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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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all these are the requirements that must be seen in the design process of the launcher, so mainly the propellants are made of mahiya fuel, which has the ability to control the thrust and control the acceleration, and we also used the same type of propellant and in actually, based on the previous technologies, but we had an upgrade in the field of propulsion. in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, light on the light, in the name of god , light on the light, in the name of god, the light. on light, in the name of god
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, light on light, god is great, god is great , god is great, god is great i bear witness that there is no god but allah. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that allah is the most high. hai ali al-sala , hai ali al-falah. hai ali al falah
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hai ali khair al-alam hai ali khair al-alam allah akbar allah akbar la launched a major difference compared to
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our previous family of launchers, as you can see in our pictures, it was the first time that the cargo part has a larger diameter than the launcher body itself, so this type the design and this type of combination of the launcher means that in terms of aerodynamics and aerodynamic loads and the center of pressure and the scientific issues that are discussed in this the field of aerospace scientists is actually dominant in the special requirements in terms of stability and flight control of this type of launcher, which we do not have ground laboratories suitable for this type of design. we didn't want to do the necessary tests for the launcher from the flight, and based on the expertise and experiences of our scientists from previous launchers and the models developed by boomi, the
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software developed by boomi, these coefficients were calculated. algorithms for navigation control shudle in the first throw. it was fully approved according to the design that was done without the slightest deviation, in fact this flight was done and it was separated at the intended point, mr. dr. the same method was used inside this capsule. see in the capsule, if the set of systems that were used are placed outside of a launcher, the image on the top right is of the camera that is facing the valve or the cap of the capsule. it is and after the door actually, it is separated at one time, this cap
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comes out, it opens, and the umbrella is actually related to system recycling, it can work , and now, during my talks, friends, if they take the whole picture , i will show you this as well. that the technologies say yes, if we want to list the systems used in this collection, maybe we have about 10 main systems, the power supply system, the systems related to the flight computer, the command generation system, memory boards, and electronic boards that used systems related to telecommunication systems and the telemetry, which is actually the images that are received and the data that is recorded from inside the capsule from the conditions of the capsule , is usually transmitted by telemetry to the ground, it can be seen online, and of course, the original data
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is stored inside the collection itself, which later in fact, this data is used for recycling . it is a matter of monitoring system and measurement of biological parameters, which is very important. different parameters such as oxygen pressure level and temperature inside the complex must be fully monitored and monitored in that tolerance zone. make sure that those living conditions can be provided there are a set of sensors, various microswitches, cameras, which finally open the hatch, issue the umbrella command , there are operators that are related to the umbrellas, a set of operators and parts that enable the opening of various components. one of the important components of the system related to the heat shield and the perishable shield is the perishable system that hits the ground after the capsule hits the ground, after the parachutes open, a good part of the energy must be captured by the perishable system. yes
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, there is a set of shields that are now both in terms of materials and in terms of quality those capabilities of flexibility and brittleness are such that it takes most of the energy and causes the least damage to the internal components. the structure and gas-tight systems and aerodynamic systems of this complex, because anyway, this complex must be able to be placed on the ground in a completely stable manner with the umbrellas that open, and less depending on the rotation speed and the way it is placed on the ground. ok, so that most of the energy is dissipated through that pennant journey, that energy is actually wasted, well, it has its own special design, temperature monitoring systems, temperature regulation. there are various different components on the set, and our chatteri recycling set, in this capsule, we had two recycling systems, the first stage
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, the second stage, each of these systems has several sub-systems, maybe dozens of sub-systems and different components in this the set should have worked to return to the atmosphere after the capsule was separated and the heat it had to endure to provide stable conditions for the capsule. well, it means that the sub-systems do their work completely granted, of course we had technical problems in the second stage umbrella system, but the very positive and attractive point of the matter is that the bumper set is not working despite the problems in the system, actually the umbrella was created in one of the components of that system and now for us we are checking it and we can see that
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the perishable shield has done its job correctly so that the boxes and the components inside the set, the set of boards and even the biological kits that i told you, are all safe from the set. now we are in a situation where the data is being extracted. the various parameters of tens of sensors give their own data during the time of saving. these should all be put together in terms of time in the different conditions that happened to the launcher and the capsule . they have a tolerance that must be compared with their permitted limit to be controlled . naturally, after doing all these studies, we will only come to what modifications should be made on this capsule in the next step, is the acceleration level
