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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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i said that the case is still in the stage of investigation and completion of the judicial process, and i said that this has become a duty, god willing, and we will bring it to the attention and opinion of the honorable iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, please accompany us to the news section at 11 o'clock. the president has presented the general budget bill for the year 1403 to the parliament. god almighty, mr. raeesi has listed realistic spending, incomes and programs among the focus areas in the next year's budget, the president
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said. : the budget based on the 7th plan has been prepared and an attempt has been made to resolve many of the existing disagreements with a jihad movement. the mismatch of pension funds, mismatch in banks, mismatch in energy and disharmony in the various areas that you mentioned and the disharmony can definitely be done with the industrial budgets that are based on the program. reforming the budget structure and financial discipline that was and is on the agenda of the government. what i told my friends before. the formation of treasury unit account is very effective in the direction of financial discipline and the governments are trying to make this treasury unit account operational and enforceable. this was a good step, it was mentioned in the law, and the government
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wanted to act, and financial management and discipline are still on the agenda of the government, president. reforming the structure and establishing financial discipline is an effort to curb inflation by bridging the budget deficit and directing liquidity towards production , reviving rocket industrial units, paying attention to low perceptions, creating employment , paying attention to knowledge-based companies, reducing dependence on oil, and adjusting the salaries of shaklan and the retiree mentioned it as one of the focus points in next year's budget. mr. raisi also said about taxes , contrary to what has been reported in some media. the government is not seeking to increase the taxes of salary earners, but the government's purpose is to fight against tax evasion. in the 1403 budget, attention is paid to those who evade taxes they do not pay taxes. that is the reason.
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you see , how many people have been identified in the tax organization of the new maadi country, so far there were 2 million people, now it has become more than 5 million new maadi people, and after this it will increase , those who do not have a job are targeted by taxes, those who have income they have huge incomes and they don't pay taxes for government salaries and people's salaries. there is no problem with those who are paid by the government. sometimes it was advertised that they want your wealth to increase . there is no new tax base in the 1403 budget. it is to prevent tax evasion and justice fraudulent rights of the government or, to be precise, the people and what is related to the rights of the people. the president also said: the economic growth of the country in the first three months of this year was 7% and with the plans we have made , we expect that the growth of 88% will be achieved by the end of the year. the body of the martyr defender of ali agha abdollahi shrine
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was laid out in pasteur square in tehran and went to behesht zahra for burial. martyr ali agha abdullah was martyred in syria 8 years ago at the age of 25. the body of this martyr was recently identified after being transferred to the country. lebanon's hezbollah destroys two vehicles of zionist soldiers. according to the announcement of the party allah resistance mujahidan targeted two vehicles belonging to the engineering unit of the zionist regime in front of the ramya base with guided missiles. hizbullah fighters also targeted several military centers of the zionist regime on monday in response to the crimes of the zionists. the zionist regime increased the travel warning level to dozens of countries. the internal security council of the zionist regime
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announced that opposition to the zionists has increased all over the world, including england, france, germany, and latin american countries, including argentina and brazil, as well as australia and russia. regime officials the occupier advised the zionists to reconsider all their trips. the internal security council of the zionist regime called the increase in opposition to this regime in the world after the genocide in gaza as anti-semitism and asked the zionists who have to go to different countries to hide their zionism. during the visit of the chief of staff of the armed forces to baghdad, the development of iran-iraq cooperation was emphasized to strengthen border security. major general bagheri met and discussed with the president, prime minister and military and security officials of iraq.
