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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the gaza health department . a report referring to the consequences of the widespread crimes committed by the zionists in gaza stated that 800,000 people in northern gaza are deprived of access to health and medical services. according to the palestinian ministry of health, 22 hospitals were closed in gaza following the zionist attacks. doctors without borders also warned about the extensive destruction of the hospital and the worsening humanitarian situation in gaza. the united nations special organization for palestinian refugees has also announced that
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humanitarian aid has decreased to almost nothing and concerns about hunger and disease. 200,000 people in gaza have increased. demonstrations of solidarity and support for the oppressed palestinian people will be held today in five provinces of the country. islamic propaganda coordination council announced in an announcement that the people of islamic iran in the central provinces of hamedan, kerman, and fars. after the friday prayer, while condemning the crimes of the zionist regime and the united states, semnan will shout their all-out support for the palestinian people until the liberation of quds sharif. specialists of a technological complex in cooperation with academic elites were able to produce and internalize a special type of polymer that is widely used in industries. with production the mass of this product can prevent the departure of 4 billion euros of currency from the country every year. kurd
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is a raw material for the production of products with high added value, which consumes 2000 tons in our country every year , a type of polymer with special properties, or in other words polyurethane , which is used to produce products in all industries. there is also shipbuilding because it is waterproof. it can be used on the back of a tire or around the windows of a bus. it is used everywhere, but it is the most used. there is also a building, now fanavar company, in cooperation with academic elites, has been able to create this material with a new construction order, which is a combination of materials to localize oil and gas. in the factory , we do the mixing at different temperatures and in different conditions . there is a standard limit. if it is not met, this is so that the gas is not supplemented. come and use a gas . this pressure tells you why it is necessary to make a special polymer in
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degrees. it can be different for different uses , it can be first grade, it can be two or three , it doesn't depend on the quality of the material, it depends on the type of work in the market and the uses that the consumer has . an internal example of this solution the type of adhesion, the type of waterproofness, the type of durability, the type of cracks that appear on the product over time in front of hot and cold sunlight, water conditions.
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the remaining in cyberspace warned them to force them into a spiral of silence. this and more text and margins in the review of art and cinema in the past week. hello, after several decades, the field of music has finally been documented. very little work has been done in the field of culture. it was less than a month ago that it was mentioned that the approval of this document was prolonged. can you believe we still we don't have a music document, and now the new news is that the supreme council of the cultural revolution reviewed and approved the national music document in five chapters of the moin council. we hope that with this document , the direction and goal of the country's music will slowly change. we also hope, especially in these strange days of music news and abtzali, that the voice of criticism and pity is a well-known face in the field of children. and the teenager
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also took off his uncle. he was admired by the people of the art world with his frank criticism of the obscene content of some songs. although dariush fadziai has become less active these days , he has focused on taking care of his elderly mother. i will give you a pill , i will give you this medicine . after the end of the last episode, the director published some pictures of the number of viewers of this series in the last episode and announced the number as a sign of his success , ignoring the critics, they claimed that this series is being talked about and that this series the reason for the discussion has provided the reason for the discussion , so it has been successful, if the follow-up of the audience and the follow-up of those who follow the position of the industry and the culture of this type of products, first and foremost
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, is due to the success of the second series of this series , it was for an imaginary reason and the track record. it was this series in the first series in the minds of its own audience. every the second point that can be mentioned in this matter was the empty hands of the competitors in this space. next year, at this time, wait for a movie by imam rezaei. the production of this work is promised by an actor of theater, cinema and television. farhad qahemian, who of course has now become the secretary of the 21st cultural and artistic festival of imam reza, peace be upon him. next year , we will certainly have a movie in this field of imam rezai's culture. it is known that some time ago, actress linda kiani made a film, and it has been a few days since her film was shown in cinemas, by publishing a text on her page about
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the organization of some people in the cyberspace to attack him and his colleagues for telling the truth and acting in this movie has spoken and said that these people are trying to influence our page with their opinions. he won the best supporting actor and presented it to the martyred mothers. i want to present this to the mothers of this land of mothers of 1720. innocent and martyrs who were killed in this way. the british immigration minister resigned following the publication of a controversial report on the transfer of migrants to rwanda.
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the media say that the resignation of robert genrick will increase the pressure on the british prime minister. rishisunak always asked the minister of interior against immigrants. to be more stubborn, but he strongly opposed the government's immigration policies . the british government has proposed a bill to the country's parliament to deport illegal immigrants to the african country of rwanda. the next part is at 4 o'clock.
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madh al-farsh gives free carpets.
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become a free carpet owner with plasas mahd farsh carpet design. iran is a carpet. his behavior is completely strange. what happened. saeed, you are in a special age situation. aggressive farzana is also stressed. the entrance exam is coming, i'm tired , i'm very stressed these days, i don't know what to do what should i do? it's better to talk to a good specialist . call hamraz first . i got counseling from their psychologist for maryam's marriage. call 0219.
