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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 10:00am-10:31am IRST

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kasab lands and properties of people and bitalmal property should be acquired whenever such money is discovered, it should be returned to bitalmal . it is not related to the pre-revolution at all. whenever this is done, therefore , it has its origin, it has a connection, and my originality is always there. it should be in the sector. if economic and legal issues are emphasized and paid attention to, it will definitely be the same regarding the issue of justice, which is one of the foundations of our constitution. dear gentlemen. lawyers, economists and all intellectuals, after monotheism in our religious foundations , there is no emphasis on any issue like the issue of justice. justice is the most comprehensive topic in our religious culture attention has been paid to it.
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justice and monotheism of the witness of god, justice, creation of justice, mission of justice, imamate of justice, resurrection of justice, self-justice, global justice, economic justice, social justice, justice is the most comprehensive concept that is comprehensive among our cultural concepts in all the worlds, what is its definition now and the old aristotelian definition let's say the situation and shiri's definition of amir al-mu'minin (peace be upon him), let's say trust in the truth. after all, everything has to be put in its place . today, if we want to do justice, i'm not saying that it's equal to enforcing the law. you can protest. tell me
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if it's possible, but we have to agree that today. the criterion for the implementation of justice is the closest criterion for the implementation of the law in our country. it is an electoral country . how many elections do we have ? the state assembly will be determined by the elections. let's act, the law is the basis and the basis of movement in the country , things don't work properly, the agreement on the implementation of the law, the rule of law is a value, and the law is the opposite of the value of accountability, the one value is the avoidance
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of responsibility, the opposite of the value. it takes responsibility to accept responsibility. responsibility is a principle. rule of law is an important principle that everyone must consider themselves bound and adhere to the constitution of this nation, the charter of the islamic revolution, and the relevant laws , and no part should allow itself. from the law, we can all emphasize this as an important principle. the issue of creating social welfare for the people and eliminating poverty is one of the principles of the constitution. all efforts should be with this view, in other words, every law, every decision in the government and every action in different departments needs an attachment of justice. find out if this is our justice
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it has brought it closer or, god forbid, it has moved away from justice and this assessment is very important, you university professors, dear ladies and gentlemen, i have said many times in this meeting, i will repeat it, we have 11 thousand university faculty members, these 100 thousand faculty members are very important for the country as a support for theoretical, scientific, intellectual and orientation, and for this reason, i have said many times, apart from the respected professors of the field, who are also a significant group, this scientific group is a support for the country, they are a support for the government , they are capital for the progress of the country, so i announce i got the university and the area of ​​the rooms to think of the government.
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think check out. your theses should look at the executive level of the constitution. to what extent do we have justice. we have come close, or god forbid, we may have stopped at one place, or instead of progress, god forbid, we may have regressed , but in one area, an evaluation and criterion is required, and therefore theses where you are professors, professors, guides and advisors should not be for this. the one that eats dust in the library should come to the field of implementation, both humanities and medical engineering sciences, all sciences and sciences should come to be placed next to the implementation department. if we define the university in one place, the market is the same we defined the place. if we define mining and industry in one place and professors in another place , our industries will never become academics.
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we must bring law, economy, legal knowledge and economic knowledge and all knowledge. be next to abilities. the country moves forward with knowledge based on ability. this is the work of scientists. we announced that housing should be built in the country. we committed to make efforts for housing. some people said how do you want to build housing? we said, dear sir, that you have taken up the pen. you write country. every year the floor one million needs housing. one, if it hasn't been built in these years, we have a backlog no matter how much it hasn't been built. two laws oblige the government to build one million housing units every year
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. he has done so much, they say that it cannot be done, so we must try to do it. if not , we must meet the needs of the country, not the society . we must try to create a million jobs. if we don't , our country will fall behind. we are announcing that there is work, but there are no workers. it is very good. it is good news he tried to make both educated people and those who are coming today attend the workshops in different fields. you have to work on this. our country has a lot of potential, the youths teach us that it will become a messiah. many of the things we are doing in our country today should be done, mujahideen teach us, martyrs come to us,
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martyr soleimani and the loved ones of the martyred general come to us. imam taught us. did n't you send the leader a few days ago? fatigue? one should always move with hope. we are close to the top. this is our view. can this be done? does it come from the government? thus, sir, whatever we said before is our duty today , our view is that we can, with the blessing of god's grace and with the blessing of the help of young people and you dear ones . professors, we can go through many of these ways, god willing. thank you all for your presence, i apologize for the delay. god willing, this group of intellectuals, thinkers, and experts will be able
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to follow the work by exchanging opinions, with new perspectives, and innovation and creativity. i want to tell the representatives of different countries in this meeting: we need to strengthen the policy of the neighborhood and strengthen the policy of relations with islamic countries. neighboring countries follow the policy of the government and we will warmly shake the hand of all those who want to work with the islamic republic. peace be upon you and may allah's mercy and blessings
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be upon you in the name and remembrance of god. with regards to your presence , dear viewers of the khabar network, the atmosphere is calm now. we have stable conditions in the country. in big cities, dust is a dominant phenomenon. for the next few days, the increase in pollutants will continue in industrial cities. the meteorological orange warning is valid until the 4th of wednesday, and we are witnessing an increase in pollutants in all big cities. for tehran, as well as for karaj, arak, isfahan, for ahvaz for today our warning level is orange. until wednesday , the increase in pollutants will continue in big cities , and in the coming days , we will have air pollution in these areas even for tabriz and mashhad. we ask our compatriots to cooperate. to do this, public vehicles should be used and there should be no unnecessary traffic in the city.
