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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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they know me as brave and a jihadist, but being able to heliburn on a ship in the sakh sea with a helicopter was perhaps an unexpected image . what is your analysis of the message they wanted to convey? first of all, this event that the yemeni army made, the yemeni national army, was a unique event in my opinion. that is , we have seen for years that these arab armies of these arab countries did not take any action, and if something happened, it was done by the resistance forces. and the latest measures taken by the arab armies have led to failure due to lack of planning, due to weakness , due to the fact that they are going one by one to become numb and to in the direction of movements such as peace and actions that are against the interests of the palestinian nation, this action of the yemeni army shows that there are still freedom seekers in the arab countries who seek to revive the palestinian issue and prevent this direction from going to the side
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of this issue. there has been an attempt in these years to bring in isis terrorists to create discord in the region in order to shift the compass from the central issue to these marginal issues, but the yemeni resistance proved that it is true, that is, we saw the words of mr. abdul malik badreddinu a few days ago, which means that he is really a human being . they are very honest and we saw each other after a few hours or how many days it happened. and carrying out this honorable operation, yes, it is a discussion that has been reflected in the media for the past 24 hours. it has been the first line of news in many media of the world . the resistance quoted from the leaders of hamas and islamic jihad, all of them somehow confirm that these negotiations are in their final stages. it is possible that this
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agreement will be announced at any moment. how serious do you think it is and what are the details about the ceasefire part ? exchange of prisoners from the second week of the war for 33 days, we had this experience when the americans felt that the zionists might follow the ceasefire issue as a result of irsen. now, yes , the americans say that we do not accept the ceasefire, and they are participating in these operations along with the zionists, that is, a part of the military forces that to get killed in the gaza strip, some of these are american military forces and it is one of these lies, for example, they say that in a recreational plane in greece, for example, five americans fell in order to cover up this issue , but now that these they feel that the diet the zionists have not succeeded and they can't show their defeated face. for the past 46 days, they have not been able to capture asri themselves, and even today, the american zionist media are saying that if this war lasts more than two or three months, the israeli economy
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will collapse. that's why they are trying. look, gallant is coming to announce today that we will have to make some tough decisions and this is an admission that my community had told me not to. he said that the most extreme minister of the cabinet had said that they would not tell me the details of this story because he might ruin their work. as you know , it means that they can't unite, not even among themselves their political differences continue despite the fact that they may think that this war is their ally, that's why we are witnessing that it is coming and preparing the ground for the zionist society, for the settlers, for people who have other expectations from this failed government in the regime. zionist illegitimacy, but in the context of the exchange of prisoners, yes, well, a number of zionist prisoners are supposed to be released, while 355 palestinian children and women are set to be released . see, these are really the atrocities they are committing
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, that is, in the history of rare, unique, at all, you look at about more than 6,000 palestinian prisoner in prison there are more than 6,000 prisoners, of which 35 are children, that is, they are under 18 years old. i will give an example. there is a prisoner named ahmed manasera. they surrounded them for a year, martyred hassan, injured the child, broke his arms and legs , and took him away. putting this child and him in prison from the age of 12 until now, when he is 20 years old, because of a false accusation prisoner and dozens and hundreds of these children are in prison, which means that the palestinian nation is really under a great oppression, which resulted in the al-aqsa storm operation, and now, in my opinion
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, the explosion, and in my opinion, the exchange of our prisoners in the next stages. we will witness important events that will benefit the resistance. thank you very much , we also had the brics summit today. a report of this meeting is ready. let's see the report. after that , we will talk with mr. abdulhamad shahri, an expert on international issues, about today's brics meeting. to create peace and security, the president's seven proposals to brics extraordinary summit mr. raisi, stating that america has made all international organizations meaningless and identityless , asked brics members and governments to adopt a binding resolution within the framework of the unity mechanism for peace-making, to adopt a binding resolution in the un general assembly against the regime.
