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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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the messenger of god is the witness of god, and god is the witness of god. hai ali al-salah hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah god
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bless god, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god.
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what are our two tasks, one is that the number you give is different from the number of mr. davodi, and for these viewers, a question arises that d21, in fact, ms. 7's reference , for example, condemning the technical examination centers has been agreed upon as a duty to condemn the technical examination centers. the duty of the judicial authority has been created as a duty, why didn't you condemn, we will give the report, there is a commission of violations. violations will be dealt with in the committee if we have not reported it. nasr clearly says that the law is the responsibility of the organization of the ministry of environmental protection . in the monitoring aspect, you may see imami , see what our monitoring tools are, a follower because you mentioned at the beginning of your speech that the environmental protection organization
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has performed its monitoring duties correctly and completely in the form of gathering reports and presenting annual quarterly reports and monitoring the device. hi different. but we see in mr. davoudi's report that 21 devices and 23 devices did not perform their duties, a lot of them , and a lot of them incompletely. so this supervisory dimension is faced with a question mark. if the organization has not used its own monitoring tool , then i am saying that it is completely correct that the reports that are now available to the honorable parliament, the asl nazman inspection commission and even the court of accounts , these reports are part of the environmental organization's reports, which led to verification and in fact follow-up. they are doing legal things in the field of implementation of that one in fact, we have the task of commenting that we have mentioned why it has not been realized in the collection, well, there are various reasons . one of the reasons that mr. davoudi
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mentioned is the lack of forecasting in the budget programs and the lack of financing, the restrictions caused by the sanctions to access modern technologies in the field of automobiles, in the field of pollution control systems, unfortunately, we have limitations. that the accumulation of tasks that have not been completed in the last two decades, for example, in the law on the development of public transport and fuel management, which is why we did not have good success in the law on reforming the recommended consumption pattern in 2009, if it is done well we did not have an energy imbalance now, those assignments are now done and the economic conditions of the country are not suitable for us to tackle very quickly , that is, the problems of several years cannot be solved in a few months , not a few months. it is being investigated in harestan
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. those who they have the main duties in line with the clean air law , like the ministry of interior, regarding the technical inspection of our motorcycles. our motorcycles cannot be inspected . the motorcycle smokes in two strokes. one motorcycle. now, i think the number of motorcycles that are deputy technical inspectors is under a thousand. mrs. emami, next. let's see, out of approximately 12 million cars, of which 25 million cars, 7 million are worn out , not a matter of inspection. technically, there are nearly 70 60 technical inspections , we have the ministry of health, let me tell you that we have the national standards organization as the main institutions that must supervise the national organization. the standard should be in the quality of cars, the quality
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of industrial products, home office heating systems, all of them should be monitored, they all produce carbon monoxide , in this oval, with the consumption of approximately 90 million cubic meters of gas per day in tehran province. one point, mr. davodi , you are now going to the figures and the names of the devices, while now we invite every device that we have mentioned in the news chat to tell us on our line if they have an answer , if there is something for us and the respected viewers of the chat. we are coming to present the news of our body. now you mention that we mean the state accounts court he has prepared three almost annual reports on the performance of the devices . if we want to go back to your statement that the issue of air pollution is a constant issue in the cold season, it becomes more severe in this season . last
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year was years ago. why do the agencies not feel responsible for their duties? i said, even though the case may be filed against them, it may be filed against real people, organizations, our monitoring tools are weak , our handling tools are weak. that is not a guarantee at all there is no executive, the supervisory body has been identified, but the body that has not fulfilled its duties, so far nothing is clear. verb to have done, in addition to the judicial branch entering, i said that we have 33 cases in the courthouse, we are investigating, then there is a series of main tasks that must be seen, the financial burden requires spending. when
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i ask the ministry of oil, i say production. your gasoline must be standard ok, he says that 9 refineries should become daily , new equipment should be installed . you had taken a step forward. you didn't think that you were getting closer to this implementation or provision or arrangement of what we were talking about now. see mrs. emami, this law is not 23 regulations and instructions. last year, after 6 years, with the follow-up of the court and the environmental organization itself, 17 of these cases have been reported 23 cases have been approved after 6 years, the regulations and instructions have not yet been approved by the executive body, wait a moment
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, mr. gollizadeh, why haven't the rest been approved after the year has passed, you see, we have 13 regulations in the law itself , and all 13 regulations have been approved, which means that in fact in fact, note 1 of article 3 of the law regarding driving offenses, which was presented by the government to the parliament , was confirmed that it did not cause any disruption in the implementation of the law. in the discussion of the action order, which mr. davoudi mentioned, we have three action orders related to each other in the action orders. according to the noise pollution action order, the noise pollution action order has not been prepared it has not been prepared in the buildings, but the rest of the instructions for the mirrors have been prepared, and now your number says that 2 instructions have not been prepared . it does not hinder the implementation of the law at all. see, for example, article 14 of the clean air law for the transfer of alandi industry from tuition areas. so what exactly is the problem? in our problem, the main part of our problem is that, unfortunately , we tied the financial resources necessary for the implementation of the law to