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considering that our warning is orange level, the conditions are unhealthy for all groups, we request that every person who can stay at home, does not do any activity outside the house, especially sports activities should not be done. kohandi should not be walked this period should be done and also, in the form of large cities, it is a dominant phenomenon for the next few days. but for saturday 3rd, we expect an increase in precipitation and rainfall in the coastal areas of the caspian sea due to the movement of waves in the northern parts of our country for the shores of the caspian sea . in addition, sometimes in the northwest of our country , there is an increase in rainfall during this period along with light and scattered rains in these areas. this is in the meantime. there is still calm weather in other regions of our country on tuesday and wednesday
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, and dusty conditions are the dominant phenomenon in big cities it can be seen, but we expect for thursday due to the wind that occurs in the central parts of alborz slopes, that the concentration of pollutants will decrease a little on thursday in large areas and industrial cities, and clear skies for tehran in the coming hours. will have. we expect that due to the fact that the atmosphere is calm and stable for tehran, the phenomenon of fog will prevail until wednesday . tehran's warning is orange for air pollution in all big cities. our warning is orange . we ask you to stay at home. if our compatriots do not have essential work , they should not travel in the city. i sincerely thank you for your attention and cooperation. have a good time. okay and god bless you.
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the settlement of this house. this action can remove the golden signature in the country. we would like to support women and this adi adi night is a very good one to get rid of the import of qbooz for free, help seekers , insure the quantity of construction aid, those families who have three children or more without lottery. draw those
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who agreed to rise up, it was vowed, you were in line , we were bothered until a few years ago, patients complained about the paper notebooks, the difficulty was this. we used to go to the aaf branch , and the doctor would give us a prescription, which, for example, was bad. it was not possible to recognize the pain every time it goes. the solution to get rid of the problems of scribbles and wastage of paper was nothing but access to the electronic health service system , a topic that is also in the fifth program. the development was mentioned in the parliament. mr. jim, article 32 of the fifth plan law obliges us to establish a system of community and universal health services based on primary health care , which increases the efficiency of the quality of health services, and the platform for his presentation is both the electronic file that is health and its review in the sixth plan of kos. hi we had many representatives.
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the social security organization and other insurance organizations are encouraged to submit their insured information online and to update the said database daily for free and continuously, and to use the said database by replacing electronic tools instead of notebooks to provide all insurance services. and use treatment for those under their cover. the iranian health insurance organization is obliged to assess the eligibility of insured persons, including the possibility of insurance validation and control of their overlapping by using the country's online database of insured persons and in the form of take action electronically. the social security organization and other warm insurance organizations should take action to send the information of their insureds online and update the said database for free and continuously and
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use the said database through alternative electronic tools. forming a health community service system and creating a file. the electronic health of iranians, with the commotion of the first registration organization , this should be revised and the requirements of electronic health in this review should be seen in all its dimensions, a plan that has been unveiled many times in the first stage in the private centers of our social security organization, the lack of notebooks and practices. with the system we started electronics. in the process of implementing this symbolic move, we can correct it, but before 1400, only 10% progress was made, and finally, following the representatives , it led to the implementation of the electronic version in the same year. a wish was expressed and everyone said
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it was a good job, but no one knew it was going to be implemented. this work was done, that is, on the 1st, the removal of paper notebooks was officially launched, and the legal implementation of the electronic version became mandatory on the first day of the full implementation of the version. electronic writing. also after this time, although electronic prescriptions have been realized in 98, they still have a double influence on the full implementation of this plan. also in the law of the sixth program. completely, even now in the law of the seventh program. predicted. and especially the terman health commission and the parliament have done a lot of work in this field , a lot of work has been done in the budget law, and it is definitely emphasized in the 7th plan that this should be fully implemented and operational. now the result of this legal implementation is to improve the condition of people in receiving medical services.
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he looks at the site without seeing the design it's really great. i'm satisfied with everything . it's much better. what's the situation for you? we don't want to take this paper . we're going to be captured. our fodder is much less . medicines are registered in the system. it is done and a record and file is created for the patient. we, who want to see the records of the tests, see the records . the merits are very acceptable. the notebooks have been removed . our work has become easier because it is done with the national code. it is much better. the speed of operation in proportion to the versions there was a lot more paper. in addition to maintaining patient records, the electronic prescription plan is now a clear document in prescribing drugs, implementing clinical guidelines, and obtaining public insurance support. no chance to fly. if we don't do anything, we won't get a chance to fly.
