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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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this is called a quick and easy purchase. with this plan , we can receive credit up to 10 million tomans from your account, until the payment at the end of the week.
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we have 130 days to clear shuma , i will always tell you, bride, for the third time , what happened to my lawyer, it is not possible, is it really possible? i take refuge there from every life, home to the treasure of life, my house has a light on and a window that because the eyes are open, my house deserves the best. vintek
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, the window of a karisheh , drink a drink, the sound of the refrigerator, this child is saying fight with him, drink this. we ourselves don't know what happened anymore, mom , the gas increased by itself, what is the situation, why are the reading materials like this, how much do you need to change the reading materials , just the last time, we looked everywhere , we shouldn't have looked so much, that's when irani sarai with a big discount and the special conditions of this baghle, the largest iranian salon was opened in tehran with a lot of interesting events. tehran sarah afsariye. hello , how are you, your victim? please, mom, this is
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parjang setter shampoo. thank you, my daughter. because first of all, his job is to produce natural shampoo, it is also exported , it has vitamins, and harmful substances, parabens, parabens no, thank you, where did you get all this information , the doctor said, isn't it right? mom suggested perjeko to go away with the problem of frizzy hair on the forehead.
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bone in the throat, september 2018, washington, usa.
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politico magazine, quoting three former officials of the us department of homeland security, revealed in a report that us officials found spying equipment in the white house and installed spying and wiretapping systems on cell phones inside the white house and in sensitive areas of the capital. has been it is likely that the target of spying on trump is his senior aides and close associates. trump, from the security point of view, is negligent in observing the protocol. in response to these revelations, he says: i don't have enough time to correct and respond to these contents.
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the fbi and other us security agencies say that israeli agents are behind the spy systems. in may 2018, christopher kerbers , a high-ranking american national security official , announced to senator ron biden that special analyzes and investigations have been carried out by the counter-intelligence department . who has access to it? these will help to get to the source and origin of the senior intelligence officials they say that it is clear that the israelis are responsible. after the revelation of israel's spying on
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america, trump announced that he does not believe that israel did such a thing. uh, my relationship with israel has been great, you look at golan height, you look at jerusalem with moving the embassy to jerusalem, becoming the capital, you look at even the iran deal, what's happened with iran, iran is much different country right now than it was two and a half years ago, it's a lot, it's in a much different position, no, i don't believe that, i wouldn't believe that story, it could anything's possible, but i don't believe it. he said: my relations with them are excellent. anything is possible, but i don't believe it. it was after that that the prime minister of the zionist regime, netanyahu, announced that the talk of us spying on america is a complete lie. but
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us intelligence officials are too experienced to accept israeli denials. from the point of view of security, denial is the usual method of israel. an example is rafi's case. ethan is in the 80s. rafi eitan, one of the founders of israel's intelligence services, was able to make thousands of copies to receive confidential information from jonathan pollard, the american government analyst, and send it to the occupied territories. another example is the case of former pentagon employee lawrence franklin. who in 200 delivered classified information about american policies against the zionists to an israeli diplomat. franklin was sentenced to 13 years in prison, but his sentence was later commuted to 10 months of house arrest. among the espionage cases from the
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united states, there are cases that cannot be erased from american political history. the case of jonathan fullard in 1985. jonathan pollard, 31 years old, jewish and was born in texas. he is an employee of the intelligence department of the us navy, who has the title of the greatest spy of the century due to the high volume of information theft. hollard is accused of providing israel with classified information that the us obtained from various countries during his tenure. has set. fullard was arrested in 1985 and sentenced to life imprisonment. he was the only american citizen who was sentenced to life imprisonment for spying for an ally. the paper volume of documents that this american intelligence analyst
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had sold to the israeli regime and related parties within a year. something about 110 cubic meters has been announced. two years had passed since pollard's imprisonment when the zionist regime admitted its role in pollard's espionage. although he was not willing to accept the payment, the regime officially apologized to the united states. a number of american officials were against the release of this zionist spy. like soldi and former president george tenet, and a group of members of congress from both parties. these people believed that the damage caused to american national security through pollard's espionage remained much more severe. the work is more extensive than what is published in public opinion, so nothing
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it is not permissible to be gentle about him. in 1995 , the zionist regime granted israeli citizenship to pollard imprisoned in american prisons. in 1998, bill clinton proposed the release of pollard , but then-president george tenet strongly opposed it and threatened to resign. john kerry, the us secretary of state at the time, was one of those who proposed this proposal . strong opposition to pollard's release was again closed. lobbying and consultation of zionist authorities for pollard's release continued until obama took office. the result of pressure and lobbying was his release at the end of obama's presidency.
