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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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at 3 o'clock, the government's serious support for think tanks , on the sidelines of the hammat konkash national event , considered it the responsibility of researchers and youth to provide appropriate solutions and said that the government welcomes people's solutions to solve the problem when we say that the people's government , the people's government, everything should be based on the people, and including these solutions, we will definitely welcome them. in this meeting, i also told all my friends that, god willing, we will use their solutions at all levels, at the provincial and urban levels. one day , god willing, we will see a tool used and the work that
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has been planned for these currents of the people in the ministry of interior, we have also planned such a mechanism. the government will definitely support and welcome them, and i will definitely use their good opinions, the experts of a knowledge company. bianyan succeeded in using nanotechnology to produce food suitable for livestock. in this process, the role of scientists was to produce food with nutritional value and more absorption for livestock farms. soybean meal is an imported product that is considered as the main feed for livestock, and now the knowledge of basaniani has produced a suitable substitute for soybean meal. they did the price of our product is equal to soybean meal, but it has four to five times the performance of the best, that is, the nitrogen unit that i am receiving
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is less than a quarter of one that is captured from this product, and this has caused the technologists and scientists of our country to look for suitable alternatives with high protein for livestock. aur is a source of nitrogen. we did what we did. the covers we put on this aura. with these several layers of coating that we created, we created a nano-tower around this product. this is the nanotube that we created. we made this over slowly slow release urea with nano coating is a technological product that has received nanoscale approval and has been commercialized. urea is now taken from petrochemicals, we use a series of polymer coating coats based on excellent, mineral and completely natural materials . we will give it and then it will be packaged
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. the cost reduction compared to the foreign sample is one of the advantages of the iranian produced product. with dollars now, if it arrives, our product costs approximately 19 thousand tomans , and if it arrives now, it will be almost twice this price. the price is up to 30,000 to 40,000 tomans per kilo . according to the officials of danesh banyan company, the product produced with nano technology is ready for export after commercialization in the domestic markets. mazandaran sorting farmers union said: the forecast of portugal's harvest from 120 thousand hectares of mazandaran orchards is more than 2 million tons, of which 10% has been harvested so far. mr. hosseini added that 30,000 tons of mazandaran oranges have been exported to countries bordering the caspian river and the persian gulf. mazandaran with
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120,000 hectares of citrus groves are considered to be the pole of orange production, and now is the harvest season of this beautiful fruit. how is this year? it is very good compared to last year. how many hectares do we harvest oranges? 30 to 35 tons of oranges per year after planting in the garden. are transferred to the sorting centers to be explained after grading to be placed in the food basket of households in different provinces of the country. in mazandaran province, more than 700 units are operating from west to east of mazandan , about 20 thousand tons of produce from gardens. collectively and in this collection of packaging and to the markets inside and outside so far, 10% of easy oranges have been harvested in the country. we produce more than 2 million tons of oranges. we had about 30,000 tons of portuguese exports since november 15. the good quality of mazandaran oranges has made the country
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the permanent customers of this product in the fall season are mazandaran oranges . we can mainly export to russia, georgia, armenia, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, gaza, uzbekistan, the persian gulf, iraq, and afghanistan. it has started in the country. at in ilam province, in the 57,000 hectares of the protected area, the census of the key species of goats and goats is being implemented. in the morning, we will go to the first remaining outposts in the old rebel area, god willing. here in the protected area of ​​kulak, the environmental guards are divided into several groups. in the form of 10 people
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, we will carry out the mammal census and the index of the kuru protected area in the area of ​​57,000 hectares of this area. eyes and cameras are staring at the peaks, hands and slopes are waiting for the narration of the registration of the important species of alfar. the crowd is good. kalle are the most prominent mammals in iran, and the census work of all of them it is done every year when the weather warms up. because this season is the mating season of wild animals and the species are observed in groups. the census is done well . promoting health and improving the condition of the habitat is one of the most important implementation goals of the census. first , estimate the existing population, secondly, compare it with the statistics we had in the past years, and we will be able to put protection programs and population restoration programs and maintaining tension on the agenda. statistics show that in
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the last two years, due to the education of local communities and suitable weather conditions, the population of the species has relatively increased , but hunting is still prohibited. in ilam province there are four protected areas , manshet khallar, kabir koh, dinarkoh and kulak, which are approximately 143 thousand hectares of areas under our management. the work of census of key mammal species in ilam province will continue for one week. mahatami daqal khabari sed and cima, kolk protected area. mehran until the next part.
