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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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the production sector will definitely suffer damage and problems , because the cost of production is based on market realities, not the help that the government actually wants to provide. on paper, the same thing happened, and there are a number of professional importers who maybe they will get more benefit because they bring the paper with the preferred width , the same as the korean example you mentioned here. they are right , mrs. lebauf said 420 korean and 420 paper when it entered the market, the domestic producer was no longer able to compete with it, that's it. it would be possible for him, for example, at the price of the open market for the importer it brings a preferred width. well, naturally, this distance means that the production is not economical. what we
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have done is to prevent inflation firstly with this paper because we believe that our domestic paper is almost equal in terms of width if we do not provide special support from there . yes, domestic paper is half the price of foreign paper , so an important thing is, what is the amount we need? with people let's talk because you can talk a lot about qualitative issues without quantity, but we will go to the quality. now, that
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quality versus quantity means that with accurate measurements, now i will tell you the same point: 125 to 130 thousand, all our paper needs are for textbooks, for the press, for publishers . now , the package of the oven in question is about 25,000 tons. but the minimum requirement for writing paper is 80,000 tons, and today we have reached this minimum requirement, and we say that we are self-sufficient not only in textbooks, but also in the minimum internal requirements for paper. in press and books. the maximum is 125,000 to 130,000. today, in the next 9 to 3 months
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, we will reach the maximum point, that is , our production capacity will increase to nearly 300,000 tons, and we will cover all domestic needs. let's import, while i was the defender of this work , the respected publishers, the people of the press know that with the favor of mr. president, the last allocation of the preferred paper width was 420. we got 20 million dollars in may 1401. the paper import was done by importers . our press now has our approximate number we want to avoid problems. and other departments , and now we
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are offering the domestic paper monthly to the publishers directly by the vice-chancellor of culture. one point , a question and maybe a criticism that some people raise , they say that maybe the ministry of culture and islamic guidance is looking for a monopoly. are you really looking for a monopoly in this matter? see, monopoly has its own disadvantages, what does it mean? it means that i, as the minister of culture, rashad eslami , will come and say that i will build a wall and say that it must be from this factory. buy. this service is not for that factory. the logic of the economy and the logic of the market must be followed . we must have competition. my quality very important today, some of the publishers i was talking to know that we serve many influential people in this field in our meeting. sir, the quality of this paper is not good. it's not good, paper
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is still a part of our commodity group, because hand is important to us as the field of culture, and books are important to us. every year , we give more than 120,000 book licenses, and they are published in the country. about 80 of them are first published by us, and then by many others. the same field of economy is the book economy, now it may have crossed 10 thousand billion, that's why the economy is strong, despite all your problems , you can see our book fair . we had done something in this year's book fair.
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at the same time, we had launched the virtual sales system. you buy the book, that is , you go to the publisher who produced and printed the book you wanted for 10 or 15 minutes. with the coordination of our friends at raighan post this book is delivered at home so that people don't suffer from violence, so that they have cultural justice, all of them are on shahid beheshti street, in musla . however, 7 million people came to the book in person, it shows that people are very they are cultural, we now sell books for children and teenagers about 30 times in the country, why are you a child of a young age, and that mother gives him the most basic education in the same baby, 6 paper books, something cloth
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, hey, this is improving the country. it is highly cultural and we do not calculate this with two or two economic charts to meet this need the day we need it, we also support the importer. we do not accept monopoly, we accept competition . we want our publishers, the people of the media , our press to be provided with high-quality cheap domestic paper, which is ultimately the audience and the main buyer of books and newspapers at a high price. no, this is goal setting, we talked about the quality, let's go first, see an intermediate program, have a video walkthrough , let's come back and ask mr. wazir about the quality of the papers, how is the quality of the paper of the books
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? in my opinion, when, for example, we we highlight something. on the back of the page, for example, we highlight this and this, for example, the text becomes unreadable. sometimes the quality of the paper has improved, in my opinion, now even though it is iranian , i think it is very good. mr. minister, the criticisms of the quality of the papers, how is your supervision of the quality? does this supervision fall under the responsibility of the ministry of guidance itself or another body, while also telling the distribution of the paper, we had a transition for the publishers, our publishers have no connection with the factories, they receive the paper directly from the ministry of guidance , and the ministry of guidance, meanwhile, some from the door in fact
