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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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that is, almost all the items except for 10-12 %, which the countries have reached an agreement on, you can say, for example, the product group that i presented is very diverse, but we naturally kept those definitions in the areas where we had high production capacity. i would also like to say that i am saying that 87 does not mean that we have import bans on those 13, not on those 13 , everything that is now will remain with the jcpoa , that is, we have not defined the definition of them. we have a high production , naturally, we put it in the list that defines it regarding the change, mr. mirkarim, do you think that from tomorrow, when this happens, because we didn't have such a wide agreement before, how much can it happen with a free agreement, it will be positive for our private sector , for the activities of our producers, yes, fortunately , we have a region that like a country that doesn't have borders, you have a preferential trading position with turkey, where there is a distribution of clothes. they say that our clothes
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can't compete. there were many challenges, but with the region , we are now tightening the sides, and it is the first experience of iran and the first experience that all the countries of the world have. having a feeling of iran and iran it was really almost isolated in this field in the world. fortunately, this move is very, very serious . it is definitely very important. when there are several definitions of economy, this circumvention of subtle laws will disappear. if he wants to go, for example, instead of going to russia, the goal of russia is russia. but if they take it to kazakhstan, promote it there , take it from there with a higher transportation fee, just because it costs less, it will also disappear. when it is zero, the trade can be easily transparent. register their own green corridor ainlan will send their goods directly to the companies that direct direct delivery to the country in russia without delay. but they don't use it because
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many companies have traders. unfortunately, they don't mention that less parties will pay. when it becomes a party , a solution like this green corridor will definitely be implemented easily. all companies will be present , so transparency is very important. understatements, motivations are lost, and i almost said that a second leap will happen, this is our first leap , the tazazat plan, which he said was actually signed , was implemented as a test in 2018, but what is being signed now has been finalized and completed, and it will be signed and implemented . therefore, since the same year we had the jump and even in the corona situation , we had this growth in exports, and we will have a second jump with terror . of course, sardan 's jump needs infrastructure, commercial infrastructure, more trucks, more ships, it is definitely necessary to dismantle the trucks, we need to activate the corridor on the east side of dariye
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, which exists, that corridor should be activated , it is not within the current capacity and logistics. it can be responsible for a second mutation, which the government must, of course he is true to this issue, but it must be seen in the industrial budgets that , god willing, we will be able to take advantage of this advantage , and the bank's position is really correct. and we promise that our challenge is very promising. what are the challenges facing our private sector? if it wants to increase its export capacity, for example, to the countries of the vera economic union , it will not do so because of these obstacles . now, the most important challenge is when we have two tariffs. there is a foreign exchange market and reputable companies and they want to pay with a card the marketers should do the export themselves, they should state their value in the nima systems, it is fair , nima, saman sanai, or in rubles in the business bank , they will take the money at the official rate, of course
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, iran's business in russia will be paid at a suitable rate, better than the nima market. some of our exporters , but the problem they have is that they always say that whenever you ask an exporter, he says, "sir, i want to buy the product for 3775, or now that it is 385 , return the value. well, my competitor who is circumventing the rules with his cards commerce does not use it and it costs 50,000 toms in the market it sells freely, i can't compete with this , well, the one who is working in a large volume , wants to work continuously, the law is working, he must abide by these regulations, but those small companies are only ruining the market. i would like to make it simpler for all the viewers , that is, for example, you have to return every dollar you export at the rate of 38 tomans, but someone who is doing work from the illegal processes you mentioned, the price for him in the market is 50,000. yes , i am a factory. i am the owner of the brand, i produce this glass , i have this, i officially have it there i have official offices, it issues my offer, everything is clear and it costs 35 thousand tomans, i will bring
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it to you, a company thank you , from what is known as an untrustworthy bazaar. he sells the value of 500 and offers it in the free market . well, the principle is the same in every agreement, in every business, in every economy, the conditions of competition are the same, that is, the economy is now the benchmark of the world, an economy where all competition is equal, these free trade agreements are ultimately access. to the market by using the relative advantage of each country and therefore us we must be careful not to have a line, and god willing, we will be able to do so, that is why i am saying that the currency regulations for central asia should be exempted, that the rub should be exempted , it should be applied with the directives of the central bank regarding other currencies. mr. qanadzadeh, what do you think? what is the trade development organization going to do? first
