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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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the settlement of this house is by my own hand, which is a stranger , and the use of a grocer's majmoud wants to be issued , creating competition and forcing the removal of the golden signature. insure the construction worker . those families who have three or more children will get a car without drawing a lottery. break the sardar with your determination and your child. well , the gentlemen who succeed in the fight have been decided. unfortunately , he is now free. this year
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, i got caught. i was the general manager of the company. unfortunately, i was at home for rest when the internal manager of the company with my seal and head office defrauded that 126-page check. creditors who didn't even know her . she was 26 years old. i went to prison. i had a son for 3 months. my son is in second grade now. he is 35 years old . there were not many like this woman. statistics say that they went to prisons because of this. 5 children are the breadwinners of the family. phone education , child, illness, illness, illness, who are with you, you know god, make a mistake, i will be in prison for 8 years, this is really painful, it is really painful. until 2017
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, it was the second issue of legal cases entering the courts. he had sent bad checks to the prison. on average day 12,560 checks have been returned in our system. 3-4, 5-6 days ago, the prison doors were opened 10 times a day just because of returned checks. 10 people go to jail every day for having checks. papers whose law in iran dates back to 1955, and for its amendment. it had been tried many times. the czech law was related to 40 years ago and it has nothing to do with the amazing developments in information technology and communication , electronic banking and supervisory systems for financial transparency and control in order to prevent and deal with economic interests in recent years . prison entrances are on one side. and the running of malbakhtan on the other side. the plaintiffs who had to
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pay legal fees and lawyer fees to get their rights. for a year or two, they would go up and down the steps of the courthouse to cash out their money. i received a check from the so-called to kasabbi from a servant of god. now , he delayed us for 5 or 6 years because he was going to give me tomorrow and i was going to give him next week. the bazaars said that the returnees were slow and their work was slow. the checks which took the work of reviewing things in baharestan in 2017, what we did in this project, are the types of checks that have a check issue issue. commercial banks and its concentration in the central bank of the two creditors of the check to register and register its information in the system. now, according to article 9 of this law , the creditor will get his money in a short period of time.
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this time, the debtor runs after the creditor. the person who draws the check, if he doesn't pay the check on time, it is during an initial complaint that only the person whose check is bounced will go after him, and the person whose check is bounced will have to go through court procedures and changes in the law. it didn't end here. based on article 4 of the law, if a check is bounced , the issuer's accounts will be blocked and the money returned. it should be given to the creditor, if the check is bounced in the bank , the person will have all the assets in all the banks of iran, equal to the amount of the check, as soon as it is returned, it will be blocked. the owner of the account will be informed, now you can do business with the eyes of a merchant who will answer you
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how many bounced checks i had in the last 3 years up to today and how many of them have been successfully resolved . until just 6 years ago, 20% of the checks were bounced. now only two and a half percent of them are not collected. in may this year, we have only 9 related prisoners we had a check for the whole month. the people of the bazaar also say that now they can get checks from strangers more easily. for example, he would return whatever we wanted. we were calling the customer, sir, what happened? i returned the product, now it is very easy. at all, it has really improved a lot in iran. it is possible that 10% of it may be removed. in a couple of months, they will have to pay again. if the czech law had not been amended, the number of czech prisoners would have increased every day, and there were many mothers whose children would have to be raised behind bars.
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the opportunity does not arise. pray silence for the prime minister of the united kingdom teresa may. lord rothchild prime minister netan yahu, chief rabbi. distinguished guests, lords, ladies and gentlemen, i am so pleased to be here with you tonight and to be with you, lord balfer, on this special evening, as we mark the centenary of the letter written by your great uncle, which i believe to be one of the most significant letters in history, letter which
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gave birth to a most extraordinary country, and letter which... 1100 years since publication the banfour declaration in establishing a homeland for the jews of the world, the british are still proud of this action, a letter that led to the establishment of the zionist regime and brought a bitter fate to the palestinian people.
