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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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the most interesting iranian palace was opened in tehran. tehran serah afsarieh. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may the peace and blessings of muhammad and the family of muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the speedy recovery of them, be with you with the economic news of the acquisition of the experts of a knowledge-based company in the technical knowledge of the production and propagation of rare plants with high genetic value through tissue culture. with this method, it is possible to produce all kinds of medicinal plants used in the food industry.
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did production and reproduction of endangered plants with the new method of tissue culture. this is the same plant now. in the tissue culture method, a part of the plant, such as a leaf, is separated from the stem and it is studied in a laboratory environment. plant tissue culture is a technique that we can produce thousands of plants and sometimes millions of plants from a piece of a plant . we can produce plants that have genetic value. we sterilized it with the protocol we have, we brought it, we planted it, and then the cultivations are done in stainless steel environments with food and a special protocol that we have . got the same size now, the technicians of danian company
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were able to achieve the production and reproduction of orchids by tissue culture method. the main job is to grow orchids. here, we produce phalavonops orchids, which is an ornamental plant. orchids are a very large family of plants, which are medicinal and edible plants. it is also included, like water lily , it is an edible plant that is used in ice cream making and now in the food industry. and on the other hand, a plant like vanilla, since we started, vanilla is an edible plant, it is used in the food industry , and it has a high value. it was produced in iran. with the tissue culture method, it can compete with foreign samples. european countries are working because the orchid itself is an ornamental plant , it is imported for 4-5 euros, this product is produced for almost one euro and reaches the consumer, say
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the officials of danesh banyan company. plant production by tissue culture method can help to ensure the judicial security of the country . mehboob delangiz khebari sed and sima, the general secretary of the union of medical necessities producers, says that due to the competition of public companies with the private sector, five factories producing injectable items have been closed. mr. aini said that private sector producers are capable production. they have more than the country's needs, but they are unable to compete with state-owned companies. syringes and needle heads are seemingly simple products but widely used in medical equipment. the peak consumption of this product was during the corona era, both for vaccines and therapeutic injections. during the so-called corona period , when we experienced the most difficult times and
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we needed a lot of single-use medical supplies, which are mostly polymers , they are fully supplied by our manufacturers. we provide the country with the ability to produce 400 million people we have private sector manufacturers saying that they have the annual production capacity of 3 billion pieces of syringes and needle heads, but they only produce a third of this capacity. according to the statistics of the secretary of medical supplies manufacturers, the annual consumption of syringes and needles in iran is 800 million to 1 billion pieces. between 3 and 4 million pieces of products are being produced daily. in addition to the private sector of the government complex, the ministry of health and the red crescent also produce medical items and supplies , which the private
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sector also produces. the general public is concerned about the production of the products that people are producing. they will go out to your products, but they have come to compete with us on a product that we have more than 10 years of production and on our product. the private sector usually does not have the power to compete with the government. institutions whose duty is not this should take on the more difficult work that others are willing and unable to do , and those works are left on the ground. private sector manufacturers of medical supplies. they say five the factory has been closed due to the production of some government companies, and if this trend continues , other factories will soon be out of the production cycle and will be closed. the head of the bar vendors' union said: "the price of tomatoes
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has decreased in the fruit and tarbar squares of tehran." according to mr. haina nejad , due to the increase in the supply of tomatoes and also the ban on the export of this product, the price of this product has decreased by 500 tomans from yesterday to today in the central square of may sarwar in tehran, and it is currently on sale between 20 and 28 thousand tomans. it has been that 500 have been sold, 200 are left and tonight around 900 we have a ton of goods coming in . we expect that the price of tomatoes will drop again. hopefully, the price will drop by the end of this week. our expectation is that by the end of this week , the tomato will reach 15 to 20 tomans. one of the obstacles
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is the removal of paper copies in supplementary insurances. according to mr. ostad hashemi, this issue prolongs the cycle of patients' insurance issues. on the occasion of national insurance day on december 13, the head of central insurance appeared on the first page program. mr. ostad hashemi about the reasons for not removing paper copies in supplementary insurances he said: some medical centers, especially private medical centers , do not submit their information to the ministry of health system. he considered the ministry of health to be responsible for solving these problems . when they don't provide them, what do we have to do? our insurance provider, when he comes to visit us, we say , go get your physical file from that hospital, so what can i do here myself? let me calculate that those who send the data sometimes
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send it incompletely. data exchange is taking place . if there are any deficiencies now, we will have to go and do the paperwork because of the defect. data is. the head of the supervisory body of the insurance industry said about the payment of damages, the price of third-party insurance is falling. at central insurance, we believe that since the issue of loss has been brought up and the price falls , it will be awarded to the person in the event of some kind of loss. but the payment of this damage requires the preparation of a series of preparations. first, the central insurance company must formulate the executive regulations of this issue. the payment mechanism of this case is not well explained in the law, and the next point is to amend the third party insurance law. since last week, the islamic islamic parliament has been introducing a plan in the parliament that will increase the price of the personal insurance law add a third. mr. ostad hashemi