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, in order to increase the transportation capacity, what plan have you made with the ministry of roads and urban development and are you moving forward ? with such an infrastructure we can't go looking for, for example , to have a very good business with the whole. well, of course, the matter that the honorable said, well, the issue of lifting the obligation is another issue that should be discussed in a separate section. my next question is for you. regarding the infrastructure issue, well, look at our customs collection, our ministry of roads and urban development, and naturally, the organization by the legislation. they are doing their best to ensure that the infrastructure is created before we need it. to provide it means that now it has a special program because of the special order of mr. raees the president is also the subject of removing the obstacles with russia and the countries of the current union , so it has become a special issue. well, friends, we know that our shipping capacity in the caspian has increased
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, although there is still a lot of work to be done to reach the capacity that we need. that's it. now, how long will it take, after we want to enter into that agreement , have the details of this program been published or announced somewhere , or is this one of the programs that we have mentioned , we will present a part of it in these meetings , we will consult with friends. we represent all these panels that i presented the representatives of the specialized ministries, the deputy ministers or the director of the specialized heads, they say the programs, they get consensus with other countries, because some of these are bilateral relations , the completion of lines, for example, transportation, some of them must be done even between several countries, that's why regarding the issue of customs, like the issue you mentioned about astra, for example, he said a pardon, he was referring to the customs, a pardon, to the terminal infrastructures, the issue of the ministry of roads , the customs complex , the complex. we are signing for sure we have to increase our internal capacities, because if
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we don't do this, naturally, the same concern as the first statement in your program, you said that there is a concern that they will benefit more from this agreement , that will happen. the issue of the development of fleet capacities, because you said that until the end of the year , until the end of the year, when there is almost nothing left , we will reach the end of december, february and march , the year will end, and for example , it may be time to take action, which does not seem like much. the issue of completing these transportation lines is now the main waterways and cities the business is about to reach the conclusion of some of our common colds, and it is being discussed for days now, because it is very serious, it is a forgiveness , it seems that, for example, it has reached the final 85,900, they should support both sides to reach a conclusion. it should be added that they are friends' road transport organization. even
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in these meetings, representatives are present to discuss the one-piece systems that i mentioned. we have a special meeting. let us make these systems the next concern in my opinion, the private sector, of course, we have discussed it in detail with the private sector, it is the issue of standards, the different standards that we have in these countries, and sometimes the strict standards that prevail in these countries for the import of our goods , well, this is one of the issues that now we are negotiating, you are also present in these meetings , we are trying to collect all of these in the meeting and follow up the next steps, god willing , we don't have another two or three minutes to go to the settlement of the obligation , there is a program with your central bank like this. the panels you mentioned that these events now it is harming our production sector , it needs to be resolved because in the many programs we had with you here, we talked a lot about debt settlement . let me say it again, it is a horizontal issue and horizontal policy
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-making in the country by the central bank, and naturally, the policy-making of the country's sources of expenditure. naturally, those friends should have detailed plans , more or less, but it should be more about the issue of eliminating the horizontal habit. the point is that you, as the trustee of the trade , we are working in detail with the central bank on diversifying the methods of returning currency, and there are many. we did. you see, the methods of behavior are simply diversified one method, for example , is the half system, and this is not . in the same exhibition , there are also different russian banks, and it is safe to say that we are trying to create our financial transfer network with these countries, at least a network of quasi-swift networks, which we have problems with financial transfer and costs
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don't have too much transfer, just the issue of fulfilling the obligation a big issue that i think should be discussed in other meetings of your meetings. now, where has the center reached so far? what results have you gotten so far? as soon as it is announced, all the private sectors will be informed about the variety of methods such as gold, such as the discussion of self-export , etc. organization, let me friends, thank you very much, this sanction , we have 30 seconds, it was not very effective we are doing business with them with these things that we are doing. in general, this event itself is an anti-sanctions measure because the sanctions create a lot of costs . what we are doing actually solves a part of it . we are not at the moment, thank you very much to all
