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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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there will be no negotiations, and we accelerated aid to israel to ensure that hamas does not repeat what it did on october 7. this is exactly what the us defense secretary said in the last two days. in the name of god, the most high, the most merciful, the 11 o'clock news segment of the president of cuba, who has come to tehran at the invitation of the president of our country , was welcomed by mr. raisi at the historical cultural complex of saad abad.
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during the visit of president miguel mario diaz-canel to iran, several memorandums of cooperation between iran and cuba will be signed. after the visit of president fidel castro the late president of cuba in june 2013. this is the first visit of the president of this country to iran. channel 12 of the zionist regime reported the death of 75 soldiers of this regime in the past day and night. this zionist media also announced that 25 israeli armored vehicles were destroyed in the gaza strip during this period.
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the zionist newspaper yediot aharonot also wrote that hamas surprised israel not only on october 7th but also in the defense of gaza because it was able to use various defense tactics . the zionist army radio also revealed that the ministry of war of this regime has plans for freedom the israeli prisoners in gaza had presented, but in the end these plans failed and did not reach anywhere, and the decision was made after a review. it was said that its implementation should be reconsidered due to the dangers it may have for israeli lives. islamic resistance forces of iraq reported pa papadi attacks on american military bases in iraq and syria. ain al-asud base in western iraq, omar oil field and american military base in rozta al-khatra located in northeastern syria were among the targets of drone attacks. the islamic resistance
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of iraq declared these attacks successful kurds have carried out these attacks in response to the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. the iraqi islamic resistance forces also announced the martyrdom of five of their forces in the war against the american forces . according to the package of the ministry of health, the monthly cost of rehabilitation of autism patients is more than 7 million tomans. after the first vice president's meeting with these patients, two basic insurance organizations announced the release of rehabilitation services for autism patients. last week, the families of people with autism met with the first vice president. children most of the concerns of these people were raised in this meeting became. be a center for autistic children. let's help them a little in terms of medicine and treatment. he is very 9
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years old in terms of vision, so he has no vision, his eyes are not formed. now basic insurances have come to solve some of the treatment problems of these patients . this resolution now allows us to cover a major part of the cost of autism patients through the basic insurance fund or the cause fund. hashem's letter went to all provinces this morning. our request is that all the centers that provide autism services must refer to the basic insurance offices, including the social security organization. the management and the general administration of health insurance should have a contract, even if the treatment costs for these patients are to be free. well, dear and respected viewers, while saying goodbye, i invite you to watch the speech of the honorable head of the judiciary in the islamic council.
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you can see the common hand of the parliament and the judiciary, which was held on the occasion of the day of the parliament, with the tyrant. today, this criminal of the history of the united states, the evil and oppressive zionism , continues to commit murder, genocide, child murder, and continues to corrupt his own family, and the people are oppressed but powerful. but hamas and the dear people of gaza are resistant to this crime they will not surrender. but all muslims, all free thinkers of the world, and especially us , have a heavy duty. in front of this criminal and this
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great devil that our dear imam led rightly from the first day and after that position and greatness. they said that this big devil and whatever you are screaming about is a big cancer and kill america. america today. thanks a lot. today we have a very heavy duty. israel is the usurper of this murderous regime. with the support of the united states, it follows these issues , and we, of course , provide any kind of support we can to the oppressed people of gaza and palestine.
