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tv   [untitled]    November 26, 2023 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, i say hello, dear viewer. welcome to the economic news of the capital market in sunday's trades, most of the influential symbols were positive and the total index increased by more than 4 thousand units and reached the figure of 2 million 24 thousand units. the main representative of the stock market ended the trading on sunday with a positive return of 22 hundred percent and reached the level of 2 million 24 units with an increase of 4489 units. the equal weight index
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stood at 78 units with a positive return of 42 percent equal to 291 units. on this day, the stock market witnessed the exchange of more than 7 billion shares in 34,000 cases, the financial papers were worth a whopping 430 billion tomans. akhabar, nouri, koghal and shasta symbols have the most positive effect on the index. they had a stock market and against the symbols of steel, se dasht and pars construction, they prevented the total index from increasing further . during sunday's transactions, the largest inflow of real money was allocated to telecommunications, basic metals, and ceramic tiles. and the most outflow of real money was made from bank groups, chemical enclosures and petroleum products. the status of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 38 positive symbols and 41 negative symbols. there were also 68 symbols with
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the buy page and 56 symbols were encountered with the sell page. the total value of buying pages was 160 billion tomans and the total value of selling pages was 336 billion tomans. but on the other side of the market, the otc total index increased by 59 points to 25,162 points . over-the-counter traders gave and traded 2 billion.6 million shares in 20 thousand transactions with a value of over 1890 billion tomans. ghazal arab golgarari, minister of economy, said the executive regulations of article 24 of the law on continuous improvement of the business environment in the economic commission the government has been finalized and it will be finalized in the government board in december. before this, the minister of economy had promised that this regulation would be approved by the government board by the end of october.
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this law, from the issuance of the circulars of article 24 of this law, the implementation of the law required a regulation that for the first time, as a low-profile revolutionary action in the relationship between the government and the private sector , will help the government agencies to be committed before they read the regulations. they should implement the economic policy, they must inform so that our private sector will not be surprised and it will help the predictability of the economy and the production of this regulation in the economic commission of the government. the good news is that it was approved. it is in the order of the cabinet of ministers that this december, god willing , it will also be approved by the cabinet of ministers. this year, more than one million and fifty thousand tons of wheat has entered the country from imam khomeini's dam. the general manager of khuzestan qala and commercial services said that from the beginning of this year to the first of december 16, a ship carrying wheat docked at imam khomeini port.
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after unloading, this product has been loaded to destinations in other provinces of the country. according to jahan nejadian , the import of grains needed by the country is done with the aim of providing sustainable basic goods and increasing the food security factor. billing system electronic bread was unveiled. with the operation of this system, the opinions of customers will be effective in the amount of bakers' flour quota and the allowance received by bakeries. according to the minister of economy, this system is one of the largest public monitoring systems. this plan, god willing, at the end of this year will lead to a reduction and saving of one and a half million tons in the consumption of subsidized flour in the country, which is equivalent to saving 27 thousand billion tomans.
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it will follow from the country's national expenses today through a system where people can express their opinions about the weaknesses and strengths of the violations that occur. we hope to see the largest and most comprehensive popular monitoring system in the country's parliamentary systems, god willing . the 15th international islamic capital market conference started this morning in tehran . in this conference of capital market senior managers , more than 24 iranian and foreign participants from russia. kuwait, indonesia, syria, iraq, pakistan, maldives, malaysia, turkey and india are present. determining the optimal framework of sharia governance in islamic financial institutions, designing islamic financial bonds, transparency and disclosure requirements of islamic financial instruments and security instruments.
