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tv   [untitled]    November 22, 2023 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] electronic verification means that a person can collect his own assets, that is, the value of shares, securities, gold artifacts, and rial assets of a person in combination can provide a meaningful purchase opportunity for a person, which is one of the most important issues, definitely when this service it will be added, this possibility will be added, similar to the discussion of shares and life insurances, which are now possible to combine and increase the value of the individual's guarantee. we did the technique, actually i think the technical infrastructure of this matter will be provided before the end of the year, that is, to be more precise , our plan is that within the next 3 months
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, the opening of this technical operation will begin on the existing branches. the country has a low number. we are negotiating to increase people's access to kargoshai bank branches by proxy, that is, until the end of february , this will happen until the end of february . nasdaq lends a working corner let's provide and after that increase the access of the people at the cash level to the bank branches . how about the subsidies, what stage is it in? see, in general , for the discussion of long-term bank deposits , we are currently planning in interaction with the banking network and the central bank. we are piloting this issue on a trial basis. yes, the period of the trial phase of this rial deposit verification process is in our plan to
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be done in early december for one or two banks, and then to start the trial bank deposit plan, in fact , we will complete the trial phase until early december if it is successful, usually the scalability of this idea it doesn't take much time for other banks, and since this is a confirmation for us , we can also guarantee this for someone else , for example, we can confirm our shares on the stock exchange. this happened in saderat bank, that now a third party can also come and pledge the existing guarantee for another person's studies. this is completely designed and now it is possible . can this be one of the supply services and services
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it is a competition that the company offers to be able to. the company you mentioned, now we have another company that provides certification services, for example, so that it does not become a monopoly, for example, if you look at it , we have psp payment service companies, in any case, they all come together in one place, shah parrak. according to you, for example, all of these can be headquartered there, and they can compete with each other in this way. i will tell you how many companies have been seen for this issue. look, in terms of the plan's architecture, in fact, we have a large number of asset custodian institutions, such as central depository. exchange securities such as banks, open-work banks, such as insurances , which are actually insurance companies, insurance companies, pension funds, we have diversity and competition here. in fact, the middle institution of an infrastructure or a central governance system will be created . when will a switch be created?
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you must ask me for time, but it is difficult to announce a definite time, and our plan is for the annual budget , which you have sent until the end of the year. it is good news if it happens sooner inshallah, it will happen sooner than that, and in this institutional structure that i mentioned, the asset trustee institutions of this central system and the institutions or companies that provide certification services, which the flagship saderat bank has started this movement, these companies will increase , the set of banks that i mentioned they have come to the companies that i mentioned that they are in the process of joining . thank you very much, mr. moradi. now, a question may arise that we receive, for example, 100 million loans, 3-year or 4-year loans. we support our shares, naturally we cannot do this sell ​​the shares. this possibility will be available in the future , for example, to the extent that
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we repay the installments. let that part of the shares be removed from your mortgage. this question of yours has two dimensions. it is possible that sometimes the value of shares will decrease and it will not pay off the balance of your debt. in both cases, based on the system that currently exists, this warning is given to the handful that you can come and request the release of a part of the bonds by paying 50% of your facility, or if the amount of bonds you left, for example your stock or insurance has decreased in value, you should come consolidate collateral and increase your assets and collateral to such an extent that takafi has the amount of your debt, so it means that we may need to increase the collateral during the repayment of our installments because the value of our share may have decreased. yes, this is a natural thing. on average, what is the guarantee of this system. for example, if a borrower comes, they should definitely do this. the coefficients that i announced will cover a large part of this issue, and
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at the same time, i mentioned insurance companies. there are those who are willing to accept this risk and this accept the risk, they get 100% insurance premium and accept this risk, but in any case , we trust the people who are middle and creditworthiness that we do, according to the type of people we have risk management , we determine to what extent each person we can guarantee it, this can also be a basket, which means that a part of our endorsement , for example, is our shares, it is a forgiveness of our insurance, because we may not be able to provide shares as much as the loan we are getting, it is definitely the same, and it is done systematically or by different people. yes, it is a system. now it is completely designed for this oil, which is the same for now as i said, stocks and life insurances, in the first step, investment funds, electronic commercial documents , in the second step, bank deposits of all banks and mobile phone sim cards, in the next step, gold, coins, property and all assets, such as the subsidies you mentioned, or cars, yes. all of this is possible for anything that can be liquidated. one of the features of this system is exactly that it
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breaks the traditional system of guaranteeing banks, and this system comes with everything that has liquidation value by applying the same rules and accepting the same. risks are accepted and a problem is yours had be that as it may, the country's banking network will find salvation with this system, why? because they are involved in going to the courts, collecting claims, auctioning the properties, and many problems . now, for example, they want to take over this factory . then sadad comes to remove the production ban. the judiciary comes and says that there should not be too much interference in the production process. so what do you do? in fact, no, this system that has been designed takes a kind of guarantee and does the work that, for example, i am saying is the same as stocks. the factory is taken as collateral it is possible that the acquisition of the shares will not have any negative effect on the production process . these are the four or five things that are going to be mentioned, or the entire property that you want to build by the end of the year or sooner. we have started the negotiations until
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next week. in the next 10 days, a part of this problem will be solved. we think that, as i said, by the end of the year, the chain of these assets that we will acquire at the end of this system will be completed. you have a busy question, so by the end of the year , mr. we have 10 seconds, in fact, this is the judiciary there was a request to provide the possibility of electronic verification for the judicial system to issue the relevant judgments. i think sadaret bank has also provided this possibility and everything else is finished, can it be done now?
