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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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the price that if someone has an accident and damages something, for example, 5 tomans, 10 tomans, you have to pay for the damage, then if the party complains, or for example, 30 to 40 tomans, if it is higher now, reject the price , then he says, sir, for example, i have this much insurance money per year. i will give it, but the price will drop from jim, i have to pay that insurance, only khazarte's money, up to a forgiveness. now , as far as i choose how much to compensate him, he will pay it. let's see this report and what i think about your fall. there is a lot in society , we will talk. an accident that if there is no loss of life. the financial burden of his damages is huge. one shield has been withdrawn from the cost of repair and reconstruction . i don't know. 180. until the price of a random car falls. now 3 years old, 4 years old. we have a price for this problem. at all, we run in the courts. however, the insurance companies either refuse to pay
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it or they give the address of the dispute resolution council to the people. my price has dropped. you have to go to the dispute resolution council for 2 million. the expert will come. then the expert will come and say, sir, you paid 2 million and he will determine the price. now go again, pay another 2 million tomans , open a new case, then go and agree , insurance appraisers say that the processes of determining the loss the price should be determined by the supervising body, but the supervising body should come. and specify a standard and a reference to determine this and its implementation. now , what formula should they use to determine if all the parts are cut ? are the cars affected by this damage from what year onwards? central insurance emphasizes the need to pay. in my opinion , if there is anything, i should pay. my company should pay. the deputy official of this organization says that in order
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to do this, a series of preparations are necessary, from amending the law to drafting the bylaws. the price of the car will drop. second , we have to amend the executive order through the government . be it when should the preparations for central insurance be prepared in the field of car insurance payment? samgeh mardani, radio reporter. mr. doctor, i do n't know if you had an accident and you have caused damage so far , whether you want to lower the price or not, but those who are in the beard and suffering are very heavy for them, who in addition to paying insurance premiums. now if there is a complaint. do it, of course, because you have to go
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the dispute resolution council will be able to take care of this. the insurance companies will not be burdened by this issue so easily. then , the party itself should have insurance . apparently, the insurers do not see it as a duty for themselves. does the central insurance accept that the price should be paid against the same insurance that the party pays? or not, the insurance center itself does not accept this at all. well, again, exactly in the discussions that were aired, this issue has been addressed almost completely. see, the discussion about the price of third-party insurance goes back to the compulsory insurance law of 2007, because the law that we have now we are currently performing the year 2016 in it the law of 2007 had a clause that referred the obligation of insurances only to repair costs
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. in other words, all the experts agreed that according to that insurance, according to that law, the insurer is not required to pay the price drop. but in the new law of 1395, it was caused. dheel there. the woman came there and said that it was a loss. that due to the accident, the vehicle enters the property of a third party, he should be compensated, because there he discussed the financial loss, here now there is a difference between the experts and some judges, whether this loss is included in the price. it
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is a matter of discussion in central insurance, we believe that since the issue of loss has been brought up and it happens, the price is also a kind of loss to the person in that accident, but why is the issue of paying this amount facing a problem now ? let's go back to the law of 1345, which was the law for dealing with damages caused by accidents, in article 2 of that law, it was said that a traffic officer or a police officer should come and deduct the cost of repairs and deduct the price of the car at the same time as he has it. it kills to determine croquis and all that, so now those who are based on the law of 1995 call that law we will come back, because in that law there was the issue of dealing with damages caused by accidents, they say that according to that
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law, when the damage occurs here, the price will also be paid to it, and what should we do, pay, who is responsible for this, according to that law , the police say that the point is that there is now , because the insurance companies and the insurance companies have some disagreement with each other in this matter, the person has to go to the court or the dispute resolution council and go there , but don't the insurance companies really want to pay the damages? the issue is that the mechanism because there is a difference here the payment of this item is not well explained in the law. what should we do? for example , i will give you a few points. now, should you tell us to take the price when we go? for example , does it apply to all types of cars or not? for example, if it is 5 years old
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, does it belong to a car that has not suffered any kind of damage for up to 15 years, or to a car that is very old but has never had an accident ? does it belong or not, many things can be raised about this, for example, whether it belongs to the piece for example, you have completely replaced a door, is it covered by it again? you have replaced another door and the insurance company is paying for the damage, because the executive mechanism of this is not defined. some areas of this need to be defined. it is not complicated. ok, now this is one point. the second point is what we do in insurance. in insurance, we charge an insurance premium from the individual for the amount of risk we identify, and we pay damages for that later.
