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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm IRST

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be healthy in surveying the country's economic growth. may allah be the greatest of nations credit institution. we are all going to ahan pigha. the line of leadership is qarram la la ladeh. wehde abdana andana andana
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anna shahreh bismillah rahman rahman. peace be upon you hazrat ayatollah khamene iber of the islamic revolution this evening in the meeting of mr. miguel díazl. the president of cuba and the delegation pointed out the great political and economic capacities of the two countries and emphasized that these capacities should be used to form an alliance and coalition between the countries that have the same position against the american and western bullying. he added that this waste is focused on cooperation economic can have a common and effective stance on important global issues such as the palestinian issue. regarding the palestinian issue, the leader of the islamic revolution pointed out that the issue of palestine
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is not only related to the recent judiciary in gaza and the bombings, because the palestinian people have always been subjected to all kinds of torture, suffering and killings during the past 75 years, but now the disaster in gaza is so great that the reality for the public opinion of the world is exposed and it is not possible to hide it. ayatollah khamenei called the cuban president's positions on global issues, especially the current ones, in line with the positions of the islamic republic, and pointing to cooperation the leaders of the two countries in international forums added that the relations between the two countries should be further strengthened in various fields, including scientific cooperation, and we hope that due to the fact that mr. raisi's government is a government of work and activity, understandings and agreements will progress and reach the next stage. implementation and action. he also pointed to his meeting 22 years ago with
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mr. fidel castro, the late leader of cuba, and said that the cuban revolution and mr. castro's personality had always been a special attraction for iranian revolutionaries since before the victory of the islamic revolution, and the reason for this was his honesty in his revolutionary positions. the leader of the islamic revolution emphasized revolutionary honesty, revolutionary stand, and revolutionary seriousness are the common features of the cuban revolution and the islamic revolution of iran. in this meeting, hujjat al-islam wal-muslimin. the president was also present. mr. miguel diaz-canel, the president of cuba, while expressing his satisfaction with the meeting with the leader of the islamic revolution , considered his words and positions to be in line with the concerns and positions of the cuban government and said that relations between iran and cuba are on the right track after the victory of the islamic revolution. and in our talks in tehran , we concentrated all efforts to deepen these relations, especially in the economic and commercial fields. the president of cuba insisted
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in addition to the fact that two countries can complement each other in various fields, especially in dealing with the interventionist measures and sanctions of the united states and its allies , he added that iran and cuba can also increase their communication in international cooperation and in issues globally important like palestine to be influential. mr. miguel díazl said about the judiciary of palestine and gaza that what is happening in gaza is an unacceptable genocide and international organizations are turning a blind eye to the killing of tens of thousands of people in gaza, two-thirds of whom are children and women. they are closed and this is surprising those who were constantly complaining about the war between ukraine and russia and the killing of civilians are now silent about the killing of tens of thousands of people in gaza, and this shows the very bad state of the world.
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after the north, the zionists are now following the scorched earth policy in the south of the gaza strip. on the fourth day after the end of the cease-fire, news reports about the bombing of southern gaza, including in khan yunus, the intensity of the bombings has reached such a high level that news sources say that there is no safe place left in this area. advancing area and by deploying snipers on top of some buildings it has become difficult to transfer the injured to hospitals. with the attacks on the southern areas of gaza, the spokesperson of unicef announced the critical situation of health conditions, especially for mothers and children. the information office of the palestinian government in gaza also pointed out that the zionist military vehicles were approaching mamdani hospital in the north of gaza and announced
