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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten the future. welcome to the level 13 news section. the president presented the general budget bill for the year 1403 to the parliament. god, mr. raisi listed realism in expenses, incomes and programs as the focus areas in the next year's budget. the president said that the budget has been prepared and
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tried . many of the existing problems can be solved with a jihadi movement. the imbalance of pension funds, the imbalance in banks, the imbalance in energy and the imbalance in the various areas that you are interested in, and these imbalances must be related to the budgets of the industries that if it is based on the program , serious efforts can be made to fix it. reforming the budget structure for financial discipline that was and is on the agenda of the government. what i told my friends before. the formation of treasury unit account is very effective in the direction of financial discipline and the governments are trying to make this treasury unit account operational and enforceable. this was a good step in the zikr law. the government wanted to act
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, and financial management and discipline are still on the agenda of the government. the president reformed the budget structure and established financial discipline, trying to curb inflation by preventing budget deficits and directing liquidity towards production, revitalizing rocket industrial units, paying attention to low wages, creating employment and paying attention to knowledge-based companies, reducing dependence on oil and adjusting the rights of workers and retirees. mentioned as one of the focus points in next year's budget. regarding taxes, mr. raisi also said: contrary to what was stated in some media. the government is not looking to increase the taxes of the salary earners, but the foundation of the government is to deal with tax evasion. the president also added that the country's economic growth in the first 3 months of this year was 7 and it was done according to the plans.
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we predict the growth of 88 by the end of the research year to be at the end of the joint meeting between the government and the parliament, the speaker emphasized the need for empathy and cooperation between the executive and executive forces to solve the country's problems. referring to the 7th plan and the country's budget bill for next year, mr. qaliyaf said: let us know today that we are ahead of the curve. the way is for all of us to recognize this program that is approved and announced as our national covenant, and to promise not to do anything outside of this. second, our friends need the necessary resources for this work . let's do all these , anyway, these activities require no resources a way the resources should
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be at the peak of cooperation between the government and the parliament. we should not put these resources in people's pockets, we should not take them from people's pockets. the reason is that the government and the parliament are not doing this and we should not do it. and you will see, god willing, with this seventh five-year plan, we will witness day by day that people's problems will be reduced. and with economic stability and proper growth and a bright future with a bright horizon, god willing, we will have a bright future with our dear people and youth. i see.
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it creates good facilities and capacities for the prosperity and development of the region. dear colleagues. the caspian convention, which was signed in kazakhstan , defines the duties and general framework of cooperation between the five coastal countries in the four maritime zones in the caspian sea, and the application of sovereign rights and exclusive and collective jurisdiction in these areas requires drawing a baseline. as the basis for determining the exact limits of internal waters, territorial waters of the fishing area and common water area in the caspian sea, estecheh has had 6 rounds of meetings and negotiations in the form of
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a working group of high-ranking caspian officials to negotiate and the finalization of the agreement on determining the direct lines of origin in the caspian sea has been held, but we must admit that the process of negotiations to complete this document is progressing slowly and is not satisfactory. we hope that the seventh meeting of this working group will be held in baku as soon as possible and that it will bring fruitful results. i suggest that the meetings of this working group be held at short intervals and at least once every three months in one of the coastal countries so that we can finalize the draft of this
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agreement sooner. to the agreement is about fashion lines. dear colleagues of the honorable ministers. currently , there are many environmental threats and challenges in front of us, the solution of which requires the collective cooperation of the five coastal countries. one of the most important challenges is the threat of lowering the caspian water level caused by awan. there were parts of the foreign minister's speech in the group of reporters in moscow, which were presented live to you. from us, the speaker of the parliament named access to equal opportunities and justice as one of the priorities of the 7th program. they will receive a comprehensive test and all
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iranians will be insured. parliament day is also the people's day. speaker of the parliament was a guest last night, special talk program in connection with the seventh program, a conversation on the occasion of the parliament day, explaining the bill, the output program of the seventh program , the result of the government's efforts, according to the speaker of the parliament, the bill , with the transformational approach of the country's administration , will not lead to the progress of the country. a transformative view of a program that this program must be idealistic but also realistic so as not to fall into the fate of past programs, mr. qaliyav, the disciplined budget for efficient management and profitable assets are 3 goals. he considered the seventh plan to have an efficient government and