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, the speed level, for example, now the speed of hitting the earth's surface exceeds the threshold allowed considering that one of our umbrellas it has technical problems , it has gone out, it has increased, what was the exact speed? was there a condition that the environment of our living dresser could withstand, the components and boxes are healthy, but is the condition of the acceleration level such that it can withstand all this? there are issues that we are now dealing with with this very good test that was done with this sub-orbital test and we are going to modify the capsule and modify different systems . i am talking about the capsule, if we want to talk about the launcher itself mr. engineer will explain more, let's talk, the number of these variables will be much more, the reason is that anyway
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there is a very large system with detailed components that we now have from the entire data set that will come in the coming days, now the data set from telemetry and it is the memory of the launcher. in different conditions and the data that the capsule receives , we can have an accurate judgment on which part should be redesigned, which part should be upgraded, and which part should have problems that we have to fix for the next capsules. god willing, i say now because of this program there is one that, god willing, has started very quickly and we strongly believe that we must invest in this area and work, otherwise , as i said, we will fall behind irreparably and by repeating various tests to make bigger capsules. because the construction of the capsule is the largest in the class, which is actually a kind of skeletonized capsule. we want
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to talk about the launcher, that the launcher has been able to show itself very well, just as the engineer said it was a new generation, and a report has been prepared of the special features used in this launcher, mr. let's see the engineer of this report and let's talk about the launchers section. the first space base in west asia started working in iran imam khomeini space base in 2006, the first space probe built by specialists of the islamic republic of iran was launched into space on the 29th dawn of the islamic revolution. in the same year , with the launch of this probe, iran became the 11th country in the world with the technology to send space probes. the space organization had built this probe with the aim of controlling the navigation of iranian satellites.
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next year, kaushgar 2. allahu akbar. well, the research mission was launched. and it was 40 to 55 kilometers away from the surface of the earth. the next year, the first creatures were sent life from iran to space became possible with kaushgar 3. a mouse, two lacs and some worms. the purpose of sending these organisms was to check the status of living organisms in space . the sending of iranian probes continued in 1989 until it reached pishgam. in 2009, pishgam sent the first iranian astronaut monkey into space with the same name. a trip 16. one minute to the height of 120 km and the safe return of this astronaut monkey
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to the earth. a year later, the research probe sent the second iranian astronaut monkey named fargam into the suborbital space and after about 15 minutes, the monkey was safely released to earth. and now. salman the last iranian probe to date to launch a capsule or a living container into space, which provides the basis for sending humans into space. salman was able to do this. to launch 500 kg to a height of 130 km. now, by launching salman into space, iran is one step closer to sending humans into space. mohammad javad reza soltani, sed and sima reporter. well, mr. engineer, explain about the characteristics of the launcher and the steps that should
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be taken for the future , mr. doctor. yes, as you know, the set of space launchers is one of the complex sets, and in fact , it is a set that few countries have achieved this technology. there are, but there are about 10 countries that can actually launch by themselves . our country is one of these 10 countries, and less than five countries can actually send humans or living creatures into space, and god willing, we can also join this jirga in the near future , and this is because of the complexities in the field. the launch is a satellite or a space launcher consisting of several thousands of parts, which in fact
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, failure or error in the performance of any of these parts can lead to the failure of the entire mission. thousands of data are exchanged in the satellite design process, and various tests must be done in the subcategory in order for us to achieve the success that i mentioned in this salman launcher, even though it was the first launch and we ourselves took risks, more than 10 risks. and as possible areas that we will finally carry out accurate data collection, thank god. it was a complete success for the future, we are working on the development of launchers , both for higher payloads to send satellites and for biological capsules and sending humans. we are working on upgrading the launch technology so that we can carry heavier payloads especially
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in the field of requirements, in fact, the living biological capsule , i would like to say that the first most important parameter is reliability and safety, that is, maybe we can say technology in terms of the launcher and the ability that we can assume a cargo of one and a half tons that mr. doctor told the title of the next version of this the capsules want to be launched. the next version will be three times the weight of this capsule . the weight of this capsule will be 500 kilos. the next version will be 1500 kilos. in terms of propulsive power and in terms of the power of our satellite carriers and launchers , this power is now available, but we must come, in fact, in the field of increasing reliability and increasing the safety that this requires is that it is a good investment to develop engines and propellants that we can be more reliable in terms of reliability. you know that in normal launches that we do not have live or human workers, usually the launchers have