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the reason we have a price tag is because of the mechanism this is not defined and the damage factor that this issue has because it has not been calculated, you have never received the insurance premium that we have at the beginning of the contract , even from the insurer, who determines it hard , for example, you say up to 50 million to 80 million tomans to 10 million tomans. after all, based on that, when they go for insurance, the same expert can determine , for example, how much damage has been done, so bad the insurance will pay, he can also calculate the price drop. that you want to buy coverage, for example, price drop no, because i feel that when we determine the insurance fee that comes every year and announce it to our company, we never see this . it is not a very complicated mechanism. the mechanism should be prepared by the central insurance, as well as the executive mechanism
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for paying the damages. what kind of cars does it belong to, etc., and how much should the insurance premium be charged at the beginning of the contract if it is necessary ? how much can be added to the insurance premiums, paying the price drop first no, but no matter what the amount is, we have this based on the amount of the damage coefficient that we see, which means that we may not consider any insurance premium at all or consider a very small insurance premium in the first year , and see how much this damage factor affects this is done mostly now in the discussion of compensation of damages, which we are developing this mechanism , the meetings of which have been held , the islamic shura majlis is also doing something, the same thing that mr. dr. meshalchi said needs to be amended, the islamic majlis
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has been discussing a plan since last week. the parliament should add price chastity to the personal insurance law for sure, we have reports from us asking for the regulations that we are developing and we will send them to the islamic parliament to include them in that law and to facilitate the work, so that people can easily get rid of the services they are getting in third party damages. let this issue be resolved and people don't really need to go to the court or the dispute resolution council to complain and the work will be much easier and the work will be better . where has the law of the property law reformed the insurance property law, the insurance law itself?
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mr. dr. pour ebrahimi , chairman of the economic commission of the parliament, has said several times we have sent a team and they are doing this work. we are also in the central insurance . it is the task of our assembly this year that we have to update this by the end of the year, either through the bill of the ministry of economy, it will be presented in the parliament or sit together with the parliament. also on the work plan and bill let's update the parliament's law on the establishment of central insurance, which now has many cases , and in this discussion, i would like to point out one point here, that our dear people should not really think that insurance companies do not want to drop the price. this is really the cause of the body. now i will tell you a few numbers to make it a little clearer. you see
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, we didn't read it last year, but now we don't read it, but so far, yes, i said a little more because this mechanism is not clear, exactly the respected expert who spoke. in that news report that you went before, he mentioned that it really should if this mechanism is clear, because there is no difference , it means that the price will drop. ask 2 experts about the price, maybe 50 to 100 , the number they determine is different from each other, the reason is the same price that i made, which is compatible . in the third party insurance, we paid 34 thousand billion tomans in damages to the people last year, so the amount that is necessary to lower the price , they will pay without insurance, this is how we are in the third party insurance.
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our third party insurance is above 100, the average is above 100 , which means that there is almost no number between our companies that we can profit from, but the mechanism of this must be clear. will enter , and any company that does not pay after the mechanism is determined, like the other cases that we have in the central insurance, we go to the behavior of the insurers, we will enter and monitor, we will pay , but again this is emphasized i believe that most of our companies do not seek to insure someone at all don't bother them and don't pay, and god willing , this study will be done. which has caused a lot of pain for people. the latest status
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of the correction layer, note 34, article 8 of the third party insurance law , i think he knows his latest status now, where did he get to? let me say this , of course, the very simple answer is that we have been working to amend this law for nearly 2 years and we proposed it to the islamic majlis, and finally, the various priorities that appear in the laws , such as the seventh plan, appear in the law. there is a layer of work that finally happens in the parliament this is in the priorities now, apparently it has gone to the first priorities in the commission of my specialized commission, and god willing, if god wills , it will be implemented.
