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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2023 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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it is 5 am tehran time, and dear viewers, welcome to this news section in ayin. the national day of book and librarians was celebrated with donations from 14 book and book reading activists in different age groups. in this ceremony, the speaker of the parliament pointed to the follow-up of the constitution of the country's public bookstores in the parliament and emphasized: the country's public bookstores are non-governmental and the loss of books in the household basket should be compensated in this institution. mr. qaliyaf also
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considered society and people to be the most important thing to bring about transformation in various fields of governance in culture or economy. making a book a book called iran. a goal that brought people of culture and literature together on the day of books, books and librarians. the thirty-first period of the week that the book of the islamic republic of iran. the guests came from all over the country . public books institute and the head of mellat house hosted them in vahdat hall. this is an important day. mr. qalibaf mentioned the two issues of economy and culture as the main axes of the 11th parliament in the gathering of librarians and bookworm friends. today , yes, the economy is definitely our first issue. i believe that the most important place that we should pay attention to for this development is the people. the book is a tool to increase public knowledge and common sense. this
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was one of the other words of the speaker of the parliament on the book and book reading day. so that the soul of our society can be fruitful in the light of knowledge and thought, we need books and book reading. at the meeting of people of books , those who are trying to paint iran's readable future were also appreciated. honoring the services of a judge who promotes books, from the honorable judge, mr. wahab alijad, to the appreciation of a librarian with his mobile libraries in kermanshah province, at least five or at most 10. some books are even more, they even have a place of service. to the blind people in bushe province , it was an excuse to glorify librarians, who are blind and illiterate themselves , because i taught them books
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. this ceremony was dedicated to book readers. i can describe the book as a weapon of good friendships and flow of hope, and it was also a day of attention to librarians. with the support of the court of accounts . we were able to apply the super special increase to my librarian colleagues. during the week when the book was added, 15% was added to their wonderful website. happy week, books and books with the slogan of the future of reading s to 3 november continues. zahra alizadeh, radio reporter. electric cars will be mass produced and commercialized next year. according to the minister, the automobile manufacturers have promised that the production of electric cars will be realized in the first 6 months of next year. this car was designed from scratch inside the country. this is a domestic electric car. the sample of this car is now
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ready, the first tests have been done , so we can sell it by the end of next year. the second exhibition of transformation in the automobile industry hosts products that are the least expensive with petrol pumps, most of them are hybrid or electric. two arya products there was a hybrid in the form of an ev, and an all -electric aria that is planned within the next 18 months, so that god willing, we will be able to do this limited development . it is supposed to be the base. electricity should also be opened to public transportation. city buses are electric, battery type. they don't get their electricity from overhead electricity, but from the battery installed inside the bus, and they can travel 250 km with a single charge . almost for a city bus equivalent to 16 hours of work per day, the minister says: the road that the auto industry has traveled so far to reach its destination. did not arrive what has happened is a mismatch in
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quality, a mismatch in quantity, a mismatch in desirability , that's why we are moving towards meeting people's needs through imports. at the same time we encourage car manufacturers, we support car manufacturers to improve their internal construction. according to the law on the organization of the automobile industry, the ministry is obliged to develop the supply of electric vehicles in the country. the program will arrive at the end of 1403 at the latest. but the construction program has actually started now that we are here, and we expect it to be completed by the end of 1403 then domestic products will be offered to customers along with foreign products. with the transformation program in the automobile industry, the ministry of transport is trying to gain customer satisfaction in this industry. in the first seven months of this year, the automobile industry has seen a 22% increase in production compared to last year, and
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electric cars are expected to enter the market by the end of this year. amir navaei khabari sedav cima. head of the prevention and investigation staff. and electoral violations from the formation of two specialized committees to monitor and prevent electoral crimes, according to hojat al-islam mohadi azad, the publication of slander , slander, lies, rumors, and destruction are among the cases that are monitored will be we have formed two committees, one is a selective information exchange committee and one is a cyber space monitoring committee .