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on the second day of the official visit of the chief of the general staff of the forces armed to iraq, sardar bagheri met with the president, national security adviser and the head of the iraqi people's basij , the first meeting with abdul latif rashid. the president of iraq was in the presidential palace. in this meeting, the president of iraq emphasized the need to expand cooperation between the two countries in securing the borders and using the experiences of iran and iraq in the fight against terrorism. the second meeting of the head of the armed forces was with faleh al-fiaz, the head of the popular basij forces and the supreme commanders of the hashd al-shaabi. the last meeting was with qasim al-aarji, secretary of security. he was a national of iraq. security issues between the causes of the development of security in the borders of the two countries provided human resources and we had successful discussions at the level of both countries, and i hope and it is quite clear that the future of the future of communication between the two countries
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will be brighter and safer, and the development of economic, human, social, and cultural relations between the two countries will be provided. . and we, on behalf of the islamic republic of iran , will make the maximum effort to improve security, our loved ones in iraq are also following the same path and we are developing day by day, and we feel this progress in this intense meeting where the iraqi high officials also qasim al-arji was present once again on the position of iraq he emphasized ending the presence of armed and separatist terrorist groups in iraqi kurdistan, which are a threat to iran's security. borders were the main part of this conversation . there are many strategic coordinations between us and the officials of the islamic republic of iran on security issues. we adhere to the full implementation of the security agreement and will never allow our common borders with iran
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to become insecure. after meeting with the president, the prime minister, the national security adviser and the head of basij popular , sardar bagheri made a two-day trip to baghdad. jalal khalidi , a reporter for the iraqi presidential office baghdad and the number of victims of landslides in tanzania has increased to 63. the flood in the north of this country has destroyed many communication routes and infrastructures, thousands of people have been displaced and many are missing. according to the prime minister of tanzania, this country is severely affected by floods gulalai is located in silasa, since about 20 days ago, the countries of soma, ethiopia, kenya and tanzania have been covered . so far, about 170 people have lost their lives in somalia and kenya, and more than 70,000 people have been displaced. thank you very much for your companion, have a
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nice day, god. in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, welcome sepahan lost to sepahan in the sixth round of the group games of this tournament. sepahan, one of the representatives of our country
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, went to meet al ittihad in makkah in group 3 tonight. this match ended seconds ago with the result of two 1 was spent for the benefit of the union. the rise of sepahan now i think he should almost wait for paakhtakor's meeting with his own words in the corner so that it becomes clear that he became saud from this group.
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i have to give an explanation to sepahan. sepahan is almost possible to climb due to his better goal score , but now he has to because on paper he still lost the match. thakor has not been held, pakhtakor is worth seven points, if he scores 7 goals in his game, then pakhtakor will go up and sepahan will stay away from saud, which may be possible on paper, but we have to see if he can do it on the field, which is a very difficult task. it seems that the saud troops are almost done. but nasuji, the other representative of our country in this competition , lost the result to al-hilal tonight in jeddah in his last game in group d of the group stage. in this match, michel and salmatari scored for the hosts and mahmoud quaid rahmati scored the only goal for iran's textile. al-hilal group entered the final round with 16 points, and nasaji
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finished third in this group's table with 6 points. in the other game of this group today, nobhar uzbekistan won 1-1 against mombrai city, a western team, and with 13 points , it confirmed its presence as one of the second best teams in the western region in the next stage. well, now probably many of the fans of police press are waiting to see what will happen to police press considering that sharjah lost to al-faisali today. it became much easier for polis to advance. if he wins, he will go safely if he draws . as i said, pakhtakor's game is very important . both of our representatives will go up, or even if they win but do not go up with the number of goals
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, sepahan and press police have the ability to advance, but if paakhtakor wins, press police must win their game. now we will talk separately about press police, we want to go. let's go to the first game of sepahan, which, as i said, ended a few minutes ago, with mr. hamid slili, the coach and football expert. they are in the studio now so we can talk about this and see how sepahan performed in saudi arabia and the game that was held there and it didn't turn out nearly as we wanted. i wish sepahan could get a draw from that game, mr. steely . please, in the name of god. rahman al-rahim, mr. vasakari, at your service, at the service of all the people of iran , hello and politely, i am at your service . i wish you would get that tie. there were asians
