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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] in the city of tehran, tehran sarah afsariye was opened in the name of allah, rahman al-rahim. salaam, the news section at 11:00 am. some sources report heavy casualties of the occupying soldiers in the jahrik axis. according to local sources, this morning, around 60 zionist soldiers were ambushed by the resistance fighters in this axis. and a large number of them were killed by bomb explosions . the ground battle in the gaza strip in the axes of bitanon and khananyounos was also very intense. the resistance battalions reported that they inflicted heavy blows on the
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zionists in different axes of the conflict. however, the zionist regime continues to announce statistics minimal casualties continue. an hour ago, the occupying army admitted to the death of four more soldiers and declared the total number of soldiers killed since the beginning of the ground attack to be 72. international military experts estimate the number of casualties of the invaders to be at least 10 times this number due to the extent of the conflicts, destroyed equipment and some heavy resistance attacks on the zionist forces . the number of martyrs and injured in the attack of the zionist regime on the neighborhood of shajaiyeh in gaza reached more than 500 people. the director general of the media office of the government in gaza announced: the number of missing people under the rubble is very high more than the identified bodies.
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the warplanes of the zionist regime attacked a residential complex in shujaiyeh, gaza, which is said to have more than 2,000 residents. there is still no information about the fate of many of these people, and the number of martyrs is increasing. air and artillery attacks by the occupiers on various areas of the gaza strip continued last night and this morning, and areas in refa khan younus nasirat beitlaya and gaza city were targeted by air attacks. in these attacks, 30 people were martyred, in total more than 16 thousand people were martyred in the attacks of the zionist regime on gaza.
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the resistance in the west bank forced the zionist occupation forces to withdraw from the city of jenin. the zionist soldiers attacked this city this morning and were met with counter-fire by the resistance forces. the soldiers of the zionist regime also took him to shiouq town in the northeast of hebron and ain sultan camp in eriha in the west bank. also, a palestinian was martyred in the invasion of qalqiliyyeh city. the occupying forces attacked the askar camp in the east of nabluszam and destroyed part of the infrastructure. president at the conference on executive responsibility of the constitution he said: it is one of the prides of the islamic republic that all the institutions, organizations and structures are based on the people and all social, economic, cultural and political issues are seen in the constitution. mr. raisi
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smooth attendance. he called the people in the economy one of the principles of the constitution and said: the 13th government is moving to implement this principle. today, we announced in the government's policy that the people's government is manifested in the economy, which should be given to the people. economic activists and the private sector should be given a platform. their capital guaranteed them to be active in different fields investment, work, economic activity and entrepreneurship in the country are ready for the private sector. it has not been done as much as it should be in the cooperative sector. work has been done, but not as expected by the constitution. the constitution mentions these three together. both private, cooperative, and
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government. and the cooperative sector, which is very important and has been emphasized since the beginning of the revolution, regarding the cooperative sector, we also emphasized in this government that the active cooperative economy can be entrusted with many tasks. referring to the issues of gaza, mr. raisi said: "the defense of the oppressed people of gaza is derived from the constitution of the islamic republic. in today's public meeting, the members of the parliament agreed to keep the bill for the formation of the ministry of bazargani silent for 6 months. to find out about today's resolutions , i am talking to the journalist of the radio and television, mrs. aliani . hello, the representatives of the house of the people , please say hello to you and the viewers of the news network
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. if i want to tell you a summary of what happened today in the public hall of the islamic council, it is that today's parliament started with a speech before mr. qali's order. for the purpose of parliament day, mr. qalibaf explained the work record of the 11th parliament and regarding facilitating the issuance of import business licenses , reforming the structure of the central bank , the family support law and the youth of the population were the issues that mr. qalibaf mentioned and in they continued to say that the 11th parliament was not influenced by the interests and the power and wealth mafia in approving the laws and they considered the performance of the 17th parliament to be acceptable and after that the representatives entered into the investigation of remaining silent on the formation of the ministry of markets for 6 months. which seeks silence they raised the issue of staying this bill
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and said that it will take almost a year to separate the ministry of home affairs and the parliament and the government are in their third year of operation, and this government is facing problems in the field of production and family livelihood. and in my other speech , i mentioned this issue that a disintegration of the production and trade spheres is also messed up, and in the end, the representatives agreed with the request to keep the establishment of the ministry of commerce for 6 months, after that, another resolution was made by the representatives. they had and with the generality of the bill to add some articles to the law on the partial regulation of the government's financial regulations agreeing on this issue is a matter that helps the transparency of the budget and
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has been a kind of support document for the government in the field . it was reviewed in order that the principles that were approved today in sahan will be referred to the relevant commission, and some of the iranian representatives who have this bill have gone there and will come to the parliament for re-examination. there is also another issue called i think it's tuesday as reported in the news the president will come to the parliament to present the budget bill 1403. thank you very much, mrs. aliani, a journalist for the islamic council of iran. i am also grateful to the dear viewers
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. ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to tonight's program. we started discussing and investigating and following up on an issue that was one of the main points of the leaders of the islamic revolution in the recent meeting in the football magazine program. shun was with the heroes and sports officials. let's see and hear some of ayatollah khamenei's statements . we will continue the discussion with the two guests of football magazine tonight.