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said about the amendment of the law regarding the so-called unknown vehicles, we have been trying to amend this law for nearly ten years. and this is in the priorities now, apparently , there have been discussions in the priorities of the specialized commission, and god willing, if god wills, it will be implemented. he also said about the low ceiling of 30 million tomans for the damage of the building accident insurance fund that this 30 tomans is now the ceiling. the 1400 program has a ceiling of 100 million, 43 lives and 433 lives, it reaches 10 million mahmoud , among the media reports of the parliament members. islami agreed to the request of a number of representatives to remain silent on the formation of the ministry of marketing for 6 months. in the bill
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proposed by the government for the formation of the ministry of commerce , some of the responsibilities and sub-categories of the two ministries of jihad, agriculture and mining industry and trade, including the organization of consumer and producer protection, were to be transferred to the new ministry. it was independent, but in this year it was formed with the ministry of industry and general mines and the ministry of mining industry and trade. 9 other provinces under the umbrella of the insurance fund for natural building accidents. according to the announcement of the insurance fund for natural disasters, this fund has recently paid 15 billion tomans to 9 provinces. the insurance fund for natural disasters has been established for 3 years for houses damaged by natural disasters. over 15 billion tomans. we
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paid the collection of these provinces. this is more than 15 billion tomans in damages, which was recently paid to houses damaged by natural disasters in 9 provinces. the provinces that are subject to payment so far are west azarbaijan, ardabil, isfahan province, bushehr, chaharmahal, north khorasan. fars, golestan and yazd. the beginning of this hand payments to compensate for these damages started in may 2019. here in the islamic council. general insurance fund to give new life to the bricks of the destroyed buildings. all urban and rural residential houses will be covered by compulsory accident insurance. that too without need. in writing for this insurance and deducting the insurance premium from electricity bills, the annual insurance premium
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is 10,000 tomans, of which 24,000 tomans are paid by the people, 2,000 tomans per month, and 76,000 tomans must be paid by the government. these two years, the protective umbrella of the insurance fund natural building accidents have opened on people and their houses, about 29,000 cases of damage have been registered , of which we have evaluated about 22,000 cases, and from this amount, more than 1,150 cases have a level of damage and 8,000 cases have been paid so far. and the rest of the cases , i.e. another 4,500 cases, will gradually be sent to the bank within the next week or two. based on the announcement of the natural disaster insurance fund, iran's second largest province , sistan and baluchistan, with 112 cases and golestan province with 59 cases, are in the queue for payment. somia mardani, sedav sima news reporter, $2 billion violation
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in tea import, according to the announcement of kalor inspection organization , the case of a business group importing tea that did not fulfill its obligations for importing tea was sent to the prosecutor's office. union president but chai says that in order to prevent the repetition of these violations , the ministries of jihad, agriculture and sammat have given the necessary access to the union to check the performance of importers. in the news , we had a quote from the head of the chlorine inspection organization that a business group importing tea was introduced to the judicial system due to violations. according to mr. khodayian, this business group so far. he has no obligation to settle the offer received he has not imported any goods. so far, 1 billion and
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400 million dollars of these currencies have not been fulfilled and the goods have not arrived . my deadline has expired . is this particular business group a member of your union? yes, this group is an active member of our union, and its activity records are also documented, and you knew about its performance. no, we really did not know about it. to devise and plan in that area we would like to have it, unfortunately, we didn't have it until today, of course, now the situation is such that i am completely interacting with the organization and there have been challenges in order registration, where have they reached now
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? which is not desirable and it is not as much as the normal annual limit , our market survey has shown that this amount is actually registration of orders that lead to imports and will be the answer of the market . there is one of the items in jad factory what happened was the discussion of changing the width of tea, which was actually removed from the preferred width and moved to the second hall. in fact, the ministry of agricultural jihad and the market regulation headquarters came and removed the subsidy for imported tea, and this price difference is actually a price difference. what is happening is in support of domestic tea production, which reaches the respectable consumer at the most suitable price. now the expectation of the public opinion
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is, without a doubt, a harsh response to such violations, and those who commit these violations are farzad azaribagha, sada news and sima, according to the announcement of the information technology organization from the collection 16 subordinate organizations of the ministry of agricultural jihad, only two of the 100 organizations are connected to the smart government service window. while according to the budget law of 1402 , all executive bodies were supposed to provide 100 percent of their electronic services through the national window by the end of november this year. i have been going back and forth to the province for a business license in the village for a year . they were worked and according to
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paragraph 5 of note seven of the budget bill of 1401, they were finished the executive bodies and ministries were required to connect to the smart government service window until the end of mehram , in order to eliminate monopolies, golden signatures of the acquisition of power, and to clarify the licensing process , a single window system was created and made mandatory to prevent service recipients from referring to different systems. and numerous to prevent, the plant protection organization of the country is one of the subordinate departments of the ministry of agricultural jihad, which had to complete its electronic connection to the smart government service window by the end of november. currently , we provide 38 services to you electronically in the window of the government unit and the clients respected are benefiting from his services. the remaining 11 that i mentioned
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will be added to the single window, which includes a total of 49 services. according to the latest list published by the ministry of communication and information technology , the percentage of the electronic connection score of the country's plant protection organization is 17. alireza shaukati news reporter. we have reached the end of the economic news. thank you for coming. you were with us for half a day. good day, god bless you.