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the negotiations are at a very good stage, god willing, those who are granted bail can be released from prison, god willing . they say that their office is here because of a scam, and there is still a piece of this banner. we talked about bringing us here. taking money from us and making a contract and trying to have a roof over our heads , which made them trust the fraudsters when they saw the half-finished units , taking us to these blocks in front of the blocks , showing us that it was a workshop environment, for example, saying so and so on the northeast floor. for example, the 9th floor, for example, is yours, and they lost the money they had set aside for the house with a promissory note . they gave us 3 sheets of ashar with a contract written on them. this thing was also in our hands
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, you will understand that the installments are over and the money has been paid they have lost their heads, we had deposited our initial amount, we had deposited my installments, and then we saw that until last year, when we settled, we saw that they did not fulfill their obligations and did not deliver the units, then a complaint was filed, and now it is being followed up in the court. talk i said no, i bought it from another person. i also mentioned it in the office of imran pardis. we thought that they probably sold one unit to two or more people, but that was not the case. he sold the unit he didn't have to the members of the cooperative. and it was the basis of fraud and the company responsible now the first person is a fraud and he is in prison. he has no land or property at all
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. we criticized our whole life at that time. we sold gold, we had a car, we sold it, we brought money, we paid installments here, hoping that one day we will be able to have a house, but they are not going to blacken us with these scams. qadaei is one of the cases that the chairman of the judicial committee of the parliament says has involved at least 30% of the judiciary, the percentage of legal issues in judicial authorities is related to this topics we do not say 50. we say 400, not 40. 30 cases, at least the floor of this issue, if this is the case, how much can it silence our courts and judicial authorities. how much does it cost people ? what does it mean to reduce food cases by 30%? this means that many of the problems of the qadai machine will be solved. so many people to topics.
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it will be handled faster. many of our branches will be reduced due to this pressure, due to the large amount of files that exist . these cases caused the parliament to act and pass a law to solve such problems. about 15 years ago, the parliament tried to invalidate letters and centralize all documents and purchases and sales in the system so that no one can take another's hat. if there is a need for a law, the islamic council is ready to cooperate, but this law did not come to a conclusion because of iran, which was taken by the guardian council, until it was decided by the 10th parliament to turn it into an official document after reviewing the people's pledges , and the transactions were also approved. done through a system. any legal act with any title, the result of which is the transfer of ownership of non-monetary property , must be officially registered in notary offices
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to be the representative of the judicial and legal commission of the parliament considers this law to be the solution to the problem of land grabbing, selling one land to several people and real estate frauds. land grabbing, tax evasion and bolshevism are prevented. people's problems will go to the courts. anyone who takes an affidavit, this gentleman claims, he claims that various cases in primary courts, in appeals courts, in the courts of the supreme court of the guardian council are approved by iran, and the approval is returned to the parliament. this law states that transactions must be registered. that we are against this we know it is very strange. let's not mix this up. whether a transaction has been executed at the beginning has certain rules that all of you are professors and
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you know, but the laws of the islamic republic say that this law, this transaction that has been done at the beginning must be registered, the parliament amends the resolution, it cannot govern the country. with any kind of unofficial and unusual documents and affidavits of significant cases that have been brought up in the jurisdiction since the time of hazrat ayatollah lari janani, the guardian council still believes that with the investigations that have been carried out , i must state that the majority of iran stay strong the plan of the parliament, which follows the discrediting of the pledge documents, is being brought up again in sehan. the commission insisted on two issues.
