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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] the long-term repayment of the project of the good people of the nations of the credit institution of the nations of god, the enemies of all of us, we will take ahan pian, the line of leadership
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of the arabs , in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their death. dear viewers, good evening . fel health reported the martyrdom of 355 people in the last 24 hours. according to the announcement of this ministry, the number of palestinians since the beginning of the war of the zionist occupation regime against the gaza strip has reached 177 people. more than 46,000 people were also injured in these attacks. in the latest attacks, a mosque in the jabalia camp in the north of the gaza strip and another mosque in
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nus camp was targeted in the center of this area. 20 people were martyred in the bombing of a house in rafah in the south of the gaza strip. previously, the zionists targeted various areas of gaza from the north to the south of gaza, including gaza city, deir al-balah and khananyounos with their air and artillery attacks. a number of people were martyred or injured in these attacks. according to the announcement of the palestinian red crescent , 60% of the wounded must be taken out of gaza under siege for immediate treatment. the international humanitarian system has come to rule, he announced that
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the zionist regime has committed collective punishment in the tape of the case. demonstrations of solidarity and support for the oppressed palestinian people will be held tomorrow in five provinces of the country. the islamic propaganda coordination council announced in an announcement: the people of islamic iran in central, hamedan, kerman, fars and semnan provinces after the friday prayer tomorrow, december 17th, while condemning the crimes of the zionist regime and the united states, will support the palestinian people until freedom. quds sharif will shout. the number of people who started the al-aqsa storm operation in occupied palestine since october 7th it reached half a million people. the media of the zionist regime announced that none of the people who left the occupied territories since that date have returned. these half a million people
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are other than diplomats and foreign workers. who have left occupied palestine. the value of iran's exports to russia increased by 32% in 8 months of this year compared to the same period last year. the head of customs said that the value of iran's exports to russia during this period was more than 61 million dollars, which shows an increase of 66 in terms of weight. also, the total value of trade between the two countries in 8 months of this year in millions of dollars passed. the people of alborz province will host the president tomorrow. the executive deputy of the president said: operation of 56 large construction and industrial projects is like opening a hospital with 26 individual beds. the first part of the northern belt of karaj,
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alborz medical school and presence among the people of this province. the most important plans of the president in this trip are one day. president's visit to alborz province 21 months ago. i don't go to hang out, nor do i want to go to a project. i see the needs of the people and the problems of the people. the 17 resolutions of the president's visit to iran were small and should not be said or heard. these things should be according to the approval of the ministers, it should be implemented from the first round of travel grants, more than 4 thousand billion tomans of construction credits have been provided and provided to the province. 8 km from the northern belt of karaj is one of the construction projects in the province of ist alborz. . the cost we spent in this department is about 1,500 billion rials, which was realized within 9 months with the support of the urban management complex, alhamdulillah. from azimeh to bakhestan , they can reach their destination in 5 minutes, 4 minutes, or 6 minutes, but in
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this traffic, it takes 40 minutes to an hour. half an hour above that route, there is another plan for the 260-bed sardar soleimani hospital in ferdi, which has been implemented and operated since 2018 in 18 months after the visit of mr. president alhamdulillah. it is a very good benevolent complex in the university of medical sciences. it has been built and spent nearly 120 billion tomans in the last two years . it has been supplied with gas for nearly 120 days. after 15 years, karaj khaneh has been opened. it can supply 58,000 cubic meters per day. to clear the sewage, but the approval of the chief's trip the president is not only limited to construction projects and includes economic projects as well. according to
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the executive vice president, more than 19 thousand billion tomans of facilities have been provided by various banks to economic and industrial units. in the last provincial page, when they came , we asked about the problems of the industrialists, almost in the area of ​​discussions, especially the financial economy, which mr. president ordered , we had 20-30% progress . considering that this province is completely industrial, this issue is of serious importance found and 184 industrial units have been activated by the grace of god. now, in the second round of provincial trips tomorrow, the president will be the guest of al-babarzi, rakhfizgarani of sed and sima news. the first vice president said: iran and china can become a center for supplying some products needed by the countries of the region with joint investment and production. in the meeting
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with the international minister of the central committee of the communist party of china, mr. mokhbar called for increased cooperation in the fields of oil and gas, mines, technical and engineering services, technology transfer, goods transportation, and car production. minister binlam of the central committee of the communist party of china is also in this meeting criticizing the unilateral sanctions of the united states, he said: china is coming to find suitable solutions to improve the level of cooperation between the two countries by using past experiences. subscribers who use gas well will receive a savings bonus. according to the officials of the national gas company, subscribers who save 10 to 35 in their climate consumption pattern will be eligible for this bonus. the reward plan for saving gas consumption started today and continues until the 15th of march. gas imbalance means that the amount of consumption
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is not equal to the amount of production. the problem shows itself more than in the past as the weather warms up. it is related to gas imbalance exists. corrective measures that were carried out in the transmission lines. gas to the places where there were some problems in the past years, alhamdulillah, these will help with the projects that were done this year so that , god willing, our gas prices will be reduced a little. the solution in the short term is to manage gas consumption in different consumption sectors so that long-term national plans come to fruition. one of those solutions is the saving bonus to people, which maybe some people know. if not , you know the monetary reward. it's a shame . we haven't heard it yet. i heard it on the news but i didn't follow up, but we will comply. my mother said something for he said that for his gas, he said that the subscribers
