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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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computer virus named stucknet demolished secret iranian nuclear weapons. hackers at semantic corporation unraveled its mysteries. what made suxna different was it didn't just stick to the cyber world, it actually breached and caused sort of real world kinetic damage. when we first got the code, it's literally zeros and ones, you know, it's sort of unintelligible. it was only later that we were able to determine that actually this code was targeted specifically at iran's uranium enrichment plant in the towns. uranium enrichment facilities are very secure facilities, it's not like they're connected to the internet, you can't get your code in and out in that way, so one of the ways d was able to get into the facility was via usb key , so it was able to infect usb keys and then somebody would bring usb key with them into the secure facility, not realizing it was infected, plug it into a computer inside and then that computer inside would be infected, and we don't. definitely who is
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behind stuck in that, but it's very clear that it's a nation state and it's nation states that had something against iran, and it's likely that it isn't a single nation state. you can remember as well with cyber warfare that the sort of barrier to entry is quite low, if a country wants to do something like build a nuclear missile, that's actually quite difficult, but when you talk about something like cyber warfare, it's actually quite cheap and quite easy for a country to develop a cyber weapon.
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kurd was designed to attack industrial facilities made by siemens in nettens and was designed in such a way that the file it identified and collected information related to siemens software. siemens ag is a multinational corporation that was founded in berlin in 1844 and is active in the field of telecommunication equipment, supplying industrial electrical components, medical equipment and household appliances. this was the first time that the siemens name was dragged from home appliance advertisements to security files. another work of this company is the production of advanced listening devices. the headquarters of the european union is brussels. in 2003 , eu inspectors reported that mossad had been spying on the eu headquarters for more than 18 years. where the negotiations of the heads of this are held.
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eavesdropping on the conversations of the negotiations in the shura building means that the zionists were aware of all the conversations, decisions and plans without exception. this happened before, but this time the zionists got help from european companies for eavesdropping on a large scale. siemens was one of these companies. the evidence showed that musa was able to operate the largest companies and collections. in the pen , he uses electronic technologies for espionage. after that, the audit committee of the european union became sensitive to its choices of spying contractors whose services are related to security issues they offer prevention. despite all the security issues, the united states, the european union and the zionist regime had common positions against the front key of a nuclear iran. stuxnet project was formed in line with these oppositions. but in the end
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, it was the european union that got information from the mossad in the field of security. the zionist intelligence organization managed to access the internet networks of 3 european countries, germany, england and france, through the stuxnet trojan operation. green continent, may 2015, ruby rivlin, the president of the zionist regime, started a trip around europe ruby
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was meeting with the heads of the eu countries and talking with them. his first visit is right on the anniversary of the defeat of the germans under hitler. ruby said before he set foot on german soil. he announced that this meeting is a sign that the jewish nation remembers its difficult and painful past well, but still looks towards the future and welcomes the strengthening of friendship and cooperation with the government of the new generation of germany. german chancellor merkel and the authorities of this country are preparing to hold a grand celebration on the occasion of the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the zionist regime and germany. the germans are now fifty years old it is possible that they committed themselves to the zionists.
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germany, in the days when the federal republic of germany is being established, the jews of this country also form a central council for themselves and hope to provide the best facilities for the remaining 20,000 german jews . they mention the jewish community in germany and the acceptance of judaism as an identity. since then , the central council of german jews has become the largest jewish organization in the country. however , there are other small and large organizations that organize rahimai in support of zionists education and culture of this country are active. the jews in
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germany have several weekly and monthly newspapers, the weekly allgemeine jewdesh in the city of ben pertirashter is among them. in addition to exclusive publications, jews have nearly 30 museums in germany dedicated to jewish history, the most important of which are located in frankfurt, cologne and berlin. the fall of the berlin wall and the communist regime in 1989 helped. jewish immigrants from eastern and western europe form the largest community together.
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with this event, a new period of jewish life in germany began. after applying for a professorship in jewish history and culture in one of the most famous universities munich, named after ludwig maximians , jewish history and culture was offered as a course unit in universities. the zionist lobby is active in germany and this influence is most evident in the behavior of mrs. sadr azam and berlin's political positions. in her meetings with the officials of the zionist regime, merkel has repeatedly announced that berlin has done all it can to support tel aviv, but there are those around the prime minister who have opposing views , including the leader of the social democratic party, sigmar gabriel gabriel, who was angela merkel's deputy, and is one of the critics.
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the occupation regime of quds is serious about urban development he said that the palestinians live in a land that has no law, a land that is under the apartheid regime, and there is no fairness and justice in it. merkel and her party members forced gabriel to ask for the evening . in response, he said: his words are because of the difficult conditions of the palestinians, and he did not intend to equate the zionist regime with the apartheid regime in south africa. england 197 those who are familiar with the history of the establishment of the zionist regime. england is considered the godfather of this regime.
