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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] they will be among the users of these infrastructures, god willing. in addition to this, this center also pursues several other missions , including the creation of service providers or service providers of artificial intelligence data processing fabric, as well as the discussion of gathering the needs of the country and implementing several large projects in the field of artificial intelligence with this planning. god willing, the country can be among the top 10 countries in the world in the field of intelligence in the next 5 years, god willing . god willing thank you very much, mr. dehghani, vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy. representatives while correcting some of the
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articles of the trade bill, the de-fority bill of the formation of the ministry of markets were kept silent. in today's public meeting, the speaker of the parliament explained a part of the record of the 11th parliament on the occasion of the 10th of december, the day of the parliament. today i can defend the performance of the 17th parliament. in today's public meeting of the representatives, mr. qalibaf called the 11th parliament an active parliament that passively waits for the assignment of others. it is not, but the concerns of the people determine his agenda. an active and revolutionary parliament is a parliament that, instead of spending its time on various and scattered projects, with the help of sympathetic experts, changes the economic laws of the country with determining the role of a precise way, he set his agenda for the mid-term and long-term reform of the country's economy.
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according to the speaker of the parliament: the approval of laws such as increasing the issuance of business licenses, importing cars, reforming the structure of the central bank, and the law to support the family and the youth of the population are examples of the active action of the yadahmi majlis. in the continuation of the demand to remain silent on the emergency bill for the formation of the ministry of markets was raised. a request to remain silent has been given for 6 months. the formation of the ministry of marketing means the separation of the trade sector. it is a position of the ministry for which a separate minister should be introduced. a subject that according to the representative applicants may disrupt production, industry and commerce in the current situation. if the government is in the third year, that too at the end of the year when we are involved in the budget. we want to form a new ministry. let's separate businessmen from industry, this ministry
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will be involved in separation within a year. both the production is damaged and the man's table. with the approval of the representatives, the bill to form the ministry of bazargani remained silent for 6 months. was approved. then the bill to add some articles to the law regulating part of the financial regulations of the government was placed on the table of the representatives. a bill whose purpose is to prevent repetition some decrees in the annual budget take a lot of time from the parliaments to review and approve them every year. from these articles, which are repeated in different years , to be approved as a law, the permanent law , despite the agreement of the representatives with the generality of this bill , was submitted to the commission to clear some ambiguities and irranadat.
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akbarzadeh, the chief of the general staff of the armed forces, during his trip to iraq , met with the minister of the interior, the minister of defense and the chief of staff of the iraqi army. . boss the general staff of the armed forces added that the common borders of iran and iraq are an opportunity to increase the convergence of both nations to benefit from mutual capacities. the purpose of this trip is to examine the fields of development of military relations between the two countries. we do not have any security problems with iraq as a neighboring country, as it is our friend and neighbor, and we are following the path of developing military cooperation. the primary and secondary schools of tehran will be closed tomorrow, according to the announcement of the air pollution emergency committee of primary and secondary schools
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of tehran province, except for the virus. it will be non-attendance in the morning and evening tomorrow, monday 13 azar. staff government agencies that have cardiovascular, underlying, respiratory and autoimmune diseases. and pregnant women employees can also work remotely with the approval of the company. in payet, the even and odd plan will be implemented until wednesday, and the sale of daily traffic plan permits is prohibited until wednesday. future particles have polluted the air of industrial cities today. the air in isfahan, tehran and ahvaz is red and unsafe for all groups. weather in mashhad, semnan, tabriz. karaj and arak are also in orange status and are unhealthy for sensitive groups. the meteorological organization has issued an air pollution warning for industrial cities until wednesday and advised the countrymen, especially the sensitive groups
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, to avoid unnecessary traffic. hello dear viewers. for the next few days , we will have a calm and stable atmosphere in big and industrial cities. dust is a mold phenomenon, we predict an increase in the future, the warning of the orange level of meteorology has also been simplified, we request our fellow citizens to do the necessary cooperation , do not have unnecessary traffic in the city, and if there is a need to pass through the city, use public vehicles. if it is used for tehran, karaj, arak, isfahan , and ahvaz, we will have dust for today the meteorological orange level warning is valid in these cities. for monday, tuesday, in addition to these cities , we also forecast dust for tabriz and mashhad, and we expect to witness dust in the form of areas on wednesday. the devices that
