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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2023 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] das ist nur der anfang, wir werden solange auf wienstraßen stehen und in graz und die wiener neustadt und linz und salzburg und auf der ganzen welt, bis dieser krieg ein ende hat, bis es wirklichen peace in palestine gibt und nicht nur vier tage waffenpause, what is a waffenpause, what is a waffenpause? man pausiert eine netflix show, aber kein fucking krieg, entschuldigung, auf medizinische infrastrukturen, kein strom, kein wasser, keine nahrungsmittel, über 50% der wohnungen zerstört und unbewohnbar und 1,5 millionen auf der flucht, was ich gerade vorgelesen habe, war nicht mehr die call of duty statistik von den letzten 7 jahren, das ist das ergebnis vom israelischen terror in
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den vergengenheit sechs wochen. haben sich schon seit jeher von solchen aktionen distanced, aber haben sich unsere österreichischen politiker davon distance, von den kriegsbrechen die israel begangen hat, von der idf, haben sie sich distancert, habt ihr irgendwas gehört, seit 50 tagen machen sie gaza dem erdboden gleich, wohnanlagen, krankenhäuser, schulen, moscheen, kirchen, alles wird zerstört, es sind jetzt schon weit über 14 000 tote. al-nasr al-islam labik or the shahrid of labik or the shahrid of labik, the palestinian people, al-jediniyah, arab, islamic, and salaqi, peace be upon you, israel
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, upon the jews of egypt. al-kalima sha'ab al-karimah or hakam al-dal wal -har or hakam al-dal wal-aar after weeks of brutal attack and bombardment of the oppressed people of gaza, it has been a few days since the picture of this moment. these joys and tears are repeated in the media and virtual space. the users of cyberspace have shared thousands of scenes of the freedom of the palestinians from the zionists and consider the victory to be the right of the resistant people of gaza. someone like this user writes in the shortest possible way: may the wind
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be like this, or others who consider the smiles of these days to be the prelude to the smiles of victory day. one day these hugs and smiles will be the hugs and smiles of palestinian freedom. another user is right about the final victory. beauty awaits. palestinian girl waiting to hug her mother in captivity it was the zionists. in the end, the right wins. this user considers the palestinians worthy of victory and writes that the palestinian people really deserve victory . perizian mas mistreatment of prisoners by the resistance forces and the zionist occupiers has also become the subject of users. here is the difference. this is where human rights are recognized. values ​​and ethics are evident here. like this user who talks about the world after the zionist regime. the people of the world saw nothing but humanity in hamas' behavior towards asra and barbarism towards israel. as a result , we are seeing in the world that people support humanity
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they are palestine and israel could not do what the people of the world woke up to today by deceiving its media. the world is much kinder after israel. some users also remind about sharing a photo of the differences. look at this photo whenever you want to understand the difference between cruel israelis and hamas fighters. bita saedi news reporter
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were israel's calculations and hopes wrong in this battle? according to may 10, 2022, the battalions of the sword operation began and targeted the cities of quds and tel aviv with a missile attack. in the city of quds, the residents of the city were also invited to attack al-aqsa mosque. against the so-called ceasefire proposal of the mediators, i say clearly and openly that we had prepared a huge missile attack that would cover palestine from the farthest area in the north to the farthest area in the south, and the enemy positions from haifa in the north to the airport. raman was targeting in the south. however , we gave a positive response to the arab protests within the framework of the ceasefire and suspended this missile battle. listen to this carefully. in this threatening message of abu obeidah
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the spokesman of qassam battalions drew the last chapter of quds number. the missile attack carried out by ezzedine qassam's battalions was suspended. what happened in the war cycle. the confrontation with the zionist regime left a mark in history. this battle showed the extraordinary endurance of the palestinian struggle and the exceptional power of resistance to self-sacrifice despite the negative developments in the environment. for these reasons, i believe and emphasize that we have the right to be optimistic about the power of the palestinians in getting the rights that were usurped in 1988. we have the right to be optimistic, especially in those years when i served you
