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tv   [untitled]    November 22, 2023 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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good morning, dear compatriots. 9 am and another part of the news is the agreement for a ceasefire with the acceptance of all conditions of resistance. the palestinian islamic resistance movement published the provisions of this agreement this morning after confirming the agreement to implement the ceasefire. the islamic resistance movement emphasized: the provisions of this agreement were compiled based on the resistance's point of view and its considerations, whose purpose is to serve the people and strengthen stability against aggression. in the statement of hamas, the temporary ceasefire is for four days. hamas announced that according to this agreement, hundreds of special trucks carrying humanitarian aid, medical aid and fuel.
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it will enter all areas of gaza without exception. at according to the statement of hamas, according to this agreement , the military activity of the zionist regime in all areas of gaza will be stopped, as well as the transfer of armored vehicles of this regime in gaza. hamas has stated: 50 urban prisoners will be freed against 15 palestinian prisoners. there is no news about the start of the ceasefire, but the qatari authorities said that the ceasefire will start in 24 hours. israeli prime minister netanyahu last night after a meeting with his cabinet in which he was forced to call for a ceasefire, described it as a tough decision without mentioning the violence inflicted on the israeli military, which is the main factor. he forced this regime to accept a ceasefire, saying that the war continues and this decision allows us to continue the war.
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but the latest news from the developments in the field is that 57 people were martyred and many were injured in the air attack of the zionist regime on residential buildings in the east of khanyounis, diballeh, nusirat shahr camp, in the west of khanyounis and near al-ada hospital. the spokesman of the palestinian ministry of health in the gaza strip has announced that the occupiers are carrying out retaliatory operations against hospitals, especially in the northern part of the strip. ashraf al-qadra warned that many people's lives are in hospitals kamaladon, al-awda and indonesia are in danger and the zionist occupiers are seeking to evict palestinians from these hospitals and displace them. palestinian healthcare workers have managed to
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evacuate 320 injured people and their companions from the indonesian hospital. and with the equipment of aira elhun takhodhav. on the other hand, the fighters of the qassam battalions were able to target the israeli soldiers with yassin 15 rockets, and by using explosives , they destroyed the locations of the occupying forces in the gaza strip, as a result of which a number of israeli soldiers were killed or injured. deadline for devices to provide services and connect in the national window of the government's smart services, it ended. in an interview with vej khabari, the deputy of the electronic government of the information technology organization said: more than 98 percent of government agencies are connected to this system, and so far two government agencies are presenting their injuries through this portal.
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basis... for us to judge about the amount or percentage of providing services, you also have the birth certificate, which was registered and approved by the agencies in the organization of the employment office there . it is the basis of this judgment. refer to the organization of the recruitment department and update ratio the id card of their services should be used to measure the level of service of the device . the list that i have is only faraja and only the atomic energy organization. the public meeting of the parliament has started . i am talking to the reporter of the radio and television to find out the details of the meeting. based in the islamic council, mr. pishbahar
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, i greet you. please tell me what items of the seventh plan bill are under review. hello and thank you very much, mrs. khalji. after more than a month of review in two shifts and evening sessions in the islamic council, i am coming to the end, and now i am reporting for my dear viewers that the remaining amendments of this bill are currently being reviewed and reviewed. in the public meeting yesterday, many good things were corrected, such as the fact that the government was obliged to curb common and border waters, as well as the exploitation of deep waters in sistan and baluchistan province , we had good approvals regarding dear teachers and that teachers can after 5 years of retirement, they continue to serve themselves, and
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their industries are rewarded after 30 years. in fact, it belongs to them to work, and also the ministry of economy was obliged to consider a special mechanism to pay bonuses to the managers of state-owned companies, insurance, bank insurance, and now i have announced that in fact, some other reforms related to the 7th program bill is being reviewed, the parliament will not have public meetings next week, and the representatives will be present in their own constituencies to actually be present and defiant in their constituencies , and after that, god willing , the budget bill is supposed to be passed by the whole country next week. for the year 1403, it should be submitted to the islamic council thank you very much for your service. thank you mr. peshbahar . i will say goodbye to you. the director general of south asia trade development organization said that one to two years
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have been seen for the finalization of free trade between binan and pakistan . according to mr. talebi moghadam , the fifth round of negotiations on free trade between binan and pakistan has already started. and internal meetings with the specialized offices of the ministries of agriculture and jihad are also underway. from the more than two billion dollar trade between iran and pakistan in 1401, about one billion and 500 million dollars were exported from iran to pakistan and more than 800 million dollars were imported from this is the country. what we currently import from pakistan is mostly rice , oilseeds, pulses, and sometimes tropical fruits. but what we export are all the items that we can think of, from food to petrochemical and chemical products to household appliances, hygiene and cosmetics.