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we want the offenders to not be able to use this space against the psychological security of our society, and the researchers of a company of scientists internalized the technology of manufacturing drugs and nanocapsule supplements. many medicines, nutritional supplements and vitamins are not absorbed by the body because they are destroyed and dissolved in stomach acid. iranian researchers were able to solve this problem by encapsulating drugs on a nano scale, that is , one million times smaller than a millimeter. this method creates a coating around the drug particles in food supplements so that the drug reaches the intestine safely. we produce raw materials that are used in the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, nutritional supplements industry, animal and poultry feed and cosmetics. this company has recently unveiled three new products.
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nansole curcumin medicine to increase the absorption of turmeric extract, nansole royal gel for the stability of khovas against temperature , light, and bromelain nano pellet of this capsule, which is the last one. it has been produced for the first time in the world. nanoin bromelain pellet is a capsule that has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used for swelling and injuries after surgery. what we did was increase the stability of the product with this coating that we created around the material , and this product is not unstable against the stomach bug and it is absorbed in the intestine. iran's nano-encapsulated drugs have now entered the international markets. fortunately, we managed to register our enclosures in very difficult export markets such as america and germany, and our exports started last year. banyan has produced more than 80 nanocapsule drugs so far. mohammad haji khabarari sed and sima. thank you until the next part.
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british people started the first working day of this week with the news of sudden changes in the government. british interior minister suella braverman, whose controversial stances caused widespread reactions, including against the police, was dismissed, and british foreign minister james cleverly, whose performance in this position was also considered successful. he did not take the place of brurman. but what changed in the changes of the cabinet of the british government became the focus of attention of political and media circles. the invitation of david cameron, the former prime minister of england the prime ministerial building, but this time
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as the minister of foreign affairs. i hope that 6 years as prime minister and 11 years as the leader of the conservative party will be useful for my new role in the cabinet. i am aware that it is not normal for a prime minister to return like this, but our country is facing difficult challenges and the prime minister asked me to accept this job, kamran, about 7 years ago , after the announcement of the majority vote of nearly 522 people to leave the european union. the prime minister resigned and left the power structure. it is even more strange that rishi sonak, in his latest comment about the nobles of this country, david david cameron the prime minister was considered one of the culprits of the current situation, and now he has been approached to reduce the problems. provoked a reaction. a few weeks ago he said: david cameron
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is part of the existing failed state and now he has returned as a lifeboat. sunak, the leader of the conservative party and the prime minister of england, who failed to achieve almost all of his goals, including the reduction of almost 8 million people in the queue of patients waiting for treatment in the country's public hospitals, and the economic goals outlined, especially the reduction of inflation, sarran. and the conservative party members are also worried about losing in the upcoming national elections the conservative party has been in power in this country for 13 years. from the outside, choosing cameron seems like the right thing to do. but i personally believe that despite the important position they gave him, he cannot unite the conservative party and play an effective role in improving the existing terrible situation
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. shah to remove the obstacles to cameron's presence in the cabinet and to achieve political goals, including the victory of this party in the upcoming elections. according to the results of last week's survey of the party's popularity statistics institute. to the conservative ruler , it reached 233, which is the lowest number in the last four years .
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in the name of god for sleep, in the name of god for light, in the name of god for light. al-nur, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light , in the name of god, who is the master of affairs.
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in the name of allah, in the name of allah, who created light, praise be to allah, who created allah, the great , allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest, i bear witness that there is no god but allah, i bear witness that there is no god but allah, i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of allah, i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of allah, i bear witness that he is the most high, the guardian.
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allah is the witness of the highest hajj allah, may god bless him, may god bless him. hai ali al-falah, hi ali al-falah
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, hi ali khair al-amal. hai ali khair al-amil, allah is great, god is great, there is no
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god but there is no god. greetings and greetings, dear viewers of the news talk , as you saw in the news, danesh banyan signed a strategic contract with the national oil company . this contract can lead to the development of cooperation between academics and industry, and it is of great importance for our country, a contract in which a guided rotation system is going to be designed and built for the country, and it is of great importance to prevent the exit of width and cooperation of companies it should have scientists and industrial companies. before entering the conversation , i will introduce the guest to you. in tonight's special news talk program , we are at the service of mr. dr. motahari, the director of technology research of the national oil company. mr. dr. sultan alizadeh dastar, the scientific assistant in the development of the knowledge base market , is also with us. of course , mr.
