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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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take off your shoes. it is four in the morning tehran time, and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. the media memorial ceremony was held on wednesday evening at the bilal mosque of the broadcasting organization. a memorial ceremony was also held for the media outlet in behesht zahra. renewal of agreement with the narrators of sadiq khabar and media in the 18th year of their flight
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, panja golzarai behesht zahra, until reporters and members of the media are present in the scenes, the path of the martyrs continues. it is our honor that among our colleagues there are dear ones who bravely participated in this ceremony and offered their dear lives to the holy islamic system, which is the same for us. it is our duty to know these loved ones. we , barsanzadeh zahra hosseini, today also held a commemoration ceremony for the 330 air crash in the bilal mosque of the broadcasting organization . the path
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of reward is martyrdom. they have a great reward with god. there was a man who worked only for god. he was in the front when he was 8 years old , and when he came back from the front, everyone regrets why i, for example, did not have this happiness. in a way, we are really happy because we know that he was a young man, actor reza, by the way of god, we always do our best we ask god that we will be martyred in your footsteps. in the accident of the s1130 plane crash, 94 passengers of the plane, including military personnel and members of the media , were martyred. mohammad sadegh zamani, a tv news reporter. the report of the ministry of communications and information technology informs about the low level of registration of information of the customs organization in the window of the government service unit. according to the law
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, all government agencies were obliged until the end of november this year. do all your tasks in the window of the smart government service unit. the service unit window is a plan in the 13th government that all half devices provide their services in this window. an issue that the president emphasizes. the national information network should be formed as soon as possible . this help is worthy and can play a role in the development of a smart government. according to the statistics of the ministry of communications and information technology, among the 149 devices that need to be synchronized with this plan, so far some devices have connected 10% to this system and some have not succeeded yet. according to the statistics of the ministry of communications in the field of foreign trade , the customs organization has entered only a small percentage of its information into this system, but this organization says that what is related to this organization has been fully realized. is. we have duties according to our assignments.
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to move the portal of information exchange with merchants to the order of the trade community. this is the direction that we went to the order of the trade community. that is, the headquarters of the fight against the exchange of goods and currency can actually confirm this, and the ministry itself can confirm this . to confirm the procedure of import, export, transit , temporary entry for exhibition purposes, temporary entry to process temporary exit, abandoned procedure, return procedure , passenger procedure, postal products, cabotage, etc. they say that this is just the first step and the delay in joining the devices will cause the next steps to be taken more slowly . it is not a very special task . they don't even get a paper version, it's a very difficult task, he said
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, all the devices were supposed to be connected to this system by the end of november. some official comments in france that the country is not ready to hold the 204 olympics caused controversy. these statements are made while there are only a few months left until the start of these competitions. official statements ms. hidalgo, the mayor of paris , has raised a wave of concerns among officials and the organizing committee of the olympic games about the deficiencies and unpreparedness of the transportation networks predicted for the 2024 paris olympics. these statements are made by the host of the paris olympic games at a time when there are about 8 months left until the start of the most important sports event in the world. the minister of transport of the french government
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called the comments of the mayor of paris shameful and treacherous. we have made great efforts to come to paris to host the elm games and we are committed to do our best. statements of mrs the mayor of paris is very embarrassed in this situation. in his recent statements, the socialist mayor of paris , in addition to not fully preparing the transportation routes for the 2024 olympic games , pointed to the crisis of tens of thousands of homeless and drug addicts who roam the streets and corners of paris under bridges and next to sports complexes. and no shelter has been provided for them yet. mrs. emilia castro, the minister of sports of france, also did not understand the statements of the mayor of paris. if necessary
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, we will manage and organize these games without the mayor. we will show stronger than this. most experts sports politicians called the recent statements of the governors and the municipality of paris, that too in the important event of the olympics, as serious and worrisome, while there are about 8 months left before the start of the paris olympics, the officials of the international olympic committee still do not know about such statements of the officials. the french did not react. sahreini, a journalist of radio paris. and the united nations scientific and cultural education organization
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, the subject of the review of iran's composer, which was sent to unesco for world registration. celebration. from ancient iranian celebrations, the art of decoration and iftar feast as three elements of intangible heritage with the vote of unesco as a world record. there are several conditions for registering a work or an element in the correct interpretation in first names. one condition is that that element must be current, that is, it must be permanent. for example, it should not be an element that is in the past , it cannot be done now, it should have a specific language , for example, they do this every year, at a specific time , there should be a continuous treatment in it, at least, for example, a few generations past today, it should be published by the 13th government of the ministry of cultural heritage, tourism and sanayeh dasti managed to
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climb two ranks for iran in the world, from seventh to fifth, which is a great success 14 years after the first legacy was registered. iran's immaculate culture has been included in unesco's world list, which started with nowruz rituals, and today , with the global registration of these three elements, the number of our country's cases in the field of immaculate heritage has increased from 21 to 24. next one.
