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tv   [untitled]    November 27, 2023 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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in the name of allah, the merciful. pilgrimage day of agha imam reza alisalam. an
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endless way of research in the area of ​​the 100th land of the last shahrarvard gharb of sada basima news. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning. welcome to today's reporter. inshallah, you will be well wherever you are. the anniversary of the martyrdom of hazrat fatima zahra , peace be upon her, is approaching. stay tuned as we take a look at some of today's news events.
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on the lips, light, greatness, and love, and many bright mentions of lovers, the glorification of hazrat zahra, may allah be the greatest, all this. glory be to god, god is great, standing in the way of ali fatimah , like fatimah, may god bless him and grant him peace.
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on the lips, light and greatness, and the light remembrance of the lovers, the glorification of hazrat zahra, may god be great, all the glory of god be great, all the thanks to god be great , in the way of ali, i will take the color of god. except from the discussion
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of diab, the shadow of the narrator of sarmi, peace be upon him, or fatima, peace be upon him, or fatima, peace be upon him , fatima, peace be upon him, became the eyes of lovers from sadness. sea, fasting, after our prayer, the praises of hazrat zahra, glory be to god, the garden of heaven, and glory be to god, from the moment of groud glory be to god, before the eyes of the bruised kotsar.
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good morning, stay with us. greetings reporter. today, at the same time as the fatimid days, the fatimi heralds project is being implemented . i am going to have a conversation with hojat al-islam al-muslimeen , mr. javad mohammad zamani, one of the religious experts, about the details of this project and how to implement it . hosts of the program, good morning, you are very welcome. salam alaikum, courtesy and respect for you and all dear viewers . i offer my condolences on the martyrdom of hazrat sediqa tahira fatima zahra , peace be upon her . god willing, we will all be among his followers.
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please tell me about the fatimi heralds project, what it is and how it is implemented. the fatemi heralds project is actually implemented with the aim of spreading the fatimid culture in 120 mosques in tehran, and about 33 speakers will give lectures for four nights in the mosques of tehran province. the school of hazrat zahra and the life of hazrat zahra well, this project was held in the previous periods in the days of ghadir and in the middle of sha'ban , and this is the third period that will be held in the days of fatimiyyah. islam and
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spreading the discussion of religious beliefs among the people there are serious needs in today's society, and on the other hand , there was a very good reception from the people in the mosques in the past periods of this plan , which actually encouraged us to continue this work when we saw the reception in the mosques. especially in mosques where my delegation and others are interested in expanding these programs, well, we tried to use good religious experts, young scholars and young nobles who have opinions, many of them are authors and many of them are prominent researchers. in the field of issues related to imamate and wilayat, well, specialized work
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doing and this actually prepares the ground for the presence of young clergy among the mosques , which is actually the main house of the clergy, and the revitalization of our mosques in these areas, well, especially in fatimieh i, where this field is very wide . in the discussion of lifestyle, there is a discussion about beliefs, religious foundations and foundations related to the family, and in fact the orders of islam to the family, these are very important discussions that young students discuss. on the other hand, well, the discussion of fatemiyah and its revival and the revival of hazrat zahra's jihad in different fields is a necessity.
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today's society is serious, it's not only for women, it's not just for women, it's for men as well as women like hazrat zahra osweh, for all men, when we explain this, in fact , we have strengthened these fields of growth and among the people, these 120 mosques that you mentioned, based on the two previous experiences of identifying are they the same mosques or not? in the previous period, there were other mosques. in this period, you chose other groups. some of these mosques are shared with the previous periods. in fact , some of them are mosques that announced the need and we identified them. well, the mosques are crowded and they are crowded and the presence of young people is noticeable in them, and this is us he encouraged us to implement this program in those mosques, and god willing, we will be successful in the next periods, i want to expand this matter and
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implement this plan in other mosques of tehran province . did you receive any feedback from the implementation of this plan in the previous periods? well, because it was during the days of ghadir and during the half of sha'ban, both were eid. yes, and in those previous periods, the reception was very good. i was happy with the people 's reception of these let's make it rich, it means that the imam said that mosques are stonewalls
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, well, in all fields , the mosque should be the law of transformation, and the law should actually be growth. ghadir, this plan was also very powerfully implemented in qadir discussion, and at that time it was for 5 nights in different mosques and in fact the listeners in 5 nights about the facts of ghadir, what they needed or about the discussion of mahdism in the middle of sha'ban, well, restrictions and discussion the promised apocalypse is a global debate today and has many comments, that is, a debate that even belongs to shia the world is not involved in this debate, and there are many questions among young people, which many of our missionaries say when they go to mosques . in fact