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that attacks have also been reported around al-aqsa city hospital in deir al-balah. according to the director general of the gaza ministry of health, the lack of medicine and medical equipment caused only 4 people out of the 40,000 injured in the attacks of the zionist regime to receive medical services to the rafah border . zionist warplanes they bombarded southern lebanon. at the same time , the zionist regime's artillery targeted the area around mis jabal village in southern lebanon. on the other hand , the lebanese resistance fighters targeted the shatula area in the north of the occupied territories with blood-curdling bullets , and three soldiers of the occupying regime were injured in these attacks. lebanon's hezbollah had previously announced targeting five bases of an armored personnel carrier and a gathering place of zionist soldiers in the north of the occupied territories. lebanon's hezbollah in
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a precise operation targeting the zionist army's armored personnel carrier in the bethel barracks , about four kilometers from the border with lebanon. caught him by surprise. 11 zionist soldiers were killed and wounded in this operation. roysat alam, radar, zabadin, rahab, and ramya military bases were other targets of hezbollah's offensive operations. also, hezbollah in a statement targeting the gathering of zionist soldiers in the east of haani military base. informed. i am from the people of mayis jabal. hezbollah targeted 11 zionist soldiers in just one operation. this shows the intelligence and operational power of hezbollah and the sincerity of the resistance in taking revenge for the blood of the city. the fighters of the
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zionist regime also went to the areas of wadi seloqi and wadi khansa. itashab and ghoze attacked, and this regime's gunships and armed drones also met death. they targeted khian with banned phosphorous bombs . we were all at home . they know that the zionists are targeting us. if lebanese citizens are martyred , hezbollah will definitely take revenge. we are not cowardly and identityless city dwellers, this is our homeland , we will not leave here. the zionist newspaper ma'arif also criticized the army and the cabinet of this regime and wrote: stop empty threats and dreaming in the battle of gaza and lebanon. take away after the precise and crushing operations of hezbollah, the zionist forces, who
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are unable to intercept hezbollah's forces, scattered and aimlessly shelled the southern regions of lebanon . with occupied palestine, the first vice president emphasized the need to use the national dimension in bilateral commercial exchanges between iran and iraq. in the meeting with the speaker of the iraqi parliament, mr. maghfir, referring to the strong relations between tehran and baghdad, said: "there is no reason why two countries with this level of political and economic coordination should exchange their exchanges with a country that is their common enemy. do. first vice president. stating that the deep connection between tehran and baghdad is not pleasant for the united states and the authoritarian regime, he said: "definitely, their positions will not affect the cordial relations between the two countries ." in this meeting, the speaker of the iraqi parliament also
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appreciated the support of the islamic republic of iran and especially the martyr general hajj qassem soleimani in the fight against the isis terrorist group. spokesperson of the country's election headquarters. he announced the holding of electronic elections of the islamic council in four major electoral districts of the country . according to the parliament election law, if the guardian council of the ministry of interior approves, he is obliged to complete electronic holding in at least one-eighth of the fields with multiple seats. according to the law of one-eighth constituencies of multiple seats of the islamic council can be held electronically. this news was announced by the spokesperson of the election headquarters at the educational conference of prefects of the independent departments of north khorasan, razavi, south and golestan provinces in mashhad . eslami added that 3 methods were designed and sent to the guardian council to make elections electronic
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. we have 208 constituencies across the country, of which 174 constituencies are montec cress, which means one constituencies for one representative based on the eighth law of this constituencies with multiple seats can be held electronically, with the approval of the council, the constituencies will actually be four constituencies. the change in the elections of the islamic council and leadership experts led to regional training courses being held in different provinces, and in this course, executive agents other than the ministry of interior , election headquarters managers and prefects are trained in legal and legal executive processes. we have more than 75,000 executive agents in the branches , we will have 65,000 branches in the whole country, from 83 days of the election process to 209 days.