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, we don't return the loads of paper that came because of the quality issue . we give low quality paper to the publishers. the publishers see that it's not worth it. they return it, and we also return it to the factory, and it is actually counted among the costs of the factory, so this means being different. the ministry of education's definition of quality is similar to what we have seen or heard in the report, or at least the schools , i will explain that the publishers buy from us because you asked the students, we , the publishers, deliver the work and paper from our book institute they get if it is weak or has problems okay, my colleagues there will recognize this. they will come back . you know this one about amsher's book. now my children are amsher barshi. well , all the books are four-color books. well, it's very
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good. now, it is possible that the children's paper is safe, and some of them are. even if the quality is low, i have no defense against low quality , after all, my child has to make this judgment , your child has to make this judgment, and this is perhaps closer to the truth than i want, but i want to say that this year, it is up to you to do this yourself. your media has been struggling for years you know, if something is going to have a problem at some level, it's something that can't be hidden. all the textbooks in the country today are iranian paper. 155 million volumes . almost 3 months have passed since the beginning of the school year
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, we must have had a lot of noise and complaints , nothing can be hidden. for example, i saw that he says that these reports are complete, well, he is right, he says that we should pay attention to the quality let's improve. along with your efforts and taking care of my students, it is very important. you mentioned one point . you mentioned that in addition to the revitalization and start-up of the factory, which we witnessed today, the self-sufficiency of the discussion of paper, textbooks, several other factories , the discussion of the revival, the start-up discussion, and the discussion. improving the quality and increasing the production is on the agenda of the ministry of guidance , from your planning for us , you tell them, look, we are now working on the production of zakros production complex in shiraz, farsa province
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, between 45 and 50 thousand tons, god willing , you know that its capacity that factory now, god willing we invite you and your colleagues to accompany us at the inaugural ceremony of that collection, which will be held soon , god willing . alhamdulillah, we were very friendly and trusted with our media colleagues . i see friends there. we no longer provide for his basic needs from choob. in shiraz, a creative gentleman, an engineer, has returned from abroad in iran . he is a very committed friend. i am from him and the general manager of chouva factory
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mazandaran paper, to be honest , they sweat this job because it is really difficult in this situation that they start work there, we will produce paper from waste. there , the halving in the fars factory, which will be opened god willing , is being completed and the last work is being done, and we also asked our dear brother who is in charge there to do all the production on writing paper , the condition of our support is writing paper, and alhamdulillah the government also fulfills its obligations. it works close to 1400 it was billions of facilities that two banks were responsible for mr. mokhbar's special follow-up. one of the esteemed ceos of these two banks, i thank sanat madan , also a business
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. incidentally, there is another collection, which we named green paper, because it is a matter of forests and trees. many of them are sugarcane. in shadgan , their number is equal to all the productions we had until today and what i said in my speech today in mazandan and sari. which we have set as a goal, god willing, in the next two years , those two or three collections will be ready, and if the country needs all the country's paper needs, 25 thousand toms okay, we will reach the limit of 45 to 500 thousand tons, which means that iran will become the most important paper exporting country in the region
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. this is our position. if we close these factories, god willing, with this order that the government has started, this working group will give a weekly report to mr. president, to mr. mukhabara. mr. mokhbar to our weekly president inshallah, the goal is that this area of ​​economy will help our cultural movement in the region , and we said today that paper is not economic, paper has an identity . an important development and our civilization structure should be done with
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iranian raw materials, wood, sugar cane, etc. mr. vaziri , you mentioned somewhere in your speech that we are a book-loving and cultured people, and we ask some people questions that why don't you read books? why do you read less? they say that the price of books it has increased too much, then this is how we go step by step, we will come back to the discussion of paper, and now the price is over, and now that we had good news from the discussion of self-sufficiency , let us see some pictures from the factory that you were present today. we witnessed the self-sufficiency of students' textbook paper and we want to talk about the revival and prosperity of increasing the production of students' textbook paper. it only took two years for a loss-making company on the verge of bankruptcy to become a production hub
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become in the country. mazandaran wood and paper. mr. president, emphasizing the study. with the efforts of all our loved ones, this initial and important step has been taken in less than two years . shadaf is a jihadist day and night, all dear ones, those who should have supported at the national level, both in the government and in various fields , have supported until december 10, 1402. may it be a blessed day in the industry. the paper of the country and the celebration of paper self-sufficiency in textbooks should be held in mazandaran. in the academic year of 1403 140 , our total need for paper is 47 thousand tons, of which 35 thousand tons
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have been provided by mazandaran wood and paper industry, and now is busy providing the production of paper in the capital, the production of this product in the country , which meets 80 of the country's needs, this year, i am proud to say that 100 of the required papers for 155 million textbooks of the country's students are made of iranian paper, and in the next one year, we will have 800 new capacities in the field of rewriting. all over the country , god willing, we will add and we can welcome your presence with the new units that will be added , mainly from the capacity.