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the revenues of the air pollution law. last year, in the budget law of 1401, 322 billion was predicted, and the revenue, which was nearly 120 billion , was reduced to 160 billion. they could not achieve it like us our income is more than two views, article 6 of the huapac law for cars that lack technical inspections , but unfortunately, because the coverage of traffic police cameras is not widespread, we have a lot of lack and oil in the codes that are sent to the traffic police and the second issue of environmental crimes that in environmental crimes , unfortunately, due to the interference with crimes, pollution effects have not been realized so far , the amount is very low, that is, if these things had happened, we would have declared this 10% as a different number. in fact, it is easy to do because of the cost
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the performance of the law is clear , pointing out three main issues . the second issue of the development of experimental power plants is now that the number of experimental energies in the country's total energy is less than 1. according to the law, the annual development should be allocated to the ideas of the seniors, which is the responsibility of the ministry of oil, the ministry of energy, and the reform of the third issue. plan to remove cars farshdeh, we now have 7 million farshdeh cars, 7 million of them, 90 percent of our freight and passenger fleet has reached the age of wear and tear, and if we want to stop their movement , our freight and passenger transportation process will actually be disturbed. gollizadeh, the accumulated homework of the past years, if considering the three points
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that you mentioned and the accumulated homework and of course the will that must exist in the devices , how long do you think it will take us to implement the various clauses and orders of the air let's clean up and come to a conclusion, not a conversation that gets contaminated let's have a conversation again, or the devices will make statements and hold meetings, and then it will be forgotten again in the next season. just this year, we added a few cars to the country's public transport fleet, as a result of defying the law of time. management please give me a minute. yes , what should the executive bodies do to develop and develop the public transport fleet. saying that we have 7 million used cars should be retired. how many cars were retired this year, mr. golali. in the first half of the year, approximately 35 to 2080, how many years do we want 77 million cars to be removed
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the national interest wants the honorable parliament of the islamic council , the organization of the budget program, as one of the main custodians of this law, which is one of the institutions that currently has a high rate , they should see the financial burden of these two things in the budget laws. give us this law, otherwise we will come to you every year, we will tell you to stop the action, stop the action, we will give 23 rome devices , the prosecutor's office , the judiciary, and we will have the same situation in rome. judiciary based on the announcement of previous reports i am wondering what the results of what you have presented have been. i say goodbye to you and thank you very much for your company.
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we are at harvard university in boston. the students left their classrooms to express their solidarity with the palestinians. bostan is one of the best universities in the world and today we came to amy temersonen and harvard to see this movement of students closely. after leaving their classes, all students will gather at city hall plaza to march together in support of palestine. can you
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tell us about your organization and why you gathered here? speak? yes, we are regular members of the harvard student union who formed the bids group and we want the end of the genocide in gaza, palestinian freedom and sanctions. until that happens, we're here. you from harvard university for your role. you criticized this genocide, what do you say about this? yes , harvard university has investments that support the illegal occupation of palestine. so we ask our university to be complicit in this genocide. our second stop is emerson college, while israel has increased the bombing of gaza campuses they became a symbolic battlefield for human rights activists.
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we are here with zainab, one of the speakers and organizers of this demonstration, as a media student , what is your opinion about the coverage of the conflict in gaza so far? i think that the media, especially the american media, is unfortunately making a big injustice about what is happening in gaza. in my opinion, the war in gaza is not portrayed fairly, even though 15 thousand people were killed, but what is happening in gaza is in the media. we are in the third place in amity university. students left their classes to protest in the streets. this this is the last place where we are and we want to board the train with the students to
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reach the main entrance at city hall plaza. students were suspended for holding demonstrations for palestine. you are not allowed to march in any part of the campus. you can talk to us about this and you from your message. this march was afraid. yes, on november 9, when we had a peaceful protest, the opponents of this protest attacked us and finally the peaceful protestors were given suspension letters, but the people are steadfast, we adhere to the support of gaza and we are still not, even though the university management tried it will scatter us
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even now, we have not fought with amity university against any possible suspension of the student movement, as we said before, they can try to suspend the students, but they can never suspend this movement. we are going to city hall. what do you expect to see there? well, we expect to see hundreds and thousands of students here. we arrived at city hall plaza. despite the cold, a large number of students. they came here not only from amy temerson and harvard universities, but also from many other institutions in the city, and i can say that the population here is very diverse, muslims. and people from all over the world gathered here to support palestine. about
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calling supporters of palestine anti-semitic. what do you think? i would like to talk about this issue , i think it is really terrible because criticizing a government has nothing to do with anti-semitism or hatred of jews. anti-semitism is a type of racism by white people like islam and hatred of black people. criticism of israel is not anti-semitism. in fact , the palestinians of ajade sami. it is the duty of the jews to uphold justice. justice, equality and freedom are issues that i was taught as a jew granted, but i was even called a self-hater by my own family. me too. do we know what it means to be jewish? the jew i know cares about justice and
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does justice to others, and as he expects, others should also do justice to himself. that's how i grew up. they look at the palestinian people as an animal or less than a human and this is what is happening. i think this is really beyond and beyond a difficulty. we heard your message and we hope that we can all return and live peacefully together do. and if we do not have hope, we have nothing. we must hope. i chose hope as a rule. so it is very important to believe in it and the possibility of changing it and keep it . but peace with justice has no meaning without it.