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son, let's go here, my son, for a minute , what's going on here today, father, you're crazy, you don't read this. mahd farsh gives free carpets with the carpet design plus mahd farsh, you can own a carpet.
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is. the settlement of this house is in the hands of a woman who is now a stranger . maad majmad bagali wants sadeb to create competition
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and the picture of this action can remove the golden signature in the country . qabuz help seekers, insure the amount of construction worker relief , those families who have three or more children can get a car without lottery . in those years, the doctor was more burdened on the shoulders of the people of less privileged areas. our city
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has its own hospital, but we don't have a doctor i'm not an expert, you have to come here, the establishment of a law could relieve these pains. april 29, 1989. the representatives of the 8th parliament wrapped the doctor shortage version with a law called educational justice. the next order is the report of the education and research commission on the plan to establish educational justice in the admission of students in normalized graduate and specialized courses from the guardian council. according to the plan of the representatives of the ministry of health, it was required to allocate 10% of the quota in excess of the capacity of medical assistant courses in deprived areas to local applicants , and in return, those who were accepted had to pledge 3 serve in those areas for the duration of their studies. in addition, admission to women's specialized fields should also be reserved for women. friends
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, please participate in the voting. it was approved. the greater need for doctors in underprivileged areas once again prompted the representatives to bring the issue to the floor of the parliament in the form of a bipartisan plan. medical expenses today in deprived areas, even to see a general practitioner, at least 3 or 4. it is four times to refer to a specialist with an expert to build or create the necessary platform and background for the local forces to become specialists . let's solve this need of deprived areas than declaring a surplus. it is not necessary. it refers exactly to 30% of the entrances to medical fields. the law was amended and approved by the decisive vote of ajmal's colleagues. the quota of ten capacity for residency fields was increased to 30%, and for general medicine fields and other medical groups
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, the same amount of quota for native student admission was considered. but the law, which was expected to solve the problem of people's access to health services , faced a challenge. previously, because the term was equal to the 30% capacity that was approved by the 1992 law of the parliament, unfortunately , the doctor's acceptance chart in these years also showed that the problem is still there. had remained. this was enough for the mps to start working for the third time. the plan to amend the law to establish educational justice, in the admission of students in individual education courses, approved 29. 1389. with subsequent amendments and additions. we wanted to reduce some of the commitment of doctors in deprived areas in order
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to increase the motivation to fill the seats in deprived areas . in the end, the people's lawyers approved the commitment period of doctors in deprived areas from 21 year should be reduced to 10 and a half years. the end of voting was approved. it will increase the desire of students to attend these educational areas and provide an opportunity to see in the future, with the implementation of this law, where the capacity to supply power to the deprived areas of the country will go with the process of reforming the law, and we will be able to we will reduce the shortage of doctors and medical science subgroups in deprived areas. now, in the last one or two years, i have become more of a doctor . i have been working since the end of 2019. first, my plan and then
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my commitment to serve is 10 years, of which 5 years have passed. and god willing, there will be another 5 years that i will spend in ganave, people say that they will less have to go to the provincial capital for treatment, we are close to you, you can come on foot, the cost is less, now that, for example , he has put a hospital here, the doctor here is very comfortable, we went to god, his parents we don't have the chance to fly because we haven't done the training .
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judaism in slavery to zionism.
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this is the first war that covers the whole of europe . the fire of war has spread to the other side of the world. to russia , the lands of west asia and even iran in the war known as the great war. world war i in force in 1914 ad. during this four-year war, each of the
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involved powers is looking for a policy to change the situation in their favor. england, which is almost at the end of the line , will use any way to win against the germans, even if this way goes through the path of realizing the dreams of others, the realization of this man named herselsel. what ravi herselsel was at the age of 40 was rooted in his childhood. benjamin zeohertel was born to jewish parents in austria.
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parents who were born jewish, but did not believe in religion. benjamin, later known as theodore, was learned to be a nationalist to be a religious person who adheres to the teachings of the torah, the elder theodore, who became a poet with a penchant for social studies , studied law at the university, but professionally went to the position of a journalist during the years of working in a think tank. which was formed in him as a child . it became hot news in the newspapers. alfred dréfuse, age, 39 years, place of birth. mulouse, grade. capitaine,
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breuveté d'état-major. you are accused of. it was the french army. direv was accused of betraying the french republic and spying for the germans . his trial was one of the most controversial cases of the time was himself 1899, le conseil de guerre permanent
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la 10e région de corps d'armée declared le nommés alfred, captaine brefté au 14e régiment d'artillerie, à majorité de cinq voix contre deux, coupable de haute trahison. to create a degree and exile to the island of the devil in the islands. french guiana condemned.
