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tv   [untitled]    November 22, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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the dismissal of rasul khatibi to hand over the leadership of this premier league team for the rest of the season reached an agreement with reza enayati. thank you for your support. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, with greetings , we present the news of 13:00 again. the country's sports champions and medalists of the asian and para-asian competitions met with the leader of the islamic revolution, ayatollah khamenei, at imam khomeini's hosseiniyeh this morning . the leader of the revolution addressed the athletes and said: if i want you athletes.
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let me summarize these recent events : the zionist regime suffered a technical defeat in al-aqsa storm became. if i want to give a summary to you athletes about these recent events, that summary is the short sentence that the zionist regime suffered a technical blow in the storm accident, that is, hamas as a militant group, not as a government, not as a a country with many possibilities as a group. a militant group was able to
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beat the zionist usurper government with all those facilities. he also thanked the iranian medalists by enumerating the characteristics of the presence of iranian athletes. i would like to thank the medal winners of this ceremony, the medal is a sign. there is a sign of your hard work. thank sincerely, from the medalists. thanks. from female athletes. from that lady with full hijab. she carried the flag of this period of asian sports
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and showed the identity and personality of iranian women in front of the world. i would like to thank the lady athlete who did not show up with the people during the medal presentation. muharram shake hands. he held out his hand. this lady did not shake hands. this is very important. these margins are not less important than the sport itself, maybe more. i would like to thank the lady who hugged her baby on
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the platform and took her medal. this is a symbolic gesture. the world means respecting the role of a woman in the family and the role of a mother. hazrat ayatollah khamenei also pointed to the strategic slogan of a strong iran and explained the ways to realize a strong sport
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. i say that a strong iran must have a strong sport. right in the selection of the coach, in the composition of the national teams in all disciplines, in taking serious care of the occurrence of pest in sports, be careful not to cause pest in the country's sports . what does pest mean? it means economic corruption. it means the formation of sports mafias inside. it means pests these are morals for our pure and clean athletes. be taken care of further news, the minister of roads and urban development said: 1 million 90 thousand residential units are being built in the country. according to mr. bezrabash , 1,000 plots of land in cities and 50,000 plots in
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villages will be given to applicants for housing construction for free. the number of the national movement, which today is under the burden of construction in various forms of dilapidated and urban fabric, and even maliki himself has about one million and 90 thousand residential units under construction all over the country, of which about 400 thousand pieces of land have been handed over to the people. i said our program for the delivery of land in the urban area this year, 500,000 pieces of land have been delivered, of which 400,000 have been completed so far, perhaps we will exceed this number by the end of the year. it is also being done. the minister of roads and urban affairs said: new transportation routes will be established with the republic of azerbaijan, turkey and turkestan. mr. bazarbash
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also announced the start of the second phase of imam airport operations next week. the project worth more than 2 billion dollars has been distorted. in these few months, we were busy with negotiations understanding. we were executive and finally we were busy concluding the contract, and with the visit of the honorable first vice president to china, this contract was also signed. the second phase will be one of the largest construction projects in the country . it will be one of the most important and strategic projects in the country and a step forward. bland will become a regional hub in the airport area. the spokesperson of the government said that in order to support the producers of the electricity industry, the government will cover part of the debt to the power plants with their tax debt. bahaduri jahrami also drafted a bill to issue 30 thousand billion bonds instead of production debt the electricity industry announced. bahaduri jahormi , referring to the issue of special funds and prosperity