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human trafficking only a patient in need of an organ transplant
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knows how long it is to find a heart , kidney, or liver, which means that only in the united states, every 9 minutes , a person is added to the organ transplant waiting list. but again, on average, 17 per day people are waiting in line. when no organs are available, death is inevitable. in this situation, the value of a vital organ becomes priceless. buying and selling organs in the world is illegal and transplant centers cannot officially set a price for it . in the international black market , the demand for vital organs is always higher than the supply. with all
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the legal obstacles, the interwoven network of the international black market makes life organs. as we understand very well to address this problem is just not enough to put up a traffic light to say stop, we have to do our utmost to address. 2007 turkish police he took control of the private hospital in istanbul and arrested all its employees.
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the traces of kidney smuggling led the police here to a secret hall and a surgical team, and the owner of istanbul clinic and its chief surgeon is yusuf senmoz. the doctor who is known as dr. frankenstein because of his black case. youssef senmoz has transplanted more than 4 thousand kidneys. during this operation. when the police arrived, dr. senonmez was performing illegal surgery on two recipients from israel and south africa, who had each paid the doctor more than $20,000. sanuz was sentenced to 10 years, but only once who was released on bail and was awaiting an appeal, suddenly disappeared without a trace. 2008 in turkey for 10 long years, i was judged many times, i was accused, let's say around 10 different cases,
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and each time i was accused with the same points, illegal transplantation, illegal transplantation, but at the end in all of them , i was acquitted, my criminal record was totally clean, november 4th, 2008 , pristina kozu place airport. pristina airport suspects a young turk. yilmaz alton, 24, from they have guts in the abdominal area and in the kidney area. alton admitted to the police that medicus had removed one of his kidneys and transplanted it to a wealthy israeli patient. after questioning and investigating the staff of the police clinic , the main surgeon of the case was informed that he had left kazuvu. fugitive surgeon. it was none other than dr. senmes, with further investigation, it was found that the organs
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of organ sellers were mainly transferred from turkey and the former soviet republics to israeli buyers, and the organ buyers paid 80,000 to 100,000 euros for each kidney. one of the faces important and key among the arrests of the zionist regime's pimps and the international organ trafficking network, estelle attracts needy people from poor countries with the offer of money and sends the purchased replacements to the occupied territories . moschel moved his activities to ankara after he was arrested in kosovo. he is known as the number two man in the human organ trade mafia. he is accused of stealing more than 202 coins. the turkish police
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arrested moshahar at medicus clinic and convicted him. but finally, with the pressure of the zionist regime, with the condition of guarantee from prison left and fled this country. the kosovo prosecutor 's office, whose members were the victims of this case, announced: people who were brought to this clinic from moldova, kazakhstan, russia, and turkey were promised 15,000 euros, but each organ was sold for 10,000 euros, which is about 6 times more. . most of the network of clinics in the republic of azerbaijan, cyprus and south africa were also identified, which were the transplanters of this lucrative market. in most published reports, the zionist regime is at the top of the list of human organ trade in the world. immigrants, children and mentally retarded people are good at this trade the zionists even
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use the body parts of palestinian cities to provide resources for smuggling gangs. behind most of the body organ smugglers is an organized network that eventually reaches the politicians and capitalists and even the lawyers of the zionist regime. nancy schipper , professor of medical humanities at the university of california , oregon watch institute, and one of the most important experts on the organ trade phenomenon , said in a conversation with new york radio: "israelis have an amazing and organized structure in shopping." and selling members in the world have accounts everywhere in the world they have a bank and have employed people in this field , translators and tourist companies, the request for kidney transplant in the world is increasing day by day. this demand has led the black market of organ trafficking to the tourism industry. the side of immigrants who are known as transplant tourists.
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immigration reported that the boat carrying the refugees sank in libyan waters. 117 people were on the boat, probably all died, but this is not the first and probably not the last boat to sink. the number of drowning refugees in the mediterranean sea has tripled in one year. official statistics say: in the first few months of 2022, the number of drowned people it has reached 650 people. the lack of rescue and
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surveillance boats in this area has increased the number of victims of these incidents. the poor unemployment and war in countries such as iraq, afghanistan and syria have caused tens of millions of people to leave their country for migration or asylum. the united nations says that europe is the largest destination for refugees in the world. in addition to all the dangers facing a migrant, the international organization for migration revealed that more than 70% of migrants remove the organs of the victims before the internal organs are destroyed to give the highest price to the buyers. to sell from among the immigrants who they become victims unintentionally. a group steps into this black market with their own feet. the spanish innovator rafael matissens of the santiago agreement on the trade of human organs says that every year , 10,000 people from the european union
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are taken to places like israel for illegal transplants. member to do this business brings one and two-tenths of a billion dollars to its operators. the world health organization says: the lack of organs in rich countries has drawn patients from this country to the poor countries of the world to buy their organs for a longer life. nation, it has a mixture of religious and social and ethical background that makes a lot of people.