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zionist and with the aim of stopping the crimes against the people of gaza, the continuous attacks of the zionist regime on hospitals and medical centers, religious places, the killing of women and children, doctors, nurses and journalists in gaza are all acts of terrorism. it is necessary to call that fake regime as a terrorist regime and its army as a the terrorist organization should be identified. mr. raisi also called for the condemnation of the zionist regime in the use of prohibited weapons and the severance of relations with this regime. the expectation of free nations from all governments, especially the brics members , is to immediately put a complete end to their political, economic and military relations with the zionist regime. the support of the islamic republic of iran for the action of some governments in referring the crimes of israel 's usurper to the criminal court, creating a permanent and safe route for sending humanitarian aid and
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permanently reopening the rifa crossing are among the other suggestions of mr. raees. the president was in this meeting. in his speech, the president once again reminded iran's position regarding palestine. the islamic republic of iran believes that the final solution will lead to lasting peace and stability in west asia and the world. the establishment of a palestinian state after holding a referendum based on the democratic principle of each palestinian having one vote. mr. raisi also condemned america's all-out support for the genocide in gaza and said: the west has been disgraced and the falseness of western values ​​and slogans has been revealed. gaza is a symbol of the moral decline of the west. the president continued to provoke the facts the war was also mentioned by the zionists. the root of the war
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is the continuation of the occupation. do not forget and contrary to israel's propaganda distortion, legitimate defense is not action: their barbarians, but conditional defense according to the international convention of defense against occupation. about 550 oppressed children were killed. more than 41,000 residential units have been completely damaged and 60 % of the gaza strip area has been seriously damaged. ending the killing of civilians, stopping the war , sending immediate humanitarian aid to the people. and the fulfillment of responsibilities by international communities, including the requests of brics member leaders such as presidents south africa, russia, china and brazil, i was wonderful at this meeting, jafari, journalist of the presidential institution, well, now our relationship with mr.
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abdul lahmid shahri is also established, mr. shahrabi, i greet you and the esteemed audience of your program, mr. shahrabi, what do you think about today's meeting of birx leaders ? in any case, berics is considered more of an economic group. now , holding a meeting on a political and humanitarian issue, how much do you consider this meeting to be an achievement for palestine and gaza? see, i think this comparison will help the conflict that is now in palestine. for the first it is not the case that this confrontation is between the zionist regime and the palestinian nation, but in all the previous conflicts, you have witnessed that the us or, for example , the united kingdom are the stage-setters.
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the powerful countries of the world such as china and russia, and now other countries, brazil, south africa, and countries that have recently entered the scene in this field, now in france, i think iran's role in this event was journalism, which was iran's initiative and iran's insistence for this event. it has had its own effect that has been formed by these changing conditions mr. putin has also recently said that he has always wanted to speak and be the decision-maker in the palestinian-israeli conflict, and this situation must change, so brics has come to the scene, and this in itself is an achievement. i saw another news report that indicated that mr. abdullahian's contact with his russian counterpart led to this type of initiative and this type of movement , including this virtual summit. the ambassadors of the
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foreign ministers of egypt, jordan, saudi arabia, and the united arab emirates indonesia and the representatives of the arab league countries are now traveling to the permanent member countries of the security council. china is going to other countries. in fact , we are witnessing an invasion, a continuous activity that has an effect on public diplomacy. is there or not, in my opinion, there is a phrase that the position of moazeb, the leader, in relation to the relationship between the maidan and the diplomacy regarding iran, well, it works here, from the other side of the maidan, it is epic, it is resisting , it is maintaining itself, it is comforting that the international demonstrations of the form fees and institutions, inter-organizations naturally, the international community cannot be indifferent in this situation. the definite answer is that this is an achievement, but to expect a person