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, informed them about the special assistance of the government. from the innovation and prosperity fund, the board of ministers agreed to add 10 thousand billion tomans to the resources of the innovation and prosperity fund, so that , god willing, the innovation and prosperity fund will receive more support from knowledge-based companies and types of these collections. . the palestinian islamic resistance movement published the provisions of the ceasefire agreement this morning. the palestinian islamic resistance movement emphasized: based on the resistance's point of view and its considerations its purpose is to serve the people and strengthen stability against aggression. in the statement of hamas, the temporary ceasefire is four days. hamas has announced that according to this agreement, hundreds of special trucks carrying
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humanitarian medical aid and fuel will enter all areas of gaza without exception. according to the statement of hamas , according to this agreement, the military activity of the zionist regime in all areas of gaza will be stopped, as well as the movement of armored vehicles of this regime in gaza. hamas has stated that 50 urban prisoners will be freed against 15 palestinian prisoners. no news has been released about the start of the ceasefire, but the qatari authorities they said that the ceasefire will start in the next 24 hours . israeli prime minister netanyahu described it as a difficult decision last night after a meeting with his cabinet in which he was forced to accept the ceasefire. without referring to the casualties inflicted on the soldiers of the zionist regime, who forced this regime to accept the ceasefire as the main factor, netanyahu said: the war continues and this decision allows us
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to continue the war. 34 palestinians were martyred in the air attack of the zionist regime on two residential buildings in deirbeh and khanyounes. the warplanes occupied the camp again nusirat was also bombed and dozens of people were martyred and injured in these bombings. according to the information office of the palestinian government in the gaza strip , since the beginning of the attacks of the zionist regime, about 1,420 people have been martyred in the gaza strip, and about 70 % of them are women and children. more than 33 thousand people were injured in these attacks. five more palestinians were martyred in the zionist regime's attack on the west bank. in this attack, the occupiers targeted a residential house in tul karram camp using anti-aircraft guns. zionist soldiers also attacked this camp with palestinians got involved the zionists also
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detained a wounded palestinian in tul karram hospital . palestinian fighters also targeted the gathering place of zionist soldiers around tul karram with rockets , as a result of which a number of occupying soldiers were killed. so far, more than 120 palestinians have been martyred in the west bank. since the beginning of the al-aqsa storm operation, the zionists killed about 30 people in the west bank. the director of the amsterdam documentary film festival was forced to apologize. according to al jazeera, a group of documentary makers raised a sign in support of gaza at the opening of this fabric festival, which caused the zionist lobby pressured this festival. this fabric is written in support of palestine, which fell at night. the biggest documentary film festival was unveiled and it created a big forest. the director of the festival first
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appreciated this action by shaking hands. but with the pressure of israeli producers and filmmakers, the festival rejected the slogan raised in the article and its director apologized for the initial approval. israel brutally attacks gaza and enjoys making people ugly and they. because they have introduced us to the anti-jewish world and this concept is a green light in the west allows to do anything. this festival has been one of the most important free platforms for a long time and filmmakers from all over the world can participate in it . but now the festival officials are accused of silencing the voices. this story shows how europe's support for israel's invasion of gaza affects different people and circles, including international cultural platforms.
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the officials accuse the festival of having double standards because they took a firm and opposing position in the case of russia's invasion of ukraine, but they are unable to express their opposition to the gaza bombers and the killing of thousands of civilians. from i do not defend the way they work. it is a serious question that should be asked of all european societies. mohammad jabali , a filmmaker from gaza, decided not to withdraw from the festival, but protested the festival's stance. if freedom of expression is targeted , we have lost everything. we basically lost everything . everything is destroyed and destroyed. the only thing left is our own voice. desperately worried about her family and friends in gaza, she feels
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abandoned not only by european leaders but also by what she describes as her family at the amsterdam documentary film festival. expressing mutual dependence lebanese children with children from gaza lebanese children in front of the un headquarters displayed scenes of children who were victims of the zionist regime's crimes in gaza. here, in front of the regional headquarters of the united nations in beirut, children from the palestinian refugee camps in lebanon displayed a corner of the oppression of the children of gaza . zionists massacre palestinian children to destroy the generation of resistance, but zionists know that
