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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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in which users are divided into black and white lists. in this social media policy , content published by the accounts of elites and famous people against the policies of the zionist regime and the united states will be shown to the audience after a short period of time through artificial intelligence, and on the other hand. in cooperation with twitter, they have a list through which people and user accounts are blocked on certain topics, or their posts cannot be displayed. social networks in events related to the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza , his full service to the war criminals.
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they show that from the blocking of user pages on instagram, twitter and facebook to the deletion of posts supporting the people of gaza, the virtual censorship of the people of gaza and user reports has been so widespread that instagram accepted it and gave the excuse of a technical problem. but the production of content around the world in support of the people of gaza and the publication of such images. no power can stop the voice of the people of gaza and the resistance front. sallar vaezy news reporter of sed and radio.
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ahaki or aunt halam, don't be afraid of us, we are afraid of you oh, uncle, you are hiding your fear, or uncle, your van is fine, or uncle, you are good, you are fine, or uncle, that's enough of your word, this is sweet, and it's not true, it's true, it's our ten, we need it, we need it, we need it. 33 omerk or mera 33 omerk oh his row, you are five years old and half five years old. amirah, this medina is inhabited
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by many people and contains a large number of displaced people , my family, i, a couple and children are in this residential medina .
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this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, you can buy up to 10 million tomans you will receive a purchase credit. we have 730 days until my last payment. pak shuma is always with you. this house without windows has its own design. besides, the design of this house is also its own work . it is great to choose the best. they call you a real designer, something that is very important to me. pay attention to in detail, see what spirit the color and texture of this window has given to the house. wintek is a window. if the price is important to you
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, the price guarantee can put your mind at ease . didn't you eat not myself, but my hair? why? our anti-shedding garlic shampoo has to say hello to nature again. why did it fail? my installment is not over yet. high quality mob, long sales, reasonable price. take it from iran. the price floor is in sarai irani.
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human trafficking only a patient in need of an organ transplant knows what it means to expect to find a heart , kidney, or liver. in america alone , one person
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is added to the organ transplant waiting list every 9 minutes. during 2020, 39,000 organ transplants were performed in this country, but still, an average of 17 people wait in line every day. when no organs are available, death is inevitable come in this situation, the value of a vital organ becomes priceless. buying and selling organs is illegal in the world and transplant centers cannot officially set a price for it. in the international black market of vital organs, the demand is always higher than the supply, and right from here, the market is in the buying and selling of body parts. man begins. with all the legal obstacles, the interwoven network of the international black market makes vital organs.
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and hopefully the conclusions and our determination we come part of the bone marrow of anyone dealing with organ transplantation to know that the r brought and arrests all his employees. the traces of kidney smuggling led the police here to a secret salon and a facial surgery team. the owner of istanbul clinic and its surgical team head is yusuf sanmoz. the doctor who
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is known as dr. frankenstein because of his black case. youssef senmoz has transplanted more than 4 thousand kidneys. during this operation, the police arrived when dr. senmez was performing illegal surgery on two recipients from israel and south africa, each of whom had paid more than $20,000 to the doctor. senmez was sentenced to 10 years, but when he was released on bail.
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november 4th, 2008, pristina kozu airport, pristina airport police suspect a young turkish man, 24-year-old yilmaz alton, from his stomach area and general location. alton admitted to the police that medicus clinic removed one of his kidneys and gave it to him. a patient it is a transplant. after questioning and investigating the staff of the clinic, the police reached the main surgeon of the case, who was informed that he had left kazuvu. the fugitive surgeon was none other than dr. senmes. upon further investigation, it was found that organ sellers' organs are mainly transferred from turkey and the former soviet republics to israeli buyers and organ buyers paid 80 to 100 thousand euros for each kidney. one of
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the most important and key figures among those arrested is mosh harel tabeh, the broker and international organ trafficking network of the zionist regime. harrell recruits needy people from poor countries by offering money and sends the purchased organs to the occupied territories . after he was arrested in kosovo, moshe haarel transferred his activities to ankara. he is called the number two man of the human organ trade mafia and is accused of stealing more than 202 grand. turkish police moshahar in medicos clinic he arrested and sentenced him, but finally, due to the pressure of the zionist regime , he was released from prison on bail and fled this country. the prosecutor who
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was the victim of this case announced that the people who were brought to this clinic from moldova, kazakhstan, russia and turkey were promised 15 thousand euros, but they sold each organ for 10 thousand euros. that means something about 6 times more. a network of clinics in the republic of azerbaijan, cyprus and africa. south was also identified as the grafters of this lucrative market. in most published reports, the zionist regime is at the top of the list the trade of human body parts is in the world. immigrants, children and mentally retarded people are good jobs in this business. the zionists even use the body parts of palestinian cities to provide resources for smuggling gangs. behind most of the organ traffickers is the sa network. which finally
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reaches the politicians and capitalists and even the lawyers of the zionist regime. nancy schipper, professor of medical humanities at the university of california, founder of the oregon watch institute and one of the most important experts on the phenomenon of organ trade , said in a conversation with new york radio: "israelis have an organized structure and they are amazing in buying and selling members in the world. they have bank accounts all over the world. and they employed people in this field , translators and tourist companies. requests for kidney transplants in the world are increasing day by day. this demand has led the black market of human trafficking to the tourism industry, the immigrants who are known as transplant tourists.