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take off your shoes!
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bone in the throat. september 2018, washington, usa. nashieh politico quoted three former officials of the us department of homeland security in a report. american officials found spying equipment in the white house and
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spying systems in cell phones inside the white house and in sensitive areas of the capital. and listening to the season is installed to the bite of fish. this is possible. that the purpose of spying on trump is his senior aides and close associates. trump, who is known to be negligent in observing white house protocols from the security point of view. in response to these revelations, he says: i don't have enough time to correct and respond to these contents. the fbi and other us security agencies say that israeli agents
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are behind the spy systems. in may 2018, christopher krebs , a high-ranking american national security official , announced to senator ron biden that certain analyzes and investigations had been conducted by the fbi's counterintelligence division. he says: we have checked the parts. where did the eavesdropping come from, when was it made, and who had access to it? these will help us reach its source and origin. "it is quite clear that the israelis are responsible," senior intelligence officials say. after the disclosure of israel's spying on america, trump announced that he did not believe that israel had done such a thing. height, you look
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at jerusalem with moving the embassy to jerusalem, becoming the capital, you look at even the iran deal, what's happened with iran? iran is a very different country now than it was two and a half years ago, it's a lot, it's in a much different position. no, i don't believe that, i wouldn't believe that story, it could be anything's possible, but i don't believe it. he said: my relations with it. it's great, anything is possible, but i don't believe it. it was after that that the prime minister of the zionist regime, netanyahu, announced that the talk of us spying on america is a complete lie. but us intelligence officials are too experienced to accept israeli denials. in terms of security, denying the method it is typical of israel. an example
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is the case of rafi eitan in the 80s. rafi eitan, one of the founders of israel's intelligence services , was able to receive thousands of copies of classified information from jonathan pollard, an american government analyst, and send them to the occupied territories. he brought the zionists into the hands of an israeli diplomat. franklin was sentenced to 13 years in prison, but his sentence was later commuted to 10 months of house arrest. among the espionage cases
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there are cases from the united states that cannot be erased from american political history. jonathan's case. he is an employee of the intelligence department of the us navy, who has the title of the greatest spy of the century due to the large amount of stolen information. hollard is accused of providing israel with classified information that the us obtained from different countries during his service. . in 1985, fullard was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. he was the only american citizen who was sentenced to life imprisonment for spying for an ally. paper volume of documents that this us intelligence analyst within a year , it had sold to the israeli regime and related parties about 110 cubic meters . it had been a year since pollard's imprisonment that the
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zionist regime admitted its role in pollard's espionage. although he refused to pay him, the regime officially apologized to the united states. a number of american officials were against the release of this zionist spy. like rumsold, dickens, and former cia director george tenet, and a group of congressmen from both parties. these people. they believed that the damage caused to american national security through pollard's espionage was much more severe it is more lasting and far-reaching than what is published in public opinion, so no leniency is allowed about him. in 1995, the zionist regime
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granted israeli citizenship to paulard m. bose in american prisons. in 1998, bill clinton proposed the release of pollard, but then-president george tenet strongly opposed it and threatened to resign. john kerry, the us secretary of state at the time , was one of those who proposed this proposal. pollard's strong opposition to freedom with. again, behind closed doors, the lobbying and consultation of the zionist authorities for the release of pollard continued until obama came to work the result of pressure and lobbying is his release at the end of his presidency. it was obama. 2015 was pollard's parole year. two years later , pollard's lawyers asked the us court of appeals for the second time to
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overturn the lower court's august 2016 decision and grant their client more freedom. in may 2017, the court concluded that parole could again pose a risk to us information security, but on november 20, 2020, the condition of parole also expired. the us department of justice did not extend the limits considered for pollard and he he was finally allowed to travel. at that time, trump was preparing for the presidential election, and the release of this israeli spy could be one of the last diplomatic gifts of the president of the united states to the prime minister of the occupying al-quds regime, in order to increase trump's chances of winning the march 23 elections. . except for the release of this israeli spy, the recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel, the transfer of the us embassy to jerusalem, the occupation of the golan heights, and the right to build settlements in the west bank of the jordan river
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were trump's efforts to gain prominence. pollard's case to it is called one of the most controversial espionage stories of the 20th century in america. up to pollard has been called the greatest traitor of the century in america. the united states and the occupying regime were strategic allies, but pollard was the focus of an old controversy for decades. in the eyes of the americans, he was a charlatan, someone who ruined the national security of america , but for the zionists, he was a hero who gradually became a celebrity. december 30th. the freed spy arrives at tel aviv airport on a private plane owned by zionist capitalist sheldon adelson. benjamin netanyahu meanwhile
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the 66-year-old hollard and his wife esther have gone to welcome him, who is standing at the steps of the plane with his israeli citizenship documents and id card and says to him, "you are at home, any minute, any minute , but another case related to the theft and espionage of the zionist regime in the american soil." it is still open that many of its dimensions and details remain confidential and have not been published. the zionists do not want to pursue this case. apollo village , pennsylvania, usa 1965, nearly 200 kg of enriched uranium from the company.