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the honorable guardian council has clearly said that these two issues are against sharia, when it is against sharia , what does it mean to insist against the city in the parliament, but in response, he says that the duty of the assessment committee is to examine these matters. this is because the issues that are against the constitution or against sharia, if it is expedient and necessary for a specific time. if it is approved in the assembly, this will order and organize everything in the country. i was in the police force one day. most of the problems are fights, disputes, frauds,
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pre-sales and all the events that you will see in a huge volume of several million cases in the force. the fact is that anyone with a piece of paper , with a document, with an agreement, with a progress , commits hundreds of billions of frauds, then the people will stay, and whoever decides to compensate from the government's ill-gotten wealth. to damage these, for the fourth time, this plan is presented in the floor of the parliament, and finally, the plan is sent to the assembly, the end of voting. it is agreed that about 6 months after sending the proposal to the assembly for the recognition of the speaker of the house, the assignment will be determined. unofficial documents in the law that have been going back and forth for several years
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between the parliament and the guardian council and the assembly for determining expediency are here that expediency must be courageously solve this problem from the point of view of solving the problems, and still the members of the parliament are continuing to implement their resolution to solve some of the problems of the people, two people write on paper, two people sign it. it is a normal document and unfortunately, we have recognized this until now and it is recognized that we are trying to get these to go with the parliament in order to solve the problem that the people themselves have realized in their conversations why they are confused. if people want to trust these pre-sales and the supply of units, the property that is being built should be issued with a tracking code, a document, so that if the buyer wants to make an inquiry, the person who
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is pre-purchasing can use a if there is a valid document, if there is a system that i would like to buy a house here, if it is registered in my name if it is in someone else's name, it should be clear. if it was registered , there would be no registry. it should be registered somewhere. it should have a tracking code. we should know where we bought it and the person's name should be there . in addition to removing obstacles to receiving an official document and gradual invalidation of promissory documents for pre-sold units is also considered and each unit can be inquired.
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regarding the future of palestine, i must say that in recent years, months and days of the palestinian nation , there have been many unfortunate events. israel with a green light. america and europe bit by bit the land of palestine invaded and now you can see that it is occupying a narrow strip of gaza. by disobeying the un resolutions, the israeli regime is fighting against those who take up arms against the occupation and oppression. therefore, the claim of the west about the right of legitimate defense for israel is completely false and vice versa. the palestinian nation has been fighting apartheid for a long time, and the racism that prevails in the occupied territories is worse than apartheid in south africa. the heads of the israeli regime
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have violated all international laws throughout history, and this is very dangerous. how do seemingly democratic countries support such a regime? these indifferences will have dire consequences for the region and the world. we are witnessing the overwhelming resistance of the palestinian people, especially the residents of gaza. palestinians have realized that their fate is in their own hands, especially their youth. until now, the arab countries have only raised slogans regarding the issue of palestine and have no intention of spending, and the palestinian people have understood this indifference and believe that they should rely on themselves and their resistance . the brave young people of the palestinian resistance continue to fight unequally. they with this they want to try to preserve their identity in addition to their land, the identity that has been destroyed by the occupying regime during the last 65 years will show the future that
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the palestinian people will finally get their rights. sera la position de la communauté internationale par rapport à cette question, est-ce qu'on va continuer de treater les palestiniens de terrorist quand ils font des acts de résistance. another issue is that the position of the international community so far in front of all this oppression and aggression has only been a harsh condemnation. in front of the eyes of the suffering and resistant people who are constantly in prison, tortured and massacred by the occupiers, and their rights are violated day by day, most governments, especially muslim and arab countries, are just spectators. now these people, especially the youth of the resistance, have started an operation to take revenge, which is completely and according to international law, the right of those who defended themselves under today's oppression of the palestinian people of the gaza strip and the west bank, and this is completely
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their right. the government of malaysia demands the serious attention of the countries of the world to the painful situation of the gaza strip and the end of the open crimes of the zionist regime. malaysia, despite the threats of the united states and the european parliament, according to the announcement prime minister anwar ibrahim firmly insists on the right position in defense of the palestinian muslim brothers . we are with the islamic republic of iran as a serious supporter of palestine, because iran's support for the defenseless muslims of gaza is effective. by joining the line of serious supporters of palestine, islamic countries can put an end to all this oppression and bloodshed by legitimately defending the rights of the oppressed and provide the ground for the victory and freedom of palestine. what is happening in gaza is very painful and all parties and groups. ngos, including the amanah party of malaysia
