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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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there is a great variety, a great engine of distinction in movement , sit in the first row, sit in the first row, sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence, look, the joy of meeting is there, sit down. stand up for justice first , the burden of trust is on your shoulder, stand up first line, first line, first line, line of people , your stronghold is your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, the eyes of the people are for you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello to you, the people of iran, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first page of the program that is presented to you every night at this hour and has a party from the first page to answer the questions that are probably in your mind and we representation we ask you to answer and we demand on your behalf that in fulfilling the rules that have clarified their duties, we ask on your behalf how far we have progressed and in what situation we are. dear organization of small industries and industrial towns, i say hello again and welcome. yes, in the name of allah , the merciful
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, the most merciful. i am at your service, dear , and so are all the dear viewers. talk about this organization that when we say small industries organization and what is the difference between the types of industries and where are you responsible for industrial cities? yes , just as the name of the organization suggests, we have two main missions in the organization of small industries and industrial cities of iran as one of the development organizations under the ministry of industry. mining and trade is one wing of our wing to create industrial infrastructure, which , after all , is a necessary condition for the development of any industry in the country and even in the world, the creation of infrastructure appropriate to the development of the industry .
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it is the type of industrial development, but in a special way for the industry small country means small and medium country. after all, this organization 's main mission is focused on these two axes. a small one was waiting for the ministry of industry and was transferred to this organization. if i want to talk a little about this issue, well, finally, all our dear people, finally, at this level of the country, when they are traveling, without a doubt, they will finally see the sign of industrial infrastructure. in the form of navad industrial towns.
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industrial and special economic zones noticed that today, finally, a significant share of the industrial units in the country and even the so-called guild-like units and the production of non-industrial units, that is, the unit that has the so-called permits and licenses other than the ministry of industry they are integrated in these places and they are taking action to provide their services . that is, the division of the industry in the ministry of industry, mining and trade based on the size of the shoulder, only small and large or, for example , medium. and small industry and even micro industry. our big industry , 90% of our industry, is the so-called industry.
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small and medium are small and medium, small and small are different, and small are different. now i will explain that we have the so-called divisional units, which we have under the legal definitions in the country , the so-called units that are under 10 people. they are identified as small units. the units that employ less than 50 people are called small, medium, and small units, and they are placed in this category. they are considered to be from 10 people and above, except for the large industry in the country, which today 96 of the hair industry is small and micro industry, based on the number of units that have a license . yes, it allocates the industries to itself , from the point of view, now a part of these
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industrial units are located inside the industrial cities, that is , we are related to the industrial infrastructure that we have created, it is a place for the so-called establishment of industrial units that are now in in the past, only industrial units were located in a so-called in the following days, the conditions were prepared in such a way that we could even establish trade unions , because finally, first of all, we have to pay attention to the fact that we have a large number of production units in the trade sector, now there are more than 3 million trade unions in the country. they are active, something like 19 of these units are production units, that is , there are something like 600,000 trade union production units in the country, and a significant part of the so-called activities in the chain of industrial units are taking the so-called rain of union missions. therefore
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, in one year, i think it was in the 90s or 95 96 we have even in the organization set the conditions to be able to deploy trade unions , that is , from now on, the so-called production trade unions are established. being, for example, discussions related to services related to the field of production , for example, let's assume that there are issues like spare parts, well , these are trade unions, but they are located inside cities, or service discussions, explaining the so-called everyday goods that industrial units need. these are established, but we are trade unions it was also from these days that we can find production within the cities with the permission to enter. recently, for the so-called development of these activities , we exchanged a memorandum with the so-called iranian asalaf chamber
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, where we believe that we can do this . first of all, let's provide more production conditions for the guilds by establishing them in industrial complexes. well, our guilds are mostly located in cities, sometimes, for example , because their activities are not standardized or their activities are not appropriate . the so-called very small unit started today for example, his activities have developed and reached the growth of production, and somehow he wants to get out of this space to operate at a higher level of circulation , well, the place he is in does not provide him with the possibility of so -called development, this lack of development makes him sometimes it also creates discussions about risks for the production sector