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gave i say that a strong iran must have strong sports . we have given the slogan of a strong iran. a strong iranian sport should be a strong sport. strength of exercise to what taking the right measures in selecting the coach in the composition of the national teams in all disciplines. in taking serious care of the occurrence of plague in sports, be careful not to cause plague in the country's sports. what does pest mean? it means economic corruption. it means the formation of sports mafias inside. it means moral plagues for clean athletes. and
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our sanity should be taken care of. yes , we will continue this discussion tonight with the presence of mr. ummira vaez ashtiani, an expert in sports management and mr. reza khosravi, journalist and football media expert, i welcome both dear guests and i will start the discussion with mr. ashtiani, mr. ashtiani , due to your presence in the management of sports and especially football, you are an example of corruption. tell us about football and explain to us more about the scandal that has been created regarding the corruption of football . is it in your mind? in the name of allah , the most merciful . and i would like to thank sima for
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not putting the supreme leader's orders on the ground and one issue in fact , they made it very important as part of their programs, and the issue of iran is strong and strong , and there are requirements that the supreme leader has mentioned , yes, including the plague that is being mentioned about the issue, and i hope that other sedama tv channels will also be aware of this. pay expertly, logically and fairly so that we can hope that in the future we will have a strong sport along with a strong management. i am borrowing here from the statements of the supreme leader in the past, which i read from the text, so that i may not make a mistake. it is justice, and i believe that the legitimacy of all officials in the country at
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any level depends on their desire for justice and their fight against discrimination and corruption, so any official who does not seek to establish justice is illegitimate. this statement actually includes the discussion of the plague of rome, that is, the officials who are responsible for what happened in the past. and the present and the future should act in such a way that the legitimacy of the position i am in is based on justice, and if this justice is held and established , the important thing will be that we will find corrupt people in various fields of sports and football and other disciplines. we won't have it, but if justice is defined in a different way by some brokers and officials who are responsible, that's when we will be challenged
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. i personally evaluate this discussion in five types of management . a driver went home to the family and said, "i want to take you to have some fun ." he left them all in the middle of the road and sat down. he said, "we want this place. the family said let's go to a tree to shade us under that tree. why did you put us in the middle of the road?" i say that a car is better than food he saw that he was sitting in the middle of the road and turned to the tree . he said, "look, i'm telling you that it's better here, because if we were sitting under the tree , this car would have hit us. we'd all be lost . some managements are like this, mr. asadian. we have some other managements." that the management
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has given points. that is, their job is to carry out orders to ensure their survival . we have other types of management, khansan. yes. you don't see any positive effect from them, nothing. there are people who have no boundaries, who are incompetent, and these are also another type of management, there are managers who bypass the law and are proud of being avoiding the law. there are some people in iran who are law enforcers and being law enforcers and enforcing the law costs money for them. they have to take care of themselves and unfortunately we have few managers like this. in any case, i made these points to get to the fact that if the management is done properly. yes , and based on what the supreme leader mentioned, that
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your legitimacy is to execute your justice , many issues can be solved, while we must be careful, every right living and right management costs money. yes, mr. khosravi, we have the discussion we want to continue with you, how do you see it? from the point of view of the media, you are really the examples that now define these branches of corruption in our football . you have been in the media for about 25 years and you are working, so far, what cases have you come across that bring this branch to mind. it creates that there is corruption in football . thank you very much. i greet you, dear viewers . i appreciate your presence. anyway , you are addressing this issue that you have now in your program. i think that the leader of the revolution has been talking about it for years. i talked about the issues that are actually the origin of a pure sport
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, and they have a clue, but my feeling is that there is no will to implement these things in the sports of the country. now they are raising various debates, each of which can move our sport a few steps forward. in your opinion, this is not what you mean. look at me in the discussion, why are you saying this? i will look in the discussion. corruption, i want to tell you that now i think several times that the leader has stressed that you should take this matter up in sports in different sectors, not only football, but it is a clean sport and a sport that has the nature of chivalry and morality. i am saying right now that we should say our last words first, all the sports officials of the country in the recent meeting with the leadership, the presence of all the officials was also good to hear that the leadership emphasized to eliminate corruption in sports. in 6 months, the same officials will report to you that in these 6 months, we
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have dealt with these five cases and these 10 cases of corruption. if you do this , you know that there is a will to fight corruption. sports support corruption. for years, there has been talk about corruption in sports, especially in football. you see, at different times, we had to come to the headquarters to make an ethical charter, to fight with the right broker to do. not only did i not deal with any broker, but it made those brokers more famous and their work became popular, and later i was forgotten. do you remember now that they dealt with a broker? when the will to deal with corruption in football and other disciplines that is under the skin is less visible, it is not natural that this takes root , and cutting this root is a difficult task. let's find a woman and find a solution for this . see what problems you see in our football now, i say. where does football start? from grassroots