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israel will be destroyed and palestine will be freed. boss america said 3 days ago that its heart aches for the children of gaza. he lies that the children of gaza are being killed by american planes and american bombs and missiles. solidarity ceremonies with the children of gaza were held last night in different areas of lebanon. a group of doctors, nurses and children were killed by gathering in front of the military hospital in beirut, demanding serious action by the arab and islamic countries and gaza with the aim of destroying the future of the palestinian nation, and the reaction of the arab and islamic nations should be much wider than it is. . today, gaza is the first line of defense of the islamic ummah and everyone the nation must
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support the resistance and the people of gaza with all their might. don't let gaza be killed. they see gaza but shamelessly support these crimes . in this ceremony, abdul rahman al-hasani , representing the families of gaza martyrs, said: america and the zionist regime should know that we will not give up resistance at any cost. 6 days ago, 10 of my relatives were martyred in an airstrike in gaza , some of them were children. our only option is the stability of the resistance against the crimes and brutality of the zionist enemy. we are sure of victory, seyyed mohammad hosseini, beirut sed and sima news, resistance the islamic state of iraq and the harir base belonging to the american military in the kurdistan region of iraq were targeted by drone strikes. the islamic resistance of iraq announced
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that it will target the base of the american occupation in the ashhaddadi region in the south of syria with missiles. the american base of ain al-aswad in western iraq was attacked by the islamic resistance of iraq. an american official stated that 10 american soldiers were injured in yesterday's missile attack on the ain al-aswad base. it is said that the islamic resistance of iraq in support of the people of gaza and in response to the crimes of the zionist regime against them with operation storm al-laqsa continues to attack us military bases in iraq and syria with drones and missiles. yesterday and today, the americans carried out two drone attacks against the iraqi resistance forces , which left 11 martyrs and wounded. the largest medical union in south africa supports the people of gaza , according to the russian arti channel, this union issued a statement
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calling the zionist regime racist and oppressive. south african psychiatric hospital staff union. he wants to imprison israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu for the crime of genocide and war crimes against the palestinian people. what we are witnessing in gaza is not a war. racial cleansing and expulsion of palestinians from the land is historical and genocide. netanyahu and his criminal cabinet have made a conscious decision to destroy the palestinian people and finalize the theft of their land through very violent processes. we support the demands of the minister and the south that netanyahu should be tried in a war crimes court . the south african psychiatric hospital staff union
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has been active since 1987 as a union that fought against apartheid. is. we are the largest union in the country. and we are probably in the african continent with more than 300 thousand members. we understand racism very well. we know how a racist and cruel government acts against humanity and steals everything from you . when you look at the suffering of the people of gaza and palestine since 1948, your heart hurts. it is clear that we are facing a brutal, fascist and terrorist government. israel is an occupier and according to international law , the occupier has no right to the residents of the country it occupied. they attacked the hospital in the past . snipers to the nurses shooting. while they were treating the babies. it is characteristic that these actions are not defensive. the israelis are not even interested in the race of the captives. they are accused of carrying out ethnic cleansing. america's politico website revealed: this
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country provides information about aid groups in the gaza strip to the israeli regime. this publication quoted american sources and wrote that the information provided by the united states to tel aviv includes various locations of the movement of aid groups and medical equipment. this article states that although the zionist regime is aware of the location and movement of relief groups but it deliberately targets them. so far, the zionist regime has attacked aid groups in hospitals and medical centers in the gaza strip dozens of times. hundreds of people were martyred or injured in these attacks. currently, the indonesian hospital in gaza is surrounded by the occupation forces as one of the places where aid groups are stationed. al-jazeera reported that due to the attacks of the zionist regime , noorzeh health and treatment system. has collapsed susan sarandon, the famous american actress , was dropped from a talent agency because of her support for palestine.