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, we were faced with the questions of young people. to be answered and sometimes this question was formed and on the other hand , a virtuous student was introduced to the society, a researcher was introduced to the society, that's why some of our missionaries, after appearing in the mosques, were introduced to the society. today, maintaining their relationship with those mosques means that even this plan was finished, even after that they were invited to the mosque, they had contact with the youths of that mosque, and for this reason, it was very blessed . alhamdulillah, this plan is the current plan of you , fatemi heralds. today is the second day of the implementation of the plan . it has been mentioned that today was planned from saturday, saturday and
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today, sunday is the third day, very well, according to the teachings of the fatimi school, based on the conditions we have today, what precautions should we take in both our individual lives and in our social environment, in our social interactions, and we should even say in political activities. yes, i want to tell you about our social culture hazrat zahra's biography is a role model for us. let's look at the life of hazrat zahra, the simple life of hazrat zahra. you see, all of zahra was financed by selling the armor of amir al-mu'minin . when writing the date of hazrat zahra's dowry, what are the most buddhist things needed to form a family? suppose two pillows are one. because naz, for example , some dishes, for example, the most basic things that when the prophet entered fatima zahra's house, he looked at these clay dishes. the clay dishes fell, the prophet shed tears and said, "may god's mercy be upon the family whose dishes
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are clay dishes, or clay dishes. at that time , these were the simplest dishes. then, well, in the heart of this." a simple family and this very simple life, characters like imam hasan, imam hossein, being brought up like zain, being brought up next to this simplicity , how can one observe the daily necessities, the day means active presence in the society, look at hazrat zahra , she is the role model of a woman who is a a housewife who is active at home, at the same time she is active in the community, she delivers sermons in the mosque in her time, in the group of muhajir and ansar, in fact, she speaks , makes arguments, makes arguments, that means she is active in the society, her home is a place of commuting. there are women and
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he justifies them god, well, our hazrat zahra, in fact, for example, hazrat zahra appears in the battle of uhud and dresses the wounds of the prophet, so it is not like we think that a woman can't have social activities when she becomes a housewife, no, she is present in social activities. the society is making the day comfortable while maintaining the noble job of housekeeping. i will go back to the previous discussion, your excellency, the question that i asked in the same circumstances of the simple life and family life that you mentioned as one of the characteristics of the fatimi school, from the point of view that while this simplicity in life a person should observe how to be in tune with the demands of the day and of course not
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get caught up in luxuries. yes, a person should make a distinction between the luxury that is an adornment and the debates that, for example, in today's world we call it an eye and an eye. well, many of these extras these are the excesses of today's life and nothing will actually happen if they are removed . yes, some things are a necessity in today's life . suppose, for example, a car has become a necessity in today 's life. which was there to prepare clothes today it's not difficult, well, the clothes were cheap, it was expensive to make them, maybe, for example, most people have one, for example, clothes, but now, well, someone
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can have, for example, two clothes, five clothes, six clothes, and wear these alternately, but he is a simple soul. life, the spirit of contentment, this is very important. contentment is different from austerity . contentment means being in society, meeting the requirements of the times, at the same time, avoiding luxury, avoiding extravagances in life. let me tell you a very important point. hazrat zahra was trying at home amirul momineen himself says that hazrat zahra drew so much water from the well with a bucket that the place of this rope was left on her body. he sat by the oven and baked bread for so long that his whole body was the color of fire. he swept the house so much that his clothes turned gray. that is, even
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though ashraf's daughter was one of ashraf's creations. he didn't want to work, to try. what salman says is that one day i entered the house of hazrat zahra and saw that she is struggling with this hand, she is working, she is trying to take care of her child on the other side so that she does not cry. okay, so give fazeh to do these things , salman said, i divided the work with fazeh. one day i will work and one day fezdeh should work, which means he did not have any work and effort. she didn't know about housework, she was proud of housework. well, a woman's work at home is an honor, an honorable job, a job with honor. well, hazrat zahra was like that . i was happy that the prophet exempted me from working outside the house. i
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will do the work outside the house, amir al-mominin , i think you are in the life of zahra, this is sabhak , very good, thank you, less than a minute, final point. sir, let's hear the final point, let's pray that we will be successful in the life of hazrat zahra and in following her life, and in fact , as a shia, as a follower of hazrat zahra and amir al-mu'minin, we can continue their path and revive the arab society. in fact, we can take a step forward with our work. thank you very much, mr. mohammad zamani. thank you for your presence in the program. hello, journalist, dear viewers. please be with us . let's go to the glass hall of the broadcasting news agency . mr. kazem niaz. hello, good morning. and don't let me serve you too
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i offer my condolences to the oppressed hazrat zahra. dear viewers , one of the routine weekly programs is the supreme judicial council, which is supposed to be covered by the specialized legal and judicial group of this program. what topics should i discuss in this meeting? hello mohammad jan god forbid, let me explain to the viewers about the topics that are supposed to be commented on today in this so-called council, and the discussion will be examined.
