . public opinion has an influence, but it has a partial influence, and in practice, the foreign policy in these countries is governed by the elite group or the elite group of their society. it is defined by the elite group in the elites in our country, it is created by them, but public opinion can influence and mr. biden has presidential elections next year, exactly one year after the presidency in america, there is a point. some of the sensitive states where the competition was tight in 2020, in 2016 i was between the democrats and the republicans, the competition is still breathtaking, maybe a few 10,000 votes can determine the entire presidential task , so we saw that in the demonstrations that took place in recent days and weeks in in america itself, in washington dc, arab americans, muslim americans and various associations of various groups
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threatened mr. biden that if he does not surrender to the fire and pressure the occupying regime of qatar to establish a fire next year, unlike 2020. will not vote for biden, democrats the fact that they vote for the republic will not participate and it is possible that it will cause mr. biden's defeat , so there is an issue of internal pressure that, along with the powerful lobby and wealth that are active here, other minority groups and other groups are also trying to they are gathering their own strength to impose their opinion on mr. biden to accept the ceasefire sooner rather than later to israel, but the second issue is the regional issue, that is, when we finally see forces in yemen, resistance forces in iraq , in lebanon, these are actually they are getting into the game or getting into the game, well, this is a big risk.
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because the united states does not like the issue to turn into a regional war, iran is also well, in fact, as a general guiding force, so it seems contrary to some words that have been said in the country in the last few days that we say that we do not want to fight, we are looking for a war. we are not going after human rights, we are international rights. we have seen our experience in the jcpoa, our experience in the case of palestine and various experiences that the western world, as you said , is violating the fundamentals of the un charter in front of their eyes, and practically nothing is being done. thank you, and my third and final question on the one hand, the zionist ground operation , as we were talking about, has not been so successful at this time, and that goal needs much more time, several months and even more than a year. we can see the mentioned year from the other side, even in the speeches of the foreign minister of the regime
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, it was said that there is, for example, two weeks more time for this operation and the opportunity is being lost . how do you think the time is going? see , you can look at it from two sides, after all, how much time passes with this nonsense about cutting off the water. and electricity, gas, fuel, medicine, and hospitals, and these things certainly put pressure on the oppressed palestinian people in gaza, but from the other side, if we look at it, israel has never had a long-term war in its history, so now it is about a more than a month has passed since the incident on november 15th and october 7th, and it seems that currents within israel have come to the conclusion that those initial ambitious goals cannot be achieved , perhaps mr. netanyahu simply because he does not want to answer for now. ok, in front of the public opinion within themselves and the public opinion of the world for the time being the fire of war is still burning, we must know
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that israel's economy has suffered very serious damage . even today, the start of the new academic year has been delayed by a few months , with an unknown date. the economic situation is very bad. riz said that what is characteristic of the economic and political system of the zionist regime is not to the extent that, in addition to all the help that the western world is giving it , especially psychologically, in terms of psychological problems for its people, it is not to the extent that it calls for war. we have to see if it continues for a long time how do different factors affect it, and can all these factors that we talked about today and the guest of the program talk about, can the ceasefire be brought to gaza as soon as possible? thank you.
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i will continue with mr. mohammadi. mr. mohammadi, you have described the ideal plan of the zionists of rome. you said how feasible their plan is to occupy gaza city or, for example, hamas. it is a very good basis for judging, even if the population of the north remains. gaza should be moved to the south of gaza which causes the resentment of the resistance forces, which is the killing of people, and the actions that are being taken on the hospitals, no food, water, and facilities to the northern areas of gaza city, etc., and these will not actually be transferred, even if all the people are transferred. the situation of the resistance becomes ideal as it does not worry about the killings in the areas close to it, the hands of the resistance will be freer to deal with it, although israel in
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such a situation takes more brutal measures to raze everything there , but in fact there every the number of israeli armored or infantry or commando forces arriving yes, according to the conditions of the tunnel network that exists, they are the ones that are vulnerable when now 20-25% of the israeli armored forces are in these actions that have not yet reached a place, that is, a place where they cannot learn from him as a military victory with these casualties. high and with these high losses, definitely considering that they are looking for the forces of the binational commando and the like, this limit of the ceiling of the alliance is very low, and therefore it is not expected that their goals will actually reach anywhere, as i said, the political negotiations on the device western, israeli, arabic information and so on
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it is possible that even within a week, for example, on the pretext of political negotiations , their own military actions will be executed. but since they cannot have the necessary military alliance and the damages that have been inflicted on them, the problem will definitely shift towards the results of political negotiations and these minimum goals will not fall into the hands of the zionist regime . i must emphasize a very important point. whatever it is, the war in gaza in the northern region has an impact on many parameters in the internal field of israel, palestine, the region and the world. it cannot achieve its own goals here. this means that all the projects of normalization of relations by the arab countries will be followed by relying on america and
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the zionist regime on the part of these countries. in fact , the situation will not end. resistance is established, the equation of resistance at the regional level becomes stronger, their position of influence in various issues has gone to the other side of the story of this war, the zionists like to say that if the october 7 group managed to strike us like this, we want history for the future. let's delete this group it is a goal that they are pursuing, and if we do not reach this goal , it means that it will be shown in the opposite sense that the resistance was able to strike and remain like this, and it can strike like this in the future and again the zionist regime in its direct military action. defeat and therefore both modes even if he succeeds. can hit the resistance there, even if it is limited
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, it can have a negative effect on the equations and what is the interests of the related parties . thank you very much. your analysis i have ram. there is a natural war for the zionist regime, security economy, in any case, their justification is to bring jews from different parts of the world to a safe land, but when the war wants to continue, these warnings of danger will be heard , with that justification of the establishment of this regime, it is very it doesn't match what i said. this is what you think. some of the experts say that we may witness a long-term war of several months or a year, but others say that no, this must be done quickly. it is to be able to with in fact, getting the western powers as a supporter and even bringing
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them into the battle field will have a long war, because in fact , even a minimal victory is desperately needed, because its life and existence are related to this outcome. this is because they insist that mr. netanyahu knows that the end of the war is the end of his political life, so one of the reasons for mr. netanyahu's insistence is that even if the war continues , the possibility that he will be able to win will add to his political life and he can justify himself and his society that if i insist on war i have come to a conclusion and now i will continue. one of the disadvantages of the possibility of victory is that netanyahu or the israeli government or even western countries are determined to carry out similar measures in dealing with the resistance groups, but they are both under the control of the government and the collapse of the regime.
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zionist, i don't know if he will be able to do more than the next two weeks. in fact, yesterday, their foreign minister said that you also think that two weeks is the ideal limit , so that they can actually prolong it with various maneuvers under the pretext of political negotiations and details of the agreement, but it is possible. is that in less than this time will force them to accept the 5-day suspension and the evening exchange will begin in a phased manner. under these conditions, the main loser of all this will be netanyahu. certainly, the israelis themselves emphasized in their media yesterday and today that if we even have a ceasefire or if we accept an hourly stoppage or even a few days
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