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failed to implement the clean air law will be introduced in the next two weeks. the head of the national air and climate change center said: in the last 6 years, only 10% of the provisions of the clean air law were implemented. yesterday , we were guests of the dear ones of the court of accounts in the organization , and the necessary planning was done, god willing, within the next two weeks, we will have another review. devices that do not perform their duties will naturally be introduced, and if they see that they are subject to suspension, the necessary measures will be taken through the regulatory bodies . he considered it necessary to have sufficient funds for the implementation of the clean air act. let's accept that in order to implement the law
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, we must provide the requirements and those requirements. in the 1402 budget, a total of 84 billion tomans were actually included in the budget for the implementation of the clean law. at least we checked nearly 157 thousand billion tomans i mentioned that due to the accumulation of homework last year, this work needs to be done. the first foreign exchange bonds were published in iran's currency and gold exchange center. muraba bonds are one of the types of bonds that are offered in the form of riyals to finance the industrial sector in the capital market, but now these bonds are presented horizontally with a maturity of four years and liquidity. the issue is in euro, so these euro-based bonds are issued, all of them will be collected in euro, and accordingly, both the interest and the principal
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amount will be repaid in euro. its expenses will be under full supervision, buying these bonds from the sources of export obligations is prohibited , so it will not have any effect on the domestic market in terms of increasing demand. according to the head of the central bank, these bonds will move foreign exchange resources towards productive activities and foreign currency financing. these bonds are a very reliable tool so that even people who have so-called large widths abroad can participate in the production projects of our country, the construction projects of our country and buy the bonds. available in the market the rate is attractive, in my opinion, god willing
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, we will continue this project. the head of the bar vendors union said: "the price of tomatoes has decreased in tehran's metro bar squares." according to mr. haina nejad , due to the increase in the supply of tomatoes, it is also prohibited. the export price of this product has decreased by 500 tomans from yesterday to today in the central square of fruit and vegetable bar in tehran, and it is being offered between 20 and 28 thousand tomans. it was my turn that 500 tons were sold and 20 tons were left . we have around 900 tons arriving tonight. the price will drop by another 5,000 tomans . we expect that by next week, tomatoes will reach 15
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tomans. specialists of a technology unit succeeded in inventing a new method for purifying and processing used car oils. in this method, used car oils, which are hazardous waste for the environment , are transformed into the raw material for making a kind of resistant cheap asphalt. used car oils are a part of industrial waste that can pose a potential risk to national resources and the environment. the oil that actually comes out of our car. all kinds of solutes are heavy, metallic it is heavy, it contains toxic substances. these should be separated and disposed of. disposal of these naturally affects the environment. the volume of the products that are produced is material. every year, iran
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produces about 20,000 tons of this sludge, which is mainly stored in an open space. in fact , there are lakes of this sludge. each liter has the ability to pollute a million liters of water. the costs, if sanitary burial is to take place , it will cost millions of tomans for each liter of this adult waste . we came to the faculty of civil engineering of amir kabir university to find a solution. scientific and accessible for this mortar , because of the chemical and physical effect it has on our bitumen and asphalt cone, it causes the adhesion of our asphalt to improve and some of the characteristics of our asphalt mixture, including a 24% improvement in the durability of the impact 37 percentage in improving the resistance and also increasing the resistance against
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cold cracking that occurs in the cold seasons of the year due to the reduction of the flexibility of the asphalt pavement . we did it from very cheap materials we used lime, that is, instead of reviving this waste for use in bitumen , we replaced stone materials , it will be free for factories and contractors, and also for oil refining factories, which can increase their recycling costs by 60 to 60 times. the reduction of the body is an interesting process that a material like this is obtained from this waste. this plan is ready to be handed over to
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the afaruz islamic khabari industry. according to the information technology organization, out of the 16 organizations under the ministry of jihad, only two organizations are fully connected to the smart government service window. is while on based on the budget law of 1402, all executive bodies were supposed to provide 100% of their electronic services by the end of november this year through the national window for a business license in the village . i have been traveling to and from the province for a year. the plants have been transferred from afghanistan to russians, go back, go back, what is this, what a service , to solve these problems, the government and the parliament have started to work, and according to clause v and note seven of the budget bill of 1401 , all executive bodies and ministries