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, examples of which we sometimes hear about news that is relatively unsatisfying in the society. it goes back to these so-called non-standard establishments there are so-called things that happen and we cannot provide those standard conditions for production, and we face these kinds of incidents . the next point is, well, for years now, we have had the so-called organization of ten categories from the level of the cities on our agenda. but, for various reasons in this area, perhaps we did not get a very broad term, one of the reasons being the distance between industrial cities and population centers and somehow with the set of activities that sanof area has, usually sanof. the place where they produce is the same place in their supply
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it means that the production of the product and the supply of the product are happening in almost the same place. well , this possibility is not provided to them in the industrial towns. fortunately, now in the law of the 7th plan, a proposal was made that we can create industrial cities on the outskirts of the cities, which seems it comes to me that i believe that this work can bring a lot of success both for the production field and for the so-called services that the relevant officials want to provide in the urban field , it will provide some conditions and improve it. for both the so-called zainaf'i who are in this matter well, mr. moghimi, let me tell you that the explanation you saw about industrial estates should logically lower the cost of production, yes , but sometimes it is not like this, that is, we see that buying
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a piece of land in an industrial estate costs many times for one person until he wants this. to get it outside the industrial town and start the production unit there, what is the plan for this cost to really come down, that is, after all, i have to see that this is in my interest, not only that now there may be some requirements, i have to meet those requirements i will comply, but in addition to that i feel that it is in my best interest to come to the city . first of all, i would like to explain to you and all the dear viewers that we are in the so-called small industry organization and industrial cities. first of all , we do not give away land at all. what we are doing is that we are giving the right to exploit an industrial land to the industrialist. regarding the fact that this price is high, i don't know what
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we are comparing this to when we say that it is high, if there really is an analogy or an example. we have, for example, cheap land or infrastructure we can provide the trailer outside the city . i am very happy that i had the information. yes, let's follow up on this in more detail, but it was an observation, that is, a person who came to do this and saw that it would be expensive for him and did not care about it at all. look at the product . well, considering that we provide the services that we have in the industrial parks , it is clear that we provide a certain amount of water and electricity. it is allocated in the form of commons for access ways or is it allocated for the green space, these
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costs are reduced, in the end, the industrial value that is so called is extracted from all the land that is available, not that it must come , the point here is that if i see that this cost of water and electricity and commons and infrastructure, if i go somewhere else myself and bring these, it will probably be cheaper for me. if my assumption is correct, i won't insist because i heard something from a person about it. finally, if he wants to invest, in order to invest in any place in this country, we assume that he has the land, that is, we assume that he has the land, first of all, approximately one and a half to two years. it will take a long time to get the permits for the establishment, to get a permit from the environment
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, and about 30 other permits should be simplified. let's assume that you have to go and prepare a justification letter, well, this is a justification letter it's not the job of the device anymore, it's the job of the person who requests to do this job. yes, well , let's go and do that study. bring this study and supply it to the previous device. let me say that first of all , the investment time considering that you have these licenses. if you want to do it, it will prolong it. well, a part of the so-called justifiability of the plan in the discussion of the so-called urgency of implementing the plan , well, according to the changing conditions , when you will or make a decision for a if you make an investment, you should immediately be able to take those measures and conditions for him first of all, this organization
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has taken these infrastructures, these conditions, and these licenses for establishment. the second point is that the reality is that we should go now. for example, suppose that the cost of the services that are being provided now is a part of these services that the government pays for. at all, the so-called infrastructure that is being provided to the customers is not calculated at all. i mean, i want to say that there is a place where we can compare, except, for example , very large industrial units that, for example , have 200 hectares of land. lands are needed for to read, take inspiration. it is an industrial partnership , but it is a small-scale unit. i am sure that today, for example , let's assume that we even target some places in the country, let's go and provide these services to them, and then we will compare it with the finished price, of course, this means it is not that in the discussion related to the so-called interest