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to solve the problem by himself, no, this is far from the reality. in total, these movements can be effective and can have many lessons. mr. shahri, the positions of the leaders how did you see the countries today? what highlights did you see in birx? well , of course, you are here. in the conversations that i heard, everyone spoke in their own language and in their own language. for example, suppose that africa south, well, a place whose literature is disgusting in my opinion, for example, he talks about hamas , he mentions it as a terrorist organization, but it's very interesting, this is africa itself, sorry , i said wrong, let me describe india, india, india is very close to the zionist regime, the minister of affairs out of india, he spoke with this literature. the thing in common
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with the interventions of the leaders of the brics countries was the ceasefire, which is now being emphasized by some with temporary words and some with permanent words. having any of these, in my opinion, is required the palestinian nation, in a situation where israel has not been able to achieve its goals in the military battle scene, and the public opinion of ali in the world is moving and growing, these demands, which the president of south africa stated in the summing up after the meeting, are being confirmed. that there is a consensus on the specific provisions of the ceasefire and the provision of aid, my prediction is that probably the approved resolution is also important at that time, for example
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, suppose that south africa uses the word genocide to talk about israel's actions, and its president mentions war crimes. it may be necessary to organize a world court if he tries the war victims, or if, for example, china , in the speech given by the president of china, firmly supports the national rights of the palestinian people , the suffering of the oppression of the palestinian people , he mentions this in history, or mr. putin also makes significant emphasis on them. in relation to the suffering and oppression suffered by the palestinian people and the need to pay attention to the demands and rights of the palestinian people, mr. shahravi, my third and final question to you is how did you see mr. raisi's speech . it should not be to praise a person. the look
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let's face it, both in this meeting and in the previous conversation that mr. raisi's involvement in any of the world leaders' interventions at this point in time is not as comprehensive and decisive as mr. raisi's intervention. this is not just an assessment of taste that i am presenting to you look, there is almost nothing that can be done in relation to this point of view, to pay attention to the demands of the palestinian people, the urgent and immediate demands, they emphasize the truth that an international understanding and agreement can happen on this, obviously, a ceasefire. and assistance. but beyond this, it is blocked by the needs of this stage he puts forward the struggles of the palestinian people as logical proposals, including the trial of the war that some other countries are now having, and he also advocates the issue of cutting off relations, cutting off aid to
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the israeli government, is a collective sanction, and then the evidence is what i think. the islamic republic has nothing to do with anyone. they say that my solution is to hold a referendum. the most democratic way that this conflict can be dealt with, and among other things, it happens to be the only solution that provides the rights of the israelis living in palestine , that is, it creates a situation where this so-called apartheid rule, race rule, racist rule. in my opinion, i am a rational human being from any point of view that you see, but these are the solutions, the proposals that the islamic republic patiently put forward, its understandings and agreements with other countries, based on the fact that everyone should accept the expression of this proposal until we are ready , yes, in my opinion
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the principled and correct position of the islamic republic in this field has been narrated by mr. raisi. thank you, mr. shahr ravi . i will say goodbye to you . well, i am in the final part of the conversation with mr. haddad. mr. haddad, we talked about many issues. whether it is the destruction of hamas or the release of its captives, it agrees to a ceasefire and the balance of prisoners and an agreement is formed . whether this end is temporary or permanent for such a war, what future can it create for netanyahu and the ruling movement and the regime?