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were obliged to the window of smart government services should be connected to remove monopolies, golden signatures and take over power clarifying the licensing process , a single window system was created and made mandatory to prevent service recipients from referring to different and multiple systems. the plant protection organization of the country is one of the subordinate departments of the ministry of agricultural jihad, which until the end of november. he had to complete his electronic connection to the smart government service window. currently, 38 serve you electronically in the window of the government unit. we present to our dear clients, they are very happy with its services. the remaining 11 that i mentioned will be available to you within the next month after going through the testing process. it has to be added in the single window, which
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includes a total of 49 services. according to the latest list published by the ministry of communication and information technology , the percentage of the electronic connection score of the country's plant protection organization is in the window of unit 17. alireza shaukati news reporter. the deputy general manager of goods transportation of the road organization announced the solution to the problem of issuing a bill of lading permit online by mid-december. according to the law on obtaining permits, the highway organization should have removed the conditions for providing this permit, which it has not yet implemented. they get a lot of commission , but still some people are not satisfied with what they are doing they go in the bill of lading, it means when you got the bill of lading, a few minutes after you went on the route or a few hours after you left, your bill of
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lading will be invalidated. bad, then you go to the side that issues the bill of lading , you have to pay him, it's all a kind of broker's game. the previous system that issued permits in the highway organization. this is in terms of compatibility with software and now the system that had its own portal to the national society should be improved. anyway, that matter took some time. the importance of this issue made the first vice president want to solve it. but the road authorities have a reason for not implementing the plan this time. the final. we reformed the companies and we did everything we could to facilitate and reduce this issue, but in any case, a minimum limit for the vehicle must be set by the company itself, which the ministry of economy
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has issued a resolution to solve this problem. according to which there is no need to own a truck, but still this the resolution was not fully implemented. the road organization has taken good steps to implement this regulatory approval, but it has not been implemented yet. now , after a long delay, the officials of the ministry of roads and urban development have announced the conditions for the creation of large-scale companies . we have provided good facilities for investors, including the reduction of all conditions, especially for large companies, which can now issue round-trip bills of lading for all parts of the country without any limit on the number of bills of lading. about 10 years have passed since the presentation of the bill of lading issuance plan the ups and downs are the latest news. road administration has promised
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to solve the problem of issuing bill of lading online by mid-december. frozen asanpour, sed and radio news reporter. escorting four newly identified martyrs defending the shrine in tehran, golestan, qom and ardabil provinces. the burial ceremony of martyr mehdi zakir hosseini's body was held at martyr khazarai training center in tehran. zakir hosseini khordad 1995, martyred in defense of the shrine in syria and his body was recently identified with a d test. the people of golestan province also buried the body of martyr gholam alii tola in golzara of imamzadeh yahya bin zaid gan tola in 1992 in syria. his body has just been identified. i waited 10 years . so far. their own birthday. shahrada, the defender
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of the holy shrine, we are following our religion, following our system , following islam and our values . today, the people of qom and ardabil provinces bid farewell to the body of their martyr, the martyr defender of the shrine. the people of qom bid farewell to the martyr ali agha abdullahi in the shrine of hazrat masoumeh, peace be upon him, and escorted his body to the village of kohak. dellashaw's book, the last work of the late afghan author , reached its second edition in less than two months. hosseinzadeh, the wife of raffi, the martyr defender of the shrine, narrates
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. i am mohammad sarwar rajaei, born in 1347 in kabul. dalashob is the last work of the afghan poet and writer that was left unfinished. they were able to write and narrate this book until the martyrdom of raif rafiei. but unfortunately, the dreaded corona virus took them away from us. finally , they couldn't write the book for after the martyr's martyrdom, and now this happened thanks to the efforts of the frontline friends. this book is a narrative of the life and memories of maryam hosseinzadeh, the wife of the martyr, the defender of the shrine, muhammad raef rafiei. they themselves suggested the memoirs of the wife of the martyr rafiei. martyr rafi rafiei lived in the uae and had a life full of ups and downs, now they travel to syria because of their jobs and
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stay there according to the wishes of their wives. in the social customs of our afghan shiites, bread and halwa and the koran are highly respected in life. it was a custom in the old days and many people used to come to these things to solve the blind knot of their problems. front line publications has published and launched the 328-page delashob book. mohammad sarwar rajaei spent more than two decades collecting information and memories of the iranian martyrs of the afghan jihad and the afghan martyrs of the holy defense. the result of these books can be said to be an insight into the deep friendship between the people of iran and afghanistan. this author from afghanistan has also left some other works. among the books of the late mohammad sarwar.