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and raising better capacities and providing better services to the so-called or so-called in some way those who are interested , by the way, we should always do this work, we should not follow their investment work. today also in sana's organization small, one of the topics and goals we are pursuing is the discussion related to optimizing and managing the cost of the city in our agenda, but today, finally, let's look at one liter per second of water, after all, the average price is at this price in this country. a kilowatt of electricity is a so-called characteristic of the infrastructures that must happen to transfer these. it means that if we go somewhere, we should set a target and calculate this and reach the exact result, so to speak. i can say that in many places of this country, it must have been overpriced it comes here higher than the finished price
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, but the point here may be that in some of our towns, the demand is very high. in some towns, for various reasons, they are close to industrial centers, so-called raw material supply centers , and close to specialized manpower supply centers. it is close to the consumer market , it is close to the technology market, well, these are the factors that influence the society and the people who are there in the production chain , for example, to be an industrial unit. the logistics will be greatly reduced in this door the finished price can have a significant number and a significant share. these are the points that will cause the demand for attendance to rise in some of our cities. the limitations that we
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have, for example, it is not possible to develop the city, because the environmental issues do not allow us to do so, that is, the industrial load in some geographical areas of the country has reached the permissible limit and has reached the illegal limit, and there is no possibility that we can develop the city. now here, if you assume, for example, one of someone or a set outside of the processes of the small industry organization deals with the supply and the so-called industrial infrastructure, that discussion cannot be generalized to the whole subject to the whole so-called activities of the organization , but especially that it is possible to improve the so-called management. it is definitely possible that we should take action in this direction, we definitely have to do this and it is on our agenda , by the way, one of the central issues that the honorable minister of civil and commercial documents always emphasizes in the discussions related to the so-called working meetings that exist. the so-called honorable first deputy in the meetings that exist he emphasized that
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we should finally take action in this field . naturally, all these explanations that i gave are not a reason why we should not take these actions, we should always follow these actions, so to speak , follow up as much as we can. let's lower this finished price for our sandgrom, because the lowering of this price leads to the lowering of the so-called investment price in the country, and the desire to invest in the country is ballooning to an industrial city. we have a special economic interest it has been taken over and is in active possession, and among these are some of our industrial units today, if i may add one more point to it, we have a part of the so-called industrial city, which are industrial cities, which are basically the so-called organization of small industries and companies. the province is trying to establish these companies and make settlements. we also have a number of industrial cities , which
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were so-called established through the private sector, which are non-governmental industrial partnerships . we also have 45 non-government settlements that have permits it is in operation and now 8,000 of my units are located there. 51 i am not direct, but our discussions are about the rules, regulations, recipes, the same things that are being pursued in other cities . we are still following the regulations and monitoring the implementation of the so-called infrastructure activities in these cities. of course, i would like to correct this statistic that out of 65 so-called non-government licensed cities, at the same time, we have established about 46 licensed cities. now they are preparing the basement, which god willing iamati
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are added to the so-called cycle of providing infrastructure services to the country, so if i want to sum up my views , i will sum them up in these two questions that you said . the employment that is now based in these is so-called, we have more than one million and 40 thousand people in government settlements and are providing services, and 170 thousand people are engaged in production activities in non-government settlements in the country. outside of our industrial estates, how much more industrialized than industrialized according to the so-called statistics now they are located inside the industrial cities, because finally, hazrat ali, you are informed, my dear people , should also be aware that the establishment
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of industrial units outside the industrial towns is not possible at all, except in the special circumstances that i mentioned, for example, suppose that we do not have the possibility to provide services to that infrastructure to that so-called industrial unit, for example, let's assume that the amount of construction required is so much that it is not possible for us to do this work inside the city or not, for example, let's assume that we are in shahrrak. our industry has an environmental category the environmental category of the unit that wants to be established does not correspond at all to the environmental category that we have permission for, because of al-qaeda, we cannot officially announce this unit inside rome, and based on this announcement, now if it is inside the so-called off-limits in the case of cities, finally , the land affairs organization takes action on the transfer of land to them, but usually, because it is not economical for small units, this action does not happen through your presence through small units
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. the country can do it and we can't do it either we should offer them services , they will settle outside the cities. well, one of the debates that arise now is the issue of air pollution that we are involved in these days in big cities and industrial towns in tehran . now, how many towns do we have like this, which are somehow less than the distance that the law says to be in relation to the big city, big cities and big cities ? the sanctum of the cities to the sanctity of the towns near you because we when we established the town, these towns were never within the boundaries of the cities, they were outside the boundaries of the cities, but because of the developments that took place in the cities and every increase, yes, it has caused that some