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kehzadi, the active danesh banyan company that was present in this contract, will also be with us in another branch. before we enter into the conversation , we are at your service to see a prepared report. the entry of knowledge bases into large oil contracts with the signing of the contract for the construction of horizontal drilling equipment between the scientific vice president and national iranian oil company. all experts in this country know how technologically complex this tool is. how high is the level and how economically can it be. it can help to increase production, increase production efficiency, and especially in joint fields, what a special role it can play for the islamic republic. with the construction of this equipment, the technical know-how of which is available to the three countries of england, china and the united states, it is possible to reach targets that are not exactly under the rig through horizontal drilling. this equipment is required
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it is our common oil fields. a device that will change approaches and games, as the saying goes. now, in the common oil fields that our neighboring countries have the same equipment , they are doing multiple extractions of ours. in iran, there are about 60 active rigs that require horizontal drilling services for 40 wells per year, and national oil company has pledged to guarantee the purchase of this tool for 10 years. it needs about 500 billion tomans of investment, out of this 500 billion tomans, 20 billion tomans will be invested by the company itself and 300 billion tomans will be supported. the vice president of science and the national oil company are guaranteeing the use of this tool for 10 years, in the middle of a comprehensive program to create an ecosystem, according
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to the announcement of the vice president of science, by building horizontal drilling equipment, an annual outflow of 30 million dollars of foreign exchange from the country was prepared by dr. motahari. please tell me that first, based on the need that was defined in the national oil company, sanat naft, i think it was last year that initial talks were held to provide and equip this need in the oil industry with the power of the knowledge of the foundations, the process that went through reached the end of the month, and the contracts were signed . and until the final contract that enters the action stage yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you and the respected viewers of this program. let me give you a brief introduction. you see, the main mission of the national iranian oil company to produce and increase production is influenced by this year's slogan, which was named by the supreme leader and also announced.
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the general policies of the 7th development plan of the country, we are obliged to increase the production, well , we have a chain of activities in the national oil company, exploration , drilling, development of production and export, our work chain is in the national oil company, in order to achieve this increase in production . in fact, we should go for knowledge what does foundation mean? it means that we really need to use advanced technologies that lead to improved productivity, the benefit of which we mean is that either the costs of our actions are reduced , or the time to reach our goals is reduced, or the so-called quality of work is actually increased. in general, this value chain that i have presented to you means that in the exploration, development and production of drilling, it is a fundamental element , so i can say that the majority of the expenses that we have are related to the drilling category, so any improvement in the field of drilling can be done because of this. it can greatly affect our expenses
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reduce the level of the national oil company. now, what happened when we went to these guided rotation systems ? see, in terms of oil engineering, the more you increase the level of the whole well , the more the efficiency of the well increases, what does that mean? it means that you can get the production that you could get from a few wells, a normal well, you can get from a long horizontal well or several branches, and now we want to use the capacity of knowledge foundations . yes, yes, and now what does this mean? it means that you can increase your production, you can reduce your costs, you can improve your productivity, and what does this mean? that's mean becoming knowledge-based means that you have used an upgraded technology according to the players of bio-technology and innovation. and you could improve productivity. different countries have very good experiences in this field. so that when their wells come,
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they extend their usual wells in terms of horizontal length. 5 km, 6 km, 10 km, multiply the production of that king as we can see that this can lead to the case. so , realizing the importance of this matter, a demand was formed at the level of the national iranian oil company. well this we are with our loved ones in the vice-chancellor of science, technology and economists we put the presidency in mion and the steps were taken that are here today, mr. dr. sultan alizadeh , in the past years , there was a lot of talk about the relationship between the industry and companies of scientists, in the past year, a special program was defined, which is what we are doing today. we are seeing the results of the daneshbovanian company . they say that now the result is over, we can smile
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let's see it on your face, love, we have been measuring the capacity of danian companies since last year, and today we have almost 9300 danian companies, which are the strengths of these companies and the mutual market capacity and market elasticity that exists in the society, both domestic and foreign markets. we have come to the conclusion that there is a market for these knowledge-based companies in government agencies, a portion of them is in private companies, and a portion is in private collections . different in the country, but this is the leader alhamdulillah, the topic of the ministry of oil became the ministry of labor, the ministry of labor came to work, and with all this , meaningful letters containing specific topics that we as academics needed, and we believed that if these topics were given to scientific companies may this happen .