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the mediterranean sea, the international organization for migration has announced that three boats carrying refugees have sunk in libyan waters. there were 172 people on the boat, all of them probably died, but this is not the first and probably not the last boat to sink. statistics the drowning of asylum seekers in the mediterranean sea has tripled in one year. official statistics say: in the first few months of 2020, the number of drowned people has reached 650. the lack of rescue and surveillance boats in this area has increased the number of victims of these incidents. poverty, unemployment and war in countries like iraq, afghanistan and syria have caused tens of millions of people to leave their country for migration or asylum. the united nations says that europe
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is the largest destination for refugees in the world. along with all the dangers ahead for an immigrant. the international organization for migration has revealed that more than 70% of immigrants and asylum seekers are victims of human and organ traffickers on their journey from africa to europe. the human traffickers drown the asylum seekers by deliberately piercing their inflatable boats and remove the victims' body parts in five hours before the internal organs are destroyed to sell to buyers at the highest price. among the immigrants who did not want. they become victims and a group steps into this black market with their own feet. rafael matheson, the spanish originator of the santiago agreement on the trade of human organs , says: "i get 10,000 people from the union every year." europe has places like israel to
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perform organ transplants illegally. this business brings one and two-tenths of a billion dollars to its operators. the world health organization says: the shortage of organs in rich countries has drawn patients from this country to the poor countries of the world to buy their organs for a longer life.
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it is small and sparsely populated in eastern europe. moldovans have the lowest annual income among other countries in the world. life expectancy for women is 76 years and for men is 67 years. while a quarter of the country's standby force is outside the borders they are busy, but the organ trafficking market inside moldova is hot and active. moldova is a lucrative market for organ transplants. the population of moldova does not reach a million people, but the world health organization has announced that more than 10% of the kidney market in the world is supplied by moldovan men. the largest number of requests for transplant patients in the world is for kidneys, and the zionist regime is the largest consumer of it. international businessmen and smugglers have developed the kidney production line in moldova to the point
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where most moldovan men live with one kidney . european human rights commission follows the activity of the network the zionists are mourning in moldova. this committee says that the doctors with the citizenship of the zionist regime are to blame for this issue, and the main responsibility for the development of the trade in human body parts all over the world , including eastern europe, is directed at them. you can see it here, remember for this entire year of live kidney transplant was 58, 2009, 69, 2010, 78 and this year 106, and this you know it's almost doubling the number, okay, and in parallel, the number of patients went abroad for kidney has gone down by 90%. reports
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of organ theft of victims of regional wars in countries such as syria, iraq and yemen have been published, which has been reflected in the israeli regime's domestic newspapers. admitting this trend, haart newspaper writes: a number of brokers and surgeons in tel aviv are waiting for the arrival of the victims of these wars, especially from syria. in the syrian civil war , the field hospitals of the zionist regime are welcoming the opposition forces of bashar al-assad. stealing the body parts of the wounded was one of the zionists' businesses in such a situation. in 2022 , zionist soldiers killed three palestinian teenagers. a few days later, families hand over the bodies of their children without internal organs take yasser arafat, the head of the palestinian authority
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, told the media in response to this zionist behavior: they killed our children and took their body parts. 7 years later , the swedish journalist donald bostrom's report showed that what arafat said was not a coincidence. bostrom is a reporter and photographer whose photos are related to the subject. the conflicts between the zionist regime and the palestinians are world famous. by publishing a report in the swedish newspaper afton bladet, he revealed what the zionist army does with the body parts of palestinians. it was after that with the arrest of several zionist rabbis in the american news and american free magazine the press exposed the international criminal syndicate of human organ trafficking. the international network whose center is in israel. its expenses are financed from the budget of israel's national health plan. preys are often hunted among workers, women and homeless girls . the promise of a job and a better life in