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nasaji ma was his first appearance in the asian club and he did not have the necessary experience . moreover , he should be much stronger when he appears in the asian games. also in asia neta club. it wasn't very good and i hope they will do better in the next league because a whole city is really looking for this team and i hope they will be happy with their good results as you said. international has not been present at this level in the opinion of the players and the players
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who had no international experience at this level , it was very influential for them . now he was a player. among the young coaches who are working in the league , i think i worked very well last year in the textile industry , now the results. it was facing a bit of fluctuation and i hope that the league will continue because a private team of mr. haddadian is really working hard there, the province should all help until really, everything can get a good result. well, let's go to sepahan . you had the game sepahan ittihad. you said that it was good, and yes , i didn't see it for almost 20 minutes. 20 minutes, 25 minutes because i was on my way to get there. he was very good, i was playing in the back and forth, he was good, yes, he had analyzed
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very well, mr. morais had put this team ahead of ramin rezaiano, and having a young player, aria yousefi, covered very well, and in the sepahan team , i would say that there are three very good young players. i can do a lot for the future of our football, mohammad well, the victim is one of those who are among the two honorable presidents. i congratulate the president's delegation and the ladies and gentlemen of the parliament on this day as the day of the parliament, and i hope that this institution arose from the people's vote and the will of the people, which is a sign of the system's republicanism. islam is a system. the realization of the people's desire
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to improve day by day. let us see what people need day by day. retaliatory laws are approved in the parliament. retaliations are done. they oblige the statesmen and the statesmen consider themselves obliged to move in the same direction and on the same rail, the result of the city will be the result of the people. the trust of the people and its product will be god 's pleasure and the wise leadership of our dear people's revolution , god's will. i know this meeting as a blessed meeting , which
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is held jointly by the islamic council and the government, and the exchange of opinions between the government and the parliament is very important. in the famous expression, we are on the same ship, the judgment of the people will be the same, if there is a success in the country, it will be recorded in the name of everyone, if there is a deficiency, god forbid. it will be expected from everyone , why did you die in the constituencies in question , when we come to the centers of the provinces? tehran always raises this question, people see the good things and it causes them to appreciate and admire them, but the shortcomings make them suffer. all
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your and our joint efforts should be to eliminate the shortcomings and meet the needs. we need to see the real need in budgeting in all stages of article 75 of the constitution. we need to see the real costs and revenues. this means that it exists in the process . first, it is for the government, then for the parliament, then for the guardian council, to see the real needs. it is possible to meet the needs, and we in the government are trying our best to meet these needs the reality that has been seen in the country should be followed. naturally , in addition to these needs, because we may not have the supply according to the demand
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, it creates priority in some areas. if these priorities are mentioned , the parliament will also check that the priorities will be of interest to it, so the needs will be met by looking at the priorities that exist in the country . it should continue with permission from the parliament, that's where the law is the basic prediction is urgent. he has also predicted 2 urgency, he has predicted 3 urgency, because in executive affairs, the executive may face a
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bottleneck and a problem with all the clarity of duties and laws that exist. we have a series of incidents, we have a series of invented issues. that these issues require some urgency. that these actualities are for the output of determinations. we believe that we do not have bombs in the islamic republic. there is no imprisonment in the velayat-e-faqih system. we must know the need, know the problem well. if the problem analysis is done well, there are solutions the problem should be recognized correctly and the problem should be solved. we in this government, dear ladies and gentlemen , believe that if we see a hole in the road
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, we must find a solution. if we see a problem , we must solve the problem, not to ignore the problems . we have to solve the problem. let's get to know the problem well. if the solution is not quick and up-to-date , we will tell the people about the time. it is very important for them to know what the problem is and that we are determined to solve it . it is very important for them to know that we are determined to solve the problem and not to ignore the problems. this in itself gives peace to the people. i always emphasize to the government and my colleagues that we should not ignore the issue. in a region, a project
