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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm IRST

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why did you break the oath? it is not finished yet. quality sofa , long installments, good price, get it from the iranian head. the floor price is in the iranian house. salami again, east of jabalia in the north, as well as khan yunus in the south of the gaza strip , have been the targets of intense air and artillery attacks by the zionist regime since this morning. the soldiers of the zionist regime are trying to advance from these two axes, but so far they have faced stiff resistance from the resistance fighters. arshid coastal road in the west of gaza city and deir al-billah. in the center of the gaza strip, there are two other axes where
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the resistance fighters grounded the tanks and armored vehicles of the invaders in these axes. local sources described the conflicts in these four axes as very intense and persistent. the bombing of other areas of gaza continues. in one of these airstrikes, 10 people were martyred in rafah and many others were injured. and the patients who are injured are the same. new camp. zaytoun and shujaiyeh neighborhood as well as
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mamdanani hospital in the center of gaza city have been bombed several times since this morning. this morning, etfa neighborhood in gaza city was targeted by airstrikes, which led to an explosion and fire in a fuel station. in this attack, a number of people, including some rescuers, were martyred or injured. a school it was also targeted in baitullah, which was a place of residence for displaced people. continued news : disabled people had the opportunity to visit the holy shrine of razavi at the same time as the international day of the disabled. 1,500 disabled people from all over the country, who have not had the opportunity to visit razavi's shrine so far , became pilgrims of imam reza (peace be upon him). the shrine of imam reza , peace be upon him, had special guests. how often do you come to imam reza shrine?
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i have seen them from 31 provinces of the country and they came to mashhad in the form of mehr derakhshan project . taking care of astan quds razavi among 1500 disabled people he said to the pilgrims, especially the able pilgrims of the 8th imam, peace be upon him, we consider it our honor and success . imam reza is so kind to all the innocents that they showed mercy to their enemies. all over the country
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, it provides razavi to every mosque, and in this project, 1 million and 600 thousand people visited mashhad and raza. astan quds razavi has razavi secretariat in all provincial centers through khadimiyari network. these secretariats examine people and actually follow up their conditions and gradually over time those who haven't been able to visit in their lifetime will do so during a schedule on the day of god willing. medalists with disabilities were also present in this group. masoume zare ipitan of the national volleyball team is one of them. they definitely have this dear disability and ability to be invited by imam reza. and the fact that these events make these disabled people come out of their homes, seeing the other disabled people who are now working as athletes can be a motivation for them to come out of their homes and exercise their muscles.
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do not choose imam reza to make these pilgrims the eighth imam peace be upon him, for 3 days , azam fereydoun moghadam is a guest of the holy shrine of motahar razavi. a member of the board of directors of maskan bank said that more than 300,000 contracts for financing residential units of the national housing movement plan have been concluded, and this year, this bank will finance another 20,000 residential units. so far, we have paid about 60 shares of the company in cash. we did, and in the future, with the progress of the projects, god willing , we will provide the necessary financial resources to complete the projects . what has been officially communicated to maskan bank this year is 115 assignments, including
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each unit is 55 million tomans. naturally, the number of units that can be contracted is about 20,000 units, or rather , 22,000 units can be contracted. the general manager of new city of pardis announced the identification of 6,000 empty houses in the campus and the supply of 500 units from this number to the housing market. mr. mohabbateh khah said that 116 illegal real estate trading companies have been identified in pardiz and 5. the company was closed. according to the general manager of the new city of pardis, other non-legal real estate consulting firms have been given the option to apply for a license as soon as possible. deputy of the government
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the electronic information technology organization says that the ministry of energy has not provided 100 of its services in the national window of smart government services. this is while according to the budget law 100, all executive bodies were supposed to provide 100 of their electronic services in the window of the smart government service unit by the end of november this year. the window of the service unit of ralph's executive devices. provide all the services they provide through the national window in a smart way without visiting in person and online. it should be the national information network. he tried to form earlier , this help is worthwhile and to be able to enter the development of the smart government should play a role. now , after one year of this law, i request them to fulfill this legal duty quickly so that we
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can witness providing this good opportunity to all our dear people, according to the statistics of the ministry of communications and information technology out of 14 the executive body of some organizations have joined this system and some others have not yet succeeded. we have 522 certified services, in addition to all the licenses based on the assessment that my colleagues have made, more than 3 thousand services, in fact, 320 services are fully connected , we have 8 non-connection devices, which dear president, in the 20th session of the council , it was about 3 weeks ago, it was a month ago , to assign the task that they must be connected . if he went to a province , for example, he had a problem, he would have given the entire service from one province, for example, a province, if he had a problem, for example , he would have given zero points for
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the entire service. i think they will not have any problems in the next week the budget law of all executive bodies should have provided their services through the national window of smart government services in november. 12th of azar, implemented with the aim of combating theft, arresting drug addicts and wanted persons. implemented into the food machine . more than 5 tons of drugs. as part of the findings of our colleagues, we had the arrest of more than 600 drug addicts and also the discovery of about 87
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stolen cars that were stolen from people over the course of days. it was stolen and also arrested. more than 600 people with a history of robbers, as well as the arrest of more than 4,800 fugitive criminals wanted by the judicial system on various charges. at the same time as the dubai climate meeting, environmental activists demonstrated in brussels, belgium. demonstrators criticized the inaction of industrialized countries, including europe, in reducing greenhouse gases and asked politicians to act more actively to deal with global warming. the annual climate change meeting of the united nations will be held from december 9 in dubai, uae and will continue for the next 10 days. participants in this meeting they will deal with the previous issues and
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examine the ways to curb climate change and global warming . pollutant particles still pollute the air of industrial cities. the weather in isfahan, ahvaz and tehran was red today and unhealthy for all groups. hawa tabriz, semnan. karaj arak mashhad was also in orange status and unhealthy for sensitive groups. the meteorological organization has issued an air pollution warning for industrial cities until wednesday and advised the countrymen, especially sensitive groups, to avoid unnecessary traffic. end of this news section.
