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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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it has been received and given to the head of the security council and it is there. this plan is not a new thing, some people think that it is new, and we have seen it from saqqah at different times. this means that it goes back to the time of the presidency . different circles have discussed this plan in the negotiations that took place at different times with different authorities of the world . the international covenants that exist are the united nations charter and many articles that we may not have time to read now, and also based on the recognition of the right
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of return of palestinian refugees, which is also one of the un resolutions. during the process, all the palestinians of the land who have been living in that land before are identified as jewish, christian and muslim nationalities who are palestinians. these . elections will be held under nazarafli and under the aristocracy of the united nations, representatives will be elected, and based on that, an international fund will be established to support this project and its mechanisms. the refugees are also identified, they will return, and what these people chose in a
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free election is acceptable, the islamic republic is also in the palestinian lands, it is an occupied palestine , not a part of the government's plan that came in 242 and 338, a part of the palestinian land. they will give for the palestinian government, and the zionist monkeys will give thanks if this plan is based on the land of palestine . now it has been established with mr. dehghani . hello, you have my voice. hello, yes , we have your voice. have a good time, mr. dehghani. tell us if you have a role in its preparation and it was also related to your activity in the ministry of foreign affairs. in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful . in fact, at the beginning of our presence in the ministry of foreign affairs, we were in the service
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of mr. dastmalchi, and as he said , the late mr. shaykh al-islam, this was always the discussion , and we started from the palestine table. and we have always been looking for this issue, but in recent years, the history of which is also mr. dastamal said that in 2018, when mr. dr. amir abdullahian, the current foreign minister , was at the palestine intifase conference and i was also the director of central and north africa, this plan was actually final based on the orders of the supreme leader the leadership was prepared, which means 2018, yes yes, and it was sent to the ministry of foreign affairs. the ministry of foreign affairs also sent it to our representative office in new york and
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it was registered there. yes, what are the significant features and dimensions of iran's plan compared to other plans that have been proposed so far to solve the palestinian issue. you see, the westerners always sought to divide palestine to solve the problem they created in palestine. that is, the resolution that in twenty. in november 1947, under the title of partition resolution , resolution no. 181 was approved. i thank the arabs, muslims and christians , but they also opposed iran at that time , but they did not implement this plan, and in the following , israel and the palestinian territories first in
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1948 and 1949 with 98 and 78 palestine, then in in 1967, by occupying the rest of that land as well as parts of syria and egypt , he continued his domination through force and illegal occupation in this land . yes, in the beginning, we were the same person who appeared in your film and the position of supreme leader. they have always raised this, our plan is that the islamic republic of iran believes that the future of palestine it belongs to the palestinian people, and the palestinian people
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have the right to self-determination, just like the rest of the world , and even i wrote an article in the foreign policy quarterly magazine in 2007, where i explained that resolution 181 is the basis for the partition of palestine, and it can also be a criterion for planning there should be a referendum because in the same resolution it was stated that 55% of palestine belongs to israel and 45% belongs to palestine and an area called jerusalem will be administered by the model organization for 10 years and after that according to the public votes of the people of jerusalem, the future of jerusalem is yes
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it should be determined. there, i had said why only jerusalem should be referred to the general public. in fact , the task is determined. the whole of palestine should be referred to the array, that is, in fact, the basis adopted by resolution 181. why should it be limited to jerusalem and the city of jerusalem in all of palestine? let it be implemented. now, the basic plan is that the people who live there , those who are now in palestine, those who are now inside palestine, and the palestinians who have become during these years, and their type of government, referring to general votes to determine by referendum yes about the jews who from the east and the west, and from this country and that country , during these years, that government has come to palestine
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, from the point of view of the palestinian people, it has decided to make whatever decision it made, as the authority of the leadership said, whatever decision it made , it doesn't matter if we stay there, they are about it. in fact, this plan consists of three clauses. the first clause is that the people in palestine were issued in the years before 1999. the balfour declaration was issued and those who are actually their ancestors are their children and their descendants . those who were displaced during these years should return based on the 1940 resolution of the general assembly the united nations in 1949 and 1948 , which also says that
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its 11th servant says that the refugees should return to their own land. it is very good to determine the fate and future of palestine, far from resorting to violence. thank you. i think with the same interpretation you had at the end of your speech, the point of iran's plan is to refer to people who are residents of this land and have the right to determine their own destiny according to international regulations. that is, 75 years ago before the formation of the regime it is not a zionist, a jew, a muslim, a christian, they lived there, they themselves will determine what will happen, now my colleagues prepared a report about another solution that was pursued in the past few decades, although it did not have any results, under the title of two governments, in