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has been pending for a long time, and they say, "dad, this is like 20 years ago, what should be done?" this must be resolved . we can't ignore the issue , it has not been allocated for any reason. let's go now. if it is necessary to do this project, if not, tell the people that it was not necessary to create it all at once. let's talk to the people, otherwise we will let all our efforts come to fruition, that's why we started the movement to organize the half-finished projects in the government and we strongly believe that this movement should continue in order for us to build a factory , go and pick up the machines. the shed should be built from the inside and the outside, and the machines should be brought in to create a transfer ground. well, when there is a factory , there is a problem in the production line. well, this problem of the factory is in the production line. it is a very rational principle
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that we have to go and finish the half-finished works. i said that the workshops are closed and semi-closed it is absolutely true that we should go and activate these things, both production will flourish and unemployment will increase, and you can definitely see this in different regions , how effective it can be when this is done in this way, dear members of the parliament, my colleagues in our government. we have a payment system in the country. in the country , the lives of different classes must be managed. it is certainly correct to say that the retired teachers are correct. but you see, we as a group of government and parliament should follow a fair payment system for everyone
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there are various groups that come to you, we have university professors, their position should be protected, hard working employees and experts should be protected, teachers who are worthy and dignified, and the system should be fair in them, all these groups are the groups that we, the government of the majlis, have a duty towards. we have, but our view is your view, according to what exists in the country, the resources that exist , we must establish a fair system of payment, so that everyone really fulfills what he promised , we must help each other in order that the people from us if you read this, it will be referred to you in the field we may or may not be told about the election.
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we know that people are looking for a fair payment system as soon as possible. this implicit work that you saw in the form of a special class in the industrial budget, now a significant part of it has been seen in the seventh development plan, but the one that we are all looking for. let's be this direction and keep in mind that we are 85 million people in the country , all of them should be seen in our planning and in our design, we are all responsible for paying attention to the president and the general public. are you here from the language of the whole people speaks, so we all have this mission. a fair payment system is something that
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can be pursued with the help of the parliament , and it can be very effective with the help of the parliament. let's all try so that the country doesn't have a lot of budgets, that someone's budget causes inflation, it's not for anyone's benefit, everyone's effort is needed, we, my colleagues in the government, and you also want us to have no budget, because our muqtada said that this is the root of all suffering. dirty money causes many problems, all of our efforts can definitely guarantee this direction in the relationship with the approval of a certain time, we need an executive for the implementation. the image is very good, but if the implementation
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is not carried out accurately, this approval and implementation may not please my palate. the ministry of education should see to it that the dear teachers who are 11 years old are looking for the government assembly to solve their problem. this will be the result . an audit is being conducted on the professors of the 40-year-old university . someone is an associate professor. the teacher should work quickly on this number naturally, so that no one's rights are lost , i want to be careful for this person to be able to implement the indicators that you have put in the law, and everyone will get their rights, naturally, they want to implement this
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, which is what they did for university professors for 40 years. it is supposed to be done in a limited time for dear teachers, so that everyone should sit where it is necessary, because it must be reserved, with these indicators, of course, the presenter should pay attention to the performance time, otherwise the next protests will be opened, which are more than this. it takes your time , they shouldn't protest when they see the right thing being done it is possible that few people protest, but when it is not done correctly, it creates problems , so it is important to pass a detailed and enforceable law, and it is very important to consider the implementation for the executive who can implement the right law , so this is my point. it is important that the execution time must be considered. you see, the appropriate model between
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the government and the parliament is the model of interaction, cooperation, convergence and coordination. this does not mean that if a member of parliament does not criticize the government or criticize a reformist institution , it will definitely help reforming affairs in the government we have stated many times that an amicable contract can definitely lead to reforms in the country's administrative bodies. the administrative bodies of the country may be doing something and neglect something. a member of the parliament says that an article in a tribune-owned media will be corrected. this fair criticism must be accepted and it helps to improve things. this is not even a word.


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