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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm IRST

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supporters of palestine in the city of kohat, pakistan, also condemned the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. demonstrators also condemned america's support for the occupying regime and chanted slogans in defense of palestine and resistance groups. for the first time, the city of dubai was the scene of the gathering of supporters of palestine. the demonstrators in this uae city demanded an immediate stop to the attacks on gaza. a conference in support of the palestinians was held in johannesburg, south africa. the participants in this conference emphasized that the right of palestinians to get their land is not negotiable and ending the occupation is the only way. it is the solution. supporters of palestine in the us gathered in front of the white house and demanded the end of us support for the zionist regime. in ghuniye, turkey, the protestors of america 's support for the zionist
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regime started working at the second eurasian exhibition after 2 years, with the presence of our country's ministers of mining and trade and the minister of trade of the eurasian economic union at the site of international exhibitions in tehran. this exhibition with the presence of more than 100 iranian companies and
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companies from five member countries of eurasia continues until december 16. the second exhibition of arasia in an area of ​​more than 9 thousand square meters with the presence of more than 100 iranian companies and 20 foreign companies have been established. it is an exhibition that will definitely become one of the leading exhibitions in the region in my opinion, because the countries that are in this union have many positions, they can share this with each other in the form of this exhibition, and the more important thing is that the capacities of other countries in the region the persian gulf region of north africa can be seen in this exhibition . the presence of important countries like this in this union requires that the cooperation between the islamic republic of iran and this union deepens as much as possible . of course, in line with the policies of the thirteenth government in we are looking for ways to expand business interactions. and soon, the union
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will actually sign a free trade agreement with the two countries in continuation of the preferential trade that was already signed, and i hope that it will open the way for iranian businessmen to have an easier and smoother trade this period of the exhibition in different financial sectors, banking, automobile industry, agricultural machinery , food industry, knowledge and energy , facilities have been established in the trade between eurasian countries , which is extremely important because they actually reduce customs duties and this can be very important for us. it is important and it will help our exports with these countries . now our goal is to enter the iranian market in 2024 and have our first project and sales and open our own place in the iranian market and even the possibility of establishing a joint venture in iran.
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we have a plan. holding specialized meetings and face-to-face meetings with participating businessmen and economic boards to expand business relations has been announced as part of the side programs of this exhibition. the second eurasia exhibition will end its work on 16 azar in tehran . mohammad mohajeri sedavasima khabari first vice president on the need to use. from the national width in bilateral trade exchanges between iran and iraq were emphasized by mr. mokhbar in his meeting with nai, the speaker of the iraqi parliament, referring to the strong ties between tehran and baghdad , and said: "there is no reason why two countries with this level of political and economic coordination should not trade with a country that has a common enemy. do host stating that the deep connection between tehran and baghdad is not pleasant for the united states and the regime, the first vice president said: their positions will definitely
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not affect the cordial relations of the country. in this meeting, the speaker of the iraqi parliament expressed his support for the islamic republic of iran, especially the martyred commander. haj qasim soleimani praised the fight against the isis terrorist group. so far, 27 million people have benefited from the additional subsidy of the electronic catalog plan. according to the deputy minister of cooperation, labor and social welfare, in the form of this plan, this number of people has been given an additional subsidy of 120 thousand tomans. also, with the increase in the number of stores connected to the plan, the average distance of the beneficiaries to these stores reached about 170 meters. within the last 10 days, 500 stores have been added to the stores connected to the electronic catalog plan. we have more than 195 thousand stores. in this way, the access of beneficiaries to these stores
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it has reached about 170 meters. in the program, you can see the stores that are members of the design scheme in the stores section. you can also see children's food in the credit section. in haft tahak, about 60 million people are included in the electronic goods plan. we exceeded 27 million people. in the collection for claire, we are actually saying that we are still in the acceptable stage. if it reaches 40 to 50 million people, we will pass the middle stage. in the form of an electronic brochure of the plan to strengthen children's nutrition, there are also about two this week, 14 thousand children have been identified by the ministry of health . there is a close plan between the ministry of health and the ministry of cooperation, labor and welfare
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. we have introduced a number of those who need food security and are in the 7th decade and above. they only receive counseling from the ministry of health . the account of the head of the household was deposited between 1 and 5 7 600 thousand the 6th and 7th tithes have been added, there is no time limit , that is, it is paid every month, if they do not buy , it will be saved for two months for this household in the basket of 11 items. the electronic sheet of these items has been added: dates, saffron fruit, lentils, and bulgun from 120 thousand households of this plan. so far, 50,000
