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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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is it in the motorhome? we have 11 electrops here, what is their job , they take the product from the tank and transfer it to the loading platform. this truck must enter the station with full safety . yes, this car is released . the car's drain valves, the danger signs include the danger triangle, the dimension of a rhombus , which indicates that it is carrying a famous product. now this car can enter the facility. to load, the driver looks at the lid, he hits it, then he is ready to load the tank, 320 to the front house, 12 to the rear house, 12 in the middle, 8 to 200, in total, 322, how many fuel tankers in 24
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we refuel here every hour, about 275 pumps per day. now we will follow them and we will reach one of the stations. yes, according to the officials of the national oil products distribution company, 115 million liters of gasoline per day in the country is explained. come on, come on, come on. come come. do you fill up with gas every month or not? no, no, you fill up easily. yes, whether it is free or subsidized. yes, you filled it up safely.
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you were delayed for a few minutes, but there is one point also , have you paid attention to the process of producing gasoline or not? extracting oil in oil fields, transferring it through a pipeline and turning it into gasoline is an issue for which the cost is very important, but it can be more important than the production of gasoline. let it be a fair distribution of the subsidy that the government does not have a single car on these iranian families and they do not consume a liter of gasoline. the law on targeting of subsidies has given the government the permission to pay subsidies in the form of cash and non-cash payments to all households in the country. ministerially, later, his administration of justice agreed, but later the technical implementation of the other rinfan and other trustees should be like the ministry in determining the size of the household
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, like the ministry of ict in creating the infrastructure last year . in fact, the decision on this matter is the responsibility of the respected ministry of oil, which must make its decision anyway. we in the ministry of communications, as the minister of communications , are here to say that these infrastructures are completely ready . however, there are implementation obstacles the country's infrastructure is ready for the implementation of this project . it was carried out in the same period as the pilot project of kish , because the ministry of welfare actually once updated its own welfare database and database for the purpose of the 40-width plan, which is a very large part of the problems. the welfare of that plan has actually been resolved. i would like to ask you to come to
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the organization. it has not arrived until today that we will examine it and issue its approval. a fair explanation of the gasoline subsidy is pending the implementation of the approved plans by the ministry of oil. this is a newsworthy story. radio the head of the measurement organization and one or two examples of foreign words test. these one or two samples were produced in the so-called laboratory and they are being tested. we took the test , one or two of them were good. the second point is that
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the second point is stress. the print can be drawn, but it cannot be drawn, mr. sad. even once, when sanseh did not tell josh about the computer, he was messing with the subsidy . the computer is the terminal. our difference is in the systems . the systems of the minister of health did not become a system, and those who are included in that system flourish. so therefore, the weakness we have is the weakness of the systems . after the slide , immediately go in, it goes immediately, go in, and mr. wazir was speaking farsi and english in some places, they were searching with the keyboard , they were saying, "it's easy, you can search with a
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keyword, and all kinds of articles should be data, minister's data." economics and language reaction, its standard, parametric and non-parametric reforms, i don't know the persian translation. friends will ask later. is the imam of juma, a soft iraqi, who was not persian? it should not be soft, for example 40%. second co-factor these two factors are very important. the issue of academic consortia that we raised a year ago. bringing up the consortium, then continuing the foreign words without restrictions. it does not create any restrictions because the system came up because you are on the site of the scientific and technological assistant. if we had less than 10 personal personnel , mr. vice president for science and technology
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, he felt the danger. companies or the same definition of concession we are making vocabulary, mr. jalodari , we respect your service, joyn venture, from now on , we will also call it risky investment, of course. dear scientific vice president, it is too late to feel the danger. some of our reports were prepared. mr. joladarian has enough food for a year to finally love us. 5 years expected for this phase. spokesperson of the government and cultural phases. the first phase of imam airport. then the second phase. but this phase two only 35 million people. terminal was one of the french words used by the government. one of the passenger terminals of imam vajehai airport mr. sakhngou's faranggi was completed with a warm test. the warm test was also completed. in the end, the minister of industry and circulation with high circulation with economic circulation and a connector that could be connected
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. in the news , we had a quote from the head of the chlorine inspection organization that a business group importing tea was introduced to the food authority due to violations . according to mr. khodaian, this business group has not fulfilled the obligation for the amount received and has not imported any goods for importing second grade tea instead of first grade. one and fraud in the goods clearance cycle are other violations of this the commercial group of this industrial group