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collective finance in the islamic framework is one of the axes of holding this conference. this conference is until tomorrow, monday. subject to the mandatory standards of 1000 pieces, it is a response to the people's demand to increase the quality and safety of cars. since last year, 6 car models were removed from the production cycle due to frequent defects in safety and standards. 60 cars. usually, after any accident, one of the important keywords is car safety. how long will we have to sit and read the report every day, see the text messages come , some place has an accident, the car's airbag explodes it did not open. some members of parliament
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protested the quality and safety of cars in the 10th term and called for laws to regulate the car industry. 50 years have passed since car production in this land. we are lagging behind the world, the existence of a non-competitive and exclusive environment has caused our automobile industry to not develop at all. finally , i announce the end of voting on the plan to organize our industry . it was approved with 14 votes in favor, according to article 6 of the automobile industry organization law. the national standards organization was obliged to supervise the implementation of the approved standards of cars, with the annual planning of imports and the production of non-standard and non-standard cars should be prevented by the national standards organization based on facts without benefit or harm . if it performs this task well and correctly , it will certainly help in the development of production and the law
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was implemented by the order of the president . it has no quality. it should be stopped completely. in 1401, this law came into effect when some cars left the paint production lines . after 6 years, regular sainas were taken off the production line regarding the commitments made, we finally obliged the automobile companies to get the opinion of the people and to get justice, and hopefully the people will not have to worry about this. with the departure of these cars from the production lines, car manufacturers put alternative cars with 85-speed and safe standards on their agenda so that they are not recognized as the main culprits in road accidents and fatalities, and the implementation
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of a plan that can prevent these accidents. zahra parvesh radio news. the meeting of the joint annual meeting of iran-china friendship in tehran. the role of friendship associations in helping to implement the cooperation document 25 year of the country iran's cooperation in china's belt and road initiative and the cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism have been mentioned as the focus of this round of the meeting of iran-china friendship associations. the members of the iran-china friendship association gathered to find effective ways to develop relations. check the economy of both sides. with the trade openings that have happened, in addition to these meetings and in addition to the long-term plans of 25 years , iran-china will increase to 60 billion dollars in the short term, and according to the plan
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presented in the 25-year cooperation document of iran-china, this will be 400 billion dollars in capital. china's investment in my industries and infrastructure in the meeting i participated in this forum to learn more about iran's commercial capacities and to cooperate with iranian companies. chinese tourists to the country can be useful in all fields of other industries, especially the hotel industry and the food industry , which can be very profitable for the tourism sector in this field. the iran-china friendship association , like other friendship associations
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, is the basis for the further development of the relations between the two countries. which is present in china they have a very, very wide potential field. the iran-china friendship association is a bridge between the economic and tourism activists of the two countries and it can facilitate their work due to its constitution, so it can be a facilitator in all areas in the economic field as well it is not an exception. we proposed and talked about starting two countries with small economies and supporting them. the next meeting of the friendship association of the two countries is going to be held in china. the collection of more than 1 million cubic meters of burner gas in the last two years, the minister of oil said the most by announcing this
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the amount of burning gas has been collected in the west and east fields of karun, and by the end of this year, more than 7 million cubic meters of burning gas will be collected again. the removal of flare gases in the oil fields west of karun by the persian gulf gas refinery has been started for nearly 6 months. instead of being burned through the first phase of the refinery , the burner gases are transformed into a product for petrochemical feed and injected into the municipal gas network. we collected these as feed for the refinery part of it will be fed into the national network as methane, and the rest will be used to collect mashal gas in
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the western region of khuzestan and produce products such as sweet gas and solid sulfur . the construction of the second phase is underway. the second phase of this project will be implemented in the collection of about 500 million cubic feet of gas from the fields around west karun of the republic. with the launch of the second phase of the gas refinery in the persian gulf , more than 300 million cubic feet of methane gas will be added to the country's gas supply network. in this month or two, the value of these gases is about 70 million dollars this is the middle of the gas that should have been burned and now it has not been burned and has become a national asset. at the beginning of next year, god willing, you will see the launch of the second phase of the collective gas flare project in jafir area of ​​hawezeh city, and it will clean the skies
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of 7 western cities of khuzestan with a population of more than 20,000 people . persian gulf , thank you for your company, i will leave you , goodbye. in the name of allah , the most merciful , the most merciful. but a week after the start of the war, our communications with gaza were cut off in prison, and we had no connection with the outside world, and we did not know what
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was happening in gaza. freedom also happened to us suddenly, and we did not know about our freedom. i love it. i would like to tell the families of the martyrs that the sadness of your children is in our hearts and i advise you to be patient and may god grant them patience. there were brutal attacks against us in the prison, considering our gender as a woman and tolerating women, on the contrary , they put more pressure on us. we were exposed twice. we were oppressed. at first, they treated us like men . they used tear gas against us for no reason. once they emptied all the equipment in the rooms. they kept us hungry and thirsty . they put us in small rooms with little capacity.