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further pointed out the waste of 14 billion dollars of energy in the country and said: the benefit of optimizing energy consumption should reach the families, but one of our most important issues is the imbalance in energy and this is at the height of injustice, so we in this program , we have predicted in such a way that without discussing the price , we will see the benefit of the people and then the benefit of the government and this capital, which is about 10 billion more than 10 billion dollars according to the big figure that i said, we will be able to during the program. part of this every year is the investment cycle and the return of the wealth of the speaker of the parliament they consider the family to be one of the main axes of the 7th plan, the program is focused on the family , that is, the economic basket of the family, the livelihood of the family
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, the cultural basket of the family, the basket of family health. also, mr. qalibaf called the creation of equal opportunities as another axis of the 7th plan. justice and equal opportunities are very important and fundamental. it was approved that we can customize. balancing the pensioners' rights with the working people's approvals of the parliament regarding the bill of the 7th program is currently being reviewed in the guardian council for approval. let's all help and accompany this great transformation, god willing, nahid akbarzadeh referring to the case related to the importation of tea, the spokesperson of the judiciary said: the will of the food authority is to fight corruption and this authority does not allow it. this important document should be subject to the notice of the proceedings. mr. setai
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announced the arrest of some managers in this case. in response to sedav sima's reporter about the latest situation of the people involved in the case of akbar tabari, the spokesperson of the judiciary, the former executive vice president of the judiciary department, said: "six people have been sentenced." regarding mr. tabari, we already had information in favor of mustafafa. the last situation that we can tell about his conditions let's talk about his case: the case is in the execution of the sentences and he is also serving the punishment , and if there is another point, then we will definitely inform about the standards, but regarding the other two people you mentioned, the latest status of the case is the reason is that in the criminal court of a province of tehran, the investigation is ongoing, but for more information, i
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can say that 6 of the defendants in this case have been convicted of bribery and fraud, and their case is in the appeal stage. the petition is appealed. intense attacks of light gaza from the ground and from the air, in the latest attacks on this narrow street, a residential building in the south of sheikh rizwan neighborhood was targeted and dozens of palestinians were martyred. 10 people were martyred and several others were injured in the attack of the zionist regime's planes on a residential house in the center of the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip. the attack on a school in khanyounos, where the refugees were accommodated, left dozens of martyrs and
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wounded . the zionist regime's airstrikes have intensified with a focus on bombing around hospitals in this area. many palestinian refugees took refuge in hospitals and medical centers. doctors and patients asked for help in dar al-salaam hospital located in khan younus. a large number of palestinian refugees took shelter inside the kamal adwan hospital located in the north of the gaza strip. doctors in the south of the gaza strip are also announcing that infectious diseases are spreading. united nations again. he warned about the difficult situation in gaza.
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a palestinian youth was martyred and 3 others were injured in the attack of ashqalgar soldiers on the west bank. the occupiers also arrested dozens of people . palestinian ministry of health, place of martyrdom of 25 young men qalandiya camp in north of quds declared the palestinian year. the zionists attacked the eastern area of ​​nablus with 15 armored vehicles and bulldozers last night and this morning, which were met with the response of the palestinian youth. in beitleh, palestinian fighters detonated an improvised explosive device in the path of the occupation's armored vehicles. in these clashes, an occupying soldier was injured and more than 50 armored vehicles of the zionist regime raided the jenin camp and destroyed part of the infrastructure with a bulldozer. the zionist settlers in nablus, hebron, and occupied jerusalem are fighting with the palestinians in occupied jerusalem, a large number of
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zionist soldiers were stationed in the eastern part of jerusalem. after the destruction of residential houses in the zionist attacks , the people of gaza are facing a water crisis. according to the palestine network, the residents of gaza are facing a water shortage crisis, and in order to get a few liters of water, they have to stand in long queues in the gaza strip . in the attacks of the zionist regime, hundreds of houses were turned into piles of dirt. people's access to drinking water has also been cut off. palestinians for to get drinking water, they have to stand in long queues for hours. disaster situation. we have to stand in line for drinking water for a long time.