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we were moved to elections, that's why we need training in the literal sense of the word. the spokesperson of the election headquarters also said: according to article 7ad of the election law of the islamic council, the national media activates local networks to introduce the elected representatives of the electoral districts. we must inform this field that a wide participation will be provided through this platform that i mentioned. the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council and the 6th term of the assembly of leadership experts will be held simultaneously on the 11th of asfan. in this one-day conference, 100 district governors attended the independent provinces of khorasan, razavi, south, north and golestan are present. farshid abdi news reporter of mashhad moghadam tv and radio. while saying goodbye, i invite you to watch the news of the field.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace and blessings of god be upon prophet muhammad and his pure and pure family. peace be upon you, dear and respected viewers of khabar network. in separate orders, the director of seminaries introduced two new vice-presidents and the head of a seminary center. in separate rulings by ayatollah arafi, they were assigned to the vice president of siyant, the vice president of students and alumni affairs, and the head of the media and virtual space center of the management center of seminaries. based on this, the argument al-islam kazem sepasi ashtiani was introduced as the deputy of sayant. hojjat-ul-islam hossein rafiei was introduced as the deputy of student affairs and don shamokht, and hojjat-ul-islam reza rasmi was appointed as the head of the media and virtual space center. a story of a
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tireless fighter. martyr of hojjat al-islam and the muslims, abul qassem mousavi damghani was one of the students of imam khomeini, may god bless him and grant him peace, who rendered many services to the islamic revolution both during the islamic movement and during the early years of the victory of the movement and during the sacred defense. martyr mousavi damghani is a tireless hard worker from the beginning of his childhood both in his studies and in his personal social endeavors , in relation to various matters, having extraordinary activities, having these concerns had made the young student of the hojjatiyah school of qom a disciple of the imam . he would bring the imam's announcements. pikan darazan
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, who had an arrow in his arms, would take it to different cities on the far roads of the revolution, when he won, he was still passionate about service, and people knew this, when they announced that i wanted to leave ramer and close hey, you can almost say that it was a month before the elections to reach this point, makhwai bari must insist to be a candidate for the parliament, and he, with the advice of some scholars, agreed to be a candidate and voted with a large margin from his rival. he did not forget the attentions he had in other places. he did not forget the family of the martyr of khuzestan. he did not forget the references of people in tehran. he did not forget the imam of ashtianya mosque in tehran. in the two years of damghan , they built roads, asphalt, and drainage in all the villages of damghan.
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obviously, we and you and our dear people, along with great victories on the world stage and fronts. witness the failures we have also had defects and weaknesses, most of which were natural and from the effects of imposed war and economic lectures and other factors. although a large share of defects and inadequacies are due to personal tastes and disunity, and possibly exiles and wrong actions of some of us and the officials , and finally martyr seyyed abu qassem mousavi damghani took the reward of living as a martyr . to the iraqi mig in the land of khuzestan , near omidiyeh, i am sorry for your presence, which was hit. mirza kochkhanan is a militant cleric who is part of the seminary education
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he spent his time at salehiya seminary in ghazvin. mirza yunus ostad saraei. one of the proud names of our modern history. we know him as mirza kochuk khanan jangali. the libertarian cleric of gilan, who had part of his militant and islamist thinking from here. salehiya seminary in ghazvin. his presence is at a time when he actually left gilan, was traveling in ghazvin and tehran, and here as it would be beneficial to have a mediating position that can manage the flow of islamic unity. mirza kochkhanan with the experience of the tyranny of the constitutional era the freedom fighter nahzd had gained in the conquest of tehran returned to gilan to pursue his struggle this time from his hometown. the first political protest
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with guns and cartridges was started by his student and his leaders from this school in the beginning. the peak of mirza koch khanan's work was here. uniting the front against russian occupation, against the banner of religion and patriotism. during the constitutional period, he played a significant role both in the conquest of ghazvin and in the conquest of tehran. but this movement is due to internal differences and betrayal. the hero of gilanani had a bitter end in loneliness and at the same time strength in the snow and cold of the mountains he gave up trying to save his life. we have reached the end of this news section. thank you very much for your companion. goodbye.
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in the name of god, peace be upon you, the stable atmosphere continues to prevail in the parts of our country and influence the country. this data has created the same conditions for increasing the concentration of pollutants in big cities and cities with high traffic. the average air quality index in tehran today was 155, which means it is in unhealthy conditions for all people, and now , in the afternoon, due to the traffic of cars, it has reached 170. that is, this number is currently 17. of course, this
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average in isfahan today was 169 in ahvaz 158 were all in unhealthy conditions for all members of society. however, there were also places that were in unhealthy conditions for sensitive groups, such as karaj, where the number was 128. and iraq also has the same number of 121. therefore, we expect to continue to have these conditions for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but after tomorrow , these numbers will be slightly adjusted, considering that a wave from tomorrow night can prepare the conditions for rain in the caspian coastal provinces, and for the day after tomorrow, in addition to the province caspian coastal areas gradually from the afternoon in parts of the northwest of our country, we also have this condition, so in while tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we often
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have a decrease in air quality or the persistence of pollutants in the form of parts of our country, gradually from wednesday onwards, the conditions for improving the air quality will start from the northwest side of our country, so that we will also have due to the wind, we expect rainfall in parts of the central alborzz highlands in addition to the coastal provinces of caspian . now, scattered rains can appear in the form of snow in the highlands and mountains, and for friday more in the north. we will face these conditions in the east of our country parts of the caspian coastal provinces of the caspian sea will gradually become rough and turbulent from tomorrow night. in the coastal part of gilanan, mazandan and golestan provinces, especially for wednesday , now, especially by before noon, the wave height can reach meters. the temperature will gradually decrease on tuesday and tuesday, and now we will leave wednesday and thursday behind
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. it will feel good in the coastal provinces of caspian. the priestly generation is the most frequent phrase after the brutal attack of the zionists led by netanyahu on gaza, which caused the massacre of thousands of women and children.