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according to them, balfour's statement was the beginning of zionists living in the occupied territories. british prime minister theresa may at a party attended by the heads of the zionist regime were held in london.
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after 100 years, england is accused by its people of being influenced by the zionists . the british people say that the zionists are interfering in the internal politics of england, and if an official opposes the crimes of this regime, he will be removed very soon. the british government always says in response: the relationship between london and tel aviv is only a close relationship. human rights activists in england are looking to collect 10,000 signatures. to discuss the issue of unionist influence on london politics in parliament . declassified research base. the publication of figures showed that the man's claim was far from over
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it is not from reality. this news site wrote: according to the latest findings, one third of the members of the current british government are under the direct financial support of israel or israeli lobbies. these lobbies take men under the umbrella of their support in different ways. including inviting politicians to go to tel aviv by offering numbers and figures that cannot be easily ignored. like the five-day trip that prime minister budes jansen had to the occupied territories in 2018. the expenses of the trip were financed by the conservative friends of israel lobby. this lobby claims that 80% of the conservative party has included england as a member so that they can align england's policies with the policies of the zionist regime as much as possible. in 2019 , when boris johnson was trying to become the mayor of london, this lobby did not deprive him of financial and advertising assistance. except for johnson, five other cabinet ministers
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were also supported by this lobby. including. alok sharma, cassie kourteng, robert genrick, oliver dowden, and amanda maylang. who traveled to the occupied territories during the years 2011 to 2016 at the expense of these lobbies , the senior british diplomat and former member of the british government said that israeli lobbies interfere in politics britain is vast and confusing. two
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other cabinet ministers, michael govou and prerity patel, also traveled to washington with israeli lobby dollars to participate in the aipac lobby conference. a year later, preriti patel was fired from the cabinet for the crime of holding secret meetings with the zionists. apart from the lobby of conservative friends of israel, there is another well-known lobby called the center for communications and research of the zionist regime. who are lobbyists of conservative friends of israel. this center was formed at the same time as the aipac lobby was formed in america. pujo zablod, a fernlani capitalist and arms dealer
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it is the financial sponsor of the center, which also pays for the conservative party of england. the election committee of england says: he contributed 70,000 pounds to this party in the 205 elections. its 15,000 pounds was used to elect david cameron as the leader of this party. england fulfilled the promise of creating a homeland for jews 10 years ago. he did, but now he is sitting on the wagons that these lobbies have railed. france is one of the first countries we walk. in support of the palestinian people, it has been banned. france, paris.
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france is the second tourist destination of zionists after america, although france and the zionist regime are on sale military weapons are rivals, but they have friendly relations in most fields, such as in 1956, when the french military helped the zionists during the occupation of a part of the sinai desert. the peak of close relations between france and the zionist regime was in the 1960s during the sale of the mirage to the zionists. french mirages played an important role in the victory of the occupying regime in the 1967 war. in addition , france is the beating heart of zionist lobbies. the followers of these lobbies have seats in the french political structure. laurent fabius. fabius
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was born in a family of antique dealers. he at all ashkenazi jews who came to france from eastern and central europe. what distinguishes laurent fabius from the thousands of jews living in paris is sitting in the chair of the french prime minister. as the youngest prime minister in the history of france. in 1999, the french parliament passed a law known as the fabius guissou law. the content of this bill was what fabius worked so hard to get into law. a bill that says: if anyone questions the existence of gas chambers and the killing of 6 million jews in world war ii , he will be sentenced to one month to one year in prison and pay a fine.
