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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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at four o'clock, the head of the umbilical cord breaker group of the ministry of defense and armed forces support said: the first umbilical cord breaker of the irgc navy will join a military operation by the end of this year. amir daryadar qolizadeh added: this destroyer named shahid siad shirazi is in the final stages of its construction and will be unveiled by the end of the year. the irgc navy is the first prototype of the shahid soleimani-class submarine equipped with vertical launch missiles. made the the national library
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announced the holding of sadab meetings for mandaj qoran . these meetings introduce 100 important and influential books authored in the last 100 years. lasting voice a century is a hundred books, not a wind. the first meeting of the series of meetings to introduce the lasting voice of the century was unanimous with these two books . there were two authors that we liked in a way . after more than half a century, these two honorable men passed away. 60 years of honoring the memory of these people, for our society and our youth, they are a bit unknown, while these books are very important, the book of nasr toba, written by a professor of islamic sciences , history, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, literature and other arts
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, this nasr toba can be considered a commentary on the qur'an, but in word order. it is also interesting to know the announcement the world of human rights, which was organized and written according to western standards and inspired by the spirit of democracy, was first translated by a master poet from the great french larousse , and he brought the word haq from his koranic encyclopedia in dheel, and the book of the history of the prophet of islam, muhammad ibrahim aiti. it is one of the few books written in farsi and he tried to collect as many different narratives as possible. the book on the history of the prophet of islam has been selected as the book of the year of the islamic republic of iran. mr. aiti wrote this book and
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unfortunately he did not see it published, and he wrote the other six books until the ninth year, and mr. dr. gurji completed them with him. its true and proper form is that it had a great contribution . in fact, it is a good first academic work and it is not an analytical history, because the analytical history that recounts the existing spaces of the time, having an iranian author, published in persian, and being non-fictional is one of the criteria for selecting the best book of the century. . the book is very different, probably one of our next books will be an important cooking book. next, your mother is an expert in various fields, philosophy, history, all the topics you can think of, with the exception that i said , there is an argument that zeinab soleimani is a radio reporter. specialists of a knowledge-based company succeed with using the laser technology of the three- dimensional imaging device. this device
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is used for accurate and sensitive imaging of parts in the production line with the aim of checking the quality and discovering the defects of the final product. accurate and high-speed imaging with a 3d laser scanner, a product of daneshmian, which has now been localized after a year of research work. it comes to you in the most accurate way. to provide different products. this technology is used for accurate and sensitive imaging of parts in the production line to check the quality and discover the defects of the final product. it is mostly used in the automotive industry sanayeh sang can be used for the distance between the points of cracks that are created or 3d scanning of the car body. the imaging accuracy of this daneshmounian product is one micron. after we scan
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image rendering and quality control. the vector dimensions of width, height, depth, edge and gap of the product are the characteristics of this product based on indigenous knowledge. foreign specimens, ca. it is euro and our product can have a final and finished price of 20 to 500. in addition, we have technical support inside iran, but they no longer have any software and technical support due to human error from the important production process. the most characteristic of 3d imaging is laser. mohammad ali sohilpour, reporter of isfahan radio and television. life cooperative foundation announced that in the first two months of the autumn of umm salal, about 13,000 farm workers produced more than 100 types of products by working in livestock and aquaculture farms, and by acquiring skills in farms and gardens, they received professional technical degrees.
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according to the head of the prisons organization , 7,000 prisoners have been given professional technical skills certificates. hope for a life behind the prison walls for those seeking help who work and learn a profession or in the agricultural fields just outside as the famous saying goes, a prisoner is taken out of friendship once, or in aquaculture complexes, the responsibility of feeding is the same thing. those seeking help got a verdict from the court . they work part of the day and learn a trade, the rest of the time is at their disposal. whatever profits the foundation earns , it pays to the prisoners in the form of salaries, or helps their families free of charge , through associations, it supports or helps them to be free , or helps them develop their employment. vocational training is a prelude to employment. the prisons organization says that the goal
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is to empower the prisoners. not worth the work because we want to earn money or flourish the economy , but this action is in line with educational actions. there are also workshops for help seekers in the prison. for example, in a sewing workshop. i learned so much that i want to go out, to be able to support myself in the community. or in the workshop to produce a part of the car. we will take the test here. ac, which is the primary switch, ignition 1 and 2, which are used to turn on the engine and start. the number of training workshops for those seeking help in the period of judicial reform has reached one thousand, and the creation of jobs for convicts has progressed by 50% during this period. that is, in the last 18 months, about 65,000 jobs have been created for the applicants, 15,000 of them
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are currently employed, and the rest of the productive employment is aimed at the employment of prisoners in the judicial reform document, providing vocational training to the prisoners so that they can have them after their sentences. having a job means not returning to life. mohammad dereza fallahi news reporter until the next part.