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corresponding to the law, we ourselves acknowledge that from 1995 until now, the limit of 500 for the conventional car is 500, which is about a billion tomans. we also know that you have to change the number after all the mechanism of this must be changed. it means that we came and said that 50% is a forbidden payment. now , what does the mechanism of that layer say, what does the layer itself want to see ? the law says this, the law says this, of course, the reason is that the law said it was cultural and so on. it came and said this. sir, if you have a car, let's say that it is higher than our domestic cars, if a car comes and hits you, you will see a
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loss. you hit the insurance will pay you corresponding to a conventional car what does a conventional car mean? it means 500 diah that year. umm salal dayh mah haram, for example, 1 billion , 50% of which is 600 million tomans. so what is the corresponding car? a domestic car whose daily value is 600 billion. 600 million tomans. well, now you have a car bumper, for example , your car bumper has a... your car number, any car that is now a car, for example, suppose that i am talking about a lot of luxury, a very modern car, for example, which is higher than this ceiling of 600 million tomans, for example, you have a your car's bumper is damaged, when you go to the insurance company, you say that you should pay for my damage
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it is possible that the bumper of your car has been damaged for example 10 million tomans. but how big is the bumper of that car, for example, it costs 2 million tomans, so how much damage will they pay you out of that 10 million tomans, 2 million tomans, of course, in this 2 million tomans, for example, it also has franchises, which is subtracted from that number, and that number will be paid to you. this is a discussion. we especially think that this should be corrected, but the process should be because it is mentioned in the law , it should definitely be mentioned in the law, but we can now offer a few solutions to my insurance policyholders. one is that everyone who has car insurance can you buy body insurance along with third party insurance? how does body insurance help you ? when your car has an accident , who do you blame for the damage? the third party insurance will pay you on a corresponding, non-
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corresponding basis. who will pay you , put the rest aside, you know what to do with your body insurance, get it from your own insurer , now there are a few more discussions about this , and a few remaining questions, let's see the report, how many so that we can continue and talk about another issue, at 5:00 a.m. on the 5th day of the year 82, the earthquake occurred it only took 12 seconds to shake everyone , but in just a few seconds, more than 26,000 people died , 30,000 people were injured, and thousands of people were left homeless . in that case, the loss of life on the one hand , the financial loss on the other side, the entire building
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was completely destroyed and is no longer habitable. to help the people, the government sent a bill to baharestan to establish a public insurance fund for natural disasters. almost three governments have registered this law. this law is being reviewed. the basis of article 1 of this law is to compensate for natural damages that enters the buildings, all buildings must be insured compulsorily, a percentage of the insurance premium is paid by the subscribers and the rest is paid by the government. the insurance premium considered for 1400 and 1401 is 100 thousand tomans per year. in 1400, 10% of it was considered the right of the owners, and in 1401, the government's share was 24 thousand tomans , or 24 percent of the owner's share, and 76 thousand tomans was considered as the government's share. after evaluating the insurance, the damage
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will be credited to the account of the person. this number is based on the payment ceiling there is a damage that is approved every year in the budget law . the amount is small. is it enough or not? i can't spend money at all. you just look at it. i can't spend money. instead of receiving the insurance premium of 100,000 tomans, which is being received now , we talked about this number. if it reaches 300 thousand tomans and we will pay the damages from 30 million tomans to 100 million tomans, now the hands of the people will be more open for reconstruction. i think we have three or four minutes , mr. doctor, this is about the payment of damages
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from the natural damage insurance fund of the building , there are 30 million tomans remaining on the number of 30. well , i am very sure that this number is a low number. when we talked, let me make a point about the deductible that i mentioned about the third party insurance, we don't have a deductible on the body insurance , i meant that we reduce the deductible and then we pay. look, i will be very brief in this discussion of the natural disaster fund damage fund. the point we have is that this fund is a law established for the basic building insurance for building accidents that occur. we have a supplemental insurance on top of this, and we are the supplemental insurer , that is, our insurance companies currently have insurance, for example, we sell fire insurance
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, it has coverage for natural events such as floods and earthquakes in rome, but above this law we now, because it has been seen in this law, we have a supplementary insurance for this purpose , we are compiling it with the help of the fund, we are doing this one, two, thank god, this law was followed in this government, and thank god, it was implemented and the people finally, they are seeing its results, although it is very limited . as you said, this law was established in 2009, 140 bylaws and its constitution were written. finally, this fund came into effect in 1401. where does the source of this fund come from? it is determined in the law. in 1401, it was 100 tomans to 100 single tomans, in 1402 , it was the same 100 tomans twice. the issue
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is this. we came and said that each residential building will be charged 100 tomans for its insurance premium. now, who will pay this in 1411 on electricity bills? tomans were taken from people, 90 tomans out of 10 when did the government give 42 tomans, the same 100 tomans remained, with the difference that 24 tomans were added to people's electricity bills, and 76 tomans were paid by the government in 1403. what did we do? we tried to bring this to 300 tomans . out of this 300 tomans, 90 tomans will be paid by the people , and the rest will come from the government's share , 20 tomans will come from our government.