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who use it properly, use it sparingly, use it optimally , will be rewarded, but i don't know how , i don't sit down, we try to do as much as possible. by referring to the website of the national gas company of iran , they can see the tariff table based on their climate. according to pilkan , gas subscribers are ranked in 12 steps, which means that the amount of consumption determines which step they are in , according to the company's announcement. melli gas khushmasr people get free qbooz or savings bonus and two the last step, who are in trouble, in the cold season of the year , if they do not
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use the air , they will face a bill of millions. last year, he will not pay any money for gas prices , and they will see an amount as a bonus in their bills . natural gas subscribers have a deadline from december 16th to march 15th to benefit from this bonus, rana zarbanian, sedav sima news reporter. the commander of the army navy met in baku with general zakir hasanov, minister of defense of the republic of azerbaijan he discussed defense cooperation and ensuring sustainable security of the caspian sea. amir irani also visited the naval units of the republic of azerbaijan and the high military training centers of this country. the main goals of our trip were to establish the maritime domain
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to a higher level and, god willing, holding training courses, combined exercises, naval patrols in the caspian lake region, especially the part that is of interest to both countries, where two navies can compete with each other in terms of presence at sea. reach a common language. 32,000 students from schools move towards the operational areas of holy defense khuzestan province, with the aim of getting to know and understand more about the bravery of the warriors and the citizens of the 8th year of the holy war of azam, the operational areas were taken. by
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the people's groups of self-immolation consisting of fighters, but students have been going to the operation areas from schools in the form of educational content since 1990. here in ahvaz to send the first camp of rahian noor students , the destination of the operational areas of my 10th grade. i am an experimental 10th. 32 thousand students from schools in khuzestan province the goal is to get to know and understand more about the bravery of the martyrs of the holy defense of these regions. god willing , it will continue. my dear narrators will tell the stories of the holy defense period. going to this camp renews allegiance with the martyrs and keeps their memory alive. we remember what they did for us and really worked hard for us. destination these pages are the land of light with the slogan from school to
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school. from a school that is a classroom and discussion to a school that teaches sacrifice, martyrdom, and sacrifice, and to continue the way of the martyrs, god willing , that the students will get to know the ideals of the martyrs. observe that these are the mayors, now we are easily safe, just as haj qassem soleimani is so firmly behind our country, we arrived in the same way, the destination of these students will be from the south of khuzestan to zero border operational areas to fatah al mobin in shush. . these student camps will continue until the end of march . abbasi lerki news of ahvaz radio and television. the viewer dear, thank you for your company, while
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saying goodbye, i invite you to watch the news and the field tonight. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, with peace and blessings upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and with greetings and good night dear viewers, i invite you to pay attention to the news . ayatollah fazel lankarani said in this ceremony that unfortunately all cultural groups did not do anything in the issue of hijab and we should not only point out the problems to the statesmen, adding that there is no unsolved scientific problem in the issue of hijab and
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everything is clear. even in the details , there are no unanswered questions and the presence of hijab. it is a necessary issue, but this issue has not been properly communicated to society and women. in this ceremony from the book foundations of violence against women were unveiled. in this book, while answering the doubts about the hijab, a basic and analytical analysis of the contemporary radial feminism movement is presented. in this event, we had a multidisciplinary approach to the hijab issue. from the point of view of science and about 10 fields of islamic and human sciences and experimental sciences , addressing the issues and challenges of hijab and modesty. one of our most important goals was to create a broad scientific discourse in the country. in order to empower
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the cultural and educational activists, and especially since the university took over this event, our main audience is the educated class. especially professors and students postgraduate education, according to the social challenges of recent years, to help solve the doubts and intellectual challenges of these loved ones, the main goal was to help to solve it and to make this scientific discourse . qom was held. missionaries of the fatimid days this year, by attending yas nabovi's mourning conference , got acquainted with the most important propagandistic axes of these days. those principles that govern the life of hazrat zahra, peace be upon them , should be addressed. we should be able to
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explain the role of a woman in a better way for the women of our society let's do this year, more than 200 missionaries will be sent to imamzadegan in the days of fatimiyyah. during the days of fatemiyya , we will send 700 missionaries from the city of qom, god willing, and about 1,500 missionaries from the provinces and respected imams of the imamzadegan congregations will be at their service during these days. for the various programs planned in the imamzadehs, as well as lecture programs , knowledge tents, consultations, ayatollah hosseini bushehri, the head of qom seminary's community of teachers, in this conference, audience awareness and the sincerity of the preacher and the manner of conveying the message are the main elements in influencing the matter. remember the advertisement making ahl al-bayt and establishing a deep connection between ahl al-bayt
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will definitely have a double effect on the success of the preacher's message and role-playing. the minister of culture and islamic guidance also said in this conference: in line with jihad, explanation and propaganda. missionaries must be familiar with information and communication technologies. find out the latest tricks of the enemy. according to what the enemy is doing, design their own defensive media operations. they are not left in defense. enter the offense area. enemy at home. get stuck on the ground. at the end of this conference, some of the best missionaries were honored. currently, more than 600 amounts with the members of the general administration of the awqaf organization and charitable affairs of the country work continuously and are sent to different provinces on different days.
