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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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the other suspects in the kennedy case were announced. the warren commission believed that there was a simple case of bullets and a killer. but two things happened that day that made this almost impossible. the first is a film taken by abraham zaprador while standing near chameli hill, and the second is a man named james thicke who was wounded by a small shrapnel while standing next to a three-way underpass. framework which was determined by zaprador film , eliminated the possibility of the fourth bullet. therefore, the shrapnel from the arrow that left a sharp wound on tick's cheek must have been one of the bullets that came from the sixth floor of the book store. now there are only two bullets left, and we know that one of them was the fatal one that hit kennedy's head . now there is only one bullet left. a bullet that should justify the presence of seven wounds in the bodies of kennedy and connelly. instead of admitting that there was one
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, the warren commission decided to make the hypothesis that was expressed by an ambitious lawyer named arpect one of the most blatant lies ever imposed on the american people. this hypothesis is called the magic bullet hypothesis. it is well known that the bullet enters the president's back at a downward angle of 17 degrees and then goes up to the body leave kandi in front of his neck. wound number two where 1 and 6 waits for ten seconds, probably in the middle of the ground and air, then it goes to the right, then to the left, then to the right and then to the left until it enters the right armpit from the back , wound number 3. the bullet went down at an angle of 27 degrees and hit connelly's fifth rib and exited the right side of his chest. then the bullet twisted to the right and
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entered connelly's body again through the right wrist. wound number 5. after eating the bone, the bullet comes out of the barrel. wound number 6. he does a complete round and hits himself on the left thigh there is a channel. year 209. 6 fourth united nations general assembly, new york. mohammad gaddafi, the former dictator of libya, says in his speech. the reason for kennedy's assassination was that he wanted to inspect the dimona de israel nuclear facility to see if israel has a nuclear bomb or not. gaddafi had said a year before the us presidential election that the reason obama, the democratic party candidate, supported israel. it is that obama is afraid of being assassinated by moses like john kennedy, that is why he does not say anything about israel's nuclear weapons, which kennedy tried to revive during his presidency.
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balance the conditions of the palestinians. he had some objections to the nuclear power of israel. this was enough to strengthen the hypothesis of this regime's involvement in kennedy's assassination. regarding the nuclear activities of the zionist regime, the important issue was the planning of visits to the facilities. the regime announced that it would only allow this once a year. in the summer of 1963 , the dimona facility was supposed to start working. john f. kennedy a few months earlier on june 10. it established five conditions for the opening and operation of this nuclear center. first, a visit was made in june 1963 and before the start-up phase. visit the second one should be done in june 1964 and after that visits should be repeated every 6 months. second , researchers have access to all areas of the site and all parts of the complex, such as the fuel production facilities or the plutonium separation plant, which may be located elsewhere. at the end,
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the researchers have enough time to conduct complete investigations. the american intelligence community considered these conditions to be the minimum necessary conditions. it was in this situation that ben-gurin gave his place to levy eshkol in a sudden resignation. this time, kennedy gave eshkol a threatening message. if israel to the united states does not allow it to obtain reliable information about its nuclear activities . the american commitment and support to israel is serious. is at risk. the united states believed that an intrusive inspection system alone could deter israel's nuclear activities. but this regime never came to terms with kennedy's regulations. it is said that ben-gurin's resignation from the prime ministership and the time-consuming strategy of the zionists was an opportunity to stop slowing down. a chance to kill in overtime.
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pray silence for the prime minister of the united kingdom teresa may. lord rothchild prime minister netanyahu, chief rabai, distinguished guests, lords, ladies and gentlemen, i am so pleased to be here with you tonight.
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it led to a bitter fate for the palestinian people . to better understand what is happening in palestine today , we must go back to a time more than two centuries ago.
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a large statue of napoleon bonaparte stands here above the city of acre in northern palestine, which is a sign of france's attempt to defeat the ottoman empire. this was and is a strategic point for entering the arab regions from the mediterranean sea. napoleon's attempt to launch an uprising by jews. it failed in 1799 , but his project to create a jewish homeland was revived by britain 40 years later in 1840. at that time, it was estimated that only less than 3,000
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jews lived in palestine under the control of the ottoman empire. during the first world war , england under egypt. consul himself decided to take over the palestinian region due to its proximity to suez , which could increase the security of the areas under his control in the arab and north african regions. britain with this strategy of the zionist movement as its partner in the colonial order choose new. in the middle of world war i , a secret agreement
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was drawn up by an english politician named sir mark sykes and a french diplomat named francois jour picot. sacks enrollment agreement. it practically paved the way for the establishment of a jewish state in palestine . in 1977, british prime minister lloyd george promised to establish a homeland for jews. this commitment was written in the form of a letter from british foreign secretary arthur balfour to walter rothschild.
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a month after bey captured jerusalem. he also entered the city along with the jewish detachment that was created under the british brigade. one of the members of this group were david ben gurion, who later became the first prime minister of israel. at this time
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, world war i ended in 1918 and the victorious powers prepared to divide the middle east according to the sykes-picot agreement. preparations were made for the 1919 paris peace conference. british prime minister lloyd george and foreign minister arthur balfour were the british representatives. a delegation from the zionist organization led by haim weizman also
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participated in this conference. the arab regions under the rule of the ottoman empire were divided between england and france, according to which palestine was the share. it was britain. they have a plan in this meeting proposed to call the allotted area of ​​palestine the jewish land.