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it will reach 100 million tomans, however much the government finally has with the resources that are finally in the discussions we have a government that can give more of those government resources to the fund, god willing, we can provide the best services here, in addition to inviting people to make sure to state in the supplementary insurers that we are , to buy fire insurance with natural disaster coverage, and god willing, in incidents like fire and such , we can provide good services to the people . i wanted to ask a question about natural disasters, but i think that in less than a minute, please give me 30 seconds in the discussion of arbain insurance, a very good job that you did last year. we are about 4 million 500 thousand we had about 2,700,000 people in the samah system to register and pay the insurance premium . i wish we could
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say thank you very much, mr. doctor. this opportunity that you have created to talk to people about insurance , we hope that we can be well with people in the difficult situation of accidents, and that people will have more happiness and prosperity when they are insured. thank you very much, thank you for looking. behind this white cloth are two small blue eyes that never close. the bombing of the camp cost him his life his eyes were closed due to the shock of the explosion. even though it was morning, angi's eyes saw black everywhere. on the day when the cease-fire
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broke with the zionist bombers, the hashtag shared many stories about eyes in the virtual space, tearful eyes of a little girl for her father who remained under the rubble, or like a boy who still had hope on the way to the shelter, the eyes of a white flag in his hands. let them see that you are afraid of al-dababa, varana, yes, as soon as possible, khafin has started bombing gaza again . he made hot pictures in cyberspace, less in the middle of work, for example, here, on the sidelines of a climate change summit, from a meeting of his own. it has been repeated in cyberspace that it wants to turn the eyes towards the palestinian people. any of them could have been me, could have been you, could have been your sister. or the film that israeli filmmaker yola recorded with his zionist passport and birth certificate and shared it on social networks
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. he says that this story is the opening of his eyes these days. the killing statistics are catastrophic. i realized that the history of the land i was living in was not something i learned in school. i renounced my israeli citizenship at a consulate in toronto. and this image from columbia university, new york students in hillary clinton's classroom are not leaving. instead , they ask him about the crimes of the zionists, your eyes don't see these, fatima rahnama, radio news reporter , don't buy shoes , let's buy shoes on friday, dad, let's go somewhere.
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a movie theater , let's go on friday, let's go to a head . we are facing a crowd. our suggestion is for a more comfortable shopping experience visiting on saturdays to thursdays is shahr faresh shahr of household appliances. why don't you reach yourself? i reached my heart full. didn't you eat not myself, but my hair? why? garlic
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shampoo. did what's going on? why is there no one in town? nature's anti-hair loss effect. hello again . where are the people at this time of the day? aha, so everyone is going to sarai irani, the largest iranian sarai has been opened in the city of tehran, so that you can shop more easily than ever . tehran sarah afsariye , honestly , i am very worried. this capital is not a pity. it is the best way to trust me. i have my trust . i really have the capital at hand
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whenever i want to cash in my account, it will be great . i have complete trust. i won't say the trust fund, the trust fund, the trust fund , the trust fund, the trust fund, the trust fund, the trust fund, the trust fund, the trust fund, the trust fund, the trust fund, the trust fund, the trust fund, the investment fund, the trust fund, the capital itself can be a collateral to get a loan from the trust fund, the trust fund, the trust fund , the trust fund. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers . at 20:30 , i am at your service with some news from the medical department. the direct line of the iranian ship between the port of chabahar and jabbali, emirates, with


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