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the guests of the program , we will definitely have another program regarding the economic union and russia. likewise this the topic will be on our agenda at the economics desk and broadcast journalism. thank you very much for accompanying us and watching the economics desk. god bless you . i invite you to the doctor's place. a ceremony to honor
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the top ranks of the specialist and subspecialty encyclopedia exam in the entrance exam of the specialist assistant in 1402. dr. amir ali hamidieh , a specialist in children's blood cancer, has won the first place. i am the full professor of enom medical university, dr. tara khohini. mohammad taqi hosseini tabatai is about 40 years involved i am mohammad samadi , a specialist in pediatric cardiology from tabriz university of medical sciences. my name is shahid beheshti ahmad rahimian, born in 1975, and studied radiology at semoksadeh university of tehran, where
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he obtained the first rank in the subspecialty field of adult lung. emphasizing the importance of medical education was the focus of the conference. we consider education as a basic work. no matter how much we invest, this investment will give good results for the future of the country. one of the important tasks that is ahead now is intelligent discussion the use of simulators and simulators is one of the important methods in educational technology. the most important thing in important education is the person who wants to learn the design goals of this award from the language of the organizers of the major exams won this year with the help of the professors of the examination boards. based on the patient-centered view of objective programs of the use of new valuable technologies. it was student identification and accreditation, fortunately, most of them
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were used in most of the exams this year. being the top rank from a very tough, dense and intensive competitive exam, in fact , achieving this position in 26 super-specialized fields and in 25 specialized fields , i was inspected by the honorable minister of health. we try to use them as professors in teaching hospitals in teaching groups, but elites and doctors, along with accumulating knowledge and striving for success , had expectations from the authorities to support the medical community. they should really pay attention to the demands of young doctors and put them in the priority of their programs body. pay more attention to the field of science and technology. the working conditions for all young doctors should be better in the coming years so that they can serve our country. in
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the fields of children's heart surgery , please help us more and establish a bridge that will provide more assistance. i really think that more motivation is created in young people. this conference is held every year with the aim of growing and developing young scientists in all medical fields across the country. in this ceremony , there were 60 winners in the specialty and sub-specialty fields of medicine who received awards. fatemeh faramarezi khabarari radio the head of the assessment organization and one or two examples of the test vocabulary. these one or two samples were produced in the so-called laboratory and are being tested. we tested one
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of them and it was good. if the print could be faked, it cannot be faked. the head of the measurement organization did not mention the computer even once and told josh about the computer. he was messing with the subsidy. a computer is a computer. the difference between us is in the systems. the systems of the minister of health do not become a system either. intense and the delegation is placed in that system and flourishes , so the weakness we have is the weakness of the systems , islam, on that slide, take the trouble to show something about islam, after the slide, immediately go in , immediately, go in, and mr. wazir will speak farsi in some places. speaking english
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, searching with a keyword, they say it's easy, you can search with a keyword, all kinds of articles, data, data, the minister of economy and the reaction of his standard language, parametric and non-parametric reforms , i translate persian, i don't know, friends will ask later, imam a soft iraqi friday that was not persian soft, for example, the second 40% is the factor of these two to two very important factors of the issue of academic consortia that we raised a year ago. bringing up the consortium and then continuing the foreign words without restrictions does not create restrictions because the system came up because you are on the site of the vice president of science and technology. not here at all, i'm in danger. the standard language reporting feature
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focuses attention on preserving the persian language and enforcing the law, so see if the participants or we define the same concession as the wording of mr. jaludarian, we respect your service, joyn fincher, for this reason, we call it a risky investment, of course, mr. scientific vice president, it is too late to feel the risk of food, how many reports have we prepared , mr. jaludarian has enough food for a year. he wants to finally love us, 5 years have been planned for this phase, because the first phase of imam airport is followed by the second phase, but this phase two is for only 35 million people. a passenger at imam airport, the faranggi words of mr the speaker has been completed with a warm test, the warm test has also been completed, and at the end, the minister of industry and circulation with