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to better understand what is happening in palestine today , we must go back to a time more than two centuries ago. here, over the city of akka in northern palestine, a large statue of napoleon bonaparte is rising, which is a sign of france's effort to defeat the ottoman empire. this was and is a strategic point for entering the arab regions from the mediterranean sea. napoleon's attempt to start an uprising by the jews it failed in 1799, but his project to create a jewish land
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was revived by britain 40 years later in 184. at that time , it was estimated that only less than 3,000 jews lived in palestine under the control of the ottoman empire . during world war i, england controlled egypt. he decided to take over palestine due to its proximity to the suez canal , which could increase the security of the areas under his control in the arab and north african regions . britain with this strategy. the zionist movement as its partner in the new colonial order chose. in the middle of world war i, a secret agreement
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was drawn up by an english politician named sir mark sykes and a french diplomat named francois jour picot. the saxe-picot agreement effectively paved the way for the establishment of a jewish state in palestine. in 1970, british prime minister lloyd george promised to establish a homeland for the jews. this commitment in the form of
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one month after the publication of the balfour declaration on december 11, 1977, jerusalem was captured. along with general b, the jewish company that was created under the british brigade also entered the city. one of the members of this group was david ben goran, who later became the first at this time, prime minister esme, about 50,000
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jews lived in palestine, that is, only 10 % of the population of half a million muslims and christians in this land. world war i ended in 1911 and the victorious powers prepared to divide the middle east according to the sykes-picot agreement. preparations were made for the 1919 paris peace conference. british prime minister lloyd george and foreign minister arthur balfour represented britain. a delegation from
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the zionist organization led by haim weizman also participated in this conference. arab regions under the rule of the ottoman empire between britain and france were divided, according to which palestine was the british share. in this meeting, they presented a plan to call the allotted area of ​​palestine the jewish land.
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in 1920, in a controversial decision, london appointed herbert samuel, a zionist, as the first british high commissioner for palestine. samuel was determined to turn palestine into a jewish land by emigrating jews. he passed at least 100 clauses to ensure that arab lands would fall into jewish hands. but his vital achievement was allowing the zionists to have an independent army. england provided conditions
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to facilitate the immigration of jews from different parts of the world, especially europe, to palestine. at this time , the people of palestine saw england and its soldiers as the same as the jews. displaced palestinian farmers. they formed revolutionary groups from their lands . in 191, the palestinians held a massive demonstration against the jewish immigration. held at that time, the leadership of the palestinians was in the hands of the grand mufti of jerusalem, haj amin al-husseini. amin al-husseini sent several delegations to london to investigate the palestinian issue. the palestinian national movement
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was trying to establish friendly relations with england. have a hostile relationship with the zionist movement. something that was possible in practice. because in fact they were two sides of the same coin. but a few years later, an incident ignited the fire of conflicts that had started earlier. in the summer of 1999 , zionist groups gathered in front of the netba wall in jerusalem, which the palestinians know as al-baraqaq . this action
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launched a violent demonstration called the baraq rebellion led by farhan al-saadi. more than 100 arabs and jews were killed on both sides . sir john chancellor, the new british high commissioner in palestine, demanded severe punishment for the participants. in this uprising. the request of the arab delegations to reduce the punishment for the arrest of 3 palestinians who were executed in june 1930. in
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the first 10 years of british rule in palestine. the number of jews more than doubled and reached 175,000 people, and this made the zionists happy all over the world. 15 years since he recruited me to the zionist movement, fallen and malarial swamps have been converted into happy settlements,
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science has been harnessed to waters which had been running wild and waste. at that time, the british media tried to describe palestine as a desert. something with reality it was a long distance. until 1933, demonstrations against jewish immigrants in palestine became more and more frequent. and the british authorities' treatment of these protests became more violent. many were killed and wounded. only