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in the 1960s, the israeli ministry of war launched the american atomic energy organization in pennsylvania american experts believe that siavah and other american security institutions will close the case of theft of enriched uranium without any charges after the investigation. rafi eitan is one of the people whose follow-up could shed light on the hidden half of the nomac facility case, but there was no will to do this in america. 21 years later , in an interview with united press international, the american analyst anthony gordsman revealed that there was no logical reason for rafi ethan's visit to the nomac facility except for the receipt of nomac nuclear materials in 1996 due to the destructive effects of the environment. biology
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was blamed for the death of 600 people and the illness of more than 3 thousand americans. many experts believe that the nomak factory was set up with the aim of supplying the raw materials necessary for the production of nuclear weapons and transferring them to the occupied territories. the robbery of the factory took place after jandi's assassination in the early days of lyndon johnson's administration. over time, documents and floor information. the classified case is removed from the secrecy and becomes available to the media , like the murder case of john f. kennedy, the 35th president of the united states, which also smells like zionist uranium . october 2017, united states of america, 54 years old the assassination of former us president john f. kennedy has passed, and now donald trump has ordered the release of some secret documents related to kennedy's assassination . however, a number of documents requested by the us federal police, the fbi and the central intelligence agency
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, such as it is kept confidential. the debate over who killed kennedy is still hot. dallas , texas, friday, november 29, 1963 at 1230 minutes. president john f. kennedy with his wife jacqueline riding in the presidential convertible. they were passing through the neighborhood of dealey plaza, texas. texas governor john connelly and his wife nellie connelly was also with the president. in front of hundreds of mourners, the 35th president of the united states was shot. of the two bullets fired, one hit the president's face and the other hit the texas governor's heart . john f. kennedy was the fourth president after abraham lincoln, james garfield and william mackay
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. at 7:00 p.m., the same rosis arrested lee harvey oswald on the charge of murdering a police officer, but a few hours later it was announced that he was the assassin of president kennedy. oswald did not accept the charge of murder and claimed to no one shot. two days later, at the dallas police station, oswald was surrounded by a tight security circle of police officers and reporters. despite the presence oswald's innocence and guilt were never proven in any court of law, but many believe that he was used as a dummy. the man who shot and killed oswald was jack ruby with the jewish name of jacob leon rubenstein. he owned a nightclub in dallas, texas. the dallas court sentenced him
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to death for oswald's murder, but later. from the appeal , it was decided to retry. still history it wasn't until the court date that ruby became ill and a lung blockage caused by cancer passed away. the media portrayed ruby as a fanatical jew and a staunch supporter of john f. kennedy. ruby's motive for oswald's murder was revealed to be his love for kennedy. ruby said in court, " i don't understand why a great man like kennedy shouldn't be around now." however, how jack ruby was able to get to the closest point to harvey oswald by passing the police and kill him is a question that remains unanswered. the house of representatives' select committee on terrorism in his final report in 1979, the person responsible for investigating the assassination of john kennedy stated that ruby's death of oswald was not a solitary act. the result of our research shows that ruby's entry into
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the police station probably with. michael collins piper is one of the authors who has reviewed the documents published by the fb organization and pointed out the role of the zionist regime in kennedy's assassination. collins piper says that ruby made a trip to israel in 195. in his book final judgment, hyper meets ruby with one of his old friends, lawrence mears the night before jandi's assassination, he mentions. he is a smuggler of arms to the occupied territories. iper writes . now we all know that jack ruby was a salaryman of the lenski syndicate. the lenski syndicate was a multinational mafia group in which italian-american jews were active during those years. in the following years, various assumptions were made about the way kennedy was assassinated and the factors involved in it. assumptions based on the number of bullets fired and the direction of the bullets were different. the soviet union, the cuban mafia, the black organization, the political establishment. and
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military industrial complexes, other suspects in the kennedy case became the warren commission believed that it had a simple case. three bullets and a killer. but two things happened that day that made this almost impossible. the first is a film taken by abraham zafradour while standing near chamli hill, and the second is a man named james thicke who was wounded by a small shrapnel while standing next to a three-way underpass. the sub-second time frame determined by the zaprador footage eliminated the possibility of a fourth bullet. therefore, the shrapnel that left a superficial wound on tick's cheek must have been one of the bullets fired from the sixth floor of the book store. now only two bullets remain and we know that one of them was the fatal bullet that hit kennedy in the head. now there is only one bullet left. there should be seven wounds in the bullet


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