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it all started on october 7, 2023, in an operation called storm al-aqsan.
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irreparable failure!
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al-aqsa storm was carried out in response to the repeated insults of the authorities and the residents of the syrianist tanroui to al-aqsa mosque. the operation after the surprise in the war of 1973, known as yom kippur, the zionists took another big victory for them, and even from the point of view of some safinist officials
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, it was a difficult and dangerous experience after the formation of this fake regime in 1944. people are attacking us with the aim of destroying us. the reaction of the zionists to the al-aqsa storm operation was to violate the light of gaza residential houses, hospitals and schools, an action that resulted in the martyrdom of thousands of palestinians, especially children , which once again sealed the regime's childishness. israel's only achievement
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so far has been killing people, more than half of the houses in the gaza strip have been destroyed and more than 32 thousand tons of explosives have been dropped on the people of the gaza strip. israel has no choice but to remain, no matter what israel continues to kill and destroy , the palestinian nation will remain in the gaza strip. in the beginning , it appeared as if his military operations had no timetable and the passage of time was in favor of this regime , but four factors were the passage of time, economic costs, and the questioning of the legitimacy of israel's attacks with the decrease international support will force that regime to stop its crimes. the heinousness of israel's crimes has provoked arab, islamic and regional reactions. all this forces israel to limit the time of military operations in gaza. but the problem of israel is that it cannot
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declare itself as the winner of this war, because it had no result except the killing of children and civilians. from the first days of the zionist invasion of gaza. the main goal was to encourage the palestinians to leave gaza by force in order to empty the area, so that the zionists would be relieved of their resistance. this goal, but until today. with the existence of many killings of civilians has not been realized . the people of gaza are not afraid of the threats of the zionist regime because we are strong people. we have been here all our lives and we have drank evil water since we were born but now we have no water to drink we will still stay in this land and we will not move from here israelis can kill us mercilessly and do whatever they want we will remain here and we will not leave here . it is the israelis who want to force us
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out of here, but they themselves have to leave our land. they are the invaders. oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, shafa hospital is the best and safest place for us to stay, and that's why we came to this hospital. their threats don't scare us, and no matter how much they want to bomb here , despite all the threats and hardships, we want to. let's die in this hospital, we won't get out of this hospital, where do we have to go, we will all die one day and the only hope. we thank god for what he has given us. we are all ready to sacrifice our lives for the holy place. we give our lives for freedom we sacrifice quds. many zionist officials are confused after the al-aqsa storm operation. this is what many people say about justice minister levin. it is said that he suffered some kind of depression and mental breakdown and crisis.
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netanyahu and some members of his cabinet tried . to show the ordinary tools and the zionists in a strong position, but they could not hide the reality .
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after the war, we all have to be accountable, everyone , including myself, was wronged here. you are the adviser of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, he recently criticized the israeli army and the israeli defense forces, military intelligence and shinbet. the internal intelligence service has released information about the actions of hamas to transfer from gaza to israel and the killing of more than a thousand people . the israelis are in the process. he has not taken responsibility for what happened, he has said knowingly that what happened in the week of october was a big disaster for israel . everyone including himself is facing an investigation. he knows that it must happen and it will happen. in israel you so much this story
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you are covered to remember. in 197 they surprised us. a thorough investigation was conducted. in the year 20 after the lebanon war, a similar research was conducted. we will do it this time too. the zionists are trying to pretend that they are coherent with each other. however , the consequences of the al-aqsa storm operation are gradually becoming clear, and the accusations that the zionist authorities make against each other and blame each other for the failures are among these consequences. strategic results. al-aqsa storm operation is a transformation at all levels for the benefit of the resistance and freedom plan it will create complete palestine. after the al-aqsa storm operation, the situation in the occupied territories has changed.