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high circulation, with economic circulation and the county , could be connected . stare at these pictures, look at these pictures, may god forbid the warmth of someone's eyes to remind you to wake up, but
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standing is just our job, we swear you are not a dream story, come and put your heart into the sea, don't doubt that this day will be the end of the marsh. i imagine that it is in my mind now, in 2011, i was going to high school in iran. he went on to study medicine and became a doctor, but the friend who has been with him for 40 years is not with him. the two representatives of yazd province became
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our yazd, and among them, this voice and image is the same man, seyyed reza paknejad, a man whom many people know for his books, an author whose most famous work is the first university, the last prophet , which was published in 130 my familiarity with his statements and his scientific and religious meetings was in this the scientific and religious meetings that were finally compiled , and in the form of a noble book, the first university and the last prophet , were published in a very important collection in recent years. in these meetings, when i was present, any question, ambiguity , or anything was raised to we used to visit them and sah, along with writing, also treated the townspeople. whoever said he is a good doctor, who is here? we used to say that after the prayer, dr. pak nijan
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had a lot of customers here, and finally they would wash up in the line, and the pharmacy behind him explained that mr. doctor, please count this victory on account of this. on the other hand, he said, "i am the slave of hammat, who is free under the wheel of the dove, whatever color belongs to him." mr. dr. pak was like this and in 1958 he was elected to the islamic council by the people of yazd. the first round of the islamic council is determined by 46,000 people as the first representative of yazd province. i am directly involved in the program and budget commission and indirectly with the health commission. the doctor, who was a mahram of the people , did not stay away from them in the majlis. how can people be done with you and share their problems with you? they are people, they know they are done.
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i was invited at home and everywhere, i went to 302 single-seat buses, we were going to tehran, when my representative bought a pair of chairs, one of them sat more , mr. doctor . he should speak as much as possible and let him say what he wants. it is pawan. the service for him was not limited to his constituency, which was the center of the province, and i was a representative in three cities, namely mehriz, bafeq and taft. sometimes i get tired for 20 days , for example, i leave in one day, and this is what he used to say i will come here now, if there is a place, i will go, if not, i will sit, and the poor who want
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a doctorate will go and work , i will do it for the three or four days that i am here, but a year and a half after mr. seyed reza's activity in the islamic council. fate had a different fate for him. the explosion of the office of the islamic republic party on july 7 , 1360, the name of dr. seyyed reza paknejad was in the list of 27 members of the islamic council who were martyred. from today, you carry a burden that will kill you for the rest of your life. everyone is waiting for you to see where you are from the road. love you heart
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her hair is tied in a bun and she is smiling towards her father smoke with his eyes red from happiness, he plays warmly . reem, this palestinian girl, was born these days with another picture, which is the last picture of her and her father. with a scar on his face and tied hair , he is in his father's arms, but lifeless. his almsgiving father goes, kisses his motionless eyes and your cold face. he
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was martyred due to the bombardment of the zionist regime. now the videos before and after reem's martyrdom are shared with his father. the separate story of separation and the farewell to jansouza, which has stirred the feelings of visual artists. they depict rime in their designs while still. the family is in the arms of the father or with eyes closed and wounded, he looks like an angel with wings spread, a design with the same piece of baba's words. from an artist living in america to another artist from iraq. in the meantime, we also see the works of our non-muslim artists , for example, mr. gilmamar from brazil
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is one of the artists who really record the call of oppression and calls the world to react. rim with rabbit hair and smiling lips has now become heavenly. his father also told the story of a genocide. zahra chakhmakhi news reporter farewell day this is free, yes it is free. yes, this is free.
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this is free. this is free. this is free yes, all of this is free with the carpet design plus mahd, a free carpet . it's better to talk to a good specialist. call hamraz first. i got counseling from their psychologist for maryam's marriage . i was very satisfied. how about sending number 1 to 10086 or
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01, 920 to receive psychological services and counseling from our specialists. finish two o'clock in the morning. it is tehran and the viewers welcome to this news section. a member of the board of directors of maskan bank said that more than 300,000 financing contracts for housing units of the national housing plan have been concluded. according to mr. fazelian , this year, this bank will finance another 20,000 residential units. so far, we have actually paid about 60 percent of the company's share in cash.


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