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in 1920, in london's controversial decision to appoint herbert samuel, a zionist, as the first british high commissioner for palestine , he was determined to make palestine a jewish land by jewish immigration. he passed at least 100 clauses to ensure that the lands the arabs fall into the hands of the jews. but his vital achievement was allowing the zionists to have an independent army. england provided the conditions for the immigration of jews from different parts of the world. especially to facilitate europe to palestine. at this time, the people of palestine, england
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and they saw his soldiers as equal to the jews. palestinian farmers driven from their lands formed revolutionary groups. in 1921. the sunnis organized a massive demonstration against the immigration of jews. at that time, the leadership of the palestinians was in the hands of the grand mufti of jerusalem, haj amin al-husseini. amin al-husseini sent several delegations to london to investigate the palestinian issue. the palestinian national movement tried to
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have friendly relations with england and hostile relations with the zionist movement, which was in practice, because in fact they were two sides of the same coin. but a few years later by accident the fire ignited the conflicts that had started earlier. in the summer of 1999, groups gathered in front of the netba wall in jerusalem, which palestinians know as al-baraqaq. this action launched a violent demonstration called the baraq rebellion led by farhan al-saadi.
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more than 100 arabs and jews were killed on both sides . sir john chancellor, the new british high commissioner in palestine, demanded severe punishment for the participants in this uprising. they were executed despite the request of the arab delegations to work. in the first 10 years of british rule in palestine, the number
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of jews more than doubled to 175,000 he arrived and this matter makes him happy.
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they describe it as a desert. something that was far from reality. demonstrations against jewish immigrants until 193. they became more and more in palestine. and the british authorities' treatment of these protests became more violent. many were killed and wounded. only limited photographs of palestinian protests
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are available in the archives. but video cameras have recorded life in palestine well and in all details. but pictures of palestinian life in the 20th century are hard to find. many of them are missing or mysteriously disappeared. in the 1930s, the number of jewish immigrants to palestine increased significantly. it increased from 4 thousand people in 193 to 950 people in 1932.
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30 thousand people in 1933, 42 thousand people in 1934 and in 19. 35 reached 62 thousand people. we are at harvard university in boston as students to declare solidarity with the palestinians. leaving their own classrooms. boston is one of the best universities in the world and today we came to amy temersonen and harvard to see this movement of students closely. after leaving their classes, all students will gather at city hall plaza to march together in support of palestine. you can
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talk about your organization and why you gathered here? yes, we are regular members of the student union. and we are boycotting until this happens, we are here. you criticized harvard university for its role in this genocide , what do you say about this? yes. harvard university has investments that support the illegal occupation of palestine . so, we want our university to end its collaboration in this genocide. our second stop is emerson college. while israel
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has increased its bombing of gaza, the campuses have become a symbolic battlefield for human rights activists. zeinab and i are one of the speakers and organizers of this demonstration. as a media student, what is your opinion about the coverage of the gaza conflict so far? i think that the media, especially the american media , are doing a great injustice about what is happening in gaza. in my opinion, the war in gaza is not portrayed fairly, even though 15,000 people died, but in the media , the students left their classes to
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protest in the streets, this is the last place we are and we want to ride the train with the students. let's go to the main march at city hall plaza check it out. students were suspended for holding demonstrations for palestine. you are not allowed to march in any part of the campus. you can talk to us about this and you are afraid of the consequences of this. yes, on november 9, when we had a peaceful protest, the opponents of this protest attacked us, and
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finally the peaceful protestors were given adjournment letters . even now, we are not in a fight with amaiti university against any suspension of the student movement as we said before, they can try to suspend the students, but they can never suspend this movement. we are going to city hall. what do you expect to see there? well, we expect to see hundreds and thousands of students here. we arrived at city hall plaza, despite the cold , there were many students, not only from amity emerson university. and harvard , they came here from many other institutions of the city and i can say that the population here is very diverse. muslims
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and people from all over the world gathered here to support palestine. about palestine what do you think of being called anti-semitic? i would like to talk about this issue, i think it is really terrible because criticizing a government has nothing to do with anti-semitism or hatred of jews. anti-semitism is a type of racism by white people, like islamophobia and hatred of black people. in fact, it is the responsibility of the jews to protect the justice of the palestinians. justice, equality and freedom are the issues that i was taught as a jew, but i
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was even called a self-hater by my own family. also, do we know what it means to be a jew? the judaism that i know to justice he cares and does justice to others, and just as he expects others to do justice to him. that's how i grew up. they look at the palestinian people as an animal or less than a human and this is what is happening. i think this is really above and beyond an enemy. we heard your message and we hope that we all can come back and live peacefully together and if we don't have hope , we have nothing, we have to hope. i chose hope as a rule, so it is very important to believe in it and the possibility of changing it. and to preserve it, but peace with justice has no meaning without it.
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son, let's run here, my son, wait a minute , what's going on here today, father, you're crazy , you don't read this . mahd farsh offers raigah carpets. iran is a carpet.
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take off your shoes. in the name of god. hello. the head of the real estate and deeds registration organization said: this organization is obliged to set up a system for registering people's affidavits and to carry out the process of converting unofficial documents into official documents. mr. babaei, referring to the approval of the accreditation plan of official documents in the expediency recognition system, said: people have 2 years to register their ordinary ownership documents. people have 2 years to get drunk


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