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safe drinking water is not available in all areas. water pollution and infrastructure destruction. food and bread are also reduced and people do not have access to essential water. put these next to constant and intense bombings. some palestinians have to stand in line at night to get drinking water for their families. those who are critical and sick, who cannot stand in line , get help from their children or relatives. targeting people's water supplies gaza has faced serious problems. the slowness of activity in the southern port of the occupied territories is due to the dismissal of its employees, the zionist media announced, after the attacks of the yemeni army on the ships of this regime in the red sea, the ships that were coming to the port of eilat canceled their schedule. less than 24 hours after the resumption of the zionist regime's attacks
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on gaza, the yemeni forces resumed their anti-zionist operations in the red sea and launched a new military operation in support of the palestinian people. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces said: the yemeni navy captured two ships of the zionist regime in the strait babolmandb aimed. the yemeni armed forces are committed to preventing israeli ships from entering the red sea and the arabian sea until israel's aggression on gaza stops. the newspaper quoted zionist officials as saying: israel has ordered its commercial ships to change their course due to threats from yemen. changing the route of the ships of the zionist regime is good news, but we verify such news and the statements of the zionists are not reliable. this member of the ansar allah movement
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also warned against the names of americans and foreigners who support the ships of the zionist regime. we only ship so far we are targeting the ships of the zionist regime, but if any party intends to support the ships of this regime , whether american or non-american , the yemeni army will definitely be targeted, a few days after the start of the zionist regime's attacks on the residential areas of gaza with ballistic missiles. the port of eilat in the south of the occupied territories was targeted, and since last week, yemeni naval operations have led to the seizure of at least two ships related to the zionist regime. the entry of the yemeni army into the war against israel will increase the cost of continuing the war for tel aviv and the movement of israeli commercial ships in the red door and the arabian sea. it makes it very difficult. the zionist newspaper harares
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wrote that the costs related to the disruption in the trade of the zionist regime and raising the insurance of the ships of this regime by international companies have significantly increased the economic losses of the continuation of the gaza war for tel aviv. the president of cuba visited the house of innovation and technology in tehran international exhibition. the minister of health, as the head of the iran-cuba joint commission, said on the sidelines of this visit: during the visit of the president of iran to cuba. and during the cuban president's visit to iran, 6 scientific and technological contracts were signed between the two countries. two agreements in it was related to health and treatment discussions. the agreement was related to agricultural discussions, and our communication and
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cooperation. we may have had within a year and a half, and in fact, this is a record in the agreements between the countries that are carried out. so far, 233 services of the ministry of cultural heritage, tourism and hand industry have been connected to the national window of smart government services . all services were supposed to be connected by the end of november. the devices should be connected to this system, the national information network should be tried to be formed as soon as possible, this help is worthy and that can it play a role in the development of the smart government, connecting to the window of the smart service unit, which was supposed to be fully joined by the end of november by all government agencies based on the resolution of the second meeting of the executive council of information technology 1001
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, please do this legal duty quickly. act so that we can witness providing this good opportunity for all our beloved people. according to the statistics of the ministry of communications and information technology , we have 522 birth certificate services, in addition to all the licenses, based on the assessment that my colleagues have performed, out of these 520 services, more than 300 services are in fact. to serve 302 fully connected. but contrary to the law in the ministry of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts, only 23 services of this device are connected to the national window of smart services. the 23% statistics provided by the information technology organization are related to 125 services that were implemented in 2017 with the approach of budgeting and budgeting. however, in the later investigations , in 2009 and 2010, and in fact 400 , we came to the conclusion that out of these 125 , 70 of these are services, and 55
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are duties, which are actually considered the duties of the organization . it should be done from those 70 services 31 has been made electronic, the reason for its being made electronic is that its scope is actually wide, many people are working with it, and under the title of 19 services , it is providing services to the people through the window of the smart government. we did the recruitment of the country, we came to the conclusion that our services should be reformed , we held meetings with our assigned deputies , we counted my main services, and god willing , we will soon change the title of 125 services to 70 services to the organization of the country's recruitment department based on budget law 1402 all the executive bodies should have presented their injuries through the national window of smart government services by the end of november. nasreen bekpour, radio broadcaster
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, 557 iranian women are among the most used researchers in the country, according to the head of the islamic world research and monitoring institute of these women. about 13 of the highly cited researchers, based on the latest report of this institution, are in the list of one hundred researchers of the world, which is based on the database. 135 female iranian researchers in 12 fields, including agricultural sciences, high-line medicine, biology, biochemistry , chemistry and pharmacology, won the necessary points. the first winter snowfall in canada cut off electricity for tens of thousands of customers. snow and winter storms
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also disrupted traffic in central and eastern canada. schools were closed in ontario and montreal. the height of snow in montreal is reported to be nearly 30 cm. a bus accident in thailand left 14 dead. 20 people were also injured. the bus lost control on a forest road in western thailand and crashed into trees. the state transport company of thailand announced that the investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing. thank you very much for your companion. have a nice day, god.