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had formed almost 20 real and legal companies in itself and from 2013 98 to the end of 1401 allocated more than 1 billion to itself and in the form of registration of orders, of this amount, approximately one billion and 400 was allocated to import machines related to tea packaging , packaging related to printing, and nearly 2 billion dollars were allocated to the tea product itself . violations in the field of customs, the central bank , the ministry of state and even the ministry of jihad of the national organization standards are involved in this matter and
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they do not have the necessary accuracy and the necessary cooperation in order to take this width from the country in any case . so far, the organization's investigations have come to the conclusion that 1 billion and 400 million dollars have been spent so far. i predict that the obligations of these currencies have not been fulfilled and the goods have not arrived. in the continuation of the work , we will go up to 2 billion dollars . unfortunately, these currencies that have been taken have not been fulfilled, and in fact , my deadline has expired. finally, the comprehensive review and the supplementary report of the organization, god willing , will be sent to the judicial authority in less than a month, which is attached. the main case should be addressed. this particular business group is a member of your union. yes, this group is an active member of our union, and its activity records are also documented, and we were aware of its performance. see
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, i would like to give a note to the residents first about organizations and the private sector. i would like to say that these organizations are a group of members of the same field of industry, which does not have the power of executive operations, which means that we are not able to specifically investigate the way each of our members works , neither do we have the tools, nor do we have the facilities. no, at all , we have the authority of the law in the limits of mataraf and dar the limits of operations that go back to the way the members work and the issues we deal with, so no, we really did not have any information about it . in any case, the unions have monitoring tools . the monitoring tools of the unions are actually based on the information that the members themselves and others have. i will present the members of that union to them. we
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have access to the most basic information that you think we need to plan and plan in that area. unfortunately, we didn't have it until today. in private, when should you give, where should you assume competent organizations, when you are a a union you are in contact with some ministries and the operations of your members are reflected there. naturally , we should have had access to that data. until when should this organization , zithlak says, when will you assume, for example, in the field of order registration, for example, the position organization? we are discussing the ministry of jihad in the discussion of tea , but we have never had information and statistics in our union , of course, now and after these recent issues, the atmosphere has changed a lot . it wasn't like this before, we have more information later since these events happened, there have been changes in this matter. yes, now the situation has become such that they are completely interacting with the organization, and maybe this
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issue has even affected other organizations . now, for example, in your union, if one of the members commits such a violation if it is committed, you can find out before these issues happen and these, yes, now the conditions are such that they have to use the organization themselves so that they can actually move in the right direction . there are problems in order registration, challenges. existed where have they reached now? it is definitely being done our friends in the ministry of jihad are aware that it is not desirable and not up to the normal annual limit. the process of registering orders started in june of this year . after almost a 5 month hiatus. statistics were taken and based on the average import of these companies, a market share was allocated to them. of course, by removing the statistics that are related to one company , in fact, the group of certain companies that we are considering now, the priority in the ministry of jihad
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is the discussion of the priority of production, in fact, domestically produced tea, and then according to the market's needs, the adjustment is in fact the market using import tools starting from 10 thousand tons this capacity was found depending on the needs of the market. currently, it is about half of the average import. years ago, we considered the quota for order registration to be 30,000 . considering the processes that we had now, this registration of orders continues from june until now, and an important thing that exists is that in order to carry out this process of registration of orders, we needed inter
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-departmental cooperation, and this inter-departmental cooperation was almost appropriate. it was done and now he says that the market demand was 30 thousand tomans i said that it has entered so much this year. we have done a market needs assessment so far . our market needs assessment has shown that this is coming. the orders that have led to imports and will continue to respond to the market, we are facing the problem of not selling the same imports . there are 20,000 tons of domestically produced tea in the jad factory. the truth was removed and transferred to the second hall, that in fact, the ministry of agriculture and the market regulation headquarters removed the subsidy for imported tea and this price difference.