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households have benefited from it. farzadeh azari baqa news , the main stock market indicator crossed 1,000 units today. at the end of trading , the total index recorded an increase of 28% with more than 44,000 units. also, about 70% of the symbols were in the positive range and net entry real people's money in stocks reached more than 400 billion tomans. the value of khurd bazar transactions also approached 9 thousand billion tomans with the continuation of the increasing trend. the head of the statistics and information technology center of the judiciary said: the information related to the prohibition of dealing with persons with a history of financial convictions becomes clear. mr. kazemi fard also said: this information has now
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been provided to the national information exchange center and soon people will be able to access this information through car trading platforms before trading cars. everything is possible here, you have to be careful. second-hand car market. a market where it is difficult to distinguish sarreh from nazareth. it is a fraud, it is a fabricated document. the machine has machine rooms. after we went to the courtroom, i took it when i brought it. i showed it to one of the dealers , and i saw that it was a left-handed car. during the transaction, the buyer did not know the details of the car's records. my friend shows sandu, but maybe. one of the principles that exists in the transaction is the symmetry of information, that is, the parties from the other party , what are the problems that may occur to them in the transaction, the unavailability of this information for the people annually leads to the formation of more than it takes 10,000 court cases before a car
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with a problem comes, the judicial system enters , files a case, investigates the obstacles, the police investigates , does something. then he will be unable to travel and in order to prevent these frauds, in this year's budget law, car dealers were required to provide ownership information and car accident records to the buyer before the transaction . in fact, it is smart to give data to the people so that they do not have problems in their transactions that will return to the judicial system in the first step of implementing this law. last month, the police force and the central insurance provided part of their information to the people through private sector platforms in relation to its authenticity and to obtain the desired information, whether to see if this car has been impounded or not, to know how many times this car has been in an accident, and how much insurance
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with the help of this system that was unveiled today , people can access car data through the platforms they use, and god willing, it will be developed, but one of the most important data that increases the security of buying and selling cars. takes information about records related to the party is grateful for the transaction, the transaction is closed, the party has been sentenced, the party has several financial convictions . in the second step of law enforcement, the judiciary will provide this data to the national information exchange center and within the next month , it will be available to the public through private sector platforms, mehdi javadi khabarari sedav sima, according to the deputy of the electronic government of the information technology organization 64 the percentage of services of the ministry of culture and islamic guidance
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is connected to the national window of the smart government. according to the law of the deadline for connection and the provision of 100% service of all devices has been in november this year. wednesday, november 8, the life of the government. two of the hajj organizations had problems. ram is connected. the answer of the minister of culture and islamic guidance about the duty of the law. his ministry is connecting all services to the national window of the smart government. get a report. the ministry of culture is connected to 100. to check the level of connection of the services of the ministry of culture and islamic guidance to the national window, we will go to the portal of this ministry to check how much this has happened. this is the portal that is related. it is for the honor of islamic culture and praise, for example, issuing a designer's qualification card we click the clothing modo, we are transferred to a page where we click the address of a door on it, and the designer's comprehensive system comes up with a new door that only
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has access to the system and registration, which shows that this connection has not been established in this particular case according to the law . umm salal's budget stipulated that all the devices included in the 100 services should provide their services through a single window by the end of november. one or every citizen can enter the system with one click through the national window and continue the process in that system. what mr. esmaili informs about is last year's assignment. mr. zare poor, which was the first , had two ministries, one of which was the ministry of culture. we have passed the connection , now that it has finally been connected , what does it mean to the people ? the ministry of culture and islamic guidance, which was the first student in the legal task of connecting devices to the national window of smart government services, is in a step to connect
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its services to this window, but the task of providing 100% services is left, unfortunately, three of the collections in the ministry of culture are not 100. farhang and ershad 64 are the statistics of information technology organization iran shows that 36 services of the ministry of culture and islamic guidance are connected to the national window. we are still following the response of the officials of this ministry in this regard. the share of employment of people with disabilities in executive bodies is increasing. stating this, the head of the welfare organization said that by holding the employment test, the employment share of people with disabilities in executive bodies will be more than 3%. so far, the capacity left is about one. in age the past happened in the previous governments. in this government, if god willing, this
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exam will be held and all the work and preparations will be done we should thank you because it is a new bad action that can be summed up by the country's budget program organization that did a great job, the administrative and recruitment organization really helped to help a big event for this exam to be held. we have recruited more than ten welfare organizations and they are among our very good and talented colleagues. student technologists in a knowledge-based company succeeded in localizing the electronic circuits needed in solar power plants . providing after-sales services and supplying the power plant sectors from the standpoint of internalizing this product it is strategic. a 100