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we're at harvard university in boston where students are we are at harvard university in boston and students are for my announcement. solidarity with the palestinians leaving their classrooms. bostan is one of the best universities in the world and today we came to amy temersonen and harvard to see this movement of students closely. after leaving their classes, all students gather at city hall plaza to march together to support palestine. can you
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talk about your organization and why you gathered here? yes, we are regular members of the farooq student union and harvard university, who formed the bds group and demand an end to the genocide in gaza, palestinian freedom and we are banned. until that happens, we 're here. you criticized harvard university for its role in this genocide. what do you say about this? yes, harvard university has investments that support the illegal occupation of palestine . so we want our university to end its complicity in this genocide. our second stop is amersone college, while israel has increased the bombing of gaza. campuses know a symbolic war for rights activists.
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we are here with zainab, one of the speakers and organizers of this demonstration, as a media student, what do you think about the coverage of the conflict so far what was i think. unfortunately, the media, especially the american media , are doing great injustice about what is happening in gaza. in my opinion , the gaza war is not portrayed fairly, even though 15,000 people were killed, but what is happening in gaza is not called a genocide in the media. we are in the third place at amity university. students left their classes to protest in the streets . this is the last place we are
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. we heard some students because of holding. you are not allowed to march in any part of the campus can you talk to us about this and are you afraid of the consequences of this? yes, on november 9, when we had a peaceful protest, the opponents of this protest attacked us and finally the peaceful protestors were given suspension letters , but people, we are steadfast in supporting gaza and we are still not, even though the university administration is trying to stop us. even now
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, we are fighting with amity university against any possible suspension of the student movement. as we said before, they can try for the students, but they can never postpone this movement to the city. what do you expect to see there? well, we expect to see hundreds and thousands of students here. we arrived, despite the cold, a large number of students came here, not only from science but from many other institutions of the city, and i can say that the population here is very diverse, muslims, jews , and people from all over the world gathered here to support palestine.
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what do you think about calling supporters of palestine anti-semitic ? i would like to talk about this issue . i think it is really terrible because criticizing a government is related to anti-semitism or hatred of jews. no, anti-semitism is a type of racism by white people like islam and hatred of blacks . criticism of israel is not anti-semitism. in fact , the palestinians are sami jews. it is the duty of the jews to support justice, equality, justice, and freedom , issues that i was taught as a jew. granted, but i was even called a self-hater by my own family, so do we know what it means to be jewish ? the jew i know cares about justice and
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does justice to others, and just as he expects others to do justice to him. i am like this i grew up. they look at the palestinian people as an animal or less than a human and this is what is happening. i think this is really beyond and beyond a difficulty. we heard your message and we hope that we can all return and live peacefully together. and if we do not have hope, we have nothing. we must hope. i chose hope as a rule. so it is very important. to believe in it and the possibility of changing it and preserve it, but peace and justice have no meaning without it.
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with an olive branch in one hand and a rifle the warrior walks freedom is in my hand , don't let the olive branch fall from my hand. was this action a threat or tolerance? the judgments in history are different, but it was not easy to predict that america and the zionist regime would prefer compromise in negotiations to facing resistance in the field. you know i said that the biggest mistake you made in your life was that we took an olive branch instead of a gun. perhaps the justification for this palestinian group's turn towards compromise was the experience of defeat in the four arab wars with the zionist regime. arab countries after the establishment of the zionist regime in 1948
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they went to war with this regime on four occasions. 1948, 1956. but they failed in all of them, and heavy defeats created this mentality in their prayers that this regime is invincible. armaghan biyavardian will no longer be a victim of fear and terror. but the policy of terror and killing palestinians continued and the zionists reneged on their commitments. we signed the treaty in the white house but it was never implemented, israel. he did not respect it and use it to build cities the use of the us failed to bring peace and during this period gaza was destroyed several times.