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in fact, the price difference that happens is to support the production of domestic tea, which reaches the respected consumer at the most suitable price. now, the expectation of the public opinion is, without a doubt, a harsh response to such violations and those who committed these violations. farzadeh azaribagha news reporter
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we stayed at the end of the road , i and my friends in the front , so that we could not defend ourselves .
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ajri baqat is cut off by allah, the rest of the road is marked in the confrontations between the youth and the army , and the road is marked in the way of shafoni jaish. yasbasbwa ali and zarbwa in vakalbshoni, and later the sadness of anni and vazlon on the street near our settlement
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, i understood that it is a wound, my current feeling is not real in my dream , and later on, when the soldiers let out a sound, do you remember that i am wounded and a bullet is fired at al-arraz, i was killed, i was killed, i was wounded , i was wounded, fajra and i was injured. the face of hana and wafi al-jeh al-tahniyyah, and in the eyes , you looked beautiful , and in the afternoon, with the rest of your walk, you were beaten, so i took you to the investigation, and they were with you , and they were with you, and you were the liar. once and later, i will not disobey
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you in the prison of ofer, my soul , i will be in the school of adna , instead of my cousin , nadina, i will give it to you. zarvah and sarna naeed were struck by lightning and sarna naeed the world was a story of dakhlona, ​​ana sarva yakwa mei kathir.
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my approval is here, you entered the face of the bone, the bone of the bone, the fracture, the fracture, the fracture, the fracture, the 3 poison, and the fathawa of me, here, so that you can sow the blackness of blatin. because of ashilhan, she was a victim, and later we were in fesh, in the reward of something other than shazaya, and later, i was doing physical therapy , even though it was a shock and subouni , and yet we treated him, and when it was a strong blow, i took the condition from the doctor. akam maskar kkhft ashan ashan operation and badi aqaad three
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months of ashhur fi al-dar feeling of fear and dismay ashan we met with the sahabi. we were afraid for now, and our father was on the stand, we were on the stand of the research, he was telling us that his cousin should treat him, i said yes, yes, al-sahib should treat him, i said, yes, yes, who is the one who should treat him, i said , let us know later, you will come to jabal li, and you will come to her. the fingerprints of when you enter the oath , you must be clothed, and you will be the owner of the shabaab, who
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knows what to do in the prison, and who is not allowed to do the forbidden and permitted activities. your effect on ali is that i am not with my family and we are ali's soul al madrassah or ma rahna ali al-maskobi.
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bolshua, they ask me in the ruling of the sunnah , he is the sunnah, and the compensation is 9 . come on us and in the days of inspection of the transaction, it is not clear , it means that you will remain in chaos, the goal of al-jandi al-takhni is that with our path and the fear of our children , it is enough for us, all of us, all
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of us, approval, children, the smell will increase . al-masirat in the days of al-jayah, after the three cities , i have a rule for when i am incarcerated, it is not natural for you to be imprisoned , it is the liberation of al-quds, palestine, and gaza. dreams are the country god willing, the path will be fulfilled and the way will be opened , and my companions will not play like us, and we will reject the occupation of our land, and we will not play like
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the rest of the children of the world.
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son, let's go run here, my son, wait a minute , what's going on here today, father, you're crazy , you don't read this, mahd farsh gives free carpets with the design of the carpet plus moqd, the owner's free carpet. iran's carpet is carpet.
4:00 am
take off your shoes. it is four o'clock in the morning tehran time, and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. media commemoration ceremony. it was held on wednesday evening at the bilal mosque of the broadcasting organization. memorial ceremony too it was held at the tomb of shahray medea in behesht zahra. renewal of agreement with ravian sadiq khabar and media in the 18th year


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