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an automatic shutdown system that if any reason under me, there was an error and a deviation happened, the system commits suicide as it is known , and this is common in the field of launchers, but in the field when you are working with humans , it is actually a question of human life, and in terms of reliability, if we are in the launchers usually, for example, we say 90 %, 95% reliability is acceptable, here we have to get above 99% and work on the rescue systems , these are the areas that, god willing, in the future of launch technology, in order to reach the field of launching humans or sending humans into space , in fact there are technologies for its development the knowledge is there and, god willing, the necessary support will be provided if this capability happens in the country and in the ministry of defense and the aerospace industry organization. there are
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also suitable forces that have training. after about 15 years have passed since the first indigenous satellite launch with the ambassador launcher, our scientists have reached the level of complete experience and expertise in developing indigenous software of our own design, and it is completely possible in terms of knowledge and human power, in addition to the fact that daneshman and danesh companies the young people who have recently been added to our jirga, in fact, this is actually a synergy of expertise and elite with each other. we see a very good future in this field and we will achieve it. mr. dr. salari , why do you think that we started our work in the field of space biology with such a delay? it was from 912 until now
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, right? well, anyway, it depends on the decisions made at some point in time. anyway, interruptions in high-tech work can have many negative effects. i said when we did the first test the sub-orbit that was done , we have to plan for the next tests now , when will our next test be? we have started to design and build the next capsule, which has a higher mass class, and it will be built, but we are not satisfied with this. many of the sub-systems of the same capsule that have been tested now must be tested in other ways because the reliability must be increased. there are many mechanisms in this capsule , which after the data
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has been fully checked and analyzed, need to be verified and corrected. sometimes this test can be done in a laboratory in a simulated situation . sometimes it is necessary to do a sub-orbital test . sometimes it is necessary to do a launch test from an airplane . these should be car tests. now there are many technical issues. it is detailed, but we have started the capsule of the next class, which is scaled in a way, and we have to reach it according to the plan that is in the 10-year space plan document . we also have to start in the field of the launcher. there is, but i said no more it does not mean that we will have a break . many repeated tests have been planned since the first hour when
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the data of this capsule was extracted, and now that the method is being worked on, each and every set . all the industries must be done. it is necessary that our engineers redesign some parts , optimize them, make corrections, so that the prescribed tests are done . reliability because this is an important issue as well as we are talking about the launcher, we can say the same about the capsule itself. if any of the conditions required for living in space change a little from that allowed range, life will easily be destroyed, life will be lost, and the world will end. check out the history of space launches, all kinds of risks have been taken
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, many people have been killed in different circumstances, this is already recorded in the space history, this sensitivity must exist, therefore, it must be completely continuous, while the main plan is going forward. other small subs too and we have started to do this for the next example. yes , the initial discussions have been done. god willing, in fact , we will finalize the requirements together . we are fully ready to find this recommendation, god willing. mr. dr. engineer hosseini's presence in this program, i thank you for being with us. anyway, this launch that took place today is the beginning of a continuous journey based on the 10-year space document that, as mr. dr. said, god willing. in the next samples in the capsules in the future , let's see successes like today's success, with more successful launchers than today. today
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, salman's condition appeared very good. right, hosseini. yes , he achieved his goals completely . he achieved his goals. he was successful. thank you for your presence in the program. thank you for the news talk program, good night, god will release palestine from the river to the sea. palestine will be free. revive the palestinian resistance . long live the palestinian resistance. friends.
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what did they do when we traveled to africa during apartheid? they acted to support us. they they raised funds to support our armed struggle and the forces in exile, but they specifically raised funds for the african national congress party. they also supplied weapons to the african national congress party. so we ask every single person at this conference to make sure that you. you have undertaken to go to your countries, mobilize your financial resources , provide weapons for the palestinian resistance, so that we can effectively advance their struggle, so that we can defeat the brutal apartheid regime of israel. oh, sitting in the front row, many people talk but on the side
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the people are not sitting on the first page, stand up for justice , we have our own reports, we exchange tests that there is a train above the movement of the ground, the functions and estimates we did every moment are the most important in the field of vaccine storage, the time of programs, strategies and previous horizons of the consumer area, questions from us, we answer from the first page and evaluate and judge with you in the first row every night at 19:30 on the khabar network.
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safarozd faroz deheh hammaran. the role of our lives, the martyrs wrapped in the ear of time, time , your cry, the eternal meaning
6:00 am
of the islamic republic , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello and good morning , dear viewers , welcome to the 6 o'clock news section. approval of the proposal to require the official registration of non-promised property transactions in the expediency council . according to this resolution, one year after the establishment of the document registration system, all property transactions non-promise must be officially registered. according to this resolution, official documents...


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