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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] this has been spread many times in cyberspace, for example, the american officials and european heads of states say that the days of bashar al-assad are over, they have been numbered and bashar al-assad must go . this was what they said in 2011, but now that they have that experience. you say that, if you go back , you will see that the war has a lot of bitterness, but it also has blessings. one of the blessings of the war was that the syrian war was a final front. at one time, an ally was formed from the resistance front. let me tell you that in iraq, there is an iraq of syria even for example, the sunnis, this unity that was formed, i created a self-confidence from the flow of resistance, this is what you say, well, at first it was a threat, then he says what an opportunity it is, according
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to the interpretation of martyr soleimani, who sometimes has opportunities that now i this is what i'm talking about, americans, i realized this issue myself, maybe in the last seven or eight days, the americans have a potentially serious threat. look at this news. you just recently washed away the war, which means that maybe the americans are using the experience of syria, and they are using it in yemen. let me tell you something, the threat i mentioned is in the long term, especially in the long term in particular, i would like to emphasize that in yemen, i feel that the region will change, that is, the political geography of the region will change . let me give you an idea, dear readers, 5 years ago, i will not say 500 years ago or 50 years ago. there are films that show thousands of children from qahti, the ribs of these people were coming from the picture that was coming
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, it really made one look at the picture. he hits eilat and sends ships that are powerful ships hey, with aqaba, don't think that it's a commercial ship, it's a world behind it, and the image it creates, anyway, everyone can see that some arab countries that are in the same region are not doing anything for palestine. let me say that these are shiites who are defending the sunnis, whether they are lebanese , sororians, iraqis, or iranians. well, these are a part of shiites, most of whom are shiites , so they have the issue of unity here as well. it is thought that yemeni five years ago, just five years ago, when they were under siege, what strength do they have now? imagine this, if the same trend continues, where will yemen be in 5 years, i will tell you one part of yemen, that is to say, two parts of
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yemen, one part by the internal systems of the yemenis , which was bought and occupied by the invaders. this is very important for you to see that the yemeni islands are occupied by the emirates and the people should know this from us, the americans, if the two ends of the waterway are in the hands of yemen, this fear is very serious for them , while there is always this fear for the west that the strait of hormuz is in the hands of iran. and iran can actualize this potential force the self-confidence that this war is giving to the resistance forces the front to resist. oh, that's all . now i have time to count . we have some pictures for you from the south of the food strip on the border of rafah
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. let's see these pictures. these are the attacks that the zionist regime carried out on rafah in the south of the gaza strip an hour ago. well, we are still with you with the special program to investigate the developments in palestine, mr. turabi , you wanted to investigate the situation that the zionists are in. anyway, the pictures show that they are going back to the same previous process.
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bomb the areas, target them with blind artillery, and there will be human casualties. the same cities, which unofficially reached more than 20,000 , according to the people who are under the rubble , repeat the human casualties. i think it was yesterday. the message exposed by the american media from their officials and transmitted to the zionists is that gaza and the world do not have the potential for you to kill 20,000 people and then kill another 20,000 people. do it anyway, they are losers from one go out to war, read the conditions, change your body, what options do you have, see me something. let me tell you that the israelis are doing something today, defining a plan, mediating under the pressure of the americans, i think this is happening for the first time, this in itself has a message
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, dividing gaza into several hundreds, especially the northern part of gaza and neighborhood by neighborhood, from now on, this media image may not have much feedback in our own networks . when they attack, they should announce this in advance , that is, they want to attack this neighborhood. evacuation is more of a psychological thing, which i know later, the israelis are even attached to this issue , doing it under american pressure, but it is a show to say that if we resume the war, for example, we are aware that the human side will decrease , we want to hit the neighborhood and but this has a message, the message is that it is like the israelis decided to enter the war seriously , try this issue one more time, that is, you know that they have come recently, and netanyahu came and made a fuss where we are building settlements. we will start with the discussion of the gas fields in that area well, take their decision seriously, now the question
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is whether they can be present in this area, that is to say, like the conditions at the beginning of the war, at that time, with the agreement they had with the americans, it was decided that they would have a chance to be able to conduct ground operations. do the body, see what you achieve, achieve nothing, now again. of course, we should also have this, maybe we should read this analysis to check that it is a tool for bargaining in negotiations , this should also be in the corner of the mind. let's say it may be to influence the negotiations, which means that even this morning's attacks may not be a sign of the full resumption of the war, but they want to get more points from the negotiations