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let's not be oblivious to the maliciousness of the enemies inside the country. these demons are wounded in an ambush. defeated , they did not achieve any of their goals in all these 4 years and more than 50 days in gaza. compared to the goals they did not achieve, they were wounded by defeat, so they do not sit quietly and to humiliate the enemies, especially the devil. great america and the oil devil. we need to empathize, cooperate, and try harder with the spirit of jihad, with the spirit of mobilization, to pursue the issues and not neglect the main issues of the country
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. today a dynasty back. there's nothing wrong with shouting, "who was mr. takhtir, what was he in his place, but it won't get us to where we are, we have to see how we can make up for this backlog today. it's important that today we are in line with the people's issues, in line with the economic issues." in line with cultural issues, in social issues, in the realization of social justice, we have fundamental issues. dear sirs, time passes quickly. this course is nearing the end of your course
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. i am almost halfway through the course. time is passing quickly. we need more service. take a look at us today regarding some of the basic issues , some of the points mentioned by the gentlemen go back to this. we are dissatisfied with the production and consumption of electricity. we are dissatisfied with the production and consumption of gas. we have serious issues with water . if we have problems in the future, we will we are dissatisfied with some fuel issues such as gasoline. well , we have to do something
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. we can't do it now. let's not sit back and take the punishment. hope depends on some weaknesses inside. hope depends on to be able to use these weaknesses. we must move somehow, act somehow, work somehow. in a way, all powers and people. god willing, let's join hands to be able to compensate some of these issues and some of these deficits, weaknesses quickly, not in the long term . we are not allowed, we don't have time to deal with the margins. the issue of the slogan of the year, when the supreme leader
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of the revolution, but our affairs, is a person who has experience in all these fields, he consults and asks for the opinion of experts , choosing this as the slogan of this year with wisdom bachelor with the perspective of an experienced person, but because we all obey and are subject to the governorship , for nearly 8 and a half months of the last year , i present myself in the realization of this slogan of the year of production leap , support of production, support of the economy, reduction of inflation, i really like myself. i look, did i do the right
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thing, did i do all the obstacles to production that i could do? when i turn to myself, i say no. i did not leave a reason for this, dear braden , we are still in line with some economic issues we have certain problems, they are not created by the hands of one power . we must help the judiciary of the government in any way. in addition to the fact that we ourselves have inherent duties, due to some of the same issues that i mentioned and similar ones, for example, let's say the devaluation
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of the national currency. the disharmony of the banks is a problem for some people today . our people are religious. our closed hope is in line with this pressure that is available today the attention of our people is in terms of livelihood, in terms of housing and some of the daily affairs of life. we should really be the main issue. we should try to find shortcuts. if the enemy
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puts pressure on us, if these sanctions are cruel, then we have to move many times. i tell myself, i tell my colleagues, let's look if there is a sanction , if there is pressure, if there is oppression, we also have a series of rules. finally, we should look at these rules to find an explanatory material to untie the knot, not to increase the knot, so i want to say that we are really in this is a very heavy task we have, and i repeat myself, we are in front of this blood of the citizens, these veterans, these freedmen, this and not only this, but from the beginning of the revolution until now, throughout
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our history, we have not had such a revolution that during the time of absence, but the cause of the muslims is ruling over us today. it is a great gift from god, it is a great blessing from god . dear sirs, i apologize for these arguments , which are slogans. in fact, i think i am giving them, but i have no choice . it hurts from the bottom of my heart. dear brother, with all the shortcomings and problems, which country do you find its leader should be its highest official like our imam and the supreme leader of any country he finds that in the bottom of the sea, where they take the voice of praise and takbir is loud above the sky where they go, the voice of takbir and praise is loud, where can we find it, god forbid we lose the opportunities and
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let the infidels take the blessings from us. be it i would like to ask you for help regarding a few issues. the judiciary is determined, god willing , i will be honest about this. you have to do the work. this notification is constitutional. the law you make is mine i am determined to perform. today, the law that you pass, the resolution that you have, when it was finalized, was approved by the guardian council. obligatory
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for me to do. part of them the land is left, dear brother. i am asking you for help, so that we can carry out our duties in the constitution, in the relevant laws, in general policies. one of the issues that all of you insist on, it is true, it is the issue of social justice, the realization of social justice. fight against corruption. the fight against corruption without discrimination is the fight now in the modern interpretation he is knowledgeable and i always recommend to my colleagues that if a client, a state government agency, a public institution, even a non-governmental institution committed a violation, if
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his client is a violator, but that government agency , that public non-governmental institution is to blame , we must reach him more. we should punish more , a bank customer, a customer, suppose somewhere else , a person who refers to the judicial branch, if god forbid, someone commits a violation in the judicial branch, with that person who is a client and the one who is a client of the legal branch , i interpret the case as a client, now the branch the client's case is not a correct interpretation, the master of the judiciary is his job in the judiciary the rest of the case is that he is not guilty, he wants his work to be done sooner , his work to be done better, i am the one who will do his work, god forbid, along with corruption or non-corruption, that bank, that government, that ministry, that organization, that institution, that institution, that etc. he is the one that we need to reach them more. in this regard, i
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need your help in some issues, you have a lot of power, you have supervision . let's have more synergy in line with public rights revival of public rights, we ask for your help both in terms of some legal issues , in terms of spiritual support, and in terms of really securing credits. well, public rights, you know, is a very broad and broad category. how is the weather these days? is this pollution ? is air a part of public law or not?
