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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] we are still with you with the special program of developments in gaza after the cease-fire between the resistance forces and the zionist regime was not extended today. i should mention that there was a 7-day ceasefire between the resistance forces and the zionist regime. about the latest news that i followed in the media about the developments in gaza, it has been reported that abdullah darviish, a cameraman for al-aqsa tv in palestine , has been martyred following today's attacks by the zionists. also, the news about the attempt to resume negotiations and consultations between the resistance forces and the zionist regime is published from the sentence in the afp that mentioned
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with the mediation of the qataris and the egyptians, they are trying to establish a ceasefire again. i would also like to point out that today a rally to support the resistance will be held in some cities of the country after friday prayers, including in ilam, ahvaz, bandas and bazhnoord. mr. ghasemian is a senior expert on west asian issues in the studio with us. i will continue the conversation with them. mr. ghasemian, in your opinion , these two fronts are facing each other now. let's compare the people of gaza, the palestinians and the resistance forces, with the opposite front, that is, the zionist regime, the residents of zionism and those who occupied territories are inhabited. what is the difference between them that determined the outcome of the war in a way that we, the news experts and analysts
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, are talking about the defeat of the zionist regime in these 50 days? how much of his own forces, even the civilians, for the battle of al-aqsa and the war with the narrow strip of gaza, from retired reserve forces to civilians, what is happening in the region of west asia and was established by the battle of al-aqsaad was a change in the balance of power. and what does the balance of fear mean? the supreme leader is having a speech , they point out correctly and in the most special way that what we see in our resistance and cannot be seen in any kind of wars is the power of faith. how has the literature of war changed in the resistance? the resistance is now responding to the israelis in a preventive manner. not
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in a defensive position and in a position of weakness, but preventively , this battle of al-aqsa itself was a preventive battle. israelis enter gaza. now about 5 kilometers in more than 30 days, for example, 5 kilometers of military influence and war-mongering in the gaza strip. the coming of increasing the amount of crime that the people of gaza evacuate gaza. other countries are also consulting to accept these. including egypt to open the rifa crossing. give shelter to the residents of gaza, give shelter to the displaced people, from here you are creating terror with multi-ton bombs, with fighters and the destruction of the crimes they are causing, but see the solidarity of the people of gaza against the escape of the residents of the northern lands of the occupied territories together. let's compare, as soon as hezbollah
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entered lebanon in a very different way and was targeting military targets in the zionist regime, in the occupied territories we now see nearly 300,000 the zionists living in the northern territories of the occupied territories prefer to flee, and in my opinion they will return again. you have already mentioned the continuation of this trend . the yemeni forces and the yemeni army have firmly announced that when will we stop the ships bound for israel, as well as the missile attacks. we will continue the land and air to the occupied territories, we will continue with determination, well, if this trend continues, the balance of terror in our occupied territories will be reversed. going and living in the ruins, that's why
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the zionist regime is very heavy, so i can summarize this part of your speech as two different worldviews, two different points of view, and maybe the originality of the palestinian people in this land is different. the conditions on the two fronts of the war are one of the factors of the victory of the palestinians, and now it determines the future of the war, mr. ghasemian. i saw that the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, mr. kanani , wrote on his social page to react to today's conflict and the non-renewal of the ceasefire. that after the killing of more than 15,000 palestinians, the zionist in-laws continue to support a new round of killing themselves the american government initiated this reaction by mr. nasser kanani to today's crime of the zionist regime and said that obviously the political and legal responsibility for the continued aggression and continued massacre of the palestinian people
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, in addition to the criminals of the zionist regime, rests with the american government and a few governments that support this apartheid regime. i would like to point out that the most recent news about gaza published in the media today is a news published by al-alam network, according to which palestinian sources reported that the zionist regime's fighters attacked the south of the gaza strip this friday morning, which is mostly a safe area. they had announced and asked the residents of northern gaza to go there, they said, mr. ghasemian, that the zionist regime is bombing safe areas , it is bombing the areas it declares safe.
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now, let me start from your last discussion, which you mentioned about the public opinion. in the al-aqsa battle, the zionist regime considered a very large budget. during the ceasefire period, it also considered 25 million dollars for advertising in the area of ​​the war with gaza. what does this mean? it means to buy influencers, media buy, and make that their own empire in favor of the zionist regime. now let's see the opposite side. on the side of the resistance, gaza does not spend a single rial. i didn't see any place where the resistance forces told someone, for example, someone who wrote in favor of the resistance on telegram or instagram or on the x network or in any media and took money.
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what happened? the zionists lost the game to the resistance in the media battle . they wanted to show the resistance as terrorists . the claim that the regime was actually hamas forces beheaded a child, which has been denied. yes, even the attack on that party was part of it. it was part of infanticide. they wanted to show the hamas regime as terrorists . this was a pure fact, and the media empire of the western media and robert murdoch did not underestimate this story, but see. the freedom-loving public opinion in the world did not matter whether it was muslim or non-muslim, even the jews of america see, to stop the zionist regime's war machine on the street means to rhyme with the resistance forces in the field of information and in the discussion that it is attacking southern gaza.