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netanyahu's rule is known for intensifying the blockade against the gaza strip has been found a period during which several wars were launched against gaza and it was accompanied by tens of tense stages. the crimes that resulted in thousands of palestinian martyrs and wounded. most of them were civilians. during the recent war in gaza, more than 15,000 palestinians were martyred and more than 36,000 were injured. this volume reminds us of the slaughter of the butcher of nice. which by his order during the basni war in the 90s, in just one week. more than 8 thousand bosnian boys and men were massacred by the indifference of the un crusaders. the international community could
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not absorb this amount of crime. radovan karjic the former president of the republic of serbia, sereb besni, and ratko mladic, the commander of the serbian army at the time , were identified as the main perpetrators of this genocide. karadzic and mladic respectively. they were arrested in 208 and 2011 and tried in the international court. still, the bodies of many of those killed in besniai are discovered from inside the mass graves and buried after being identified by a visual test. the same crime. now it has been done by the zionists led by netanyahu. again history repeats itself and once again we witness the genocide of muslims. but this time, the victims of all
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the people of gaza, including women, children, elderly people, patients are disabled people and even medical staff and reporters. deliberate and indiscriminate targeting of civilians to civilian targets without a necessary military reason is a war crime. israel does this by brutal attacks on the one hand and cutting off electricity, water, food and preventing aid from entering the gaza strip on the other hand. the positions of the authorities of this regime, including the threat that no one should be spared, is one of the different types of murder. according to the humanitarian law, the order to leave the civilians along with the forced lecture and criticism of the population is also a war crime. international organization
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they have confirmed numerous evidences of war crimes since the beginning of israel's aggression, but the question is how they will punish the butcher of gaza. palestine will be free from the river to the sea. palestine will be free. revive the palestinian resistance . long live the palestinian resistance. what did our friends do when they traveled to africa during apartheid ? they acted to support us. they raised funds to support our armed struggle and forces in exile, but they specifically raised funds for the african national congress party.
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they are also weapons for the african national congress party so we ask every single person present in this conference to make sure that you follow nelson mandela's method, go to your countries, mobilize your financial resources , get weapons for the palestinian resistance to effectively fight their struggle. let's advance so that we can defeat the brutal apartheid regime of israel. i take refuge there from every life, home to the treasure of life, my house has a light on and a window that is like an open eye. my home deserves the best
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. vintek, the window is a historical one, knock on it, the sound of the refrigerator, this kid says fight with him try a new one, we don't know what happened, mom, the gas increased by itself, what 's the situation, why are your appliances like this, how much do you need to change the appliances, just last time we looked everywhere , we shouldn't have looked so much, that's when irani sarai with a big discount and the special conditions of this same baghle, the largest iranian palace was opened in tehran city with a lot of interesting events. tehran serah afsarieh. do you want to invest? sometimes, with an exciting investment, everything will be fine at once. we have a special offer for you.
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enjoying a profitable profit. attention by depositing in the national credit institution is the benefit that comes from helping the industry and economy of the country by depositing in the national credit institution to increase the economic growth of the country . be healthy. no no, i arrived with a 20-minute desert. i go everywhere with a desert . i got a story. it's cold for 20 months. so tell me a cover for your motorcycle. gloves, hats, and jackets are also
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available. all in motion. sitting on the front page. o session of the first page. sacrifice page it is there. look on the other side of the fence, the pleasure of visiting is there. oh , the front page to justice. stand up , the burden on your shoulder, the burden of trust, stand up, the first line, the first line, the line of the people, your stronghold, your stronghold, this table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, the eyes of the martyr look to you.


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