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in 198. resistance missiles were fired towards quds. this missile attack is a response to the unprecedented escalation of the aggression of the zionist regime inside ashgali quds. the occupying forces and the evacuation of the houses of the people of quds in the neighborhood of sheikh jarrah by force. this incident took the israeli government by surprise. but it was more important that the security institutions were not prepared for such a situation and were surprised. firing rockets towards qutb was the failure of israel's military intelligence to understand the motives of hamas, and this action was carried out. israel did not think that hamas would take such drastic steps. very strange and really unimaginable for me
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was. in this documentary, we open the case of the battle of the holy sword and reveal behind the scenes the first attack in this battle , which was followed by a military and intelligence war, when abu khaled's brother called us at 6 o'clock and said that the settlers should not leave and the work is in your hands and start the operation with trust in god. immediately trust in god and the operation was done. but god commanded me, the chief of staff, now the settlements in the occupied city of al-quds are being bombarded
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with attar rockets. by god , we fired 6 missiles at the settlements in the occupied al-quds, and they hit the target. eat. the order was issued to launch a missile attack on the occupied quds settlements, and an anti-armor missile attack was also carried out in the north of the gaza strip by the brothers in the al-quds battalions as a strong message. so mr. mike , what is the meaning of setting a public time for an unwanted attack from a military point of view? this action is actually a challenge. this means that we will fire the missiles at a certain time and if you have the ability , intercept and destroy them. topo is actually putting the israelis on the ground and challenging them to systematically activate the iron dome. in the first hours of the battle, the battalions of takhiraz weapons
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qassam simultaneously targeted the occupation forces' detection and surveillance towers along the borders with the gaza strip and disabled these systems. this action is a complex operation. it was security, we called it working operation. this operation had a great impact on the movements of military vehicles and occupying forces in the border areas during the days of war. quds was the title of the battle. a new equation was drawn which the resistance tried to impose. an equation that israel tried to avoid for a long time. this is the minutes of the secret meeting of the joint battalion free people is revealed for the first time
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. on the 7th of january 2022, four months before the battle of samar al-quds, a meeting was held, in which the expansion of the scope of resistance and the development of the rules of engagement were approved, including the introduction of installments in the rules of engagement. in addition, a mission and operation aimed at creating deterrence against the enemy regarding its aggressions in al-quds and al-aqsa mosque was approved. israel responded to the surprise situation faced by the occupiers in the face of resistance attacks by bombing civilians and destroying residential towers in gaza. unfortunately, dozens of other people soldiers were martyred in the bombing of israel, which continued during the days of the war, many of them were children. with the intensification and rains, the resistance
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expanded its goals. once again, we immediately warned the occupiers that in the case of bombing civilian centers and houses in gaza, our response will be strong and beyond the enemy's expectations, and in the implementation of this warning , the first and biggest slap in the history of this confrontation was struck, and thus tel aviv it was put on the table from the very first day, and the purpose of this action was to break the center of oppression and violation of relations with the zionist regime, and we established an equation that there is still the fact that attacking tel aviv is easier and more accessible than drinking water. in this room in the basement, missile attacks were managed during the days of the war, including the unprecedented missile attacks
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deep into telavi. the strategy of the resistance forces was more complicated in the past , using homemade rockets and short-range mortars. they used to shoot from the light of gaza, but now the israelis are facing an organized resistance, throwing stones is no longer an option. the problem is now more complicated. rockets are fired with different ranges and different sizes, and the towns and villages of israel around gaza, which in the past were against this mesoinity attacks are now vulnerable to attacks . it can be said that now the power of attacks is much higher than in the past. it has increased and
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is not at all comparable to the past because now they are using advanced weapons. i believe that the most significant issue in this war compared to previous wars was the issue of mortars and missiles. during 10 days, more than 430 rockets were fired from gaza , which was equivalent to the number of rockets launched in the 2014 war in operation rock. another notable issue was the number of throws that were thrown in a compact manner and many of them at the same time towards the center the country was shot. despite the efforts of the zionist regime for severe military censorship on the broadcasting of images related to the palestinian rockets, the images and news