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the interpretation of guns and olives. let's see the report . next, we want to talk about the government plan . today, i came with an olive branch in one hand and a freedom fighter rifle in the other. don't let the olive branch slip from my hand. was this action a threat or tolerance? judgments in history are different, but it was not easy to predict that america and the regime zionists prefer compromise in negotiations to facing resistance in the field. i told arafat that the biggest mistake you made in your life was that you took the olive branch instead of the rifle . it was the zionist regime, heavy defeats created this mentality in their assertions that this regime is invincible
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, of course, with the pressure of the united states , the sad process continued. but the palestinians continued the zionists reneged on their commitments. we signed the treaty in the white house, but it was never implemented . after this stage, the negotiations leading to oslo ii in 1995 and middle east peace under david ii in 2000 also resulted in agreements with the same titles, which in short was the removal of the clause of the destruction of israel from the palestinian national charter in support of the sovereignty of the self-governing organizations over the cities of jenin, tul karram , nablus, qalqilya, ramallah and a part of the city of hebron. in recent years , there are several other peace plans, especially trump's plan as a deal with the aim of normalizing relations between the arab countries and the zionist regime. work was done
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that none of the jcpoas were better than the previous ones , as according to the announcement of the national office for the defense of the palestinian territory, the amount of zionist settlements in the occupied territories has increased sevenfold since the oslo accords, after experiencing successive failures in the reconciliation process of the palestinian nation . the resistance turned from the 33-day war in the year d to the al-aqsad storm operation on october 7, 2023. all the resistance movements led to the defeat of the invaders. this unique victory that hamas achieved is a leap in the arab struggle against israel. had to save the helpless zionist regime with a plan the previous experienced and of course failed to come to the palestinian groups to form a two- state plan. the only way for sustainable peace and security in the region and to get out of the terrible cycle of violence
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is to implement the two-state plan. in the past 70 years, all kinds of apparently peaceful versions have been proposed, which are nothing but deception. on the other hand, iran's peace plan is the only plan that leaves the mechanism of determining the fate of the palestinian nation to the owners of this country. the islamic republic of iran believes in the right of the palestinian people to resist the occupation. and believes that a referendum among the main people of palestine to determine their fate especially jews, christians and muslims in the form registered in the united nations. in the first step, this process restores freedom and democracy and at the same time the rights of the palestinians that were damaged by the zionist regime. however, after dozens of negotiations and compromises, this gun was finally used as a symbol of resistance. it was the choice of the palestinian people to assert their right and was able to
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defeat the zionist regime, not the olive branch that arafat raised as a symbol of sadesh. a choice that upset america's calculations for the region. it was able to upset the table of american policies in this region. inshallah, this storm will continue to wipe out the table. hamid turkshand radio news well , let's continue our conversation, mr. dehghani, in the past few weeks, we have seen european and american officials emphasize that the solution to the palestinian issue is the two-state plan and the formation of a palestinian state, but this thing was supposed to happen 30 years ago in the zionist oslo, with the mediation of the americans , agreed to allow the formation of a palestinian state in their own words, but in these years
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, this was never finalized, it was not implemented, and the palestinians are still deprived of having an independent state and government. they themselves are deprived, what happened in these years when the two -state plan still remains on paper in the text of oslo 30 years ago, i must say that the two- state plan is more than the 30-year-old two-state plan of 75 years, which actually started with the birth of its name, the beginning of this regime. in fact, resolution 181 says that the government here should be the palestinian government and the israeli government, and the palestinian government was not formed from the beginning . it is hypocrisy and lying to the western world, which says that we should seek two governments. in fact, the us supports
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israel in plans. that this regime has, about jerusalem, about the city, about the refugees regarding the barrier wall, regarding the law on the nature of the jewish state of israel, the whole content of it is that there should be only one regime here, and that is the zionist regime, these are all deceptions and lies, mr. dehghani, anyway, in oslo 30 years ago , it was accepted that this plan would be implemented. . what was accepted was a temporary autonomy thing. it was temporary for 5 years and it was not implemented either. in 1999 , this work was supposed to be done not permanently and to talk about the most basic issues that make up the shape of a country, to talk about the borders
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of that country, to talk about the sovereignty of that country. let's talk about. talk about the refugees , but those final negotiations never came to a conclusion because of the extravagance, because of the hypocrisy of the israelis and the americans who supported them , and therefore , none of the plans that arafat and others were looking for came to a conclusion, and may god have mercy on mr. arafat, who thought that he could , was finally killed by the same people because he only then realized that these were all lies . in fact, the two governments were wrong from the beginning because they were not based on the truth. this is the place where the palestinian people with their diversity the majority of muslims who lived with the christians who lived with the jewish minority
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lived in peace together. this city is peace. it is the city of peace, jerusalem. jerusalem is a city, but unfortunately it is based on a mindset that seeks to export the problems of the western world instead of a people where they have differences and are even harassed by the europeans. exporting them to this side and solving the problem by their own imagination while thinking that they can destroy the palestinian nation. yes, two governments in in fact, it failed from the beginning, it has failed now , and it will fail in the future. i thank you and say goodbye to you, mr. dehghani. i want to continue the conversation with mr. nazari, an expert on zionist issues