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, ended by submitting a statement to the american embassy we emphasized the brutal crimes of this broken regime, which does not show mercy even to patients and children admitted to special hospitals , bombing and even direct shooting of israeli fake regime soldiers into hospitals as an excuse to find hidden weapons are the same lies that have been known for 15 years . before, for the so-called discovery of weapons of mass killings and absurd excuses that come only from the americans, the puppet of the zionist regime , you don't believe that they have a special love for palestine under the loving protection of the entire islamic nation. they love jerusalem and their first qibla. palestinians with sacrifice on the one hand , he revived the palestinian issue once again among muslims, on the other hand , they put the bad face of america, israel and other western countries on the world. meanwhile, the ongoing killing and looting in
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palestine, the killing of children and women, the destruction of homes and hospitals, and the insulting of human honor have caused great disgust in the hearts of muslims around the world . a surika openly supports israel, but unfortunately the islamic world is silent. in my opinion, the islamic cooperation conference has once again disappointed the entire islamic ummah. this caused more anger among the muslim people it has become all over the world. i believe that they should hold another meeting as soon as possible and take practical and comprehensive measures to heal the pains of the islamic ummah. if they don't do this, the arab spring would have already happened. now the spring of the islamic ummah will happen. humanity is a friend and humanity is an enemy. this point is on the world today. it has been proven who is the supporter of humanity and who is the enemy of humanity. america proved that it is like a wild and bloodthirsty animal.
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imam khomeini had said that america is the root of all evil in the world and america is satan it's big. anyone who cooperates with this great devil, whether among the arab countries or anywhere in the world , is actually complicit in the bloodshed that is going on in the land of palestine. look. it supports israel and its crimes. the islamic ummah does not accept this today, and the era is not far when the muslim people will play a role by supporting the axis of resistance for the liberation of the occupied territories . in my opinion , this is the reason for supporting the palestinians today. it is vital that this war for the survival of islam , dependence on the palestinian people is obligatory on the entire islamic ummah, in my opinion mr. regarding the palestinian issue , it started after the islamic revolution in iran under the leadership of imam khomeini. he once
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again turned the forgotten issue of palestine into the first request of the islamic ummah. with its recent actions, hamas sent a message to the world that if the disaffected in any part of the world unite and trust in god in front of their enemies and use their resources well, israel can win over them, which before this army was the language of everyone who claimed to have the best security system and created the best missile system , the palestinians proved that the security system they have been destroyed, their army has been defeated, and israel's political defeat has also been exposed to the world. the palestinians proved that the sun of jerusalem's freedom will rise with operations in israel. they proved that if the islamic world supports them, they deserve to liberate their occupied lands from the clutches of israel. there are protests all over the world of islam, but the holding of large gatherings all over the world shows the fact that people
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have accepted the issue and point of view of hamas. this means that the acceptability of hamas has increased israel has no place in people's hearts in terms of morals and human honor and is being destroyed. due to the ongoing crimes in the occupied territories in palestine, all the people of the world have become supporters of palestine today. in the meantime , is the approach of the statesmen of most islamic countries reprehensible? don't they see how the dismembered bodies of our palestinian brothers, sisters and children are scattered in the sky due to the explosion of bombs, but they are silent about it and do nothing but issue statements. turning away but
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not being with the people, stand up for justice in the front row meeting with our reports and estimates, we have made every moment the most important in the field of vaccine storage, time plans, strategies and horizons of the first youth consumer area, a number of questions from us, answers from the first page, and evaluation and judgment with you. the first page
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of khabar network every night at 19.3 minutes. shipbuilding is one of the old industries of iranian people. no matter how much time our engineers go ahead of you , be amazed by their knowledge. shipbuilding is part of the industry that has a direct relationship with the increase in exports. we are the largest construction company in the country's marine industry , ready to build any type of improved vessel. here is iran. industry scope, this is free, yes, this is free it's free, yes, this is free, this is free
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, this is free, yes, all of this is free. 2 o'clock economic spokesman of the government. he considered financial discipline and reducing dissatisfaction as one of the most important directions of next year's budget. mr. khandozi said: the president's emphasis is to reduce the disagreements in the budget, energy, banks and pension funds. according to the economic spokesman , an 18% growth is expected for next year's public budget compared to this year. mr. khandozi


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