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of these attacks. it was published on social networks and somehow created a wave of terror among the residents of the occupied territories. these images can actually be said to have been recorded by security cameras. when the occupiers persisted in invading our nation, bombing our citizens , and terrorizing civilians and foreigners, and thought that the situation was going according to their own, we decided to strike a blow that was in line with these measures. another missile attack included dozens of missiles and we tried to level them with soil . we can see many restaurants, shops and markets that are almost empty. and traffic in this city, which
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is considered very vital, was stopped. in this battle, the striking issue of resistance missiles to sensitive bases , among others. and strategic military bases of israel. these leaked images from the corner of the phone show one of the soldiers of the israeli military at the taslim military base, lying on the ground after the resistance rockets arrived at the base. they pulled here are the columns of smoke from the military wing of israel's vangurion military airport, which was targeted by a missile. it has risen to the sky. and we targeted the internal security bases with hundreds of missiles and made several effective attacks on benros, esqlan and ashdo, and
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we targeted ground and air positions and bases with missiles and heavy rockets. the martyred stars of this battle were the front guards who played an important role in these successes and developments, and at the head of them were the commanders of martyr bassem isa jamal al-zabdeh , juma al-tahleh, waleed shamali, hazem al-khatib and there are other brothers who made great efforts to reach the first domestically made palestinian missile that can be launched from gaza and they worked hard for this task, an indescribable effort. professor jamal zebedeh, who had a degree in mechanical engineering from the state of virginia, usa. together with a scientific team , he directed the development program of domestically produced resistance missiles. in these pictures that the qassam battalions
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released for the first time, engineer zebedeh is seen during the first test of the a-160 missile, and then dr. zebedeh is seen here with his son, engineer sameh. he was with him in the process of construction and development, and it was his food and divine destiny that they were martyred together with a number of qassam engineers in an attack during the war . producing new rockets that use new technologies, for this reason, the rockets are heavier and carry more explosives and reach a longer range from gaza. ayash 250 was a new missile that the ghassam battalions used for the first time in the battle of shamsher quds and
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targeted ramon airport with it, and so far among the missiles resistance has won the most. now to the airport. ramon, 250 km away from gaza , the ayash 250 missile with a range of more than 250 km is moving. 50 they are making a missile with a range of 250 km. they use a version of the missile they have and show that they can have such a missile. israeli bases are under these missiles. iron dome the fact that israel has always been proud of faced a real test against the massive firing of rockets from the gaza strip. published images show the failure of the iron dome to intercept many missiles the palestinians showed. also, the rockets of the system itself
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fell on the residential areas of israel. the reaction of the zionist regime to this operation was another failure for this infamous regime. hamas' electricity or subway project was an operation that israel was hoping for to win the war. on the 14th of may 2020, the most extensive attack in the history of the israeli-palestinian war took place, and 160 military planes bombed 45 targets in less than 30 minutes. israel's goal of this attack was to kill hundreds of qassam battalion fighters. israel's plan was to prevent this regime from land invasion inform the gaza strip and in practice send some ground units to gaza so that hamas fighters can enter the tunnels to resist the ground battles and instead of israel's ground attack , the
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tunnel network will be rained down from the sky. the aim of this attack was to disrupt the concentration of the enemy and to deal a heavy blow to his base. this plan did not go according to israel's plan. one of the commanders of the intelligence organization of the battalions explains this issue. we managed to stop the enemy's efforts in time discover the preparation of the plan of deception in the battle of the holy sword . the enemy learned from the 2014 battle that shocked his army and caused a decrease in confidence in the ground forces. planned this plan . the enemy army is looking for options and plans based on intelligence, air and precision attacks. with the aim of reducing the fear of the ground troops from the killing operation and capturing his soldiers