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we have met and held internal meetings with the specialized offices of the ministry of the side, we have to finalize the text of the certificate and a series of attachments. there are related technical annexes, there are health requirements, standards, and we are also following up on their mutual recognition . holding a joint trade meeting with pakistan is also an opportunity for the commercial development of the two countries. for the development of trade, we propose various solutions , including clearing goods, so that we can meet the needs of pakistan and import the goods needed by the country instead of transferring them. the first commercial center of iran in pakistan was actually opened in february
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god willing, we are pleased to announce that the license has been issued by the trade development organization and the business center will start operating. there will be an increase in export capacity to pakistan. the first international export exhibition to pakistan will also be held in chabahar during the last days of dayah. 15 businessmen from pakistan. 25 traders from amman and 25 traders from afghanistan have been coordinated. to be present for this exhibition. the meetings of economic activists of the two countries are supposed to continue. the minister of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts said: for the first time , we are issuing licenses for tourism projects in a step-by-step manner. according to
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mr. zargami, in the last two years, the legal problems of 55 rocket tourism projects have been resolved so that these projects can be added to the activity cycle. an area in the heart of the desert , 15 km from tehran, with tourist attractions that hosts tourists in cold winter and hot summer weather. qom is a province that welcomes different tourists and pilgrims in different seasons. and need to develop tourism infrastructure. people who go for pilgrimage, religious tourism among the province of the people, and this is a god-given capacity of the blessed authority of hazrat masoumullah, but along with it , recreational and tourism facilities should be created. tourism capacities of qom province, a province that
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was previously known as a pilgrimage destination and of course a gateway for other trips. now it is developing with the presence of the private sector. we introduce the projects that have more than 25% physical development to the banks to get note 18 and tourism development fund. here, after the exploitation of 300 people, there are 300 people employed here drunkenly, according to the upstream laws , the investors in the tourism field are among the groups that also receive government support. one of the policies of the ministry of tourism that we emphasized at the beginning of our work and this policy for the first time we are doing the permission to start working with a definite phase and phasing in fact. there are many projects that once the first phase is used . after all, people will use it, that
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capital will not disappear, and they can start the rest of fasare from the income they earn . currently, we have 250 tourism projects in progress, and the investment volume of these projects is over 360,000 billion. it is true that in the document on the transformation of the people's government, the support for the increase of tourism facilities is mentioned in gaza. i was very angry and scared.
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i am not surprised by the reaction of the canadian government. i know they are involved in the illegal occupation of palestine and have been financing this genocidal campaign for decades. therefore, i am not surprised. i am saddened by what we have seen in the last month. this is not a war. this is a mass murder, this is a genocidal attack against the palestinian people in the gaza strip and even ethnic cleansing in the west bank. i am also angry with most western governments, and certainly the canadian government, for their silence, their procrastination, and their refusal to take a firm stand in favor of peace and call for a cease-fire. i think like many people are terrified of what happened i'm sad to see the news is horrible but i'm going through it because
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i'm very angry and our government is following the us as it has done many times and it 's not helping the children and everyone in palestine.
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palestine, i must say that in recent years, months and days, the palestinian nation
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was accompanied by very unfortunate events. with the green light of america and europe, israel has polarized the palestinian land bit by bit, and now you can see that it is occupying a narrow strip of gaza. the israeli regime is fighting against those who are against the un resolutions occupation and oppression take up arms. therefore , the claim of the west regarding the right of legitimate defense for israel is completely false and the opposite. for many years, the palestinian nation has been fighting apartheid, and it is worse than the racism that prevails in the occupied territories , it is worse than the apartheid of south africa. the heads of the israeli regime have violated all international laws throughout history, and this is very dangerous. how can seemingly democratic countries support such a regime? these indifferences will have dire consequences for the region and the world. and in such
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a situation, we witness the incredible resistance of the people we are palestine and especially the residents of gaza. palestinians have realized that their fate is in their own hands, especially their youth. until now, the arab countries have only raised slogans regarding the issue of palestine and have no intention of spending, and the palestinian people have understood this indifference and believe that they should rely on themselves and their resistance. brave young people of resistance. they continue to fight unequally with vigor. with this effort , they want to preserve their identity in addition to their land . an identity that has been stolen by the occupying regime in the last 65 years. the future will show. nation palestine will finally get its rights.
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internationale par rapport à cette question. est-ce qu'on va continuer de traiter les palestiniens de terrorist? another issue is that the position of the international community so far in front of all this oppression and aggression has only been condemnation. in front of the eyes of the suffering and resistant people who are constantly imprisoned and massacred by the occupiers and whose rights are being violated day by day, most governments, especially muslim and arab countries , just watch. now, these people, especially the youth of the resistance, have started an operation to take revenge they said that according to international law, it is the right of those who are under oppression and occupation. today , the palestinian people of the gaza strip and the west bank have started to defend themselves, and this is completely their right.