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experience has shown that these temporary ceasefires are usually extended, that is, countries like america and countries that support the zionist regime try to save this regime under the pretext of a temporary ceasefire , and in previous wars, we have also seen the experience of extending it. it is possible to start with a ceasefire of a few hours or two and extend it in order to preserve the reputation of the zionist regime, the zionist regime lost an important part of its military power in this battle , that is, you look at each tank for them, for example , maybe a million dollars, with an rpg bullet, for example, with yes, the price of yassin 15 and even other products that are in the military areas of other resistance groups, there are dozens of resistance groups that are present, that is, for example, with a bullet that may not cost $20 or $30, a tank of one million dollars or one person on one and a half million dollars to destroy and also that these soldiers
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the reserve to bring for the army, well, these are the people who are working in the zionist regime's structure in the economic fields, and with this form of the regime , netanyahu is closing down. that's why, considering this big security failure, military failure, economic failure , that is, this failure of people's security, maybe they don't know that in the same areas where the operation was carried out, in the gaza strip, or in those settlements next to gaza, or in arabic, that is, they call it, for example, the arab speakers, the gaza strip, or the palestinians themselves , for example, there were centers of mossad and shabak amman, and these were taken by the resistance. and taking prisoners from them now, except for their military prisoners well, a fatal blow to military security, a political blow and a big economic blow, i think the experience after the 33-day war, what happened to olmert, and waiting for netanyahu to be tried, even forming a
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fact-finding committee like the winograd committee, which ultimately found al-momerto guilty and that this will be the end of the political life of netanyahu's regime, but i will mention this point briefly, it does not mean that there are other people in the regime who are not more radical among them. in the enmity with the palestinian nation and the nations of the region, all are one thank you mr. haddad. we had a meeting today in tehran. the foreign minister had a meeting with foreign representatives and ambassadors regarding the end of the gaza war. let's see a report from this meeting for palestine. and in order to reach a solution to the end of the war against gaza as soon as possible, the ambassadors and representatives of more than 80 countries and international organizations gathered in tehran, from
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the representative of the country that severed its relations with israel after the recent crimes of the zionist regime? bolly once again decided to cut ties with israel and the reason for this decision is the genocide, injustice and displacement of palestinians. in the recent report of the minister of foreign affairs iran, when the al-aqsa storm operation was carried out, information was obtained from israeli intelligence that indicated that they intended to deport the people of gaza to the sinai desert and the residents of the west bank to jordan. this is unacceptable. until the representative of the country known as the institution of israel . you know farsi, i want to ask what is your opinion about the massacre of the people of gaza as the british ambassador? the british ambassador chose to ignore my question even as they ignored the voice of world public opinion and international laws about gaza. the ambassador of the palestinian authority asked america to stop
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the insanity of the zionist regime authorities. israel's minister bengavir is arming the west bank settlers, and at the same time, the united states is asking the islamic republic of iran to exercise restraint and not expand the scope of the conflict. now that america should stop the crazy banguire , he expressed his sympathy to the settlers and said about the necessity of ending the war: this war has a root cause that must be solved. our focus should be on engagement with all relevant parties. we should focus on helping israelis and palestinians and end this very sad war. the host regardless of the difference of opinion he said that the countries need to be of the same mind to reach the end of the war as soon as possible. at the time when the news was published
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about the imminent possibility of a ceasefire between the palestinian resistance and the israeli regime, he said that based on the latest available information about the conflict, the framework for establishing a principled agreement in front of him they have, but nothing seems certain yet. an agreement that was available about 3 weeks ago, but did not come to fruition. because the joint strategy of america and israel is still to win the field victory in this war. what did not happen after 46 days. after this meeting, it became confidential. in this meeting, an opportunity was considered for ambassadors and
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heads of representative offices residing in tehran to ask iran's foreign minister if they have any questions about gaza and its developments. behind closed doors, more initiatives have been proposed to end the war as soon as possible. we explained what measures to be taken at the diplomatic level of mr. dr. raisi at the international level and at the bilateral level , as well as the initiatives that are on the table, including the initiatives that are proposed to stop the crimes of sending continuous humanitarian aid. friends prevent the forced migration of ambassadors and representatives of countries residents in tehran also believe that the end of the conflict is near because they asked about the plans for palestine after the war in a secret meeting. one of the questions that was raised in today's meeting was
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how the future administration will be if the war stops. we clearly stated that the future of the gaza strip and the palestinian territories is the responsibility of the palestinian people . hosni sadad shabiri, radio reporter. well, we are reaching the end of the world today. good night , god.
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greetings and courtesy to you, dear and respected viewers, the continuation of the qualifying group stage of the world cup in the asian region. the students of ghale navii stopped in tashkent at 16:30 in the second match of the first qualifying round of the 2026 world cup at the national stadium. tashkent was a guest of uzbekistan. qolhai led his team to this game with two changes compared to the meeting with hong kong , torabi played instead of alireza jahanbakhsh masloom and milad mohammadi replaced ehsan hajsafi. two teams in this match show a close match they put it was the 14th minute when sardar azmoun passed the ball to ramin rezaiyan during a team work, who rezaiyan hit with a strong and ground kick and made a mistake.


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