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hossein taghizadeh, reporter for qom radio and television. dear viewers, the news of the field reached your attention . thank you for your attention and support. goodbye. in the name of god, greetings to you, well, with the mojino layer and of course, the moisture supply of half and half of instability in the pocket in the form of a rapid and scattered shower of rain . and the wind was blowing in most of the real provinces in the north western half of our country
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. in many places, including in tehran, the index reached below 10 units, tomorrow the atmosphere will be calm again, but because of the significant accumulation , it will not be inherited from today. considering that friday is an official holiday in the country , god willing, we should not worry about pollution, but anyway, if you live in big cities like ahvaz, for example, isfahan, with the possibility of mashhad, be aware that you are facing pollution in industrial areas. in addition, we believe that tomorrow it will rain scattered in the north of the caspian valley have this mentality. khazarram lake
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will be installed parallel. the next wave of rains, which we are waiting for and is relatively deeper , will penetrate from the western side from saturday. it caused rain in many places in parts of the northwest of the country , the foothills of the zagros in the southwest, the central parts of the country and temporarily in tehran. it will also happen on the shores of the caspian sea and probably in the northeast , and with this wave, there will be a slight decrease in temperature, and from tuesday onwards , we have to wait for a new wave of rains. with this pattern that is in front of us today, it seems that day three from saturday to wednesday and even on thursday , it rains almost in most provinces of the country. with this pattern, if god wills , we will not face the continuation of polluted days in the next week, so
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please follow us in this way, god forbid. you are on the planet, there is no disease of a small child, but dr.
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shaher saad is sick. khloni osavi habibi. this year christmas celebrations are canceled in bethlehem and for obvious reasons it's impossible to celebrate while our people in gaza are going through genocide when children are being massacred in such a brutal manner, all the heads of churches in
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jerusalem uh decided that christmas celebrations will be mainly uh prayers with no uh festive celebrations. so we came up with this idea of ​​manger in the middle of rabble resembling uh destroyed house in gazza and uh the child jesus as a child was under
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the rabble. salehi safi safi fik shih means malik or muhammad or habibi or seti talasa or seti.
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god is great, god is great. what's up, why is there no one in town?
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where are the people at this time of the day? aha, so all iranian heads are gone. the largest iranian store was opened in tehran so that you can shop more easily than ever. tehran serah afsarieh. can you guide my wife? yes please the truth is, i am hurt . my doctor ordered me to use original argan oil to repair it. it is better to see a specialist. their doctor is a specialist. i mean tarjeke, which has already passed the test with the production of argan conditioner . and now shampoo containing oil. argano has produced that you can use its products with confidence. prajek should say hello to nature again. it's very easy, up to 300 million tomans, no real estate collateral, no draft deposit. the guarantor does not want to guarantee up to 50 million. payback up to 5 years. no i told the truth. i want to ask the legal register of rome. excuse me,
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can you tell me the terms of the loan for legal entities? up to 75 million under the same conditions, you can even transfer it to your employees, have you heard of the nikan mills plan , loan loan up to 3 billion rials for natural persons and 7.5 billion rials for legal entities, repayment up to five years , short-term deposit, long-term repayment of the nikan mills plan mel credit institution today , we are proud to be working in the shuyer motor factory . they don't let deaf people work anywhere, i told you not to be upset, bring your children tomorrow
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, i will put them in my own office. kabir's work series is beautiful with his memories, kabir. with 20-month installments, the whole engine is in motion. sitting on the first page, sitting on the first page, it is there. look on the other side of the fence, the pleasure of visiting is there. get up, the rest on your shoulder , get up, stand up, first line, first line, first line, line of service, line of people , your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table, and there is hope for you


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