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of course, this is the place where you are not present and present here is shujaiyeh neighborhood in gaza, which is the target of the attacks. when we reached this area, we encountered a very strange scene . the residential complex in this area, which included more than 50 houses , was the target of the zionist regime's air attack. according to the residents, there is a large population of palestinians and refugees in this complex. this complex was targeted by more than 10 bombs . we are talking about the martyrdom of hundreds of palestinians in this crime . there were more than a thousand palestinians living in this complex. our forces reported that they did not work with many wounded. this means that most of those who were martyred in this state . a large number of martyrs are still under the rubble.
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where is the conscience of arab and islamic countries against this crime? due to the lack of necessary facilities, the lack of tools for digging and the lack of bulldozers, it is very difficult for the rescue forces to remove the bodies of the martyrs from under the rubble. don't let anyone's eyes fall asleep by staring at these photos remember to wake up, but standing up is just our job, we swear it's not a story of sleep, let your heart go to the sea , don't doubt the woman, at the end of this day
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, the marsh, i imagine that this is on my mind now, in 2011, i was going to high school, high school in iran, an old friend of yours. they went to the medical field and became a doctor, but the friend who has been with him for 40 years is not with him. the two representatives of yazd province became our yazd, which is the same voice and image among rica is a man the author whose most famous work is the first university of the last prophet and it was published in 130
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i was familiar with his statements and his religious scientific meetings , which were finally compiled in the form of the first university book. it was published with the last prophet in a very important collection in recent years. in these meetings, when i was present, if any question, ambiguity, or anything came up , we would go to him and talk . also did whoever said doctor, well, who is here, we said doctor pak nijan, after the prayer , there were a lot of customers here, and finally they came to fill the prescription, the pharmacy behind him explained that mr. doctor, please grant this victory to the account here, i am the slave of your heart, who
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is free under the blue wheel, whatever the color. is. mr. dr. pak was like this and in 1958 he was elected to the islamic council by the people of yazd. first course. the islamic shura majlis with 46,000 votes is the first representative of yazd province . muharram of the people of yazeb was for the doctors , don't stay away from them in the parliament, how can people be done with you and share their problems with you, they are people, they know that they call me at home, they invited me anywhere, i went to the buses . 302 we used to go to tehran with a single chair, when my agent got a pair of chairs and he is sitting one year older, mr. doctor, the reason why you said
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that i put this chair so that if someone has work with me , he can sit down and talk to me, and tell him what he wants, the service for him is limited to you were not in his constituency , the capital of the province was the representative, and i was in 3 the city means mehriz, bafaq , and taft. i had a lot of work because it was in the villages . i used to go this way and that. i said, mr. doctor, sometimes i get tired . for example, i go for 20 days in one day. i sit and the poor people who are reading a doctor's copy see something, they are working, these three or four days i have been here, but a year and a half after mr. seyed reza's activity in the islamic council, the fate of him was different, the explosion of the office of the
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islamic republic party on july 7, 1360, the name of dr. seyed reza paknejad was included in the list of 27 members of the shura it was islam that they were martyred, a burden from today that you will eat for a lifetime. everyone is waiting to see where you go on the road of love.
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safarzed froud is also the commander. the role of our lives as martyrs is wrapped in the ears of time , the eternal cry of the islamic republic.
6:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family. greetings and good morning. dear viewers , welcome to the news section at 6:00 a.m. at the same time as the zionist regime's crimes are being committed in various areas of the gaza strip, the military of this regime, with more than 50 armored vehicles and several bulldozers, went to shahrer and the jenin camp in karani. they destroyed bakhti and destroyed its infrastructure. electricity has been cut in several areas in the city and in the jenin camps, and
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according to me


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