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after the al-aqsa storm, the rockets reached various zionist cities and towns and even targeted tel aviv, a city that was supposed to be protected by the zionist missile system, but it was still unsuccessful and ineffective in resisting the missile attacks. this regime is witnessing reverse migration and jews are fleeing from it, and internal protests continue there, and no one recognizes the current cabinet of this regime. with the depopulation of the zionist cities around the gaza strip. the agricultural sector of the zionist regime also faced serious problems. these areas played an essential role in providing agricultural and industrial enclosures, and production in
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these areas has no place anymore. the scene of tents is no longer supposed to belong only to the palestinian refugees, as in the past, and the equation has changed today. displacement is a price that has been added to the economic costs of al-aqsa storm operation . according to official statistics, at least 120,000 zionists were forced to evacuate the cities around gaza and southern lebanon. this is the number of people who are displaced and spend their time in hotels or tents in the desert. to to these, we must add thousands of people who are at the airport and waiting to leave the occupied territories . they will add a heavy financial burden to netanyahu's cabinet, which was facing difficulties before the al-aqsa storm operation, and these financial problems
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fueled protests against the zionist prime minister. and while bennett and lapid were prime ministers, the power was in his hands and he has brought the situation in israel to a point where sometimes it is asked whether we should be or not . how did things get here? talking about being or not is a stretch , he is talking about the battle for independence, but this is not the battle for independence, he is definitely not baranguri, and even in terms of adherence and commitment to israel , he is not like any other prime minister. the root of this crisis goes back to a few years ago, when the extreme rightists led by netanyahu completely seized power in the political scene of this regime and closed the space even on the residents of the occupied territories themselves
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, things like the judicial reforms that netanyahu made to escape. there were also economic accusations fueled this atmosphere. many israelis left this country and settled in germany due to the political crisis and the rise of extreme rightists and the reforms of the judicial system in protest against the cabinet in 2011 due to benjamin netanyahu's policies. many friends and relatives and even people i don't know end up with me and send messages. i receive countless messages about leaving israel and immigrating to germany. the immigration crisis in the occupied territories has also reached the migration of educated forces to the point where doctors are at the forefront of immigration from the occupied territories and the authorities the zionists are afraid of the migration of these people and seek to
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close the migration routes and the exit of these people from the occupied territories. the phenomenon of doctors who threaten to leave israel has spread, and they formed groups for this purpose in some social networks, which include more than 3 thousand doctors. this phenomenon has become more dangerous with the action of some of the great israelis in carrying out their plans and traveling abroad. i feel pressure and worry . we all speak from our hearts. there is concern about dictatorship and preventing doctors from leaving israel. these are very difficult issues in the past i had never heard of doctors. living conditions will become unacceptable. as a human being, i will have no choice but to leave here before i become a doctor . it is better for the director general of the ministry of health to warn the government that israel's health network will face a difficult crisis. the al-aqsa operation
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and the intensification of the insecurity crisis in the occupied territories intensify the reverse migration in this regime, and from now on we have to wait for the definitive departure of a large number of zionists, especially those living near the light of gaza, from the occupied territories. every day you have more applicants for reverse immigration from occupied palestine so that the media of this regime mention it as a geographical threat in the future. there are two reasons for the zionist concern. first, you palestinians are increasing from oil to oil, which will change the balance of the population in favor of the palestinian nation . the second issue is the withdrawal of zionists from occupied palestine due to the current events and possibility. this problem has a negative impact on the power of the sahar regime society and
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they flee to the palestinian land. this happens in occupied palestine inside the occupied territories of 1948 . those who run away have no choice but to pack their bags and leave. this the wave of reverse migration has put a brake on changing the demographic composition of palestinian regions and cities. this is the policy that the occupiers had taken against the jews, but the magic of racism returned to the magician himself. now see what is going on in the zionist settlements around gaza? the security of these settlements has been destroyed and the rockets of resistance have turned the lives of the city dwellers into hell, and the least is that they are wandering between shelters and houses , and the result is forced migration from these areas. their language is that what was this that the immigrants and fathers promised us? the same thing too
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the rubbish. threatens to accelerate the collapse of the structure and its destruction, and academicians in the occupying regime warn about this. the political and social gap in the occupied territories has intensified now and after the al-aqsa storm operation, and it seems that this big gap is irreparable. in this case , on the 15th of mehr, the zionist usurper regime, both militarily and in terms of intelligence, suffered an irreparable failure . i say that this devastating earthquake has destroyed
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some of the main structures of the rule of the usurper regime it is destroyed that rebuilding those structures is not possible so easily
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. tungan, los niños de gasta no son una amenaza, los niños de gasta, non son una amenaza niños palestinos asesino
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del pueblo palestino tú luchas nuestra lucha libre palestina libre libre palestine. ecuador con palestine.


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