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o their deputies, various issues are discussed and discussed. there are a number of general issues, for example , honored mobilization day and mobilization week. in this meeting, we will talk about a few specific topics this meeting is one of the most important issues that the judiciary has been focusing on for the past few months, in fact , it is to warn against the re-deposition of goods in the country's ports and customs. in fact, he spent a lot of energy, which did not happen in the country, and in fact , the goods that were stored in the ports and customs of the country should be cleared as soon as possible. an example was the port of amirabad , nowshahr, which mr. it
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was actually corn that was again ordered by a special order of justice the province actually got out of that customs, this will be re-examined, orders will be given to the country's attorney general, the president of the country will be told the issues that this did not happen again, because you know that it costs a lot for the country, so this is actually the goods to the country with the difficulties that exist now in providing dollars and foreign currency, it will be prevented. yes, mohammad faqleh's explanation was correct. there is only one point that i have to tell you. the law specifies that in the matter of customs, all agencies are required to one day , there should be no deposits and no shelf life of the goods in different ports
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dear colleague, i am at your service. thank you very much, mr. kaznia , and our journalist colleague, mr. falahi, from the judicial and legal department of radio broadcasting . dear mr. reza bagheri, principal secretary of the information technology executive council, mr. bagheri s. hello, good morning. good morning to all the viewers. my condolences on the martyrdom days of hazrat fatima zahra. i am also at your service. greetings to you . we offer our condolences to you. please tell me what will happen in today's conference. what is the agenda and which one? one of the most important programs that the government has had this year is the discussion of smart services . in this connection , the honorable legislative body of the islamic council, in paragraph 7
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of article 7 of note 7 of this year's budget law, like last year, has 3 specific provisions for the devices explained that based on those three specific rulings of the executive regulations, these three rulings were also written. first, providing 100% services of the device in the window of the device in abaneh 100, which with the participation of the media, radio and television, is trying to eliminate paper inquiries and provide electronic queries are available until december, which is until the end of this month we are in the current month and providing 20% ​​of the services in a smart way until the end of dime, in order to be able to check what are the reasons for the delay of the device, what will be the result of the normal programs of the smart government, because that executive agreement had also decreed new tasks and so on. let's explain what the seventh plan expects from the smart government. today we will have a conference with the representatives of 170 executive bodies, and god willing, with the participation of the members of the interactivity working group and
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the information technology organization, these tasks will be followed once again by those who are ahead of them now. we would like to thank those who stayed a little bit or we can say that they have issues due to non-implementation of the law , we will investigate them , god willing, we will be able to help them with this task . a number of devices have this 100% presence in the single window, where in fact, everyone should help so that our dear people can connect with only one of those authentications that is in the national window, i think only about 8 devices. because there is a possibility of change every day, we have 8 devices without connection that the order of the honorable president in the 20th session of the council was about 3 weeks ago
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, a month ago, to assign the assignment that they must be connected, we also held meetings with them, we listened to how to connect them, and we hope that in these days, in fact , this connection will be done on the first of december. among the most important of them is the evaluation organization, the universities of medical sciences of the ministry of health are part of our question and several of the organizations under the ministry of agriculture, javad , are in fact part of the organization that lacks connection in the field of what percentage of services they provide , according to today's report that we will show the service of the device some agencies are progressing well, ministry of energy, ministry of cooperation, education, ministry of communications and ministry of interior are among the agencies that have made very good progress , they are almost finalizing 100 % of their services.
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among the ministries, i said that because of our focus on those universities that are not connected with the ministry of agricultural jihad and the ministry of heritage and cultural heritage and the ministry of foreign affairs, of course, there is an infrastructure and for the registration of iran's identity from the country, they should be present there. one it is true that this sadrasadi connection means that all their services are provided in the form of this single window. we have 522 services with birth certificates, in addition to all the licenses based on the assessment that my colleagues made, of these 522 services, more than 300 services are actually fully connected to 302 services . through it, they can have access to it . now, of course, this smartening will be the year
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of access. is this process actually electronic or not? that will be a different matter. there are some devices whose services are not available in this window. similarly, regarding licenses, we also have a national license window, which is defined under the smart government window, with the same access. most of them are connected , few of them are connected better. i apologize, the point is here, mr. bakareri, that a connection is made first, but that all services are made in the form of this single window, and the connection is actually made in the real sense, and all services are made on that device in the form of this single window. it is presenting the number
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of devices to the countrymen as a percentage or numerically. what is the situation like if all their services are really provided in a single window format? we are 633 in fact until last week. now we have reassessment every week. 633 national services. the services of the executive body are available in the 55th national promise. and you think that it should have been 100 by the end of november, right, you have to look at the distance , for example, suppose one of these devices is not connected, now we will wait for its name until today, today i will announce it at the conference, suppose one of the devices it is not connected, it has about 10 to 20 services, all you have to do is verify your identity with the smart government window, 100 devices will be added at once, this percentage will be 63, for example, 67-68. for the children, we will explain to all colleagues
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, it is not a very special task. the main part of the second assignment is the law, that all inquiries must be done electronically by the end of december , and they do not have the right to receive a paper version. it is a much more difficult task that i hope i can do. let's see and god willing, i will be with you after the news with the continuation of the program, mr. tehrani. good morning. mr. hosseini. greetings to you and good viewers of the khabar network.


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