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. hamas should continue to liberate us, we will continue the fire, what does it mean to ask them to liberate us, but look at how many challenges the israelis are facing and how many challenges and these challenges are too much for them now. as i mentioned before , the first challenge is the security within the regime the severity is under question and those who are citizens who are there cannot tolerate this , whether from the north or from the south. yesterday you also saw the west bank of the jordan river, that is, east of the pole , there are some incidents. well, it's very difficult. the second problem is the exhaustion of the soldiers of the israeli army. the news you get is that the number of suicides has increased , the number of defiance has increased, and the number of dismissals has increased. they are under
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pressure because the army doesn't listen to their words anymore they read, especially their soldiers, sir, you mentioned two major challenges. the first one is your discussion, the second one is the military exhaustion of the army, and the third one is the public opinion. the global economy, the global economy is severely damaged by each other and they cannot tolerate this issue, and i am the fifth one to mention this issue , strengthening the morale of the fighters of the resistance front will give them self-confidence in the long term, which is a priority in the international spheres. do this the total upheaval of this challenge shows that the zionists, despite their love, want to resume the war and continue, but
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there are obstacles in their way . thank you very much. the guest of your program and the viewers, i offer my greetings and courtesy to mr. azimzadeh. last night, we had a statement from the spokesman of the yemeni army that the resistance groups in yemen are ready to resume their attacks against the zionist regime in a similar manner in iraq. similarly, the resistance group declared but what are the reactions in lebanon to the possibility of a full resumption of war by the zionists? anyway, today they bombarded areas in the south of the gaza strip and
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sent pulses showing signs of war. it was just a few minutes ago that the vice chairman of the executive council of hezbollah, sheikh ali utboush, gave a speech and emphasized in his speech that the consequences of the zionist regime's renewed war-making and the targeting of the people of gaza are directed at the united states, as well as hezbollah and the islamic resistance in lebanon. he is also ready to react to this aggression, but only from this morning this moment what i am talking to you about is that the border between lebanon and occupied palestine is peaceful, that is, the north of the occupied arazi, the northern front of the occupied lands, no conflict or exchange of fire has been reported from it .
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they are trying to say that the northern front of the occupied territories is completely controlled and there is no movement there and that the city should return, but in various statements published by the mayors of the towns in the north of the occupied territories , they say that the terror that exists in the north of the occupied territories even at the time of the ceasefire both they announced that this terror is still there and the residents of shahrrak are not returning to those areas , but our own field observations two days ago when we were at the border made it clear that the burned bases of the zionist forces have a long way to go before they are restored. of the twenty or so bases that are on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine, two or three bases and their spy equipment have been re-equipped, but most of the bases have been left in the same burnt state , especially the bases that are close to the border and are in the crosshairs of hezbollah forces. that the media of
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the zionist regime declare the media of the regime the zionists have repeatedly said that hezbollah's forces are stationed near the border of lebanon with occupied palestine, although the presence of hezbollah in the border strip in southern lebanon means that at the same time , there is no war in the northern front of the occupied territories. he will be present, but this atmosphere of fear that exists in the media of the zionist regime towards the northern front is a fear that is certain and completely palpable in the entire north of the occupied territories, mr. azimzadeh, from your words , that shadow of uncertainty is once again over the head. the north of the occupied territories is established and zionist they don't have a calculation based on
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what they will face in the north if they continue their military operations in gaza, right? the northern front of the occupied territories will be easy, he said this about it, that the front is ready for hezbollah, that is , hezbollah is active in this front, and hezbollah is the one that takes action, and this is exactly what i am saying, the media of the zionist regime itself said. hezbollah is the one who decides when, where and how to act, and it has done this act and has proven it many times when the israeli army headquarters announced that hezbollah is capable of for example, the 3rd infantry brigade of the 91st division targeted the zionist army at a depth of 10 kilometers and fired 48 missiles at it with grad katyusha missiles, showing that it
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will decide and target hezbollah at any time. hezbollah will definitely strike. the developments according to the secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon are on the field, which indicates that there may be something else in the field of politics and talking, and according to the secretary general of hezbollah himself, all eyes are on the field. yes , thank you, mr. azimzadeh, we will continue. in this special program, we are with the viewers of the khabar network another news that i have is that abdullah darviish , a cameraman of al-aqsa channel , was martyred today in the airstrikes in the gaza strip , thus the number of journalist martyrs has increased to 71 people. a few moments ago, we also received pictures from khan yunus in the gaza strip, which we invite your attention to. what did i say, no
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, you don't have time anymore, you don't have time anymore , where are you? honeymoons in the gaza strip since this morning, the zionist regime attacked various areas in gaza, especially in the south of the gaza strip faced air and artillery attacks. well, i will continue the conversation with mr. torabi. mr.