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, he was in the field with our forces. the enemy had spent more than five years to complete this plan and had made a lot of preparation for it, which included air, ground and intelligence exercises, and the enemy's goal the victory was a strategy that pushed back the resistance for years. they are returning and we were able to bring them back from our borders with our own resources and trust in god. israel's deception operation began with the official announcement of a ground attack on the gaza strip. when the enemy started the first steps in the deception operation, we were fully alert and carefully monitored their behavior and
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informed the joint staff command of all the movements and developments at any moment. and we had alternative grazing lines so that the arrival is high protect ourselves to face the invasion and in the meantime defeat the enemy and disrupt their plan and make it worse. israeli fighters did not carry out one of the biggest bombing operations after announcing the hypothetical invasion, in which more than 160 fighter planes were used. was taken in these attacks , israel targeted what it believed to be the secret weapons of hamas. al-qassam command executed a complex deception operation with multiple tools , so that the enemy thought that they were successful and killed hundreds of fighters and struck a blow in qassam, but they did not. they knew that this was a deception. i believe this
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story was israel's mistake. the deception that the army implemented did not succeed and the ground forces did not enter the gaza strip and hamas elements did not enter the tunnels and this was not a successful operation. thank god, what the occupiers had hoped for , failed completely and was a heavy defeat in the history of the occupiers. it was recorded that the past time will reveal a lot of secrets about how we discovered and confronted this great and strange monster. the palestinian authorities announced for the first time that we should cooperate with our brothers in the axis of resistance. during the battles, in the framework of the joint security room, i would like to point out that it was held continuously during the war and played an important role in information and was able to help us a lot and advance the plans. having proper information and being able to
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provide proper information to palestinians. hamas and the rest of the palestinian fighting group , islamic jihad , are now an organized military force with proper support, maintenance and technical support services. the era of unorganized street fighters like ontari operatives is over. because now they have a proper form of military structure. they can do absolutely everything . the holy sword that we drew and unsheathed will never be sheathed. in the event of any conflict in the future , please explain to us what the possible developments could be according to your prediction. please, i predict that we will see more drones in every war in the future. for this reason, i predict that hamas or other palestinian groups will use them not only in gaza but also in the west bank. the only problem is how
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they will make these parts and with these pipets what actions should the reader take? but without drones and missiles, it is quite evident in the future war and we will see them completely. everyone is talking about the upcoming battle. how does the resistance in gaza prepare for it? with the strength we built and are building, the tests we run , and the lessons we learned, we take more steps towards the promised day of liberation and return every day. our mission in the resistance command in our relations with the ummah and living groups is that the battle of shimshir quds remains an inspiring example and is a practical introduction to a battle in which all the powers and the nations are united in the battle for the purification of jerusalem and the liberation of palestine , i say to all the free men of the nation and the world, al-aqsa mosque is waiting for you, so wait
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for the sign, after the battle that was titled , the palestinian resistance was able to draw new equations of deterrence. on the other hand, israel is trying to revive its reputation and the reputation of the army twice. today
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, we see a lot of tension in quds square and al-aqsa mosque. shipbuilding is one of the old industries of iranian people , as time goes by, our engineers update their knowledge. shipbuilding is a part of the industry that has a direct relationship with the increase in exports. we have the largest maritime industry infrastructure in the country. construction of any type of improved buoyancy. here iran.
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4:00 am
farshan. it is four in the morning tehran time, and dear viewers, welcome to this news section . the meteorological organization has issued an orange warning for mazandan and golestan provinces, predicting rain, strong wind and a special drop in temperature . based on this warning of slippery slopes mountain due to snowfall, reduced visibility, falling rocks from a height , flooding of roads, flooding of rivers, flooding of roads, damage to temporary structures such as scaffolding, advertisement boards and breaking


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