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salsen is one of the oldest trees in the middle east. this olive tree has a pole of more than 7 meters and took root in the life of mohammad rabah, one of the villagers of al-jalali region in the west bank. therefore , our people are stable in the land and do not grow, like the olive tree, a constant quality in recent years, more than 8 thousand olive trees, which are a symbol of the peace of the palestinians. burned by the zionists
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. as a farmer woman , i planted this olive tree with my wife, watered it and took care of it. every day i saw it grow and grow tall like my little son, but when the occupiers came and uprooted it. it's as if they are taking my eyes or my heart. whenever we approach the season of picking olives, we say that we are close to the war of olives. many times, because of conflicts, our blood becomes one with olive oil, but in the recent attacks of the zionist regime on gaza , not only olive tree. but thousands of gardeners also set fire to olive trees, now thousands of kilometers it's so much better in iran. a campaign called "zeitoun morning" is being implemented in memory of palestinian cities. this is a blow against america and the crime
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of its leaders, which helps the usurper and zionist israel . this is our remote support for planting and planting olive trees. to posh sab zeitoun , 10 thousand olive trees in memory of 10 thousand palestinian martyrs during the 75 years of occupation of the country. sobh zaytoun dialect has started in golestan province since april 2018 and it is supposed to continue in 17 other provinces. ali akbar abbasi news reporter look at these photos. let him wake up
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forget it, but standing is just our job, our story is not a dream story, come, put your heart into the sea, don't doubt , this is the end of this august day, this is a part of qassem soleimani's daily notes when he was 19 years old. the days when he leaves his place of residence and walks into a meeting where he does not understand much of what the speaker is saying, but they know one thing. i only knew that he was against the king. a student who spoke in the words of qassem soleimani, on the way to the victory of your thought and the victory of the past nation , here is where you will be able
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to get the pleasure of god. gonabad was in khorasan, but it could not be fixed. one day in the middle of the palace earthquake, gonab and several days in different cities of iran, that headquarters was formed. it was done by the supreme leader of the revolution and martyr hasheminejad and ayatollah bayez tosi. as young students, we were helping the zadegan dynasty of seyyed reza at that time. he was involved in the struggle in kerman before the victory of the revolution. he was a martyr who has a lot of money there . they went to kerman and traveled to many other places . maybe it was this familiarity that seyyed reza fell in love with opened to the social and political activities of khorasan . in those days, 3 clerics
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were known for political struggle in khorasan. seyyed ali khamenei, seyed abdul karim hasheminejad and abbas waez tabasi. after some time, the fourth side of this was collected. seyyed reza ghayab. his talk was mostly about imperialism. he was a jewish scholar. these issues were in their pulpits , we will not let the agents of the imperialists, the traitors of the world, take the resources of the muslim nations to raighan. after the revolution, he could have become one of the main members of the islamic republic party in mashhad against the rights of god , your own rights, and the rights of god's servants
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. the late ayatollah tabsii and martyr hashminejad asked him to be a candidate , but he did not accept the pulpit and education. he was more interested in teaching . i accept that they spent one rial , i know, i am sure that they did not spend a single rial on elections , they did not spend on propaganda, on the second of august, with around 300,000 votes in the mid-term elections of the majlis, seyyed reza zaheb became the representative of the mishshehs. they reveal and confront and enlighten. well, these were heavy for the hypocrites. coming from the wall the back
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of the islamic republic party with a cocktail, because they knew where his room was , they threw a cocktail from outside to make him martyr there the day before, but because the wall was high and had a guard. this captlotov came back and i set fire to the building in front of us. in august 1960, seyyed reza ghasib , a 31-year-old representative of mashhad residents , was martyred by two bullets from the hypocrites when he wanted to go from the office of the islamic republic party to tehran and the majlis. the late ayatollah said that the successful martyr used to get and give help to many of us, but once he did not ask for help for himself. seyyed reza was a parliament member for only 6 days. our revolution can continue when afghanistan and pakistan. and
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saudi arabia and iraq and the whole world of the deprived and the oppressed should learn the principled and ideological principles may our revolution be lived and the people of islam should see the movement of people and men and different classes and the armed forces of iran, touch islam in action and not in words . introduced him to the khomeini revolution.
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don't buy shoes. let's buy shoes . let's buy friday. dad, we're not going anywhere. where's the movie theater? let's go on friday. let's go to amina's mom's house. why not? let's go on friday . let's go. i say let's go to the city
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. what should we do? now why friday nari since on fridays due to low reception like you, we are faced with the crowd . our suggestion for an easier shopping experience is to visit on saturdays to thursdays, shahr farsh shahr , household appliances. give it a drink, we don't know what happened, mom , the gas increased by itself, what is the situation , why are the things in your house like this, how many things should we change , just last time we searched everywhere , we shouldn't have searched so much, that's when sarai irani with a total discount and special conditions, this is the largest
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iranian mansion with all the attractive events in tehran tehran sarah afsarieh was opened in the name of the lord of beauty and the beauty of the friend of god, the most merciful and merciful . greetings, we are starting the news section of the media with short news . the blue world of africa documentary series, i came here to ask for help. help me get to know someone better. mehta's night show


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