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and he will lose his job. the genocidal gas chambers are always a serious question of many critics. iranians know fabius. he is responsible for the scandal of exporting contaminated blood to iranians and several other countries between 1980 and 1990. in this case, patients in need of blood with blood sent from france to aids and hepatitis. fabius was axed because of his political seniority, but fabius' critics believe that the judicial department of the french government is under the influence of the zionist lobby. the trial of the french philosopher rouge garaudy is the opposite of the trial of tainted blood. accusing garodi of writing a book with the title of the fundamental myths of israeli politics. a book
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challenging the law of fabius gesso's entry in his book about. le caste has investigated and questioned the statistics desired by the zionists. according to him, the number of 6 million jews killed is an exaggeration, because the total jewish population at that time was less than this number. the book has proven that the zionists collaborated with the nazis in world war ii. garodi's book was translated into 29 languages ​​shortly after shab. but garodi was banned after the trial in the french court. it was written that the cave of europe , march 11, 2020, ruby rivlin traveled to europe again is to talk with the leaders of the european union. from
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iran's nuclear program and of course from the decision of the international court of justice. justice about the zionists . fatou bensadeh, the prosecutor of this court, has announced that he has started an investigation into the situation in palestine. the severity of this regime's attacks on gaza forced irish foreign minister simon kavoni to protest. german people also took to the streets in response to the gaza war. a survey by the bertelsmann institute showed. more than 60 germans have a negative opinion of the zionist regime. the leaders of the zionist regime are in europe. their lobbies consult and spread money and germany is attacked on the pretext of the holocaust. but in
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the end, the reviews show. the general view of the people of the world is negative towards the occupying regime. people believe what they see. stare at these photos
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, let god give sleep to the eyes of someone who remembers waking up, but standing is just our job, we who swear it is not a story of sleep, let your heart go to the sea, don't doubt that this day will end in a swamp. this is part of qassem soleimani's daily notes on 19 his birthday is the days when he leaves his place of residence and attends a meeting where he does not understand much of what the speaker is saying. but they know one thing, i only knew that he was against the king, a student who
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spoke in the words of qassem soleimani, on the way to the victory of your thought and the victory of the past nation, this is where you will be able to gain god's pleasure, seyyed reza ghasib from a village it was in the heart of gnab khorasan, but it could not be fixed in one place. a day in the middle of the kaakhab earthquake and days in different cities of iran. the headquarters that was formed by the supreme leader of the revolution and martyr hasheminejad and ayatollah ba az tosi. as young students there, we helped the oppressors. seyyed reza was an 18-year-old student at that time, who was with mr. khamene it became known. one of the reasons for the arrival of the epidemic of struggle in kerman before the victory of the revolution was the person of shaheed zagfar, who has a lot of rights there
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, kerman, rafsanjan, and many other places . perhaps it was this familiarity that opened seyyed reza's feet to the social and political activities of khorasan. in those days, three clerics were known for political struggle in khorasan. seyyed ali khamenei , seyyed abdul karim hasheminejad and abbas. after some time, vaiz tebsi came to the fourth side of this gathering, seyyed reza ghayab, their conversation was mostly about imperialism, he was a jewish scholar, and these were the issues. in their pulpits, we will not allow the imperialists and traitors of the world to take the resources of the muslim nations for iran. the regime forces wanted to arrest him, for example, in the end . after the revolution, he became one of the main members of the islamic republic party in mashhad.
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take responsibility for the rights of god and your rights and the rights of god's servants and take revenge. after the explosion of the office of the islamic republic party and the martyrdom of abdul lahmid dialeh and sadeghi , the representatives of mashhad in 1960, for the mid-term elections of the islamic council, which i was more interested in, the position of supreme leader. after consultation, they said that it is now necessary for them to run for parliament. they said that i would accept to spend one rial on them . i am sure that they will spend one rial on election. on the 2nd of august , seyyed reza ghassab became the representative of the mishshehs with about 300,000 votes in the parliamentary mid-term elections
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. well, these were heavy for the hypocrites. coming from the back wall of the islamic republic party with a molotov cocktail, because they knew where their room was, they threw a molotov cocktail from outside. he was martyred there the day before, but because the wall was high and had a guard, this gun came back and set fire to the building in front of us. on august 8, 1960, seyyed reza ghayab, a 31 -year-old representative of the people of mashhad , was martyred by the hypocrites when he wanted to come from the office of the islamic republic party to tehran and the majlis. the late ayatollah said that shaheed ghayab sought and gave help to many of us, but
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he did not seek help for himself once. seyyed reza was only a member of parliament for 6 days, when our revolution can continue and afghanistan, pakistan, saudi arabia and iraq and all the deprived and needy world should learn that the fundamental and ideological aspects of our revolution should be lived and the people of islam should see the movement of scholars and men and different strata and the armed forces of iran, touch islam in action and not in words. perhaps it was these words that made qassem soleimani write in his memoirs years later that that man introduced his thoughts to khomeini's revolution.
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what is the correct way to buy qasi? first, the basis of calculating the amount should be the consumer's price. second, the loan amount should be calculated from the cash balance. what does it mean? that is, if the consumer price of goods or a basket of goods is 100 million tomans, and the price is 30 let's pay the percentage in advance. this 30% advance payment should be deducted from the consumer price. in this way, our debt is 70 million tomans, and we must definitely add and charge on the basis of this amount, so pay attention to the consumer price and the remaining cash .
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this is called a quick and easy purchase. with this plan , you can receive credit up to 10 million tomans from pak. we still have 730 days until the last payment. pak shuma is always with you. what's up, why is there no one in town? where are the people at this time of the day? aha, so all going to the biggest iranian house sarai irani opened in tehran, so it's easier
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than this. buy it in tehran , serah afsarieh , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings again, dear compatriots and honorable companions . we have arrived at 5:00 p.m. and we present the news of this section to you together with all my colleagues. several people were martyred and injured following the attack of the zionist army on a residential building in the vicinity of abu iskander area in the north of the gaza strip. the zionists in northern gaza also bombed the jabalia camp and targeted two residential houses in telle zaatar . according to reports, following these attacks, ten martyrs and wounded people.


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