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there is also a model that if an organization really can't assure the scientists without intermediaries for any reason, the scientific vice-chancellor will accept the risk and cooperate with these groups of government agencies as a face to face, and this work will go forward, i think in december. the past was by order we have examined the issue of how we can cooperate with the ministry of oil in these 23 issues . in the initial review of these 23 issues , 7 issues became a bottleneck in the oil industry, which became an agreement worth 2 billion dollars that was signed on february 19 last year. an issue that i would have entered into if i had entered the 2 billion dollar market, one of these issues was to equip the guidance of the durrani minister who is discussing the diversionary drilling. the main subject and the main audience of this equipment was the national oil company in the ministry of oil. doctor, please. this coordination between this device.
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and the scientific deputy was formed, the capacity measurements were done correctly, the project was broken. weaknesses and strengths that we had inside the country were really examined until we were on may 30 of last year . what happens in what period of time was signed between the scientific vice president and the ceo of the national oil company. in that agreement, it was clear that we had a concern that if the investment comes with daneshmian companies or a consortium of several large industrial complexes and scientific companies should be formed, will this market be taken over or not? the national oil company made this commitment during that agreement. if this equipment is tested, the pilot will answer in the first field or in the first
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well. equipment means that in the first year , we will have the same important concern of academic companies as the return on investment market of this equipment. that is, there is for them, and this issue became so attractive that we chose between the 6 major oil companies in this consortium, who should come to this company and become our partner in this complex. we had a choice and it was very sweet for us. until yesterday, thanks to the efforts of our friends and all the dignitaries who cooperated with us in this project , the contract of this project and this equipment between daneshmani company, which is represented by several danish companies, two large industrial companies and international companies. the foreign consultants who will help us in this project to build the first prototype entered into this contract, which is a 500 billion contract, god willing, and this path will be taken forward by the efforts of this company of scientists.
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they are with us now, let's understand what the system is, what do we want to do, mr. kohzadi explains about this era system that is going to be built with the scientific and technological power of your colleagues in dahnsbanian company . thank you very much. people from iran, yes , i will tell you that the equipment is actually a so-called rotary guided equipment, which gives us the possibility of drilling horizons further away from a specific location. in the fields, in fact, our common ground is very important and in fact due to the lack of this equipment , we cannot develop many wells in the field, but
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it can also increase the drilling speed of our current wells by four or five times. as you explained, this is my contract that has been set up now. mr. dr. soltanzadeh has come to explain about it in a way, he has provided a market for you and you don't have to worry about the market anymore, so it can be more helpful for you. the contract is ours to use the internal and external capabilities in order to actually successfully produce the industrial prototype, now we can call it tr stage 9, or in fact the level of technical preparation of stage 9. after that, when it enters the market or commercialization phase. well, it must be necessary that there is a demand and in fact a certain demand for it, that is, thanks to our servers at the national oil company, well, this
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happened, and in fact , when a product or commodity of this complexity wants to be developed, it must have an attractive market in the future is waiting for him to be able to bring several collections together in fact, in the hope of a relatively good and so-called large-scale market, well, this happened with the consultations of the national oil company's technology department, and it seems that, god willing, it is a good motivation for the whole complex that has been in existence for 2 years or more . let them create their time for product development. thank you, mr. dr. motahabi, in your speech, you mentioned that large industries are now becoming knowledge-based. well , this is an example of one of the speeches that his highness led and pointed out that industries should be knowledge-based. this issue is followed in other fields as well. yes see the basic strategy that exists in the field of knowledge in iran's national oil company and by


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