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2015 was pollard's parole year. two years later, pollard's lawyers asked the us court of appeals for the second time to overturn the lower court's august 2016 decision and grant their client more freedom. in may 2017, the court concluded that parole could again pose a risk to us information security. but on november 20, 2020, the parole condition expired. the us department of justice did not extend the restrictions intended for pollard and he was finally allowed to travel. at that time , trump was preparing for the presidential election the release of this israeli spy could be one of the last diplomatic gifts of the president of the united states to the prime minister of the occupying al-quds regime, to perhaps increase trump's chances to win the march 23 elections, except for the release of this israeli spy to recognize jerusalem as
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the capital of israel, moving the us embassy to jerusalem and occupying the golan heights and the right to build settlements in the west bank of the jordan river were trump's efforts to gain visibility. the pollard case is considered as one of the most controversial espionage cases of the 20th century in america, to the extent that pollard has been called the biggest traitor in america. the united states and the occupying regime were strategic allies, but pollard was the focus of decades of an old controversy. in the eyes of the americans , he was a traitor, someone who compromised america's national security, but for the zionists, he was a hero who gradually became a celebrity. december 2020 tel aviv airport
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wire freed spy jonathan pollard arrives at tel aviv airport on a private plane owned by capitalist sheldon adelson. meanwhile, benjamin netanyahu welcomed 66-year-old hollard and his wife, setter who is standing at the foot of the plane with his israeli citizenship documents and his id card and says to him: "you will be home at any moment , but another case related to the theft and espionage of the zionist regime in the united states is still open, which has many dimensions and its details remain confidential and have not been published. the zionists do not want to pursue this case. apollo village , pennsylvania, usa, nearly 200 kg of enriched uranium
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has been stolen from the american nomek company. the company has arrested zalman shapiro. in the 1960s, israel launched the us atomic energy organization in pennsylvania , the cia and other american security agencies, after investigating the case of the theft of enriched uranium , declared it closed without any charges. it could shed light on the hidden half of the nomec facility file, but there was no will to do this in america. 21 years later , american analyst anthony gordsman revealed in an interview with united inquirer international that there was no reason for rafi eitan to visit nomac facilities. it cannot be considered logical except to receive nuclear materials . in 1996, the novamic company
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was accused of damaging the environment and causing the death and illness of more than 3,000 americans. many experts believe that the nomek factory was set up with the aim of providing the raw materials necessary for the production of nuclear weapons and their transfer to the occupied territories. the robbery of the factory took place after jandi's assassination in the early days of lyndon johnson's administration. with the passage of time , the classified documents and information are removed from the confidentiality level and become available to the media, such as the case of the assassination of john kennedy. the thirty-fifth the president of the united states, which also smells like zionist uranium. october 2017 united states of america. 54 years have passed since the assassination of the former us president, and now donald trump has ordered
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the release of some secret documents related to kennedy's assassination. however, a number of documents are still kept confidential at the request of the fbi and the central intelligence agency. the debate over who killed kennedy is still hot , stalls, texas, friday, november 20, 1963 at 12:00 p.m. john kennedy the president with his wife jacqueline riding in the open presidential car they were passing through the neighborhood of dealey plaza, texas. texas governor johnley and his wife neely conley were also with the president. in front of the eyes of hundreds of supporters of the 35th president of the united states, he was shot from two stylish bullets, one hit the president's face and the other hit
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the texas governor's heart. john f. kennedy after abraham lincoln. james garfield and william mckinley were the fourth president to be assassinated during his presidency. at 7:00 p.m., the same rosis arrested lee harvey oswald on charges of murdering a police officer, but a few hours later it was announced that he he was the assassin of president kennedy. oswald did not accept the charge of murder and claimed that he did not shoot anyone. two days later, at the dallas police station , oswald was surrounded by a tight security ring of police officers and reporters. despite the presence of the police and reporters, oswald was shot dead so that the secret of kennedy's assassination would remain on the screen. oswald's innocence and guilt were not proven in any court, but many believe that he was used as a pawn. the man who shot and killed oswald
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was jack ruby with the jewish name of jacob leon rubenstein. he owns a night club in the city it was texas. he was sentenced to death by a dallas court for the murder of oswald, but after an appeal , it was decided to retry him. the court date had not yet arrived when ruby fell ill and died of pneumonia caused by cancer . the media introduced ruby as a fanatic and a staunch supporter of john kennedy. ruby's motive for oswald's murder was revealed to be his love for kennedy. ruby had said in court. i cannot understand why such a great man as kennedy should not be among us now, but how jack ruby managed to get himself through the police to the nearest point to harvey brought oswald and killed him is a question that remains unanswered. in
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its final report in 1979, the house select committee on assassination, which was in charge of the kennedy assassination, stated that ruby's assassination of oswald was not a solo act. the result of our investigation shows that ruby's entry into the police station was probably accompanied by the assistance of people. michael collins piper is one of the authors who has reviewed the documents released by the fbi and pointed out the role of the zionist regime in the assassination of kennedy. collins piper says: ruby had a trip to israel in 1955. in his book the final judgment, hyper meets ruby with an old friend. the night before john kennedy's assassination, he points out. meyers is an arms smuggler to the occupied territories. hyper writes now we all know that jack ruby was a hired hand of the lensky syndicate. is. the lenski syndicate was a multinational mafia group in which italian-american jews were active during those years. in the following years, various hypotheses