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turabi, we talked about the zionist challenges and you said in the case that they are facing huge challenges that can become an obstacle for the continuation of the war. but the zionists still did not leave the position of the first day of al-aqsa storm. every moment this war ends with these conditions, the zionists will lose, and as you said , it will stabilize the strength of the resistance front and self-confidence after the al-aqsa storm. how do the zionists want to express themselves from this situation? i think the zionist is a long way hard they are trying to get out of this situation, just like we don't know, they don't know their own names, that is, the positions they are taking are quite clear , that the lack of planning and confusion in this matter is very clear , but the point that is very clear in my opinion is that
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israel must be chosen. how to end this war means that the choice is theirs to choose the hard one or choose the harder one. if they accept this agreement, then there is a tendency for them and they are facing a deep wound that they have to endure if they want to continue the war. the conditions of erosion that exist , the regional war, the events that will happen in the future, lack of support the west, what europeans, america, what europeans, now the zionists in ukraine are becoming more lonely since the beginning of this storm, yes, they are definitely becoming more lonely, and the interesting thing is that the public opinion of the world is showing a negative reaction to israel, even though the media is at their disposal. and this is very heavy for them, they created a character for themselves with the word anti-semitism for several years, all this is disappearing, and one of those long-term threats is one of the actual super-challenges that may appear in the future. give
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a trend towards islam, this trend towards islam in this things are very difficult for these people and many of them are studying what the quran is, sir, this is very heavy for them, and whatever path they choose , they have lost one way, which is as much as they wish, to enter ghazdeh and destroy hamas. destroy it, conquer gaza and go to settle there completely , which will cost a lot of money. well, considering all these conditions , what do you think about a week ago when the zionists accepted the ceasefire and agreed to it? working, you see, this was out of compulsion, the internal pressure is on one side and the pressure of public opinion in the world on the other due to the fact that they could not carry out the battle, it means that they were forced to carry out this task, but what is the possibility that it will happen in the future? one possibility is that the war will continue and there will be a conflict. we have to wait and see which side
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will win this field. how much will israel's advances be and how can it stabilize this? this is a story in itself, that is, this is a process that maybe they can now enter an area in gaza with tanks and such things, but it is difficult to stay militarily. yes, if you remember, i will tell you something about the third week of the war i said that this week is the most important week of the war. if there is a truce this week, it means that the rationality is that the israelis do not enter , accept the truce, and enter into negotiations . it will be over in four days, and we will enter the third month. i predict that this is the third month. if this war does not end in the third month and continues like this , then on the 9th, that is, the fourth month , there will probably be a wider regional war. we will have a regional war in syria, lebanon, and iraq
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yemen, but after the fourth month, i feel that the region will enter into a conflict and this will be very heavy for the americans . is there a process, or based on an incident , it may be one person forever, that is, they sacrifice netanyahu's body and accept to return, or in a process, a week of war, a week of war, war, war, break, for example, in a process, but i am analyzing it. fourth, the region will become much hotter and the global economy will suffer i have already said that the israelis are spending 270 million dollars a day. let me see it directly. it has support, it has fuel , it has food, it has weapons, it means that these are really heavy expenses, which of course i
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consider this to be one of their challenges. the jewish economy will need support. kurds, but jews care about money very much and this money is important to them, and they have to spend it somewhere . now is the end point, because we don't have a minute or two more . zionists should stop hoping and understand you can't defeat hamas. in one word, if i tell you where there is money for them, where is the money? it means that they care about their friends and money, and by the way, sometimes they care more about money than life. because their own people, especially those jews, you know, the system is completely class-based, what is the question of existence, anyway, that money is important, but the zionist authorities say that we are living in an existential war, see the supreme leadership authorities, i think maybe more than 10 years in the past
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, many analysts have announced this trend it has fallen, it means that this existence has to be accepted, it means that they have no other way , it means that they have to accept that it is going to fall, after all, those who live there, security is important to them, that means their life is important to them, their money is important to them, and they do not have the ability to deal with this resistance front and this two money and jon for this, thank you very much, mr. tlabi, for appearing in the special program of khabar network . we are coming to the end of this special program . this morning, the agreement that was extended for 7 days for the fire the exchange of prisoners stopped and the zionist regime attacked the gaza strip with its fighters and artillery, especially the southern region of this strip , which was unlike the previous phase of the 48-day war, when the zionists
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attacked mostly the northern part of the gaza strip. we will be with you with the latest developments in the news network.
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es tsunami, est tsunami, estunám, eszugan . libre palestine, libre, libre, palestine, libre,
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palestina, non son una, es una
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guerra, es genecilio
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. hello, welcome to the news of heni andak or naema heini andak or ruh ashan al-dabban. yes, 37 martyrs in the new round of attacks by the zionist regime on different areas of gaza. after 7 days of ceasefire , the ground clashes between the resistance forces and the occupiers were fired with sirens of resistance missiles. the danger sounded in the zionist settlements. in protest against the crimes
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of the zionist regime, the meeting place of the iranian delegation


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