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football, it starts from the grassroots levels of football academies . it starts from the stands. i tell you that in basic football, where a young man's mind should be formed, his technique and technical tactics of football should be taught, technical issues and moral issues are placed in the second, third, and third ranks . it has become a broker and for people who do not think about the future, for example, now many people say that parents play for money , and you, who are in this league this year, the youth premier league and the hopes of most teams in tehran , i can tell you with confidence that they select 1012 players technically, and the rest of the players are called
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paid players. every parent who comes to have their child go there for a test says that we have closed our team but we have an empty space . how much is 200 million for paid players? give the child to come here . now from 25 players to 30 players that every the team will take you, let's say they choose 15 technicians, it will be 10 to 20. 2 who will this billion be in your pocket ? who will it be? what will happen? where will it be spent? the problem here is that, apart from management , the right people are not selected in the field of management . there is no monitoring, that is, there is no standard metric . the officials were present in the recent meeting with the supreme leader, we are not saying that in 6 months or one year, they will report the body , tell them what actions have been taken
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, i have defined five management models for you here, that we have five management models, basically what i have seen from experience. sad people mean you don't see a positive effect and it's very bad that a weak manager leaves and then comes back weaker than him. this is very, very bad in our football . we see this decline in the sports complex . it is important who we choose as coaches for different teams, what characteristics they should have, how is a coach. for example , you are able to become a disabled coach or a
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disabled coach becomes a capable coach . what factors do you use to take this path, mr. khosravi? we were doing it, you must have encountered it in your art too, the officials in our sports and football are very hard to interview and do not allow us to enter into these issues, for example, we want to enter in the disciplinary committee, they have a guard who does not enter at all. it should be related to a series of issues that we can't turn the pages of, we can't, we wish you could see when an issue is clear and no one is afraid that this issue will be revealed, it means that everything is clear, but when there is resistance in the direction of you as a media, do you want to go and ask an official, ask a club manager? they don't answer and they work against you , which means that there must be some events behind the case
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that you mean, they deny you , they complain about you, they don't interview you, even you complain until the end, too much, too much when we are the management. they are not healthy, the management that spends money from the government's pocket , it is natural that they do not care at all about the budget that they provide, they give easily, they easily give money to brokers, they give money to the head coach, they should give 1 billion to a player, they will give 10 billion if our football is privatized. the manager of the club has to pay from his own pocket he spends, of course , he won't go to buy a player worth 1 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion. if this happens, he won't pay the broker , he will go directly to the player, talk to the head coach , but when most of our clubs now have government clubs, it is out of the budget. the government makes a living, well, naturally, when the money comes from an industrial place, you assume that the team that was supposed
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to spend 355 billion will eventually reach 100 billion , what happened? we will come back to you, mr. ashtiani due to time constraints , we have about a minute to talk with you about an issue at the time when you were managing esteghlal club in the margins of refereeing in the asian games. one of the people inside our organization, not outside the organization , i.e. be inside, came and suggested that the referee wants to get 50 thousand dollars for our benefit , how much was the dollar at that time, i think it was 800 tomans, he said he would get 50 thousand dollars i wondered how this person dared considering the knowledge you had about us and a series of issues came up, we brought it up, let's talk about what happened . again, this was so much. he left after a while
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and said he was ready to take 20,000. that means you have to look at how far i have gone. i would like to offer something to you, time is short, as long as the government spends money, we have corruption, especially our economic mafia, management mafia and the formation of clans and gangs, and more importantly, subjects like fifa and fiba. they also start stories so that they can keep their own mafia safe as long as there is no supervision , you will have this procedure by the higher organizations and supervisory organizations. the ministry of sports should have supervision, but external organizations
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should also have supervision. thank you very much, sir. thank you very much for your presence. . may this discussion end well and happily, and we
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will definitely follow this discussion on other nights too. good night and good night.
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god is great and god is praise. don't buy shoes. let's buy shoes . let's buy friday. dad, we're not going anywhere . where's the movie theater?
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and special conditions was opened in tehran, the largest iranian saray with a lot of interesting events. production and propagation of rare plants with high genetic value by tissue culture method. with this method, all kinds of medicinal plants


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