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they gave it in such a way that in a room with a capacity of four people, they housed 11 female captives because there was not enough food. which they gave us to use during the last eight years, the last period was the most difficult period but in spite of all the pressures and repressions that were against us, we captive women were united with each other and helped each other . i want to point out a very important point. we were leaving our room. armed israeli forces entered our rooms. they seem to be fighting an army, not that they entered the room of female prisoners. we had special ways of hearing news. of course, i don't like
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to go into details. we trusted in god and had a lot of faith in the resistance. i am from that i would like to express my thanks and appreciation for the resistance and its forces, god willing, may god give strength to the arms and achieve the greatest victory from the current victory , so that the entire land of palestine will be freed, god willing. the zionist enemy forces entered the prisons as if they came to oppress everyone, not to free the captive women. they said to any captive woman they wanted: you are free. but they handcuffed him and took him out of the room and did not even let him change his clothes and dragged him out. they kept us all waiting and tried to make us nervous and harass us mentally. but we remained strong and powerful until the last moment. they
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tried to destroy our happiness. of course , our happiness is mixed with the pain and suffering of gaza. our hearts are very pained by the events that are happening in gaza. the agreement to exchange asra was made after the destruction of houses and the martyrdom and wounding of a large number of palestinian citizens and the sighs and groans of the mothers , and this is very painful and difficult for us. the prison guards put us in solitary confinement for 9 hours and played with our nerves. they used to say: i am free now. they would say again, no, they are not free they tortured us mentally for 9 hours so that the joy of being freed from prison was bitter for us , but we trusted in god and trusted in the resistance and said that we will be freed.
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that exists in gaza . i am sure and i trust in god and i have complete trust in the resistance and i know that the victory will belong to the people of gaza. we tell them that we will always pray for you. zarte after the year and months of the month. next after 17 months, i saw my son for the first time . i was forbidden to visit him because my son's name was not registered on my id card and the prison officials did not want to accept that he is my son. i was trying hard to get his name registered in my birth certificate and finally it happened. i am very happy to see that my son has become a man and has taken root. the last time i saw him
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, he had a broad forehead and looked like me. the prison officials had not informed me... or any other prisoners about their release in advance, and my friend ayesha and i found out about this at the last moment. a large number of the soldiers entered the prison and called us. at first i thought we were called for interrogation or torture. they had even turned off the radios. i did not get to know my son. i feel like i have time to get to know him now . what does he like? during our meetings , i felt that he is interested in certain things and has changed a lot, not only physically, but intellectually as well. he has grown and become a man. in fact , he understands much more than his peers
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, god almighty, here i just want to mention all the shahredas who are all basiji shahredas in the position of basiji to maintain this peace and this presence. valuable and this time and remembrance or fatima taking their own lives, mr. khorashadzadeh will recite for us both fatimi's poems and the poems that he wrote in the description of mobilization, inshallah , he will present to your presence, so that we can use them, with the blessing of loud and clear blessings on muhammad.
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and the family of muhammad, may god show our condolences in the presence of hojjat bin al-hassan, in the presence of agha janun alireza, with the honorable mention of blessings upon
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muhammad and the family of muhammad. our story is the story of a man and our courage has been established since our birth we won jihad. if we won jihad , we became the best form of unity. an army of angels has always been under our allegiance, oh if our blood boils.
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oh, if our blood boils. woe if the shia comes roaring. they have seen many times in history that abul fazli is our zeal. sedition in us is ineffective. sedition in us is ineffective. it is from muharram mourning and traveling. we grew up during these days. the revolutionary nature of our delegation. from madinah, when we got away from madinah, zainab's feet were patient. we are coming with the zahor corps . it will be a sight to see. we stood in defense
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of the shrine. we stood in defense of the shrine. we are all alive. until the knowledge reaches the hands of our imam, don't compromise this trust of ours. to die for the values. to die for the values. standing at the foot of the values ​​is not the end but the pure bliss . i became from the time i was chosen by you, i was a rejected prayer that i was answered, baby
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, since i was chosen by you , i was a rejected prayer that i was answered. your sustenance made me grow up. i was a sin and with your grace i became a reward. it was the day of resurrection, the time of the creation of the world you pointed out and i became a slave of the two worlds . i never wanted the rule of two worlds. i succeeded by being a slave of this house . greetings, the glory of our merciful god. greetings, the glory of
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our merciful god. religion. you and your dignity are angels, you are the authority, you and zahra, you are fatima, umm abiha, you are. all prisoners will be released. we believe in god and resistance. we had no radio and television to find out what was going on outside the prison.
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we learned about the truce and agreement when the israeli soldiers stormed our cells and started to take sara out. the moment we found out that the resistance of the israelis arrested me the same day, i called my mother and she said that the israeli resistance fighters arrested them and they are shelling the settlements. the women screamed happily all evening, then the soldiers attacked our cells and beat us up . after that, most evenings in we are kept in solitary confinement , they confiscated all our possessions, we don't have enough water and food, we were literally mistreated. then we heard that the exchange agreement was made. we were both happy and sad because of the food cities. we pride ourselves on food and resilience. may god have mercy.
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