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mohammad rajaei is the founder of the house of afghan literature in iran and also the director of the afghanistan poetry and stories office in the field of art, iman yadari, a radio journalist, and a memorial service for the late actress parvaneh masoumi. cinema tv in bilal mosque, zind yad masoumi broadcasting organization 6 azar died and his body was buried in the family mausoleum in imamzade abu talib, tehran. they said that beyond the green hills, the sky is closer to the earth. i said you should go completely. this is my home now. what area is this house in? this is the manabazar area. manar bazar who came here to buy, believe me, all the residents of this
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place are happy, they respect him , the door is closed and the car is full, even sometimes he would take local children and come into the city. he used to buy things for children, he loved children, that is, one mother's outing. now the mother was taking care of the children. the neighbors said that her house was very well prepared. it was very comfortable. in the village , sometimes there was a problem . we would discuss it with her and solve it. he had more than five years of artistic experience. i talked to him for an hour. the girl was very kind. he is supposed to talk to his boss. appearing in the tv series of imam ali, the small jungle of youssef the prophet. javan and movies such as chrysanthemum flowers and the glory of life, including the works
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of this popular artist, let's go, everything is over. during the years of her artistic activity, the late parvaneh masoumi played the role of the news float of rozai radio and television in minar bazar, taher gora district, to sameh sarra in the name of god salam iran, with 9 colorful emblems of the champion of the competitions in more than 22 television series and 32 movies. at the end of these battles, the cultural wrestling team of our country's armed forces won 3 gold medals, 4 silver medals, and 2 bronze medals, and the teams of the republic of azerbaijan and russia were in the second and third places. azad iran
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won two golds, four silvers and one bronze the third round of the world military wrestling competition was held in baku with the participation of 20 countries. club football in europe, real madrid won and returned to the top of the league. in england, arsenal won and united lost to newcastle. in the continuation of the 15th week of the spanish league , real madrid won with two goals from diaz and rosarigonda and passed to the top of the table . take in the framework of the 14th week of the english premier league last night, in important games, arsenal beat wolverhampton 2 and is at the top of the table with 33 points.
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became. newcastle beat manchester united by one goal. tonight, in the most important match , second-tier manchester city hosted tottenham, the 14th loser of last night's series, milan beat frosinone , and lazio won against
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cagliari with one goal. and some short sports news, the wrestling federation agreed with the resignation of pejman darskar as the head coach of the national free wrestling team and replaced him with mohsen kaur . the ninth week of the valalilal premier league starts at 16:00 today with seven games, the most important of which is the match between shahtab yazd, the defending champion, and masaf. in the last match of the 7th week of the premier baseball league, the leading team of siraj janareh steel
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will meet the teams of mashhad red defense and gorgan ruder municipality. italian, spanish, croatian and german teams will compete. thank you for your companion. but today is sunday 12 azar, 19 jumadi al-awwal and 3 december. in tehran, baghdad at 16.5 minutes, azan maghrib at 17.11 minutes. and the islamic midnight will be at 23:00. with the announcement of the end of this news section, we go to the table economy and we will go together with my colleague, mr. bozor tsal , at your service. i say hello. good day and god bless you. in the name of god, i offer my greetings to you, dear colleague mrs. mirsaneh, i offer my greetings and politeness and respect to all viewers of the economy desk. you saw and heard in the news that the law of the central bank was promulgated. a law
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that has been talked about a lot. it was talked about in different governments, the process was fast and slow , there were many fluctuations, finally it was promulgated, in the economy desk, we want to discuss what will happen to the country's monetary banking system after the promulgation of this law, the central bank from now on. what are you going to do, how much more open your hands are, our time on channel 1 is over, if you are not interested, follow this discussion , watch us on the news network, thank you for being with the economy desk, in the past years , whenever there is a banking, monetary, financial incident. it happened that one of the excuses that different central banks always had was that they do not have the necessary authority to resolve these conditions or


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