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you see, the zionist regime's operations are completely insane at all, the equation is the equation of insanity for israel . what do you mean by this, when it sees that the people of gaza did not flee with this amount of fire that fell on the 360 ​​square kilometer strip of gaza? the people of gaza did not leave their homes. not being displaced to this country or this region or that region. they remain in the same place and are fiercely fighting against the zionist regime. well, it is coming to attack the residential areas, while we, the residents of the occupied territories, are working, the reverse migration that started several years ago has reached its peak. today
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, they cannot respond to the public opinion in the land therefore, in a crazy state, the occupation is attacking areas whose residents are actually civilians . we have witnessed in previous operations and wars that the zionist regime resisted. how many crimes did he commit in hitting people's shelters in this battle of al-aqsa? we saw the destruction of the mosque , we saw the school, we saw the hospital, so it is not a very new or strange action by the zionist regime, which , when it realizes its defeat, is so great that it is nearing the end . he is nearing the end of his life he commits any crime, and this attack on the south of the gaza strip, which was actually declared a safe zone
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, and any kind of military action is considered a violation of all international laws. for countries such as egypt and some arab countries in the region, which are active in the issue of ceasefire, it will create a bargaining power that can free the rest of asra or take a trump card that can extend the ceasefire. either it is an opportunity or an excuse that if he extends the ceasefire, it will be due to his own internal pressure i would like to point out that in the latest news published in the media, the number of cities attacked by the zionist regime in gaza today has reached 26. the ministry of health of gaza has announced that the ceasefire did not help the healthcare system and
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we continue to receive humanitarian aid. and we need fuel, mr. taqvinia, an expert on international issues, is with us. mr. taqwaya, hello, i spoke with mr. qasimianan, and he believes that the cease-fire was not extended so that the zionist regime could reach a winning card for the continuation of the exchange of prisoners. you about the extension if this cease-fire does not happen, of course, before you give your answer , let's see the pictures that have reached us live from gaza and our correspondent in gaza has prepared them, and i am still at your service with this question, mr. tagvi, to the city of khanyounes,
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as well as an announcement . publish to khazaah and. all the residents of khanyounest say that we should go to fix this, which means that we hope that this is not the case, but this means that khanyounest will be targeted by air and ground, and as a result, this is a sign that we should have an operation to encircle the city, and why do they say that we should go to rafah why to specify the city of rifa and they don't say let's go to the central province, where we are now, and this may be a sign that they want to attack the city of khanones, and now they want to go to the central region to the north, the same thing
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they want to do in the north of the gaza strip. they may want to target the central region from khanyune. these are our predictions and these are the assessments that can actually be made from the israelis' thinking, the same as what they did in gaza and the north, and that they say that we will go to rifa, which means sacrifice. not only that, but it is located in the center of the gaza strip, then they go to khanyounes and to the egyptian borders he has seen that the eyes are fixed on khandis and the attacks are carried out on a large scale in rafah, and now he wants to hit targets in rafah, then the people
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towards. and their narration is not the correct narration and it is not even possible to raise questions and answers about it, which calls on the people to solve the problem, calls them to reconcile the issues and also wants to send a message to the palestinian resistance that if you said that we have a safe place we are targeting your safe place . anyway, since this morning, all the victims are civilians. the ordinary citizens who are here are women and children they are the elderly. 32 people have been martyred, most of them are children. however , the israeli occupiers
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have been in trouble until this moment. for a live report , we saw and heard a resident reporter in gaza who pointed out that the goal of the zionist regime today is to relocate the people of gaza . leaving the land is something that the zionist regime has been pursuing for the past 50 days, but it has not been achieved. i want to talk to mr. taqvinia. to continue the exchange of prisoners, what is your opinion about not extending this ceasefire? see, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings and courtesy to you and my dear viewers. see, the issue is beyond the prisoners. the issue is beyond the ceasefire. the zionist regime, with the help of some unfortunate, traitorous arab countries
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, is trying to determine the status of the gaza strip once and for all. and where do you move the people to egypt? we will see. yesterday, the israeli newspaper hume announced that there is a plan with the help of arab countries, and the palestinians living in the gaza strip are supposed to be moved to some arab countries, including egypt, iraq, and even other countries. arabbi turkey to resettle the body means that this plan is a plan that has been prepared in advance. they are looking to depopulate the gaza strip because they know that if people live in the gaza strip , there will be hamas and the resistance, so the palestinian nation should be removed from there . kochand, therefore, i believe that this war is a war for the survival and survival of israel. the issue for
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israel is the issue of survival, not a few prisoners of the zionist regime after the blow it received in the al-aqsa storm operation , well, it seriously and strategically suffered security damage and this damage security must be compensated , the balance of power must be changed, the equation must be changed yes, if it is not changed, the regime will collapse, and the political life of mr. netanyahu, that is, if netanyahu ends the war without tangible and tangible achievements , he will step down from power, something that mr. netanyahu does not want at all, so this war of attrition will continue and two the side must win, there is no option but to win, the battle is a battle of wills, whichever side has more endurance, its people