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megawatt solar power plant will be built next year. a power plant with a budget 6. billion dollars should be made in iran. based on this, we started to design these solutions. a group of academic elites to equip the solar power plant. we have compiled a collection using the knowledge of universities and other companies that have taken actions in this field . students who made electrical circuits with technical knowledge. which is placed inside a device to convert solar energy into direct and alternating current and a cloudy situation occurs if it rains or during the day , they can only produce energy. this feature of inverters is different from inverters that are constantly working. the set of circuits that are connected to several solar systems at the same time and finally
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connected to the power grid for power supply. they should be visible through the national energy transmission control center and also controllable. the localization of one-millimeter-thick circuits that have several different layers, electronic protection layers , earth protection layers, high-voltage protection layers can be implemented on these boards and the program it will crumble the production of electronic circuits the size of a solar power plant of 1000 megawatts and 1000 modules of inverters is needed in different parts. localization, on the one hand , will save up to 30 million euros, will prevent the spread and produce knowledge , and on the other hand, after-sales services. from the sale of the development of these boards, increasing the power capacity of the inverters and increasing the efficiency of the inverters will be at our disposal. the next steps of this company are the creation
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of equipment for the production of electronic circuits. we made the devices modular, in the next phases, god willing, we will provide them did vahid zakari news of sedav sima. about 60% of air pollution is caused by worn-out cars, which must be determined quickly. the head of the environmental protection organization, the development of public transport infrastructure and its use by people are two effective solutions for air pollution. worn-out cars , i have to do the task as soon as possible. really, the fund that has been established in the ministry of the ministry of health, this fund was in the national environment fund, and these credits wanted to be allocated here. well, the honorable parliament approved the work there. the second debate is over, but well. all this is really the government the approach in all dimensions is an environmental approach, the approach is really a reduction of calmness, but it takes credit, it costs money
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, it costs very heavy costs, which fortunately the government is doing now, for example, in the matter of fuel, i am at your service in the matter of fuel quality and optimization making fuel for about 9 refineries of the country is now being done. pollutant particles still pollute the air of industrial cities. today, the weather in isfahan, ahvaz and tehran is red and unhealthy for all groups. the air in tabriz, semnan, karaj, arak, mashhad is also in orange mode and unhealthy for sensitive groups is. the meteorological organization has issued an air pollution warning for industrial cities until wednesday and advised the countrymen, especially sensitive groups , to avoid unnecessary travel. i am at your service, dear viewers. during this afternoon and tonight in most parts of the country , we are witnessing stable rain. the stability of the atmosphere causes
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the amount of atmospheric pollutants to increase in the cities of iraq, kirsh, tehran, isfahan, ahvaz and tabriz. in these areas, dust is the dominant phenomenon, the index is unhealthy for all age groups, so we recommend that all age groups avoid any traffic. and refrain from activities in the open space . tomorrow, due to the influence of northern currents on the southern waters of the caspian sea, the temperature will decrease in these areas . in the cities of iraq, kirsh , tehran, qom, isfahan, semnan, ahvaz and tabriz, abar is a dominant phenomenon and it is an indicator in hadalam for all sunni groups. 11 new book titles were published in fatah's narrative publishing house, these books were published based on jami's biography of the
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martyrs and freedmen. the cultural foundation of the narrative of fatah books that should be heard today is the anniversary of the month of khmer. this is the last time i heard muhammad's voice, and after that he read his narration for the last time . i was in the presence of teachers from whom i learned many things , especially my teacher abu zeinab. i believe that resistance can be divided sometimes, but not always. stories from the days of their lives, when war was their daily occurrence. this event and program is the sixth chapter of the khomeini children's series of programs with the unveiling of five new printed works
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of the publishing field, as well as the unveiling of six audio works including the books of my heart, no prophet of heaven, he killed death, i will stay with you seven horns and captive alavat. the host was esfeh media institute and the guests were the people of culture and art. the main point is that the price of the end of the war must be paid to the nations . the oral history of the people has not reached them. soukhi's book is the narration of a large group of our dear compatriots who lived in the years before the war had started. they will be deported from iraq. now my biography is not the only goal, it was the goal of those works it was done in captivity in order to preserve these children. the way of thinking of these cities and these warriors of fatemiyoun
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is so attractive and beautiful that you can make stories out of it. soon, other books will be published by the fatah narration foundation. there are a total of 11 printed books. the audio that was unveiled will soon be available to those interested in bookstores all over the country . they will go to the field in saudi arabia in the third and final week the second round of the group stage of this competition from group 3 sepahan of iran
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will go to its host al -ittihad in saudi arabia tonight at 21:30 . at 15:30 minutes , they are competing in the al-ittihad table with the first and second positions . represented saudi arabia at the same time as this meeting team mumbai city india and. bahar and uzbekistan are next to each other in the table of this group, al-hilal with 13 points, nobahar with 10 points and donen nasaji with sh mumbai are third and fourth.