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france used to send its political prisoners to the prisons of this island because of to france by a jew of jewish descent had aroused the feelings of the french society, and hertssell tried to erase the negative feelings from the minds of the society with his reports that were published in the austrian publication new frei perers at that time, and they to convince that the jews want an independent state for themselves. the story of deryphus became an excuse to write a book entitled the jewish state: we want to lay the foundation stone for a house that
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will be a refuge for the jewish people. zionism is a return to judaism, even before the return to the land of israel. signed by theodore herrettsl. the main idea of ​​herrtel's book was this: in order for jews all over the world to be safe from anti-semitic thoughts, they should live in a specific land. it doesn't matter if their religion is jewish or if they don't believe in the religion of moses, peace be upon him. the idea of ​​a jewish state for jews who had 200 years of displacement experience was a bold idea. on the contrary. which is mentioned in their religious texts. according to the texts of the jewish religion, the formation of a jewish government was forbidden for the children of israel, and this displacement was a punishment that this people
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had to bear until the appearance of the mashie or the messiah. with all these books, the jewish state was divided among the jews, and it was from here that there was a difference between the religious jews of hertsel who did not believe in religion. hertzel was moving against god's will. hertsel saw no other way to legitimize his plan except that on the one hand he won the opposition and on the other hand , to get closer to the bases of power, so he announced that zionism is a return to judaism. far from jewish culture and
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raised in a european style, he began to learn hebrew so that he could pray. in his own words, in those days , learning a few cloud words was more difficult for him than running the congress meetings. he wrote about this in his memoirs: i should communicate directly and openly with the government minister or a prince. in this case, the jews will believe me and follow me. the most suitable person can be the kaiser of germany. the evangelical priest william heschler made the connection, and german kaiser wilhelm ii allowed herssel to visit. the second option after qaytsar was sultan abdul lahmid ii, the ottoman shah. one day in may 1901 , herretsel was able to meet him. a bad relationship between the ottoman sultan and harsalsel in az, as
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a journalist, he was known to blame the guilt of the ottomans who were accused of the armenian genocide with his writings, and to recognize the establishment of the jewish state in front of abdul lahimid ii, a deal that resulted in the rejection of the turks. the breasts of the children of sahun budthai. пашаре!
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davut yıldızı in the middle, peki alttaki ve üstteki blue line, only one sign, no manası yok, manasını unuttuysanız yaşılertayım bay hersal, between nile and fırat, siz bu flagıra çizerek. ınışın ilan ettiniz, nil'le fırat arındın bir siyonist devlet kurzmın haykırdınız, ışte ben de haykıryorum. i won't be able to live without it. buna mani obokurim. yıkıl. def ol, ey seif.
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during this trip, hartsell continued to publish his opinions in his personal journal and organized a congress in basel, switzerland, which was also chaired by was in charge his options for settling the jews were argentina or the sinai desert. a place that is big enough to gather jews from all over the world. a year or two after the end of hertzell's life, he became a member of the british royal commission on immigration affairs and asked the british minister of pensions to help settle jews in the sinai desert. in 194, death did not allow 44-year-old hertzell to see the future of his dream, but this idea is a good source of income.
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dear lord rothschild, the ministry of foreign affairs of the united kingdom proudly declares to you on behalf of his majesty the king of great britain that your request has been sent to the british cabinet and has been accepted. his majesty has agreed to the establishment of a national home for the jews in palestine, and is using his utmost efforts to bring this to an end. it is very clear that the citizenship and religious rights of the non-jews and natives of palestine should not be violated, and the legal and political needs of the countries in that region should not be changed . i will be grateful if you present this statement to the zionist association. signed arthur balfourfour. the zionist congress asked rothschild, a famous jewish banker, in exchange for a promise that england has given loans to this country.
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the famous balfourfour letter was signed in exchange for receiving money from the jews. england did not leave the zionists alone during the years after world war i and ii. in december 1940, the central committee of the british labor party announced that it is necessary to turn palestine into a jewish state and expel the arabs and send them to neighboring countries. england the following year


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