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. in your opinion, what happened, what obstacles were there, and in the end, despite these decades, the two-state plan was not realized , and the palestinians could not find an independent country. i would like to inform you that there is absolutely no way that something will happen regarding the formation of a palestinian state in arab love, and the zionists are not ready to give up the complete occupation of the occupied palestinian lands even for a single step
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. we were in the history of palestine, including oslo and before that, it was a comedy, and all of this was a deception and, in my opinion, a purposeful and planned game by the zionists, with the support of the colonial system, and at the head of it, america, and basically no achievements. for the oppressed nation of palestine , it has not been done. look, let me give you an example the process of the oslo agreement in 1990, between yasser arafat and menachem, let's say the prime minister... when the zionist regime reached an agreement, it was supposed to create a palestinian state alongside a zionist government, and
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now it can be said in a way that that plan the two governments in the occupied territories were clearly formed from the oslo accords, and we witnessed that now , with all the ups and downs it had, historically and in the process, it had rights, but we witnessed that although the palestinians, although the person of mr. yasser arafat the agreement itself worked, but the israelis did not comply with the smallest provisions of this agreement and even worked it has come to this point that the palestinian authority , in a way, in addition to
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abandoning the armed struggle , has become an executive agent in preventing and confronting the palestinian resistance. do it, but it became a means to exercise zionist rule. now i want to ask you a second question about the privatists. what do they think about this two-state plan and the creation of a palestinian state? netanyahu's cabinet and even the opposition there are willing to accept this. europeans and americans repeat that the solution is the two-state solution. see we must. let's have an ideological approach to this issue. in the handwritten documents of the zionist regime, especially the letters of ben gurion, the first prime minister
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of the zionist regime, it is clearly stated there that we must have not only the promised land, but also palestine, even with the euphrates. also follow up that this is not compatible with the zionist ideology. yes, yes, look at the zionists in general. in my opinion, the existence and nature of israel is a project that is supported by western it has been formed for and with the purpose of securing the interests of the arrogant system and the west and the domination system . it is not at all supposed that these should be with
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a two-state plan, or with permanent peace, or with any of these titles that, in my opinion, are now used to manage public opinion. and there is something to be done to divert the zionist circles , even we are in this situation of al-aqsam storm , we saw that netanyahu and his cabinet were talking about the development of settlements in the west bank and the construction of zionist settlements in the gaza strip. it shows well that these are imaginary to form two governments even in they don't have this crisis , thank you, please, thank you very much, mr. nazari, please, at the end of the world , we have about five minutes today
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. they accept and implement the operation, but nothing happened. how do you see that we have resolutions 24 and 338 that are binding and not accepted by zionists? from the international commitments of this binding regime, one of the reasons why all compromise plans failed is due to the lack of commitments that the regime the zionist should have done this and did not do this. 2 when a decision is made on behalf of the palestinian people, it is finally broken. 3 gasoline and fire can never coexist. it is an occupied land. if the palestinian government is formed, because in a part of the occupied land
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, the main problem will exist at the same time and the problem will not disappear . it will be a crisis. the nature of zionist racism is based on an ideology that nobody they do not accept it except themselves. it is the nature of occupation. when there is occupation, i will remain in resistance . this is the way to go. see, so that the right to self-determination is not given to the palestinian people, as it is in the plan of the islamic republic of iran, and they want to decide on their behalf, this problem will always remain. if this problem was to be solved in davided camp , then the highest and peak of the problem was in the essence of knowledge
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, so why was it not solved? because a part of the palestinian people's wealth has always been ignored. now i am looking at the last opinion poll that was done, both in the west bank and in the bar in total, more than 80 palestinians in gaza do not agree with this government plan. you say that even if it is implemented , because the palestinian people have their main problem. their land is occupied in the part where the zionists stay, it is their land, the key to their house is in their hand, the deed of their house is in their hand , how can they ignore it and some occupiers are on their side, so the plan of two governments based on rational logic is unacceptable and should be it has a serious opposition, and the palestinians
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who are there are the ones who oppose it. and it is clear that the entire palestinian people will be satisfied when their entire land is freed, so if you want to implement the plan yes , thank you, mr. dastamalian , for appearing in the studio of khabar network. also, i say goodbye to the viewers of khabar network. it is humanity and anyone who is truly human has a duty to do this at least, the main reason i came was infanticide, which was done very cruelly
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by israel, and should stand up against the oppression. let's make the world hear the death of barrica, death in israel , death in america. kutt the crimes he commits will definitely not go unanswered by the islamic ummah . i hope, god willing , that we will see the middle east without israel and the united states . god willing
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, the region will see peace again. death in israel, death in america and death from palestine, support for islam. in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, greetings. another step in the implementation of the people's project i wish one billion trees across the country. the head of the natural resources and watershed organization said: more than 300 million fertilized and non-fertilized seedlings have been produced in government and public nurseries. which will be explained freely from today. the minister of education said at the opening ceremony of the country's first student centers in tehran :


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