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were proposed about the way kennedy was assassinated and the factors involved in it. assumptions based on the number of bullets fired and the direction of the bullets it was also different. the soviet union, cuba, the mafia, the black organization, the political establishment of the military, and the military industrial complex were announced as other suspects in the kennedy case. the commission... believed that it was a simple case with a bullet and a killer, but two things happened that day that made this issue almost impossible . the video that abraham zaprador took while standing near chameli hill, and the second one is a man named james. tik was injured by a small shrapnel when he was standing next to the three-way underpass. the second-second time frame determined by zapador's film is the probability of a fourth bullet destroyed so. a stab wound left a mark on the cheek, it must have been one of the bullets that came from the sixth floor of the book warehouse. now there are only two bullets left and we know that
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it was a deadly dark one that hit kennedy's head. now there is only one bullet left. a bullet that should justify the presence of seven wounds in the bodies of kennedy and conley. instead of admitting that there was a tote , the warren commission decided on a hypothesis that, by means of a lawyer other than wali bland. the flight named arpector was said to confirm one of the most blatant lies ever foisted upon the american people. this hypothesis is known as the desert bullet hypothesis. sahramiaez's bullet enters the president's back at a downward angle of 17 degrees, then goes up to leave kennedy's body in front of his neck. wound number two. where he waits for 1.6 seconds. probably in the middle of the earth and eve, then it goes to the right , then to the left, then to the right and then to the left , until it enters connelly's right armpit from behind . wound number 3, then the
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bullet went down at an angle of 27 degrees, hit connelly's fifth rib. he eats and the right side of his chest comes out from wound number four, then the bullet wraps around the right side and again the right wrist enters connelly's body, wound number 5 after eating the bones. the bullet comes out of your pocket, your wound makes a complete round and lodges itself in conley's left thigh, 2096, the 4th united nations general assembly , former dictator of libya, nayvir muhammar gaddafi, says in his speech: the reason for kennedy's assassination was that he was looking for an inspection. it was from the dimona nuclear facility in israel to see if israel has a nuclear bomb or not. gaddafi a year before the election. the president of the united states said that the reason why obama, the candidate of the democratic party, supports israel is that obama is afraid like john kennedy to be assassinated by moses, that
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's why he doesn't talk about israel's nuclear weapons. during his presidency, kennedy tried to balance the conditions of the palestinians. he had some objections to the nuclear power of israel. this was enough to strengthen the hypothesis of this regime's involvement in kennedy's assassination. regarding the nuclear activities of the zionist regime, the important issue was the planning of visiting the facilities. the regime announced that it would only allow this once a year. in the summer of 1963 , the dimona facility was supposed to start working. john kennedy a few months earlier in june 1963 circumstances the five-year plan was established for the opening and operation of this nuclear center. first, an opening should be made in june 1963 and before the start-up phase. the second visit should be done in june 1964 and after that the visits should be repeated every 6 months. second, the researchers
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have access to all areas of the site and all parts of the complex, such as the fuel production facilities or the plutonium separation plant, which may be located elsewhere, and finally , the researchers have enough time to conduct complete investigations. american society considered these conditions to be the minimum necessary conditions. it was in this situation ben-guryan suddenly resigned and gave his place to luvi eshqal. this time, kennedy gave eshkol a threatening message. if israel does not allow the united states to obtain reliable information about its nuclear activities, the commitment and support of the united states to israel will be seriously jeopardized. the united states believed that an intrusive inspection system alone could deter israel's nuclear activities, but the regime never complied with kennedy's provisions. it is said that bengurian's resignation from the prime ministership and
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zionist strategy was an opportunity to stop slowing down. a chance to kill in overtime.
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did it make a difference? no, it didn't make a difference. did it make a difference? no,
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it didn't matter. did it make a difference no, it didn't matter. did it make a difference? it made a difference. yes, it made a difference. let's give light to our countrymen with optimal energy consumption.
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bride, i am asking for the third time , am i not my lawyer, what happened? is it really possible ? yes, why not wash it? it has been reported to buy dowry with 60 types in shashvareh city of household appliances . they call this a quick and easy purchase with kalanano design. receive purchase credit up to 10 million tomans from pak shuma , we have 730 days until the last payment, pak shuma always with you why installment failure. it is not finished yet
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. get a high-quality sofa in long installments at a reasonable price from the iranian head. the price floor is in sarai irani. good evening, dear compatriots, at 5:00 p.m. another part of the news is that gaza city has been under the most intense bombardment since this morning. the zionist regime's artillery bombarded the southeast of al-basta province in gaza . the zionist army once again targeted the city of khanyounes in the south of gaza. in one of the bloodiest attacks in the bombardment of a house near al-nour stadium in al-sabarrah area in the south of the city


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