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he places this as one of his important positions in the field of cultural, artistic and economic diplomacy, god willing, the capacity of paper production is this . the export gates of this collection are also open done the floating paper of this collection was exported to iraq last week worth 380 thousand dollars. benyamin morshedi, a news reporter for sari sed and broadcasting. we were talking with mr. dr. esmaili in the studio about the most important measures he is planning for the ministry of guidance . iranian paper of very high quality and at a reasonable price should be made available to the different branches of mr. doctor. let's go back to the question i raised before the report. iranian paper is self-sufficient in the plans you mentioned, now in one stage, now 3 what will be the effect of the next month and the plans for the horizon ahead, in order
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to make the price of the book more reasonable, and more access to the book ? we used to visit the booths , most of the booth owners raised the same complaint that the prices have increased and our numbers have decreased, and they may have warned us several times that you should address this issue . our domestic paper production will be one-third of the price of foreign paper, so of course all the prices finished. it's not with paper, after all, i don't know the price of the laborer, the price of the place , the other issues determine inflation together, but we have to
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expect this steep increase in paper, which we are almost going to this point in these two years. i don't deny the increase in the price of books because every page the price is between 700 tomans and 75 tomans per page , so some people use high-quality and multi-colored paper , maybe it will cost up to 100 tomans, and for example , see how many pages there are in a 200-page paper , that's why we know this. anyway , what we are responsible for, our efforts, is a price let's control the paper. with this production, which is firstly an issue of identity and an issue of independence, we are also looking for the nationalization of the publishing industry, in the sense that we are in our own hands. two, we have our access to books, in fact, we make it easy . now, we have 300 book production projects in the country. during this
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period, i opened bookstores, for example , khorram abad books, dear people of khor abad , i witnessed this opening. and we opened it with almost 80 new services for the children's department, it has a room for the blind, it has a room for the deaf there is a meeting, there is a round table room, in fact , there is a bigger hall, he estimated all kinds of services in the libraries , it is a very important job, all with the best and up-to-date facilities of our friends in the books institute. we went to the tabriz book fair of shahid soleimani and we opened it there and we came tomorrow and the day after, this mr. ramezani sent me pictures that a page of almost 200 people
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was formed to register in the library in this city. in general, mrs. emami's people, wherever i go, people from villages, people from small towns, first they demand from me the library i just came and went, in short, i begged mr. dr. ali, in short, this is my doctor , wherever we want , in short, we can send a request to the ministry. kill to accept the social responsibility of the body. we started with 20 to 25 , now there are 50. we have 20 books to send to all parts of the country. we have 10 million members of the books, 3 million of them are active members. look, the numbers are huge. in our country, we also
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value books, or at least prevent inflation. we will take the money , we will provide people with access to books. now we have gone. this year mrs. emami , i went for a week and started reading books in a school. my friends in education are very motivated, both mr. wazir and his colleagues at the center for intellectual development, mr. markati, friends, can we write books in any class at all. i am in the cultural centers of mosques, which is the responsibility of our ministry of home affairs. i have 10 thousand books. these 10,000 sometimes so many books are messed up and old, now the movement. in fact , we want a book restoration market in mosques, which has 10,000 my increase means that if you put these numbers
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, we are the first in the region in the field of book production by a long distance . let's have some time before the end of the conversation . we have a few questions. mrs. labafi's questions . let's answer first. i mentioned the issue of bookmaking that the ministry of guidance has planned for bookmaking. it has a discussion with self-sufficiency and savings that are raised in this area. time management. the answers are with you, my questions are too many now the short answer is that we are rebuilding almost all the existing mechanisms in the ministry towards reforming and looking after the problems. now in the field of the general administration of our book, this work has been done. it doesn't make any sense for us to give permission from a 6-7 book.
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after this, a translation, then with the least incident, we should take charge of the management of the book scene, and we have started this work now. we did it before, and now we are the strongest cultural figures of the country board of supervision of the book. one of our monitoring tools is this, alhamdulillah, i took its members to the supreme councils of the supreme voting council . they are working now. this is about the issue of book production. one of the publishers of medical books came to me and said, sir, look, mr. wazir, this is my book, for example , it
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is a reference book for specialized courses, for specialized courses , they take it as a reference book. we have this for sale now we deal with them, and for our sake, this area is supposed to be at the disposal of dear publishers in a healthy way . there is also a concern for publishers. i want to announce here that you should also hold me accountable, dear ones . it was about their taxes. in these recent discussions , you have been worried. . just yesterday, i spoke with mr. khandozi, the honorable minister of economy. it was also decided to happen in the amendment of the direct taxes bill that the government recently sent to the parliament, and according to us, it will be the same procedure for the normal exemptions that we had before. and god willing, something important has happened. tax revenues of culture and art residents after the approval of the government in the bill that
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is foreseen , it will return to the art fund . my art fund . as for imports, yes, we want our publication not to have a stroke , not to have any problems until the day we are sure that all our needs will be met from within, but i told this to dear publishers, we will release this completely soon so that competition is possible. internally, more should be provided, at the same time friends should know the government committed to the field of culture, wherever we feel we need to strengthen , we will also use this tool, mr. minister, for the last 30 seconds with you
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. i thank you. to all the friends who helped us, to mr. president, who was honest in his promises , and to support that this work was completed in less than two years, to mr. dr. mokhbar, to the ministers and colleagues of the government in a united form, a strong government with the cooperation of motakar, alhamdulillah. i would like to thank the media today, your colleagues , our colleagues in the news agencies, all cooperated, all celebrated this great development, this gift of the government to dear cultural people of our country, thank you very much, mr. dr. esmaili, for your kind presence in the studio of the special news interview
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. hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, in tonight's program , we will review and analyze the latest developments in palestine and the ashgali lands on the day when the ceasefire was not extended. stay with us .


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