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sarandon, who has been nominated five times for the oscar several days ago, at a rally of supporters of palestine in new york , he had condemned the generation of priests of the zionist regime. which is the largest film talent agency in the world announced: membership of this art. suspends you don't have to be a palestinian to understand that the massacre of 50 children is a war crime. what has happened to the palestinian people in the past 75 years? now is the time to liberate palestine. the head of the housing economics office of the ministry of roads and urban development said: 1 million 90 thousand residential units in the form of the national housing plan. according to mr. nowrozi, since the beginning of the 13th government, 110,000 housing units are being built
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about 400,000 units of land are available to the people as individual and group transfers. about 500,000 units are being mass-produced. the land is leased for 99 years. about 20,000 units are being worked on by the armed forces. for the qualified employees of the armed forces, the work of the police and the police forces and the service of the irgc and the irgc is being done . there are about 1,610 residential units in dilapidated areas under construction. studies and discussions of the system the engineering and improvement permit has been given to these friends and about 30,000 units
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, more than 350,000 units are being built. i would like to inform you that it will be built in haareh village with the follow-up of the islamic revolution housing foundation. since 1980, 10 floods have occurred in golestan, according to mr. salameh, flood damage has decreased in areas where watershed management measures have been implemented. on august 20, 1380 in the east of golestan province, 45 mm of rain fell within 12 hours in galikesh city , causing a torrent with a volume of 200 cubic meters per second in the history of natural events. the province registered. 15 hectares of the golestan forest were destroyed and 5.2 billion tomans, which is 3 thousand billion tomans at today's price , damaged people's houses and gardens, some of our trees were flooded
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. it is one of the solutions to prevent flood destruction and water storage. we decided to do something to preserve the flow of water on this level. one of these works was the discussion of water catchment crescents in mesmera gardens. people got to work , seized the opportunity and took advantage of the rains in this flood-prone area. the trees rains here, it holds water, we participated for the trees, we replanted the trees, i had two hectares of arable land, i converted it into a garden in line with the biological goals, and by multiplying the native trees, they restored the destroyed forest. with the nature of magnificence in marat, it is one of the other measures of watershed management, which by preserving the soil has prevented floods and provided employment for the people of the village
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. 15 hectares of measures in galikash biological watershed or vegetation development has been done. in order to be able to control the sedimentation and erosion of clean and clean water in the oghan watershed, we had taken very good measures in watershed management, and it had a very good effect in collecting part of those stones, trees and shrubs . reduce flood damage in the following years, including the flood of august 6, 1400, and even the recent flood in galikesh. you were sometimes with me and my colleagues in the morning news series.
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in the name and memory of god, with greetings. dear viewers of the khabar network for the next few hours systematic activity of baristan in the north-east of our country, we expect to have rain, lightning, lightning and snow in high altitudes for north khorasan, north khorasan razavi, parts of semnan province , from late tonight, this system will leave the north-eastern borders of the country. for thursday
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, we have calm and stable weather in most parts of our country. from late thursday , we will have wave activity in the southwest of our country. you can see that since late on thursday and from friday morning, the rains in the southwest of the country for the provinces of lorestan, khuzestan, bakhtiari, kokil rehmat bosher fars will gradually see rain in hormozgan south of kerman and sistan baluchistan from friday to saturday in these areas. it will rain all the time, but from thursday to sunday next week, due to the stability of the weather in our country's regions , we are predicting an increase in the densely populated cities. parts of the persian gulf will be rough for the next two days , and the sea of ​​oman will be rough on thursday. also, for the next few hours, the caspian sea will increase in wave height. in the next few hours
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, we will have clear skies, calm and stable weather, sometimes strong winds, but from thursday to sunday. the future of sustainability is the reason for tehran to have an increase in the future. thank you and god bless you. in order to reduce the disparity of the pension funds and strengthen the ability of the funds to carry out the tasks assigned to them, the insurance providers who have 28 to 30 years of service
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will not be added to their employment in the industries. d. insurance payers who have 25 to 28 years of service experience will be added two months to their employment for each year until retirement. 3 insurance payers who have 20 to 25 years of service experience in their industries for each year to time. retirement is added for 3 months. four insurance payers who have 10 to 20 years of service according to the rules. to their employment industries for every year until retirement. four months are added . five insurance payers who have up to 10 years of service according to the law. to their employment industries for 5 additional months per year until retirement.
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be made note 1: the implementation of all or part of the aforementioned rulings is conditional on the fact that the age of the insured at the time of retirement does not exceed 62 years for men and 55 years for women. note d of the above amendments in the rules of pension funds, with the exception of funds that have a minimum retirement age of the insured they are more permanently applied than the figures mentioned in note one. note q: sacrifices and those subject to harsh and harmful laws are subject to their own laws. note four. subjects of this ruling can, with their consent and the approval of the subordinate bodies, without the need of the periods mentioned in clauses two to five, up to the age limit
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