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moldova is a small and sparsely populated country in eastern europe. moldovans have the lowest annual income among other countries in the world . life expectancy for women. it is 76 years and 67 years for men, while a fourth of the country's workforce is working outside the borders , but the organ trafficking market is hot and active inside moldova. moldova is one of the lucrative markets for organ transplants. mulavi's population does not reach 5 million people, but the world health organization has announced that more than 10% of the kidney market in the world is provided by moldovan men. the highest number of requests for transplant patients in the world is for kidneys, and the zionist regime is the largest user. international businessmen and smugglers
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have developed the kidney production line in moldova to the point where most moldovan men live with one kidney. the human rights committee of europe is following the activities of zionist networks of khashog aza in moldova. this committee says that in this issue doctors have citizenship. the main responsibility for the development of the trade in human body parts in the whole world, including eastern europe, lies with them. 2009, 2010 78
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reports of the theft of body parts of the victims of regional wars in countries such as syria, iraq and yemen have been published, which have also been reflected in the israeli regime's domestic newspapers. hearts newspaper admits this trend and writes: a number of brokers and surgeons in tel aviv is waiting for the arrival of the victims of these wars, especially from syria. in the syrian civil war , the field hospitals of the zionist regime were welcoming the opposition forces of bashar al-assad, and stealing the body parts of the wounded was one of the zionist businesses in such a situation. in 2022 , zionist soldiers martyred three palestinian teenagers a few days later, families receive the bodies of their children without internal organs. yasser
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arafat, head of the palestinian authority , told the media in response to this zionist behavior: they killed our children and took their body parts. 7 years later, the swedish journalist donald bostrom's report showed that what arafat said was not a coincidence. bostrom. he is a journalist and photographer whose photos are world-renowned regarding the conflicts between the zionist regime and the palestinians. by publishing a report in afton bladet swed newspaper, he revealed that the zionist army with body parts what are the palestinians doing? it was after that, with the arrest of some zionist rabbis in nigeria , the american free press published an international criminal document of human organ trafficking. the network, whose center is in israel, and whose expenses are financed by the budget of the national health plan of israel. prey is often
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hunted among workers, women and homeless girls. the promise of a job and a better life in an immigrant-friendly country like israel attracts people to the human trafficking market. prostitution is legal in the occupied territories, and the zionists have a record in trafficking women seeking work to israel have. every year, up to 500 women are lured to the occupied territories with the promise of employment, high income and welfare facilities. human trafficking networks bring the victims from the southern borders into the occupied territory and from there they transfer them to brothels in tel aviv. this is the beginning of the dark cycle of prostitution . according to the statistics provided by the united nations , in 10 years more than 225 thousand women and girls in 12 countries of the union. europe were trafficked for the sex trade. in the late 1990s, the income from this business was 45 million dollars a year, and the amount of income these women had was 120 shekels per day.
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it was the currency of the zionist regime. on november 6, 206, the united nations published a report in which israel was identified as one of the main destinations for women trafficking in the world. it is possible for citizens to travel to most countries of the world. and there is no news of international punishments for this group of human and organ traffickers. this is why the zionists are active in creating land smuggling networks all over the world and israel has become a paradise for merchants of this dirty business. september 2020 washington white house. trump hosted netanyahu, the prime minister of the zionist regime. abdullah bin zayed al nahyan is the minister of foreign affairs of the uae, and abdullah bin rashid zayani
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is the minister of foreign affairs of bahrain. foreign minister both countries came to the white house to announce the normalization of their country with the zionist regime by signing the agreement. an agreement planned in the field of investment, tourism, direct flights, security and other services. the uae has about 8 million migrant workers, luxury hotels in dubai, shopping centers and beaches of this country are built and maintained by these foreign workers, workers who are often victims of human trafficking
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or forced labor. part of this the labor force is women whose passports are given to employers at the beginning of their arrival . employers' abuse and unpaid wages lead these women to trafficking and corruption networks. the european parliament has announced that the uae, bahrain and saudi arabia do not implement international standards to combat human trafficking. it is estimated that 45,000 women are caught in a network of prostitution and prostitution in the emirate of dubai alone. november 8, 200, dubai airport, united arab emirates. boeing 737 of flydubai airlines for the first time since ben gurion airport took off and landed with a group of israeli tourists. the visa-free exchange of israeli tourists was one of the terms of the agreement that the emiratis concluded with the zionists.
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in order to implement this program, the uae has amended some of its laws, such as not banning the consumption of alcoholic beverages and banning cohabitation without marriage. in 3 months, more than 66,000 israeli tourists traveled to dubai and other regions of the uae . the behavior of these tourists during this period raised the voice of uae tourism activists. the owner of travellishes travel agency says that emirates is now it is available to israeli tourists, but they must be respectful. these inappropriate behaviors are unexpected for us and if they continue, the situation will become awful. emirati hoteliers complain about the theft of towels and room items and say that israeli tourists hold unusual ceremonies in their rooms. most zionists choose dubai as a travel destination , not for business or sightseeing and sunbathing
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on its free beaches. dubai is known as las vegas of the east. behind all the glitter and the always-on lights, there are thousands of dark industries hidden israeli men are going to blow it up.


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