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the government of malaysia calls for the serious attention of the countries of the world to the painful situation in the gaza strip and the end of the obvious crimes of the 30th regime , the united states and the european parliament, according to the announcement of prime minister anwar ibrahim , resolutely insist on their rightful position in defense of the palestinian muslim brothers . we, together with the islamic republic of iran, as we are a serious supporter of palestine because iran's support for the defenseless muslims of gaza is effective. by joining the line of serious supporters of palestine, islamic countries can put an end to all this cruelty and bloodshed by legitimately defending the rights of the oppressed. and provide the ground for the victory and freedom of palestine. what is happening in gaza is very painful and all the parties and non-governmental groups, including the amanah party of malaysia , submitted a statement to the embassy. the united states emphasized the end of the brutal crimes of this broken regime, which does not show mercy even to the patients and children admitted to the special department of the hospitals
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. the bombardment and even the direct shooting of the fake israeli regime soldiers into the hospitals is an excuse. the hidden weapons are the same familiar lies that we heard 15 years ago for the so-called discovery of weapons of mass destruction in iraq, and until today not a single weapon has been found . they don't believe that the zionist regime is coming, they don't believe that the entire ummah is in love with palestine. they have a special love for palestine. they love jerusalem and their first qibla . the palestinians, with their sacrifice, on the one hand , have revived the palestinian issue among muslims. they did , on the other hand, the bad face of america, israel and other countries they built the western one on top of the mill. meanwhile , the ongoing killing and looting in palestine, the killing of children and women, the destruction of homes and hospitals, and the insulting of human honor have
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caused great disgust in the hearts of muslims around the world. a surika openly supports israel, but unfortunately the islamic world is silent. in my opinion, the islamic cooperation conference has once again disappointed all the islamic ummah. this has caused further anger among muslim people around the world. i believe that they should hold another meeting as soon as possible and take practical and comprehensive measures may the islamic ummah heal. if they don't do this, the arab spring would have already happened. now the spring of the islamic ummah will happen. where in the world has it become clear that humanity is a friend and humanity is an enemy? today , it has been proven to the world that who is the supporter of humanity and who is the enemy of humanity. america proved that it is like a wild and bloodthirsty animal. hazrat imam khomeini qutb sesera said that america is the root of all evils in the world and america
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is the great devil. everyone cooperates with this great devil, whether among the arab countries or anywhere in the world kand is actually involved in the bloodshed that is going on in the land of palestine. see how america openly supports israel and its crimes . islam today does not accept this and the era is not far away when the muslim people will play a role by supporting the axis of resistance for the liberation of the occupied territories, islamiyah ka ittihad, in my opinion today supporting the palestinians is vital because this war for the survival of islam is dependent on the people of palestine are obligatory on the entire islamic ummah. in my opinion, the beginning of the awakening and awareness of the ummah towards the palestinian issue after the islamic revolution in iran led by imam khomeini began. he once again turned the forgotten issue of palestine into the first request of the islamic ummah. with its recent
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actions, hamas sent a message to the world that if the retirees in any part of the world unite and trust in god in front of their enemies and use their resources well, they can win over them. israel, which used to be everyone's army, claimed to have the best security system. the palestinians have created the best missile system and proved that their security system has been destroyed , their mission has failed, and they have also failed politically israel has also been exposed to the world. the palestinians proved that the sun of jerusalem's freedom will rise with operations in israel. they proved that if the islamic world supports them, they deserve to liberate their occupied lands from the clutches of israel . there are a lot of protests in the whole world of islam. boghor all over the world expresses the fact that people have accepted the issue and the vision of hamas. this means that the acceptability of hamas has increased, but israel
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does not have a place in the hearts of the people in terms of morals and human honor. is destruction due to the ongoing crimes in the occupied territories in palestine, all the people of the world have become supporters of palestine today. meanwhile, the approach of the statesmen of most islamic countries. how the bodies of our palestinian brothers, sisters and children are scattered in the sky due to the explosion of bombs, but they are silent about it and do nothing except issuing statements. call for cease fire, call for cease fire, call for cease fire, you have blood on your head,
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shame on you, justin. now now, please fire now, please fire now, now and the apa party now and the apart now and the occupation!
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why don't you reach yourself? i finally reached my heart full. didn't you eat not myself, but my hair? why? parjang garlic shampoo with anti-hair loss properties should be used again. there
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is chemical soil in our country. we have mixed clay and enamel with the art and craft of entrepreneurship. kashiya zahra is our gift. our desire is the great effort of this corner of iran. frozen like the sun , shining like the moon, tiles and ceramics of venus. the windows of this house have their own design , and the design of this house is also its own work. you chose the best, they call you a real designer. something it is very important for me to pay attention to the details, see what the color and texture of this window gives to the house. wintec
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window yick. the issuance of fixed deposit certificates for special investment in order to curb inflation and production growth and with the aim of employment, financing and supporting economy-oriented projects with a limited opportunity began in the branches of refah karkaran bank across the country . this loan is tax-free with the guarantee of payment. with the interest rate of 25% and the difference between interest and fixed will be calculated and paid to the depositors at the end of each project. on the path of modernization, tehran is not my city, it is my house, the largest iranian house
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will soon be opened in tehran, with incredible prices and long deals with unique discounts everywhere in iran, it is my house. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and good morning to you, dear viewers, welcome to the sports news . sports honorees will meet with the supreme leader. in a few minutes , the representatives of the asian and para-asian games and the country's sports officials will meet with the supreme leader. for more information, go to hassan


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