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limited photos. there are palestinian protests in the archives. but video cameras have recorded life in palestine well and in all details. but pictures of palestinian life in the 20th century are hard to find. many of them are missing or mysteriously disappeared. in the 1930s , the number of jewish immigrants to palestine increased significantly had
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it increased from 4 thousand people in 193 to 950 people in 1932. it reached 30 thousand people in 1934, 42 thousand people in 1934 and 62 thousand people in 1935. this is the city of kuber near ramallah. in this house lives a woman who was recently released from the prisons of the occupying regime , mrs. hanan barghosi . i
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am a resident of kuber in the center of the bank since i knew myself, the sister of one of the oldest captives in the world, nael al-barghousi. hanan is my cousin's daughter. my uncle's family was always fighting against the zionist regime and they paid a lot for that. my sister is also in prison, so are we. i don't know what you want from jun hanan since he was 8 years old. his children are in prison. his sister spent her life in prison. his sister's children were always facing security incidents and the last thing was the threat of the security institutions against them. these institutions said you should stay in prison. hanan barghousi is from a family rooted in resistance. his wife was detained for some time. his four children are still in the prisons are occupied by the occupiers and
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there is no information about them. his brothers are in detention and nael barghousi is the oldest prisoner in the world with 44 years of imprisonment. i was happy with my freedom. but one sadness hurts my heart and that is my four children and my brother. nael, many of my friends are still in their lives , they are still in captivity , taking revenge on all the families or starving the prisoners . the enemy did not stop at arresting hanan and his family members, but dozens of his family members and fellow citizens are among the martyrs. because of the freedom of the friend and dear ladies, we came from the prisons of the occupiers to welcome him. thank god that the resistance provided us with these conditions. dai man idris
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barghosi was the first martyr of kobar city who was martyred by the british. my cousin and brother-in-law, rebbe barghousi, along with several members of my mother's family , were martyred in 2018. these residents were either my uncles or the people of kobar, omari, my brother's son , has been on the path of liberating the homeland from occupation for 30 years. he believes that only resistance can become the existence of palestinian freedom. october the 7th strike of october caused resistance so that all people support the resistance and the situation will be different. prosperity and oppressed men in their own occupied land. they are on the path of destruction , the resistance must move on its own path, and we support them. this victory for gaza and
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the resistance of the blood that was shed for the freedom of a group of free thinkers and children. during this interview, azadeh finished with henan to tell him: his brother nael was severely beaten in prison and was transferred to another place for treatment . legal and international opinion should be responsible. this woman is an example of those who believe in the certainty of victory over the zionist plans in palestine .
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i am in bad luck , god bless you, god bless you. majnoon, understand it
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. this is for abu hossein farhat masha'ala lal dababa hiha shayla shayla shayla shayla shayla al-jawadan fahmmu jawa allah akbar alhamdulillah.
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don't buy shoes. let's buy shoes on friday. dad , let's go somewhere. let's go on friday. let's go somewhere. let's go to amina's mom's house . why not? let's go on friday. let's go. what should we do? shopping today is saturday. let's go on monday. now, why don't we go on friday ? we are facing crowds on fridays because of the lack of support from you.
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for an easier shopping experience, our suggestion is to visit shahr farsh shahr home appliances from saturday to thursday. this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalano plan, we can receive up to 10 million tomans of purchase credit from you. it's just 730 days until the last payment. pak shuma is always with you. why is my feeling broken? it's not over yet. high quality sofa , long installments, reasonable price, get it from iranian head. the price is low. in sarai iranist, olive extract containing the active substance oleid, which regulates the oiliness of his scalp
4:00 pm
, should be saluted again. greetings, dear viewers, good evening, we present the news at 16:00. field reports indicate the intensification of ground and air attacks by the zionist regime on various areas of the gaza strip, especially khanyounes. at the same time, yolan, the minister of war of the zionist regime, referring to the high casualties of the zionists in the attack on gaza, said that if we do not win in gaza, we will no longer be able to stay in the region. it's been two months


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