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of our settlements are so-called close to the boundaries of the cities. there should be some places within the boundaries of the cities where the environmental relations will undergo changes in them, that is, usually they will not ask us for an establishment permit for the industrial narrative . it's getting close, you can see we are in tehran province today we have the city, which is now outside the boundaries of the city of abbas abad, which is now very close to the boundaries of the city, we have kharazmi, we have the city of damavand , well, these are outside the city, so-called issues related to the boundaries of the cities, we have firuzko, and numerous shahreks. we have a number of these within the boundaries of the cities, for example, suppose that we have a city in islam shahr, which is located within the boundaries of the city, but we will not be transferred in relation to
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this matter. it is not easy, or the number of units, for example , how many are there in the town, see the number, for example, now there are more than 3,000 industrial units located in tehran province, so consider the so-called possibility of moving a town where this happened to the industry that is located there now . this car equipment may work 10 years or 15 years later if it is in the same place, but as soon as you move this car from here, it is not known that it will be turned on again. this is not the case anywhere else in the world, we need so-called rules in these places we should respect the environment more, which usually
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has a special sensitivity in this area of ​​the organization. they have special sensitivities in my station, and they are actually allowed to do so-called industrial work that in some way wants to fuel environmental pollution. usually, after all, the environmental organization is in charge of this work. our cities are doing this and maybe if there is a so-called unit that is out of these rules, measures will be taken for it . by the way, i want to answer your question. let me use it because our organization has two wings, as i said, one is the so-called creation of industrial infrastructure, which is the same points that were mentioned at the beginning of this program, but there is another wing, which is the discussions related to soft services. it is the hardware that is in the field of small industry. yes , there is an issue or some programs in that area that
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i want to talk about those issues and both you and my dear people should be informed that we are active in these areas. we are doing some services , see, for example, let's assume that today the units the industries that i mentioned are inside the cities , well, some of them may have stopped due to various reasons, or they may be working below their nominal capacity . let's have compensatory programs based on the reasons for solving their challenges, for example , one of the things that should be done is the discussion of modernization and reconstruction of the safety industry, after all , based on the standards and frameworks that
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exist in countries around the world. long life of machinery on average, the equipment is considered to be about 20 years old, well, some of our units, now some , to be precise , there are 12,000 industrial units in the country, whose operating license has been issued for more than 20 years, so these units naturally, in order for them to be able to continue their lives , they must have taken action on renovations and reconstruction in their field of activity. of course, some of these whites have done this, but it does not mean that we, for example, in this area , our industrialists, our industrialists, or the owners of the industry can take action. not giving but us as a trustee in this area, with 3 goals , which of course has a legal requirement, we, based on article 46 of the law of the sixth development plan, discuss the modernization and reconstruction of the industry as one of the central issues of the ministry of industry to delafi, one of which is the discussion of reducing the future of the next issue.
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that consumption of energy means reduction in energy consumption, well, these two main factors , which today are one of the challenges of both of them, are among the basic challenges of my country, that is, we are also in the discussion related to energy supply and consumption, as well as the discussion related to environmental pollution. now, as the main challenges of the country, the government is also in this field the term has certain sensitivities, the so-called focus has happened, well, finally , we have established ourselves as executives and as those who have a mission , if we achieve these events or these goals , we can definitely be sure that these units are so-called competitive. they will be, that is, if we are able to reduce fuel consumption by renovating and renovating our industrial units , and reduce energy consumption in the future, one of the other events that happened in this unit is that these units will be able to compete. they find the ability to compete in what to do
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domestic markets should be durable , they should be able to touch foreign markets, be present in international markets and increase our exports , that is what has been one of the main priorities of the country for years now, so that we can finally separate the country's income from the issue of oil. at different times, these events have happened . well, we are now in the field of small industry, something about 3 billion dollars per year in the export of this field of industrial activities in the country. yes, these are among the services that we follow, for example , now, in this government, we have more than 30 and 500 units we activated the inactive, about 60 thousand people were able to work in the same units again in these two years. this year, 760 industrial units have been revived 55 54 and...


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