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in the name and memory of god, with your presence , dear viewers of the khabar network, the atmosphere is calm and stable at the moment at the level of the country, we expect this stability to continue for the next few days, and we predict that dust will be a dominant phenomenon for big cities. at the moment, in our country , the sky is clear and slightly cloudy. it is reported for the big cities. like tehran, karaj, arak, isfahan and ahvaz, for today we have an orange level warning of air pollution, and for the coming days, the cities of tabriz and mashhad will be among these cities and they have an orange level warning. due to the stability of the air
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, there is an increase in pollutants, we request our compatriots. let's do the necessary cooperation. traffic don't have unnecessary things in the city. use public vehicles to get around. conditions are unhealthy for all groups. our warning level is orange. we request that if they do not have a special job, they should not move around the city. these conditions will continue until wednesday and we are witnessing dust in the form of large cities. for the 3rd of saturday. we expect that in the northern parts of our country , we will sometimes have an increase in water along the shores of the caspian sea , along with that rain will occur in a scattered manner, sometimes these rains are also expected in the northwest. another point that should be mentioned yes, considering that we have rain in the northern region on tuesday, in other regions of our country , the atmosphere is still calm, and dust
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is still the dominant phenomenon until wednesday, and for thursday, we expect that due to the wind that occurs in some parts of the country , there will be no pollution. you can see that on thursday in the slopes of albors in the central parts of our country, the wind speed will increase during the hours, and this wind will cause a decrease in pollutants in big cities like tehran. currently, dust is the dominant phenomenon and this condition is still present on wednesday, we request that our compatriots in tehran should not travel in the city , if they do not have essential work, they should stay at home, if they need to go out, they should use public transportation. the pollutants in tehran should also be reduced.
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thank you for your attention and support. god bless you. the tension came like the body of ali akbar, who became a fatimieh , this year, i hope and my heart will return like fatima from the fire
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of the defender of the shrine, the return of the farewell ceremony to the eight martyrs who defended the shrine, dushanbe, imam hossein square, peace be upon him, tehran. in the name of god, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light , in the name of god, light on light , in the name of god, light on
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light, in the name of god, light on light. allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest . i testify that there is no god but allah . i testify that there is no god but
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allah. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that he is the highest.
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god bless you , god bless you, god bless you. la ilaha ul alla allah la ilaha ul alla allah
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hey front row meeting, many people talked about the people, but they were not with the people. hey front page meeting , stand up for justice. with our own reports, we exchange the test that the train is about to leave. the leader of the young region, a number of questions from us, answers from the first page, and evaluation and judgment with you in the first row every night at 1930 minutes of the khabar network.
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bride, i am telling you for the third time , what happened to my lawyer? it is not really possible . yes, why not 60? it has been announced that the purchase of dowry should be the installment in shash vaareh, the city of bigger household appliances.
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this is called a quick and easy purchase with kalanano's plan . we can receive purchase credit up to 10 million tomans from pak, and we have 730 days until the last payment . fight with him and drink him. how much do you change your vehicle? last time, we went everywhere together
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. we shouldn't have gone around so much. that's when the iranian palace with all the discounts and special conditions is right next to it, the biggest iranian palace with all the interesting events in the city. muhammad and ajl farjah, i have greetings and respect your presence, dear and respected compatriots, esteemed companions of khabar khemet network, we arrived at 12 o'clock and we present the news of this section to you together with all my colleagues. parliament members agreed to remain silent on the two-urgent bill for the formation of the ministry of commerce. in this way, this bill will not be on the agenda of the parliament for 6 months, and the ministry will continue to operate with the current structure.


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