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from group 5, press police, the other representative of our country, is playing in azadi stadium with eddahl in qatar . press police is in the second place with 8 points , and tshaheel is third with four points. news from football in europe and the beginning of england scored 18 goals in only 3 games. in the most important games of the 14th week of the english premier league last night , manchester city defeated fulham and chelsea beat seriton. in the rest of the week
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in the 15th spanish la liga, barcelona beat atletico madrid. in the continuation of the 14th week of the italian serie a, inter beat napoli 3-0 and became the leader. rome defeated sassuolo 2. sardar azmoun entered the field for rome in the 46th minute. in the most important game of the 13th week of the german leagues, bayer leverkusen stopped with a 1-1 draw against dortmund and remained at the top of the table, and in the 10th week of the french league, paris saint-germain defeated lavue 2-0 and its position was confirmed at the top of the table. thank you
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for your attention to sports news. today is monday , the 13th of azar, the 20th of jumadi al-awla and the 4th of december is. in tehran, the sunset is at 16.5 minutes , maghrib call to prayer is at 17.11 minutes, and midnight is tonight at 23 minutes. today's economic desk and my colleague , mr. bozor nsab, greet me. in the name of god, i greet you, dear colleague ms. hosseinzadeh, and i offer my greetings, politeness and respect to all viewers of the economic desk, as you heard in the news, the second exclusive exhibition of yours. asia has started working in tehran, with the cooperation of the producers of five member countries, we want to discuss the same pretext in the economy table about
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what will happen in the exhibition and what countries will come. supply products, and more importantly , where is the state of trade with the eurasian economic union? if we look at the statistics together , we can see how the state of our trade with eurasia has been in the last 7, 7, 8 months. let's see together how hard our colleagues work in the seven months of 1402, that is, until the end of october , how much our trade will be with the member countries of the ovaria economic union. it shows 42 billion dollars , only 8 million billion dollars are imported on purpose, which means that our trade balance in the trade union with the asian economic union is a negative trade balance. the amount of 3 billion dollars , we had 6 million tons of imports, 2 million tons of exports and 92 million dollars, less than 1 billion dollars, our exports were to the asian economic union
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. it was russia that was 3 billion dollars, which means that most of our imports came from russia. on the other hand , how much did we export to russia? almost half a million dollars, half a billion dollars. below 20,300 million dollars, for example, for imports in kazakhstan, we imported 147 million dollars , but we exported 15 million dollars to this same kazakhstan , which means that the balance in this country is negative for now. in general, there has been an increase in belarus and kyrgyzstan. imports from them have increased a lot . how much is my trade in belarus 179 and in kyrgyzstan 19
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? we had an increase in imports. it was the preferred trade let's have free trade with the economic union and russia, our time is over in channel one , we want to discuss these issues at the economic desk, if you are interested, follow this discussion , watch us on news channel, thank you, this table has a few questions for us. it creates one reason why our trade balance does not have a small proportion now. we became more importers. our old traders raised a concern that, for example, if we have free trade , we will import this list, which we currently have, for example, 3 billion dollars, and 1 billion dollars will be exported. this is a lot if it doesn't increase, it doesn't match, we have to see why our merchants are less likely to go to that
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