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can the judiciary alone deal with this case appropriately? is this mental security that we all miss? mental security and physical and mental security, both of them alone to ensure the physical and mental security of people. the judiciary alone can really provide all its dimensions we need your intellectual help, your legislation, and the credit you give to our judiciary this year
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. at the beginning of the year, we emphasized to our friends, we ordered that, sir, this document should be updated, it should be upgraded, we should be able to make it anew according to our conditions. if we want to update this judicial reform document, we need your help. we are in an election year. there is expectation , and god willing, it will come true. a wise election, with a destructive enemy, a depressing enemy, a happy one, a pious and revolutionary people, an
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election in beser and a safe and healthy environment with a high and good participation. well, this has a series of requirements. a significant part of them is the responsibility of the parliament, as it is the responsibility of the judiciary . if we don't count, it's too late, of course, if we count
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we tried to work together to prepare an answer for them and find a solution, what should we do ? i agree with some of the things you said, but we have much more than this issue , much more than this , dear brothers , there have been many objections and criticisms directed at me personally, especially the issue of our cyber space. that's right, we are the supreme council of the revolution and the supreme council of space we have the virtual one, we have the supreme council of the virtual space
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, the heads of power are members there , it has real members, it has legal members, but do we really do what we need to in line with this virtual space, which is now showing itself in the elections. one of my requirements is that we assume that a candidate wants to present himself, there are supporters of his name, there are staffs , there are people who support us, it is very good, he should introduce himself , tell his characteristics, tell his plans, tell him what he will do later on. it's his responsibility, now it's up to the experts to explain the need it is not necessary for a person
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to destroy another person in order to introduce himself. one of the issues that comes up from time to time, unfortunately, is that we should definitely help these respected representatives of the revolution, who do not have this experience , but in the end, it is possible that we should join hands to help. we also have a duty to deal with the power of cairo and the judiciary where we have to deal with it, but you should know that if we ourselves, perhaps, as the well-known saying , the guardian of imamzadeh does not protect the sanctity of imamzadeh , it seems to me that it is difficult to control the rest, that we are on our own. let's start in order to avoid the space constructions that will happen later the abuse of enemies becomes ill-wishers, and later it remains, even after the immorality, for after the elections, the elections will finally have a good result, god willing, as always. but some
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of the immorality accumulates and remains until after the revolution and after my election. therefore, my request is that we all join hands in this field and help each other . now, each of them should do their duty, god willing. but the amount that you and i are responsible for is what you said . the circular issued in this regard, the group that and the council that should and the headquarters that should prevent election crimes have their meetings , now they hold more and more meetings every day, that is, every week. the time to hold this meeting is also the points you said, i noted down the respectable prosecutor klorem is there, he is the head of that headquarters
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, there are other friends, they are members of that headquarters, we will follow them up, but know that we have a higher responsibility than who is assuming now. he calls me bad, we have to deal with him eventually we have to forgive these immoralities , god willing. last thing, my time is running out. if this hour left in front of me, my time is running out, i want to thank you. i did not write down how many, but many people are requesting to meet in person now, and at other times, i really want to meet with you, with all the officials of the system, with all the people , but it is not
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possible. no , if god forbid, it will go back. god forbid do not pay attention to the parliament, there is really no opportunity for the parliamentarian, and again, i am here to ask you that a series of duties have been assigned to the head of the judiciary, saying that it cannot be delegated , it is not possible, no, i will do those two tasks correctly. and no, what other expectations are there? we suggested this, we requested it. i ask that if i don't know what stage it is in now, it is in other places in the commission. sir , he asked, follow up and follow up . we also have suggestions. let it be done, one of them is the same item as 477. now there are many of them this request, which, of course, other people asked you , or some of them asked you 477 477, means that the head of the
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judiciary should determine if a verdict is against the sharia. well, please, look at the same thing if i don't read the file, if i don't pay attention , how can i tell if i want to read the file? you saw some of the files. there was a file that was referred just this week. tell him the document, bring it, he said , so-and-so's document is about 700 pages, his document is 700 pages, he said, sir, we want you to bring a case. here, for example, we have to bring it with a van now i don't care how many volumes there are, and i want to read them, but it is not possible. i want to limit myself to the person who prepared the report of this case . sometimes the copyright is not really respected, and there are some other articles which are criminal under article 15 of the criminal code. if this is the case, please help me. again, from all of you and from the honorable chairman of the parliament. the islamic council
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, honorable mr. dr. ghalibaf, and from the honorable board of directors , in fact, during the one or two years that i have been in this position, the parliament has helped us immensely , just as the government has helped, and i am also doing my duty. i know that i will help both the government and the parliament with all my abilities in line with the legal issues and duties . god willing, this will help the system and the people. peace be upon you, god's mercy and blessings.


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