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israel's land of effective immigration attracts people to the human trafficking market. prostitution is legal in the occupied territories and the zionists have a record of trafficking women seeking work to israel. up to 5 thousand women annually with the promise of high income employment. and comfort facilities to the occupied territories will be human trafficking networks bring the victims from the southern borders into the occupied territory and from there they transfer them to brothels in tel aviv. this is the beginning of the dark cycle of prostitution. according to the statistics provided by the united nations, more than 225,000 women and girls were trafficked for sex trade in 12 european union countries. in the late 1990s, the income from this business was 45 million dollars a year, and the amount of income these women had
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was 120 to 170 shekels per day in the currency of the zionist regime. on november 6, 206 ad, the united nations published a report in which israel has been introduced as one of the main destinations of women trafficking in the world. it is possible for zionist citizens to travel to most countries of the world. and there is no news of international punishments for this group of human and organ traffickers. this is why the zionists are active in creating underground smuggling networks around the world and israel has become a paradise for merchants of this dirty business. september 202 washington white house. trump, the host of prime minister netanyahu of regime 3, both countries
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came to the white house to announce the normalization of their country with the zionist regime by signing the normalization agreement. do an agreement planned in the field of investment, tourism, direct flights, security and other services. the units of this country are built and maintained by the same foreign workers who are often victims of human trafficking or forced labor.
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a part of this workforce are women whose passports are given to employers at the beginning of their arrival. employers' abuse and unpaid wages lead these women to trafficking and corruption networks. the european parliament has announced that the united arab emirates, bahrain and saudi arabia set international standards for they do not implement the fight against human trafficking. it is estimated that only in the emirate of dubai, 45 thousand women are caught in a network of prostitution and prostitution. november 8, 2020 dubai airport, united arab emirates boeing 737 flydubai airline took off from ben gurion airport for the first time with a group of tourists. he sat on the ground. the visa-free exchange of israeli tourists was one of the terms of the agreement that the emiratis concluded with the zionists. emirates to implement this program to amend some
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laws. such as not banning the consumption of alcoholic beverages and banning cohabitation without marriage. at for 3 months, more than 66,000 israeli tourists traveled to dubai and other regions of the uae. the behavior of these tourists during this period raised the voice of uae tourism activists. the owner of travellishes travel agency says that the uae is currently accessible to israeli tourists, but they must behave with respect . these inappropriate behaviors are unexpected for us and if they continue, the situation will be awful. emirati hoteliers complain about the theft of towels and room items and say: israeli tourists hold unusual events in their rooms. most zionists travel to dubai they choose not for business or desert tourism and sunbathing on its open beaches. dubai
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is known as lasos of the middle east. behind all this... glitter and always-on lights are hidden in the dark industry that israeli men are supposed to prosper .
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this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, we can receive up to 100 million tomans of purchase credit from pak shuma, and we have 730 days until the last payment . don't buy shoes. let's buy shoes. let's buy them on friday. dads , let's not go anywhere. where will we go to a movie theater ? let's go on friday. let's go to amina's mom's house. let's go on friday , let's go. now why not
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friday, since we are facing a crowd on fridays due to your unique reception , our suggestion for an easier shopping experience is to visit on saturdays to thursdays, shahr farsh shahr , our home appliances gold. we have brought you the sauce from morocco. argan oil shampoo is a new product from perresheg. we should say hello to nature again. why did it fail? my installment is not over yet.
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high quality sofa, price. iranian, reasonable price from sarai iranians, get the floor price in the iranian house , in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. dear viewers, hello , good evening. the complaint file of more than 3,000 of our compatriots regarding the claim for material damages and punishment due to the martyrdom of sardar haj qassem soleimani led to the issuance of a verdict by the us government court and 41 other natural and legal persons of america on the charge of participation in the martyrdom of sardar haj qassem soleimani.


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