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in the name of god, i greet you, your presence is important viewers. dear khabar network, have a good day. in the past 24 hours, the hottest place in our country has been bandas, with a maximum temperature of 34 degrees, the coldest place in kurdistan , with a minimum temperature of 9 degrees below zero. for today, we are still witnessing a calm and stable atmosphere in most of the regions of our country. again, air pollution is the dominant phenomenon in the industrial and big cities of our country . we predict that we will continue to witness an increase in the prevalence of atmospheric pollutants in the cities of tehran, karaj, arak, isfahan, semnan, ahvaz, tabriz and also the holy mashhad. pollutants
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lead to reduction. air quality and horizontal visibility can decrease in these areas, so we recommend children, the elderly, cardiorespiratory patients, and pregnant women to avoid unnecessary traffic and outdoor activities. due to the passing of a wave on the shores of the caspian river and areas of istanbul, we expect to see scattered rains late tonight. for tomorrow , we expect scattered rains to continue in the northwest of the country and parts of the caspian sea coast. for tomorrow again in the cities of tehran, karaj, arak, isfahan and so on in ahvaz, we will have an increase in the concentration of pollutants, and accumulations of pollutants will continue to exist in these areas for tomorrow, wednesday. on thursday
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, we will have scattered rains again in areas of the west of the country, the northwest, the shores of the caspian river, the southern slopes of alborz and the areas of the northeast of the country due to the passage of this wave and also the wind that occurs due to the pollutants its intensity will decrease in the industrial and big cities of our country, and as i told you , we will witness scattered rains in some parts of the western half and northern half of our country. along with the activity of this system , we will have a relative decrease in temperature in the northern parts of the country. this afternoon and wednesday. the caspian sea is also expected to be rough. for tehran, as i told you, we predict that we will continue to have jovi's deposits. currently , the air quality index is at an unhealthy level for sensitive groups, and again, we recommend avoiding unnecessary traffic and outdoor activities. the temperature will reach 18 degrees today in the hottest hour and at least 6 degrees in the coldest hour tomorrow morning. thank you for your companion.
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i will let you know the next part. stare at these photos and be happy, god forbid, let someone's eyes sleep so that you remember waking up
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. put your heart into the sea , don't doubt, this is the end of this august day. i imagine that you are in my mind right now. in 2011, i was going to high school in the high school of iran , the city of his friendship. there is no friend who became a doctor after being a secretary , but here again, god willing, in the next week , their paths will become one in the islamic council of 1958. please tell me how many days you have been in yest. both of them became representatives of yazd province. our yazd is the same man among the ricks of this sound and image, dr. seyed reza paknejad, a man who
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is known by many for his books. whose most famous work is the first university of the last prophet and it was published in 1330 , i was familiar with his statements and his religious scientific meetings , which were finally compiled in the form of the noble book of the first university and the last prophet in one a very heavy collection was published in recent years in this meeting when i was present anyway if there was a question, if something came up, we would go to him and talk. in addition to writing, he also treated the people of the cities . he would say, "who is the doctor here ?" finally, they come to the pharmacy line to read medicine.


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