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after this stage, the mossom-oslo 2 negotiations in 1995 and the peace -loving mid-kamm david 2 negotiations in 2000 resulted in agreements with the same titles, which in short was the removal of the clause of the destruction of israel from the palestinian national charter, undermining the sovereignty of the self-governing organizations over the cities . fetus the length of karram is nablus, qalqilya , ramallah and a part of hebron. the occupiers' rule over jerusalem, returning to the borders of 1968, not allowing the self-governing organizations to have an army and maintain the zionist settlements in the west bank and gaza strip. after these failures, the negotiators knew that the fate of others was no more than the oslo agreement. especially if he is the designer and mediator of america. now is the time to tell america that we are not your slaves. america and israel want to divide the region so that the countries cannot resist their plans. in
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fact, the main problem in the region is israel and the crises will not end unless the occupation of palestine ends. among the fate of arafat, there was a lesson for amoz regarding the assassination of mr. yasser arafat by israel after he signed the peace agreement and 2 he was under the surveillance of the intelligence system for a year and became a biological terrorist with radioactivity. perhaps the main reason was that, despite this service in peace, for many years he talked about jihad and killing israelis, and by this means they took revenge on him in recent years. another peace plan, especially the plan proposed by trump as the deal of the century with the aim of normalizing the arab world with the zionist regime, was put on the agenda , none of which had a better outcome than the previous ones , as stated by the national office for the defense of the palestinian territory
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, the amount of construction of zionist settlements in the occupied territories since the oslo agreement, the big mistake has increased 7 times in the oslo agreement, the palestinians accepted the division of the west bank lands into three parts, a, b, and c. in this change, the continuity of the presence of the palestinians was lost, and they were surrounded by the zionists with about 600 stops and inspections, and the expansion of settlements was also legalized. after experiencing successive failures in the reconciliation process, the palestinian people turned the page to resistance. from the 33-day war in 206 to the al-aqsad storm operation on october 7, 2023, all resistance battles led to the defeat of the invaders. this unique victory by hamas is a leap in the struggle of the arabs against israel we didn't have this in the siege of your group
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. show your ability to change the equation. the balance of power in the occupied territories has changed. before this, the palestinians were waiting for the decisions of the united nations, the arab rulers and compromise. today, the palestinian youth took the initiative and agreed with the invaders they are fighting, what are they not afraid of? the al-aqsa storm has prompted the supporters of the occupation to come to the palestinian groups to save the helpless zionist regime. in the area and exiting the wheel the terrible violence of the implementation of the two-state plan. in the last 70 years, various apparently peaceful versions have been put forward , which were nothing but deception. under the shelter of these tricks, the zionist regime
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has continuously expelled and displaced the oppressed palestinians from their homes and houses. and with the construction of settlements, an occupying military force has settled in the houses of the palestinians. on the other hand, iran's peace plan is the only plan that leaves the mechanism of determining the fate of the palestinian nation to the owners of this country. the islamic republic of iran believes in the right of the palestinian people to resist the occupation and believes that the referendum in among the main people of palestine to determine their fate , especially the jews, christians and muslims, in the form recorded in the united nations. only outside of palestine , there are half a million registered palestinians, which is more than the entire jewish population in occupied palestine. in the first step, this process is based on the freedom of democracy, and at the same time , it restores the rights of the palestinians, which were violated by the zionist regime. however, after dozens of negotiations
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and compromises, finally, this gun was chosen as a symbol of resistance by the palestinian people to claim their rights. and was able to defeat the zionist regime, not the branch the olive that arafat raised as a symbol of sadesh. a choice that upset america's calculations for the region. literally, the al-aqsa storm incident was a history-making incident. it was able to upset the table of american policies in this region. god willing , if it continues, this storm will erase the table . hamid turkshand, tv reporter. following the start of the zionist attacks on the gaza strip, demonstrations and protests in europe. in
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france, with the announcement of the national day of solidarity with the palestinian resistance , a march was started in paris and several other cities of this country. in this solidarity march we have no hope for our government , but we ask the government men to stop the massacre of people again. take palestine, the goal of the organizers of the french demonstrations is to strengthen the popular mobilization in favor of the struggle for the liberation of palestine, the end of the genocide and to condemn zionism and racism. i participated in this demonstration for humanity . every day when i look at the events in the gaza strip, my soul trembles. we demand the cessation of attacks
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and a permanent ceasefire in gaza. stopping the priestly generation of free palestine and the murderous israel of france is one of the slogans of the demonstrations in support of palestine in france was. in the seventh week of popular demonstrations around the world, the french asked the leaders of their country to refrain from accompanying the officials of the zionist regime . shahrar hosseini, a reporter for paris radio.
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