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can endure the conditions more, the winner will be the winner, but we see the zionist regime as very fragile. not the internal front of that power of resistance now his economy is sleeping, his business is sleeping, the welfare of the people has been destroyed, the security of the people has been destroyed, but the people of the gaza strip are used to this situation. every few years, this situation is repeated for them, and the more important thing is that the people of the gaza strip are fighting a war for their land . they know the war for their motherland, they know the war to protect their homes and land, but the israelis have dual citizenship and they are returning. you see, since the beginning of the war , many towns within a radius of about 20-30 kilometers of ghazoi strip have been evacuated and deserted. the people of gaza under banbaran are not even willing to leave it is not their own land, because this land belongs to them, but because the occupying zionists
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have no prejudice towards that land, about one million zionists have been reduced to a size, and they are waiting for favorable conditions to return, that is, the prejudice that palestinians have towards their land, the zionists. they don't have it, because it is not their land at all, so i believe that in the battle of wills, it is the palestinians who will resist and win , and we must also say that palestine is not alone, from the red sea to the mediterranean coast , they are with the palestinians. general on the palestinian side the public opinion of the islamic world is on the side of the palestinians, the public opinion of even the western world is on the side of the palestinians, and it is israel that is in a passive position, in a weak position, even the representative of mr. biden. he went to israel yesterday and announced that this war must end with minimal casualties because we
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are under pressure, human rights institutions are under pressure , and the votes that mr. biden is counting on for next year's elections are in favor of the palestinian resistance, not in favor of israel, so mr. biden and his team are also taking a step against these zionist crimes, and they are also talking about it. i will say that the new fronts will be activated with more power. you see that the south of the red sea is closed to israel and the zionist ships are changing their routes . thank you very much, mr. taqwiniha. i would like to point out a news that the meeting of the head of the zionist regime with the emir of qatar has been published, that ishaq harthouk met with sheikh tamin bin hamad sani, who was on the sidelines of the climate summit in the uae and
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came to this meeting, that the qatari parties are interacting with israel and hamas to establish a new ceasefire they are in gaza . we are going to the horizon of tehran to welcome the noon call to prayer. the special program for the developments in gaza is still ongoing.
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in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light. akbar is the witness that there is no god but god. the witness is that there is no god
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but god . the witness is that muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali al-salah hai ali al-salah hai
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ali al-falah hai ali al-falah hai ali khair al-alam hai ali khair al-alam god is great god god, we are with you with the special program of developments in gaza, which after the establishment of a 7-day ceasefire between the resistance forces and the zionist regime, the
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clashes continued today with the beginning of the attacks on gaza. we have informed you of the news moment by moment from khabar network. one of the latest news that has been published in the media is a statement that hamas published and announced that the american government and president ann biden gave them the green light after the visit of the foreign minister. . full responsibility for the regime's war crimes they are in charge of the gaza strip . at the same time, you are receiving live images of the gaza sky from khabar network. the clashes that i can almost say started an hour ago this morning, and according to the latest statistics , at least 26 palestinians are involved in this
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crime . mr. ruhollah ghasemian, an expert on west asia, was martyred. they are still with us in the special program of developments in gaza. mr. ghasemian , today we talked with you and other experts about the outcome of this conflict . there is a prediction that we will see an extension of the conflict. let's extend the temporary ceasefire and continue the conflict it means that this should continue, but some believe that the zionist regime cannot continue this war. one of the reasons they point to is the elections in the united states, including the elections within their party, which will be held in march or in march. in fact, the economic collapse of the zionist regime is only a few weeks away. in your opinion, considering these factors, how long can they continue? we can analyze this situation in three areas and
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see one of the internal areas of the territories since the day the battle of al-aqsa took place. fallen for the first time peace and terror have been created in areas in the occupied territories that were previously safe and secure. you can see the west bank of the jordan river , where the most radical zionists live there and they believe that the capital of occupied jerusalem should be there, because yes, they were also targeted. therefore, we are witnessing the spread of the na'anis in the interior, the immigration of the maakvus has become very popular and is on the rise
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. we lost at the same time as the witness military operations are inside the occupied territories, the attacks destroyed many of the infrastructures of this regime, and in the economic field of the tourism industry, the flight of foreign investors instead of the risk of investing in the occupied territories has increased, and many businesses have been closed. their investments have stopped. this internal situation is not acceptable for netanyahu at all and this situation cannot be sustainable and continue because netanyahu's certainty will collapse and his cabinet will collapse and this will definitely happen
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. a failure in i doubt, so this situation can't last long. thank you very much, mr. ghasemian, we will continue to be with you, but before that news section 12 , i would like to offer you my presence in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. dear viewers. hello , have a good day. welcome to this news section. 30 palestinians have been martyred by the zionist attacks on different areas of gaza. since this morning and with the end of the 7-day ceasefire , the zionist regime


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